Shooting training. Pistol shooting practice

Since its introduction, the pistol has become the most accessible individual fire weapon that can be used for both self-defense and offensive purposes. The ability to wield a weapon determines the subsequent effectiveness of using a pistol for various purposes. In parallel with the improvement of weapon design, pistol handling skills were improved. Over time, to improve the skill and skill of using weapons, various training methods appeared, which formed the basis for the study of technology and tactics. One of the main elements of shooter training is practical training, during which pistol shooting training is conducted.

Shooting training can be conducted in different conditions, both for applied purposes and for the purpose of improving combat skills. Interest in firearms has become the main argument, due to which the ability to shoot correctly and accurately becomes not only a professional necessity.

Many people love to shoot. For some, this may just become a hobby, but for others, practical pistol shooting becomes a path to big sport. Competitions in bullet shooting can easily be called the most spectacular and exciting. Athletes compete in their ability to quickly and accurately hit targets at different distances. Exercises during competitions must be verified and polished. Success can only be achieved if the athlete accurately and correctly completed all approaches, managed to accurately hit all the intended targets, while avoiding gross tactical and technical miscalculations.

Despite the fact that sports shooting is based on the same rules and requirements for handling personal firearms, combat pistol shooting has fundamental differences. Here it is important not only the shooter’s ability to hit the target accurately, but also combat tactics and the shooter’s actions depending on the current situation. The ability to correctly take a shooting position, the ability to fire to kill from any position, while maintaining a high rate of fire, are key safety factors for the shooter.

Pistol shooting technique. Main Features

In order to learn how to shoot a pistol well, one desire is not enough. Several aspects are important here, each of which collectively determines the accuracy of fire and the effectiveness of personal weapons. The psychological factor is perhaps the main one on which the shooter’s accuracy depends. Correctly coping with the anxiety that an uninitiated person experiences in any case when holding a pistol is the key to successful and accurate shooting. Technique, which you need to know when handling weapons, help you achieve perfection in your actions. Compliance with the rules and requirements during shooting training sessions will ensure not only the safety of the shooter and others, but also subsequent confident use of weapons.

Despite the fact that any shooting with a pistol at first glance seems quite easy and understandable, mastering the art of shooting will require some time, training manuals and instructions from a professional.

If sports shooting requires high levels of skill, moral and psychological stability from the athlete, then practical shooting classes can be great entertainment. Having mastered the art of shooting with handguns, you will not only get a lot of pleasure and adrenaline, but you will also be able to fully experience your own physical capabilities and conditioning. However, picking up a gun is just the beginning. In order to successfully master the technique of using weapons, even for shooting from a Makarov pistol, you must have theoretical training. The first thing you need to learn is the commands that are given during shooting. This prerequisite during any training sessions held at a shooting range or on fresh air, under the guidance of an instructor or independently.

The commands you give determine your order of actions at the shooting range, the execution of which determines not only the shooting result, but also technical training arrow, its safety. Teams during training or sports shooting must meet the following requirements:

  • maintaining consistency in given commands;
  • commands must be clear and understandable, without double interpretation;
  • It is always necessary to follow the order in giving commands;
  • strict execution of the command is required, without arbitrary actions;
  • any command is given taking into account the main requirement - compliance with safety regulations during shooting lessons.

These requirements apply equally to all shooting classes, both for applied purposes and as training in the combat use of weapons. Combat pistol shooting differs not only in training methods, but also in weapon handling techniques. Tactical techniques are a key element of training sessions, during which shooting from personal weapons is practiced in a variety of situations, aiming and firing skills are improved from any position.

Tactical shooting as the main element of combat training

Along with sports shooting, where an important aspect is the clear sequence of actions of the athlete, the combat use of a pistol is distinguished by the behavior of the shooter. When performing live shooting, it is imperative to take into account the shooter’s level of training, his skills in handling weapons and knowledge of his combat capabilities.

Combat shooting is all about accuracy, speed, and close combat tactics. It is rare that in combat conditions a shooter has enough time to prepare for accurate shooting. The current situation requires immediate acceptance the right decision. This applies to a greater extent to those persons whose profession is constantly associated with the risk of using personal weapons for combat purposes.

Only in movies and detective novels can you see how masterly rangers, gangsters and policemen shoot pistols. In reality, it is far from easy to master a weapon perfectly. In order to use a pistol as a fire weapon with maximum efficiency, you need to learn the simplest techniques to the point of automaticity. Only by knowing the basics, techniques and rules of pistol shooting can you further work on improving the art of owning a personal weapon.

Sports training only from afar resembles combat techniques during shooting from a combat pistol. During tactical shooting The main thing is not only to hit the target, but also to protect yourself from enemy fire. The usual one will not help here sports stand. The position from which it is necessary to fire to kill is often associated with a person’s natural and instinctive desire to take cover from return fire. During a real collision, literally everything that can affect the effectiveness of the combat use of firearms is taken into account. In addition to the psychological effect, when shooting from a pistol, you need to take into account the distance to the visible target, the presence of interference for a direct shot, atmospheric conditions and time. Shooting at different times of the day, day or night, in the morning or evening leaves an imprint on the shooter’s behavior. In modern conditions, combat with the use of firearms is fleeting.

For example: The standards during which fire fighting techniques are practiced using PM pistols give the time for a duel no more than 2.8 seconds. To achieve a result, no more than three shots are allotted to defeat the enemy. The distance for effective fire from a pistol during combat clashes rarely exceeds 10-15 m. Up to 75% of fights with firearms, according to the Russian Police Department, take place at distances of no more than 10 m. In such a situation, it is not so much the shooter’s stance that is important, how much is his reaction? You have to shoot from any position, from your knees, while lying down. Shooting with two hands is a rather rare phenomenon today and is mainly practiced during clay pigeon shooting.

The method of teaching tactical shooting is based on the fact that the shooter can fire from any weapon, with a change of position, at a moving or stationary target. During training sessions, a pistol shooting stance is practiced, as well as other body positions from which one has to fire. The following factors are taken into account:

  • the shooter must fire effectively from both the right and left hands;
  • use both eyes to aim;
  • be able to fire two pistols simultaneously;
  • control the required rate of fire depending on the current situation.

If in sports shooting Since the most important aspect of achieving results is aiming, during training in the combat use of firearms the main focus is on training muscle memory. The ability to carry out a double shot with the same accuracy sometimes becomes a decisive factor for survival during a fight with the enemy.

High-speed pistol shooting technique

Contrary to the established opinion that only shooting from a real weapon gives a tangible effect for subsequent skillful handling of a pistol, experts and instructors agree on a different opinion. Only many hours, many days of training with an unloaded weapon, firing blank cartridges, will give you the necessary skills in handling a pistol. High-speed pistol shooting is not only about the presence of muscle memory, which ensures timely pull of the trigger, but also about refined movements to draw the weapon and quickly reload it.

During training, the execution of commands is practiced to the point of automaticity, and practiced variations of transferring weapons from one hand to the other are practiced. Unlike clay pigeon shooting, where the shooter reloads the weapon in a calm environment, in combat conditions these manipulations are carried out in combination with other actions of the shooter. When drawing a weapon or at the moment of stopping firing for subsequent reloading, the shooter must leave the firing sector, creating difficulty for the enemy with aiming.

Before starting fire training classes, a competent instructor must show how to hold a pistol in your hands and what position your fingers should occupy. The grip, as well as the shooter's stance, are fundamental elements of training in marksmanship. Every novice shooter must determine for himself which hand will be strong and which will be weak. Accordingly, the correct body position and stance are developed.

It is important for high-speed shooting to maintain a high rate of fire. In modern conditions, the rate of fire for beginners is defined as one shot per second. For a double shot at a distance of up to 7 m, 1.5 s is allotted. Very little time is allotted for removing the pistol from the holster and firing a double shot, no more than 2 seconds. During training sessions, you should learn an important aspect - you need to fire a pistol at a constant speed. One second - one shot.

At the same time, during classes, how to hold a weapon, instructors pay attention to the stance in which the shooter should be during preparation for shooting, Correct position The shooter’s body ensures an even distribution of the load on all parts of the body and allows for correct targeted shooting. For the first lessons, when it is necessary to achieve a certain accuracy of firing, a double grip is usually used. In this way, a novice shooter can fully feel the weapon, feel its real weight and recoil force when fired. In practical shooting, this exercise is the main one for beginners, after which classes are held to hone shooting skills from other positions.

During high-speed shooting, the shooter’s stance is also different, whose body should be tilted slightly forward. In this position, the weapon is better controlled, which in any case will give recoil when firing. A competent instructor will show you how best to hold the weapon and where you should place your fingers. Incorrect position a pistol in your hand can negatively affect the accuracy of shooting from difficult positions when firing while moving. Delays in firing a pistol caused by poor stance or grip can cost the shooter his life. The exercises are aimed at practicing all the shooter’s actions in strict accordance with each other. During training, the entire range of actions that a shooter is forced to perform during shooting is practiced. Simulation of various situations allows you to find the most convenient shooting positions and reduce aiming time.

In conclusion

Shooting a firearm is not just a form of entertainment. Weapons are always an object of potential danger to human life and health. Only compliance with the rules for handling weapons will allow you to master the use of pistols and shoot them to perfection. Neglecting the rules and requirements does not bode well, especially when it comes to the combat use of a pistol, which can become not only an attack weapon, but also last resort self-defense.

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Although the title of this article sounds rather absurd, it is entirely possible to be highly accurate in long-range pistol shooting. It requires patience, a little talent, dexterity and a lot of practice. This article will tell you how to improve your pistol shooting skills at 100m, 200m and beyond. Keep in mind (especially in the case of manual firearms), that how well you do depends on the number of shots fired and patience during training.


    Choose a good pistol. While it is possible to become more proficient with any pistol, the type of weapon can have a major impact on your ultimate success in the task of becoming a marksman with a pistol. Here are a few general rules, which you should pay attention to when buying a weapon. General rules apply to the accuracy of a single shot over a long distance. They do not include considerations of self-protection, durability, or cost. No rule is a dogma, there are exceptions to each of them, and the gun that suits you personally is always the best choice.

    • The larger the gun, the more accurate it is.
    • Large pistols feel more comfortable in the hand than small ones.
    • The longer the barrel, the higher the muzzle velocity of the bullet, which means a flatter trajectory of its flight.
    • Lightweight high velocity bullets are more accurate at standard pistol ranges (over 50m)
    • Heavy bullets are more accurate when shooting at long distances (over 100 m)
    • It costs less to shoot smaller calibers, which means you can practice more.
    • The smaller the caliber, the less recoil, which, in turn, allows for more frequent consecutive shots, and also makes shooting comfortable for more people
    • Among self-loading pistols, self-cocking pistols (DAO) (AKA Quick Action) are less accurate than hammer-fired pistols. trigger single (SA) or double (DA/SA) action.
    • Shooter skill plays a big role, so expensive pistols are not necessarily accurate or shoot better.
    • Your weapon is more accurate than you.
  1. Thus, from the above general rules it follows that the best option would be a large pistol with a single (or double) action trigger mechanism with a long barrel. Examples of such weapons are the H&K USP Elite, 14-inch Desert Eagle, or Hammerli brand target pistols and other high quality target pistol manufacturers. These are far from cheap pistols, but they are high quality firearms that will serve you well.

    Although a common practice location is a public shooting range, this is not always the most optimal location for practicing long-range precision shooting skills. The best option would be a large piece of land, a safe place to shoot. This will allow you to set targets at different distances and become an adept shooter at any size target at a variety of distances.

    Start your session with stretching. It may seem strange, but stretching will relax your muscles and make your arms and body more stable.

    Take a few warm-up shots (perhaps from 15m away). Find out where you (and your gun) fall. If you find that you are unable to consistently hit a specific target area from a given distance, continue to shoot very slowly and patiently until your shots reach the target.

    • You can move on to the main practice once you have figured out the difference between where you aim and where you hit (ideally the bullet should hit the target exactly, but a little above it is acceptable, then if you know the distance the practitioner can adjust your aim).
    • If you're just starting to develop your long-range shooting skills, it's best to start at close range and then move up from there. A good starting distance is around 25m. Although this is much further than most people are used to shooting, to be successful at long range shooting you must practice at these distances. It is quite possible that at first, at this distance, you will not be able to consistently hit a target the size of a person, but over time, you will find that you hit the jar 90% of the time.

      Your standing position should be the one that is most comfortable for you. It is often most convenient (if you are right-handed) to place your left foot forward and your right foot diagonally behind your left, shoulder-distance apart. Pull right hand straight forward as if you were trying to reach the target, relax your elbow but keep it locked. With this hand you will hold the pistol grip. Left hand bend at an angle of 120 degrees. Your right hand is in control vertical angle pistol, the left - its horizontal position. Your left elbow should be pointing directly towards the surface of the ground.

      • Prone Position: You should train while lying on the ground. Your prone position should be like this: lie on your stomach, then turn slightly to the side you are shooting from, rest your supporting knee and elbow on the ground. You will be slightly sideways to the target, but your right hand will be level with the ground, your head resting on your right hand, your eyes on the target. This will allow you to breathe freely and provide a very stable platform.
      • Kneeling Position: This position will provide you with a very stable platform for accurate shooting. Step your left leg back and squat down on your heel right leg. Your left knee and toe will be on the ground. Relax your supporting elbow on your supporting knee. You are in a “tripod” position (supporting foot, toe and knee), in this position you can move quickly (practice to periodically move into and out of the “kneeling” position).
    • Tilt your head slightly to the right so that the gun's sights are in line with your right eye. You may need to move your right wrist to keep the sights pointed straight ahead. To aim, move your body (maintaining position) until the weapon is aimed at the target.

      Breathe slowly, relax and try to aim. For target shooting (only if you have enough time to aim), it is often best to concentrate on the front sight and point it at the target or at a specific point between the target and the front sight. Don't focus on the target. Concentrate close to the front sight, fully concentrating on creating a perfect sight picture where the target is completely aligned with the front sight. The target is visible blurry outside your weapon. If shot speed is important, 99% of the time it is better to concentrate completely on the front sight.

      Over time, you will realize that your breathing and ability to not worry and remain calm are the first priorities in maintaining accurate aim. This can only be achieved with practice. Before shooting, breathe evenly, then take a deeper breath and exhale completely, freeing your lungs. It is at the moment of exhalation (do not exhale forcefully, but simply relax) that the shot is fired.

      The sight image for traditional open sights should resemble a Shape III, with the front sight perfectly enclosed by the rear sight slot. Keep in mind that this means both horizontal and vertical placement. This ideal image must then be superimposed on the target (without obscuring it), after which the shot must be fired.

      To accurately hit the target, if the sight image is below the target, the pistol must be “zeroed” (adjusted). Then there will be no need to make artificial adjustments (for example, aiming to the left or higher), and the pistol, aimed directly at the target, will ensure an accurate hit on the bull's eye of the desired target.

      Different cartridges shoot differently (more or less accurately) for different types of weapons. Try different types of ammunition for your firearm to determine which ones work best for your gun.

      Beginning shooters often pride themselves on their accuracy if the majority of their shots hit the target. However, even a random shot sometimes hits the target. This demonstrates luck rather than skill. Concentrate on grouping your shots within the same target size - this is the first sign of a professional sniper and a demonstration of consistent shooting accuracy.

      Once you have a good aim and see a perfect sight picture, slowly press the last or penultimate phalanx of the right index finger trigger towards the rear of the pistol (press straight, slow and steady between shots). In pistols with a double-action trigger mechanism, the UPS must first be brought to the cocked position. (now the pistol's UPS is in single action mode). Depending on the type, the trigger resistance ranges from 900 grams to 3.5 kg. The lighter the trigger, the easier it is to be accurate (although on self-cocking pistols there is a specific trigger position to reduce resistance - this can be found by holding the trigger while firing. Slowly release your finger until the trigger clicks, you are now you can click on it again to shoot).

    • After the shot, check where the bullet hit (high, low, to the right, to the left and other combinations). With practice, you will be able to determine the reason for your miss: inaccurate aim, your hand trembled, and/or you did not have enough time or the reason was the so-called wait for the shot.

      • If the shot lands to the left of the target, for a right-hander, that means you're putting a lot of pressure on the entire gun, not just the trigger.
      • If the shot hits to the right of the target, for a right-handed person it means that you are either pulling the trigger too hard or you are simultaneously pressing down on the pistol grip with your fingers.
      • It is extremely rare for a shot to hit above the target, but if this happens, it means that the shooter, compensating for recoil in advance, raises the pistol before firing.
      • The shot hits below the target due to the shooter either overloading the trigger (squeezing the trigger and the pistol at the same time and pulling the trigger too quickly) or, more likely, compensating for the recoil by lowering the pistol until the shot is fired.
      • Pre-recoil compensation is one of the main reasons why a shooter cannot shoot a pistol accurately. The person, anticipating the gun's recoil, moves his wrist and points the gun up or down, depending on the shooter. This can be easily determined by giving the person a weapon with which he is familiar. Make sure it's not loaded, but don't tell the shooter that. When he takes aim and pulls the trigger, he will move the gun on his own.
      • There are several techniques to break this habit.
        • The simplest one is to concentrate on pressing the trigger. Aim at the target and slowly press the trigger. Press as slowly and smoothly as possible. It can take up to 10 seconds until the shot is fired. The goal is surprise shooting, which means you don't know exactly when the weapon will fire and therefore don't compensate for the recoil in advance. To solve this problem, a pistol with a smooth trigger and a sharp shot is most suitable, then when you press the trigger you are less likely to feel when the weapon fires.
        • The second technique is essentially the same, with the difference that it allows you to completely get rid of preliminary recoil compensation. Aim at the target and hold the front sight as accurately as possible. Have a friend place their finger on the trigger (either directly or on your finger on the trigger) and pull it for you. Make sure the person who actually pulls the trigger does it very slowly and keeps their hand (mostly thumb) away from the rear of the pistol where the slide slide could pinch it. This is a very inconvenient method, but it confirms that pulling the trigger is one of the most important elements of shooting a gun.
        • Many, even experienced shooters, flinch during shooting without noticing it. Pre-compensation for recoil can be manifested by a slight wobble, which is imperceptible against the background of the real recoil of the pistol and, therefore, remains invisible to the shooter or observers. You can easily check this using snap cap As stated in the link, “a snap cap is a device that is similar to a standard firearm cartridge, but does not contain a charge or bullet and is used to fire a blank shot. A snap cap typically contains a spring instead of a charge that absorbs the force from the firing pin and allows the weapon to be safely tested without damaging its components.
        • Ask a friend to load the pistol for you, but replace one of the cartridges with a snap cap of the same caliber, placed at random in the magazine (for a pistol) or cylinder (for a revolver). After using all the ammo, you will eventually discover the snap cap, but you won't know it until you pull the trigger. At this point, it will become obvious to you that if the image on the sight is clear, then you have learned to control the recoil of the weapon. If the weapon bounces in your hand as if you were firing live ammunition, you need to continue training. This is a simple, inexpensive test whose results may surprise you.
    • Practice at this distance until you can consistently hit a target approximately 50 cm in diameter. Move the target approximately 10 meters away. Run the cycle again. Maintain constant breathing. If your scope is misaligned, purchase a new one to adjust or have your old one adjusted. The open sight is my favorite. But some people prefer other types of scopes. Customizable sights also make it easy to change the zero level of your weapon at any time.

      • After you have moved the target further once or twice, you will eventually find that you are able to consistently hit a 50cm diameter target from longer and longer distances.
      • At a certain point, return to the nearest target and admire how easily you can hit certain areas of the target. This way, you will gain more confidence in yourself as you will be able to see a noticeable improvement.
    • If at a distance of 40-50 meters (ideal) your shots hit the target, then at a distance of 60-70 meters you will have to compensate for the trajectory of the bullet by aiming higher. The difference may be only a few cm, but you need to get used to it.

      • At a distance of 100 m there is a significant change in the trajectory of the bullet (about 25-35 cm for a standard 45 caliber), and the wind also begins to have an effect. From a standing position, you may find that you are able to shoot accurately from more than 100m away. Force yourself to learn your limits. In a kneeling position with additional support, you will find that you can consistently hit targets out to 200 meters.
        • At a distance of more than 200 meters, the ballistic properties of a conventional pistol are questionable. At longer ranges, heavier bullets retain a greater percentage of their energy due to aerodynamic coefficients.
      • Practice, practice and more practice. Although knowledge is power, you must be able to apply what you know.
      • Safety first! Before carrying or transporting a weapon, make sure it is unloaded and the magazine is empty.
      • Another reason why a gun may not shoot accurately is if the bullet and barrel are misaligned. Although this is less important for a pistol than for a rifle, it is worth trying different brands and types of bullets. But once you find a cartridge that shoots well, don't change it again, and with one type of cartridge, always have a good supply of it.
      • Also clean the inside of the barrel regularly (use oil and, periodically, solvent). After a few hundred shots, you will find that the barrel will be very dirty, even if it is not noticeable.
      • As stated above, your gun is probably more accurate than you (most full-size pistols in most calibers). So if you miss the target, chances are it's your fault. Practice more to make sure you don't pre-compensate for recoil and flinch too much.
      • Be sure to clean your weapon after use. Moisture and dirt can corrode and damage your gun if used in this condition.
      • Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before going to the shooting range. While alcohol will reduce your ability to function and make good decisions, caffeine will also reduce your ability to control motor functions (for example, if you have caffeine in your bloodstream, you may startle too much or even tremble).
      • Hand tremors are a common problem that can come and go and are often caused by caffeine, stress, nervousness or excitement. If your hand tremors persist, sit down for a while, drink some water, and think about something not related to weapons (don't think about your hands either!). After a while, try to pick up the gun again.
      • Put the gun on safety if you are not going to shoot right now (if the weapon has a safety).


      • Firearms are dangerous. Use a pistol or other handgun only if you are an experienced marksman or have a very experienced marksman nearby directly supervising you.
      • You need to know what a firing line is. Bullets can travel for kilometers or ricochet in unexpected directions.
      • A gun can cause significant harm to health and even death. Always point the gun in a safe direction and never point it at something you do not intend to shoot.
      • Any firearm must be used in a safe and officially approved location. Research state and local laws regarding the use and transportation of firearms and follow them carefully. Laws are changing dramatically different countries, and sometimes cities and states.

      What you will need

      • Pistol (any caliber, size, taking into account the basic rules indicated above).
      • Ammunition (according to the caliber of your pistol). Ammunition must be purchased from a safe place (preferably from the manufacturer). Self-loaded or reloaded ammunition can damage your weapon and be dangerous.
      • Special clothing if you are going to shoot at outdoors. Dress warmly enough for the weather. Pants are always recommended. If you are in an area where there may be other people with guns (for example, hunting), it is recommended to wear a bright orange vest or T-shirt.
      • Protection for vision and hearing is of great importance. Hot brass being thrown away semi-automatic weapons, can damage your eyes, and loud noises can damage your hearing very quickly.


Do you want to develop accuracy, attentiveness, speed of reaction and master the skills of self-defense, proper and safe handling of weapons? Training at the Academy club practical shooting“will help you free yourself from stress, become more confident and balanced. There are no restrictions on gender and age: among the members of the shooting club there are both men and girls, and the youngest shooters are only 6 years old. "Academy" offers a wide range of small arms, among which there are such examples as CZ, Glock, Heckler&Koch, SIG-Sauer and Alfa-Para. There are also more than 10 courses aimed at shooters different levels preparation.

Shooting club "Viking"

Club "Vityaz" ─ pass to the world shooting sports. Here you can take an initial training course, join the Russian Practical Shooting Federation and become a member of the International Practical Shooting Confederation. They know how to handle weapons confidently but safely. You will also be taught - using the Yarygin pistol in the MP 446 C modification and the 9X19 Luger cartridge.

Sports complex of the Military Hunting Society


This is the oldest Moscow shooting complex today, the shooting range of which is located in the south-east of the city, in the picturesque Kuzminki forest park. This is where novice shooters train and Olympic champions, amateur hunters are honing their shooting skills before the opening of the hunting season. The sports complex has a round stand, a trench stand, a double trap, a sporting compact and much more.

Shooting club "Vystrel"


Here they practice practical shooting - an interesting and dynamic type of shooting sport that combines rapid fire from military weapons with fast movements around the site. Accuracy, speed, coordination, self-confidence and a powerful adrenaline rush - all this can be found in the Shot club. The club has two galleries at 25 and 50 meters, good lighting and ventilation, unique sand bullet catchers that save the lungs from lead, as well as a rich arsenal of long-barreled and short-barreled weapons.

Sports and shooting club "Paratrooper"


A 10-meter shooting range, an interactive laser tag range, equipment for paintball and airsoft, two unique climbing walls - open and closed, and crossbow shooting areas are located on the territory of the Paratroopers club. Here everyone will find entertainment to their liking: master shooting from various types weapons, learn how to use them safely or improve your skills. The shooting range has both short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, as well as the legendary Maxim machine gun.

Shooting club "Izmailovo"


At your disposal are two 50-meter galleries (10 directions in each), a large selection of firearms, zeroing of civilian weapons and sights, and training in safe handling of weapons. There is sports sections bullet shooting for adults and children (from 11 years old) and specially equipped areas for shooting with a crossbow or bow. The club's weapons arsenal includes more than 200 weapons, both historical and modern.

Underground club "Labyrinth"


“Labyrinth” is a place where you can not only shoot from various types of firearms and traumatic weapons, but also test pneumatic “guns”, fire a line at an imaginary enemy from a cold machine gun or “Kalash”, and also accurately shoot at targets with a bow or crossbow . An experienced instructor will teach you how to throw axes and knives precisely at a target, and paintball and laser tag will become the thematic center of any children's or corporate event.

UNIBOS Federation

Photo: Shutterstock

Do you want to master shooting using modern shooting tactics? Then this is definitely the place for you. The main pride of the “Universal Combat System” club is its instructors (although the technical equipment here is also okay). Experienced instructors will teach sports and combat shooting from a rifled carbine, large-caliber pistol and sniper rifle. UNIBOK will tune your personal weapon and help you zero it (don’t forget to take permission to own and carry it). The club is also focused on teaching hand-to-hand and knife fighting, applied self-defense and self-defense using improvised objects.

Moscow city shooting sports club DOSAAF Russia


This club is considered one of the best in Moscow: it houses a rich collection of weapons - from examples of the First World War to modern models of the shooting industry (more than 300 units in total), and on its territory there is the only 100-meter shooting gallery in the capital.

What is practical shooting?
Practical shooting is a sport that arose in the early 70s of the twentieth century in the United States on the basis of specialized professional training for police officers. Its main feature is the development of shooting skills in conditions as close as possible to combat (shooting on the move, from behind cover, at a moving target, from an awkward position, etc.).

What is IPSC?
International Practical Shooting Confederation. The Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia has been created and is actively developing in Russia.

How can I shoot here?
Persons who are members of the Shooting club"Object".

How can I join IC “Object”?
To join the Club, you must arrive at the Object Sports Complex, present your civil passport, fill out an application and go through the first training session - “Course - Modern weapons» lasting 1 hour, which includes familiarization shooting - 100 shots from pistols of various calibers. The cost of the lesson is from 5900 – R.

At what age can one become a member of the Object Insurance Company?
From the age of 18.

Is it possible to join the Club and start training without taking the “Introductory course on safe handling of weapons”?
Yes, for members of the Russian Practical Shooting Federation and IPSC members, the “Introductory course on safe handling of weapons” is not mandatory, but it is recommended to take it.

What can I learn?
By training at the Object Sports Complex, you will master the rules of safe handling of firearms and acquire the skill of effective pistol handling, which can be useful in life when using traumatic weapons in self-defense.

What do you need to take with you to training, how to dress?
Any clothing that is comfortable for you will do. It is advisable to use sports shoes. For girls, high-heeled shoes are not allowed.

What are they shooting from?
You can view the weapons presented in our Club on the Arsenal page.

What specific equipment is needed?
Safety glasses and headphones are required for shooting. For the duration of the first lesson, the Club provides them free of charge. In the Club’s specialized store you can purchase an individual set of uniforms, belts, holsters, glasses and headphones. In addition, the Club offers rental of sports equipment.

Can I come to training with my own weapon?
Yes, you can come to training with your own sporting weapon, as long as you have a weapons permit and compliance technical characteristics of your weapon to the parameters of the shooting galleries of the Object Sports Complex. It is better to call in advance and clarify the possibility of shooting from a specific weapon.

Is it possible to come with children?
Yes, you can.

Is advance registration required?
Preferred, but not required. If you are not registered, the Club does not guarantee that you will attend the training session, but will do everything possible to do so.

Can girls shoot?
Yes, sure.

Is shooting allowed when slightly intoxicated?
Absolutely not!

How long does the training last?
From 1 hour.

How many people can come with me and train together?
No more than 4 people can train with one instructor at the same time.

How safe is the workout?
In the 35-year history of the IPSC sport, there has not been a single firearm-related accident in the world. In terms of safety, this sport is comparable to chess.

How much training do you need to learn to shoot well?
Depends on individual abilities. As our experience shows, most shooters develop stable skill in effective pistol handling after training for a total duration of 50 hours and firing at least 1000 shots.

Can I participate in shooting competitions? What is needed for this?
To participate in competitions held by the Club, you must be a member of the SC “Object”, know