The health benefits of swimming. Swimming

To maintain a healthy spine, special attention must be paid to physical activity. Correct loads help strengthen ligaments and muscles, make the back more flexible, and improve posture. Options for physical activities There are many, but the most optimal of them is swimming. It’s not for nothing that orthopedists and vertebrologists prescribe swimming to their patients: regular swimming classes significantly speed up the treatment process and are considered an excellent prevention of relapse. Let's look at how to properly swim in the pool for various spinal diseases.

Most problems with the spine are caused by improper distribution of the load, which entails thinning of the intervertebral discs, compression of the roots, and deterioration of blood flow.

It allows you to partially unload the spinal column, but still its main task is to strengthen the back, as well as to develop the joints and ligamentous-muscular apparatus to increase flexibility. However, not all exercises are easy for the patient the first time: some movements require significant effort and can cause pain.

Exercises in the pool in this regard have a huge advantage: in water, the load on the spine is reduced to a minimum, and swimming movements help to use almost all muscle groups without feeling discomfort. That is, swimming allows you to relax and train your muscles at the same time. The effectiveness of such exercises is many times higher than that of conventional physical education, so recovery in most cases occurs faster.

Swimming also has other positive aspects:

  • improved coordination of movements;
  • increasing endurance;
  • general hardening of the body;
  • normalization of heart and lung function;
  • increased flexibility of joints and spine;
  • improved posture;
  • relieving emotional stress.

The location of the activity is of great importance. There are significant differences between swimming in a pool and open water, and not in favor of the second option. Firstly, the pool can be visited regularly all year round(and it is regular exercise that gives a positive result), while an open reservoir is available only in the warm season. Secondly, the pool has everything you need to properly organize classes and you can always get help from an experienced specialist.

Contraindications for swimming

Swimming for the purpose of health has no restrictions on age and level of training, but there are certain contraindications for health reasons:

  • serious pathologies of the cardiopulmonary system;
  • skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis and others;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • any disorders of the central nervous system.

Before you sign up for the pool, you need to be examined and consult with your doctor to avoid negative consequences for health.

As for the inability to swim, this is not at all an obstacle to training: with the help of specialists, you can quickly learn to float on the water and master basic techniques. In addition, there are special sets of exercises in water, for which you do not need to be able to swim. They may be slightly less effective at swimming, but still provide best result than activities on land.

Who are suitable for swimming pool classes?

Healthy swimming helps to cope with most problems associated with the spine. Depending on the severity of the condition, the course of treatment has different intensity and duration, and the swimming style is selected individually, based on the diagnosis.

Indications for visiting the pool are:

  • curvature of the spine (lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis) of any degree;

  • osteochondrosis;

  • intervertebral hernia;

  • bruises and spinal injuries;

  • rehabilitation period after spinal surgery;

  • posture disorders.

As a rule, to correct posture and for kyphosis, it is recommended to swim on your stomach, without vigorously throwing out your arms. With osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia backstroke is preferred. With scoliosis, the swimming style is selected depending on the location of the curvature, focusing on asymmetrical movements of different parts of the body. Now let’s take a closer look at the most popular ways to train the spine in the pool.

If you want to learn more in detail, as well as familiarize yourself with the basic exercises, you can read an article about this on our portal.

How to swim to benefit your spine

In order for swimming to bring only benefits, several simple conditions must be observed.

Regardless of the chosen style, you need to start classes with a warm-up to prepare the body for the load. To do this, work on land cervical vertebrae, tilting your head from side to side, move your arms, make several tilts of the body back and forth, rotational movements clockwise and back. Pay special attention to warming up your legs: rotate your feet one at a time, do squats.

Basic swimming styles for intervertebral hernias

With a vertebral hernia, you can injure your back with any careless movement, so not all swimming styles are suitable for people with this diagnosis. The main emphasis should be on traction of the spinal column, with minimal loads on the area where the hernia is localized. It is recommended to conduct classes regularly 2-3 times a week, the session duration is at least an hour.

The most common style is crawl. You need to swim on your stomach, alternately throwing your arms forward. Leg strokes are intense but short; you need to work with your shins and feet, keeping your hips together. With each stroke, the rotation of the body is minimal, most of all the shoulder muscles. You need to keep your head slightly tilted.

Video - How to swim crawl

Another popular style is breaststroke. Here the arms are thrown out symmetrically: first forward, then spread out to the sides and to the sides. The same movements are made with the legs. During the stroke, only the shoulders rise from the water; the head must be kept tilted at all times. When straightening your body, you should stretch as much as possible, trying to keep your back, arms and legs in one line.

Video - Breaststroke technique

Gives excellent results combined swimming method. The arms are thrown out alternately, the head is held straight, the movements of the legs are smooth with a short amplitude. Do two strokes on your stomach, then turn onto your back, 1 more stroke - and again turn onto your stomach. You can do 2 strokes on your stomach, 2 on your back, whichever is more convenient for you.

Swim on your back possible in three ways.

  1. The first is simpler: alternately perform strokes with your arms and work intensively with your hips. The head and chest remain above the water at all times.
  2. The second method is more difficult: you need to straighten your arms behind your head and join your palms, movements are carried out only with your legs. It is important here to keep your balance and not turn your body from side to side. The head and chest should remain above the water.
  3. The third method involves symmetrical backward strokes with the arms while immersing the body under water. The main difficulty lies in regulating breathing when, when waving your arms, your head goes under the water.

Video - Backstroke. Footwork technique

In the first lessons, it is enough to swim 150-200 meters so as not to overload the muscles. The length must be increased gradually, adding 50-70 meters each time. After class, be sure to relax your spine by simply lying on the water. You can do this on land: stand straight, stretch your arms well up, and slowly bend over. Next, you need to sit down, bend your head to feel the tension in the back muscles, and fix the position for 1 minute. Next, slowly straighten up and stretch well again.

If you want to learn in more detail, as well as consider a description of the technique with instructions and tips, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Swimming for scoliosis and poor posture

To improve posture and straighten the scoliotic curve, it is recommended to spend more time swimming on your back, which allows you to increase the impact on problem areas. Although it is also useful to swim on your stomach, and eat enough effective techniques to straighten your posture.

Execution stepsDescription

You need to take a kalabashka (a special device in the form of a light, shaped float), hold it between your shins or feet, and straighten your arms along your body. The chest and face should rise above the water. In this position, you need to learn to hold your body without much effort.

Lying on your back, you need to perform intense movements with your legs. The arms are straightened along the body, the chest protrudes above the water. To make sure that your body movements are correct, you can put it on chest Kalabashka: if it doesn’t slide into the water, you’re doing everything right.

For training cervical spine you need to take a plastic glass, fill it halfway with water and, lying on the water, place it on your forehead. Moving only your legs, you should swim so that the water from the glass does not splash.

Lying on your back, alternately throw your arms back behind your head in a straight line. Leg movements are moderate, the face should be above the water at all times.

The Kalabashka must be pressed with your feet, then lie on the water with your stomach, hold your breath and straighten up. Arms should be extended along the body. Stay in this position as long as possible.

Lying on your stomach, perform symmetrical strokes with your hands using the breaststroke technique, and move your legs using the crawl technique. When the arms are waved, the body rises above the water, the head is lowered forward.

They perform breaststroke swimming: the arms are symmetrically thrown forward and spread to the sides, the same movement is repeated with the legs.

Rows should be done while inhaling, straightening while exhaling. If you feel pain or discomfort, you need to roll over onto your back and relax your muscles, lie down for a few minutes. For 2nd and 3rd degree curvatures, it is necessary to exercise under the supervision of a trainer to avoid health complications.

Exercises in water for the spine

These exercises are great for beginners as they don't require much swimming skill. With their help, you can quickly relieve tension from the spine, strengthen your back, and learn how to properly regulate your breathing. Before exercise, be sure to do a light warm-up to warm up your muscles, and then just swim on your stomach for a few minutes, without adhering to a specific technique.

Execution stepsDescription

Stand so that the water covers your shoulders and extend both arms in front of you. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides and bring your shoulder blades together; as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat about 10 times.

The position is the same, only the arms are spread to the sides. As you inhale, lower your hands down to your hips, and as you exhale, lift them back up.

Stand up straight, straighten your arms along your body. As you inhale, move your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades come together, and as you exhale, bring them back.

Go to the side of the pool and, holding it with your hands, lie on your stomach on the water. Trying to keep your body in one line, gently push off from the side and pull yourself towards it again.

Press your back against the side and rest your forearms on it. Raise your legs and do the bicycle exercise.

Holding the side with your hands, we lie down on the water with our stomachs and perform symmetrical “frog” movements with our feet: we bring our knees together, bend our legs, spread them apart and connect them again.

Holding onto the side, push your body out of the water using the muscles of your back and arms, then lower yourself back down. The back should remain straight, the legs should spring gently when touching the bottom of the pool.

After completing the exercises, you need to relax your spine and muscles. It is best to do this while lying on your back: stretch your arms along your body and gently move your legs and swim for a few minutes.

Video - How to properly swim in a pool for your spine

In this article we talk about the benefits of backstroke - what muscles it uses, how it is useful and why it is important to devote time to this style.

Like other styles, backstroke involves huge amount of muscles– works the whole body from neck to calves.

This is clearly shown in this video:

The key muscles that are used the most are highlighted in green in this illustration:


  • Deltoid muscles of the shoulders;
  • Brachioradial (forearm);
  • Flexor digitorum profundus (also forearm).


Musculature of the core and lower torso
  • Latissimus dorsi muscles– they are most loaded when rowing;
  • Trapezoid;
  • Core and abs muscles(play a huge role here in maintaining balance);
  • Breast;
  • Erector spinae muscle;
  • Teres major and minor muscles;
  • Rhomboid major and minor muscles.

Legs and lower body

  • Quadriceps (front of the thighs);
  • Biceps femoris (hamstring);
  • Buttocks.


  • Biceps - flexion of the arm during the stroke;
  • Triceps – arm straightening – insertion.

General benefit

First, let's note beneficial properties, which are common to all swimming styles, including the one in question:

  1. Elaboration large quantity muscles. If running pumps up only the legs, and the gym equipment pumps up a single muscle, then swimming simultaneously strengthens and keeps a significant number of muscles in tone (see information above).
  2. Cardio workout. Health cardiovascular system- the basis of human life. Experts recommend that everyone do at least 2-3 cardio workouts per week, and swimming is an excellent choice for these purposes.
  3. Lung training. Cardio training inevitably trains the lungs, too. ability to absorb oxygen and supply them to the body.
  4. Playing sports without harming your joints. Water supports your body, takes the load off it, movements in it do not involve any impacts (unlike, for example, running) and do not place axial load on the spine and joints (unlike exercise in the gym). Therefore, in fact, this is the only sport that can be practiced without any damage to the body.
  5. Weight loss. If you swim intensely enough (heart rate 60 - 80% of MHR, see more here) and for at least 30 consecutive minutes per session, your body will burn a significant amount of calories.

    Depending on the weight, age, technique and individual characteristics of an individual person, it can be burned from 100 to 400 calories in 30 minutes of exercise.

    Because swimming is rightly considered one of the best ways in order to get rid of extra pounds and maintain your weight at a normal level.

  6. Improved flexibility
  7. Water relieves stress and fatigue, leads to tone.

Why is it beneficial to float on your back?

Correct posture


Swimming with this style is not only easy (compared to other styles), but is very healthy.

Without any harmful stress on your joints, you get a good workout wide range of muscles, spend something good for your heart cardio workout and, on top of everything else, you burn calories and get rid of from excess weight .

The most effective (and, perhaps, not so boring) combination of this style with swimming classic crawl or breaststroke - alternately replacing them, moving during training from back to chest and back.

All of the above, of course, is only true if you are swimming in correct technique. Her detailed description you can read in our article, and there are exercises for training and for classes in general.

It’s no wonder that swimming is one of the most popular types of physical activity for older people (water aerobics can also be included here). The benefits of swimming for the health of the cardiovascular system cannot be overestimated. And it’s not just that training in water strengthens the heart, like any other physical activity - there are also very specific subtleties:

  • While swimming, the human body is in an almost horizontal position, and it is much easier for the heart to “displace” blood.
  • The pressure that water exerts on the human body also helps blood circulation, making it easier for the heart to work.
  • Deep breathing and smooth movements in water they also stimulate normal blood circulation, and the lungs, which rhythmically contract and expand, perform a gentle massage of the heart. In addition, the blood is actively saturated with oxygen and becomes cleaner.

Reason two: training the respiratory system

The benefits of swimming for human health are also expressed in the beneficial effect on respiratory system. With each breath, the swimmer is forced to overcome the pressure of water on the body, due to which the respiratory muscles are strengthened. Thanks to the pressure, exhalation also becomes more complete, and ventilation of the lungs generally improves.

Since swimming is an energy-consuming activity, the body’s need for oxygen increases, and it learns to use the respiratory system to the maximum. The lungs become more resilient and their volume increases. The body becomes less susceptible to hypoxia (lack of oxygen). The respiratory rhythm is normalized (this, by the way, is a huge plus for people involved in other types of physical activity - in particular, running, which requires skillful breathing techniques).

Reason three: the benefits of swimming for the musculoskeletal system

For office workers who spend most of the day sitting motionless at a desk, swimming is a real salvation. When a person even just stands in the water (provided that its level reaches the top of his chest), the load on the spine is significantly reduced. If a person swims, the spine is completely unloaded. The pressure on the intervertebral discs disappears, the vertebrae themselves gradually return to their normal position. Regular classes Swimming is an excellent prevention of spinal diseases. If you add exercise therapy, you can successfully correct the manifestations of osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

The smooth movements made during the swim put a gentle load on the joints, strengthening the ligaments and stabilizer muscles. In addition, with such movements, there is an active release of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joint, makes it more mobile and prevents its premature wear.

As for the effect on the muscles, the swimmers' bodies speak for themselves.

Reason four: improving your relationship with your own body

A sedentary lifestyle affects not only health, but also a person’s ability to manage their body. And it's not about whether you can do 20 push-ups or 10 pull-ups - it's about coordination of movements. Your sense of balance, agility, confidence in your movements, and even grace - all this leaves much to be desired if you don't move much. Swimming is the best way to strengthen these skills and qualities. After all, where else to train? vestibular apparatus, if not in conditions of partial weightlessness?

Reason five: the positive effect of swimming on the nervous system

Swimming, even if tiring, is a great pleasure. And the rush of endorphins that comes from being in the water can’t help but affect your psyche. You leave all the negativity in the water, get a charge of vigor and good mood. As a result (even banal pleasant fatigue after training contributes to this), manifestations of anxiety, irritability, and despondency partially or completely disappear.

Reason six: normalization of digestion

Few people think about it, but the benefits of swimming also include improved digestion. Thanks to water pressure, peristalsis is stimulated, as a result of which the smooth muscles of the intestine work more actively. Disappear congestion, the body is cleansed of toxins, the feeling of heaviness disappears, as well as such troubles as bloating and constipation.

Reason seven: fighting excess weight

Opponents of swimming never tire of repeating that, they say, it does not contribute to fat burning. And indeed, if you lie imposingly on the surface of the water, making lazy movements with your hands from time to time, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight. But when you are actively exercising, crazy shortness of breath after swims and increased heart rate eloquently prove this. And if you eat right, watching your calorie intake, you can successfully get your body in shape.

The benefits of swimming for the figure are also expressed in the fact that contact with water makes it more elastic and prevents premature aging. This means that the body remains beautiful and fit longer - often in women the appearance of “orange peel” even decreases.

Reason eight: the benefits of swimming for women

What are the benefits of swimming for women? The female body has its own specifics. Swimming improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, preventing various diseases. During menstruation, swimming even helps fight muscle spasms in the abdomen, thighs and lower back, but care must be taken to ensure proper hygiene.

During pregnancy, many women are recommended to visit the pool - this has a beneficial effect on both the health of the mother and the development of the baby. However, before purchasing a subscription, you must consult a doctor and exercise only under the supervision of a qualified trainer.

Style Summary

If you haven't learned to swim yet, now is the time to do it. Even if you are afraid of water, overcoming this fear is easier than it seems. And the result of such work on yourself will not disappoint you, because swimming - in the pool, in the sea, in the pond - is not only pleasant, but also useful. The main thing is to follow safety precautions and avoid questionable bodies of water, as well as dirty pools in cheap aqua centers.

It’s not for nothing that swimming is called the most popular view fitness: it works real miracles with our body. What are the benefits of swimming in a pool, you ask? We found eight compelling reasons to quickly find a sports swimsuit in the depths of your closet, purchase a subscription and sign up for classes with an instructor.

Impressive results with less effort

Swimming allows you to exercise without putting extra stress on your skeleton. The body becomes lighter in the pool. If you go into waist-deep water, you will become twice as lighter. And having sunk up to your neck, you will feel only 10% of your body weight - the remaining 90, literally, will go into the water. This means that the pool is an ideal environment to exercise, especially if you suffer from excess weight or arthritis.

Improved muscle tone

Have you ever seen a flabby dolphin or a puny swimmer? Surely not! The benefit of swimming in the pool is that it helps to significantly improve muscle tone and make them stronger. Especially if you compare swimming with other aerobic exercises. For example, when running, the only obstacle for the body is air, the density of which is low. The density of water is 12 times greater - accordingly, any movement you make requires more effort, and the workout is more effective.

In addition, there is an undeniable benefit of swimming in the pool for women: it helps strengthen bones, which become more fragile after menopause.


While swimming, our joints and ligaments are in constant work: making circular rotations with our hands, we train shoulder joints; leg movements strengthen the pelvic area. In addition, swimming brings invaluable benefits to the spine: during training, it stretches, the vertebrae fall into place - which generally improves flexibility and mobility from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers.

Healthy Heart

In addition to triceps and abs, swimming trains another very important muscle: heart. Aerobic exercise, which we get during exercises in the pool, strengthens this vital organ and helps it smoothly perform its function: contract and relax. Which in turn leads to improved blood flow throughout the body.

In addition, studies have proven that swimming helps fight internal inflammatory reactions, which often lead to heart disease, and reduces the risk of coronary disease among women by 30-40%.

Weight control

Swimming is one of the most energy-intensive types of fitness, and therefore ideal for those who are watching their weight. On average, in 10 minutes of breaststroke you can lose up to 60 calories, while swimming on the back the figure increases to 80, freestyle will take you 100 calories, and butterfly - all 150. Moreover, swimming in the pool for half an hour three times a week reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in men by 10 percent. Studies conducted among women led to even more impressive results: in order to reduce the risk of disease by 16 percent, one workout per week is enough for the fairer sex.

Fighting asthma

Due to the optimal air humidity in the pool, swimming not only does not cause discomfort for asthmatics, but also helps fight attacks. A study conducted by scientists proved that children suffering from asthma after a six-week course of training began to seek help less often, and many did not have attacks again for a year or more. Even if you are unfamiliar with this problem, know that swimming increases lung capacity and helps you learn to breathe correctly.

Reducing cholesterol levels

The health of the body is inextricably linked to the amount of cholesterol in our blood: the higher the level of “good” (HDL) and the lower the “bad” (LDL), the healthier we are. Swimming in the pool helps maintain the correct balance of lipoproteins and improves the condition of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Fight stress and improve brain function

Scientists associate another undeniable benefit of swimming in the pool with the production of endorphins, which are responsible for our mental well-being. In addition, the relaxing effect of training is comparable to that we get after doing yoga - and all thanks to a combination of stretching exercises and proper breathing techniques. Swimming is a meditative process during which the sound of breathing and the splash of water help clear your head of unnecessary thoughts. In addition, during exercise, active neurogenesis occurs in the body and nerve cells lost due to stress are restored.

Before the spring sun has time to shine cheerfully, thoughts about a holiday at sea are already beginning to enter your head. This is how you see white sand, gentle waves on which you bask and feel how your whole body feels unearthly bliss. And you float on the waves, not thinking about anything, just enjoying the warmth, the gentle sun and the gentle touch of the water. There are hardly many people who don't like swimming. The benefits from it are enormous for both children and adults, regardless of age. Even if it is not possible to swim in open water, a swimming pool can successfully replace it.

Swimming cannot be overestimated - its benefits are great. This is one of the ways to increase the flexibility of the spine, strengthen joints, build muscles, and improve blood supply to the body. Moreover, all this without exhausting training. Perhaps swimming can be called the most comfortable type of training. This is an opportunity to increase muscle tone, relieve fatigue, improve mood, and get rid of depression. In addition, given that when swimming a person gets a load on almost all muscle groups, this sport is ideal for people who do not have the free time to attend various training sessions.

“What’s the use of swimming, just pampering!” - someone may exclaim and be completely wrong. When swimming, waste products and toxins are removed from the body, joint mobility is restored, and the functioning of almost everything improves. internal organs, elasticity of the skin. Water is also the best massage therapist for our body. Water procedures indicated for people who suffer from hypertension, who have problems with joints and varicose veins veins After swimming, you sleep better and your mood noticeably improves.

The benefits of swimming for the spine are also great. This is due to the fact that during swimming they use small muscles, which extend from the spinal column. This prevents the occurrence of osteochondrosis and in addition, the body immersed in water significantly decreases in weight, which reduces the load on the spine and increases metabolism. All joints are used when swimming, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body.

Being in water is already positive in itself, regardless of whether it is walking on water or swimming. The benefits of active styles are, of course, greater, for example, from water aerobics it increases significantly, however, any exercise in water is useful. When moving in water, breathing becomes more uniform and deeper, oxygen enters the blood better, and stretching improves. In addition, the flexibility of all joints and the performance of the body increases.

Except medical indications, a good weight loss effect is achieved after training in water. The figure becomes slimmer, which is important for women who want to lose a few kilograms and adjust their waist. Swimming is recommended for people who have suffered injuries as a rehabilitation therapy. In addition, exercise in water relieves stress and adds vitality to a person.

If it is not possible to actively engage in swimming, it is enough to walk on water, this also exercises the muscles and strengthens them. You can grab the side of the pool, which will also be beneficial for the muscles of the body. You can wear a swimming belt and do exercises that simulate walking without touching the bottom of the pool.

But, of course, the most useful pastime in the water is swimming. It will be beneficial regardless of the style - breaststroke, butterfly, crawl or It’s good to combine different styles in one swim, as this allows you to train your lungs and stretch different muscles bodies. In any case, swimming is the most gentle, comfortable, accessible and useful look sports for people of any age and health status.