Traveling by bicycle - is it easy to master cycling tourism? Cycle tourism as a phenomenon Cycle tourism in different countries of the world

Cycling tourism is one of the most common types active recreation. This is due to its great popularization and the interest of modern people in healthy way life. So what is the appeal of cycling tourism?

The only means of transportation is your two-wheeled friend. On it, a person will have to go through routes that include objects of an excursion nature (specific and general tourist). However, even this would seem to be quite in simple form tourism has its own characteristics, unknown to beginners.

Despite all the popularity of solo cycling, it is team cycling that is developing more. We are attracted to him various groups on social networks, broadcasts on forums, and the usual word of mouth. In terms of the complexity of such races, they can be simple or not very simple (when, for example, you have to drive 200 km a day). However, the latter option is more likely intended for experienced cyclists rather than beginners.

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In addition to regular cycling trips, there is also sports cycling tourism, in which participants cover distances along a specific route. For overcoming difficulties and obstacles, as well as for distance and speed, they receive new ranks and titles.

But still, the most attractive type of recreation for a novice tourist who wants to have a good time and enjoy the soul and body is a regular bicycle trip. It allows you to explore the cultural and natural attractions of various areas.

Laying out such routes can be very simple and involve long stops and even overnight stays. According to this criterion, cycling trips are divided into several types:

  1. A one-day trip does not include overnight stays. They usually leave early in the morning and return in the evening of the same day.
  2. Weekend trip (WTD) - includes one overnight stay. Departure takes place early on Saturday morning and return on Sunday evening.
  3. Multi-day cycling trip - can include several overnight stays and any number of days. Usually these are long routes, sometimes intercity or even interstate.

How to prepare for traveling by bike

Since bike touring is extremely accessible, many beginners believe it is easy and does not require special training. However, it is important to understand that you can get caught in small things - this will later lead to negative emotions and a complete discrepancy between expectations and reality. Therefore, let's discuss the main points of preparation for a cycling trip:

2. Plan your route in advance (calculate duration, stop times, evaluate the quality of local roads).

3. Take a first aid kit with you.

  • This is important:

4. Learn the rules traffic.

The last two points are especially important - your life and health depend on them.

How to prepare your bike for a hike

Before you go on a bike ride (especially alone), carefully check the condition of your steel friend. Please note the following:

  • Are the brakes working properly?
  • Is the steering wheel securely fastened?
  • Are the carriages, chains, bushings lubricated?
  • whether the chambers are releasing air;
  • Are there any damages to the tires?
  • Is the saddle adjusted?
  • are the knitting needles intact?
  • check the presence of lights and reflectors;
  • equip your bike with mirrors (rear and front).

Select the necessary equipment:

  • special cycling clothing (it will protect against hypothermia or, conversely, excessive sweating);
  • tourist backpack;
  • helmet;
  • gloves;
  • knee pads, elbow pads.

Cycling tourism in different countries of the world

Today you can rent a bicycle in almost any city. However, will it be possible to ride it with pleasure? The key to a successful trip (especially for beginners) are specially designed paths and parking lots. Let's look at where you can find them.

Cycling tourism in Russia is only gaining momentum. Among Russian cities, we can highlight St. Petersburg, Ryazan and Yekaterinburg - they have the largest number of bicycle paths. In Moscow, Perm, Ufa and many other cities they also exist, but very few.

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Bicycle tourism Ukraine is also developing, but bike paths began to appear relatively recently. Now these are the following cities: Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Lvov, Odessa and Mariupol. However, so far they are represented only on some streets.

As for cycling tourism in Europe, its countries are more developed in this regard, since there are cities literally designed for bicycles. The cycling infrastructure of Germany, France, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands and Spain is encouraging. But among more distant countries we can highlight China and the USA.

Benefits of cycling tourism

Bring any type of vacation, and we will tell you how much less profitable it is than cycling tourism. The answer lies on the surface - in order to travel on a bicycle, you do not need fuel or fuel. Moreover, in cycling tourism it is very common to travel through narrow passages. Often there is a lot of beauty there too. Will you be able to reach such places by vehicle? No, of course not. A car has much larger dimensions than a bicycle. I would also like to note that traveling by bicycle is much faster than traveling on foot.

What is attractive about cycling tourism?

Don’t forget about the main advantage of bicycles – riding them helps improve your condition and improve your health. This means that by participating in cycling excursions, you will not only enjoy picturesque places, but also spend active leisure time. Bicycle tourism provides a lot of benefits to the participant. First of all, time. As a rule, such events do not require so much when compared with other types of tourism. But if you wish, you can significantly increase the time you participate in cycling tourism.

By the way, there are two types of cycling tourism. Now we’ll tell you about them. Let’s do this so that we can find a suitable option and understand why cycling tourism is attractive.

Types of cycling tourism

Bike tours. This is a fairly popular and sought-after type of cycling tourism. Represents travel by bicycle, without excess cargo. As a rule, all necessary luggage is stored in the vehicle that accompanies the group. Participants in such cycling tourism eat in various cafeterias and other establishments; overnight accommodation occurs in hotels

Bicycle trips. There are colossal differences this type cycling tourism. The main difference is that participants will have to carry everything they need. Secondly, the route largely consists of those places in which there is no civilization at all. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to enjoy the benefits of civilization. This is worth considering when you choose the right type.

It should also be noted that a sport that is included in the concept of cycling tourism is sports cycling tourism. There are six categories of travel difficulty in this sport. Most easy stage-300 km. This is one of the features of cycling tourism. The point is that there are so many varieties.

By the way, cycling tourism is quite popular in the West. Moreover, in some countries the development of such a direction of cycling tourism as adventure tourism has begun. In Russia, cycling tourism is not in such demand, but abroad, travel agencies organize various tours to exotic and hard-to-reach places. Yes, on bicycles. This is the next feature of cycling tourism.

If you want to choose this type of tourism, you can find similar offers on our guide exchange. In addition, if necessary, you can choose a guide who will take you through the picturesque and interesting places. This way you can understand why cycling tourism is attractive.

Cycling tourism as a phenomenon

In addition, an important point is life in cycling trip. We understand what is meant bike tour as part of a group, which means communication with others like yourself))). This means housing, meals, etc. everyone is part of the group. This has its advantages. More fun - no doubt. Of course, I mean spending the night in campsites and specifically in tents. At the end of a hard day, it’s nice to sit around a fire or just at a table by candlelight, having dinner, discussing the past day, sharing impressions. Again, new acquaintances.

I would especially like to mention the overnight stay in campsites. If you are learning this type of recreation for the first time, then you will have to experience this wonderful feeling of spending the night in a tent. About campsites in Finland, their features and rules, you can read in the article " Camping in Europe."

It is clear that the athlete’s task is somewhat different – ​​distance. In Norway we met cyclists from Spain who rode 1,470 km in less than three weeks. This is, as you understand, a different type of recreation.

Maybe my thoughts turned out to be a little chaotic, but I conveyed one thing, in my opinion, quite accurately.

Cycling tourism- it’s still recreation and sport)).

One of the most low-cost and exciting types of tourism is. To take advantage of this type of travel, you need not only a bicycle, but also good physical fitness.

History of the bicycle

According to some sources, the first mention of human movement on structures with wheels dates back to the 15th century. But the development of the bicycle as a mode of transport began only in the 19th century.

So a certain Ludwig Dreis designed a controlled front wheel. Its length was 2.4 meters, and the wheels were 30 inches. On such a scooter he traveled 100 kilometers in almost 7 hours. Somewhat later, Pierre Michaud, in 1860, installed two pedals on the front wheels of a scooter, and two years later such scooters began to be mass-produced, and received their name - bicycle. As soon as a bicycle appears, it immediately begins to undergo various reconstructions and changes. A tube frame appears and rubber is put on the wheels.

Beginning in 1870, a certain Hilman began producing and selling the first all-metal bicycles with high wheels. Such a wheel was twice as large as a wheel modern bicycle. First low bike with a chain drive appeared in 1885 and it was called “Rover”, and its weight was 20 kilograms. In 1888, after the invention of tires that were filled with air, the real heyday of the two-wheeled bicycle began.

In 1950, the famous Italian cyclist Tullio Campagnolo invented the derailleur, which is used in this form today on most modern bicycles.

The improvement and reconstruction of the bicycle continues into the twentieth century. So in 1974 they began to produce bicycles made of titanium, and since 1975 - from carbon fiber. The year 1983 was marked by the invention of the bicycle computer, and in the early 1990s the spread of the index gear shift system began.

Types of bicycles

Modern bicycle manufacturers produce the following range of bicycles.

Road bike. This bike is designed to travel at high speeds on high-quality asphalt. These bikes set records in multi-day cycling races such as the Tour de France, Giro di Italia, Welta, as well as Olympic Games. When developing the design of such a bicycle, manufacturers primarily optimize speed characteristics. The cost of such bicycles is quite high, since they are intended for high-class professionals, and is about 10-20 thousand US dollars. The cost of bicycles for beginner cyclists is around $300, and for improved designs up to $1000 and above.

MTB (mountain bike). These bikes have some differences. So they have a slightly smaller wheel diameter, unlike road ones. The frame of such a bicycle is made of slightly increased strength. Since mountain bikes have to operate in rather difficult road conditions, then such new products as hydraulic brakes and suspension forks, were created specifically for mountain bikes.

Road and mountain bikes are united by the fact that the designs of such bicycles were developed taking into account the achievement maximum speeds under different race conditions. When using such bicycles, cyclists often sacrifice ease of use and riding comfort in the name of achieving maximum speeds.

City bike (citybike). The name itself speaks about the range of its application; it is intended for driving on city streets. In its design it is similar to the “road” one. The design of such a bicycle uses multi-speed planetary bushings, which require almost no constant maintenance, and which make it possible to change gears in any condition, without even pedaling.

Touring bike (touring). A bicycle of this type is intended for traveling on tourist routes. These can be country trips for one or two days, as well as multi-day autonomous transcontinental trips. In my own way appearance and its design is similar to road bike, however, they have increased stability and make it possible to move comfortably with a significant load.

Tourists on bicycles

Of all existing species travel tourism on bicycles is the most profitable. Unlike motor vehicles, a bicycle does not require fuel, it can travel where no other type of transport can pass, in difficult-to-reach areas it can be carried by hand, and in emergency cases it can be taken with you on a train. Traveling by bicycle is much more pleasant than using public means of transport, and the speed of movement is much higher than that of a pedestrian, and there are no problems at all with a backpack.

There is probably no person who does not know how to ride a bicycle, because almost everyone learns how to ride a bicycle. childhood. Nowadays, the industry produces a wide range of road and touring bicycles that are easy to ride, quickly pick up speed and brake easily, and at the same time weigh little. In addition, for this type of travel there is a special clothing, which makes it possible to feel quite comfortable in any weather conditions.

Traveling by bicycle improves your health. Cycling helps strengthen the muscles of the legs; in addition, the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular system body. Bicycle trips can be short or long. As you can see, traveling by bicycle has become one of the popular types summer holidays and entertainment.

There are two types of bicycle travel - bike trips and bike tours. Bicycle tour participants travel without luggage, as it is usually transported in an accompanying car. They eat in cafes and restaurants, and stay overnight in hotels or campsites. When taking part in a bicycle trip, you will not always be able to take advantage of the benefits of civilization. This is due to the fact that the route can pass through places where there are none at all.

As a sport, there is also sports cycling tourism, in which six categories of hiking difficulty are distinguished. So the length of a cycling trip of the first category of difficulty should be at least 300 km.

Cycling tourism in the West is very popular, and in some countries a type of tourism business called adventure tourism has even begun to develop. Travel companies began to organize trips to the most inaccessible and exotic places - tropical forests, mountains and deserts. According to some data, every year about a million people travel around Europe by bicycle. In countries such as Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Germany he travels by bicycle large number people, and the number of bicycles exceeds the number of cars. For the convenience of cyclists, special paths and bicycle parking areas are designated on the roads.

If you look at the development of cycling tourism in Russia and Ukraine, very little attention is paid to it. Anyone who is interested in cycling tourism must take care of everything himself. First of all, you need to plan your travel route. Try to keep it away from highways and busy roads. Such a route must take place along country roads, dirt or asphalt, but in good condition. This route will be the safest, and the air will be much cleaner. When drawing up a route, it is necessary to calculate its duration and rest times, taking into account the physical capabilities of the participants in the hike. Particular attention should be paid to equipment that will protect the head, arms and legs. Clothing should be bright so that drivers vehicles they could easily notice you on the road.

We also invite you to watch a video about cycling tourism in the USA.

Bicycles can be ridden on almost any road, path or simply on a flat surface. Driving a bicycle in your hands, it is easy to overcome various obstacles while moving along the route: cross ravines, cross sand, ford a river. Cyclists have greater opportunities to choose their travel route: the speed of a cyclist is several times higher than the speed of a pedestrian.

During the day of movement, trained cyclists, depending on various conditions The hike (weather conditions, route complexity) can cover from 40 to 120 km. In addition, when hiking, the cyclist does not need to carry hiking equipment: he can attach it to the bike.

Bicycle tourism in Russia arose in the late 1890s. In 1895, a society of cyclists - tourists was organized in St. Petersburg. Already at this time, lovers of cycling trips organized long trips: from Moscow to St. Petersburg, from St. Petersburg to Paris.

Currently, the attractiveness of cycling travel is growing, especially after the availability of various types bicycles and increased opportunities for cycling trips.

Each participant in a cycling trip must be fluent in the technique of cycling, be able to prepare a bicycle for the trip and keep it in good condition.

There are certain age restrictions for young cyclists. Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle on the road, and those over 14 years of age are also allowed to participate in bicycle tours. Must be well understood

Traffic rules and responsibilities of a cyclist as a driver of a vehicle

Any bicycle, both road and sports, is suitable for cycling and hiking.

Road bike has a strong frame and wide tires. The handlebar height of a road bike can be adjusted. Details road bikes are manufactured with a large margin of safety. This bike goes well on rough unpaved roads, as well as on sand and gravel.

U sports bikes less weight, lighter wheels with narrow tires, they have an easier ride and good maneuverability. Sports bikes It is preferable to use when driving on hard-surfaced roads (asphalt or concrete).

When preparing for any cycling trip, it is necessary to carefully inspect the bicycle, identify and eliminate malfunctions and deviations in operation, especially moving parts, wipe and lubricate all rubbing parts, check wheel balancing and tire inflation, brake operation, and strengthen the trunk. After this, you need to try the bike on the go.

In preparation for the trip it is necessary to think over and select equipment taking into account the duration and complexity of the route. A cyclist’s equipment, in addition to the usual things needed on any hiking trip (tent, backpack, dishes, fire equipment, etc.), must include a repair kit (even on a one-day hike). The repair kit includes: kit wrenches, pliers, screwdriver, rubber glue, patch rubber, scissors, bicycle pump and spare parts (spare tire or tube, nuts, washers, ball bearings, spokes, brake pads, etc.).

From clothing for a cyclist You must have with you two pairs of shorts and T-shirts with short sleeves, a cowboy shirt, a light cotton suit, short (knee-length) trousers or shorts, three to four pairs of cotton socks and cycling gloves. In case cold weather You need a wool sweater, wool socks, gloves and a storm jacket. As a headdress, you can take a light Panama hat or a hat made of cotton fabric with a visor.

When hiking, cyclists usually make do with two pairs of shoes.: for movement - sneakers with hard soles, for relaxation - slippers or sandals.

Organization of traffic on the route

You can travel by bicycle throughout the country. However, novice cyclists are recommended to areas where flat roads prevail, passable in any weather, and most of the routes go through wooded areas.

For cycling trip it's best to choose roads local significance with asphalt or sand and gravel surface. Expressways and federal highways are not recommended for cyclists due to their increased danger due to heavy vehicle traffic and high air pollution above them.

Multi-day hikes and bicycle trips are usually carried out in groups of 4-6 people. Such a group is considered the most compact and mobile, capable of quickly providing the necessary assistance to a tourist injured in a traffic accident and eliminating a technical malfunction of the bicycle. An adult supervisor is required.

When moving along the route, climbs and descents require a lot of attention from tourists.. Short and gentle climbs can be overcome on foot, long and protracted climbs are best done on foot.

On descents, cyclists should slow down from the very beginning of the descent., maintaining a distance of 10-12 m. Sharp turns on descents should be driven at low speed, since at high speed the bicycle can skid. It must be taken into account that the side of the road can be very loose and you should move onto it very carefully to avoid falling due to a sharp decrease in speed.

It is recommended to make a technical stop 20-25 minutes after the start of movement. Such a stop is carried out to check the technical serviceability of bicycles and eliminate identified deficiencies. The speed of movement on the route for beginner tourists is 10-12 km/h. You should not get carried away with high speeds, as this requires not only significant physical effort, but also increased attention in driving a bicycle, which deprives a person of the opportunity to see the beauty of the surrounding nature.

The daily routine of cyclists depends on the time of year and the hiking area; the day's trek should end 1 - 2 hours before dark.

Ensuring the safety of a bicycle trip

The most important condition for ensuring the safety of a cycling trip is strict adherence by all tourists in the group to the Traffic Rules.

Speed ​​while driving along the route it is necessary to maintain it taking into account the condition of the road and reduce it on descents, especially on roads with poor surfaces, as well as when driving on a wet highway or a dirt road with puddles.

You cannot continue along the route at dusk and at night, as well as when visibility on the road is poor due to fog or heavy haze. If it is necessary to move in such conditions, the bicycle should be carried in your hands, observing the rules for pedestrian movement on the roads.

You need to constantly monitor the condition of your bike, carrying out its technical inspection daily, and immediately correcting any malfunctions and deviations in operation.

High discipline during cycling also ensures safety.

Test yourself

■ Why is cycling tourism attractive and what features need to be taken into account when preparing for it?
■ What age restrictions exist for young cyclists?
■ What should you pay attention to first when preparing your bike for a hike?

After classes

Select the basic safety precautions you need to take along your cycling route and write them down in your safety diary.

Make a list of things and tools that you would take with you on a multi-day bike trip.