The right hand is larger than the left. What to do if the muscles are different sizes? Causes of muscle unevenness

Reader question: Hello Roman. I have a small question... On at the moment The difference in the volume of the right and left arms is approximately 2.5 cm (the right one is larger), how can I align (make the volume more symmetrical) the biceps? Is it worth stopping pumping for a while? right hand, or reduce the load on it?

What to do if there is asymmetry in hand development?

Train your arms with dumbbells

Aim to do the same number of repetitions with both hands. And not only in exercises for biceps, but also for triceps. The dumbbells, of course, must be the same weight.

Often the difference in arm circumference is determined not by the biceps, but by the triceps. Try not so much to weaken your right hand (by ceasing to train it), but rather to pull your left hand up to its level. In addition, the human body is designed in such a way that with a uniform load, the limbs quickly equalize in strength and volume.

Use dumbbells for different exercises

Also try to do chest and back exercises with dumbbells. This will eliminate one of the possible reasons arm asymmetry - asymmetrical technique of bench presses and rows with a barbell.

What else can you do?

If, after training in this way for 2-3 months, you do not notice a reduction in the difference between the arms, then you should introduce additional approaches to the biceps, triceps and left forearm. One additional set at the end of each exercise is usually sufficient.

Try to use your left hand more often for various actions that you are accustomed to performing with your right hand. Writing, of course, is unlikely to be possible right away, but some basic actions are quite accessible: holding a spoon, opening a door, throwing a ball, chopping wood (be careful!), holding a hockey stick... This will help increase the nervous stimulation of the left hand, which will make it stronger and stronger. more.

And another possible reason for the lag of one arm that I have encountered in practice is the presence of spinal diseases in thoracic region. If there is osteochondrosis or curvature, it must be treated. These conditions can significantly interfere with normal bench press and bent-over rowing technique. Hence the asymmetry.

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The “problem” of different muscle volumes on both sides of our body is very common not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports. It becomes especially unpleasant when you notice your disproportion in the mirror, but even worse when someone from the outside begins to notice that your muscles are unevenly pumped. And inevitably the question arises: what to do if alone pectoral muscle larger than the other, as well as other muscles located symmetrically to each other?

Strictly speaking, there should be no panic. Human body It is designed in such a way that there is no clear symmetry in it. To make sure of this, just take the measuring tape that seamstresses use and carefully measure the muscles on the right and left sides of the body. Even an ideal athlete, in whom no difference is visually visible, will still have discrepancies in measurements. By the way, performing bodybuilders (professionals) very carefully monitor the proportions of their bodies and the problem of lagging muscles is very familiar to them. After all, modern bodybuilding, in some way, resembles a beauty contest, where, in addition to relief and volume, there must be ideal symmetry.

Sometimes the determination of body parameters is influenced by lighting and viewing angle. So ask your friend to look at you from a different vantage point. It is quite possible that all this just seemed to you and there is no need to worry about trifles.

When nature has nothing to do with it

As I already mentioned, it is quite acceptable if you or your friends have a body that is slightly out of proportion, that is, not noticeable to the eye. But if it is visible to the eye, then it is no longer quite beautiful. Of course, you don’t want to have such a defect and your first desire is to somehow get rid of it. But first, let’s determine the causes of muscle unevenness on both parts of the body:

Reasons for unevenness muscles

  1. Congenital or acquired disease. In this case, due to metabolic disorders or deformation in certain parts of the body, muscle disproportion occurs. That is, nutrients do not reach those parts of the body where they are needed and there the muscles begin to “shrink.” For example, diseases of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis) deform the spine, as a result of which the proportion of the body (muscles) changes.
  2. Physiological peculiarities of right-handers and left-handers. Due to these characteristics, a right-handed person uses his right arm or leg much more often, and a left-handed person more often uses his left arm or leg (the left side of the body). That is why right-handers will have slightly larger muscles on the right side of the body than on the left side, and vice versa for left-handers. Hence the difference in muscle size. After all, each of us has noticed that it is much easier for a left-handed person to lift any weight with his left hand, and for a right-handed person - with his right hand...
  3. Features of a profession or sport. In this case, people who constantly load the same part of the body, as a result, get a difference in muscle volume in one or another part of the body (muscle group). For example, a left-handed blacksmith who constantly holds (works) a hammer in his left hand will train the muscles on the left side much more significantly than on the right. The same situation applies to tennis players or fencers. As you already understand, this reason is very much related to physiological feature left-handed and right-handed (second reason).
  4. Incorrect exercise technique. The most unpleasant thing is when, due to his inattention and inexperience, an athlete neglects the technique of performing exercises. Because when he does something wrong for a long period of time, he will gradually get an unpleasant result. At a minimum, a difference in muscle volume, and at a maximum, injury.
  5. Due to injuries. None of us are immune from injuries, since even a very attentive and experienced athlete (worker) can get it. So, any injury leads either to impaired blood circulation (this reason is very related to the first one), or to a temporary restriction in movement or immobilization of the part of the body where the injury was received. Thus, if blood circulation is impaired in one part of the body, then the muscles will not develop evenly, since much less nutrients will flow into the injured area through the blood. After all, one of the main conditions for muscle growth is good food them (oxygen and nutrients).

But, if the injury led to restriction in movement or immobilization of any part of the body, then in this place the muscles will begin to “shrink” (shrink) due to their lack of training. After all, our body is the most greedy of all that I know, since it always strives for balance and does not spend extra resources on maintaining systems it does not need. In this case, it is an unused part of the body (muscle group). For example, a broken arm will lead to a significant weakening of it...

What to do for those who have the most noticeable difference in muscle volume

Of course, it’s unpleasant to have a disproportionate body, but don’t despair - everything can be fixed if you follow my recommendations, but first, let’s look at the main mistake that many athletes make on the way to a proportionate body.

As you already understand, the question is, what to do if one pectoral muscle is larger than the other? It can happen to each of us. But the worst thing is that many people believe that if you give the lagging muscle an even greater load (weight), it will grow, and therefore the proportion of muscles on both sides will appear. But everything is not as simple as it seems, since this method, in most cases, only leads to injury and overtraining (regression), since in fact, most often, everything happens this way:

  1. The weak muscle (lagging behind) received good load, from your working weight, but if you load it even more, the exercise technique will disappear completely, which means that they will not take part of the load on themselves target muscles, and auxiliary muscles, tendons and the stronger side due to the curve of the exercise. Which can lead to injury.
  2. Due to heavy loads on weak muscles, more catabolic (stress) hormones will be released, which have a very detrimental effect on muscle growth (destroy them).
  3. And yet, weak muscle, due to the large weight on her, she may not have time to recover before next training sessions. Therefore, with each session, if this continues for several weeks or months, then you are guaranteed to overtrain.

By the way, as for injuries, thanks to them, many athletes ended their careers. sports career. Succumbing to the temptation to do everything faster, they were forced to regret this decision for a long time... Don’t repeat this mistake: “The slower you go, the further you will go.”

It is necessary to follow the correct exercise technique, because if you don’t do this, then, as I already said, part of the load will go not to the target muscles, but to the auxiliary muscles and the stronger side. Which leads to muscle imbalance, since the load on them is different. Therefore, this cannot be avoided correct execution exercises are helped by ordinary mirrors, which must be in gym. They can also help work it out correct technique your comrades or coach, who are watching from the side, will tell you. After all, it is from the outside that everything is clearly visible, and timely advice will quickly correct the incorrect exercise technique. But if everything is left as is, then it will be difficult to correct what was missed, because the wrong skills (technique) are acquired.

You can do an additional approach after basic exercises, but this is only for those whose difference in body proportion is very noticeable.

It looks something like this in practice. After you have completed the exercise for the target muscle group, do one more extra approach, but only for that half of the body where the muscle is smaller in size.

However, if you neglect this rule, you, the lagging side, may, on the contrary, begin to regress against the background of insufficient recovery. Since the muscles are on the lagging side, they will not have time to recover before the next workout.

Those who want to work on lagging muscles need to use various exercise machines and dumbbells.

For example, to increase just one pectoral muscle, try doing dumbbell presses while lying on your back. To do this, you need to pick up two identical dumbbells and lie down on a bench with them. After this, start doing the exercise (lifting the dumbbells up), but only with one hand. And the second dumbbell remains in its original position to maintain body balance, since if this is not done, it will be difficult to perform the bench press smoothly. Therefore, you must use two dumbbells, although you will perform the exercise with only one.

The same can be done with one hand and on a machine that is used to train the pectoral muscles. At home, if you don’t have dumbbells or other equipment at hand, you can train the pectoral muscle by doing push-ups from the floor on one arm.

But biceps can be trained in two main ways.:

a) using a special bench that guarantees bending only at the elbow joint, using a dumbbell;

b) the arm can be bent without the help of a special bench. To do this, use your hip (with emphasis on it) to completely eliminate the work of other muscles. And this exercise is also done with a dumbbell.

You can also choose exercises to develop any muscles on only one side of the body. But these additional methods (additional approaches to lagging muscles) should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when the difference in disproportion is very visible.

Training should be regular, but not every day. You should not hope for success when classes are held sporadically or only once a week (very rarely). With this approach, nothing will change in your appearance, since only regular classes help achieve results. After all, if you train less than 2 times a week, then your body will not benefit from growing muscle mass. Therefore, I will repeat once again that only regular training and with the same load on both halves of the body straightens the muscles. Read more about optimal quantity workouts per week you will learn in the article:.

Those people who play sports or work where only one (most) part of the body is involved is also recommended to include general exercises in their training. physical training. But these exercises must be performed technically correctly and regularly, as only this will lead you to a proportionate body...

As for the sets of general physical training exercises themselves, they have never harmed anyone, but on the contrary helped to achieve best results and victories.

You can additionally train the part of the body that has lost muscle mass after a long illness or injury. However, before doing this, it is necessary to consult with your doctor... If there are no contraindications, then in any case, for this you need to use only light weights and 1-2 additional approaches (after the main base of exercises) on the lagging muscle. But don’t forget that everything should be in moderation and gradually, so listen to your body. And do not deviate from the basic rule: load your muscles evenly and lift weights technically correctly. After all, it is then that everything on your body will gradually level out and continue to develop evenly.

Don't chase the scales, but chase the correct technique exercises, since you need to lift weights not through jerks, auxiliary muscles, tendons, joints and other tricks, but through the target muscles. This is why many professionals who lift light weights correctly achieve great results than those who strive to lift maximum weight. After all, if the neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles is well developed, then the muscles can be hammered and very light weights, reducing them even to 40-60% (or even less) of the working weights, which were raised not due to technology, but due to other tricks.

And whoever understands this begins to master the exercise technique again and notices with horror that he can lift heavy weight, that's right, not so simple. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor how you work from the very first training sessions and pay maximum attention to this.

Of course, everything is learned with experience, but try to learn not from your mistakes, but from those of others...

This technique has long been used by American athletes. Even based on this, you already begin to understand why they were the first to fly to the moon. Therefore, their training is not aimed at maximum weights, but on the correct technique of execution in order to better work out the target muscles (which need to be developed). And as a result of this training, you will not have any imbalances in your body, that is, the muscles will develop harmoniously (proportionally).

A slight difference in the size of the muscles on one side and the other is a completely normal thing that should not be alarmed. Moreover this difference is inherent in every person, its only difference is in size. But in order to correct a large imbalance or to avoid it, you need to train regularly, following the correct exercise technique. I hope now you won’t have a question: What to do if one pectoral muscle is larger than the other, as well as other muscles located symmetrically to each other?

Exercise, eat right and get better - good luck to you!

Before I tell you what to do in a situation where the muscles different sizes, I want to say that a slight difference in volume is quite normal. For example, if we take people whose right hand works more than the left, accordingly, the right hand will be slightly larger in volume than the left, this is quite normal. The same applies to left-handers, but everything is exactly the opposite. Often, everyone has a slight disproportion to their body.

You can take and measure the volume of your biceps right now. After the measurements, you may notice an insignificant difference between the volumes of your right and left hands. This is as normal as the difference in strength between one hand and the other. A striking example is boxing, Thai boxing and so on, where an athlete, for example, has a signature right hook, but with his left hand he does not hit so hard. In general, this is all quite natural and with the naked eye, or rather without a centimeter in your hands, this difference cannot be determined. However, if you notice that it is visually very noticeable that muscles of different sizes, in this case you already need to think about how to fix it all. Now we’ll talk about how to get rid of such defects in muscle development.

First of all, you must ensure that the load on both muscle groups is the same. Gain muscle tissue occurs due to its destruction, that is, a response to loads. If one part receives more loads than the other, the body will accordingly allocate more nutrients to it for recovery, from which, as a result, a difference in muscle volume can be obtained.

You must always follow the technique of doing the exercise.. You cannot lean left or right, so as not to shift the load to one side or another. If you are doing an exercise that involves working one muscle first, then another, then you need to do the same number of repetitions with the same weight naturally. To better control every movement of the body, you need to stand near the mirror and see that everything is performed clearly according to the technique, without violations and tilts to the left, right, and so on.

I've noticed at the gym that some people use different weights when it comes to training their arms, due to the fact that left hand weaker than the right one. This should not be done under any circumstances. Also, this is often done in order to fight a lagging muscle group. Remember, if you want your muscles to develop evenly and be symmetrical, you need Necessarily perform the exercise with the same weight for both muscle groups.


If you want to finally get rid of muscles of different sizes, you need to regularly visit the gym, since in bodybuilding there is a phase “ recovery" and phase " super compensation" I have already written about this in more detail here. If you work out in the gym only once a week, you should not expect the desired result.


If you want to speed up the process of ridding yourself of your asymmetrical body, you can use additional approaches for lagging muscle groups. However, it mainly works for small muscles, such as biceps, triceps, deltoids, and so on. For bulky muscles, it is best to simply train with the same weight and without violating the exercise technique.

How does this work? Let's say you've done 3 sets of concentrated dumbbell curls. To quickly increase the size of a lagging muscle, such as the left biceps, you can do a couple of additional sets of left arm curls with a dumbbell. It is better not to get carried away with this method, otherwise you can overdo it and should only use it in extreme cases. Don't give too much additional loads for the lagging muscle, so as not to. In general, train using the same loads on both sides, the same number of sets, and at the end of the training, perform one set on the lagging side.

To work on a separate side, the best suited for such training are: simple exercise machines, which locally work the target muscle group, that is, creates an isolated load. You can also use dumbbells, as in the case of biceps. You won’t lift the barbell with one hand, it’s at least inconvenient.


If a person is lagging in a specific muscle group, and not just one side of it, emphasis should be placed on training it. If you want to learn how to correctly emphasize the load on one or another muscle group To highlight it, make it beautiful and embossed, read.


If muscles of different sizes, and you want your body to be evenly developed, you should exercise regularly. Perform exercises with the same weight, with correctly positioned

The baby's first movements occur thanks to the muscle-joint sense, with the help of which the child determines its place in space long before birth. In the first year of life, muscle-joint sensation gives the child a powerful stimulus for development. It is thanks to him that the baby learns to make conscious movements (raise his head, reach for a toy, roll over, sit down, stand up, etc.). And the main characteristic of the muscular skeleton of newborns is tone.

The tone varies

Together with pediatric neurologist Knyazeva Inna Viktorovna, we will try to figure out what muscle tone is and what is considered normal. Even in sleep, our muscles do not relax completely and remain tense. This minimum tension, which remains in a state of relaxation and rest, is called muscle tone. The younger the child, the higher the tone - this is due to the fact that at first the surrounding space is limited to the uterus, and the child does not need to perform purposeful actions. In the fetal position (with the limbs and chin tightly pressed to the body), the muscles of the fetus are under strong tension, otherwise the child simply would not fit in the uterus. After birth (during the first six to eight months), muscle tone gradually weakens. Ideally, the muscle tone of a two-year-old baby should be approximately the same as that of an adult. But almost all modern babies have problems with tone. Poor ecology, complications during pregnancy, stress and a number of other unfavorable factors provoke impaired tone in newborns. There are several most common violations muscle tone.

  • Increased tone (hypertonicity).

    The child seems tense and tense. Even in sleep, the baby does not relax: his legs are bent at the knees and pulled up to his stomach, his arms are crossed on his chest, and his fists are clenched (often in a “fig” shape). With hypertonicity, a child holds his head well from birth due to the strong tone of the occipital muscles (but this is not good).
  • Decreased tone (hypotonicity).

    With decreased tone, the child is usually lethargic, moves his legs and arms little, and cannot hold his head up for a long time. Sometimes the child’s legs and arms unbend at the knees and elbow joints more than 180 degrees. If you place the baby on his stomach, he will not bend his arms under his chest, but spread them to the sides. The child looks limp and spread-eagled.
  • Asymmetry of muscle tone.

    With asymmetry, the tone on one half of the body is higher than on the other. In this case, the child’s head and pelvis are turned towards the tense muscles, and the torso bends in an arc. When a child is placed on his stomach, he always falls to one side (where the tone is increased). In addition, asymmetry can be easily detected by the uneven distribution of the gluteal and thigh folds.
  • Uneven tone (dystonia).

    Dystonia combines signs of hyper- and hypotonicity. In this case, the child’s muscles are too relaxed and others are too tense.


Diagnosis of muscle tone

Usually, immediately after childbirth, the doctor, based on visual diagnostic tests, identifies tone disorders and motor activity newborn In addition, all infants have so-called “residual” (posotonic) reflexes, which can also be used to determine disturbances in muscle tone. In principle, you yourself can check how your child is doing with his tone. Here are a few basic tests that help determine abnormalities in the development of muscle tone and postural reflexes in a newborn.

  • Hip spread.

    Place the baby on his back and carefully try to straighten his legs and spread them apart. different sides. But do not use force and make sure that the child does not get hurt. Normally you should feel moderate resistance. If a newborn’s legs are fully extended without resistance and easily spread in different directions, this is evidence of decreased tone. If the resistance is too strong and the child’s legs cross, this is a sign of hypertonicity.
  • Sitting down by hands.

    Place the child on his back on a hard, flat surface (for example, on a changing table), take him by the wrists and gently pull him towards you, as if sitting him down. Normally, you should feel moderate resistance to extending your elbows. If the child's arms straighten without resistance, and in a sitting position the stomach is strongly protruded forward, the back is rounded, and the head is tilted back or lowered down - these are signs of decreased tone. If you cannot move your child’s arms away from the chest and straighten them, this, on the contrary, indicates hypertonicity.
  • Step reflex and support reflex.

    Take the baby vertically under the arms, place him on the changing table and slightly tilt him forward, forcing him to take a step. Normally, the child should stand on his full foot with his toes straightened. And when bending forward, the child imitates walking and does not cross his legs. This reflex gradually fades and by 1.5 months it practically disappears. If this reflex persists in a child older than 1.5 months, this is evidence of hypertonicity. Also, increased tone is indicated by curled toes, crossing the legs when walking, or relying only on the forefoot. If, instead of standing, the newborn crouches, takes a strong step legs bent or refuses to walk at all - these are signs of decreased tone.
  • Symmetrical reflex.

    Place your baby on his back, place your hand under the back of his head and gently tilt the baby's head toward your chest. He should bend his arms and straighten his legs.
  • Asymmetrical reflex.

    Place your baby on his back and slowly, without force, turn his head toward your left shoulder. The child will take the so-called fencing pose: extend his arm forward, straighten his leg to the left and bend right leg. Then turn the child's face to the right side, and he should repeat this pose only in the opposite direction: stretch his right arm forward, straighten his right leg and bend his left.
  • Tonic reflex.

    Place the baby on his back on a hard surface - in this position, the newborn’s extensor tone increases, he tries to straighten his limbs and seems to open up. Then turn the child over on his stomach and he will “close” and pull his bent arms and legs under him (the tone of the flexors increases on the stomach).
    Normally, symmetrical, asymmetrical and tonic reflexes are moderately expressed and gradually disappear by 2-2.5 months. If a newborn does not have these reflexes or is too weakly expressed, this indicates decreased tone, and if by three months these reflexes persist, this is a sign of hypertonicity.
  • Reflexes of Moro and Babinski.

    Watch your child carefully. When overexcited, he should throw his arms to the sides (Moro reflex), and when the soles are irritated (tickling), the child reflexively begins to straighten his toes. Normally, the Moro and Babinski reflexes should disappear by the end of the 4th month.

If muscle tone and associated reflexes do not undergo changes appropriate to the baby’s age, this is a very dangerous signal. You shouldn’t rely on the proverbial “maybe” and expect that problems with muscle tone will go away on their own. Violation of tone and development of reflexes often leads to delayed motor development. And with a strong deviation from the norm, we are talking about the possible formation of diseases of the nervous system, ranging from seizures to cerebral palsy (CP). Fortunately, if a doctor diagnoses a tone disorder at birth (or in the first three months), the threat of developing serious diseases can be prevented with the help of massage, because in the first year of life nervous system has enormous restorative potential.

Massage for increased and decreased tone in infants

It is best to start massage when the baby is two months old. But first, it is necessary to show the child to three specialists: a pediatrician, an orthopedist and a neurologist, who make a diagnosis and give recommendations. If a child requires drug treatment, it is usually “adjusted” to massage. A correctly and timely course of massage helps to correct many orthopedic disorders (clubfoot, incorrectly turned feet, etc.), normalize muscle tone and eliminate “residual” reflexes. In case of serious deviations from the norm, the massage should be performed by a professional. But you can slightly adjust the tone at home.

It is better to massage during the day, at least an hour after feeding. You should first ventilate the room and make sure that the temperature is not lower than 22 degrees; the child should not be hot or cold. Hands should be washed with warm water and wiped dry (so that they are warm). You should not cover your child’s entire body with massage oil or cream; just apply large number cream on your hands. For massage, you can use special oil or regular baby cream. When giving a massage, talk gently to your child and watch his reaction. When the first signs of fatigue appear (crying, whimpering, dissatisfied grimaces), you should stop exercising.

During massage, all movements are made from the periphery to the center, starting from the limbs: from the hand to the shoulder, from the foot to the groin. In the first lessons, each exercise is repeated only once. At first, the entire massage complex will take no more than 5 minutes. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and time to 15-20 minutes.

To eliminate hypertonicity and residual reflexes, manifested in the child’s excessive activity, the so-called gentle massage- it relaxes and calms. Start the massage by stroking your arms, legs, back with the back and palm surfaces of several closed fingers. You can alternate between flat (using the surface of your fingers) and grasping (with your whole hand) stroking. After stroking, the skin is rubbed in a circular motion. Place your baby on your stomach and place your palm along your baby's back. Without taking your hands off your baby's back, gently move his skin up, down, right and left in line movements, as if you were sifting sand through a sieve with your hand. Then place the child on his back, take his hand and shake it lightly, holding the child by the forearm. In this way, massage both arms and legs several times. Now you can move on to rocking. Grasp the baby's arm muscles (just above the wrist) and gently but quickly rock and shake his arms from side to side. Your movements should be fast and rhythmic, but not abrupt. Do the same with the legs, grabbing the child by the calf muscles. You need to finish the massage in the same way as you started - with smooth stroking.

With decreased tone, on the contrary, it is carried out stimulating massage, which activates the child. Stimulating massage includes a large number of “chopping” movements. After traditional stroking with the edge of your palm, lightly walk along the baby's legs, arms and back. Then place your baby on his stomach and roll your knuckles over his back, bottom, legs and arms. Then turn your baby onto his back and roll your knuckles over his stomach, arms and legs.

In addition to massage, it helps to normalize muscle tone physical therapy , for example, exercises on a large inflatable ball. Place the child with his stomach on the ball, legs should be bent (like a frog) and pressed against the surface of the ball. Let dad, for example, hold the baby’s legs in this position, and you take the baby by the arms and pull him towards you. Then you return the baby to starting position. Now grab your baby's shins and pull them toward you until your baby's face is at the top of the ball or his feet touch the floor. Smoothly return the baby to its original position. Then tilt the child forward (away from you) so that his palms reach the floor (just make sure that the baby does not hit his forehead on the floor). Repeat this exercise several times forward and backward.

If you have asymmetrical tone, you should do a relaxing massage with force on the side in which the tone is lower. Besides, good effect has the following exercise on an inflatable ball: place the child on the inflatable ball with the side in which it arches. Smoothly swing the ball along the axis of the child's body. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times daily.

Even if a child’s muscle tone is normal, this is not a reason to refuse preventative massage. Preventive massage includes both relaxing and activating movements. Massage techniques such as stroking (they begin and end the massage), rubbing, and kneading with stronger pressure are used. Circular movements(clockwise) massage your stomach to prevent colic and constipation. Use your thumb to stroke your baby's soles and lightly pat them. Then, with your entire palm, preferably both hands, stroke the baby’s chest from the middle to the sides, and then along the intercostal spaces. From three months onwards, it is useful to combine massage with gymnastics. The main goal of preventive massage is to prepare the child for walking. From two months to one year, a healthy child must undergo at least 4 massage courses (15-20 sessions each). When the child begins to walk, the intensity of the massage is reduced to twice a year. It is advisable to take massage courses in spring and autumn to improve the immune system, which is usually weakened at this time of year.

For medical questions, be sure to consult your doctor first

Many Eastern schools describe the difference between the right and left sides as the difference between feminine and masculine

Emotional Health

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, which have completely different effects on the human body.

Left-brain dominant people usually logical, rational, well-spoken and quick-thinking. They process information sequentially, studying it in parts, and only then add the acquired knowledge into a holistic picture.

Right-brain dominant people typically visionaries who process information intuitively. They first grasp the big picture and only then go into detail. They are also more introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound and criticism.

Our educational system is focused on children with a developed left hemisphere, because they think in a linear way, which is easier to teach. Right-hemisphere children adapt worse because they are prone to visualization and need visual images to understand this or that theory. Because of this, they are often diagnosed with distracted attention, or attention deficit disorder. However, such children simply learn the material differently, and when they get this opportunity, no problems with learning arise.

When the brain stem passes into the spinal cord, the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, cross. As a result, the right side of our body is associated with the rational, logical part, and the left side is associated with creative qualities and feelings. However, logical abilities have nothing to do with which hand - left or right - is dominant. It seems to make little or no difference. There are many left-handed artists, but the proportion of left-handed tennis players is also large!

Left and right side of the body

Many eastern schools describe the difference between the right and left sides is like the difference between female and male, yin and yang. It's not about gender, but about the masculine and feminine qualities that we all possess. If we apply this principle to the language of the mind, then there is inevitably a connection between the problems that occur on one side of the body and the internal conflict related to one or another aspect of the corresponding principle.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, dominate and assert oneself. This is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being, related to the outside world:

  • work,
  • business,
  • competition,
  • social status,
  • politics and power.

In both men and women, the right side of the body represents the connection with the inner masculine principle.

Problems with the right side in men may indicate conflict related to the expression of masculinity, responsibility for family, difficulties of competition at work, lack of self-esteem or uncertainty about sexual orientation. Women have the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, difficulties in demonstrating confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually held by men. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

Besides, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, a brother, a loved one, a son - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who came to me complaining of slight numbness right side a body that had haunted her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. During the conversation, it became clear that the numbness appeared shortly after her father expressed an urgent desire for her to become a true lady and study to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot.

As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, break the connection with this part of her, which caused the malaise, namely, numbness on the right side. To heal, Ellie needed to forgive her father for imposing his will on her, to fully believe in herself to follow own desires, and again revive that suppressed, unrecognized part of yourself. When I saw her last time, she studied to be a pilot, although not a military one.

The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, be creative, artistic, listen and trust one's own wisdom. This side is connected to the house and inner world reflection and intuition.

Men have problems with the left side reflect difficulties with showing care and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show one’s feelings, and turning to one’s own creativity, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys are told from childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many grown men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with expressing vulnerability, femininity, showing care and maternal feelings, conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

Besides, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here's what therapeutic massage specialist Jenny Britton writes:

“David came for a massage complaining of lower back pain on the left side. As I began to massage his back, he began to tell me that he had recently canceled a wedding that was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day had already been set, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said he would be happy to continue living with her, but she insisted on getting married or breaking up completely. David decided to break up, and it was not at all easy. His back - lower left, in the area of ​​emotional support/standing up for one's rights/connection with women - was tight and tense. He said that he immediately moved from living with his mother to living with his fiancée, and only now realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet.”