Pump up a girl's biceps at home with dumbbells. Arm exercises for women - biceps and triceps program

Who said biceps curls are only for guys? Find out why every girl should train her biceps and triceps for strong and beautiful arms!

Moderately sculpted arms with delightful contours are the ideal accessory for your dream figure. With their help, you will be irresistible in both a sleeveless dress and a tight T-shirt!

Don't be afraid to lift heavy weights and give it your all. Believe me: your arms will not start to tear out of your sleeves; there is too little testosterone in a woman’s body for this. Even the toughest guys know that you can build up your arm muscles only through long and hard training.

Strong biceps and triceps – important element harmoniously developed figure. Plus, they will help you become stronger!

Here's a quick guide to arm training for girls. I even included a sample workout. Girls, it's time to pump up your biceps!

Girls and biceps

What makes me especially happy about training biceps and triceps is that you don't have to spend too much time on it. Any bench press, like or, also works the triceps at the same time. And when you do, for example, lat pulldowns or cable rows, you indirectly train your biceps.

In short, if you diligently work hard on your chest and back days, you won't have to devote too much time to training your arms. Moreover, biceps and triceps are small muscles, and you can’t expect any different metabolic benefits from working them out.

What makes me especially happy about training biceps and triceps is that you don’t have to spend too much time on it

I prefer to focus on training my arms just once a week for 30-45 minutes. This workout, combined with indirect biceps and triceps work during other workouts, is more than enough. My arms are strong and look amazing!

Basic raises and extensions

No matter how hard you try, in most cases, training biceps and triceps will still come down to two: raises and extensions. These movements force the muscles to perform their direct duties, but with noticeable resistance.

Your biceps contract to flex your elbow (bring your hand toward your face), and your triceps contract to extend your elbow (bring your hand away from your face and straighten your arm). There are many variations on the theme of these movements, but the basic principle is unshakable and unshakable: raising the arm bends it at the elbow joint, and extending it straightens the elbow.

When you flex or extend your elbow with a weight, you incorporate more into the contraction. muscle fibers. The heavier the work, the more muscle fibers have to be recruited to move the weight. And if you regularly load your muscles with work, they begin to grow in response to this.

I often see girls performing almost a hundred repetitions with a 2-pound dumbbell. Remember, your muscles must be tense during training, otherwise they will not have the incentive to change.

No matter who told you that women should do high reps with zero weight, I feel it is my duty to set the record straight. If your workout looks like a walk, you won't see results!

Biceps: exercises for girls

This workout is ideal for those girls who have never trained their arms or need a new, more effective plan of action. Remember, you're already training biceps and triceps on chest and back days, so this program is just for optimizing results.

I love doing this program because it includes some of my favorite techniques: 21 and burnouts! The good thing about this workout is that it uses a rep range that is ideal for hypertrophy (muscle development). Without a shadow of a doubt, pick up a barbell or fairly heavy dumbbells, with which the last repetitions turn into a serious test.

Hand training for girls

Program notes

1. - an interesting approach to training biceps. You'll have to do 7 reps on the bottom half of the circuit, then 7 reps on the top half of the circuit, and finish with seven full movements. If you get very tired, you can take an extra break after the approach!

Partial repetitions will help strengthen the muscles in their weakest areas. In biceps curls, the greatest difficulties arise, as a rule, in the first third and in the final phase of the movement. If you learn to handle heavy weights in sticking points, your muscles will get a huge boost in growth.

2. Burning is difficult, but also interesting in its own way. I promise, after completing this exercise, your muscles will literally be filled with blood. The point of the exercise is to get 100 reps in as few sets as possible.

You don't need a lot of weight, but make sure the load is noticeable. If the task begins to seem overwhelming, feel free to lose weight and keep moving forward. And try not to relax too much between sets.

Burnouts are usually used to completely fatigue muscles when they are already pretty tired. While this approach may not be to everyone's liking, I believe it is great way squeeze the last drops of energy out of the muscles and bring them to complete exhaustion. Try it yourself, and if you don’t like it or it seems that the game is not worth the candle, cross out burnouts from your training.

3. In addition to sets of 21 repetitions, be sure to use full-range exercises in your training. If you have not figured out how to properly perform this or that exercise, please take a look at. There you will find step by step instructions and you can train with complete confidence.

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Triceps exercises for women

Women pay a lot of attention to their figure. They strive to pump up their butts, get six-pack abs, and do exercises for their chest and back. Although the beauty of the hands is also very important. S good developed muscles hands, the whole body looks more attractive and harmonious. The triceps muscles of the arms (triceps) cause more trouble than the biceps. With age, if they are not pumped up, they become flabby and saggy. If this has already happened, then all is not lost; this defect can be corrected. To do this, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises for the triceps. We present to you the best triceps exercises, tailored specifically for women, that you can perform at home or in gym.

Triceps structure

All three heads of the triceps are stimulated during arm extension movements. The lateral (outer) head or fascicle of the triceps starts from the back of the shoulder bone and extends towards elbow joint. The long (inner) head of the triceps muscle of the arm is attached just below the shoulder, at the scapula itself, and, like the outer head, extends to the elbow joint. Short head(middle, the shortest of all three heads) is located between the long and lateral ones - the medial head. It also starts from humerus, but is attached much higher than the inner and outer heads of the triceps.

To give the triceps muscles of the arms beautiful shape, you need to perform exercises that involve both the external, internal, and middle heads. That is, presses, extensions and their varieties.

Triceps exercises for girls

This exercise works the entire triceps. Of course, the emphasis is on a certain part - on the inner head of the triceps muscle. But this does not spoil the exercise. Doing push-ups while lying down narrow setting(arms shoulder-width apart, or a little narrower), any woman will transform her triceps arm muscles in a matter of months. Of course, push-ups are not enough for a complete transformation. But without them the complex will not be effective. That is why “narrow” push-ups should be part of the complex of every woman who wants to seriously transform the backs of her hands.

Get on all fours. Then rest your hands on the floor, placing them so that the width between your palms is equal to the width of your shoulders, or slightly narrower. Straighten up so that your legs and back are in one straight line. Lower yourself steadily, bending your elbows without changing your body position. Then quickly return to the starting position. Exhale and repeat the movement again. Do 4 sets of 15 reps.

Reverse push-ups for triceps are similar in action to the previous exercise. The only difference is that the hands are behind the back, and not in front of the torso. For those women who can already easily perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions in push-ups, the classic version of push-ups will be more productive. For those who prefer to perform this exercise instead of “narrow” push-ups, it is better to prefer its lighter version.

A lightweight version of push-ups from a bench is the same push-ups, with your hands resting on the bench, but your feet resting firmly with your heels on the floor. In the classic version, the legs rest on an elevated platform. The recommended number of sets and repetitions is the same as for push-ups – 4 to 15.

3) Triceps exercises with dumbbells

In this exercise, the emphasis is on the long head of the triceps muscle of the arm. Taking a dumbbell, sit on a bench. Press your arms with the dumbbell up and bend them until you feel a full stretch in your triceps. Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

The back of the bench should be tilted so much that when performing triceps extensions, the working muscles do not feel the slightest discomfort. That is, somewhere between 25 and 45 degrees. It is advisable - for a higher effect - to change the angle of the bench every 3 - 4 workouts.

Arm extensions on a bench with an inclined back will be more effective for those women whose triceps ligament ends at the elbow, and not above it. For those with short triceps (the triceps tendon ends above the elbow), it is also suitable, but for better effect It is better for them to prefer arm extensions with dumbbells in a lying position.

This exercise is for those women who have already achieved some success in the development of triceps. Arm extensions in a sitting position (torso strictly perpendicular to the floor) are inferior to previous extensions in terms of recruitment muscle mass, but to improve the relief and separation of the long (inner) head of the triceps, it will be much more effective.
Taking a dumbbell in your hand, sit up straight. Curl the dumbbell until your triceps are fully stretched. Then, without pausing at the bottom point, straighten your arm. Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

Take a dumbbell in one hand, and, bending at the waist, bend one leg at the knee and place it on the bench, resting your hand on the same side. Remaining in this position, bend your other arm with a dumbbell at the elbow so that the shoulder part of your arm is parallel to the floor. Extend your arm with the dumbbell without changing the position of its shoulder part. Perform 5 sets of 8 – 12 repetitions for each arm.

This exercise primarily works the lateral (outer) head of the triceps muscle of the arm. It is advisable to include extensions in a standing position with emphasis on one knee in training program when the desired weight has been achieved and the relief of the back of the hands needs to be improved.

It is also advisable to perform this exercise when you need to “fry” your triceps. It also employs external heads triceps. Only, unlike the previous exercise, the middle head is practically inactive here; only one works lateral head triceps.

Triceps training occurs in this way: lie on a horizontal bench, raise your arm with the dumbbell up so that it is strictly perpendicular to the floor. Lower the dumbbell by bending your elbow so that your shoulder remains vertical. Lower your arm across your torso. At the lowest point, the dumbbell should touch the bench, just above the opposite shoulder. 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions.

Reciprocal transverse triceps extensions (another name for the Tate press) are an exercise similar to the previous one. It differs only in that when performing its extensions, both hands work at once.
Taking a dumbbell in each hand, lie down on a horizontal bench. Straighten your arms - just like in transverse extensions - and lower the dumbbells across your torso, bending your elbows. The dumbbells should not touch throughout the entire set, and the palms should always be facing backwards. 5 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Sets of triceps exercises for girls

Below are three triceps workout routines. These are the most effective exercises triceps exercises that you can do at home. The first complex is for women who have just started fitness training and have no problems with overweight. The second is also for beginner girls and women, but with problems excess weight. The third is for all women who have already achieved small successes in training triceps muscles hands

1 complex

Monday: Narrow push-ups – 4 sets of 12 – 15 reps.
Dumbbell extensions while sitting on a bench, or similar exercise on horizontal bench(depending on the length of the triceps). 3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions. For the first two workouts, perform no more than 4 sets of 15 repetitions. From the third week, replace this exercise with push-ups and use weights.

You need to practice this complex until 4 sets of 15 repetitions are given without much difficulty.

2 complex

Monday: Push-ups. Set the weight with which you can perform 15 repetitions, and do 4 sets of 10 repetitions with it, resting 1 - 1.5 minutes between them. then rest for 3 minutes, and complete the 5th approach - with the maximum number of repetitions.

Extension of arms while standing in an inclined position. Do 5 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 12 reps. The interval between approaches is 1.5 – 2 minutes.
Transverse arm curls. 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 5 approaches: in the first four sets - 15 repetitions, in the last - maximum quantity repetitions.

Seated triceps extensions. Take a dumbbell that you can do 20 reps with. Perform 6 sets of 15 reps, resting 2 minutes between sets.

3 complex

Monday: Dumbbell curls while sitting on a bench, or bent over triceps extensions with emphasis on one knee. 6 sets of 6 reps. With weights for 8 reps, perform 6 sets of 6 reps, resting 1 minute after each set.
Transverse curls – 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Push-ups. Set the weight for 8 reps, do 8 reps. Then, without resting, lose 5 kg and complete the set to failure. Do 2 more sets of lowering the weight, also without resting between them.
Tate press. Perform 5 sets of 10–12 repetitions, resting 2–2.5 minutes between sets.


For some women, it is enough to practice the 1st complex for two months to begin “advanced” training. For others, even six months is not enough. It's all about genetics and body fat levels.

Typically, in women with excess weight problems, the triceps are transformed no earlier than after 2 months of training. For “inchies” who are not burdened with excess weight, this period is significantly shorter – 4–5 weeks. To significantly transform your triceps, you need to exercise for at least 3 months. You learned how to pump up a girl’s triceps at home. If you have reached good results and want to continue pumping your triceps to get relief, use this set of triceps exercises.

Triceps are muscles located on the back of the arms. These muscles help to extend the arms, pull, and push. However, most women don't realize how important it is to do triceps exercises for girls to keep them in shape until they have to raise their arms and clap. Flabby arms or batman wings are not the most pleasant descriptions for weak triceps, so you need to start getting rid of this problem.

In addition to this, training your arms will not make you as muscular as a man. Male body produces much more testosterone than women, which promotes muscle growth. So feel free to grab dumbbells and say goodbye to flabby arms. Below you will learn how to pump up your triceps at home. Do these 15 exercises to help you wear a sweater or sleeveless with equal confidence. Let's begin!

1. Triceps extensions

Triceps extensions are very simple, but effective exercise. To perform it, you can use both dumbbells and an expander.

Performing the exercise

  1. Hold a 5kg dumbbell with both hands. Feet shoulder-width apart, abs tense, shoulders relaxed;
  2. Slowly raise your arms above your head. Straighten your arms completely, point your hands toward the ceiling;
  3. Bend your elbows and bend your forearms behind your head so that they touch your biceps;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

2. French press or lying triceps extension

This is another variation of the triceps extension, but more difficult because it works the triceps against gravity.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie down on the bench. Take a 2 kg dumbbell in each hand, hands facing each other, arms extended upward;
  2. Bend your elbows and point the dumbbells toward your shoulders;
  3. Pause;
  4. Return your forearms to starting position;
  5. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

3. Push-ups

Bench push-ups work your triceps, biceps, shoulders, back, glutes, and hamstrings. This exercise is great to do at home and gives excellent results when performed regularly.

Performing the exercise

  1. Stand with your back to the bench. Lower your body down, resting your hands on the bench. Your fingers should point forward and your legs should be straight. Support your body by resting on your heels and squeezing your abdominal muscles;
  2. Slowly lower your body down with a straight back until your shoulders form a 90-degree angle with your forearms;
  3. Slowly return to the starting position;
  4. Do 3 sets of 5 reps.

4. Push-ups

Triceps push-ups are very similar to classic push-ups. They help work your triceps, core, quads, hamstrings, biceps and back.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie on your stomach. Lift your body off the floor, resting on your feet and hands. Place your hands narrower than shoulder width;
  2. As you inhale, lower your body down until your chest touches the floor;
  3. Pause and return to the starting position;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but to perform it you will need a ball. This is a more difficult version of push-ups, as you need to maintain balance.

Performing the exercise

  1. Place the ball in front of you;
  2. Place your hands on the ball. The hands should be close to each other and the arms should be fully straightened;
  3. Straighten your legs, place your toes firmly on the floor;
  4. Slowly lower yourself down until your chest touches the ball;
  5. Return to starting position;
  6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Side push-ups help tone your triceps, back, and shoulder muscles. They are similar to regular push-ups, but are performed in a slightly unconventional way. You don't need any equipment to complete this exercise.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie on your side with one leg over the other. Tighten your abs and place your top hand on the floor. With your other hand, “hug” yourself around the waist;
  2. Push off with your upper hand and lift your body off the floor;
  3. Pause and inhale as you lower yourself down;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 times on each side.

7. Standing one-arm extensions

This exercise differs from regular extensions in that here you will work with each arm in turn. This way of doing the exercise is more effective.

Performing the exercise

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand;
  2. Bend your arms and press them to your chest;
  3. Raise one arm above your head. This is the starting position;
  4. Bend your elbow and lower your forearm back until the dumbbell touches your shoulder;
  5. Slowly straighten your arm;
  6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each arm.

8. One-arm extensions in support

This exercise is performed on the same principle as the previous one, but in addition to the triceps, it uses the muscles of the shoulders, back and biceps.

Performing the exercise

  1. Place a 5 kg dumbbell on both sides of the bench;
  2. Place one knee and hand on the bench and lean forward. Keep your body parallel to the floor, place your other leg firmly on the floor, knee slightly bent;
  3. Take a dumbbell, press your shoulder to your body. The shoulder and forearm should form an angle of 90 degrees;
  4. As you exhale, move your forearm back;
  5. Hold, inhale and return your forearm to the starting position;
  6. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

9. Standing triceps extensions with an expander

Triceps extensions with a resistance band are similar to the French press, but here you will use a resistance band. An expander will add variety to your workout and make the task a little more challenging.

Performing the exercise

  1. Grab the handles of the expander, place one foot in the middle of the expander;
  2. Raise your arms up and bend your elbows. Make sure your elbows are pointing forward;
  3. Straighten your arms;
  4. Hold this position. Inhale and lower your forearms;
  5. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Bent-over row great exercise for working biceps, triceps, core, shoulders and back muscles. You will need a bar.

Performing the exercise

  1. Take the bar. Hands shoulder-width apart, lower back not bent, back straight, knees slightly bent;
  2. Pull the bar towards your chest;
  3. Pause and return the bar to the starting position. The back is straight throughout the exercise;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

11. Side plank with dumbbell lift

This exercise works the triceps, pectoral muscles, back muscles, core and gluteal muscles.

Performing the exercise

  1. Get into a side plank position by lying on one side. Place one foot on top of the other. Top hand take a 2 kg dumbbell, rest your other hand on the floor;
  2. Lift your body off the floor so that the emphasis is on only one foot and arm;
  3. Raise your arm from the dumbbells until fully extended;
  4. Slowly return your hand to the starting position;
  5. Do 1 set of 10 reps on each side.

12. Close grip bench press

This exercise works well on the biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders and core.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie down on the bench and grab the bar. Arms straight, shoulder width apart , brushes pointing upward;
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower your forearms until the bar touches your chest;
  3. Hold this position. As you exhale, straighten your arms to the starting position;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

13. Press down on the block

This exercise works your triceps, biceps and shoulders.

Performing the exercise

  1. Attach the straight handle to upper block in the gym;
  2. Stand facing the handle, grab it with a direct grip, arms and legs shoulder-width apart, elbows pressed to the body;
  3. Pull the handle towards your chest. Shoulders should be tightly secured. This is the starting position;
  4. As you inhale, push the handle down until it touches the point where your hips end;
  5. As you exhale, return your forearms to their original position;
  6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

14. Push-ups with a fitball

These push-ups are similar to classic push-ups for triceps, but for this option you will need a fitball. The exercise ball increases the difficulty level of this exercise to advanced and also improves coordination and strength.

Performing the exercise

  1. Place your hands firmly on the floor;
  2. Place your feet on the fitball and try to keep your balance;
  3. Keep your arms straight, your abs tense, your hands slightly narrower than shoulder width;
  4. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your shoulders form a 90-degree angle with your forearms;
  5. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position;
  6. Do 2 sets of 12 reps.

15. Extensions with an expander in a horizontal tilt

This type of extension is a little more complicated than those performed in a vertical position.

Performing the exercise

  1. Grab the handles of the expander and stand on it to fix it;
  2. Lean forward slightly, bend your knees and pull the resistance band so that your shoulders and elbows are pointing back. This is the starting position;
  3. Slowly move your forearms back until your arms are fully extended;
  4. Exhale and return your arms to the starting position.

The exercises described above will help you tone your arm muscles, but in conclusion I would like to remind you that you should not forget about some details.

Things to remember

  • It is impossible to lose weight in any specific part of the body. Before toning your muscles, you should get rid of excess fat;
  • Eat right. Include green leafy vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, and high-fiber foods in your diet;
  • Avoid fast food, high sugar foods, processed carbohydrates, carbonated drinks, etc.;
  • Spend 3 hours a week training on all muscle groups to burn excess fat;
  • Do not eat carbohydrates after 19:00;
  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep to help your muscles recover faster.

What are the benefits of doing triceps exercises?

Benefits of Triceps Exercises

  1. Regularly working out your triceps makes you stronger;
  2. Stretching the muscles working during exercise will protect you from injury, give you flexibility, and provide good posture and joint mobility;
  3. Improving blood circulation and reducing stress;
  4. Working out the triceps makes your body more mobile.

Now you know 15 basic exercises that will help you tighten your triceps. You no longer have to feel embarrassed about wearing sleeveless dresses. Get started right now! Good luck!

These specially selected biceps exercises with dumbbells will make your arms look great and will highlight your biceps.

Most gym lovers should not be told about the advantages of beautiful arms and why biceps training is important for girls, since the biceps muscles of the arms are one of the most noticeable muscles on the human body, and one of the first muscles that we begin to train. So there is no doubt that they are the key to a well-built figure and are also important for performing functional and everyday activities.

Biceps exercises for girls

If you want to build beautiful biceps, strengthen muscles, get rid of loose skin, and get arms that can take on anything, then all you need is a pair of dumbbells and these 6 effective biceps exercises. You can incorporate some of these exercises into your regular workout, or dedicate your entire workout to them.

1. Hammer curls with dumbbells for biceps

This exercise is ideal for those who want to add some definition to their biceps, and it also targets other muscles. The position of the wrists during this exercise engages the muscles of the forearms, making it more complete in terms of the number of muscles involved. Try to maintain control of the dumbbells throughout the entire movement of your arms.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells at your sides, palms facing your hips.
  2. Bend your arms toward your shoulders, keeping your palms and wrists facing each other. Perform this exercise in 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

If you're comfortable multi-tasking, then you'll enjoy doing biceps exercises with dumbbells for girls, sitting on an exercise ball rather than a bench, you'll have to maintain your balance, which will help put more stress on your biceps. Upper part Your arms should be stabilized during this biceps exercise, which will allow you to work your biceps to the maximum.

According to the American Council on Exercise Research, the concentrated biceps curl engages the biceps by 97%, which is more than cable curls and pull-ups (80%), dumbbell curls (76%), and standing biceps curls (with wide grip by 75%, with narrow grip by 71%), oblique arm curls (by 70%) and isolated arm curls (by 69%).

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on gymnastic ball. Sit with your thighs parallel to the floor and place your hand on the dumbbells inner surface hips.
  2. Place your elbow on your hip for stability. Bend your arm from the dumbbells toward your shoulder. Do 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions on each arm.

3. Dumbbell Curls

Don't let the simplicity of this exercise fool you! This exercise is considered a classic for one very good reason: it works as long as you do it correctly! This means that you need to select the correct weight and maintain the original position of the body throughout the entire exercise, that is, without swinging the upper body.

  1. Take a pair of dumbbells, lower your arms down and place them in front of your body at hip level with your palms facing forward.
  2. Tuck your elbows to your sides and perform a shoulder-length curl. Movements should be slow and concentrated. Hands, wrists and forearms should remain motionless.
  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells down to your thighs. Your arms should be completely straight. This is one repetition. Perform 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

This exercise is an excellent alternative to traditional arm curls (option 1). With its help, you can work some hard-to-reach muscles, for example, the brachialis, which is located under the biceps and is practically not involved in normal arm bending. If you've been wondering why your arms aren't getting into the right shape, then this exercise may be the answer!

  1. Stand in the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in both hands.
  2. Lower your hands with dumbbells and place them in front of your thighs, with your wrists and palms turned inward. Bend right hand to the left shoulder.
  3. Slowly return your right hand to the starting position and repeat the same movement with your left hand. Continue alternating hands. Perform 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each arm.

5. Reverse Curls

With this exercise you can strengthen your biceps and forearms, as well as increase your grip strength and stability! You may need to initially change your dumbbells to lighter ones specifically for this movement.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your hands with dumbbells down and place them in front of your hips, palms and wrists turned inward.
  2. The upper part of the arms should remain motionless, only the forearms work. Bend your arms towards your shoulders.
  3. Lower your arms to the starting position, while controlling their movement on the way back. Do this exercise in 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each.

This exercise will be effective if two conditions are met: the arms must be straightened as much as possible and the bending must be performed from the elbows. Your hands are placed at your sides rather than in front of you, which makes the exercise more difficult since you will have to fight gravity to do it correctly.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your chest and back straight. Hands with dumbbells are located at the sides. Raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level. The palms are directed upward.
  2. Bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells to your shoulders. Pause briefly, then slowly straighten your arms again. There is no need to lower your arms back to your sides.
  3. Perform this exercise in 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each. Take lighter dumbbells if you cannot maintain the required position, or if you sway too much when performing this exercise.

These are the most effective biceps exercises for girls in the gym that will help pump up beautiful hands. You can either use pulleys or a barbell, although dumbbells will suffice.

Do this arm training regimen for girls at the gym once a week or when you are short on time. The muscles of your arms will be strong, sculpted and sexy!

On the Internet you will find many arm exercises for women and ways to train biceps and triceps for girls. In most of them, young, perky girls lift 1.3-kilogram dumbbells a hundred times while dancing the rumba, jumping, or simply posing. And if you need to work through problem area or just to make your shoulders more attractive, then dance routines are not for you.

This arm workout for girls in the gym will only take half an hour, but will help you achieve muscle tone and beauty. This complex must be performed with high intensity - 10 repetitions per set with a short rest interval, one superset and one dropset for muscle relief. After you complete this set of 6 exercises, your arms will be burning and your heart will be pounding.

1. Standing biceps curl (with EZ bar)

3 sets, 10 times

2. Lifting dumbbells for biceps

3 sets, 10 reps (do one arm at a time. In the opposite hand, hold the dumbbell parallel to the floor)

3. Superset (perform 2 exercises per set)
French press standing overhead triceps dumbbells 3 sets, 10 times

Bench push-ups

3 sets, 10 reps (keep your feet on the floor if it gets tough)

4. Hammer biceps exercise using rope

3 sets, 10 times

5. Extension of arms for triceps in a block using a rope

3 sets, 10 times (double drop set: Perform 10 times. Without a break, reduce the weight on the machine and do another 10 times)

The goal of this exercise is to focus on the biceps, so keep your elbows tight at your sides to avoid using your pecs or shoulder muscles. Only the biceps should be loaded at all times.

Dumbbell biceps curl

Even the slightest change to this classic exercise will surprise your arms. Holding in one hand will increase the time under tension because you are resisting the weight even with a relaxed hand. Each time, you will want to lower the hand that holds the weight in static position. Instead of giving up, try to keep your non-working arm at an even 90-degree angle.

Overhead dumbbell extension

This is one of best exercises for triceps. To get maximum benefit, tuck your elbows in and squeeze your triceps at the top of the range. Use your core during each set.

Triceps push-ups

On the bench, keep your hands near your hips to avoid additional pressure on your shoulders. Your feet can be on the floor or on another bench.

Hammer biceps curls in the lower block

In all of the arm exercises you did in this workout, you used a supinated (wrists turned up) grip. In this case, use neutral grip. Your arms should be perpendicular to your body and facing each other. Changing the grip allows you to focus on the same muscles, but from different angles.

Triceps extension with rope

Finish this workout with a drop set. Do 10 reps, reduce the number of plates in the machine, without a break, do another 10 reps. Lower the weight again and immediately do another 10 reps. This is the last exercise of the workout, so don't stop and finish confidently, even if you feel like you have wet cement running through your veins and your arms are about to fall off.