Left to right tasks for schoolchildren. Where is left, where is right? Orientation on a plane and in space

Target:developing in children the ability to navigate planes and in space.


Formation of knowledge and skills to distinguish between left and right;

Development of motor skills with the help of finger gymnastics;

Forming a positive attitude towards joint activities(ability to work in a team).

The teacher and children enter the group in formation. The teacher reads A. Barto’s poem “Drummer” and walks around the group with the children:

("Funny Pictures", 1981, No. 11)

The teacher and children stop.

Educator: Children, it seems to me that to make marching more fun, we need a drum. How do you think?

The children answer.

Educator: Where can we get a drum?

There is a piece of paper on the floor, the teacher draws the children’s attention to this. Then he picks up this piece of paper.

Educator: Children, this is a note. “If you want a drum, you need to go along a winding road according to the instructions: go straight first, then left, left again, then right and straight.” This is exactly what we need. You just need to know where is left and where is right. Children, do you know?

The children answer.

Educator: But I’ll check you now. Let's play this game: if I say "right hand" you raise right hand up, if - “left hand”, then raise your left.

The teacher says which hand to raise and corrects the children who show their hands incorrectly.

Educator: No, we won’t find the drum like that. We all need to know where is left and where is right. Let's learn to distinguish between left and right. Come to me, I will tie a ribbon on everyone’s right hand.

Children approach the teacher.

Educator: Now raise your right hand.

Children raise their hands.

Educator: Remember, the side on which you have the ribbon is on the right. On this side you have your right arm and leg, and where there is no ribbon is the left side, left arm and left leg.

Educator: Let's sing a song about the left and right legs. Look at me, repeat the movements and watch which hand you make the movements with.

Left and Right (song-exercise from the series “ Finger gymnastics"E. Zheleznova)

Here's the left one (raise left hand back side towards you) and right (raise your right hand with the back side towards you)
That's just their name (keep both hands raised).
Inseparable girlfriends
Always walk together (hit your knees with your palms to imitate walking).
Both left (raise your left hand with the back side towards you) and right (raise your right hand with the back side towards you)
Let's go for a walk alone (hit your knees with your palms imitating walking)
Found a big puddle
And they began to jump around in it (at the same time hitting the knees with both hands).
All wet and cold
They can barely walk (slowly hit your knees with your palms to imitate walking)
Suddenly left (raise your left hand with the back side towards you) and right (raise your right hand with the back side towards you).
We met a lion.
And he opened such a mouth (to depict the mouth of a lion with your hands: press your hands, the fingers of both hands should not touch each other)
And he growls so terribly (now connecting and then separating his fingers)
That left (hit the knee with your left hand) runs home
And the right one (hit the knee with your right hand) runs.
They ran to the house (raise your arms above your head, depicting a roof).
Look: both are here (show both hands).
But they just forgot
What are their names now (shrug shoulders).
Where is the left, where is the right
You can’t figure it out yourself (shrug your shoulders, arms to the sides).
Take a quick look
And tell them (the teacher extends two hands forward and turns to the children for help)!

Children first show where their left and right hands are, then help the teacher.

Educator: Well done! Now let's take the ribbons off our hands and again play the game we played first: if I say “right hand,” you raise your right hand, if I say “left hand,” then raise your left.

The teacher tells you which hand to raise, then complicates the task by asking you to show your right and left legs. When all the guys stop getting confused, the teacher stops the game.

Educator: Now you can hit the road. Let's stand at the beginning of the path and read out where to turn. I will read and you will show. “Go straight first, then left, left again, then right and straight.”

Children show the way.

Having followed the instructions, the children and their teacher find a box with a drum.

Educator: Well done! Let's all try to play the drum, and then I'll take the drum, and you and I will march again to the sound of it.

The teacher and children try to play the drum. Then the teacher himself beats the drum and reads the verse A. Barto « Drummer", and walks with the children in a group.


1. Funny Pictures, 1981, No. 11.

2. Series “Music with Mom” Sergey and Ekaterina Zheleznov Five little pigs.


“Consolidation of ideas about the concepts of “right”, “left”, “top”, “bottom”, “middle”.

Target : Consolidation of ideas about the concepts of “top”, “bottom”, “right”, “left”, “middle”.


Correctional: development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, emotional-volitional sphere.

Educational: consolidation of ideas about the concepts of “right”, “left”, “top”, “bottom”, “middle”; orientation in one's own body diagram.

Educational: compliance with the rules of behavior during the game; completing tasks according to instructions.

Introductory part.

“Hello, children. Today we will remember where our right is, where our left is, up and down.”


Purpose of the game : consolidation of ideas about the sides “right”, “left”, “top”, “bottom”, color discrimination, formation of the ability to act according to a model.

Equipment : red and white stripes.

Progress of the game:

The teacher distributes envelopes with stripes to the children.

Children, now we will play with you. You each have envelopes and a sheet of paper on your desk. I also have an envelope. Now I will lay out the stripes on the board, and you should lay out your stripes on your sheet.

(Then the teacher turns his back to the children, lays out the first strip and determines its location).

I take a strip of red and put it on top. Children, find a strip of the same color in your envelopes and put it in the same way as I did. Where did you put the strip? (up).

(Then the teacher takes the next white strip and places it to his right).

Children, what color should you take the stripe? (you need to take a white strip)

Children, where should you put the strip? (right)

After specifying the location, students lay out this strip in the given direction.

(Then the teacher takes a red strip and puts it down).

What color strip did I take? (red)

Where did I put the strip? (down)

After clarifying the location of the strip, the teacher says:

Find a strip of the same color and place it the same way I did.

Then the teacher takes a white strip and places it to his left.

Children, what color stripe did I take? (white)

Where should you put the strip? (right)

After specifying the location of the strip:

Now find a strip of the same color and place it in the same way.

Well done. Now let's clean up our workplace. Place your envelopes on the edge of the table. And I will go through, collect them and give you other envelopes for the next task.


Purpose of the game : consolidate students’ understanding of the sides “right”, “left”, “top”, “bottom”; expansion of ideas about geometric shapes; color discrimination; the ability to act from memory.

Equipment : stripes of different colors and different lengths; sheet of paper.

Progress of the game:

Each of you has an envelope with colored stripes. Look at the color of the stripes. Show stripes of red, yellow, blue. What is the shortest strip? (yellow stripe) And the longest? (red) Do everyone have these stripes? Fine.

Now I will lay out a geometric figure. Your task is to find out what kind of figure this is. I place the longest red stripe at the top of the board. On the right, at an angle, I put a blue stripe. I place the yellow (smallest) strip so that it connects with the red and blue stripes. Please note that the figure lies approximately in the middle of the sheet.

What kind of figure did you get? (triangle)

Now try to lay out the same figure for yourself. Which strip should we put on top? (red) Where do we put the blue stripe (on the right, at an angle), the yellow one (connecting the red and blue stripe)? Did it work?

Now use the remaining strips to assemble another shape. Take a yellow strip and place it on the sheet in the lower right corner, vertically. Lay the blue strip horizontally. What strip is left? (red stripe) Use this stripe to connect the yellow and blue stripes. What kind of figure did you get? (triangle) Where is it? (bottom right corner)

Fine. Now remove the sheets of paper. Imagine that the entire desk is a sheet of paper. Assemble the triangle yourself and ask your neighbor where it is.

Smart girls. Now let's rest a little.

Stand up straight, place your hands on your belt (sides)

Tilt your head forward, straight.

Tilt your head back straight.

Tilt your head to the right, straight.

Tilt your head to the left, straight.

Now pull the handles forward; up; to the sides.

Well, the last exercise.

Handles on the belt (sides). Tilt your torso to the right, and now to the left.

Fine. Now we calmly sit down in our seats.


Purpose of the game : teach to place objects on a sheet of paper, consolidate students’ ideas about the sides: up, down, right, left; develop attention, imitation; consolidate the perception of holistic objects and differences between themselves.

Equipment : a large sheet of paper, large applique details (sun, strip of land, house, man, tree, bird), sheets of paper, the same small applique elements.

Progress of the game : Now I will give everyone a piece of paper and an envelope. Open it. What figures do you see? (sun, house, tree, bird, earth, man) I have the same figures, but they are larger. Now we will make a beautiful picture. We take a strip of land. Where should we put it? (below) (One of the children, at the teacher’s request, goes out and puts a strip on the canvas, and the rest on their sheets) Take the sun. Where should we put it? (above, left) (One of the children, at the teacher’s request, goes out and puts the sun on the canvas, and the rest - on their own sheets) Take a house. Where should we put it? (right) (One of the children, at the teacher’s request, comes out and puts the house on the canvas, and the rest - on their sheets) Take a tree. Where should we put it? (left) (One of the children, at the teacher’s request, comes out and puts the tree on the canvas, and the rest - on their sheets) Take the little man. Let's put it next to the house. (One of the children, at the teacher’s request, goes out and puts the little man on the canvas, and the rest - on their sheets) A bird flew to a tree. (One of the children, at the request of the teacher, goes out and puts a bird on the tree, and the rest - on their sheets) Let's see what we got. (The child tells at the request of the teacher)

Well done. Do you like your painting?

The final part.

Today we worked well, we remembered a lot, we accomplished a lot.

How to teach a child to distinguish between left and right In order for a child to feel comfortable and confident in the “adult” world, he will have to learn many laws and rules. And also develop important skills, one of which is the ability to distinguish between right and left, that is, to navigate in space. As the practice of educating preschoolers shows, the concepts of “top” and “bottom” are quite easily acquired by children. But it will take a child more than one day to remember where the left and where the right are. Parents should actively teach their child such concepts as “right” and “left” from the age of three, so that in the future the child will not have problems with writing, counting, sports and other types of mental and physical activities. How to teach a child to distinguish between left and right 1. The first step towards success can be the child’s ability to distinguish between where the left and right hands are. Since children have concrete thinking, it is recommended to create associations with other objects in the preschooler. For example, explain that the right hand is the one in which he takes a pencil or spoon. 2. If there is no more confusion with the hands, reveal to the child one more “secret”: everything that is on the side of the right hand is also right. For example, a leg, an eye, an ear, a cheek, etc. 3. It is also important to train the ability to determine the location of objects in space, and not just parts of the body. To do this, ask the child to put the toy to his right or ask what objects are on his left, etc. 4. Use the same technique when you and your child are walking on the street - pay attention to objects and objects around. Don't forget to comment on what you see. For example: “Look what a beautiful dog is running to our left. Do you see? or “What bright roses are blooming in the flowerbed to your right, wow!” 5. While walking, do not forget to focus on the upcoming route - this will also help the child learn to distinguish between right and left. If the road turns, describe it verbally: “All we have to do is turn left and we’re almost home.” After a while, you can complicate the task - and play the game “Walk me home”, when the child himself comments on the path traveled. 6. You can learn where the right and left sides are by doing almost anything. IN everyday life, for example, when opening a closet with your child’s things, you can ask: “Where is your red T-shirt? There it is, lying to the left of the blue pants.” Or ask your child to help you - give the task to get a book from the shelf, which is on the left side. In the same way, when getting ready for kindergarten, say that one shoe should be put on the left foot, and the second on the right. Thanks to these references, the child will be able to quickly remember words and their meanings, which will help him navigate in space. 7. It is necessary that the child can determine left and right not only from his own side, but also from the side of his interlocutor. A mirror image can be used for this purpose. It is also convenient to practice on a doll - first place the toy with its back to the child and ask where its right hand is. After this, tie a ribbon on it, as well as on the baby’s right hand. Then turn the doll to face the child so that the ribbons on both the child and the doll are aligned. different sides. Turn her back to the baby again - and the ribbons will match. It is important that the child understands that the right hand always remains right - only the position of objects relative to each other changes. By the age of four, parents should teach their child to understand the meaning of the words “right” and “left.” To make it easy for your baby to distinguish between right and left, use special games and exercises. In addition, there are many nursery rhymes that will help teach your child how to navigate in space.

For a child, the phrase “go left” means nothing. First, he needs to remember where the right and left sides are, using his own body as an example. To make this memorization easier for your child, you can, for example, tie a string on the wrist of the right hand. Now the baby will have a reference point: where the thread is, there is the right hand. Try to give your child instructions in play and in life as often as possible, using the concept of right, while suggesting that this is where the thread is. For example, when putting on your child’s shoes, ask him to put his right foot forward.

The very first games for memorizing the sides of the body are very simple: raise your right hand, close your left eye, show your left ear, etc. First, the baby must show all this on his body. After all, on the body of another person standing opposite, right and left change places; It will take the baby a long time to understand this. Therefore, it is better to play such games while standing next to the child or with your back to him.

“Right” and “left” as movement in the right direction

For a slightly older child, you can come up with more complex games. In such games, he will need to not only remember where right and left are, but also move in that direction. You can combine teaching directions of movement and counting. For example, you can ask your child to turn around and/or take a certain number of steps in the right direction with his eyes closed. Then the baby must still guess with his eyes closed where he ended up. This is a great game to play with a child of about three years old. If he doesn’t know the score at all, you can simply ask him: “turn left, step, step, turn right”, etc. In such a game, the child not only remembers where right and left are, but also learns to navigate in space.

Sheet orientation

Only after the child has learned own body, where the right and left sides are, you can teach him to navigate on a sheet of paper. It is not necessary to come up with complex and intricate games. Just when a child sits down to draw, ask him to draw something on the right or left on the sheet. At first it is better to use only one concept in the instructions: “draw a sun on the right side.” Only then can you add the concepts of top/bottom and give more complex instructions: “draw grass at the bottom left of the sheet,” for example. You can buy special notebooks for activities with your child. Choose ones that are appropriate for his age. In them you can not only complete existing tasks, but also invent your own. For example, ask to color the rightmost object on the sheet.

To make it easier for your child to navigate the sheet, before starting to draw, ask him to place his hands on the edges of the sheet and remind him where the right and left hand are. Let the child guess that the right side of the sheet is where the right hand is.

Graphic dictation

Another way to learn right and left is graphic dictation. It is better to spend it with a child 5-7 years old. A younger child will find the dictation too difficult to complete.

The essence of the dictation is that the child needs to draw a line along the cells with a pen or felt-tip pen according to the instructions. The result is some kind of pattern or design. First, give your child very simple patterns. For example, 1 cell up, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, etc. When the child understands the essence of what he needs to do, you can complicate the instructions.

With the help of graphic dictation, you can draw various animals, fortresses and anything else you like. You can find drawings for graphic dictation in special school preparation notebooks or come up with them yourself. It is important to always use checkered paper. The size of the cells depends on the age of the child: the older he is, the smaller the cells. Another fundamental point: before conducting a graphic dictation, do not show your child the drawing that he should end up with.

In the tsarist army, the biggest problem arose from the fact that the soldiers - who came from peasant backgrounds - did not distinguish between the right and left sides. The problem was solved by tying bundles of hay and straw to the soldiers’ feet. The commanders commanded like this: Hay - Straw. There were no mistakes in turning in the right direction.

The times of dense ignorance are over and modern soldiers bravely carry out the orders of their commanders, unerringly turning left and right. But in elementary school, the problem of definition where is left, where is right it is very sharp. Most children confuse the left and right sides. This is especially noticeable in physical education lessons.

How to teach a child to distinguish between right and left?

I am an advocate for discreet learning for children. While the child is still small, we dress him and comment on him. We put the trouser leg on the left leg, we put the trouser leg on the right leg.

We feed the baby and also comment: we take the spoon in our right hand, we hold the bread in our left hand.

At one year old, our daughter could easily navigate where is right and where is left.

Where is right where is left

Mirroring in Side Definition

When our daughter was two years old, we went with her to educational activities in children's center. The teacher takes the kid in his left hand and says to the children: “We take the kids in our right hand.” After class, I approached the teacher and asked: “Why did you hold the kid in your left hand, and the children were told to take the kid in their right hand?”

The teacher answered me: “Because I was sitting facing the children and we got a mirror image. So that they would repeat everything after me, I called them the wrong name.”

This explanation seemed plausible, but somehow I didn’t like it. I'm used to calling things by their proper names, even when talking to kids.

At that time, when my daughter was 2 years old, she easily distinguished between the right and left sides. She listened to the teacher and took the kid in the right hand.

At the age of 3, my daughter and I started going to dance classes. The dance teacher said that the children get confused where is left and where is right and asked to sew loops to the handkerchiefs so that the handkerchiefs could be hung on the right handle. Just like the soldiers hung straw on their feet

After class, Olesya began to tell me: “Mom, our right-hand dance teacher says: this is the left hand. And on the left hand he says that this is the right hand.”

When I attended a dance class, it turned out that the teacher also voiced the right and left sides incorrectly - in a mirror image.

When Olesya was 2 years old, she still did not pay attention to the fact that the teacher was holding the kid in his left hand, but called the hand his right. But at the age of three, my daughter noticed that the teacher was holding a handkerchief in her left hand, but said, “Hold the handkerchief, like mine, in your right hand.”

It seems that most teachers who practice name the left and right sides in a mirror image. Thus, in my opinion, they only confuse children. After all, children are very smart and most children by the age of 3 can perfectly distinguish between the right and left sides. But the names of the sides in a mirror image lead to the fact that children begin to get confused with the sides when they get to school.

How can this be? It is necessary to introduce joint games with children, games that help them navigate where is right and where is left.

Games with children on spatial orientation

By the age of four, a child should be able to:

  • distinguish between right and left hands;
  • determine the direction from yourself: forward-backward, right-left, up-down
  • understand and use words and prepositions: above, below, in the middle; inside, outside, around; above, on under; left, right, middle.

Game 1: Right-Left

We ask the child to raise his right hand. If he raises the right hand, then we give him the toy in that hand. And we ask in which hand he has the toy and what the second handle is called.

Then we ask you to touch your cheek, leg, or knee with your free left hand. We ask the child to name which part of the body the child touches, left or right.

Then we ask the child to transfer the toy to his left hand and repeat all the actions with his right hand: touch his cheek, leg, knee and name them.

We move to the face and touch the left eye, eyebrow, nostril, ear, shoulder with the left hand. And with the right hand we touch the right paired parts of the body.

Usually children are happy to show their body parts and easily determine what is on the left and what is on the right.

Game 2: Good Soldier

We give the child two small toys of different colors (flags, balls, pencils).

The mother is a commander, and the child is a brave soldier. The “commander” gives various commands, and the “good soldier” carries them out.

The commands could be:

  • Hands up
  • hands down
  • raise your right hand
  • raise your left hand
  • lower your right hand, etc.

Then, mother and child change roles. Now the mother is a “good soldier”, and the child is a “commander”. It is advisable for the mother to also make mistakes in following commands so that the child can correct the mother. Children truly enjoy correcting adults.

Game 3: Where the ball was thrown

On command, the child throws the ball in a given direction: forward-backward, up-down, left-right. Then the baby commands, and mom (dad, older brothers and sisters) carry out the commands.

These simple games are fun enough for three year olds. While playing, the child learns to navigate in space and easily determines where is right, where is left .

Human physiology is such that not one special sense organ is responsible for its spatial orientation and perception of space, but the interaction of several at once (vision, hearing and touch). Poor or inaccurate formation of spatial concepts can negatively affect the level of intellectual development of a child.

The topic “right and left” is studied quite fluently at school. However, quite a lot of adults confuse right and left. The ability to distinguish between the right and left sides is an important prerequisite for many types of learning. Children entering 1st grade are often still poorly oriented in space and on a plane. Most of them are confused about the right and left sides of the body, especially in relation to other people. The greatest difficulties in developing this skill occur in left-handed children.

Therefore, it is necessary to devote a sufficient amount of time to practicing this skill, conducting classes with the child in the form various games and exercises.

Your child needs to start introducing the concepts of “right” and “left” as early as possible! A child does not confuse his leg and his hand, so why does he confuse his right hand with his left? These are different parts of the body! A child learns to understand the words “leg” and “hand” in early infancy, and the question of right and left arises before him much later, when learning new words no longer occurs with the same ease.

How to look for the right hand?

The right hand is often searched for using a habitual action (trying to pick up a spoon, for example). Dahl’s dictionary defines the right hand as “crossed” (compare with Pushkin: “he still could not get them all to know which side was right and which was left, although many of them, in order not to be mistaken, put sign of the cross"). Here is another way - for those who can read. Imagine any word (for example, “shop”). The first letter of this word is on the left, the last is on the right. People usually read from left to right without thinking.

Right is not left and left is not right

How strange everything is! What is right for me turns out to be left for the one who is facing me. In order to understand him, I must (mentally or physically) put myself in his place, stand next to him, look at the world through his eyes.

Thinking about something from another person's perspective is not easy. But the importance of this skill cannot be overestimated. At the very least, it goes far beyond the scope of education itself.

COMMENT: Ask the child to fold his hands as in the picture. Read the captions under the pictures. Discuss how it happened that the right hand ended up on the left. Ask the child to place his left hand on his right knee, slap his right hand on his left foot, reach right foot to the right ear. You can stomp your right foot and wave your left hand at the same time. In motion, many things are remembered easier.

In European countries, people greet each other by shaking each other's right hand.

Task No. 1. Determine where the right parts of the beetle’s body are and where the left parts are. Write the words in the rectangles:

What beetle antennae do we see to the left of its head?

Task No. 2. A man entered a labyrinth. First, he put his right hand on the wall and walks forward without lifting his hand from the wall. Through which exit will he exit the maze? Answer: exit No.___. Then he put his left hand on the wall and walks forward, also without taking his hand off the wall. Which exit will he come to? Answer: exit number ___.

Sedentary games and game exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Left is right!” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children sit on chairs in a circle.

In the center is the driver with the ball.

The driver throws the ball to one of the guys. If the driver shouts: “Take it!”, then, having caught the ball, the child must name the name of his neighbor on the left. If during the throw the word “Give it back!” is heard, you need to say the name of the neighbor on the right.

The one who makes a mistake replaces the leader.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises author Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Two Girlfriends” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Two girlfriends on the lawn: (Clap their knees.) “Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva.” (Clap their hands.) Two green frogs: (Clap

From the author's book

“House” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. There is a house at the edge of the forest, (They fold their palms into a “house” over their heads.) There is a lock hanging on the doors, (They close their palms “into the lock.”) There is a man standing behind the doors.

From the author's book

“Herringbone” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Our Christmas tree is beautiful, (They walk in a circle, holding hands.) It has risen to the heavens, (They stop, stretch their arms up.) Slender

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“Traffic light” (game for children 4–6 years old) For the game you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: at the red signal they squat, on yellow - stand up, on green -

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“Three Bears” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Three bears were walking home. (They march in place.) Dad was big, big, (Raise their arms up.) Mom is a little smaller, (Stretch their arms forward at the level

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“Knock-knock” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher: “Knock-knock-knock!” (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Yes, yes, yes. (Three claps of hands.) - Can I come to you? (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Always happy! (Three

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“Pass the ball” (game for children 4–7 years old) The players stand in a circle at a distance of a step from each other. The teacher gives one of the children a ball. At the teacher’s command: “Begin!” children pass the ball around in a circle, while clearly saying: You run, funny ball, quickly, quickly through your hands. U

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“It’s me” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. These are the eyes. Here. Here. (Show first the left eye, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here. Here. (Take first the left ear, then the

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“At the Giraffes” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere, (Pat themselves on the body - put spots.) On the forehead, ears, on the neck, on

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“Circle” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle, dance in a circle and say: Kru-kru-krug, Play the horn, One, two, three - Tanya, turn over! The girl (boy) named by name must turn 180°. Game

From the author's book

"Who left?" (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher invites one of the players to remember those who are nearby (5–6 people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes. One child hides. Teacher says: “Guess

From the author's book

“Who has arrived?” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Who has arrived? (Put the palms and fingers of both hands together, clap the tips of the thumbs 4 times.) We, we, we! (Tips

From the author's book

“Lavata” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle. Without holding hands, children move with side steps, first in one direction, and when repeating the words - in the other direction, saying: Together we dance - Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, Our favorite dance is lavata. The presenter says: “My

From the author's book

“Palms” (game for children 5–7 years old) Two players stand opposite each other. The players simultaneously clap their hands, and then join their palms in front of them (right with left, left with right). Then the palms are connected crosswise - right to right, left to left. Then cotton - and

From the author's book

“Ball” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Ten, nine, (Clap hands.) Eight, seven, (Slap knees.) Six, five, (Clap.) Four, three, (Slap.) Two, one.

From the author's book

“Tick-tock-tock” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand scattered. The teacher gives the signal: “Tick!” – children bend left and right; at the signal: “Yes!” - they stop, and at the signal: “Knock!” - they jump on the spot. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Signals repeat 5–8

Olesya Ponomarenko
Summary of the lesson in mathematics “Spatial relations. Left, right"

Subject Spatial relations, left, right.

Goal: Creating a social situation for the development of children in cognitive research activities by means of consolidation spatial relations , from the left and right.

Objectives: Create conditions for children to exercise in determining right hand and right side ; left hand and left side.

Create conditions for strengthening navigation skills space, decision simple task.

Create conditions for the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills hands

Create conditions for the development of speech, the ability to argue your statements, build simple conclusions.

Strengthen word formation (formation of adjectives).

Repeat geometric shapes.

Repeat colors.

Create conditions for instilling in children independence, self-confidence, the ability to understand an educational task and carry it out accurately.

Worker organization space Activities of the teacher Activities of children Conditions of the social situation of development

Introductory part

Children stand in scattered Mathematical warm-up"Merry Count".

Marinka joined our group,

And Irinka came after her,

And then Ignat came in.

How many guys were there?

In what order did the guys enter the group?

How many girls, boys?

Listen to the task.

Children's answers.

Main part

Standing in a circle

They sit on chairs.

We approached the teacher

We went to the magnetic board.

They stand in loose form.

We sat down at the tables.

1. Spatial relations: right, left.

Raise your "main" the hand with which you hold a spoon, draw, embroider. Name it.

When discussing this task, I will ask each child to clarify for himself what kind of hand he has. right, and which one is the left one. (For a left-hander, “the main hand is the left.)

Look around you. What is located to your right, to your left?

When I call the child, he comes out to me, turns his back to the group and, at my command, raises right hand, then the left hand. The rest of the children, sitting in their places, follow the same commands.

When I call another child, he turns to face the group, and everyone follows the same commands.

What did you notice?

2. Gymnastics for the eyes.

We do gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Blink both eyes

Right, left, around, down,

Don't be lazy to repeat.

Eye movements in accordance with the text

Strengthening the eye muscles.

Close your eyes tightly

It’s better to see the buoy right away.

Open your eyes wide.

3. Game "Make a picture"

Now you and I will turn into artists and draw a picture "winter forest". But first you need to solve the riddles.

What time of year is it now? (Winter).

What do a bear and a hedgehog do in winter? (Sleeping)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.


What kind of girl is this?:

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

What's her name?


Sleeps in winter

In summer the hives are stirred up.


You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer.


Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread.

Who is cold in winter

Walking around angry and hungry?


That's it, everything is ready for our picture. Let's make a picture on a magnetic board. I will say what is where, and you will take turns arranging the elements of the picture.

A Christmas tree grows in the middle of the forest edge. The hare sits to the left of the tree. Hedgehog mink to the right of the tree. The squirrel sits right on the Christmas tree. The fox goes to the tree right, and the wolf is coming from the tree on the left. The bear's den is located behind the tree.

Well done, completed the task.

4. Finger gymnastics.

Girls and boys in our group are friends,

fingers rhythmically join into a lock

You and I will make friends little fingers,

Rhythmic touching of the same fingers of both hands

One, two, three, four, five we finished counting.

Alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers.

5. Game: "Lay out the figure".

Each child has counting sticks on the table. The teacher offers to lay out geometric ones from them figures: triangle, square and rectangle.

Now build a house from the constructed geometric shapes by swapping two sticks.

6. Physical education minute.

Teddy bear, bear - clubfooted

Show us the way.

Stomp right foot,

Stomp left foot.

Clap right hand,

Clap left hand.

Again right foot,

Again left foot.

After - right foot,

After - left foot,

Then you'll come home.

7. Game: "Geometric Lotto"

Each child has geometric shapes on the table - a red circle, a blue triangle, a green square, a yellow oval.

Consider the figures that lie on the table. Name them.

What are the circle and triangle made of? (Made from cardboard). So what are they? (Cardboard). A square and an oval (Paper)

Place a yellow oval in front of you, right from it there is a blue triangle, and to the left of the oval there is a green square.

What figure is left? Choose a place for it and name where it lies.

At this time, you can assess the level of assimilation of each of them spatial relations left, right.

Carry out instructions from the teacher

Answer the given task

Children's answers.

Complete tasks.

They play and do tasks.

Children's answers.

Doing gymnastics.

Listen to assignments.

They solve riddles.

They solve riddles.

They go out one by one and place pictures.

Perform finger exercises.

Do physical exercises.

They play and listen to the task.

Complete the task independently.

Final part

8. Summary classes.

Well done, guys! are you okay completed all tasks, and I have prepared a surprise for you, but to find it, you have to get to it!

Step right,

Three on left,

Walk forward five steps

Look around

And you will find the surprise yourself!

They find a surprise.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “A child has the right to live in a friendly family” Goal: Generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about the role of family in their lives. Objectives: to give an idea of ​​the protection of the rights of the child by members of his family.

Didactic manual “Miracle Tree” and “Left-Right”

Festival “I have the right, you have the right” within the framework of the project “I know my rights” Project “I know my rights” Festival “I have the right, you have the right” Goal: to introduce children to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to form.

Summary of an open lesson on legal education in the middle group “Every child has the right to a family” State Institution "Lugansk Preschool Educational Institution i/s kt No. 2" Summary of an open lesson on legal education in middle group"Every.

Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the second junior group “Child's rights. Right to housing" Lesson notes on social and communicative development in the second younger group– “Children’s rights” Topic: “Right to housing.” Goal: development.