Oxysize breathing. Oxysize for the belly

Any woman who wants to lose weight and have toned body, searches the Internet for the most gentle diet and “smart” set of physical exercises. It is no secret that in our time many different sets of exercises have appeared that promise to help get rid of excess weight. There are many about Bodyflex alone positive feedback. Pilates, Callanetics and Yoga are not far behind in popularity. However, not everyone knows about this effective complex, like Oxysize.

Description of the complex

Oxysize is a modern set of exercises designed to combat overweight. It is based on correct breathing technique. Oxygen is the main destructive force for fat deposits. When it enters the human body, it combines with carbon, which is found in fats, after which they are quickly excreted, and the body is tightened and acquires beautiful contours. People who are familiar with Bodyflex may notice a subtle similarity with Oxysize, but these are different complexes.

Much to our surprise, this complex has no contraindications. Experts say that even pregnant women can do it if they want to stay in good shape and feel great during pregnancy.

Anyone who cares about their health can safely start exercising. Your figure will soon take on new shapes, you can easily regain your prenatal parameters, and also realize your dream of becoming fit and slim, with a minimum amount of effort.

Oxysize or Bodyflex

Bodyflex has long been known to millions of people around the world. It has its own reputation and followers, but Oxysize has not been practiced in Russia for very long - only a couple of years. And despite this, this complex already has many fans. There is nothing strange in this, since Oxysize has clear advantages over Bodyflex:

Nutrition principle

The creator of the Oxysize technique, Jill Johnson, recommends four meals a day. You should also give preference natural food, fruits, vegetables, products containing fiber. She fully described these recommendations in her book, which is dedicated to Oxysize. At the same time, you should give up fried, fatty and sweet foods. The daily calorie intake is about 1500−1700 calories. If such numbers cause you slight bewilderment, then have no doubt - breathing exercises will burn you subcutaneous fat and improve metabolism.

Burning fat in problem areas

How does fat burning occur in problem areas? Does this complex itself identify problem areas? No. There is a simple explanation for this - you yourself know perfectly well the areas that need to be worked on and through tension you mentally direct oxygen there.

Do you need to work on your buttocks and remove a couple of extra centimeters from there? Just tense your gluteal muscles during exercise, and oxygen will flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

Lesson results

The main goal of Oxysize is to combat extra centimeters on your body. But if in addition you switch to proper nutrition, you will stick daily norm calories and eat quality foods, the result will be amazing - “ orange peel" will no longer spoil your mood, as it will completely disappear!

Cellulite is a real scourge for women and Oxysize can help you get rid of this problem. Your state of mind will improve, apathy and depression will go away, and you will be full of energy and strength. Blood flow will also improve due to the large supply of oxygen. You will forget what headaches and blood pressure problems are.

Your libido level will increase, which is important for every person. Oxysize will give you a fulfilling sex life.

Oxysize for beginners

Oxysize is created for those who do not have a lot of free time, but have a desire to change their figure and remove the hated centimeters. The complex will take 15-20 minutes of your time, but after a few days you will notice changes and the first results. The stomach and waist will decrease by several centimeters, and positive changes will also be visible in other areas of the body.

Correct breathing

There are two types of breathing:

  • chest;
  • diaphragm.

Many people breathe incorrectly, namely chest breathing, dooming themselves to a lot of problems and illnesses. When breathing through the chest, the air does not have the opportunity to circulate normally throughout the body, as a result of which the blood does not carry the required amount of oxygen. This leads to headaches, feeling constantly tired and general resentment.

To determine how you breathe, you need to:

  1. Dress in comfortable, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
  2. Put left hand on the stomach, and the right one on the chest.
  3. Inhale deeply and then exhale.

How did you feel? Did your left arm become closer to the vertebra during inhalation? If yes, then you are breathing correctly. This is the diaphragm type of breathing, which is definitely worth switching to, even if you don’t plan to do Oxysize.

Now you need to sit down and breathe properly for 2-3 minutes. In this case, you should not strain your shoulder muscles; your body should be in a free position. Feel how the air actively circulates throughout your body, reaching the most remote corners.

Breathing technique for beginners


  1. It is necessary to take a very quick and sharp breath through the nostrils, and not through the mouth. Thus, the air that has entered your body is heated and purified. Breathing should be exclusively diaphragmatic.
  2. Smile! For yourself and the whole world, feel an unprecedented surge of energy. When you smile, you involuntarily widen your nostrils, so the air passes through more easily and quickly. In addition, when you smile, your facial muscles tighten.
  3. Relax, let it go abdominal muscles will be in a calm state in order to prepare for the strongest possible inhalation.



After performing this breathing exercise four times, you will do one repetition basic breathing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding Oxysize exercises.

Is the complex suitable for pregnant women?

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time for any woman, so it is very important not to harm the child and yourself. It is necessary to consult with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy, since only he can know about your health condition.

It should be noted that the Oxysize method contains special exercises for pregnant women. However, they are best performed under the supervision of a trainer.

Is it possible to study after? caesarean section?

After surgical interventions, and even more so after a cesarean section, you should avoid almost all physical activity for six months. The Oxysize training program is also contraindicated. After 6 months, you need to consult a doctor, and if there are no contraindications, you can start exercising.

What exercises are there for the neck and face?

All exercises of the complex contribute not only effective weight loss, but also help tighten the skin. It affects the muscles of the abdomen, neck, face, arms, legs and buttocks. So get busy training program, do basic breathing exercises, and after a few weeks you will notice that your muscles are perfectly toned and the shape of your face has changed.

Number of calories burned

This complex burns calories in a very short time. For example, when practicing this training method, 140% more calories are burned than on an exercise bike. In this case, the calculation time is taken to be the same.

Oxysize breathing exercises are new technique fight against excess weight. This complex is based on correct breathing technique. At the same time, the oxygen entering the body begins to combine with carbon, which is located in fat cells. This promotes their rapid removal, the body begins to tighten and acquire beautiful shape.

Oxysize has no contraindications. And many medical experts claim that this complex is suitable even for pregnant women. This allows them to stay in shape and feel great throughout the entire period of bearing a baby.

Correct breathing technique

Before considering the technique correct breathing, let us highlight several advantages of the Oxysize system over other types of similar gymnastics. For example, Bodyflex is also a breathing exercise that has been practiced for many years. But Oxysize exercises have been practiced in Russia relatively recently. But despite this, they have already won many fans. Their popularity is associated with several nuances.

For example, the Oxysize system does not require any sound accompaniment, while Bodyflex provides for the pronunciation of loud sounds in some exercises. In addition, they must be performed according to a special time schedule.

But Oxysize breathing exercises can be done at any time, even after meals. The main thing is that your stomach is not too full. Also, they do not require additional training equipment or special premises. Classes can be held anywhere.

As for the correct breathing technique, the following should be noted: all inhalations and exhalations consist of three stages. Initially, you need to take a sharp and quick breath through your nose. In this case, the air will be heated and pre-cleaned. Next you need to smile. This will speed up the flow of oxygen through the nostrils. And besides, smiling will help tighten your facial muscles. And then you need to relax as much as possible.

The abdomen should be pulled in as much as possible, and the muscles of the buttocks and genitals should also be tensed. Next you need to take 3 more breaths. They will help to work all the muscles of the face, neck and abdomen, and also fill the lungs with air as much as possible. When performing Oxysize exercises, this inhalation technique is considered correct.

Next, you need to curl your lips into a tube and exhale as much as possible. Such actions should lead to severe tension in the chest area. It is important not to lower your head or relax your buttock muscles. In the same way, perform 3 more exhalations. This will increase the volume of your lungs for the next inhalation, as well as keep your abdominal muscles in constant tension. After completing 4 inhalations and exhalations, you will perform 1 repetition of the basic breathing of the Oxysize system.

Oxysize exercises for weight loss

Oxysize breathing exercises allow you to effectively lose weight in a short period of time. This requires a minimum of time and effort. This system of exercises for beginners is designed for 7 days. In the first lesson you need to perform only 6 exercises, and then they gradually increase.

To perform the first exercise, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, point your chin up, and tighten your buttock muscles. With our hands we help to pull in the lower abdomen and try to lift it up towards the ribs. In this position, we perform one approach of basic breathing.

The second Oxysize breathing exercise is performed from a similar position. Only in this case you need to raise your left hand and reach up as high as possible. You should also perform 1 set of basic breathing. The third exercise is performed similarly to the second, but the working hand changes.

The fourth Oxysize exercise for weight loss is performed from the starting position. Hands need to be pulled back and joined into a lock. Then lift them up and perform one repetition of basic breathing. For the fifth exercise, you need to rest your feet on the floor, as if spreading the surface with them. In this case, you should strongly strain the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Next, during basic breathing, you need to perform slow movements pelvis forward and backward.

For the sixth exercise, you need to clench your hands into fists and bring them together in front of you at the level chest so that their appearance resembles the letter “o”. When performing basic breathing, it is important to monitor your posture so that your shoulders are in a relaxed state. You also need to tense the muscles of your arms, back and chest.

This set of Oxysize exercises takes only 15 minutes. But by doing it regularly, you can notice significant results within a week. The proposed exercises are included in the basic training program for the Oxysize system. And after the first week of performing them, the number of repetitions should be increased from 3 to 5 times.

Oxysize exercises for the abdomen and waist

The basic complex of breathing exercises can be supplemented with exercises for the abdomen and waist. The first of these is the side stretch. To perform it, you need to stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and extend your left arm up. Next, you need to tilt to the right, but your posture should be straight.

In this position, you need to perform one repetition of basic breathing, and then return to the starting position and perform 2 more repetitions of breathing. Next, you need to change your working hand and perform 3 repetitions of breathing.

Another Oxysize exercise for the abdomen and waist is bending forward with breathing. To do this, you need to stand up straight and bend down as far as possible. It is important to keep your back and legs level. Next, you should perform one inhalation and one exhalation using the Oxysize breathing system. Then return to the original position and perform three more tilts.

A triangle with basic breathing also works well. To do this, you need to spread your legs as wide as possible from a standing jumping position. Extend your arms to the sides and lower your left hand slightly towards your leg so that a visible triangle is formed. In this position, perform one repetition of basic breathing. Repeat the exercise for the second side.

4.8 out of 5 (5 Votes)

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Oxysize exercises for weight loss are absolutely not difficult. Rather, it is not so easy to perform them regularly, without skipping days, and without reducing the intensity of training. Yes, this daily work will allow you to lose excess weight, get healthier, rejuvenate and overcome neuroses.

About how to do oxysize exercises - read below.

Oxysize correct breathing technique – exercise video, diagram

Oxysize base– correct breathing, so you need to pay attention to it first. The founder of the system, J. Johnson, believes that until you have brought your breathing to automaticity, you should not move on to exercises. So, it’s better to devote a couple of weeks to working on the technique breathing oxysize 10-15 cycles daily.

Oxysize breathing technique, video:

  • How to stand: straight, bending your knees slightly. The body should be relaxed up to the hips. The abdomen is pulled up to a third of your maximum retraction. With a straight lower back, the pelvis should be slightly pushed forward. Don't forget about correct posture, i.e. about your shoulder blades coming together.
  • How to inhale: nose, at the same time, tilting the pelvis forward, “straining” the abs and contracting the buttocks. Then smile and tighten your abs and buttocks more, taking 3 gusty breaths.
  • How to exhale: Feel your lungs full of air and begin to exhale. Gradually exhale through your lips with a “tube”, loosening your buttocks and turning your pelvis. Then, as when inhaling, take 3 sharp “exhalations.”

Oxysize gymnastics - the correct technique for performing exercises - video

  • Lateral stretch. The waist and abdominal area are involved. How: From the standard position, raise your right arm up and lean to the right. In this case, the body should be almost parallel to the floor, i.e. in the same plane with the pelvis. Hold the stretch and take several breaths. Then change your position to your left hand. And so, 3 times for each hand.

  • Wall squat. The legs, buttocks and chest muscles work. How to: Stand in the basic position against a wall, lean your back against it and slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Where to put your hands? Bring them together palm to palm in front of your chest. Take several breathing cycles in this position. And so, 3 times.
  • Normal squat. Being worked on inner side thighs and buttocks. How to: Squat in the same position as above, only without a wall and not deeply. At the same time, try to spread your legs, separating the floor under your feet. For each squat – 4 cycles 3 times per workout.

  • Chair push-up. All muscles tense. How to: Sit on the edge durable chair and secure yourself with your hands. Then move your buttocks forward further so that the emphasis is only on your toes and palms. Freeze and breathe for 3-4 cycles. Repeat this breathing exercise for oxysize weight loss several times.
  • Wall push-ups. With an emphasis on developing arm strength, abs, gluteal muscles, back and legs.How to: Arms under the chest with palms parallel. Do a push-up and when you feel maximum tension, straighten your body and stand on your toes. Then do several breathing cycles. Repeat the exercise about 3 times.
  • Rocket launch. Intense load and stretching important muscles bodies.How to do it: lying on the floor, pull your toes up and put your hands behind your head. It's like you're being pulled into different sides simultaneously. Then breathe in for a few cycles. This oxysized breathing exercise is great to finish off your workout.

  • Cobra stretch. The area of ​​the back and abdomen is tense.How: lying on your stomach, rest on the palms of your hands, which should be placed under your chest. Then straighten your bent elbows, feeling the tension in your abs well. The pose is a bit like a push-up, but your hips don't lift off the floor. So, several cycles 3 times.

Oxysize exercises, video:

Oxysize is natural remedy to prolong youth and normalize weight . Many women say that after just a month of training, not only did their excess weight disappear, but their skin condition also improved and cellulite disappeared. Some note a persistent increase in mood and performance.

Thus, oxysize is really effective, especially in a cumulative sense - The longer you practice, the deeper and more lasting the result.

The oxysize breathing technique has gained great popularity recently. This revolutionary weight loss system helps you burn fat naturally. By performing oxysize exercises, you will not have to resort to diets or fasting. It is based on simple breathing exercises that are accessible to everyone, and you can do it without leaving your home.

Thanks to the simple oxysize technique, you can make your body toned, like after visiting the gym. The author of the program is American Jill Johnson, who was once overweight. Before publishing it, the woman tried it on herself, and the results were stunning. In some ways, such activities are reminiscent of bodyflex, but there are also distinctive features.

At the core breathing technique there is a whole set of exercises. When performing gymnastics, oxygen entering the body is distributed to all problem parts of the body. The oxygen entering inside begins to react to fat accumulations. Under the pressure of the reaction, fat begins to decompose into water and carbon dioxide. You won’t have to wait long for positive results; they will appear quite soon. The volume of the abdomen, hips, and arms will quickly begin to decrease.

There is another type of gymnastics called bodyflex. It is believed that both of these methods are almost identical. The bodyflex technique also helps to achieve a weight loss effect. But the oxysize technique has many advantages, among which the following should be highlighted.

When performing bodyflex exercises, you need to shout out sounds. There is no need to do this in the oxysize method. This is an important fact, especially for women with children. In most cases, they are forced to take care of themselves when the babies are sleeping, so everything needs to be done very quietly.

Due to the fact that you do not need to hold your breath while performing a set of exercises, there are no contraindications for it. Thus, engage breathing exercises everyone can do it without exception.

There is no need to go on grueling diets or exercise in parallel with oxysize exercise. All you need is proper nutrition. It is best to switch to at least 4 meals a day. It is advisable to give preference to natural products, and all fatty foods should be removed from the diet.

Deep breathing helps you relax and you immediately feel a surge of strength. Not required special training and you don't have to be an athlete to do these exercises.

You also don’t have to purchase any equipment or leave your home. No investment required. Exercises will help eliminate sagging skin of the arms and abdomen, as well as fight cellulite.

It is enough to spend only 20 minutes on classes every day. Therefore, the technique saves time. Even this time is enough to obtain the desired result.

Thus, despite the similarity with bodyflex, oxysize looks much more attractive.

Rules for using the method

The duration of the classes is 20 minutes, you can do more if you wish.

Before you start performing a set of exercises, you should measure your initial volumes. This is necessary for further evaluation of the result.

Mastering proper breathing techniques is a very important procedure. Before starting classes, you should take a breath test. It consists of the following: inhale and then exhale, at this time pay attention to whether your stomach inflates. If this happens, then breathing is performed according to the rules.

The main rules of the oxysize technique:

  • conduct classes every day;
  • the total number of exercises should be at least 30;
  • do not eat for about three hours before classes;
  • After training, eat only an hour later.

Breathing exercises using the Marina Korpan method

Also the founder of breathing exercises is Marina Korpan. Her breathing technique is aimed at delivering oxygen directly to those parts where volume reduction is required. Korpan advises everyone to start classes with a short warm-up, which allows you to practice basic breathing.

In her methodology, Marina Korpan gives detailed descriptions classes that, in essence, resemble bodyflex. Inhalation should be done through the nose. In this case, the person performing the exercises should be as relaxed as possible, their shoulders should be lowered. During inhalation, the abdominal area should inflate, and the chest should remain motionless. Smile while doing the exercises, because this widens the nostrils and, accordingly, more oxygen enters. In addition, a smile helps the facial muscles rejuvenate.

After the first breath, you should try to pull your buttocks in as much as possible, and then take three more short breaths.

Exhale should be done through the mouth, the lips of which must be folded into a tube. Air should be blown out of the body with great force. Do not relax the buttock muscles and do not forget to smile. After a deep exhalation, take three more short breaths. You must keep your head straight and not lower your head.

Marina Korpan advises doing the warm-up within 4 times.

Main types of exercises

After warming up, you can safely proceed directly to the exercises themselves. The set of classes is aimed at working various muscles, from the arms and legs to the waist and hips.

For the purpose of losing weight, the following oxysize exercises are very popular.

Ab workout

Abdominal exercise diagram

The following must be accepted starting position: Stand straight, knees should be slightly bent. Relax. Move your hips forward a little, pull your stomach in.

During the stance, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the lower back should be kept straight and not bent. Having taken this position, you need to perform the same exercises as during warm-up.

Squats that reduce hip size

Starting position: stand with your back to the wall, leaning on it, and start squatting. When the hips take a parallel position relative to the floor, you should begin to reproduce breathing.

At this time, the palms of the limbs must be brought together at chest level. Repeat the exercise three times.

Wall push-ups with hands

We stand in front of the wall, lean against it and do push-ups.

When you feel a surge of strong tension in your arms, stand on your toes, then straighten your body. It is after taking this position that you begin breathing exercises, which should be repeated three times.

Exercise "Cobra"

This type of training will strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. To begin, take the following position: lie face down on the mat, stretching slightly back, placing the palms of your hands in front of you.

The hips should be in a stationary horizontal position. At this time, the abdominal muscles will stretch well and you can begin to perform breathing exercises.

Exercise "Rocket"

According to the method of M. Korpan, exercise promotes the development of all muscles: arms, abdomen, buttocks, etc. It is very useful for tightening the waist muscles. Consequently, the weight loss effect will apply to all types of muscles.

Lie face up on the floor. Having spread out comfortably, stretch out as much as possible, as if they are trying to stretch your body to the sides. While stretching your arms and legs, begin to breathe. Similar exercise is also present in bodyflex.


As practice shows, both oxysize, bodyflex, and the technique authored by Marina Korpan are indispensable for weight loss. Thanks to these exercises, you can well tighten the muscles of the arms, waist, in particular the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Moreover, everything happens naturally without hunger strikes and various kinds of diets. Only, unlike bodyflex, oxysize is carried out in complete silence. Thus, by performing exercises, you can acquire a beautiful and attractive body.

Breathing exercises for weight loss - an effective way to lose fat in unnecessary places with a minimum of effort. A technique that gives excellent results, is Oxysize - exercises involving breathing, conducted in static poses. Enough grueling training in gyms and strict diets - relax and properly pass air through your body, the extra calories will melt away without a trace.

Developed this gymnastics American teacher Jill Johnson. She herself suffered from excess weight and was looking for a way to give her figure the desired shape without resorting to physical activity or restrictive diets. This is how Oxysize exercises appeared - a revolutionary method of losing weight, a simple and physiological way to lose pounds without straining.

Johnson does not have a medical background, so the program has been thoroughly researched by renowned physiologists, who have confirmed that it really helps tighten muscles and get rid of excess fat deposits.

What processes does breathing exercises activate:

  • relaxes nervous system;
  • gives muscle tone;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • invigorates and reveals energy potential;
  • dulls the feeling of the head;
  • participates in digestion, helping food to be digested faster.

How does this work

The Oxysize program is based on certain exercises, thanks to which oxygen penetrates the body faster and in larger volumes and burns excess fat by accelerating metabolism. Breathing should be abdominal - during inhalation and exhalation, all abdominal muscles are used. The diaphragm contracts and tenses more actively, stimulating increased blood circulation in all organs.

To start losing weight with Oxysize, you just need to learn proper breathing techniques and control muscle tension during exercise.

Training mode

The only way to achieve results with the Oxysize technique is regular breathing training. By skipping even one or two classes, you take a step back, because muscle tone increases gradually and only with constant exposure. Perform daily 20-minute exercises and achieve the desired success!

It is recommended to do Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss in the morning before breakfast or after drinking a glass mineral water. If you don’t have enough time in the morning, do it necessary exercises You can do it at lunchtime or in the evening, the main thing is that the last meal is 2 hours before class.

After training, you can eat within 10 minutes.

There are some nutritional requirements that must be met:

  • do not drink sugary carbonated drinks;
  • give up fast food and food with dyes and preservatives;
  • follow a diet, eat small, balanced portions;
  • Do not disturb the water-salt balance, drink enough liquid.

After about 10 days of breathing exercises, the first achievements will become noticeable. You will feel a surge of energy and vigor, and your body will begin to improve.

Why breathing exercises are effective

  1. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. This is an excellent method to get rid of the habit of “eating” stress. The amount of food you eat will decrease, which will certainly affect your figure.
  2. Once in the body, oxygen oxidizes fat cells. The more it comes in, the faster the process of their destruction goes.
  3. Fat cells serve as reservoirs for harmful toxins, trying to protect vital organs from their effects. By doing Oxysize exercises, 60% of toxins are converted into gases that leave the body during exhalation.
  4. Oxygen supplied through deep breathing is a positive factor for the development of an alkaline environment and maintaining pH. In this environment, adenosine triphosphate molecules become most active and convert incoming food into vital energy. All of it is consumed without being stored in reserve in problem areas of the body.

Oxysize breathing exercises - video

How to breathe and lose weight using the Oxysize technique? With the help of a virtual instructor, you can learn basic breathing techniques that will be useful to you in the fight against extra pounds.

Oxysize gymnastics with Marina Korpan

Fitness trainer Marina Korpan adapted the Oxysize method for weight loss for Russian women.

It is based on delivering oxygen to those places that need work. The girl recommends starting a set of exercises to establish breathing with light warm-up in a relaxed position. A total of 4 warm-up approaches are done.

After you have mastered basic exercises breathing exercises, combine them with muscle strengthening and stretching tasks.

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss

Exercise 1 – basic breathing exercise

  • stretch your lips into a smile and inhale as much air as possible through your nose, trying to completely fill your lungs;
  • take three short breaths in a row, raising your lower abdomen and tensing your gluteal muscles as much as possible;
  • Without opening your lips, exhale, while pulling in your stomach as much as you can;
  • Take 3 exhalations to empty your lungs.

Exercise 2 - Rocket

  • lie on your back on the floor and stretch your body as much as possible;
  • pulling your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and repeat sighs - 1 deep, 3 short.

Exercise 3 – Cobra

  • lying on your stomach, place your hands in front of you and pull back;
  • Without lifting your hips from the floor, raise your body slightly while performing basic breathing exercises.

To see more more exercise using the Oxysize method, a video with Marina Korpan is offered for viewing.