Make a fish tank with your own hands. DIY fishing tank

Hello dear fans fishing. Today I want to tell you how to make a fish tank with your own hands. A cage is necessary for any fisherman; it helps keep the fish alive until last minute fishing.

Today there are many cages on sale made from various materials, prices for them start from 100 rubles and go up to 5000. Naturally, expensive models are intended for sports fishermen, and are practically not available for amateurs, but this is so convenient.

Today we will make a sports rectangular fish tank, in which it is convenient to put fish, especially for high-speed fishing.

What you will need

The idea to make such a cage arose when I came across wire suitable for rings:

When they replaced the wires near our house, the electricians threw away this wire, and I picked it up and adapted it for the cage. Such rings will not rust and will be elastic, since the wire is aluminum on the outside and steel on the inside.

I think electrical stores sell such wire; you can replace it with thick aluminum wire.

Next we needed a fine mesh. In the fishing store they charged as much as 300 rubles for the required net for a piece of 1 by 1.5 meters, it was necessary to look for an alternative. I immediately liked the façade mesh. This kind of mesh is used to cover houses during construction, but buying a roll was very expensive, about 1,500 rubles.

Recently, while passing by a gardener's store, I saw the treasured construction mesh, and it was sold by the meter. It turns out that this net is also in demand in gardening; gardeners use it to protect cherries from birds.

The price of the mesh was 100 rubles per meter, its width was 3 meters, out of joy I took the mesh for 300 rubles, and got a piece of 3x3 meters. Here's the mesh itself:

Take the mesh with a reserve, it’s better to have some left than not to have enough.

In addition to the mesh and wire, you will need tools: pliers, scissors, a marker and a lighter.

Making rings for the fish tank

First we need to decide on the size of our cage. I decided to make a 30x40cm cage because sport size 40x50cm. I thought it was too big. The length of the cage is 3 meters, we will place rings every 50 centimeters, simple calculations resulted in 6 rings.

We take the wire and measure 21cm.

We bend at this place

Then we measure 30 cm from the bend and bend it again. Then again from the bend 40cm, then again 30, and 21cm. As a result, we got this product:

We need 5 of these rings, and the sixth, topmost ring is made a little differently. Instead of 1 cm in reserve, we leave 10-15 cm so that it would turn out like this:

And bend it at a distance of 5 cm to the side:

I also had aluminum mesh from old curlers, from which I bent connections for the rings, so that I could then solder the rings.

Marking the grid

When all the rings are ready, you need to mark the grid. It is best to do this outside, since doing it at home is not very convenient, and there is a risk of smearing the floor with a marker.

Using a tape measure, a marker and an assistant, measure the dimensions of the grid. We need a length of 3 meters, the width needs to be made with a margin of 30+40+30+40=140cm, and let’s take a margin of 10cm, for a total width of 150cm.

Now you need to make marks for the rings. We draw lines where the rings will go at intervals of 50 cm, and our grid is ready. It should look something like this:

Making a cage

When all the blanks are made, you can start manufacturing. We thread the rings through the mesh so that the ends of the mesh are inside the cage.

After this, you can solder the rings, by the way, I didn’t solder them, but simply wrapped them with electrical tape like this:

There is no need to thread the last (bottom) ring; it must be covered with mesh.

To do this, take the remaining piece of mesh (we took it with a reserve), and put the last ring on it.

We cover the ring with a mesh using fishing line or nylon thread.

And cut off the excess pieces

Now that all the rings have been threaded, you need to turn the fish tank inside out and sew on the bottom ring. After this you can sew the main seam.

At first I stitched it with 0.3 fishing line, but then I stitched it again with nylon thread, which is sold in fishing stores and costs 20 rubles.

To sew with this thread you don’t need a needle, just heat it with a lighter and squeeze it with your fingers, it becomes as hard as a needle.

The node I used is this:

It turns out this neat seam

Now you can see what happened

Turning the cage back will make it look even better.

Mounting the cage

In order to secure the fish tank while fishing, you can come up with many different clamps, ties, and other things. I didn’t bother, and just took an old fishing rod knee with me, and inserted the fishnet into it like this:

It holds normally and does not turn, but if you want, you can come up with some kind of fastening.

That's all, dear fishermen. I hope you found something useful in my article and got a lot of new ideas for long winter evenings. See you again, dear friends!

Despite the fact that the choice of cages is very wide, it is sometimes difficult to choose one that will satisfy all the requirements, have the desired quality and the right price. To make a fish tank with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • mesh burlap or ready-made mesh
  • wire or metal cable for the frame
  • nylon thread
  • rope
  • weight

Manufacturing consists of several stages:

  • Select the desired length of the mesh base.
  • The wire is cut into pieces, the length of which depends on the desired diameter of the rings. If rigid wire is used to make the cage, then in order for it to be easily folded later, each subsequent ring can be made a little larger than the previous one. If the rings are made of soft rope, then this is not necessary: ​​they can be easily folded into a figure eight and packed in a small case.
  • The first piece of wire is threaded through the cells at the edge of the base and closed into a ring. To fix the edges of the ring, you can tie them with nylon thread or roll them. To make the cage more stable in the water, the wire hoops can be additionally attached to the mesh with nylon thread.
  • The remaining sections are threaded into the base with an interval of 30 cm between them and secured in the same way.
  • A handle is made from a rope and tied to the neck.
  • A small weight is suspended from the bottom of the cage. Without it, folds may form in the cage, and if caught, the fish will suffocate.

Having a fishing cage is very important for a fisherman if he needs more fresh fish. The choice of fishing cage depends on the purpose of fishing and fishing methods. The main thing is to keep the fish alive as long as possible.

It is worth noting here that the fish tank is used not only by amateur fishermen or ordinary fishermen, but also by athletes. The main purpose of this thing is to keep the caught fish alive during the entire period of fishing.

As may have already become clear, this is a kind of device that is under water all the time and is closed. Thus, you can leave the fish in the water, in its usual habitat, but in nets.

In addition, this gives, for example, the opportunity to release part of the catch safely if a larger prey was caught. It's pretty important factor.

Today there are several varieties of such devices.

In order to make a fish tank with your own hands, you will need a mesh with small or large cells. It all depends on what kind of fish you plan to catch. Nylon thread, as well as metal or rectangular rings for the construction of individual sections.

Before you begin the assembly itself, you need to decide on a number of issues. It is important to decide what kind of fish it will be used for, whether it will be a sport type or a regular type, how to increase its strength if a large fish is caught.

In addition, the choice of mesh cells is very important, since if they are too small and the fish is large, then most likely it will suffocate. Small fish Naturally, he will simply escape through cells that are too large.

Types of fishing cages

There are several types of fishing cages on the market. They differ in several ways important parameters, which affect quality and ease of use.

Also, to choose a cage, you should proceed from the conditions in which the fishing will be carried out. For example, if there is a chance that the fishing spot will change several times, then it is better to buy it taking this factor into account.

It is necessary that the use of the cage be easy to transport and install. Don’t forget about safety, the characteristics of the reservoir from where fishing will be carried out - from a boat or from the shore, etc.

Products differ in several characteristics:

  • sizes;
  • form;
  • the material from which the cage is made;
  • sizes and number of rings;
  • distance between rings;
  • cell sizes;
  • conditions of use.

Based on the materials used, a distinction is made between metal and fabric devices.

Sports cages for fish

Amateur fishing different from sports. Therefore, the requirements for cages are more stringent.

A sports cage differs from an amateur cage in several ways, namely:

  • manufacturing technology is more advanced. Modern nylon and polyester materials are used;
  • the products are additionally equipped with mounts for racks, with which you can adjust the angle of inclination;
  • cages intended for sport fishing are longer than recreational ones. Products with lengths from 2 m to 5 m are used;
  • have strength that significantly exceeds the standard. You can store them in a lot more fish;
  • almost all of them are made in rectangular shapes with dimensions of 40x50 cm;
  • to make it safer for fish to stay in them, a fine-mesh mesh is used;
  • the cost varies from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

Sports cages for storing fish differ from amateur versions in several main parameters:

  • They are made from modern polyester or nylon materials.
  • Equipped with mounts for a stand with adjustable angle of inclination.
  • They are distinguished by their large length from 2 to 5 m.
  • Have increased durability for storage large quantities fish.
  • Most often they are made in a rectangular shape (40x50 cm).
  • Stand out high.
  • They have a very fine-grained net so as not to injure the fish.

Types of fishing cages

If you don’t want to spend money, then you should figure out how to make a fish tank with your own hands. This will save you a lot of money and provide the necessary comfort, since a well-made homemade cage will be able to effectively perform the functions of its purchased counterparts.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • mesh or mesh burlap;
  • metal cable or wire for making a frame;
  • nylon thread;
  • cargo;
  • rope.

To make a fishing cage with your own hands, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Decide on the length of the product and cut off the required piece of mesh;
  2. Decide on the diameter. After this, the wire or cable is cut into pieces depending on the selected diameter. If you use a soft metal cable, you can make sections same length. In the future, when the rings are made, there will be no problems with folding; it can be bent into a figure eight and placed in a cover for the fish tank. If thick wire is used as the material, it is better to cut larger pieces for each subsequent ring to make folding the cage easier;
  3. We knit a fishnet. To do this, the first piece of wire is threaded through the mesh cells at the end of the base. When the ring is formed, the ends of the wire are tied with nylon thread. To make a DIY fish tank more stable in a normal working environment, you can additionally tie each ring to a mesh with thread;
  4. Then, every 30 cm, the remaining rings are made in a similar way;
  5. A rope is tied to the neck, which will serve as a handle;
  6. To prevent wrinkles from forming, a weight is tied to the other end.

After completing all the steps, the do-it-yourself fishing cage can be considered ready.

Don’t forget that bags for cages will help you store or transport the product. This will make using the device even easier.

First, you need to take care of the frame of the cage, which will be used as flexible rings. Metal cables with polymer braiding are suitable for this.

In the right places they are passed through the mesh cells so that a ring can be made from them. Another very important point is that you need to know exactly how to keep fish in a cage.

You need to find out this before you start assembling, since the design will depend on it.

To be sure that the rings will not unravel during fishing, they are fastened with nylon thread or rolled. It is important to add that the number of rings is selected not only based on personal preference, but on the overall length and width of the fish tank.

Another important part is assembled with your own hands, which is called the base of the cage. You need to start this stage when the mesh and rings are ready.

The base is the circle with the largest diameter. It will be located at the very edge.

After it is braided with mesh, you can begin to insert the remaining rings.

It is very important to note that the last section must be tightly tightened with a nylon thread or any other material that can withstand the pressure of water and fish without coming apart, otherwise the entire catch will float away.

In fact, figuring out how to make a fish tank is quite simple; it is much more difficult to assemble the structure correctly, and therefore you should start with small-sized devices.

It is worth noting that cages can be used not only during fishing, as temporary storage, but also as a place for growing fish. The cost of such structures will depend on the size and materials from which they are made.

Quite often the prices are too high, and therefore you can also assemble such devices yourself. A fish tank can be made of a box that floats, or a plastic or metal tank can be used.

Such structures are most often installed near bridges. Another way to equip a cage with your own hands is a mesh that is stretched between piles installed at the bottom of a reservoir, lake, etc.

How to choose a cage

In order to do right choice, it is necessary to take into account all the described parameters. First of all, you need to decide for what type of fishing you will need a cage, in what conditions the fishing will be carried out, what kind of fish and in what quantities will need to be placed in it.

The cage should be comfortable and perform its functions as efficiently as possible, taking into account all factors. For example, if you need a cage for fishing from a boat, then a metal product is quite suitable.

Its volume is enough to store 10 kg of fish. It should have a closing lid so that during the hot summer, the fish can be submerged at a sufficient depth with cool water and plenty of oxygen.

If fishing will be carried out in shallow areas of the reservoir, then a longer and more voluminous boat cage is needed. In difficult conditions, the fish will last longer in it.

In addition, to prevent the fish from absorbing foreign odors, you need to buy cages in which these odors are absent. As a rule, a rubberized fish tank does not have them.

It is important that the product does not retain the smell of fish. For example, if fishing tackle stored in an apartment, it will be very unpleasant for its inhabitants to constantly feel these stench.

And what's worse, they can be transferred to furniture, clothing and other property.

If the fisherman already has other equipment, such as a platform or stands, the cage needs to interact with them as efficiently as possible and create a minimum of inconvenience.

In order for a cage net to withstand more than a few accesses to a body of water, it must be protected, especially if fishing is carried out from a rocky shore or concrete slabs. There are models on sale in which the mesh on the rings is protected by another additional ring. In such products, the material will be less susceptible to abrasion and other damage.

It doesn’t matter whether a rubberized square or metal round cage is chosen, it must perform the tasks assigned to it as efficiently as possible.

How to install, use and care for a cage

When installing a cage, the fisherman must solve two main problems. Firstly, it must be in the most comfortable position so that the fisherman can perform all the necessary actions with maximum comfort. Secondly, the safety of production must be ensured, otherwise its viability will decrease significantly.

Installation in shallow water requires the fisherman to ensure maximum stability of the cage. The rings should not fall or fold.

If the fish gets caught in the folds, it will die very quickly, and then you can forget about fresh catch. The ideal option would be to go into the water when installing the device and tie its other end to a stake, having previously driven it into the bottom.

This way the cage will be tensioned and its stability will increase.

In deep places, you can tie additional weight to the bottom of the cage so that it stretches faster and better.

When fishing in reservoirs with a current, it is better to place the cage parallel to it. Fish that like to swim parallel to the current will have more space and will be alive longer.

In places with strong currents, near stones, snags, and surf, it is not recommended to tie a cage. This increases the risk of damaging it and the fish.

To keep the prey longer, you need to place it in the cage carefully, lowering it slowly and without throwing it. If necessary, it is better to stick your hand further into the middle so that the fish does not get injured.

After fishing, upon arriving home, you should immediately rinse the device with a hose under good pressure. After washing it should be hung to dry.


Today, the most popular option is the third option - a mesh cage for growing fish. It is worth noting here that there is nothing particularly complicated about this.

Piles are installed at the bottom, and a mesh is stretched between them. The mesh size should be small as the newborn fish will be quite small.

It is also worth noting that this option is suitable if the number of live fish is small. If the farm is quite large, with a lot of fish, then it is worth installing a full-fledged metal structure, between which pontoons or walkways will be located.

It is very important to remember that setting up a farm using a cage should not disturb the ecosystem of the habitat, since the fish should be in conditions as close as possible to real ones.

To keep caught crucian carp or roach alive throughout their entire stay on the water, a special device is used - a fish tank. The design of these simulators of the natural conditions in which underwater inhabitants live can be varied: a folding container covered with mesh or a metal cage with a certain cell size. The simplicity of the design allows you to make a fish tank with your own hands.

Types of fencing

Beginner fishermen usually do not think about where to put their catch - a plastic bag is enough for them, but experienced fishermen brainstorm in advance how to securely place their trophies without losing their freshness. Fish storage devices differ in several ways:

Selection criteria

A cage is purchased depending on certain fishing conditions. Here are some tips for buyers:

When choosing the best cage, you should pay attention to the hoops on top of the support rings - they protect the mesh from abrasion.

If there are no such models, additional elements can be made independently from a polyvinyl chloride hose, having first made a longitudinal cut on it. The protection is attached to the support ring with small clamps.

DIY making

Despite good choice mesh underwater structures, many fishermen prefer to make a fish tank themselves. This requires simple items:

  • metal wire;
  • nylon rope;
  • a mesh bag with a mesh size of 1 cm, possibly from an onion bag.

First of all, you should check the future fence for integrity.

If there are holes, they need to be patched. Bend the metal rings to fit the transverse size of the sleeve, and the quantity is determined based on their location along the length every 25-30 cm. The supports are attached to the mesh from the inside with synthetic twine, and the handle of the cage is made from nylon rope.

The effectiveness of fishing depends on the ease of use of the mesh storage - it is necessary to combine the processes of fishing, unhooking and lowering the catch into the container. There are differences in cage installation depending on specific conditions:

The use of the cage is also regulated in order to preserve the vitality of trophies. Lower the fish into the net smoothly from your hand directly onto the water. There is no need for haste here. Well, well best way to save the life of a crucian carp or pike - take a photo and release it.

When going fishing, everyone wants to not only catch a big fish, but also bring it home safe and sound.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the fish interacts with human hands as little as possible and immediately finds itself in closed, but natural conditions. For storing catch I use cages directly at the fishing spot.

Today in fishing stores a huge variety of fish tanks, which differ in many characteristics (material of manufacture, number of rings, length, width of the cell and cage, distance between the rings, etc.). Enthusiasts can make it themselves.

How to choose a fish tank. Which fish tank is better?

Before purchasing a fish tank, you need to consider its following characteristics:

  • Length
  • Cell width
  • Rings
  • Material of manufacture

When choosing a fish tank, first of all you need pay attention to its length. This criterion primarily depends on the conditions in which you have to fish. When saving money becomes a priority, many choose cages from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. According to fishermen, such a “storage” will be quite enough for semi-professional fishing.

If you have to fish from a boat or on a cliff, the cage should be as long as possible - at least 3 meters, but the most optimal choice is 4 meters and above. Generally speaking, additional meters of cage will never be superfluous.

Having decided on the length, you need to pay attention to the width of the cells. Models that were knitted 20-30 years ago in the old-fashioned way are undesirable today, since they formed a large knot at the binding site that could damage the scales of the fish. Today, tackle is selected according to the principle: a cage is better when its cells are smaller and their connection is knotless.

But you shouldn’t go to extremes - a cage with a cell size of less than 2 millimeters is not capable of allowing a sufficient amount of oxygen to pass inside. The optimal choice is a mesh with honeycombs of 7-10 mm. Some models are equipped with an additional ring with a finer net, which is located at the bottom and provides shade for the fish.

The next selection criterion is cage rings. They can come in two forms:

  • Square
  • Rounded

Traditional cages are round and can satisfy the needs of any fisherman, but other shapes also have their advantages. Square models provide more stable position mesh even with a large current, moreover, a cage with a square cross-section is larger in volume than a round one with the same nominal width.

It is better to choose fish cages with rings with a diameter of 30-40 cm, the distance between which is more than 30 cm.

When purchasing a cage, you need pay attention to the material of its manufacture. The most popular gear today is made from metal wire or nylon mesh.

Hobbyists who prefer to fish at a local pond often prefer metal models, since they:

  • More durable
  • Less expensive
  • Compact

Despite numerous positive aspects metal fish tanks, some anglers prefer to avoid using them. This is due to the fact that the fish quickly knocks off its scales on metal and significantly reduces its lifespan.

They are perfect for several hours of fishing, where the catch will definitely not exceed 20 liters. A metal cage is indispensable when fishing from a boat - the fish in it can be placed directly into cold water at the bottom, thereby prolonging life.

Mesh fish tank

An alternative to metal models is mesh fish tanks. Made from fishing line or artificial thread, they perfectly preserve fish, which are not injured by its side walls. It is worth noting the wide variety of wicker models, choosing between which the fisherman should be guided by his preferences.

You can see an example of one of the fish tanks in the photo.

Despite the wide variety of fishing cages in stores, real lovers of recreation with a fishing rod and enthusiasts often make this equipment themselves.

How to make (weave or knit) a fish tank?

To make a simple fishing cage you will need:

  • Nylon mesh bag
  • Metal wire
  • Rope

First, take a mesh bag whose mesh size does not exceed 1x1 cm. It will form the wicker base of the gear and will significantly save time spent on work. It is necessary to check that there are no holes in it through which fish can easily escape.

Having laid out the mesh, you need to make a neck for the cage. To do this, a metal wire is taken, from which a ring is made, through which the mesh is passed. It is recommended to make such rings every 25-30 cm - the product will be more stable in water. To ensure that the hoop is securely fastened, it is tied with a nylon thread - its knots will not damage the fish scales.

A handle is made using nylon rope. That's all - the homemade fish tank is ready for use.

The places where the rings meet the mesh are the most vulnerable. On a rocky bottom or with a good wave, the fish tank can be damaged after 2-3 fishing trips. It is recommended to choose a fishing cage in which the mesh on the rings is protected by an additional ring. If it is not provided by the manufacturer, it can be easily done independently using a polyvinyl chloride hose.

The cage should not have any odor so that it does not affect the fish. Models made from rubberized thread or fishing line, as a rule, do not accumulate odor; with metal ones, everything is much more complicated. Before fishing, it is recommended to wash them with car detergents.

When choosing a cage, you need to examine the existing equipment (racks, platform) and think about how it will interact with them to ensure maximum convenience.

Summing up

At first glance, a fish tank is an insignificant element of gear, but from it depends on how comfortable the catch will feel and how long it can be stored in the field. However, taking into account all the tips described above, choosing one should not be difficult.

Before going to the pond, it is important to carefully and properly prepare for fishing. In order for this activity to be enjoyable, and important processes to proceed smoothly and without difficulties, it is necessary that all the necessary devices are available. Having missed at least one of them, the fisherman risks turning fishing into real hard labor.

One of essential elements, which neither a beginner nor a professional can do without, is a fishing tank. Therefore, if a fisherman plans to have a good rest and bring home a lot of fresh catch, this element must be in his arsenal.

What is a cage and why is it needed?

Let's say a fisherman arrived at the fishing spot and threw his gear into the water. A bite followed, and after a hard struggle with the trophy fish, he finally pulled it ashore or on board his boat. He decided to keep it alive in order to bring home not rotten fish, but fresh fish, since he planned to fish not for an hour, but at least for a day. What a disappointment he will be when he discovers that, in fact, there is no suitable place to store fish. This is exactly why he will need a fishing tank. In it, the prey fish will remain alive as long as necessary, of course, within reasonable limits.

Fishing cage

A fishing cage is very important and in almost all cases simply irreplaceable. Exceptions include cases when a person plans to continue fishing for no more than an hour and if his goal is to catch one fish. In all other cases, you will have to acquire this device, since otherwise effective fishing will not be possible. There can be two outcomes in such situations - either the fish will go rotten, or the hunter will have to come up with something else to store it, and this is an additional waste of time and effort.

The fact that this attribute has a very simple design does not mean that for fishing you can buy the first product you come across and go to the pond with it. It is important that the cage is of high quality and meets several important requirements. Only in this case will the fish be kept alive for as long as possible, as well as its safety.

Beginners sometimes confuse fishing and. They, without realizing it, attribute to the fishing device the name of a structure intended for breeding fish. You should understand this right away so that you don’t unknowingly lift someone’s spirits in a fishing store later. Fish are raised in a fish tank. Such structures have huge dimensions and weight, so you definitely won’t be able to carry them in your hands.

Types of fishing cages

There are several types of fishing cages on the market. They differ in several important parameters that affect quality and ease of use. Also, to choose a cage, you should proceed from the conditions in which the fishing will be carried out. For example, if there is a chance that the fishing spot will change several times, then it is better to buy it taking this factor into account. It is necessary that the use of the cage be easy to transport and install. Do not forget about safety, the characteristics of the reservoir from which fishing will be carried out - from a boat or from the shore, etc.

Products differ in several characteristics:

  • sizes;
  • form;
  • the material from which the cage is made;
  • sizes and number of rings;
  • distance between rings;
  • cell sizes;
  • conditions of use.

Based on the materials used, a distinction is made between metal and fabric devices.

Fishing cage metal used in most cases for fishing from a boat. Such products are very durable. They are not afraid of the sharp fins, powerful jaws and sharp teeth of some predatory fish species, as well as minks and otters. In such a cage the fish will be completely safe. In addition, it is very easy to care for, since contaminants such as silt, mucus, etc. are easily washed off from it. A huge advantage of such products is their durability and indestructibility. If the fisherman himself does not want to disassemble the product for spare parts or replace it with another, then the metal fish tank will serve him for a very long time.

Metal fish tank

When fishing from a boat, a metal fish tank can be tied to it and lowered to a depth, in cool streams of water, where the fish will live longer than in the upper layers.

Despite all the advantages, there are also quite significant disadvantages. Firstly, metal is not a very safe material for caught prey. While in the cage, the fish knocks its scales off the net, can be injured, and as a result die faster. Secondly, the capacity of metal structures is small, and it will not be possible to store a lot of fish in them. As a rule, designs with a volume of 12 to 20 liters are used. Thirdly, placing a cage near the shore in shallow water is very inconvenient.

The fish will feel safer and more comfortable if you use. Using the same principle as this option, it is made fishing line fish tank. One difference is that the mesh material is slightly different.

Such products differ in size and design elements. For every type of fishing you can find a cage that meets any fishing conditions. Using a synthetic cage is very convenient, and the fish will last longer in it. The main thing is not to use it when fishing on rocky shores or on concrete slabs. Under such conditions, the mesh easily frays and becomes unusable.

The minimum length of products is 0.4 m, the maximum is 5 m. The most commonly used products are those whose length varies between 2-3 meters. A little less often you can find fishermen with a 5-meter synthetic cage. The length is selected depending on how the fishing will be done. For fishing from a high steep bank or a boat at great depths, you need a long one, and for fishing from a flat bank, a shorter one is suitable.

Fabric cage

Based on their shape, there are round and rectangular cages.

Round are more common and universal. Most often, the diameter of the ring is 0.35 m, the distance between adjacent rings is 0.3 m.

Rectangular cage is used less frequently, but has a significant advantage over its round counterparts. They perform better when installed in shallow water. Compared to the former, rectangular cages are more stable in a horizontal position, so the fish have more space to move.

When deciding which fish tank is best, you must also pay attention to the cell size. It must be remembered that cells that are too small (less than 0.2 cm) limit the access of oxygen to the middle of the structure. Therefore, such options are designed for short-term fishing. At the same time, these cages better protect the fish. Products with cells whose diameter exceeds 0.8 cm are not recommended for keeping carp, carp and crucian carp. The fact is that these types of fish can cut the threads with their sharp fins and, as a result, leave the cage.

Special tank for carp has many advantages that any lover of catching this type of fish, as well as crucian carp, will feel.

Since the fins of these species are sharp, meshes made of standard materials will not suit them. A metal cage is also not an option, since restive carp are quickly injured by this material.

The carp tank is much heavier and larger than other designs. Also, their cost is several times higher than the price of standard products.

The cells in the mesh are made very small so that sharp fins cannot damage the material. The products are also durable, so they can easily withstand the pressure of active carp.

The purchase of a carp tank is justified only if it will be used for this fish. If you plan to use it for other types, then there is no point in purchasing it.

Differences between sports cages

Recreational fishing is different from sports fishing. Therefore, the requirements for cages are more stringent.

A sports cage differs from an amateur cage in several ways, namely:

  • manufacturing technology is more advanced. Modern nylon and polyester materials are used;
  • the products are additionally equipped with mounts for racks, with which you can adjust the angle of inclination;
  • cages intended for sport fishing are longer than recreational ones. Products with lengths from 2 m to 5 m are used;
  • have strength that significantly exceeds the standard. You can store much more fish in them;
  • almost all of them are made in rectangular shapes with dimensions of 40x50 cm;
  • to make it safer for fish to stay in them, a fine-mesh mesh is used;
  • the cost varies from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

How to choose a cage

In order to make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account all the described parameters. First of all, you need to decide for what type of fishing you will need a cage, in what conditions the fishing will be carried out, what kind of fish and in what quantities will need to be placed in it.

The cage should be comfortable and perform its functions as efficiently as possible, taking into account all factors. For example, if you need a cage for fishing from a boat, then a metal product is quite suitable. Its volume is enough to store 10 kg of fish. It should have a closing lid so that during the hot summer, the fish can be submerged at a sufficient depth with cool water and plenty of oxygen. If fishing will be carried out in shallow areas of the reservoir, then a longer and more voluminous boat cage is needed. In difficult conditions, the fish will last longer in it.

In addition, to prevent the fish from absorbing foreign odors, you need to buy cages in which these odors are absent. As a rule, a rubberized fish tank does not have them. It is important that the product does not retain the smell of fish. For example, if fishing gear is stored in an apartment, then it will be very unpleasant for its inhabitants to constantly smell these stench. And what's worse, they can be transferred to furniture, clothing and other property.

If the fisherman already has other equipment, such as a platform or stands, the cage needs to interact with them as efficiently as possible and create a minimum of inconvenience.

In order for a cage net to withstand more than a few accesses to a body of water, it must be protected, especially if fishing is carried out from a rocky shore or concrete slabs. There are models on sale in which the mesh on the rings is protected by another additional ring. In such products, the material will be less susceptible to abrasion and other damage.

It doesn’t matter whether a rubberized square or metal round cage is chosen, it must perform the tasks assigned to it as efficiently as possible.

How to install, use and care for a cage

How to install a fish tank

When installing a cage, the fisherman must solve two main problems. Firstly, it must be in the most comfortable position so that the fisherman can perform all the necessary actions with maximum comfort. Secondly, the safety of production must be ensured, otherwise its viability will decrease significantly.

Installation in shallow water requires the fisherman to ensure maximum stability of the cage. The rings should not fall or fold. If the fish gets caught in the folds, it will die very quickly, and then you can forget about fresh catch. The ideal option would be to go into the water when installing the device and tie its other end to a stake, having previously driven it into the bottom. This way the cage will be tensioned and its stability will increase.

In deep places, you can tie additional weight to the bottom of the cage so that it stretches faster and better.

When fishing in reservoirs with a current, it is better to place the cage parallel to it. Fish that like to swim parallel to the current will have more space and will be alive longer.

In places with strong currents, near stones, snags, and surf, it is not recommended to tie a cage. This increases the risk of damaging it and the fish.

To keep the prey longer, you need to place it in the cage carefully, lowering it slowly and without throwing it. If necessary, it is better to stick your hand further into the middle so that the fish does not get injured.

After fishing, upon arriving home, you should immediately rinse the device with a hose under good pressure. After washing it should be hung to dry.

How to make a fish tank yourself

If you don’t want to spend money, then you should figure out how to make a fish tank with your own hands. This will save you a lot of money and provide the necessary comfort, since a well-made homemade cage will be able to effectively perform the functions of its purchased counterparts.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • mesh or mesh burlap;
  • metal cable or wire for making a frame;
  • nylon thread;
  • cargo;
  • rope.

To make a fishing cage with your own hands, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Decide on the length of the product and cut off the required piece of mesh;
  2. Decide on the diameter. After this, the wire or cable is cut into pieces depending on the selected diameter. If you use a soft metal cable, you can make sections of the same length. In the future, when the rings are made, there will be no problems with folding; it can be bent into a figure eight and placed in a cover for the fish tank. If thick wire is used as the material, it is better to cut larger pieces for each subsequent ring to make folding the cage easier;
  3. We knit a fishnet. To do this, the first piece of wire is threaded through the mesh cells at the end of the base. When the ring is formed, the ends of the wire are tied with nylon thread. To make a DIY fish tank more stable in a normal working environment, you can additionally tie each ring to a mesh with thread;
  4. Then, every 30 cm, the remaining rings are made in a similar way;
  5. A rope is tied to the neck, which will serve as a handle;
  6. To prevent wrinkles from forming, a weight is tied to the other end.

After completing all the steps, the do-it-yourself fishing cage can be considered ready.

Don’t forget that bags for cages will help you store or transport the product. This will make using the device even easier.