Horoscope for Leo fire horse. Horse - Scorpio

2017 promises many good things and interesting events for representatives of the eastern calendar - horses, which is filled with both pleasant moments and difficult and unpleasant ones.

Horse Woman: Horoscope for 2017

Horse women make decisions quickly. But the main thing is not that, but that they do it right. Therefore, they will be successful in the coming year. You can count on career growth, especially since Horse women skillfully use their personal charm to influence the right people.

The year will be rich in useful and interesting acquaintances. Horses will be regularly invited to various celebrations and receptions (both family and corporate), where they will show themselves in all their splendor and be the stars of the program.

The perseverance and hard work characteristic of Horses appeal to the Rooster, and he will help reward these qualities. Those around you will also be mostly on the side of the Horses and will support their endeavors.

There may be problems in family life. They will happen due to the habit of Horse women to take leadership in everything. It is better to show your leadership qualities at work, and be more flexible at home.

Horse Man: Horoscope for 2017

Horse men are active and active. These are exactly the qualities that bring success in the year of the Rooster. So Horses can expect public recognition and the realization of their plans.

As good leaders, they will be able to prove themselves in a leadership position. Career growth for Horse men is almost guaranteed. Their determination will help them realize the most ambitious projects. In society they will become respected, authoritative people whose point of view is capable of shaping public opinion.

Some Horses may decide to radically change their lifestyle or social circle. You should listen to this kind of inner voice, even if it advises you to join a biker club or move to live in Chukotka. This is probably exactly what is required for the most complete development of the Horse’s talents. In addition, loved ones will tend to support the most incredible ideas.

In order for the Horse to have peace in the family, a man should avoid conflicts and be attentive to the wishes of his wife. Single Horses will be more busy with business than with love problems.

Horse: Love horoscope for 2017

Free Horses are unlikely to get married this year. They will be busy with other things. In this case, you can advise them not to abuse short-term relationships. Other people may feel differently about the situation and it would be unfair to give them false hope.

Family Horses will be a real draft force at home. All serious events in the life of the family will happen with their input and under their leadership. Household members will fully or mainly support the initiatives of Horses, so you can expect many domestic revolutions.

At the same time, it is better for Horses to refrain from a commanding tone, which is unpleasant to many. They will be obeyed anyway. It is also undesirable to try to control absolutely all areas of a partner’s life - this leads to justified discontent and conflicts. Most people are quite trustworthy.

Horse: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Who's lucky! However, those who are lucky are lucky. The Horses' hard work will finally be rewarded. They will be able to choose from several lucrative offers for a new position. Business deals will be successful, and there will be no end to new offers.

In order not to frighten away luck, Horses should brag less about their achievements and not attribute all the merits of the team to themselves, their loved ones. Then they will be respected by their colleagues, and fate itself will deal with the few envious people, and will do it quickly.

Horses love to squander money, and in the year of the Rooster they will have a lot to squander. The income will be enough not only for everything you need, but also for living on a grand scale. Still, it is better to keep the buying spree under control, since such favorable periods do not always occur. No, you can pamper yourself, but within reasonable limits. It is also advisable to start saving money - there will be no problems, this way you can then afford something truly luxurious.

Horse: Health Horoscope for 2017

Horses' immunity is so-so, so you need to maintain it and accept the fact that you may not be able to avoid the flu. The second risk factor is injury. For physical activity It’s better to choose not too extreme methods. Increased vigilance will also be required in winter, when many streets traditionally resemble a good skating rink.

In case of illness, you should go to the hospital, and not to the healer. Many Horses love “alternative” doctors, but in the new year this can be dangerous for them.

Astrologers and nutritionists do not recommend that Horses switch to a diet of oats alone. Radical vegetarianism is not indicated for them; it is better to simply monitor the balance of your diet and not overuse salty and spicy foods. This will be both healthier and more convenient for the family household.


Miracles, and nothing more - the combination of a hot Horse and a warlike Aries in the year of the Rooster will give consistent, quiet pedants! But the bosses at work will appreciate it.

Horse Taurus

Excellent prospects – Horses are shown to work diligently, and Taurus will be especially passionate about their work. The reward is just around the corner.

Gemini Horse

But it’s better for Gemini to come down to earth. They will show a tendency to empty dreams, and this is not welcome in the year of the Rooster.


Indifference to matters of the heart is not their thing. Horses-Cancers will also be most passionate about their personal lives in the new year.


Very good prognosis. Leos will show the intensity that the Rooster expects from them. But at the same time, they will be quite soft, and conflicts will not arise around them.


They will need spare horseshoes. Virgo-Horses love traveling, and in the new year this can bring them good income and useful acquaintances.


They want to be more energetic and proactive. They will show a tendency to “move in circles,” and this will not help solve any problem.

Scorpio Horse

These are not groundless dreamers, but reformers and revolutionaries. The fact is that Scorpios will be able to turn their wildest fantasies into reality.


Feel free to invite them to the company and sign them up as friends. Sagittarians will be full of sociability and wit. But it’s better not to hope for a quick marriage with them.


This is atypical for them, but they will become lovers of novelty and impressions. This is good - new acquaintances and trips are useful and profitable.


Aquarians will tend to get carried away with new things excessively. Sometimes you need to stop and remember the eternal, otherwise you can lose touch with reality.


A good prognosis is that they will have a very high performance capacity, and the rooster will well reward the honest work of the Horses.

Horoscope 2017 Leo

Proud and independent Leo in 2017 will be faced with an unusual situation. They will practically not have to enter into a battle for profit, for which they are not at all ready. Representatives of this sign are accustomed to achieving everything themselves, working under the motto “All life is a struggle.”

Therefore, such a scenario of events, when everything will fall into their hands, will at first be somewhat confusing.

Fate will give Leos many unpredictable situations that have an extremely favorable outcome. Trust the Stars, they are more supportive of you this year than ever.

The stability of Lviv can only be shaken by a number of difficult circumstances, which must be responded to immediately.

Otherwise, the ground may disappear from under your feet. The horoscope advises to be more flexible, then the likelihood of success will increase significantly. And choose one goal, otherwise you risk missing both birds. In addition to achieving your cherished goal, this will keep you calm. Nervous overload can lead to Leos losing more than they gain. After all, chronic fatigue can affect your health.

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For Lviv beginning of the year very suitable in terms of productive activities and promoting your business.

IN winter period can be opened new way earnings or think about plans to expand or merge your company with partners. By spending this time actively and being in the center of events, Leos can make a good start for the future, and at the end of the year receive a long-awaited profit.

in spring It is very important to control yourself and remain faithful to your partner, since both in business and in the love sphere, Leos will very often be seduced and try to lead them astray.

Constantly faced with a sea of ​​temptations, Leo may not be able to resist and thereby discredit himself in the eyes of the public, which means that all his actions should be assessed with a cool head before committing them.

A very dangerous period for individuals of this zodiac sign will be summer. At this time, it is worth protecting yourself as much as possible from accidents that could negatively affect the health of Leo.

It is important to refrain from swimming in bodies of water, and also to strictly adhere to safety precautions, because otherwise there is a risk of injury and disfigurement.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo makes it clear that in autumn time It is very important to take care of the integrity of your family and improve living conditions.

This time is suitable for buying a house or apartment, carrying out major repairs or purchasing equipment. All this will allow the Leo family to unite and get excited about a common idea, which means getting even closer.

Love horoscope Leo 2017

In the year of the Rooster, life cannot be called boring for loving Leos. A lot of flirting, romantic adventures and deep feelings await them.

But a relationship that began with passion is unlikely to continue.

By mid-2017 representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to think about their personal lives, despite large number easy relationships.

Some even withdraw into themselves, but there is no need for so much tragedy. You remember that the Year of the Rooster is favorable to you, so draw the right conclusions and look for a partner who shares all your views.

The stars reserved the most favorable forecast for those Leos who already have close relationships or are married. You will become even closer to your partner and will not even think about having affairs on the side.

A period of true spiritual romance is coming for you.

The financial situation of Lviv at the beginning of the year can be characterized rather as stable and not foreshadowing any particular shocks. Large cash expenditures are not visible on the horizon, and too large one-time receipts and gifts are not expected either.

In 2017, Leo You should not waste money in vain and especially not get carried away with hours-long shopping trips. You should not buy anything unnecessary, although it is quite possible that the temptation to buy some unnecessary thing will practically haunt you all year.

In any case, it is best to overcome yourself and save a little.

It is quite possible that in 2017 Leos will have to pay old bills. If you have debts, think about the fact that it would be better to pay them off as soon as possible.

It is quite possible that you have already forgotten about some of your financial obligations - well, this year they will certainly remind you of themselves, so it is better to prepare for them in advance.

After all, very soon your own financial situation may change better side. So be patient, save and wait.

It is better not to start any new financial affairs, be it loans or investments, in 2017 - believe me, in the end there will be much more negative than positive.

At the end of the year, you may be offered to make a financial investment - but you should not agree to it. Even if a trusted person assures you of the reliability and safety of this enterprise, think twice and carefully consider all the conditions.

There is always a risk in such matters, so even if it is minimal, do not forget how unpleasant it can be to lose your hard-earned savings.

In 2017, representatives of the Leo sign may unexpectedly worsen chronic diseases of the venous system, therefore, if they are present, it is strongly recommended to take preventive measures.

Sports will be very relevant in 2017 - at the beginning of the year you will finally be able to pull yourself together and sign up for a gym, or buy a subscription to the pool, or take a yoga course - in general, choose what suits you most taste.

Eat right - healthy will help you stay good physical condition throughout the year.

If you strive, then you should not adhere too much strict diets– do not forget that nutrition should, first of all, be balanced.

Under no circumstances should you go hungry - be sure to include lean meat, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

At the beginning of the year, diseases may worsen or appear for the first time. gastrointestinal tract. If you notice symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor - with proper treatment, the disease can be dealt with quickly enough and without incurring any significant losses - this applies to both finances and the resources of your body.

Hiking will be an excellent help in maintaining health in 2017 for Leo. Try to get out into nature or to the park, take a good walk and breathe in the wonderful air.

Family horoscope 2017 Leo

Family horoscope for 2017 Leo (24.07-2.08) . Leo will seriously think about expanding his living space. The Rooster does not advise leaving the city, because you can simply buy a large apartment. Moreover, the children have already grown up and need a separate room.

Let them act as a designer, arranging their own home as they wish.

Family horoscope for 2017 Leo(3.08-13.08). The Rooster advises Leo to visit elderly relatives more often. Especially if they need care and help from you.

Don’t forget about gifts for your loved ones - grandma will be happy when she tries on a warm down scarf. Go outdoors with your family more often to strengthen your relationships and have a good rest.

Family horoscope for 2017 Leo(14.08-23.08). The forecast advises to be more sensitive and softer in relations with relatives. Believe me, your household will look at you with completely different eyes.

After all, you don’t often “pamper” them with emotional outbursts and sentimentality.

The Rooster will help Leo organize interesting games and entertainment that will bring family members together and delight children.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Rat

In 2017, all Leo representatives will feel an incredible surge of strength and energy. Your sixth sense will become sharper beyond recognition, so in all important matters, trust your intuition - it will not let you down.

Moreover, envious people will constantly set cunning traps everywhere.

When making new acquaintances, do not tell all your secrets just once, but first take a closer look at this person.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Ox

In 2017, the Rooster will have no room for laziness in your life - where will it come from if the owner of the year has come up with so many activities for you that there will be no time to rest.

But, if your bosses personally buy you a trip and force you to go to distant lands, it’s better not to refuse - no one has yet earned all the money in the world, and why do you need such a headache?

There is already enough finances, so calm down - fortune will not leave you alone anyway.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Tiger

Despite the fact that the Rooster is a homebody, Leos will not stay at home. Pleasant and exciting travel awaits you. They can be either for work or for your personal reasons.

Don't worry that traveling will make your colleagues forget about you or think you're taking too much time off. On the contrary, they will respect you even more for your ability to work.

The stars advise Leos in the professional field to take less risks and not commit rash acts.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Rabbit (Cat)

In the new year, you will be a regular at all social parties in your city - people will be glad to see your smile alone, and even if they meet you in person, they will simply faint.

No wonder - the charm of the cute Cats will be at its best, even the owner of the year himself will blush with embarrassment in your presence.

There will be a lot of entertainment, but don’t forget about business, and sometimes show up for work - although the mechanism is well-oiled and everything works out by itself, control will not hurt the Lion-Cats.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Dragon

Respect and popularity - this is what awaits Lviv in the approaching 2017. These people will gather only successful individuals around them, unite them and begin to feed on their energy themselves.

Your leadership abilities will be extremely powerful. But? to feed them, you should find people who will begin to evoke only positive thoughts in you.

After all, a peaceful and happy Leo is capable of moving mountains. Eat seafood more often so that your brain activity does not weaken over time.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Snake

You will hear the ringing of gold coins already on the first day of the reign of the Fire Rooster, but nothing is given for nothing, so you will have to work, and at least bend down and collect money.

The snakes will be able to show their talents in the entrepreneurial sphere - there is no need to become shuttles themselves and hunch back like in the dashing nineties.

Cockerel has already found a store for you, all that remains is to pay the rent and figure out which product is more interesting and profitable to sell.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Horse

2017 will bring calm and a little respite for Leos. Some of you will decide to go on vacation for a while to take a break from the string of tasks that have accumulated in a huge pile.

Some new activity or hobby will help you relax. Maybe you want to learn how to draw or dance.

Definitely, any entertainment will benefit Leos - when they are rested, they will get to work with redoubled enthusiasm.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Goat (Sheep)

Although the Fire Cockerel promised to protect you from troubles, the Goats will have to sharpen their horns - you will have serious opponents in 2017.

Feel free to rush into battle - victory is guaranteed, especially in business, because no one can compare with the talents of Leo.

But in your personal life there is peace and grace - you have no competitors, and all the fans in the Year of the Rooster will only be at your feet.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Monkey

In 2017, Leos will exude incredible charm and charm. People around you will not be able to resist you, and people of the opposite sex will begin to pay excessive attention.

However, do not abuse this attitude, because all these people really act on good principles.

Fate will give you many ways to have fun in the coming year, which you will certainly take advantage of.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Rooster

You have both a mane and wings, so take advantage of this and boldly rush to the Fire Rooster for gifts. The Eastern lord of the year will watch you all the time and will always suggest the right solution.

Your sincerity will be appreciated in 2017 - all business people of the city will consider it an honor to sign a contract with you.

In your personal life, perseverance will be useful to you - try to win the love of your chosen one again - a little romance, a little imagination, and your second honeymoon is guaranteed.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Dog

As 2017 approaches, Leos will fly on the wings of love. This feeling will give them confidence and strength to do good deeds for everyone who asks for it.

Many will be able to convert such ability to work into realization own desires. As for finances, astrologers advise refraining from large purchases.

Do not lend money to your friends, because in the middle of the month you will need the money yourself.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo - Pig (Boar)

Your chivalrous spirit in the year of the Rooster will be successful - because you are ready to fight injustice and protect everyone who needs it. Be careful - some may take advantage of your gullibility.

In 2017, Leo has a great chance of winning - play poker with luck, you will definitely win.

All risky deals will lead to success, but a reliable rear will not be superfluous - your friends will always stand behind you, like faithful guards.


The Rooster is not very friendly towards the Horse. And she, I must admit, answers him in much the same way. In 2017, Horses will have to go through life on their own, without the help of their Master, who is unlikely to be willing to lend their shoulder to them. However, you shouldn't get too upset about this. Indeed, in some situations, no support is much better than inappropriate or awkward support. And, besides, representatives of this sign are quite capable of coping with many of their problems themselves.

General forecast for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 for the Horse zodiac sign in general promises to be quite successful and successful. The red rooster will treat this sign with special favor and will begin to help in literally all matters. It will be possible to fly up the career ladder very quickly and quite high this year. All business will bring good material profit, then the financial condition will be able to constantly increase. Almost all year, people born under this sign will try to do everything possible to achieve success in their profession. Such workaholism, of course, is very commendable on the one hand, but on the other, it can have a very negative impact on romantic affairs.

Yes, and intra-family relationships between a couple can be constantly subject to quarrels, due to the fact that the other half is constantly busy at work, in free time All he thinks about is how to increase income or do something. Communication with friends on this basis can also deteriorate significantly, because there will be less and less time for them. Astrologers pay attention to the fact that in eastern calendar This year will be one of the most successful for the Horse. Those who apply their efforts will rise to heights unprecedented before this time.

By the way, many do not use the term careerists in relation to these people, because they try not only to improve their financial situation, but also to change their working conditions to more comfortable and profitable ones. Perhaps some will even change jobs, moving from high salary to a lower one, but only if this place promises fast and high career growth, which simply did not exist in the previous places.

Special attention should be paid to your personal life, otherwise, in the pursuit of a new chair, money and prospects, you can not only destroy what you have, but also alienate those people who could be nearby. Work will make a person obsessive, irritable, selfish, and at a certain moment you need to be able to stop so as not to sit alone in your beautiful chair.

Finances will be more than stable almost throughout the year, gradually, slowly they will begin to grow upward, but this will not be a gift or a bonus, but a well-deserved payment for good and diligent work. If a person of this sign is able to properly manage his capital, then by the end of 2017 he will have a fairly round sum in his account, which can then be turned into his own business or successfully invested in something. In any case, the presence of start-up capital is already a very good indicator of a person’s hard work and dedication.

The Horoscope for 2017 for Horse shows that things can change quite quickly. You should be prepared for the possibility of changing both your place of work and your place of residence. For some, this will be facilitated by business trips or vacation trips abroad; perhaps the prospect will open up where no one is expecting it, you need to be prepared for this too. Proposals to change jobs or go on courses or internships should be considered very carefully, analyzing all the pros and cons of such a step. Only after this can you make a decision so that you don’t regret anything later. Those actions that were committed in a fit of emotion will not bring anything good, it is worth remembering this.

An active and purposeful Horse can plan and spend this year in such a way that the result will be changes that it has been waiting for for several years. Astrologers say that all this will be completely deserved and if something changes after this, then it will only be an impetus right side. You should also pay attention to your emotional state; constant activities and the pace of movement will very quickly make you feel tired of everything. You need to find time just for yourself amid the hustle and bustle, start playing sports, actively resting, this will help restore the balance of strength in the body. All negativity should be left in gym or on the massage therapist's couch, but do not take it into your home.

Horoscope for a man

The Rooster and the Horse have a common feature: the desire to argue and defend their opinion to the end. “Even if you kill me, I’m right!” The horoscope for 2017 for the Horse man promises a period full of disputes of all kinds. The Rooster and the Horse are like accomplices: they “finish off” their opponents with evidence of rightness. The enemy has no choice but to move aside. 2017 for the Horse is a time of victories.

It seems to others that representatives of this sign succeed in everything in life easily, without effort. Career, family, friends, material wealth. This is an appearance, the Horse works hard and hard to achieve what it has. The ability to fully devote oneself to a task will bring success in the year of the Red Rooster. The Horse's performance and ability to manage people will be noticed. She will be offered a good position.

There are no surprises in his personal life: ladies love a man and try in every possible way to please him. The horse in 2017 is an enviable bachelor. However, single representatives of the sign do not strive to go to the registry office, they have no time. They are immersed in their career.

Family Horses are rarely at home, but spend every free minute with their family. Be gentle with your family, they miss you. Astrologers advise Horse spouses to be patient: sooner or later your man will get tired and return to the family.

Horoscope for a woman

Ladies of this sign are practical, reasonable, and know how to achieve what they want. May not work worse than men. The horoscope for 2017 for the Horse woman promises a fruitful, eventful period. The picture changes quickly, you need to have time to adapt to the proposed circumstances. The horse is not afraid of change, this is its advantage.

Women of this sign are not accustomed to being guided by the advice of others. They act according to their own instructions. However, in 2017 it makes sense to listen to more experienced colleagues. Don't reject a helping hand in a difficult situation, you need friends. The Rooster tests the Horse's character, giving her many interesting proposals for changing jobs. Some are worth seriously thinking about. This is where the advice of elders comes in handy.

In his personal life there are also adventures. A horse attracts men like a magnet. It's good, there's plenty to choose from. If she wishes, she can get married at any time. The Horse chooses a life partner carefully, assessing the man from all sides. Take heart, 2017 is a great year to start a family.

Love horoscope for 2017

In love, as in other areas of life, the Horse is selfish. She needs those around her to live her life, not theirs. For a man of this sign, the wife builds the life of the family around her husband, everything depends on his plans and desires. Sometimes the Horse wakes up next to her husband and does not understand what she is doing here. Such interesting feature at this sign.

However, the Horse cannot live alone either. You have to maneuver between what is desired and what is proposed. In 2017, the Horse will be literally “unstoppable.” Regardless of marital status this shrew walks like in last time. Astrologers give single representatives of the sign the “green light” for adventure. But a family Horse needs to be careful: a conflict with a spouse is possible, up to and including divorce. Children suffer from your adventures.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the Horse always returns to the family sooner or later. She provides her family with a reliable support, both financially and as the head of the family. In 2017, the horse needs to “turn on” his mind and not be guided solely by feelings. Especially those born under the sign of the Fire Horse.

Money horoscope for 2017

Money is of great importance to the Horse. She feels insecure without savings. She loves not the money itself, but what it can buy. She needs financial independence.

The horse knows how to manage money. She is smart, understands economics, knows how to save and increase savings. This character trait will help her stand strong in the troubled first half of 2017. Spring of the Fire Rooster is changeable, many will lose financial stability. The horoscope for 2017 for Horses promises calm times closer to summer. And in the fall hard work will begin to bear fruit. By winter, the Horse will already have a strong financial “airbag”.

During the year, expenses will be required for family members: education, purchases, payment for medical examinations. Don't be annoyed, it's necessary. You should refrain from purchasing real estate. Take your time, there is a chance to get what you want for temporary use. For example, if you change jobs, you may be provided with company housing.

In the summer, be sure to spend money on buying trips to hot countries. Don't sit in a stuffy office, allow yourself quality rest.

Career horoscope for 2017

In the first half of the year, the Horse feels a little out of shape. Last year she worked too much and did not have time to rest. The Year of the Rooster promises a frantic pace, the Horse is in a hurry. But by the beginning of summer she will gather her strength. Astrologers recommend shifting some of the responsibilities to colleagues in the spring in order to concentrate on your work. The horse tends to be all over the place, but don't overexert yourself. You have your own terms of reference.

The second half of the year will be on the rise. The horse is “spurred on” by circumstances, many interesting offers, career growth looms on the horizon. Avoid dubious offers to earn money through dishonest means. You may be used in a bad way. An excellent opportunity will arise in the field of politics, trade interaction with government agencies. In 2017, the Horse needs to bet on the state. apparatus.

If you already have your own business, develop it through interaction with large companies. Not immediately, but over time there will be excellent prospects for expanding your staff and enlarging your business. With Horse partners you should be more correct, without imposing your vision of the situation.

Health horoscope for 2017

Representatives of the sign, as people say, have “horse health.” This hardy people, capable of withstanding severe physical activity. Horses make brilliant athletes. They have an important quality for achieving results: working until victory.

IN everyday life they don't forget about sports. In 2017, this will help avoid seasonal colds. It is recommended to pay attention to the abdominal organs: kidneys, liver, intestines. Especially for office workers who practice snacking on the run. At first there is no time for proper nutrition, then problems overtake. Don't be frivolous, stick to the routine. Eat vegetables and cereals more often; it is better to avoid unhealthy fast food.

In summer, go to the sea-ocean, in winter, spend time in the mountains, go skiing. You don't have to go on vacation with your family. You can take a break from each other by purchasing tickets to different countries. From sports loads Astrologers advise ladies to visit the gym for light exercise such as fitness. Floor dancing is recommended for those who are especially persistent and risk-taking.

Celebrities born in the year of the Horse

Vladimir Lenin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Roosevelt, Hugo Chavez, Alexander Lukashenko, Leonid Yarmolnik, Halle Berry, Vincent Cassel, Ivan Urgant, Vera Alentova.


In 2017, it is advisable for Horses to pay constant attention to their health. Although it seems that they won’t have to set them up for long; most of them themselves will be fully aware of this. They should pay special attention to this...

In the first half of this year, some misunderstandings may arise in the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Therefore, if possible, it makes sense to be examined for this subject at the beginning of the year.

In winter, you need to be as careful as possible for those Horses who have a vacation planned for this period and who are going to spend it at a ski resort or other place where they are supposed to winter views sports The risk of injury during such a pastime will be quite high.

In the year of the Rooster, Horses should not abuse the use of alternative medicine. There is a high probability that when turning to specialists providing such services, they will encounter charlatans and ignoramuses. But it is very useful for Horses to take a course of massage for a year.


The financial issue for Horses in 2017 will be quite acute. The fact is that, on the one hand, their income may decrease, and on the other, their expenses will increase at the same time. Many of the Horses, in the year of the Rooster, will want to start arranging their home (renovating, buying new furniture, etc.). Some will have other points of “application” of money. And in any case, these people will strive in every possible way to ensure that everything they spend their money on is of the highest quality, the most stylish, and so on. And this always costs money...

And yet, Horses should hardly be dissuaded from making all these expenses. After all, a financially difficult period is a temporary phenomenon in their life, but good things will serve and delight for a long time. And besides, when 2017 is in the past, new tasks will arise for the Horses, and then, freed from the need to spend money on household purchases, they will be able to feel much freer.


This area of ​​life most likely will not occupy a dominant position among Horses. Most of them will have other priorities during this period. Meanwhile, in 2017 they will have a lot of opportunities to establish new professional connections. It would be good for Horses to try to tie at least some of them.

After the summer, many Horses will have to endure difficult situation. They are awaiting some kind of global check or something like that. It is advisable for them to keep this information “on pencil” from the beginning of the year, so as not to let things slide and, if necessary, pull up old “tails”.


The Year of the Rooster promises to pass for most Horses under the sign of passion. Single Horses will fall in love and almost immediately warm up to the object of their love. Married people - flare up with emotions, lose their temper for no reason. But a particularly unpleasant topic for them will be feelings of jealousy. It is this that can create serious risks of breaking relationships with partners. Moreover, the most problematic situation will be for those of them who are just getting into a relationship. Jealousy can simply kill a union that has not yet become strong and stable. So it is imperative to control yourself in such manifestations.

For Leo, July 2017 will be a kind of transition point from a passive state to an active one. All difficulties and crisis situations are easily resolved, and new ideas contribute to personal and professional growth. If Leos have ever wondered about career development, this July is an excellent start for implementing the most daring decisions that lead to global changes.

There is a risk of misjudging the circumstances.

This primarily depends on your expectations. Reassessment of values ​​is accompanied by emotions, and the behavior of the people with whom you communicate will not always correspond to expectations, so the stars recommend being attentive to new acquaintances and weighing the advice of even your closest friends more than once.

This month, Leos will have to adapt to the surrounding reality and direct their activity in the direction necessary for them. Internal disharmony associated with changes must be controlled and, most importantly, understand that even the “king of beasts” sometimes requires support.

Family life and personal relationships of Leo in July 2017

In love, July will be a good month. The natural charm inherent in Leos will not go unnoticed and will bring the expected results. Single individuals will probably meet their soulmate, with whom they will plunge into a romantic relationship in the second half of the month. It is your spontaneity and sincerity that attracts attention.

Unmarried Leos can count on a logical conclusion to the relationship.

For many, the new stage will be associated with civil marriage and cohabitation, which will give even more strength and support to achieve new heights, both in their personal lives and in their careers. A busy July will not give you the opportunity to fully relax, but the family nest will become a lifeline from the hustle and bustle and stress of work.

Representatives of the sign who are married, along with personal changes, may also encounter family difficulties associated with misunderstandings. You should restrain your ardor and desire to surpass your other half, find a competent solution to the conflict that has arisen, and you won’t notice how family life will be filled with an atmosphere of mutual understanding and support.

Many representatives of the sign can expect changes in their careers, but not many are able to appreciate this. Meet any opportunities as prospects for the better. Even minor changes in the future will lead to career growth or a change in professional activity.

However, promotion or change of activity is accompanied by some risks:

  • psychological overload associated with sudden changes in the usual daily routine;
  • increased responsibility and new responsibilities;
  • emergence complex tasks, unsolvable at first glance.

Before making an important decision, weigh the pros and cons.

Maybe drastic changes are not for you now and you should direct your potential in a different direction. However, if you take a risk, you will definitely achieve success - the stars are on your side in July.

By the end of the month, Lvov expects an improvement in its financial condition. This could be a bonus for merit, additional income from a personal project, an increase in the basic salary, etc. The accumulated funds will become the foundation for your own capital, with the help of which you will make that long-awaited purchase.

Leo's health in July 2017

High energy potential will not allow diseases to overcome Lviv. But at the same time, you should pay special attention to your health, since a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases can make itself felt in mid-July. Eliminate the possibility of stressful situations, avoid overexertion and do everything to achieve emotional stability.

  • relaxation with friends and family;
  • trips to nature;
  • early morning jogging;
  • evenings with your loved one, etc.

It is worth remembering that an imbalance in psychological health leads to metabolic disorders. You may need a course of probiotics and natural-based sedatives.

The second ten days of July are accompanied by increased injuries. Any injury can be much more serious than just a bruise, so be especially vigilant. However, dangerous surgical interventions should also be avoided.

Leo will have an abundance of charm and energy in July 2017. Consistency, determination and perseverance are the main criteria for success.

For people born in the year of the Horse, the period while the Red Rooster rules the world will be extremely productive. In 2017, you will be able to realize your main goal (increase your income several times and/or achieve incredible social prestige). At the same time, the owner of the year, the Red Rooster, will gladly support all your initiatives. He will like the fact that you refuse to sit still at the very moment when fate gives you a chance to make money, and the Rooster will multiply these fateful chances. True, disagreements with the ruler of the year will still arise from time to time, and all because you do not want to admit that you owe your great successes to chance. In general, as has often happened with you, you will become “starstruck” again, although this time those around you will humbly come to terms with your “stardom.”

And who has the right to judge a “star” who has achieved sensational success with her own hands? In 2017, your public profile will truly rise to the skies, immediately after which your life will change radically. You will no longer worry about where to get money to buy your dreams or for some urgent needs. In the coming months, you will be faced with other questions - how to preserve your earned capital and extract even greater profits from it? If you work for yourself, you have long known the answer. The very project that you have long wanted to implement, but still haven’t gotten around to, will strengthen your financial position. Yes, yes, the very moment has come when you can (yes, you should!) give it a start by achieving several goals at once (thus making your big dream come true and making your money work tirelessly). If you are an employee of a company, this advice is no less relevant for you. Right now, while the loud-voiced Rooster rules the world, you should publicly declare yourself. Stop panicking about the outcome of your ideas and act decisively. The only thing that can slightly hinder the success of your personal business endeavors is a lack of professionalism (take this point into account in advance, improve the quality of your knowledge in the chosen field or find people competent in these matters).

Alas, your great business success, dear Horses, will have some unpleasant moments (that same “pitfall” that almost no undertaking can do without). This “pitfall” for you will not be the most joyful situation that will develop on your love front during the period of your large-scale business victories. You don't have enough physical strength, in order to carry several “burdens” on yourself at once (both business and personal relationships), and we already know your priority for 2017 (it will be a continuous fight for financial abundance). In general, there will be no harmony within the walls of your home in the year of the Red Rooster; this is a fact with which you should not fight particularly hard. However, still have a heart-to-heart talk with the people dear to your heart and try to explain to them that your constant absence from home is the price to pay for the luxury with which you surrounded your household. If you are single, and there is no one to complain about your excessive workload, the biggest experience of 2017 for you will be a bright romance that will quickly begin and fade away just as quickly. Moreover, a little later you will sincerely worry that you have let this worthy person go from your life (alas, he will refuse to wait resignedly until you put things in order and finally remember his existence).

Attention, the eastern Horse horoscope for 2017 has been published in abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.