Dumbbell training program by Evgeniy Sandov. The founder of bodybuilding Sandov and his dumbbell gymnastics

A set of exercises, performed with light dumbbells (start with 2 kg), without stopping for 20-30 minutes.

Exercise 1. Biceps curl with a straight grip.
Take the dumbbells in your hands and take the starting position, as described in the introductory part to these exercises (see). Now bend your knees slightly and turn inner side arms fully forward. In exercises with light dumbbells, the knees should be bent so that the leg muscles can feel the tension in the upper limbs. Squeeze the handles of the dumbbells and tense your arm muscles; then alternately bend and straighten each arm at the elbow until the dumbbell is in line with your shoulder, rear end hands in front, shoulders and elbows down, and arms close to the sides. In the lower position, straighten your arm to its full length and repeat the movement until the muscles ache. This exercise will mainly develop the biceps flexor and triceps extensor muscles.

Exercise 2. Reverse grip biceps curl.
The same exercise as the first, except that the back of the hands and forearms are directed forward, and when the latter are bent at the elbow, the joints of the hand are close to the shoulder. The alternative movement of elbow flexion and extension should be performed rhythmically but vigorously until the flexor and extensor muscles become firm. The action will have a stimulating effect on the respiratory system and blood circulation.

Exercise 3. Arms to the sides, alternate bends.
Raise your arms to your sides to full length, at shoulder level. Turn the inside of your forearms up, and alternately bend your elbows toward your head until the dumbbell is above your shoulder. Keep your arms at shoulder level, do not let them drop, and in a straightening movement, fully extend your arms and tense your muscles. The main muscle that works here, besides the biceps and triceps, is the deltoid muscle, which covers the shoulder. The effect of alternating arm curls is perhaps more beneficial than having both arms bent at the same time. The main advantage is that one arm rests for a moment, and does not overstrain the heart, increasing blood circulation.

Exercise 4. Double-arm curls.
The same exercise as the previous one, however, bend your arms at the same time. The exercise can be modified to benefit: lean back slightly and tilt your head down, forearms curling inward toward your shoulder, in this position with the dumbbells pointing outward from your armpits. The exercise develops biceps, triceps and deltoid muscles. It also stimulates breathing and accelerates blood flow.

In regular alternation of movements, such as here and elsewhere in this series, the student should try to keep the rhythm, because rhythmic movement is performed automatically, and consequently reduces the feeling of fatigue, freeing the brain from the worries of muscular action. However, the habit of concentrating attention must be formed before the movement becomes automatic.

Exercise 5. Raising arms to the sides.
At the same time, move your pelvis and shoulders forward, bending your upper back, raise your arms in front of you to the level of your chin, and keep your elbows straight. From this position, simultaneously deftly move both arms back behind the shoulder line. Bring them quickly back forward again, and repeat the opening movement as often and vigorously as you can. This exercise is intended to reveal chest, give mobility pectoral muscles And shoulder girdle. Increase blood flow to the organs of the chest and head.

Exercise 6. Raising dumbbells overhead.
Bend your arms toward your shoulders, palms facing in, elbows close to your sides. Raise your arms vertically, one at a time, trying to stretch them above your head to their full length. The head and body are straight, the chest is straightened. Muscles worked in this exercise: biceps, triceps, deltoid, trapezius, lats and other muscles on the back and sides. Their action opens the chest and increases its mobility.

Exercise 7. Raising dumbbells in front of you.
Hands holding dumbbells rest lightly on the front of your thighs, knuckles facing out, knees bent, chest pulled in and down, back slightly arched. Raise your straight arms alternately, forward and up, to the line with the top of your head, lowering one arm and raising the other. Maintain this exercise as vigorously as possible, while keeping your lungs breathing absolutely freely and unimpeded. Exercise increases mobility shoulder joints, and especially strengthens the anterior deltoid muscle, latissimus and pectoral muscles.

Exercise 8. Dumbbell twists with outstretched arms.
Raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, keeping your muscles tense all the time. At the same time, rotate your hands with dumbbells as far as possible along the axis of the wrist, repeat until the muscles are tired. The exercise can be supplemented by bending the wrist back and forth. Make sure that your hands do not fall below shoulder level, and you are not allowed to turn on elbow joint: The movement is performed entirely with the wrists. This exercise is useful for strengthening and flexibility of the wrist muscles.

Exercise 9. Rotation of dumbbells with outstretched arms.
Lift the dumbbells by the spheres or edges, grasping them firmly with your palm like a ball. Now raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level. In this position, rotate the right dumbbell from left to right, and the left dumbbell from right to left, using a circular motion of the wrist. Continue the exercise until your muscles get tired. The rotational movement is performed entirely by the wrist and benefits numerous muscles of the forearm.

Exercise 10. Rotation of dumbbells with outstretched arms forward.
The same movement, but the rotation of the right hand should be from right to left, and the left hand from left to right. This exercise will give flexibility to the muscles of the forearm, and give them strength and endurance.

Exercise 11. Lunges with right leg, left arm.
Place dumbbells on the floor where they lie along the outside of each leg, with the center of the handle in line with your toes. Take dumbbells and stand at attention, head and body straight, knees bent. Turn your heel half a turn to the left, your toes at an angle of 60 degrees; The body should rotate on the hips, maintaining the first position as much as possible. At the same time, bring your left forearm to your waist, at a right angle to your body; take a good step forward with your right foot, and lunge forcefully with your left arm in the same direction, as if striking swipe, and come back quickly. Repeat the movement until the muscles are well tired, the right arm remains tense. As you return, bring your elbow back and chest forward. The muscles involved in this exercise are: anterior deltoid, biceps, triceps, serratus anterior, and pectoralis major. When the body is rotated at the hips, the pulmonary movements are beneficial to the abdominal muscles and promote circulation in the area.

Exercise 12. Lunges with the left leg, right hand.
The same movement, now the right hand and left leg. Half a turn will therefore be to the right. In these movements, circulation and breathing are very helpful, inhaling as the arm moves backward and exhaling as you push forward.

Exercise 13. Push-ups.
This exercise is performed without dumbbells. Support the body rigidly on straightened arms and toes; then lower your body by slowly bending your elbows until you reach a lying position, and raise it by straightening your arms, repeating the movement as many times as possible. Be sure to keep the body and lower limbs rigidly straight and not touch the floor. The exercise is useful for strengthening all the muscles of the body and expanding the chest. Beginners should perform push-ups gently until the biceps and triceps are very well trained. Then you should stretch your body in a lying position, horizontally forward, as far as possible.

Exercise 14. Push-ups with a tourniquet.
This exercise is the same as No. 13, only made more difficult by the tension of rubber straps that surround the neck and, through the force of resistance, increase the development of the arms in an attempt to lift the body from a lying position.

Exercise 15. Raising the body from a lying position.
This exercise is designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and has an important effect on digestion. First performed without dumbbells, then with light weight dumbbells. Lie on your back on the floor, on a sofa or bench, in full height, arms at your sides, fix your legs under some kind of weighting material (sofa, barbell); then raise the body on the hip joints from a lying position, and slowly lower it again to a horizontal position, repeating the movement until the abdominal muscles feel the tiring effect of the exercise. After some time, when the student has become accustomed to the tension, the exercise can be made more difficult by taking dumbbells in each hand, and while lying down, raise your arms straight behind your head. The exercise can also be performed without weighting the legs. Before lifting your body, take a deep breath and exhale as you lower it. When lifting, in a sitting position, the body should also be bent forward, as far as possible towards the legs. With dumbbells in your hands, it will also be useful to cross your wrists above your head, and thus bring your body up and forward, as if your head is locked in your outstretched arms and moves with them. For people of full build and who tend to excess weight, the exercise will be very beneficial, increasing blood circulation, burning fat, and the exercise itself prevents the formation of fat.

Exercise 16. Squats.
This exercise is designed to develop the hip extensors. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand at attention with your body straight, head up, chest out, and shoulders and hips well back. Bend your knees and lower your body vertically toward your heels, keeping your back straight and chin tucked in. Return to the starting position and repeat until the muscles become sore. This exercise develops the body well and gives flexibility. knee joints. Make sure that your body does not sway or lean. After a pause, you can modify by lifting your heels and squatting on your toes, keeping a rigid, straight position, and rising as high as possible in each movement without losing balance. This movement will greatly benefit your calf muscles; it will also give elasticity to your feet and ankles.

Exercise 17. Pump.
This exercise can be performed with or without dumbbells. From a position at attention, slowly bend your torso hip joint, alternately left and right, hand or dumbbell lightly pressed against outside hips and slides down until it reaches the bend of the knee. With one hand touching the side of your knee, use your other hand to lift the dumbbell toward your armpit. The exercise is good for the oblique muscles, abdominals, and other muscles that support and protect the sides of the abdomen. This will also give flexibility to the spine and increase blood circulation, mainly along the supply veins of the stomach and liver.

Number of repetitions table

The table shows the number of repetitions in each of the above exercises, which should be performed daily, and subsequently each student determines the increase ratio himself, as he feels what load he can withstand. Women and children should try to do one-fifth or one-fourth, the number of repetitions indicated for men.

* Book "System" physical development Evgeniy Sandov" (1894).

Evgeny Sandov is one of the greatest strongmen who was not endowed by nature, but developed his strength through constant systematic training. Sandov’s biography is described in the book “The Secret of Evgeniy Sandov’s Strength”; in two other books you can familiarize yourself with the training systems of the great athlete.

The author gives simple but effective recommendations for developing body strength, with the help of which he himself achieved great results. The training system is performed with dumbbells and is suitable for doing at home.

Here are some of the achievements of strongman Evgeniy Sandov:

  • For several seconds he holds 27 kg weights on his outstretched arms.
  • Do 200 push-ups while lying on the floor within four minutes.
  • Leaning his heels on one chair and the back of his head on another, he holds two people on his chest and a 22-kilogram weight in his outstretched hand.
  • Holding a 1.5-pound weight in each hand, he stands on a handkerchief, then jumps and does a back somersault, landing again on the handkerchief.

*The exact weight of the weights was 56 pounds, or 25.4 kg. This is slightly more than 1.5 poods = 24.57 kg.

  • A platform is placed on Sandow's chest, and he holds three horses on it. Another room features a grand piano and an eight-piece orchestra on the platform.
  • Around 1894, Sandow set a world record: with one hand he squeezes a barbell with huge hollow balls, inside of which one person sits. The weight of the unusual barbell was 269 pounds, or 122 kg!

* In Russian articles there is another figure: 7 poods 13 pounds = 120 kg.

  • During an American tour in San Francisco in 1894, Sandow fought a lion - muzzled and wearing mittens. The lion rushed at Sandow, who caught him, held him and threw him away.
  • In 1895, Sandow performed a very difficult power trick - he lifted and squeezed a barbell weighing 115 kg with his right hand and then transferred it to left hand, squats and lies on the floor on his back and then, without lowering the barbell, stands up.

Evgeniy Sandov(1867-1925) - an outstanding athlete of the 19th century, the founder of bodybuilding. He grew up as a weak and sickly child. As a medical student, I became passionate about anatomy and exercise to get rid of weakness. I started training regularly and the problem was solved: tone, health and strength came. Soon he became a circus athlete, demonstrated an athletic physique, power tricks, and mastered acrobatics, horse riding, and wrestling. And then he reaches a phenomenal level of development of strength and body, becoming the strongest man in the world, setting several world records.

Sandow's coach was Louis Durlacher, aka a professional strongman who trained many famous weightlifters. his success coaching work was progressive increase in burden, at that time it was a revolutionary training method. Sandow applied this principle to strength gymnastics, gradually increasing the number of repetitions, then the weight of the dumbbells. He touted his strength achievements as achievements of advanced science and a revival of the ancient Greek ideal.

Anthropometric data:
Height - 170 cm
Weight - 75 kg
Biceps - 43 cm
Forearm - 33 cm
Hip - 63 cm
Caviar - 40 cm

Sandow developed a social movement for, created institutions in England physical culture, as well as physical training salons - prototypes of gyms, promoted his system of exercises for gaining strength and health. In 1911, the English King George V awarded Sandow the title of Professor of Physical Development. The following year Sandow wrote his best book"Strength and Health: how illness can be successfully overcome by physical culture."

Power numbers of Evgeniy Sandov

1 . I did 200 push-ups on the floor in 4 minutes.
2 . For several seconds he held 27 kg weights on his outstretched arms.
3 . Leaning his heels on one chair and the back of his head on another, he held two people on his chest and a 22 kg weight in his outstretched arm.
4 . Holding 1.5 pound weights (25.4 kg each) in each hand, he stood on a handkerchief, jumped forward and did a back somersault, as if landing again on the handkerchief. And so on several times.
5 . With one hand he squeezed a barbell with huge hollow balls, inside of which sat one person at a time. The weight of the unusual barbell was 122 kg.
6 . During an American tour, he fought with a lion - muzzled and wearing mittens. The lion rushed at Sandow, who caught him, held him and threw him away, threw him over himself, pressed him to the arena.
7 . With his right hand he squeezed a barbell weighing 115 kg, then transferred it to his left hand, lay on his back, and without lowering the barbell, inserted it.

The secret of strength

1. Comprehensive muscle development: exercises with light dumbbells, exercises with weights, static load.

2. Conscious muscle contraction:“You need to achieve the ability to concentrate your mind on your muscles and subordinate them to its absolute influence.”

3. Don't waste time- Exercise with dumbbells and train your muscles during the day. While reading, during simple rest, during moments of waiting..., try to contract your muscles stronger and stronger.

4. Stepwise increase in load- number of repetitions, weight of dumbbells.

“The body, like a child, needs education, and such education can be provided by exercises, with the help of which not only muscles develop, but also health improves” - Evgeniy Sandov.

Focus on the exercise– Sandow sincerely and persistently stated that this is the key to success in gymnastics. By tensing the muscles, the student must concentrate the mind and willpower when working with weights or in any muscle exercise. Exercises, of course, should also be systematic, persistent (don’t give up when you feel tired in hard exercise or training), and thorough.

The secret of strength is conscious muscle contraction. Dumbbells only help you feel the muscles working better.

* The weight of dumbbells should be light; for beginners, they can be made of wood. For women and children 1-2 kg, for adult men from 2 kg.

* A set of exercises with light dumbbells lasts 30 minutes, if you can’t do it continuously, you can do it for 15 minutes, or twice a day for 15 minutes.

* Exercises are performed until the muscles hurt.

* There must be concentration of will in the exercises; dumbbells must be held and used not passively.

* How much of the day should you devote to exercise? It depends on the student himself: some find early morning the best and most convenient time, others in the afternoon, others in the evening. Therefore, I do not set a strictly defined time. Choose a time that is most convenient for you. But best time For training, I think early morning.

* Exercises should be performed no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

* It is advisable to exercise in front of a mirror, so you can monitor the movement of muscles.

* Gradual progress - do not rush to increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions, beware of doing too much, adapt to your personal requirements. After 50 years, you should follow the tables for ages 15 to 17 years.

* Success depends not only on physical build, but also on the degree of participation of their will in the exercises. Muscles are developed by the brain, which can do as much or more than dumbbells.

*Practice contracting your muscles whenever you are sitting idle, and by contracting them every day you will find that it will have the same effect as using dumbbells or other vigorous exercise.

* Alternating movements in exercises - this way one muscle group rests for a moment while another moves. It also results in freer blood circulation than when performing the movements at the same time.

*Before 7 years of age you should not do these exercises.

* You should be careful not to overexert yourself, and most importantly, do not do the exercises too vigorously. It will be convenient to give each hand 1 second to move. Thus, in the first exercise, 10 movements with each hand will take 20 seconds. Also, do not make sudden movements, but exercise with ease and grace.

* After exercise, take a cold bath, having previously prepared the body for water procedures(hardening).

Sandov Evgeniy, English. Eugen Sandow, birth name Friedrich Wilhelm Müller (1867-1925). Popular strong man early 20th century, founder of bodybuilding and bodybuilding, founded physical development clubs. For the first time in the world, the athlete was awarded the title of professor of physical development.


Born into the family of a German greengrocer (greens merchant), Koenigsberg. He, like many urban residents of the Baltic states, was not in good health. He entered the university at the Faculty of Medicine, where he became seriously involved in anatomy and physical exercises. His own daily practices under the supervision of strongman trainer Attila (an Italian circus strongman) changed Friedrich: the young frail man gradually became strong and athletically built. Continuing my studies using a scientifically developed methodology, I achieved phenomenal results in strength training, he was recognized without objection as the strongest man.

Sandow's book “Strength and How to Become Strong” talks in detail about the method of training with dumbbells. Simple exercises are recommended for both adults and teenagers - both boys and girls. The presence of diseases, even chronic ones, is not a contraindication for gymnastics. The main thing is to follow the instructions of the book, not to exceed the recommended number of approaches performed and the weight of the weights lifted.

The rules for performing Sandov dumbbell gymnastics are based on the principle of education human body, the need to develop not only muscles, but also improve health. You should exercise daily, in the morning, 2 hours after breakfast. Make movements, making sure they are performed correctly. Do not exceed the number of repetitions, increasing repetitions 3 times every 6 days. It is recommended to start working with two-kilogram dumbbells. Increase weight every six months. After the lesson, Sandow recommended taking a cold bath; you can take a shower or douse yourself with water outside in the summer. Finish water cold procedures by rubbing with a dry terry towel until the skin turns red.

In the book, Sandow announced that after 4 years of training according to the original method, trainees will have developed, prominent muscles, and crushing strength.

Morning exercises of 18 exercises will give enough power load. Basic stance: stand straight, heels together, toes apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body, elbows fixed. Beginners should keep their knees slightly bent to avoid injury.

  1. Straight grip, alternately bend and straighten your arms at the elbows, working on the biceps.
  2. Reverse grip, same elbow bending.
  3. Arms to the sides, alternately bending and straightening your elbows, without lowering them below shoulder level.
  4. Similar to exercise 3, but do it with both hands at the same time.
  5. Hands forward, palms inward. Extend your arms straight to the sides horizontally.
  6. Dumbbells with a direct grip to the shoulders, alternating between them, raise and lower vertically. Vertical press.
  7. Bend forward from the main stance, dumbbells on hips. Alternately raise your arms forward up, without lifting them higher than your shoulder.
  8. Raise the dumbbells to the sides, straight grip. Do circular movements in the wrist joints clockwise, then in the opposite direction.
  9. Control position 8, rotation of the arms at the elbows.
  10. Raise the dumbbells up, lean forward, touch the floor without bending your knees. Return to original position.
  11. Difficult exercise. Basic stance, straight grip. Bend your right arm at the elbow at a right angle, placing a dumbbell on your waist. Lunge forward with your left leg while straightening your right arm. Return to the stance, then repeat the mirror movement: lunge with your right foot and left hand.
  12. Raise your arms straight up through your sides and release to the starting position.
  13. Push-ups from a push-up position lying on the floor are done without dumbbells.
  14. Side bends with simultaneous bending hands, alternately touching the dumbbells to the armpits.
  15. Lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, and secure your feet. From this position, sit down, then bend over, keeping your straightened arms constantly pressed to your head. Touch the dumbbells to your feet and return to a lying position on the floor.
  16. Without dumbbells, lie on your back, hands under your head. Raise your legs straight up, pressing your lower back to the floor. Return your legs to the starting position, using only your abdominal muscles.
  17. Basic stand. Rise on your toes, squat down and return to the starting position. According to Sandow, squats are done on the toes, the knees are bent to a right angle.
  18. The final exercise is the main stance, bending and straightening the wrist joints.

A sedentary lifestyle provokes insomnia, nervous exhaustion, and various diseases. 18 exercises, repeated regularly, will help strengthen nervous system. Doing exercises 11, 12, 14, 15 can correct an upset stomach. Exercises for constipation - numbered 14 to 18.

These 18 simple exercises They will strengthen the body and spirit, help get rid of laziness and various ailments, and training will improve your mood. The principle of conscious muscle work developed by Sandov helps not only to increase muscle mass, but also improve blood circulation, which should have a good effect on work internal organs. Before starting exercise, you should consult your doctor, because excessive physical activity may be dangerous in some diseases, for example, heart disease, hypertension.

N German athlete Eugen Sandow at the end of the 19th century was one of the most strong people in the world* Having moved to England, he did a lot to spread his training system. It is from his books “Strength and how to abtain it” was translated in Russia and was very popular.

The merits of this system, like any other, can only be assessed in practice. But the fact that thanks to her, Sandow himself, who was a frail and sickly young man, became one of the first strongmen in the world and that numerous followers spoke very well of her, speaks for itself.

The Sandow system is designed for people of different genders and ages and is intended as a means of promoting health. At the same time, it is noted that it can also be used for those who in the future want to become a famous athlete.


1. Strict gradualness in increasing loads. The exercises, with some exceptions, are the same for everyone, but each gender and age corresponds to a certain dumbbell weight and number of repetitions. The sequence in increasing the loads has also been determined.

It is recommended that the given instructions be followed with the utmost precision, since the fidelity and strength of success depends on this. In pursuit of “early” success, you should not prematurely increase the weight of dumbbells and the number of repetitions. This is more likely to cause harm than benefit (especially to a young, fragile body). Moreover, persons who are weak or in poor health are advised to begin exercises according to the table, one step below their age.

2. The predominant importance of conscious muscle contraction during exercise. This is the “nail” of the Sandow system, which forms the basis for successful development of strength. When performing each exercise, you should focus not on its result, not on the weight of the dumbbells, but on the process of muscle contraction itself. It is necessary to consciously contract the muscles; dumbbells serve only as an additional regulator of strength and uniformity in movements.

According to Sandow, the brain can do as much or more than dumbbells. It is precisely because of the great importance of this side of the system that the explanations for the exercises include the main muscle groups, by conscious contraction of which this or that movement is performed.


When you start the system of exercises set out in the accompanying tables, the very first question that arises is: “What part of the day should I devote to training?” I don't set a strictly defined time. Golden rule is to choose the part of the day that is most convenient for you. If possible, do not begin exercise earlier than 2 hours after eating. Also, don't exercise right before bed if you find it triggers your insomnia. Many of my students find that they sleep much better after exercise, but for some the exercise has the opposite effect.

It is advisable to practice in front of a mirror, undressing (at least to the waist). This way you can monitor the movements of different muscles. And to see their work and observe their gradual, even development is in itself both help and pleasure.

Trainees should not be discouraged if they feel tired after the first days of training. I strongly recommend to them - do not give in to apparent difficulties; if you want success, then go forward and never retreat. This fatigue also becomes a very pleasant feeling. You'll like her soon. Personally, I can say that it is one of the most pleasant sensations I have ever experienced.

I am often asked how long does it take to become strong? The answer depends on you, but not only on your physical build. The main thing is the participation of your will in the exercises. The muscles are developed by the brain, which can do as much, if not more, than dumbbells. For beginners, the most difficult aspect of my system is to learn to concentrate the thoughts so strongly on your muscles that you gain absolute control over them. The ability for such control is acquired gradually. The brain sends an order - the nerves receive it and transmit it to the muscles. Regarding the willpower used in this case, it should be remembered that tension can be achieved by simple muscle contraction, without lifting weights.

You may notice that in my exercises I insist on alternating movements. In this case, one group of muscles rests while another works. This ensures freer blood circulation than when doing exercises at the same time.


1. Turn the inside of your arm forward and, tensing your muscles, alternately bend your arms, bringing the dumbbells to your shoulder. Shoulders and elbows should be lowered, and upper part hands - close to the sides. When lowering the dumbbell, you should straighten your arm completely straight. Develops biceps (biceps muscle).

2. Turn the outside of your arm forward and do the same movements as in #1, but in this exercise bring the back of your hand to your shoulder. Develops biceps and triceps (triceps muscle).

3. Stretch your arms apart, at shoulder level, turning the inside of your arm up, and alternately bend your arms so that the dumbbell rests on your shoulder. At the same time, you should ensure that your hands do not fall below shoulder level. When straightening your arms, you should stretch them to their full length, stretching the muscles. Develops biceps, triceps and broad dorsal muscles.

4. Exercise is the same as No. 3, but bending the arms is performed simultaneously, and not alternately. Develops the same muscles.

5. Extend both arms forward, at the level of your mouth, straightening your elbows and throwing your head back. From this position, move them back to the shoulder line, then quickly return them to their previous position. Develops muscles: deltoid and pectoralis major.

6. Bend both arms toward your shoulders, palms facing inward, and alternately straighten them above your head in a vertical direction. When lowering your hand, your elbow should touch your side and move slightly back; You should stand straight, with your shoulders back and your chest out. Develops biceps, triceps, deltoid and latissimus dorsi muscles.

7. Bend your back slightly and lower your hands to your legs, above your knees, with the backs facing outward, with your chest slightly concave. Alternately raise your arms to their full length, forward and up, to shoulder level. Develops the deltoid muscle.

8. Stretch your arms apart to shoulder level and at the same time quickly rotate them on the axis of your forearm. Vary the exercise by bending the wrist back and forth. Develops the muscles of the forearm and hand.

9. The position of the hand is the same as in No. 8. Taking the dumbbells by their ends, turn them from right to left with a rotational movement of the hands. Develops the same muscles.

10. Exercise is the same as No. 9, but the dumbbells, taken by the ends, are rotated from left to right. Develops the same muscles.

11. Place the dumbbells on the floor along the outside of your feet, with the center of the handle toward your toes. Bend over, lift them up, stand at attention!, and make a half turn to the left on your heels. Raising your right forearm to your waist, make a strong lunge at a right angle to your torso with your left leg and right arm. Quickly straighten up to the original position, bringing your elbow back. Stretches muscles. Develops muscles: deltoid, latissimus dorsalis, pectoralis major and leg muscles.

12. The same as in No. 11, but in the opposite direction, i.e. a half turn is made to the right, the left forearm is raised to the waist and the lunge is made with the left hand and right leg. Develops the same muscles as in No. 11.

13. Push-ups. Leaning on your hands and on your toes, alternately lower and rise (by bending and straightening your arms). You should stay completely straight, your head, torso and legs should be in a straight line, your knees should not bend; When lowering yourself, you should not touch the floor with either your body or lower limbs. Dumbbells are not used in this exercise. Develops biceps, triceps, muscles: deltoid, pectoralis major, broad dorsal, quadriceps (extensor leg) and abdominal oblique.

14. Tilt your torso to the right and left without moving your lower limbs. At the same time, alternately bend your arms, turning your hands with dumbbells into the armpit. Develops muscles: arms, shoulders and oblique abdominal.

15. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Alternately rise to sitting position, leaning towards your toes, and lower yourself back to a horizontal position. This exercise is performed first without dumbbells. Subsequently, you can first take one dumbbell in both hands, and even later, one in each hand and, stretching your arms behind your head, do the exercise as described above. Develops abdominal muscles.

16. Lie on your back (with your arms behind your head). Raise both legs at the same time, with your toes pointed and knees straight; bring it forward from further away and then slowly lower it to its original position. Develops muscles: abdominal, groin and quadriceps (leg extender).

17. Slowly rise up onto your toes and then back down onto your heels. Develops leg muscles.

18. Keep your arms parallel with your sides and rotate your hands in and out. Develops the muscles of the forearm and hand.


For boys and girls ages 7 to 10 (use 1 pound dumbbells only)

Exercise no.

Increased number of movements*

One every three days

One every five days

One every three days

One every five days

One every five days

One every two weeks

One every three days

One every two weeks

16 (boys only)

One every three days

Similar programs are offered for boys and girls aged 10 to 15 years. We recommend using two-pound dumbbells (ages 10-12) and 3-pound dumbbells (ages 12-15).

For girls ages 15 to 17 (use 3 lb dumbbells only)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements

One every three days

One every five days

One every three days

One every five days

One every five days

One every two weeks

One every three days

One every two weeks

One every two weeks

One every three days

For boys ages 15 to 17 (use 4 lb dumbbells first)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements*

One every other day

One every two days

One every three days

One every two days

One every three days

One every two days

One in a week

One every other day

One every three days

One every two weeks

One every three days

Printout of the training program

For girls ages 17 and older (use 4 lb dumbbells only)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements

One every other day

One every two days

One every three days

One every two days

One every three days

Before fatigue sets in

One every two days

One every week

One every three days

One every three days

For youth ages 17 and older (use 5 pound dumbbells only at first)

Exercise no.

Number of repetitions for each hand

Increased number of movements

Five every day

Two every day

One every day

One every three days

One every two days

Before fatigue sets in

One every two days

One every three days

Two every day

One every two days

Two every day

Printout of the training program

After increasing the number of repetitions in the first exercise to 120, and in other exercises - in proportion to this, it is recommended to train at the achieved level for 6 months. Then you should increase the weight of each dumbbell by 2 pounds and start training again, focusing on the table. Similarly, it is recommended to increase the load in the future. The author claims that after passing training course with dumbbells that weigh up to 20 pounds each, the exerciser will become as muscular as himself****