Gymnastics eye of rebirth. Eye of Renaissance - Tibetan Gymnastics

The “Eye of Rebirth” gymnastics was practiced by Tibetan lamas. It first became known to the general public from Peter Kalder’s book “The Eye of Renaissance,” published in 1938, in Russian in 1994.

Effect on the human body

Gymnastics “Eye of Revival” gives a huge surge of strength and vitality, normalizes energy vortices in the body, has a positive action on all organs of the body, especially on the spine. Ritual activities are beneficial for women with menopausal symptoms or irregular or sluggish periods. They clear the sinuses and help with illnesses gastrointestinal tract, osteoporosis in the arms and legs, arthritis, back and neck pain. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, genitals and glands, immune system, improve blood and lymph circulation, strengthen the diaphragm and heart muscle, abdominal muscles, arms and legs.

One of the aspects of the impact of “Eye of Revival” gymnastics is stretching the body, giving it elasticity and increasing overall muscle tone, which is why the exercises were initially called isometric. But the main goal is to influence the dynamic characteristics of the vortices of the subtle body and it is more correct to call the exercises ritual actions.

In a young healthy person, the dynamic characteristics of all seven main vortices are identical and harmoniously correlate with those of the secondary vortices. In the subtle body of an ordinary middle-aged person, the main vortices rotate differently, the harmony between them is disturbed. In this case, there can no longer be any question of harmony between the main and secondary vortices. This, by the way, is the main cause of metabolic disorders, leading to salt imbalance and various joint damage. Further mismatch of the dynamic characteristics of the vortices and their loss of energy lead to the development of serious pathologies and senile changes in the physical part of the human body.

Here's what Peter Kalder says in his book:

“ the human body there are nineteen energy centers called “vortexes.” Seven of them are major, and twelve are minor. These vortices are powerful field formations, invisible to the eye, but nevertheless quite real. The location of the secondary vortices corresponds to the position of the joints of the limbs: the six upper secondary vortices correspond to shoulder joints, elbow joints and wrist joints and hands; the six lower secondary vortices correspond to the hip joints, knees and ankle joints with feet.

When a person’s legs are not spread too wide to the sides, the knee vortices connect, forming one large vortex, approaching the main ones in terms of the amount of energy concentrated in it. And since an ordinary person extremely rarely finds himself in situations that require him to perform intense, wide-amplitude leg swings, perform “splits” and similar exercises, his knee vortices almost always represent one vortex, the spatial shape of which changes all the time in accordance with the movements bodies. Therefore, sometimes the knee vortex is considered one of the main ones as an additional, eighth, and they speak not of nineteen, but of eighteen vortices. The location of the centers of the seven main vortices is as follows: the lowest is located at the base of the body, the second - at the level of the highest point of the genital organ, the third - just below the navel, the fourth - in the middle of the chest, the fifth - at the level of the base of the neck, the sixth - in the middle of the head; As for the seventh vortex, it is shaped like a cone with an open base facing upward and is located in the head above the sixth vortex.

IN healthy body all vortexes rotate at high speed, providing “prana” or “etheric force” to all systems of the human being. When the functioning of one or more of these vortexes is disrupted, the flow of prana is weakened or blocked and... In general, disruption of the circulation of prana is precisely what we call “disease” and “old age.”

In a normal healthy person, the outer boundaries of the vortices extend quite far beyond the body. In individuals who are particularly powerful and developed in all respects, all vortices merge into one dense rotating field formation, shaped like a giant energy egg.

An ordinary person also resembles an egg, but the field density in it is different - the core of the vortices is significantly different in energy density from the periphery. But in an old, sick or weak individual, almost all the energy of the vortices is concentrated near their centers, while the outer boundaries of the vortices often do not extend beyond the body. The fastest and radical way restoring health and youth consists in giving the vortices their normal energy characteristics.” This is why the “Eye of Rebirth” ethereal training system exists.

Number of exercises

The “Eye of Rebirth” complex includes 6 exercises (or ritual actions). To achieve the desired effectIt is enough to complete the first five.

About the sixth exerciseKalder's book says this:“ is possible to move into a new quality due to the transmutation of sexual energy only when interest in sex is completely exhausted. And here, in no case should you make a mistake by deceiving yourself or overestimating your condition. Only those who have truly exhausted sex as an aspect of knowledge of human existence can successfully make the transition to a new quality of awareness. Anyone for whom sexual relations are still of some interest as a source of pleasure or an incompletely understood aspect of the animal side of human life should under no circumstances resort to any transmutation practices. Self-deception here is mortally dangerous, since it will inevitably lead to the fact that the redirected free energy will not be absorbed by the higher vortices and, instead of harmoniously developing the human being, will only intensify its internal struggle and internal conflicts, which sooner or later will inevitably tear the individual’s psyche from the inside, forcing him to die from incurable physical diseases or by destroying the human traits of his consciousness with mental pathologies and plunging him into the hellish whirlpool of his own animal passions. Therefore, crystal inner purity and utmost honesty with oneself are extremely important here. Anyone who decides to cross the line must know what they are getting into. And he must also know that he will never be able to return from there the same person he was before.

Therefore, I want to warn you once again - only those who feel that they have completely exhausted everything that sex can give and absolutely no longer need it can undertake mastering the sixth ritual action. Not in any form - neither explicit, nor hidden or indirect in other psychological manifestations.

For the vast majority of normal people, natural refusal of sex is simply unthinkable. Therefore, very, very few people can practice the sixth ritual action...”

Number of repetitions

We begin to perform the “Eye of Rebirth” complex with 3 repetitions of each exercise once a day. And so on for 1 week.

Then every week we add 2 repetitions for each exercise, i.e. in the second week - 5 repetitions of each exercise once a day, in the third week - 7 repetitions, in the 4th week - 9 repetitions and so on up to 21 repetitions of each exercise.

Even if your physical training allows you to perform 21 repetitions at once, start with 3 times and increase the number of exercise repetitions gradually. After all, this is not simple physical exercise, but ritual actions.

Maximum number of repetitions

The maximum number of repetitions in the “Eye of Rebirth” gymnastics is 21, but after completing the complex with this number of repetitions for at least four months, you can begin building a second series, starting with 3 times and increasing each week by 2 repetitions, as was the case with the first mastering the complex, also bringing it up to 21 times.

Skip in one cycle

The only exercise from the “Eye of Rebirth” that can be skipped or performed fewer times than others is exercise No. 1, but this can only be done if it is difficult for you due to a weakened vestibular apparatus.

Pauses between repetitions and exercises

If the Eye of Rebirth complex is easy to perform, do not pause between repetitions of one exercise. But don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion - it will only hurt you.

Between individual exercises- a pause is necessary. During this pause, you need to stand up straight, put your hands on your waist and take several smooth, full breaths, carefully monitoring the sensations that arise in the body, while focusing on the area of ​​the body inside the abdomen at the level of the navel. At this time, you can feel streams of energy flowing through your body as you inhale, and someday you can even see vortexes.

While exhaling, try to relax as much as possible and feel how the “spoiled” prana, along with subtle impurities and painful blocks, leaves the body, being washed away by streams of “fresh” prana entering the body as you inhale.

How many times a day to perform "Eye of Rebirth"

I repeat that we perform the “Eye of Rebirth” complex once a day, be sure to do all five ritual actions and only in the specified sequence.

If it is difficult to complete the complex in the required quantity at one time, you can divide it into several series, for example, 21 repetitions together at a time, perform 7 repetitions in the morning, afternoon and evening, but each time - all 5 exercises and in a strictly specified sequence.

When to practice

It is best to do “Eye of Rebirth” gymnastics in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset. If you break the complex into two times a day, then the first cycle should be completed before noon, since the time of the evening series begins later.

Is it possible to skip days of classes?

To have an effect, you should not miss days of classes more than once a week. With a long break, there is a danger that your body will begin to degrade much faster than it did before you started the practice.

If you are sick and physically cannot perform 21 repetitions of each exercise, perform 3 repetitions, but do not skip a day.

If it happens that you skip more than one day, start with fewer repetitions than what you are used to, and then gradually return to 21 repetitions.


It is important to monitor your breathing: it should be full and uniform, it is important to maintain the same breathing rhythm in all exercises (except the first, where breathing is free), i.e. there should be the same duration of inhalation-exhalation and breath-holding time (except for exercise 6, where the delay is maximum). The depth of breathing is of great importance, since it is the breath that serves as the link between the movements of the physical body and the control of etheric force. Therefore, it is necessary to breathe as fully and deeply as possible when performing the ritual actions of the “Eye of Rebirth”. The key to full and deep breathing is always the completeness of exhalation, so you should always start with a deep exhalation. Inhale should always be through the nose, exhale can be through the nose or through the mouth, whichever is more convenient for you. For full breath It is important that the exercises are performed on an empty stomach (in the morning after waking up and on an empty stomach, in the evening 2 hours after eating).


It is better to perform all exercises, except the first one, with your eyes closed so that your attention does not wander, and also in complete silence.

Water treatments

After completing the complex, it is useful to take a warm bath or shower; you can wipe your body with a towel soaked in warm water and wipe dry.

You should not wash yourself after practice (for at least an hour after performing the complex) with cool and, especially, cold water - this can cause pathological and even irreversible changes in the body.

For severe illnesses

Check with your doctor to see if you can do this set of exercises if you suffer from dizziness, Parkinson's disease, Minière's disease, multiple sclerosis, have had a previous heart attack or surgery in the last 6 months, are taking pills that may cause dizziness, have uncontrolled high blood pressure, pregnancy period, with serious problems with the spine, enlarged thyroid gland.

Transformation of self-awareness

And here's what Peter Kalder writes:“’s no secret that some people look old at forty, while others seem young at sixty. The key factors here are psychological attitude and the intention to stay young. If you yourself, despite your chronological age, feel young, your biological age will “adjust” to the setting of your self-awareness, and others will also perceive you as a young person. When I began to practice the Eye of Rebirth, I did everything possible to completely eliminate from my consciousness my own image of an old and frail person. Instead, I formed my own internal image of a gentleman in the prime of his life. And then he filled this mental form with energetic content in the form of an unbending intention to be young and strong. Intention made the power aspect of will work. Well, the result is here it is, in front of you.

For many, this transformation of self-awareness turns out to be a daunting task, since it is terribly difficult for most people to break out of the shackles of formed mental attitudes. Believe it or not, there are a huge number of human beings who cannot do this even under the threat of real death. They don't have enough energy to form an intention. They are trained to firmly believe that the human body is programmed to grow old, wither and die. The practice of the “Eye of Rebirth” gives them the necessary energy. Unexpectedly for themselves, they begin to feel more and more energetic. And they begin to believe in the possibility of revival. Well, what happens next is a matter of technology. Their outlook on life begins to change radically, and after a while those around them notice the changes that have taken place in them...”

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Mar 22 2017


The monks of a forgotten monastery in Tibet would remain unknown if they had not revealed the secrets of their health, vitality and longevity. Their Eye of Renaissance gymnastics, which consists of five exercises, was first discovered in the 1930s but became popular in the late 20th century. Get to know them better for better health.

What is the Eye of Rebirth

5 Tibetan pearls - this is the name of the Eye of Revival practice, because it consists of five simple exercises from a physical point of view. They are difficult from the spiritual side, because they require maximum concentration and special technology to perform. Tibetan monks perform Eye of Rebirth gymnastics daily for 10-20 minutes. Exercise affirmation reinforces a person’s habit of working on the body and can help improve his psychological and physical condition.

According to the Tibetan monks who developed the Eye of Revival technique, human body There are 19 energy centers - vortexes, seven of which are main, and the rest are secondary. These formations are located near the joints, rotate quickly, providing the body with energy. In case of illness or illness, the speed of the vortices slows down, which impairs the flow of prana (vital matter) to the organs. The Eye of Revival exercises help return the flow of energy to a healthy state and feel the flow of energy.

What does the Eye of Rebirth give?

It was developed by monks for a reason breathing exercises Eye of Rebirth - 5 Tibetan exercises. It helps to launch energy vortices and normalize their speed when performing ritual actions. The Eye of Rebirth exercises are similar to regular yoga; they give the body health and youth, launching vital processes. Thanks to them they leave extra pounds, but the Tibetan practice is universal not only for losing weight - if a person is underweight, he gains it without problems.

Tibetan exercises for rejuvenating the body

From technology correct breathing Tibetan rejuvenation gymnastics begins with five pearls of the Eye of Revival. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth, making the sound “he”. Tibetan monks advise putting all irritation, anger and fatigue into the exhalation in order to release them from yourself. When performing the Eye of Rebirth exercise scheme, exhalation occurs when power section, inhale - on starting position.

Learn to perform the exercise while standing with a relaxed body and clear head, then proceed to perform full deep yogic breathing. It is divided into three phases of lung movement:

  • lower diaphragmatic - while inhaling, lower the diaphragm down, push your stomach forward so that the lungs fill with air, draw in the perineal area;
  • middle pectoral – try to tighten your stomach so that the intercostal muscles expand chest;
  • upper clavicular - straighten your shoulders without lifting up, let your neck muscles lift your upper ribs without straining your chest.

The exhalation continues with similar three exercises - first, relax the perineum, lower the ribs and collarbones. When performing the Tibetan workout, pull in your stomach, lower your shoulders, and squeeze your buttocks. This tone should accompany the body for the entire duration of the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics. For complete energetic immersion in yourself, close your eyes, follow the sequence of exercises without changing their sequence.

5 exercises of Tibetan monks

After mastering real yogic breathing, start doing 5 Tibetan exercises every day:

  1. Stand up straight, extend your arms to the sides. Rotate around your axis from left to right until you feel slightly dizzy. Close your eyelids and take several full breaths to stop your head from spinning. This exercise is considered a warm-up exercise.
  2. Lie down on a soft mat. Stretch your arms along the body, place your palms with clenched fingers on the floor. Exhale, take a full breath, hold, raise your head, press your chin to your chest. Without bending your knees, lift your legs vertically up without engaging your pelvis and shoulders. Fix at the top point for a couple of seconds, exhale through your mouth, relax your neck. Smoothly tilt your head and legs, repeat.
  3. Get on your knees, place your feet on your toes, extend your knees hip-width apart, and keep your hips vertical. Place your palms on your thighs, completely fill your lungs with oxygen, and stretch your chin toward your chest. Exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, tighten your neck muscles. Inhale through your nose, raising your head vertically. Keep your chest relaxed, stick out forward, and push your shoulders back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. At the same time, move the back of your head back, stretch your neck as much as possible, and hold for a couple of seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
  4. Sit on a light mat, straighten your spine, relax your chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your palms side by side so that they are not pulled behind your back, close your fingers and point forward. Tilt your chin to your chest, exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, stretch your neck. Inhale, lift your head, move your body forward, sliding slightly, and up to stand horizontally. Roll your heels in place. Tighten your muscles for a couple of seconds. The correct position of the body looks like this: hips and torso in a horizontal direction, shins and arms in a vertical direction (by analogy with table legs). Exhale, return to the starting position.
  5. Make an effort lying down, arch your back or get on all fours. Rest your body on your palms and the balls of your toes. Do not touch your knees and pelvis to the floor, point your hands forward and clasp your fingers. Place your arms vertically and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Exhale through your mouth, move the back of your head as far back as possible. Stretch your vertebrae, round your spine with your chest extended and your shoulder blades squeezed together. Fix, exhale, stand in an acute angle, with your buttocks up. Try to stand with your heels on the floor, straighten your knees, and “drown” your lower back towards your stomach. Try to bring your shoulder blades together. Place your chin on your chest, keeping your arms and back straight. Tighten as much as possible, exhale intensely through your mouth, and return to your original state.

All five Eye of Rebirth exercises are done three times per workout, in slow mode. The regime is maintained for a week, then every seven days the number of repetitions is increased by two until they reach 21 times. There is also a sixth exercise of Tibetan gymnastics, the Eye of Revival, which is included in the complex in the form of 3-9 repetitions. This exercise redirects free energy and dissolves the sexual desire that has arisen. The position is not recommended for women who are menstruating and for those who are not ready to give up sex completely.

Stand up straight, take a deep breath, squeeze the sphincters of the urinary and anal openings, tighten the pelvic and perineal muscles. Quickly bend over, place your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely with a thick “hah” sound. Strongly draw in your stomach, straighten up, place your chin on the subjugular notch, keeping your hands on your waist. Keep this rhythm until the air runs out, release the tension in the diaphragm, straighten your head, inhale, catch your breath, repeat.

How to do Tibetan gymnastics

Eye of rebirth - gymnastics of Tibetan monks is done in accordance with strict rules:

  • we must not forget to train - once you start performing the Tibetan Eye of Rebirth complex, you will have to do it every day for the rest of your life, otherwise the body will degrade more than it was before;
  • You can’t do more than 21 repetitions, strictly observe level increases every week;
  • after the Tibetan set of exercises, lie down and relax;
  • optimal time conducting the Eye of Rebirth training – immediately after waking up in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset and on an empty stomach;
  • after four months of frequent training, you can start doing the exercises twice a day - 21 repetitions in the morning, three in the evening, adding twice every week until you reach 21;
  • You can’t overexert yourself and overwork, let discomfort;
  • between two ritual actions (the first rotations do not count), take pauses - stand straight, put your hands on your waist, and perform smooth breathing;
  • if it is difficult to perform a repetition, break them into 2-3 parts: in the morning - the first 10 or 7 repetitions, in the evening - the second 11 or 7, plus in the afternoon - 7 times;
  • after the Eye of Rebirth training, it’s good to take a slightly cool bath, shower, wipe your body from sweat with a warm, damp towel, dry off, cold water not recommended to use;
  • There are no contraindications for performing the Eye of Rebirth.

Eye of Rebirth for Women

Followers of the technique sometimes claim that the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics is not intended for women because it was developed by male monks. This is not true - exercise is beneficial for any gender because it increases metabolism and increases blood circulation, which triggers the regeneration process. As a result, the body loses weight if it is overweight or gains weight if it is underweight.

Five Tibetans for Beginners

The basic rule of gymnastics is that Tibetan yoga for beginners is accompanied by teaching breathing techniques. When performing the Eye of Rebirth exercises, you should start with just three repetitions of each type, which will take 8-10 minutes. You need to perform the training strictly according to the rules, without changing the order of the classes, preferably in the morning. Additional sports and proper nutrition won't hurt.

Video: 5 pearls of Tibetan gymnastics

Eye of Rebirth - reviews from practitioners

Marina, 27 years old I am interested in Eastern culture and do yoga, so I have heard a lot about the Tibetan Eye of Revival. I was intimidated by daily exercise, but I decided to give it a try and I don’t regret it. In just a month, I have gained so much energy that I don’t know where to direct it. My back pain disappeared, I began to sleep better and lost a couple of kilograms.
Maxim, 39 years old A friend told me about the Tibetan practice of the Eye of Rebirth, who has been doing it for two years in a row without a single break. He began to look noticeably better without additional exercise and changing eating habits. I also decided to try it, I'm doing three repetitions for now, but I already like it.

Eye of rebirth - reviews from doctors

Natalya, 44 years old I work as a fitness trainer, so I know most of the weight loss practices. As for the Eye of Rebirth, I can say that the technique works, because as a result of its execution, calories are burned, which is equivalent physical activity. Exercise is done daily and is beneficial. There are different reviews about the Eye of Rebirth, but there are more positive ones with photos.
Evgeniy, 40 years old I am a practicing yogi, so I can say that the Eye of Rebirth is one of the most strong training with the effect of preserving vital energy - prana. In my classes, after six months, people got rid of spinal curvature, excess body weight and became more cheerful.
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Eye of Renaissance - Tibetan gymnastics

Today I will introduce you to the third health practice of the “Tibetan hormonal method” “Eye of Renaissance”.
“Eye of Renaissance” is the oldest Tibetan gymnastics, for those who want to develop further, it includes the Five Tibetan Rituals (exercises), now they are also called the “Five Tibetan Pearls” or “Five Tibetans”.

Exercises “Eye of Renaissance” are very simple to perform
and is feasible for everyone, takes 10 minutes,
but they are incredibly valuable because:

  • breathe life into us, activating the flow of energy in our 12 energy centers,
  • rejuvenate,
  • improve health,
  • make our body flexible and mobile.

If you do them daily, you will feel the results very soon.

Tibetan gymnastics exercises “Eye of Renaissance”:

  • Do it with an open window, or better yet, on the street (receiving the energy of the Earth), lightly dressed,
  • Set yourself up to do things with pleasure and in a good mood,
  • On an empty stomach (i.e. before breakfast or dinner),
  • Slowly, taking 2-3 deep breaths in between,
  • Every day, even better 2 times a day: in the morning (before 11 o’clock) and in the evening (no later than 2 hours before bedtime),
  • Be sure to follow the recommended sequence of exercises,
  • Starting with 3 repetitions of each exercise, gradually adding 2 repetitions per week, up to 21 repetitions of each exercise.

Tibetan gymnastics exercise schedule “Eye of Renaissance”:

Week 1, perform 5 repetitions of each exercise in the morning.
Week 2: Perform 7 repetitions of each exercise in the morning.
Week 3: Perform 9 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 4: Perform 12 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 5: Perform 15 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 6: Perform 18 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.
Week 7 We perform 21 repetitions of each exercise in the morning and evening.

This schedule will allow you to gradually approach the implementation of the full complex, without haste, and you will feel improvements in your well-being from the 2nd week of practice.
Subsequently, the effect will increase more rapidly.

while doing Tibetan exercises

Before you begin to perform the “Eye of Revival” complex, you need to learn to breathe deeply, since breathing combines the movements of the physical body with the energy of the body.
Standing straight, in a relaxed state, we take a deep breath with our nose, starting from the stomach, then the middle and upper (clavicular) parts of the lungs.
Afterwards, we exhale deeply through our nose (or mouth), also starting from the stomach. Hold your breath for as long as you can.

Eye of Rebirth Video

Description of the Tibetan exercises "Eye of Renaissance"


Tibetan Exercise No. 1:

We stand straight, arms extended horizontally at shoulder level to the sides.
We begin to rotate clockwise around our axis. Starting with 3-5 spins per day and working up to the 21st. If you feel dizzy, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Listen to your body, if you need to sit down and take a break, do it. The dizziness will go away in a couple of weeks.
As you rotate, you will feel sensations of energy and color bands moving, try to project them into your body and feel a single energy field around you, which then rises up, protecting us from diseases, relieving us of fears, sadness and sadness.

Tibetan Exercise No. 2:

We perform it lying on our back, on a mat or towel, legs extended, arms along the body, pressed to the floor, exhale completely, emptying the lungs of air.
Inhale deeply through the nose, at the same time we raise our head, pressing it to our chest, and our legs up, at an angle of 90 degrees or more, our knees are straightened, and we do not lift our back and shoulders off the floor.
Exhale through your nose or mouth, and slowly lower your head and legs to the floor, relax for 1-2 seconds and repeat the exercise.
We listen to ourselves and, if necessary, rest, restoring our breathing. You need to breathe in the same rhythm as you perform the movements.
During the exercise, concentrate your attention in the abdominal area (solar plexus) and create the sensation of kindling a fire in this energy center.
This exercise will strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, improve metabolism and digestion.

Tibetan Exercise No. 3:
repeat the exercise 21 times (without stopping)

We kneel down, shins hip-width apart, toes curled, feet at right angles to the floor. The palms lie on the back of the thighs under the buttocks. The body is straight and relaxed, chin on the chest, exhale deeply through the nose, starting from the stomach.
Inhale through your nose, throw back your head, stretching your neck as much as possible, sticking your chest forward, pull your shoulders back, trying to connect your shoulder blades, bend at the waist, help yourself with your hands, resting them on your hips.
As you exhale, return to the starting position, chin on chest.
During each movement, move the fire vortex from the solar plexus to the base of the neck.
To relax, you can take the fetal position for a few minutes: sit on your heels, relax your whole body, lie on your knees, lower your head to the floor, arms along your legs, palms up, relaxed.
This way we will strengthen our immune system, improve blood circulation, so our throat will hurt less often, and we will get rid of hoarseness.

Tibetan Exercise No. 4:
repeat the exercise 21 times (without stopping)

We sit on the floor, legs straightened and hip-width apart. We place our palms on the floor parallel to our hips, fingers forward, press our chin to our chest, full release, body relaxed.
Take a deep breath, fill your lungs, lift your pelvis off the floor, lift it up parallel to the floor, form a bridge, and throw your head back. We hold for 1-2 seconds, tensing all the muscles of the body.
Exhale, relax and return to the starting position, chin on chest.
When lifting the body, we direct the fiery stream from the neck along the body to the tailbone and hold it in this area.
To relax, to relax your back muscles, from a sitting position with your legs extended forward, lower your chest and stomach onto your legs spread apart and take a few deep breaths.
This exercise strengthens sexual energy by stimulating the energy center that is responsible for our sensuality, develops creativity and grounds us.

Tibetan Exercise No. 5:
repeat the exercise 21 times (without stopping)

Starting position: lying down: lean on your palms and toes, standing shoulder-width apart, knees and pelvis do not touch the floor, bend your spine, straighten your shoulders, bending in the thoracic region, throw your head back, exhale deeply, strain your gluteal muscles by 1-2 seconds.
As we inhale, we rise uphill with our nose (the body forms a triangle), we press our chin to our chest, our arms and legs remain straight, we try not to lift our legs off the floor, we hold for 1-2 seconds.
As you exhale, we return to the starting position.
At the end, for a break, it’s good to take a few deep breaths and exhalations.
Perform the exercise barefoot and on a non-slip floor.
When bending, the emphasis is on the tailbone, we feel a clot of energy there. When going uphill, we direct energy to the top of the head and back.
The fifth ritual increases the flow of energy throughout the body in both directions, brings relief from arthritis of the hips and back, and improves blood and lymph circulation.

P.S. After completing a set of exercises hormonal gymnastics it is very correct to drink a glass of warm, temperature 40 degrees, which will start lymphatic system and washes the walls of the esophagus.
It is also important to rebuild it correctly; if there is a need, come to us and our doctors will help you do it as correctly as possible for you personally.

Anyone who wants to master all five healing techniques of the “Tibetan Hormonal Method” - come and master:


The Eye of Rebirth system was described by Peter Calder in his book published in 1938.

The book tells the story of British Army Colonel Henry Bradford, who traveled to Tibet in search of lamas (Tibetan monks) to learn practices that promised health and youth. During his narration, the colonel describes six exercises, which are the “Eye of Revival.”

WITH English language The book was translated by Andrei Sidersky, making it an interesting and instructive work of art.

Today the book can be found on the Internet absolutely free. Without any commercial interest, the book attracted millions of fans. And even those people who have never been interested in spiritual practices begin to practice the “Eye of Revival”, inspired by the successes of others. And this can only mean one thing - “The Eye” works!

Everything ingenious is simple

It would seem that the exercises are too simple to have such a strong healing effect! However, let's figure it out.

First, if you haven't exercised in a while, even the three reps Peter recommends starting with won't be easy for you.

Secondly, in his book he calls the technique not exercises, but ritual actions, which, in turn, are aimed at reversing time - gaining youth, which means it is not an ordinary physical therapy, and practices that require the correct moral, mental attitude, adherence to the correctness physical actions and breathing.

Six rituals of the "Eye of Rebirth"

You are probably already impatient to find out: what are these six pearls of Tibet? Let's move on to practice.

Ritual First

The starting position for the first ritual action is standing straight with your arms extended horizontally to the sides at shoulder level. Having taken it, you need to start rotating around your axis until you feel a slight dizziness. In this case, the direction of rotation is very important - from left to right.

Ritual Two

The starting position for the second ritual action is lying on your back.

Stretching your arms along your body and pressing your palms with your fingers tightly connected to the floor, you need to raise your head, pressing your chin firmly to your sternum. After this, raise your straight legs vertically up, while trying not to lift your pelvis from the floor. If you can, raise your legs not just vertically up, but even further “towards you” - until your pelvis begins to lift off the floor. The main thing is not to bend your knees. Then slowly lower your head and legs to the floor. Relax all your muscles and then repeat the action again.

In this ritual action, coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding your lungs of air. While raising your head and legs, you should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, and while lowering, exhale the same way. If you are tired and decide to rest a little between repetitions, try to breathe at the same rhythm as during the movements. The deeper the breathing, the higher the effectiveness of the practice. If it is still difficult for you to lift straight legs, do the ritual with your knees bent.

Ritual Three

The starting position for him is kneeling. The knees should be placed hip-width apart from one another so that the hips are positioned strictly vertically. Hands with palms resting on back surface thigh muscles just under the buttocks.

Then you should tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Throwing our head back and up, we protrude our chest and bend our spine back, leaning our hands slightly on our hips, after which we return to the starting position with our chin pressed to our sternum.

At the very beginning, you should exhale as deeply and completely as in the first. When bending back, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale.

Ritual Four

To perform the fourth ritual action, you need to sit on the floor, stretching your legs straight in front of you with your feet located approximately shoulder-width apart. With your spine straight, place your palms with clasped fingers on the floor on either side of your buttocks. The fingers should be pointing forward. Lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Then tilt your head back and up as far as possible, and then lift your torso forward to a horizontal position. In the final phase, the hips and torso should be in the same horizontal plane, and the shins and arms should be positioned vertically, like table legs. Having reached this position, you need to strongly tense all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest. Then - repeat it all over again.

Breathing is also a key aspect here. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing your head back, take a deep, smooth breath. During tension, hold your breath, and when lowering, exhale completely. While resting between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm.

Ritual five

The starting position for it is to lie down in a bent position. In this case, the body rests on the palms and toes. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. The hands are oriented strictly forward with the fingers closed together. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same.

We start by throwing our head back and up as far as possible. Then we move to a position in which the body resembles an acute angle, with its apex pointing upward. At the same time, with the movement of the neck, we press the head with the chin to the sternum. At the same time, we try to keep the legs straight, and straight arms and torso to be in the same plane. Then the body will appear to be folded in half in hip joints. That's it. After this, we return to the starting position - lying down in a bent position - and start all over again.

The breathing pattern in the fifth ritual action is somewhat unusual. Starting with a full exhalation while lying in a bent position, you take as deep a breath as possible while “folding” your body in half. This results in some approximate resemblance to the so-called paradoxical breathing. Returning to the point-blank position, bending over, you exhale completely. Stopping at the extreme points to perform a tense pause, you hold your breath for a few seconds after inhaling and after exhaling, respectively.

Ritual Six

The sixth ritual is associated with the renunciation of sexual life. Here's what Kalder writes in his book:

The transmutation of the lama's sexual power is accomplished through the sixth ritual act. It can be practiced only when the presence of sexual desire is felt in the body, which signals the presence of a sufficient amount of free energy. Performing the sixth ritual action is as follows: standing straight, you take a deep breath, squeeze the anal sphincter, bladder sphincter, tense your muscles pelvic floor and the bottom of the front wall of the abdomen, and then quickly bend over, resting your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely through your mouth with the sound “Ha-a-a-h-h-h...”, trying to remove all the air from the lungs completely, including called residual; after this, you draw in your stomach as much as possible by tensely lifting your diaphragm up and relaxing the front wall of your abdomen and straighten up.

In this case, the chin should be pressed to the subjugular notch, the hands should lie on the waist. Having maintained the position with your stomach pulled in for as long as possible - as long as you can hold your breath - relax your diaphragm, raise your head and take a deep breath as calmly as possible. After catching your breath, repeat. Usually, in order to redirect free energy and “dissolve” the sexual desire that has arisen, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual action at a time.

As a training, the sixth ritual action is performed once a day in a series of no more than nine repetitions. You should master it gradually, starting with three times, and adding two every week.

For the rest of the exercises, Kalder advises starting with three repetitions, increasing them by two per week up to 21 times.

Answers to some questions

Is Tibet really the birthplace of these exercises?

The book describes that Colonel Bradford was trained by Tibetan lamas, but their names are unknown. We only know about Lama Ky, who took him to the monastery. Practitioners compare this technique with Tibetan Yantra Yoga (trul-khor) practiced in the Vairocana tradition. Therefore, we can safely believe that Tibet is the birthplace of the “Eye of Renaissance”.

Why does Kalder call exercise ritual actions?

Kalder emphasizes that ritual actions require clarity and concentration, as well as regularity in execution. Only one missed day per week is allowed. That is why the actions described in the book cannot be called simply exercises or gymnastics.

How does the body rejuvenate and cleanse itself?

Doctors testify (as will be discussed below) about improved blood circulation, lymph flow, and much more, which in turn improves the functioning of all organ systems.

Tips before starting ritual actions

Before starting practice, it is better to familiarize yourself with the recommendations on the technique of its implementation in order to do everything correctly and achieve maximum effect.

1. The frequency of performing rituals in the first week is three times. Next, we increase the frequency of repetitions twice a week and increase them to 21 times. The last, sixth action is recommended to be repeated from 3 to 9 times, no more.

If at any stage you find it difficult to increase the number of repetitions, stay with the result of last week. After some time, you can begin to increase their number again.

2. Practice time. It is best to do the exercises in the morning on an empty stomach, but you can also start doing the rituals twice a day: morning and evening.

3. Execution technique. For many of us, it is quite difficult to perform rituals from a book, focusing only on pictures and descriptions. There is a great temptation to make them from videos posted online. However, they can only be recommended as a support - for a general understanding of the poses.

Try to do everything exactly as Kalder describes, this will help achieve maximum effect.

4. Skipping classes. One way or another, you will encounter days when you have to miss practice. This may be due to travel, being late for work, etc. However, it is recommended to perform at least three repetitions. It's better than skipping practice altogether.

5. Incomprehensible reactions of the body. Since the practice is quite powerful and has a healing effect, you may encounter a backlash from the body. When it is detoxified, various chronic ailments may begin to emerge and manifest themselves in nausea, pain, dizziness, and darkening of the eyes. Do not under any circumstances regard this as side effect or a reason for stopping rituals. It is important to understand that the body is being cleansed and now all the dirt is coming out of it. If you stop, the old ailments will continue to live on fertile soil.

However, monitor your body; if symptoms are not related to the practice or last too long, consult your doctor.

It is not recommended to start taking medications for new symptoms. Let them go on their own. During adaptation, you can reduce the number of repetitions of rituals. Also try to drink more water, it will help you cleanse yourself faster.

Changes in diet may also be beneficial. It is advisable to reduce the amount of meat, fats, coffee, dairy products, and bread. For those who smoke, it is recommended to reduce the number of cigarettes. By the way, practice has helped many people quit this bad habit.

I'm 60 and I practice these exercises daily! Gone overweight, my thyroid returned to normal, and seasonal colds forgot their way into my home.

The secret of the youthful appearance and vigor of Tibetan monks, kept in deepest secret hundreds of years, has become available to everyone.

Execution 5 simple exercises, which are not without reason called "Tibetan pearls", gives an impressive result: relieves diseases, rejuvenates, restores visual acuity, hearing, normalizes weight, increases endurance and performance, gives a charge of vigor and good mood.

We tried this technique on ourselves and was finally convinced: Tibetan "Eye of Renaissance" It really doesn’t take much time, and when done regularly, the body is filled with vital energy, the muscles are filled with strength, and thoughts are tuned into a positive mood.

Tibetan pearls

Exercise No. 1

The first exercise involves rotating clockwise. Raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing down. Start rotating clockwise around your axis until you feel slightly dizzy. Try to breathe slowly, evenly and deeply. At first, do 3 rotations, but gradually increase their number to 21. After completing the exercise, stop, fold your arms in front of your chest and wait until the dizziness completely disappears.

Exercise No. 2

Lie on your back, arms along your body. Exhale as much as possible. Inhaling smoothly and deeply, lift both legs up at an angle of 90°, reaching your head towards your chest. Try not to lift your pelvis or bend your knees. As you exhale smoothly, return to the starting position.

Start with three leisurely repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 21, no more. After performing the second pearl, lie on your back and relax for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise No. 3

Get on your knees, legs parallel to each other, toes resting on the floor, palms on your buttocks. As you exhale, tilt your head to your chest, while inhaling, throw your head back, bend slightly and stick out your chest. As you exhale, tilt your head toward your chest again, continuing to combine bending with breathing. Do 3 to 21 repetitions. After completing the exercise, restore your breathing and rest for 30–60 seconds.

Exercise No. 4

Sit on the mat, place your palms on the floor, fingers facing forward. The legs are straight, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the head is tilted towards the chest. As you inhale, roll from heel to toe, lift your pelvis up and throw your head back.

Stay in this position for a few seconds, tensing all your muscles. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Start with 3 smooth repetitions, eventually building up to 21. After completing the fourth pearl, rest for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise No. 5

The final Tibetan pearl is the upward-facing dog. Stand upright, lying on your hands, bend over, palms and feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. Tilt your head back and exhale. As you inhale, lift your pelvis and move into the downward-facing dog position (slide pose). The chin reaches towards the chest, the legs are as straight as possible, while the body resembles an acute angle.

As you exhale, return to the starting position, remembering to breathe. Don’t be afraid, over time you will get the hang of breathing correctly: inhale while bending your body, and exhale while unbending. Perform from 3 to 21 repetitions, it depends on your preparation.

In order for the Tibetan practice of rejuvenation and healing to bring the desired result, you must adhere to a few simple rules for its implementation.


  1. The most important rule is regularity! Do a set of exercises once a day, avoiding skipping. If you want to achieve maximum effect, increase the number of repetitions: 1st week - 3 repetitions of each exercise, 2nd week - 5 repetitions, 3rd week - 7 repetitions, and so on up to 21 repetitions in 10 weeks of practice.
  2. The best time to perform the Eye of Rebirth is in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Another important condition for quickly achieving results is correct, even, deep breathing through the nose.
  4. If you find it difficult to perform this or that exercise, do not overexert yourself. It is better to do fewer repetitions, but with high quality.
  5. After completing each exercise, do not forget to give yourself a minute of rest, relax and restore your breathing.

There are a huge number of oriental exercises and complexes, but this one is perhaps the most effective. 5 Tibetan pearls They give a charge of vitality, tone muscles, normalize the functioning of all organs and systems, but most importantly, they nourish the mind and soul. Start doing this set of exercises today and feel how you change inside and out.