Is a scooter necessary? Which scooter should an adult choose?

Stunt scooters have recently come onto the market Russian market and quickly gained popularity among people of all ages. What are stunt scooters, how to choose a scooter for a beginner, the features of its structure and care - we will tell and show you.

What is a stunt scooter

A stunt scooter or “stuntscooter” differs from the usual classic folding models for riding around the city in the absence of a folding mechanism, reinforced structural elements and more durable and at the same time lighter materials for components. The stunt scooter is designed for active riding with performing various tricks and jumps: twisting, sliding, flying, etc.

What parts does a stunt scooter consist of: structure

The steering wheel of a scooter experiences enormous loads during active riding, which is why it is made of high-strength materials: for example, aluminum alloys 6061, 7075, chrome-molybdenum steel and even titanium. Rudders are available in two-component and multi-component types. Two-component steering wheels, also called T-shaped, are safer because the design does not have any holes or gaps where fingers could accidentally get caught during rotation. However, such steering wheels must be made of high-strength and at the same time lightweight materials, which makes them quite expensive compared to multi-component analogues. Multi-component rudders have reinforcements (supports) that take on part of the load. That is why, even when using more budget materials, such steering wheels are not inferior in strength to two-component options.

Grips are soft handles attached to the steering wheel. They are selected solely depending on individual preferences.

The steering column is a mechanism installed inside the steering column. There are integrated (non-removable) and non-integrated. The integrated mechanism, running on industrial bearings, is lighter and stronger. All Tech Team stunt scooters are equipped with this mechanism.

Clamp and compression- a mechanism connecting the steering wheel to the fork. The part must firmly press the structure so that there is no “play” - the steering wheel does not dangle. Compression comes in the following varieties:

Thread- the simplest and most cost-effective design. The steering wheel is clamped with a clamp. The fork of the stunt scooter is connected to the steering column by a nut screwed onto the thread.

SCS (SCS - Standard Compression System)- favorite compression among riders: it is considered the most reliable, due to which it has gained great popularity. The clamp holds both the handlebars and the fork. The bolt penetrates from the steering column into the fork in which the armature is installed.

HIC (Hidden Compression System)- suitable for non-standard steering wheels. Here a spacer is added to the mechanism. Compression is also fixed by a bolt with an anchor: from top to bottom. The clamp secures all elements of the system.

ICS (ICS - Inverted Compression System)- this compression is almost universal. A long bolt penetrates both the fork and the handlebar: from bottom to top. The anchor of the structure itself is installed in the steering column.

The clamp holds the handlebars and forks together and also secures compression.

The fork is the part on which it is installed front wheel. Just like other components, it must withstand heavy loads. It is better to choose milled steel options.

The deck of a stunt scooter has a number of important parameters for riding, which directly affect the riding style. Scooter decks can be cast or milled. The latter is stronger and lighter, and therefore more expensive. The length of the deck is selected depending on individual preferences. The shorter it is, the easier it is to make rotations. The longer the deck of a stunt scooter, the more stable the scooter will be when landing.

Important! A beginner should not try to take the lightest possible scooter, which, as a rule, belongs to the expensive category - after all, such scooters do not forgive mistakes, and they are easier to break during unsuccessful landings.

Wheels for stunt scooters made from high quality polyurethane. This material is wear-resistant and absorbs well. The diameter usually varies from 100 to 125 mm. Small wheels give the scooter maneuverability, allowing you to quickly adjust the motion vector in a limited space: for example, in a skate park.

The wheel hub of a stunt scooter can be made of composite or metal. On initial models for beginners, which are not designed for heavy loads, composite options are more common. As you may have guessed, the metal version is stronger.

The bearings of a stunt scooter should accelerate quickly and maintain good rolling performance. That is why stunt models, as a rule, have bearings with a quality standard of at least ABEC 9.

The brake on a stunt scooter not only serves to stop, but is also used to perform figure elements: it is made of metal.

The skin is a small but very important component. Non-slip deck coating that provides traction on the scooter with your feet. Without it, it would be very difficult to stay on the scooter.

What are the different styles of riding a stunt scooter?

Conventionally, it is customary to divide riding a stunt scooter into two styles: depending on the location - street and park.

Straight- riding in street locations, which involves steps, curbs, railings, etc. A scooter for street should be as durable as possible, as it can withstand heavy loads compared to park riding.

Park- skating in the skate park: on ramps, fan boxes and other elements of the park. Park scooters, as a rule, have wheels of increased diameter and are as lightweight as possible. Still, the choice of model depends more on individual preferences rather than being completely tied to the spot.

How to choose a stunt scooter for a beginner: 3 tips

1. You should not immediately take a scooter from a high price category (more than 15,000). As a rule, a beginner will be satisfied with a budget scooter: which not only forgives most mistakes, but also gives the opportunity to experiment with style, since its characteristics are usually average.

2. If you or your child are planning to progress quickly, then immediately look for models with a metal hub and a durable milled aluminum body: so that the scooter can withstand the loads well when landing.

3. Almost all parts are interchangeable: so if something breaks during the learning process (which is quite normal), you can easily find a replacement. Buying a scooter for tricks assembled (complete) is always more profitable.

Find out how to ride a scooter correctly to get not only the pleasure of riding, but also the benefits for your body.

Does riding a scooter benefit your body?

Of course, there are benefits and quite impressive ones. This is especially true for children and representatives of the fair half of humanity. Let's start with the fact that riding a scooter helps strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. IN modern life any physical activity welcome. Many people of different ages large number They spend time in offices at work, and at home they sit in front of the TV and computer.

When you ride a scooter, fresh air, then the lungs work in full force. As a result, the blood is well saturated with oxygen, which is then delivered to all tissues of the body. Scooter rides can be very beneficial for heavy smokers who need to detoxify their lungs. Do not forget that such walks perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Scooter is an excellent means of preventing varicose veins lower limbs, since the main load falls on the legs. All this helps improve blood flow and eliminates congestion in blood vessels. If a person suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia, then walking on a scooter helps strengthen the vestibular apparatus.

Scientists are confident that this means of transportation is useful for men in terms of preventing diseases such as adenoma and prostatitis. This is due to increased blood flow in the pelvic area. Great news for the fair half of humanity will be the scooter’s ability to improve lipolysis processes. If you regularly take walks on a scooter, you can actively burn body fat. Even daily rides of half an hour can help you shed a few pounds and strengthen your muscles.

Ophthalmology experts also talk about the benefits of walking on this vehicle. While driving a scooter, a person peers at objects located at a considerable distance. This is an excellent workout for the eye muscles and thus prevents a decrease in visual acuity. Scooter rides are no less useful for the nervous system. Every walk brings a lot of positive emotions. Also on nervous system positive impact also exerts physical activity.

Let's compare scooter walking with other popular cardio exercises:

  1. Bike- during cycling, only the legs are actively involved in the work, which leads to disproportions in muscle development.
  2. Running- great view physical activity, but has the ability to overload the joints and spinal column.

Rules for riding a scooter

To get the most out of riding this vehicle, we recommend following a few simple rules:
  • Don't go for a walk immediately after eating.
  • The active phase must alternate with rest.
  • Before starting a walk, you should stretch your joints to avoid injury.
  • Classes must be regular.

Advantages of a scooter

When the child grows up. Many parents can't decide. What to buy for your child - a bicycle right away or start with a scooter. We have already talked about whether riding a scooter is beneficial. Let's look at the advantages of this vehicle:
  1. Will help in physical development child - the scooter improves the performance of the articular-ligamentous joint and has a positive effect on the health of the spinal column. If only your legs work actively during cycling, then the scooter also uses your abdominal muscles. Since you have to constantly change the pushing leg, the load is distributed evenly. Due to the absence of a saddle, there are no negative aspects such as numbness, microtrauma and deterioration of blood flow.
  2. Smaller sizes and absence of pedals - even if a child falls from a scooter, he is guaranteed not to receive serious injuries.
  3. If a serious obstacle arises on the way, you can quickly jump off the scooter. And it’s much easier to roll it next to you compared to a bicycle.
  4. You don't need a lot of space to store your vehicle.
  5. You can ride a scooter on the sidewalk without creating emergency situations. On a bicycle you can develop high speed, which is unsafe for all road users.
  6. Walking can be done even in cold weather - warm clothes is not a serious obstacle to walking, because in the absence of pedals there is nothing to catch on.
  7. The sense of balance improves - scientists have proven that regular walks on a scooter contribute to the development of spatial thinking and improve coordination. After using a scooter, the child will quickly learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle.
  8. Today you can buy scooters for adults and go on fun rides with the whole family.
  9. You can have fun with a scooter by arranging various competitions.

What muscles work when riding a scooter?

Regular walks on a scooter allow you to develop the following muscles:
  1. You will qualitatively pump up your quadriceps and calves, which will improve the shape of your thigh and lower leg.
  2. The muscles of the buttocks are actively involved in the work.
  3. Improve your hamstring stretch, making it more flexible and mobile.
  4. By following the skating technique, you can strengthen your abdominal and back muscles.
Since you have to squat to push off, almost all the muscles of the lower extremities are involved in the work. So that the load is distributed evenly. It is necessary to alternate the pushing leg. We recommend doing this every 5–15 minutes. Scientists say that the load on the jogging leg while moving on a scooter corresponds to running, but at the same time the joints are spared the negative impact. To support correct position body, you have to actively use the muscles of the abdomen and back.

As we said above, regular walks on this vehicle contribute to fast weight loss. If you move at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour, then for every kilo of body weight you burn about 0.765 kJ of energy. For comparison, at the same speed of cycling, the energy consumption will be only 0.46 kJ. This means that to lose weight with the same effectiveness, you need to ride your bike almost twice as fast. Energy consumption while riding a scooter is similar to swimming.

How to choose the right scooter?

Not all people know that today you can find a large number of models on sale. All of them can be divided into two large groups - footbikes and scooters. If everything is clear enough with the second group, then it’s worth saying a few words about footbikes. This vehicle is used in professional sports for high speed driving. They are large in size and equipped with large inflatable wheels in the style of bicycles.

Types of scooters

All scooters can be classified according to several parameters. Depending on the riding method, there are stunt scooters and city scooters. There is also a gradation depending on the purpose. However, let's look at this issue in more detail.
  1. Stunt scooters- it’s already clear from the name that they are designed for driving fast and performing difficult tricks. The main design feature of stunt scooters is their awkward design and small wheels.
  2. City scooters- used for transportation in the city, most often it has durable wheels and a folding design. Such scooters are perfect for children and adults for walking together.
Three-wheeled scooters are intended for children aged one to three years. For the little ones you can buy vehicle with plastic frame. Since these scooters are designed for children, they have bright colors, various stickers, bells, lights, and even musical accompaniment. For emergency stopping, three-wheeled scooters are most often equipped with a hand brake.

When choosing a vehicle in this category, pay attention to the wheels. If they are large, maneuverability increases significantly and it becomes possible to overcome difficult sections of the road. The only disadvantage of three-wheeled scooters is the need for additional storage space.

Two-wheeled scooters are designed for children aged four years and older, and are also suitable for adults. Today, most of these models have a folding design and are lightweight. The height of the steering wheel can be adjusted. And large wheels provide high maneuverability. Scooters made of metal are of the highest quality. Most often, the braking system is located on rear wheel and you need to pay special attention to this issue.

Scooters with inflatable wheels are distinguished by their high cross-country ability compared to the designs discussed above. You can use them for walking not only in the city, but also on light rough terrain. Also, weather conditions do not have a serious impact on the possibility of travel. High-speed scooter models are equipped with wheels large sizes. They are also distinguished by the presence of a braking system not only at the rear, but also at the front.

When choosing a scooter, you should consider the width of the deck (footrest) to make your ride as comfortable as possible. If this element of the scooter is too wide, the overall speed of movement will noticeably decrease. You should also take into account the length of the deck, because this parameter also affects the speed characteristics of the vehicle.

And the last one important parameter decks - height. The larger it is, the more difficult it will be to push off, and you will quickly get tired. At the end of the conversation about the deck, let’s note how to attach it:
  1. One-piece- the deck and frame are a monolithic structure.
  2. Flexible- the deck is fixed between the metal bases of the frame.
  3. On frame- the deck is located on top of a metal frame.
Of course, the safety of movement largely depends on the wheels. Pay attention to the quality of their manufacture. The diameter of the wheels of city scooters ranges from 15 to 200 millimeters. Don't forget to check the design of the bearings used. The most reliable and convenient are those devices that have an index of 7 or 9.

For more information about the rules and benefits of riding a scooter, watch the video below:

Why do you always have to rush somewhere in the city? Yes, because a huge amount of time is spent on the road. When you need to constantly move on public transport, you have to cover long distances on foot from stops to destinations. Due to several stops, the wait for the bus is 20 minutes. Stuck in traffic jams or parking several blocks from the building you need. As a result, there is not enough time for the things themselves.

So, a scooter dramatically reduces the amount of time for such movements. It’s easy to drive it to work in the morning, go to the gym, get off the subway and not regret that the bus doors slammed in your face.

If a scooter has wheels larger than 180 mm in diameter, it is not afraid of city roads; it will overcome or go around all bumps and potholes. A typical city scooter with 200 mm diameter polyurethane wheels moves easily in an urban environment.

Skating speed depends on your skill, but the Razor A5 Lux can accelerate to 30-40 km/h. In traffic jams, many cars drive slower.

Scooter is convenient

To the first point, one can argue that carrying a scooter everywhere is a dubious pleasure. But! Do not confuse a scooter with a bicycle.

Firstly, the scooter itself is much more compact and lighter. The Razor A5 Lux is generally one of the lightest scooters for adults, weighing less than 4 kg. And it can withstand up to 100 kg (the body is made of aircraft-grade aluminum and high-quality bearings allow it). That is, wearing or carrying it with you is not so difficult.

Secondly, the Razor A5 Lux folds up easily and quickly. It has a special mechanism: it takes 3 seconds to fold or unfold the scooter. In its compact state, it does not interfere with public transport, fits in the trunk of a car and generally does not take up much space. As a result, personal transport is always at hand.

Thirdly, it’s convenient to ride a scooter in almost any clothes; you don’t need to carry a set of sports uniforms with you.

According to traffic rules, a person on a scooter (without an electric motor) is considered to be a pedestrian; they can move in the general traffic. Scooters can be carried into the subway and shops without any problems (where they are regarded as personal belongings).

The scooter itself is inexpensive. Specifically, the Razor A5 Lux is produced without all sorts of bells and whistles, which is why its price is affordable.

In addition, scooter owners have reduced transportation costs: since there is no need to get into a vehicle once again, they save on the cost of travel or gasoline. Even if it’s not a lot of money, it’s nice.

A weekend trip on scooters with the whole family is an affordable and healthy pleasure.

Scooter is useful

Along with a scooter, physical activity will appear in your life. It's obvious that additional load- this is a way to reset overweight accumulated over the winter. In this case, you do not need to specially find time. But this is not the only advantage of the scooter. The benefits of daily riding are unexpectedly large and varied.

Here brief overview what a scooter is useful for different muscles and organs.

  • Muscles of the thighs and ankles. The most common skating strengthens the muscles, just don’t forget to change your supporting leg for uniform development.
  • Press. Since when skating you need to raise your pushing leg, bending it at the knee (this is the correct way), the abdominal muscles also swing.
  • Back. You will constantly maintain your balance when turning using your back and core muscles.
  • Heart and blood vessels. A scooter is a cardio exercise with all the ensuing benefits: from improved sleep quality to heart health.
  • Nervous system. The benefits are the same as any other workout: release of endorphins and fight stress.
  • Eyes. It’s incredible, but it’s true: riding a scooter is a vision training. The trick is that you have to constantly change focus, either assessing the road as a whole, or switching attention to the nearest turn. This is one of the most effective exercises for the prevention of myopia.

Scooters come with or without shock absorbers. The first ones ride softer, but you also need to put in more effort to ride. The Razor A5 Lux is shock-absorbing, meaning you won't overload untrained muscles and tendons. And you will do without dubious charms like a sweaty shirt.

Why Razor A5 Lux is the optimal start

There is no need to master the scooter, just buy it and you are ready to go. And the model can be shown as a sample scooter. Thoughtful, durable and comfortable. There is nothing superfluous in it.

It is especially suitable for beginners who are not ready for heavy loads, tricks and do not want to understand dozens of characteristics, but just want to take a scooter and go.

Wednesday, 3 pm, friendly courtyard in Moscow. The sun is out, everyone who is not working is walking. Absolutely all children with scooters.

This is not unique story. As soon as the snow melts, scooters take over the yards. In such an environment it is difficult to be a child without a scooter. Friends fly around the yard, and you sit on the bench and think: I want that too.

It’s too early for my son to get on a scooter; we have to wait at least another six months. But nothing prevents you from looking for options in advance. I'm looking at the next two for now.

If you think about it, only one of them is traditional scooter. The second one works differently.

Is it necessary to buy scooters for children at all?

If you have paths in your yard or near your house in a park, definitely yes.

First of all, it's for them LIKE. Look at any child driving a scooter, your doubts will disappear. British scientists have proven that a child with a scooter tends to walk longer, point at a smartphone less, and hang out in front of the screen. Info 100%, parents will confirm.

Secondly, this FREES. The entrance door closed, they crossed the road into the yard or park. They looked at the situation and let him go. That's it, you can enjoy the silence and almost free time, while he (s) is cutting the 31st circle around the site. Harsh? No, pragmatic. Parents have the right to rest.

Thirdly, this BRINGS CLOSER. In warm weather, entire households ride scooters. Children naturally form into flocks, race, get to know each other quickly, and passionately want to go outside every day at the first opportunity. The scooter itself is a good general interest.

Fourthly, this teaches RESPONSIBILITY. The scooter will probably be the first of your child's really large toys. And you will have to look after him. Don’t forget to wash it anywhere, wash it periodically, and lubricate it once every one to two months. Try not to kill the wheels if they are inflatable.

And fifthly, it's easy COMFORTABLE. If you're going for a walk, take a scooter. You are used to walking 16 kilometers a day, but children often need rest after the 4th, and in general “I want to go home.” The scooter saves energy, folds easily, and you can hang it on yourself a la a backpack. And it weighs almost nothing.

In short, children need a scooter. And if your son/daughter is no more than 5 years old, you need to take one of two options.

Option 1. Three-wheeled children's scooter

Riding a scooter perfectly develops a child’s physical abilities and motor skills. The baby sits on the bike, this is not very useful. When standing on a scooter, the load is distributed more evenly.

Three-wheeled scooters are an ideal option for a beginner biker. It is recommended to start riding with them: on 3 wheels you don’t need to be able to keep your balance.

The wheels of these scooters are located at an angle to the common axis. To fall from it, you need to lean very far to the side. 45 degrees, no less.

This is great: The front strut of the Razor T3 is assembled from two large (as much as 120 millimeters!) wheels.

The steering wheel in this scooter was also well implemented. You can only turn it a little; you won’t be able to turn the steering wheel at speed and fall. Even four-wheeled cars or longboards are not so reliable.

By riding a three-wheeled scooter, your child will understand the basics of riding, which will also be useful for other personal vehicles, such as a skateboard.

Officially can be used from 2 years. But you can’t say that the “three-wheeler” is exclusively a child’s thing. If you want, you can really ride on it as quickly and fun as on a regular scooter.

From a purely technical point of view, the Razor T3 is the gold standard in scooter construction. Everything is like in adults:

  • rear brake fender
  • soft polyurethane wheels to smooth out uneven surfaces
  • branded RZR bearings (ABEC5) for better sliding
  • non-slip deck - material, not coating, will not wear off

There are also several unusual solutions. For safety the scooter does not have a folding system, and its steering wheel is not height adjustable.

Photo from a colleague, my son is still too small
A non-folding scooter is more difficult to break. Taking into account the weight of 2.3 kilograms, the child will be able to carry it himself. At the same time it turns out good physical training for hands and a way to teach the rule “if you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.”

Another point: the steering wheel is always 68 centimeters from the deck. The manufacturer recommends the scooter for children with a height of 80 to 130 centimeters and a weight of up to 20 kilograms.

Option 2. Children's electric scooter

Razor also has an interesting thing for little ones - a three-wheeled electric scooter Mini Mod. Although it is recommended from the age of 3, a simple, convenient and reliable scooter can be used by a child from two, if not one and a half years old.

This thing is like tricycle. With one important difference: it has electric pedal.

You press the pedal and start driving.

Photo of a colleague, well, you understand.

Which one to choose? While I'm thinking

By August, I personally will have to choose a scooter for my son. And I haven't decided yet. On the one hand, a three-wheeler is an obvious choice. Everyone rides these. In addition, Razor turned out to be solid and reliable. Can't compare with the rubbish sold in children's stores.

On May 18, the first scooter rental service was launched in Moscow. Currently, 1,650 electric scooters are available to users at 25 stations. Read about how to use the new service correctly in the material of the Moscow 24 portal.


You won’t be able to just ride through the streets of Moscow on an electric scooter - you first need to register. This can be done through the website of the rental operator "Delisamokat" or through the mobile application of the same name, which is available in the AppStore and GooglePlay.

To register, you need to enter your full name, email address and phone number. After registration, the service will require you to take a photo of your passport (registration and a page with a photo), as well as a selfie with the document. It is also necessary to sign an electronic agreement with the operator company. This is done to identify the user, since minors are prohibited from riding rental scooters.

After this, moderators must check the documents and activate the account. Verification may take up to 24 hours.

Find a scooter

After registering and activating your account, you need to link a bank card to it, from which up to 50 rubles will be withdrawn to check its positive balance. This money will also be returned within 24 hours.

After that, you can safely take a scooter. Just look at the map in mobile application and select the required station to start renting. Now they are in the city center and outside the Third Transport Ring: in Strogin, Krylatskoye, Kuntsevo, Ramenki, as well as on Vernadsky Avenue and Lomonosovsky Avenue. You can ride from 7 to 23 hours.

Take a scooter

To rent a scooter, you must first book it through the application, and then pick it up from an employee at the station by scanning the QR code from the application. After the start of the rental, an hourly fee of 100 rubles will be debited from the card. You can also rent a scooter for the whole day - for 450 rubles. To ensure that the scooter does not run out of charge and you can leave it, for example, at a store without fear of theft, an employee at the station will give you a free lock and charger.


Scooter weight – 12 kg;
recommended person's weight is no more than 100 kg, height is 120–200 cm;
maximum speed – 25 km/h, average range – 20–25 km;
the scooter has degree of moisture protection IP54 and it can be used in the rain, but it is better not to wash it under running water;
the scooter is foldable (to do this, you need to remove the mount on the handlebars, lower the steering column, and then secure it with a hook on the bell in the ring on the rear wheel fender).

Start moving

In order to turn on the scooter, you need to press and hold the “Start” button for two seconds. After this, you need to turn on the flashlight and select the riding mode: double press to ride in normal mode and one press to ride in energy saving mode.

After all the settings, feel free to hit the road! On the left side of the scooter is the hand brake, on the right side is the gas handle. To start moving, you need to press the gas, and when the speed reaches 5 km/h, you can press the acceleration button - and it will go much faster.

To slow down, you need to release the acceleration button, and for an emergency stop, squeeze the brake handle. But at high speed it is better to brake with caution, as there is a risk of falling off the scooter. In addition, both feet must be planted while riding the scooter. You can maneuver by steering wheel or tilting your body left and right.

End rental

You can complete the rental and return the scooter at any rental point marked on the map, but only if there are free places there. And remember - you must return the scooter before 23:00.

  • 200 rubles – torn off footrest, broken canopy glass, broken panel on the steering wheel (but working), broken/lost bell;
  • 500 rubles – broken rear or front fender, broken folding mechanism, broken brake/gas handle, non-functional power panel;
  • 1 thousand rubles – torn wires, broken battery, broken electrical equipment, damaged front or rear wheel;
  • 2 thousand rubles – broken steering wheel or steering column, broken iron elements;
  • 5 thousand rubles – if the scooter is not returned before 23:00 (in this case, the scooter can be returned until 8:00 the next day);
  • 30 thousand rubles – if the scooter is not returned within 48 hours after the start of the rental.

Another similar scooter rental from the YouDrive company should soon appear in the city. The company promises that its rental will operate around the clock and offers per-minute rentals.