The first Russian Armed Forces powerlifting championship is taking place in Sevastopol. IPF (FPR) - Russia - Rank standards for powerlifting - Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, Training programs, Sports nutrition Armed Forces Powerlifting Championship

06.08.2013 01:54

Taken from the official website of the Russian Powerlifting Federation

For the information of participants of the Russian Championships among veterans:

"Awarding sports titles and sports categories for the results shown in competitions among veteran athletes, the norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation are not provided for.”

On September 6, 2013, by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715, the “Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation of sports titles and sports categories in the sport of powerlifting” were approved for the period 2014-2017.

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories in the sport "POWERLIFTING"

POWERLIFTING (eventing) EUSC standards for 2014-2017.
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715 dated September 6, 2013.

Sports titles

Sports categories

Youth sports categories

53,0 410,0 325,0 282,5 260,0 232,5 215,0 195,0
59,0 625,0 570,0 455,0 362,5 315,0 290,0 260,0 240,0 212,5
66,0 700,0 635,0 510,0 402,5 350,0 320,0 287,5 257,5 227,5
74,0 770,0 695,0 537,5 440,0 385,0 352,5 317,5 280,0 247,5
83,0 835,0 747,5 582,5 482,5 422,5 387,5 352,5 307,5 277,5
93,0 880,0 787,5 610,0 520,0 465,0 412,5 382,5 340,0 307,5
105,0 920,0 815,0 645,0 552,5 500,0 460,0 397,5 355,0 330,0
120,0 955,0 835,0 687,5 600,0 530,0 497,5 422,5 372,5 347,5
120+ 980,0 860,0 735,0 617,5 545,0 510,0 455,0 390,0 372,5
43,0 242,5 175,0 150,0 137,5 122,5 112,5 97,5
47,0 367,5 297,5 262,5 190,0 165,0 150,0 135,0 122,5 105,0
52,0 405,0 325,0 290,0 210,0 182,5 167,5 147,5 135,0 117,5
57,0 435,0 352,5 312,5 227,5 200,0 182,5 162,5 147,5 127,5
63,0 475,0 385,0 337,5 252,5 220,0 202,5 180,0 162,5 142,5
72,0 507,5 412,5 367,5 285,0 247,5 227,5 202,5 182,5 157,5
84,0 537,5 447,5 405,0 327,5 285,0 260,0 220,0 205,0 177,5
84+ 552,5 475,0 422,5 352,5 320,0 285,0 235,0 217,5 192,5

The MSMK norm is met:

1. On sports competitions, having a status no lower than other international sports competitions included in the EKP.

1. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports referees not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met:

The KMS norm is met at sporting competitions not lower than the status of a subject of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is fulfilled only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Discharge standards 2011-2013

POWERLIFTING (eventing) EUSC standards for 2011-2013.
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 1116 dated September 26, 2011.

1. The first sheet of the “MSMK” file contains standards that are taken into account only when taking the specified prize places at the World and European Championships.
2. on the second sheet of the “norm” there are standards that are met subject to the given “general special conditions”.
3. on the third sheet of the “standards-tab.” The standards are presented in the usual table form.

The sports title of MSMK is awarded from the age of 17, sports title MS - from 16 years old, sports categories - from 10 years old.

Sports titles

Sports categories

Youth sports categories




The MSMK norm is fulfilled:

1. At sports competitions that have a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ECP, among men and women, at the Russian Championship, subject to taking 1st place, the Russian Cup, subject to taking 1st place.

2. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met:

1. At competitions not lower than the status of other all-Russian sports competitions included in the EKP, championships federal districts Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, championships in Moscow, St. Petersburg.

2. Subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The KMS norm is met at sports competitions with a status not lower than the status of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

Russian championships are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19-23 years old); boys, girls (14-18 years old).

To participate in sports competitions, the athlete must turn the specified number of years in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2010

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories in the sport "POWERLIFTING" triathlon

The sports title MSMK is awarded from the age of 17, the sports title MS - from the age of 16, sports categories - from the age of 10.

Approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 429 dated May 4, 2010.


III junior



General special conditions:

The MSMK norm is met at sports competitions that have a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ECP, among men and women, as well as subject to taking 1st place: at the Russian Championship or the Russian Cup. Required condition- conducting doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met at other all-Russian sports competitions included in the ECP, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, at the championships of Moscow and St. Petersburg, subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the all-Russian category on the platform .

The KMS norm is met at sports competitions with a status not lower than the championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is fulfilled only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Russian championships are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19 - 23 years old); boys, girls (14 - 18 years old).

To participate in sports competitions, the athlete must turn the specified number of years in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2006




MSMK - take:
1st - 3rd place in total triathlon at the World or European Championships;
1st place at the World and European Bench Press Championships;
1st place at the World or European Junior Championships, excluding weights lifted.

MSMK - on international competitions, championships and the Russian Cup, the Russian Junior Championship, subject to doping control at these competitions.
MS - at territorial and final competitions of the republican scale, open championships Moscow and St. Petersburg, all-Russian tournaments held by the Russian Federation (with the participation of athletes from at least five regions, territories, republics).
KMS - fulfillment of standards is counted according to the amount three exercises(squat, bench press, deadlift).
Categories are assigned from the age of 10, MS and MSMK - from the age of 14.

Discharge standards 2001

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)
This classification comes into force on March 10, 2001.




Discharge standards 1997

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)


II junior



MSMK take: 1-3 places in the total triathlon at the World or European Championships,1st place in total triathlon at the World or European Junior Championships(excluding kilograms lifted).

Conditions for fulfilling the discharge standards (in accordance with the table):

MSMK: at mandatory doping control for:

International competitions;

Russian Championship and Cup;

Russian Championships.

MS: subject to random doping control for:

Territorial and final competitions of the republican scale;
- open championships Moscow and St. Petersburg (with the participation of representativesat least 5 regions, territories, republics);
- All-Russian tournaments held by the Russian Powerlifting Federation (withparticipation of representatives of at least 5 regions, territories, republics).

Fulfillment of standards is counted by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Categories are assigned from the age of 12, MS - from the age of 14, MSMK - from the age of 16.

This classification comes into force from the date of signing the order of the State Committee for the Federal Trade of the Russian Federation (07/06/1997).

Discharge standards 1988

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)


Sports category

II junior

Conditions for fulfilling the discharge standards:

Fulfillment of the MS and KMC standards for the sum of three exercises, but in each exercise the result must not be lower than the 1st category standard.
Fulfillment of standards of categories I - III - based on the results in each movement.
The title “Master of Sports of the USSR” is awarded only at competitions held by the USSR State Sports Committee and at championships and cups of the union republics.

(classical eventing)


sport code number: 0740001411Я

Moscow - 2017

I. Type of sport, nature of competitions and system of their holding

The Armed Forces Championship in powerlifting (classical eventing) is personal and team in nature. Competitions are held in accordance with the rules of the IPF and the FPR.

II. Goals and objectives of the Championship

The championship is held for the following purposes:

Popularization power types sports (powerlifting disciplines) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Patriotic education in military personnel of the will and desire for victory, the ability to endure high physical activity and neuropsychic stress in the conditions of wrestling;

Improvements sportsmanship and performance of sports categories by military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Determination of the strongest athletes and teams of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Selection of promising military personnel and teams for further performance as part of the national team of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

III. Place and dates of the Championship

The competition is held from October 25 to October 29, 2017 in gym sports center (marine and physical training Sevastopol) FAU RF CSKA ().

I V. Management and organization of competitions

4.1. The general management of the preparation and conduct of competitions is carried out by the Department of Physical Training and Sports of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as UFPiS RF Armed Forces) and the Russian Powerlifting Federation. The direct organization and conduct of the competition is entrusted to the sports committee of the Black Sea Fleet, the sports center (sea and physical training in Sevastopol) of the FAU RF CSKA and the main panel of judges.

4.2. Chief Judge and panel of judges competitions are formed by the sports committee of the Black Sea Fleet, coordinated and approved by the sports center (sea and physical training in Sevastopol) of the FAU RF CSKA together with the Russian Powerlifting Federation.

4.3. The sports center (marine and physical training in Sevastopol) of the FAU RF CSKA is responsible for:

Preparation of competition venues;

Ensuring the work of referee teams (office equipment and computer support);

Arrangement of accommodation for participants;

Medical support for the competition.

4.4. The Sports Committee of the Black Sea Fleet is responsible for:

Logistics support;

Organization of the opening and closing of the competition;

Photo and video shooting of the competition.

4.5. Chief Judge for three days at the end of the competition, submits a report on its conduct with presentation materials attached to the UFPiS RF Armed Forces.

V.Medical and sanitary support for the competition and

5.1. Medical and sanitary support for the competition is provided by the sports center (marine and physical training) of the Federal Institution of Defense of the Russian Federation CSKA (Sevastopol).

5.2. Competitions are held at sports facilities that meet the requirements of the relevant regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and aimed at ensuring public order and the safety of participants and spectators, as well as (subject to availability) safety acceptance certificates sports facilities physical education or sports facility and equipment for carrying out activities approved in accordance with the established procedure.

VI. Conditions for financing the competition

6.1. Financial, logistical and other support for the competition is provided by the Federal Autonomous Institution of the Russian Federation CSKA in accordance with the procedure for financing from the federal budget (subsidies for reimbursement of regulatory costs associated with the provision of public services in accordance with the state assignment) and the norms for spending funds on their implementation.

6.2. Expenses associated with participants’ travel to and from the competition, accommodation and meals are at the expense of the sending organizations.

VII. Requirements for participants and conditions of the competition

7.1. Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under contract (men, women), conscripted military personnel, cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - ?. Weight categories:

men – up to 59 kg, up to 66 kg, up to 74 kg, up to 83 kg, up to 93 kg, up to 105 kg, up to 120 kg, 120+ kg;

women - up to 47 kg, up to 52 kg, up to 57 kg, up to 63 kg, up to 72 kg, up to 84 kg, 84+ kg.

7.2. Each team can field a maximum of eight participants in all eight weight categories among men and seven participants in all seven weight categories among women. There should be no more than two participants from one team in one weight category. If the team includes b O the largest number of participants, the remaining participants perform in personal competition and do not earn team points.

7.3. Each team must submit a list of team members in the prescribed form (Appendix No. 2) indicating the name of the athlete, his weight category and best result the total of classical eventing shown at official competitions over the past 12 months. Preliminary applications are accepted until September 25, 2017. Moreover, each team member must be entered in the weight category in which he will compete at this championship. Until October 11, athletes have the right to change the initially declared weight category. After the final selection (final nomination), the athlete can only compete in the weight category in which he was declared; moving to another weight category is not permitted. Failure to comply with the requirements to submit preliminary and final lists of participants may disqualify a team from participating in these competitions.

7.4. Participants' clothing: single-layer soft tights (for powerlifting or wrestling), T-shirt, shorts, socks, sports shoes, knee pads, hand bandages(wristbands allowed), powerlifting belt.

7.5. Preliminary applications for participation in the competition are sent to the assistant commander for physical training - head of physical training of military unit 83576, Lieutenant Mikhail Igorevich Kononenko. e-mail: *****@***ru.

Preliminary applications in the prescribed form (Appendix No. 2) are submitted to the email address *****@***ru before September 25, 2017. Acceptance of transfers from one category to another ends on October 11.

7.6. The Credentials Committee is provided with:

Travel certificate;

Certified application in the established form (Appendix No. 1);

Military ID (identity card);

Athlete qualification book;

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

Participant card.

If one of the listed documents is not submitted or their falsification is detected, the participant is not allowed to compete.

VIII. Summing up and determining the winners of the competition

8.1 Personal places in each weight category are determined by the highest weight lifted in the sum of three exercises.

8.2. Each participant is given three attempts in each exercise. The heaviest weight lifted in each exercise counts towards the total. If two or more athletes score the same amount, the lighter athlete is classified higher than the heavier one.

8.3 The team standings are calculated separately among men and women based on the total points scored by no more than five members of one team in accordance with their places: 1st place - 12 points, 2nd place - 9 points, 3rd place - 8 points, 4th place - 7 points, 5th place - 6 points, etc. In the event of an equal number of points for two or more teams, the team with more first, second, etc. places. In case of equality and these indicators, the advantage goes to the team with greater result according to the Wilks table.

IX. Competition program

9:00 – 20:00 - arrival and accommodation of teams, credentials committee;

20:00 – 21:00 - meeting of team representatives and judges.

9:00 – 10:00 - seminar with judges and team representatives;

10:30 – 11:30 - grand opening of the competition;

12:00 – 21:00 - performance of participants in all weight categories.

9:00 – 21:00 - performance of participants in all weight categories.

9:00 to 13:00 – final stage performances of participants in all weight categories;

13:00 – 14:00 – summing up the results of the competition;

14:00 – 15:00 – awarding of winners and runners-up, closing of the competition.

The competition schedule for streams will be drawn up on September 30 based on preliminary applications.

X. Protests

10.1. A protest against the decision of the refereeing team is submitted by a team representative to the jury before the next participant is called.

10.2. Protests are considered in accordance with the rules of the IPF and the FPR.


11.1. Participants in the competition who take first, second and third places in the individual championship in weight categories are awarded medals and certificates.

11.2. Participants in the competition who take first, second and third places in the overall standings are awarded medals and certificates.

11.3. Teams that take first, second and third places in the overall team competition are awarded certificates and cups.

Sevastopol hosts the first Russian Armed Forces powerlifting championship. From 26 to 28 October in sports center 13 teams will compete in the local branch of CSKA. Military personnel from all districts and navies will compete for victory in powerlifting in individual and team competitions. Representatives of the fair half of the Russian Armed Forces also entered the fight along with men.

“I’m especially glad to see such girls. When I saw you, they told me that you also do this sport. That you also do this kind of sports. Bow to you! And let everyone envy that we have such girls who combine beauty, strength and charm,”- said the chief of staff of the Black Sea Fleet, Viktor Liina.

Almost one hundred athletes take part in the military powerlifting championship. Of these, 19 are girls. There is more than enough desire to win from your rivals. This means that anyone can become a champion. Maria Pleshkova from the Eastern Military District team admits that she came to powerlifting by accident. But being the smallest participant weighing 45 kilograms, in total she benched three times her own weight.

“I shook 182, although I could have done more if not for the circumstances.

-What are the circumstances?

-During the squat, I didn’t listen to the commands. It turned out that I just sat down 2 times. I didn't expect it. I'm very pleased. Thanks to my coaches"- admitted the winner of the Russian Armed Forces powerlifting championship from Chita, Maria Pleshkova.

Experienced athletes who were interested in powerlifting long before joining the Armed Forces also came to the championship. A total of 13 teams from all military districts and fleets. All of Russia is here - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Tambov, Chita, Kostroma, and of course, Sevastopol. The participants admit that they began preparing for the tournament several months before the start.

“I prepared thoroughly for about 3 months. Now let's see how prepared we are.

I've already looked and found out how much it raises. Roughly adjusted

-What do you think you can do?

-Let's see",- shared Sergei Lopatin, a participant in the Russian Armed Forces Powerlifting Championship from Chita.

“You work more with weights. You press more, you deadlift more, and every workout is a pleasure. There is excitement, all worthy participants. There is fear, but fear also helps to win,”- added Jakhongir Kayumov, a participant in the Russian Armed Forces Powerlifting Championship from Moscow.

Back in 2001, as part of the Russian Powerlifting Championship, a competition was held among the Armed Forces in equipment triathlon. This year it is a full-fledged tournament with medals, cups and prizes.

“Unfortunately, no one else took the initiative. And I am glad that our sport has returned to the ranks of the Armed Forces. Who else but our defenders must show their strength. Powerlifting is very consistent with the purpose of the activity of the Armed Forces,”- emphasized the Secretary General of the Russian Powerlifting Federation Alevtina Kozeleva.

Competitions are held in three disciplines: back squats, bench press and barbell rows. The total weight will reveal the winners of the first Armed Forces powerlifting championship.

Mikhail Zhuravsky, Denis Alexandrovich, Sevinformburo