Fat is a life preserver. We solve the problem comprehensively: how to remove the lifebuoy around the waist? Abdominal exercises

It has already been noted that what older man becomes, the more often his waist area begins to increase, the so-called “ lifebuoy» in the form of fat on the sides and abdomen. The only question is, from whom does this circle save and why? But often this is not funny at all, but rather sad. And today we will discuss several topics, these are:

  • Reasons that cause increase in belly fat
  • Types of fat and recommendations for eliminating it
  • What is visceral fat?
  • How to lose belly fat - food recommendations
  • Three effective abdominal exercises

In fact, this question worries many, since a large belly often spoils the mood and even interferes with life. With a large waist, it is not always possible to be fashionable and stylish, active and active, and this also affects your health.

What causes a big belly?

There are different reasons for a protruding belly. This may be the consequences of a past operation that disrupted muscle function and now they are not working properly, storing fat. This may be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, the result of an unbalanced diet, elementary gluttony, etc.

Also, foods that tend to form excess gases in the stomach may be involved in the cause of a protruding tummy. There is even one “jeans” test. If the jeans are fastened in the morning, but in the evening they are not fastened, this indicates that the person is not obese and the reason for his protruding belly is the gases formed during the day.

By the way, excessive gas formation can be caused by legumes, milk, potatoes, sugar, bread, cabbage and even greens. This is a natural, physiological process that does not carry anything terrible except discomfort in the intestines and a bloated abdomen.

But when a person buttons up his jeans and fat hangs on his stomach and sides both in the morning and in the evening, this indicates that he has already become obese.

Belly fat - types

Here, first of all, you need to look at what kind of fat. If it is mild, then you will simply need nutritional correction and physical activity. If the fat is hard, then here you will have to “split” these arrays in the literal sense of the word. Mesatherapy is good, but only if body fat not so “ancient”.

This procedure is considered quite safe for the body. But it must be done only in a certified place and with a good specialist. Among side effects mesotherapy, allergic reactions to the administered drug are most common.

What does this procedure look like? Using a thin needle, special active components are injected into areas where fat accumulates, which accelerate the process of fat burning. Also, these injected substances can activate the work of the glands responsible for waste and toxins in the body and facilitating their removal. The effect of mesatherapy occurs within a few weeks.

What is visceral fat?

There are still internal fat on the abdomen, which is called visceral. These are internal deposits that are found under the abdominal muscles and accumulate around the abdominal organs, rather than around the waist and hips. And when there is a lot of this fat, then the waist can become too tight. The reason for its formation is, as a rule, a sedentary lifestyle and proper nutrition.

On the one hand, it is very important for energy support of the body during nutritional deficiency, for example, during forced hunger strikes. On the other hand, it better allows you to endure stress and performs the protective functions of internal organs from the external environment.

But at the same time, its excess leads to various serious diseases, and the aesthetic side ( appearance) loses greatly. But nature has made such an effort that every person has this fat, since it is a kind of protection. And here its volume is important.

Surplus visceral fat lead to obesity, hormonal imbalances, heavy loads on the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, contribute varicose veins veins, liver disease, often make breathing difficult, provoke type II diabetes mellitus, and weaken the immune system.

This fat is very difficult to burn, but those who are freed from its excess literally become younger and fresher before our eyes, as all organs feel more vital and begin to work more actively.

And in this case, to bring this fat back to normal, it is not enough to go on a diet. In order for internal fat to begin to burn regularly, a set of measures is needed. The main ones are:

This needs to be done systematically and regularly, over a period of months, then you can see a good result.

Abdominal exercises

If your weight is normal, but your stomach is sticking out, then there are three exercises that you can do to bring this part of your body back to normal.

First exercise

In a place where you regularly look (for example, the kitchen table) or that you often pass (for example, a doorway), you place or hang a certain “sign” for yourself, a kind of beacon that will regularly remind you to do this exercise (small soft toy, bright candy wrapper, ribbon, flag, etc.).

As soon as you “stumble” with your gaze on this “sign”, you suck in your stomach. You need to retract so that you can move or sit comfortably. At the same time, your back will definitely straighten and you will actually become slimmer (at least temporarily).

And your task is to remain as slim as possible with a tucked in stomach and a straight back for as long as possible. They forgot, again your gaze fell on this reminder, and you again straightened up and tightened your stomach. So throughout the day you control your stomach.

As a result, after such a procedure of a “retracted abdomen” and a straight back, your muscles may even ache. But after 2-3 weeks, your muscle frame will be trained and will support your sagging belly. He will clearly be smaller and fitter.

Second abdominal exercise

There is one exercise that originates from yoga and bodyflex, and is called “abdominal vacuum.” It promotes fat burning and trains muscles very well. And if you want to have a beautiful, flat stomach, then this exercise will definitely help you.

Its essence is a strong retraction of the abdomen. This can be done in any position, not necessarily lying down. This exercise does not require a special place or exercise equipment, so it can be performed at home, during a break at work, even in the park for a walk. The only condition is that it must be done on an empty stomach.

Watch a video of how the “abdominal vacuum” exercise is performed:


Abdominal vacuum is not recommended for the following conditions: menstruation, postoperative and postpartum periods (at least 4 months must pass after childbirth), painful sensations of a different nature during the exercise.

And you need to organize yourself proper nutrition. These are vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meat, eggs. We must not forget about foods with polyunsaturated fats, such as fish, nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, etc.

While eating, you should not dilute food with water; this disrupts the digestion process and food that is not properly processed often begins to rot and ferment in the intestines. You should drink water 20-30 minutes before meals. And after eating, at least an hour and a half should pass.

And one more thing: The calorie content of food should decrease from breakfast to dinner. It is advisable to eat fruits before 16-00 hours; it is better to avoid them in the afternoon. When you really want something sweet, you can treat yourself to dark chocolate, honey, and dried fruits (dried apricots). But even here you need to know when to stop.

Fat-burning foods that help you lose belly fat are:

  • Ginger
  • Cabbage
  • cucumbers
  • Raspberry
  • Apples and pears
  • Grapefruit
  • Almond
  • Green tea
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple

There is one more trick if you want to eat a lot. You just need to start moving, then the liver will release glucose “from its reserves,” which will enter the blood and relieve the feeling of hunger.

Third exercise

Fukutsuji method for abdominal correction. The principle behind this exercise is Japanese gymnastics to form correct posture. In this exercise, the pelvic bones “fall into place” and the spine itself is stretched. This is done naturally under the influence of its own weight.

The practice itself is not aimed at reducing belly fat, but the results show that after several exercises, the waist can be reduced by 3-4 cm.

The essence of the exercise is as follows. The person lies down on a hard surface on his back. Take a rolled up cushion (towel, blanket, etc.) with a diameter of 7 to 15 cm and place it under the back in the navel area. The clubfoot legs are spread so that the heels point apart and the big toes touch. At the same time, the arms are extended upward and folded, palms down, so that the little fingers of both hands also touch. You need to lie down for no more and no less than 5 minutes to get results. You can start with 2-3 minutes.

Be sure to watch the video on how to do this exercise correctly from the original source:

Important to know!

  • You need to get up after this exercise as follows: First, slowly turn on your side, then slowly sit down, and only then stand up.
  • To achieve results, you need regularity of this exercise.
  • It is not recommended to stay in this position for more than 5 minutes

Stay healthy and fit, and stay connected!

Fat deposits are necessary for any body, but in moderation. Women are characterized by a predisposition to gain excess weight, which accumulates mainly in the waist area. Therefore, the question of how to remove a lifebuoy that disrupts the clarity of the contours does not lose its relevance. The answer is ambiguous, because it is required integrated approach to solving the problem.

How to remove the lifebuoy around the waist: the positive effects of baths

Slimming baths can be done in several ways.

  • Hot baths no more than a couple of times a week. The procedure takes about 20 minutes, begins at a water temperature of +38 degrees, and after steaming the body continues after raising the temperature to +42 degrees. You can add a couple of drops of alpine pine essential oil to your bath. The purpose of the sessions is to activate metabolism.
  • Cold bathing at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Fat burning is due to the body's resistance to cold.

How to remove the life preserver: let's restore the slimness of the belly!

To achieve the effect, hot and cold therapy are often alternated.

How to remove a life preserver around your waist using exercise?

To burn calories, the body must regularly receive adequate aerobic exercise after preliminary warm-up. At the end of the workout, the movements are gradually slowed down, for example, jogging is completed with a walk, bringing them to their logical conclusion in order to avoid a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Additionally you can do special exercises for training the abdominal muscles.

  • Lying on your back, rest your torso on your elbows and begin to slowly raise your legs, slightly bent at the knees. At the top, the movement is delayed, after which the legs of the slow one are lowered to the floor. In three approaches, the exercise is repeated 20 times.
  • With your feet together in a standing position, a fitball is pressed to your right thigh with your hand. Left hand bend, placing the palm on the waist. Then they move on to tilting to the right, during which they overcome the resistance of the ball. Similar exercise do on left side. The total number of approaches is 4, 30 inclinations each.

As a result, not only excess fat is burned, but also the muscles of the abdominal wall are strengthened.

How to remove the lifebuoy around the waist: obvious benefit regular training

A diet to regain slimness is not at all a categorical refusal of fatty foods. Without eating such food, insulin production accelerates, which only leads to the accumulation of fat deposits. The ideal solution is fatty fish rich in omega acids.

It's no secret that many women are dissatisfied with their appearance: most often they dream of removing their stomach and sides. Unfortunately, there is no simple and immediate solution to this problem. However, if you really want to change yourself, then a set of activities will help you, consisting of: physical exercise and food restrictions.

Visual assessment of body fat percentage

Any fitness instructor will tell you that you can't remove excess weight from just one part of the body. In order to get rid of the “lifebuoy” around the waist, you need to take care of the overall health of the body. Determining whether you need help is very simple: pinch the skin above the navel with your fingers; if the fold is more than 2.5 cm, then there are obvious fat deposits on the stomach that need to be gotten rid of.

Causes of the problem

On appearance big belly influenced by several physiological factors:

  • Absence muscle corset, which holds the abdominal organs. With sufficient physical activity Normally, the abdominal muscles, including the rectus, oblique and transverse, are responsible for correct position internal organs and spinal column.

  • Stretched stomach walls, caused by improper diet and overeating. When empty, it has a volume of about 0.5 liters, while after a heavy meal it can increase to 4 liters. Constant food abuse leads to the fact that it retains a large volume even when unfilled.

In particularly advanced cases, part of the stomach is cut off

  • Fat deposits on the waist and internal organs: both men and many women are predisposed to this. Fat in this area is subcutaneous (located in the layer between the skin and abdominal muscles) and visceral (surrounds internal organs). The latter is especially dangerous: it affects not only a person’s appearance, but also the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart.

Distribution of fat in the abdominal area

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No matter what the manufacturers of diet pills promise, it is impossible to get into shape and eat as much as before. Human physiology is such that he begins to lose weight only with a calorie deficit. This means you need to limit your intake of excess calories.

Modern nutritionists are categorically against diets associated with extremely low calorie intake. This diet is neither healthy nor effective in the long term.

Proportions of different types of foods in the daily diet

It is much more effective to reconsider your eating behavior itself: choose healthy, low-fat foods, eat them often (up to 5-6 times a day), but in small portions. At the same time, it is necessary to significantly increase the consumption of clean drinking water and bring it to 1.5–2 liters per day.

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The primary task of everyone who dreams of getting rid of excess fat on the stomach and sides is to increase physical activity by any possible way. Even if there is absolutely no time for additional classes, this is not a reason to give up movement.

Use every opportunity that presents itself to do this: go up on foot, not in the elevator; go outside the bus stop before work; walk to work at least once a week (or walk at least part of the way); Do not use the machine to travel short distances.

Number of calories burned in 10 minutes of different activities

Even at home, you can make significantly more movements if you hide the TV remote control, dance while cleaning, and simply clean more often, because 10 minutes of intensive bath cleaning will burn more than 100 kcal.

Such a bad habit as drinking alcohol also has a detrimental effect on overall weight. A person gets fat not from beer, but from those numerous snacks that he takes under the influence of alcohol, which significantly increases appetite. The danger of alcohol also lies in the fact that its calories are consumed by the body first, and all the rest, received at the same time, are deposited on the sides in full.

Calorie content of some alcoholic drinks

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Exercises at home

Now that eating behavior has been revised, and motor activity increased, the weight begins to go away. Since for many people fat is deposited most quickly in the abdominal area, the waist loses weight quite quickly and noticeably. But it’s not enough to lose kilos; it won’t make you slim and fit again. The muscle corset is weakened and does not support the waist, so you need to work out the muscles in this particular area with exercises.

The main rule of home training is consistency. The exercises may not be long and tiring, but you must do them every day to achieve long-term results. There are a huge number of complexes for home workouts, the most effective of which are considered to be abdominal exercises, planks and hoop twisting.

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Video: training

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Home workouts for the waist area

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We use the upper and lower press

It is this muscle group that is responsible for a flat stomach. It is located from the chest all the way to the pubis, and with training, its lower sections develop more difficult than the upper ones. You don't have to use a lot for training. different exercises: you need to choose one that is most effective and increase the number of repetitions every day.

Since the task of these muscles is to twist the body to the pelvis and vice versa, then best exercise there will be a regular twist and a reverse twist. All other exercises only diversify your workout, but bring the same result.

Technology: Conventional twisting - performed at home on the floor, lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees; they should remain completely motionless. Place your hands behind your head and lift your body from a lying position to a sitting position.

Classic exercise for abdominal muscles

Technology: Reverse twisting - with the same starting position, lifting not the body, but the legs. Otherwise, the exercises are identical and you can use them interchangeably or choose the one you like best.

Execution diagram reverse twist

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We work the side abdominal muscles

If the previous exercises help to make the stomach flat, then the lateral oblique muscles of the abdomen form a visually visible narrow waist. Since the functional task of the oblique muscles is to ensure rotation of the body to the right and left, then the most effective exercises- body bends.

Technology: Lying lateral twist is performed when the rectus abdominis muscles are inactive. Starting position - lying on your side, one arm along the body, the other bent at the elbow, palm at the head. Stretch your elbow towards your legs, while engaging lateral muscles.

Execution diagram side twist

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Video: training

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Effective exercises for the back muscle corset

As you can see, this is simple exercises, but their daily repetition will give noticeable results within 40 days from the start of training. The optimal load for each muscle group is 4 cycles of 25-55 crunches with a short break between sets. Of course, you won’t be able to immediately reach such indicators; you can start with one repetition of 15-20 movements and add more every day more repetitions To intensify your training, you can simply speed up the pace of training and the muscles will receive a greater load with the same number of cycles.

Tip: do not pump up the side abdominal muscles, otherwise they will visually expand your waist.

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The plank is an exercise that is worth the whole gym

The plank is a static stance on the elbows and toes, the rest of the body should be parallel to the floor. Despite its apparent simplicity, the effectiveness of the plank is amazing: it quickly shapes your figure by tensing almost all the muscles responsible for a toned appearance.

For day workout 3–5 repetitions of 60 seconds are enough

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Exercise machines for a flat stomach

Regular classes sports will immediately improve general condition body and will help get rid of belly and sides in just a few months. Training with different types of exercise equipment will allow you to work out several muscle groups at the same time and simultaneously massage the problem area. What exercise equipment will quickly remove fat from the stomach and sides? Basically, these are simple devices that are designed to increase the effect of exercise.

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Twisting a hoop increases blood circulation in the waist area and is perfect as a warm-up before working out your abdominal muscles. After training, you can cool down with it by spinning it for another 5–10 minutes. The hoop is a very effective tonic loose skin abdomen, which usually remains after sudden weight loss, and because of which such unloved folds appear on the stomach and sides.

Many waist hoops have massage rollers or thickenings that additionally compress the skin.

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Abdominal bench

There are straight and curved benches on sale, their purpose is to create a surface at a negative angle, due to which the load on the abdominal muscles increases several times when performing regular abdominal exercises ( straight twist). It is extremely effective to do exercises to train the oblique muscles on a press bench. In order to understand whether you need such a bench, try replacing it with an ironing board, placed one end on the sofa and the other on the floor.

In addition to the abs, exercise on the bench affects the front of the thighs

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Rowing machine

This is a design consisting of a flywheel and handles, simulating kayaking. A rowing machine is very convenient if you not only need to remove fat from your stomach and sides, but also lose quite a bit. large mass excess weight. The advantage of the simulator is that it involves in work large number muscles, without loading or injuring the already weakened joints of obese people. Many models are foldable and can be easily stored between workouts without taking up much space.

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How to use a rowing machine correctly

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Gymnastic roller

It noticeably works the abs, back, arms, shoulders, and chest muscles. One of the most effective ways muscle corset training in one exercise. The roller allows you to dose the load: if you cannot cope with the exercises, try to lighten the load by doing sets from your knees. To practice with it, 10 minutes a day is enough.

Muscle groups that are involved when exercising with gymnastic roller

Technology: starting position– standing on your knees, take the roller by both handles and roll it in front of you with straight arms until your body becomes parallel to your body. You can't lie down on the floor. After this, also slowly and smoothly pull the roller towards you, returning to the starting position.

Scheme basic training with roller

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Floor disc

One of the most inexpensive and simple ways remove the hated belly and sides. Despite the apparent simplicity of the exercises, they deeply affect the muscles of the entire abdominal region. An additional benefit from exercising on a disc is improved blood circulation and activation of intestinal function. To do this, drink a glass of warm water 15–20 minutes before the start of your workout.

Basic exercises on the disc - various crunches

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Provides general aerobic and cardiological exercise, so it is perfect for people with large overweight as a means not only to tighten the abdominal muscles, but also to remove fat deposits. For proper training you need to choose a ball according to your height; the two most popular sizes are: 55 cm in diameter for heights up to 165 cm and 65 cm if your height is 165–180 cm. The number of exercises with a fitball is endless, since it can be used to load any part of the body. Besides power load, you will improve coordination of movements, alignment of posture, and develop flexibility.

Exercise technology

In addition, there are a large number of exercise machines that in one way or another use the abdominal muscles and allow you to quickly and effectively remove your stomach and sides. However, the projectiles described above are available not only in gym, but also at home, which makes classes more accessible.

If you want to quickly and effectively remove the hated life preserver on your waist, you need to take an integrated approach. Only diet or only physical exercise will leave you in the first case - with a flabby belly, in the second case - with muscles under a layer of fat.

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How to lose weight and tighten your stomach

Only optimal in terms of calories and carbohydrates fractional meals in combination with selected exercises will allow you to free your waist from the captivity of fat.

In secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

Fat in these places is the most insidious: it is the last to go and the first to appear, if you just relax your attention a little. It cannot be overcome only with diet or abdominal exercises - you must use all available methods.

Women with O- and H-shaped body types, sweet lovers and office workers who move little and are often stressed are more prone to depositing fat on the sides.

Deposits around the waist can be a sign of hormonal or metabolic problems.

The fight against the “lifebuoy” should include:

  • properly selected nutrition, with a sharp restriction of carbohydrates;
  • sufficient amount of water;
  • strength exercises and aerobic exercise, which accelerate the fat burning process;
  • stress control;
  • massage and moisturizing the skin.

To lose weight in your stomach and sides, you will first have to normalize your diet.

1. Water. Drink enough fluids throughout the day. This could be plain water, lemon water, herbal tea, or another sugar-free, caffeine-free drink of your choice. Depending on weight, age and ambient temperature, a volume of 1.5 to 2 liters is considered sufficient. Water – essential component to break down fats and maintain skin elasticity.

2. Eliminate simple carbohydrates. Fat on the sides is deposited when eating a diet containing large amounts of sugar and starch. Moreover, the amount of fat in the diet is not so critical: lard can be left, but white bread can be replaced with rye diet bread or vegetables. You should also completely exclude potatoes, pasta, white rice, all sweets with sugar or white flour. They are replaced with whole grains, stewed or raw vegetables, desserts with fructose or dried fruits.

3. The stomach and sides will never be toned if the stomach is overstretched and the intestines are overfilled with food. Keep your portions down to a maximum of two of your fists clasped together. Moreover, it is desirable that half of this volume be occupied by vegetables.

4. The basis of your diet should be proteins and complex carbohydrates, supplemented with a small amount of fat.

A sample menu for the day might look like this:

  1. Breakfast - an apple and porridge with 1% milk or porridge with water and cheese.
  2. Snack – fruit and a tablespoon of nuts or yogurt (natural, without sugar).
  3. Lunch – salad and a piece of chicken or fish / soup with a slice of whole grain bread.
  4. Dinner – cottage cheese with berries / fish with salad / stewed vegetables with a steamed cutlet.

Important! Be mindful of portion sizes!

5. Less salt. Fat deposition and swelling, further enhancing visual effect“lifebuoy”, contributes to excess salt in food. If you want a flat stomach, avoid over-salted snacks (chips, fish, nuts) and try to replace salt in salads and meat with a few drops of soy sauce.

Are there any effective exercises for losing weight on your sides?

Without exercise, become an owner toned tummy and a chiseled waist is impossible. Your choice is exercises to strengthen the corset muscles and abdominal muscles.

The best form of fitness for this purpose is Pilates. During classes, most of the time is devoted to strengthening the corset with various “planks” and “twists”. The main disadvantage of Pilates is that you need to master it under the guidance of a competent instructor. If you do not have time to visit a fitness club or have other restrictions, exercises for removing the sides can be done at home.

The following small complex will help you remove belly fat. All exercises are performed lying on the floor for 1 minute each. maximum speed, but in such a way as to withstand this minute:

If you work out at the gym but can't get rid of belly and side fat, supplement your strength training with aerobic training. Ideally, an aerobic session of 20 minutes should complete each strength training 3 times a week, and in addition there should be one cardio workout lasting about an hour per week.

If you're bored of studying on your own, try complex training from world-famous fitness trainers. 30 minute classes with Jillian Michaels from the series “6 weeks” or “No problem areas» Suitable even for beginners. Advanced athletes will be helped to achieve perfection by core training from Tony Horton from the P90X cycle.

Additional tricks to easily lose weight in your sides

In order to quickly lose belly fat and sides, you need to pay attention to care procedures. Loose skin makes your belly look even fatter, so your goal should be to increase skin elasticity and hydration:

  1. Scrub and moisturize. Caffeine will help speed up fat burning. Use finely ground coffee as a scrub 2 times a week. Creams with capsaicin (red pepper extract) and citrus oils also have a noticeable effect. An old and proven way to reduce a layer subcutaneous fat– add 5 drops of essential oils of orange, lemon and grapefruit to a hot bath. During the process of losing weight, the skin of the abdomen must be constantly moisturized so that it does not sag like a bag. Any body cream can handle this, but products with a firming and anti-cellulite effect will additionally speed up fat loss.
  2. Massage will help break up fat deposits and improve lymphatic drainage in problem areas. Try cupping, fat burning with essential oils, honey, and decide which one suits you best.

Remember that proper nutrition. training and cosmetic procedures that's not all. The hormone cortisol, released during stress, causes fat to be deposited just around the waist.

Do you want to get rid of it? Be less nervous, and especially don’t eat your stress with sweets.