Bcaa influences. Myths about harm

To quickly and productively get rid of extra pounds If you want to get an athletic figure, you need to take BCAAs for weight loss - natural amino acids in powder form. This unique product has proven itself well in bodybuilding, but is also effective in modern dietetics for modeling an athletic silhouette, getting rid of subcutaneous fat. By taking amino acids for weight loss, you can speed up the dietary effect and move faster towards your goal of losing weight.

What are BCAA

When drying the body, many athletes additionally use sports nutrition, as an inexhaustible source of proteins and vitamins, a powerful fat burner, antioxidant, and weight loss product. BCAA amino acids are also indispensable, since they block the entry of excess calories into the body and prevent exhaustion muscle mass, normalize the sleep phase, increase endurance, and are able to somewhat improve health that has been shaken by increased physical activity.

The effect of BCAAs in the body is immediate; the main thing is to choose the right dosage, read the instructions, and consult a nutritionist. This English abbreviation for the full name Branch chain amino acids is not the official name of a specific dietary product, but provides a combination of such valuable elements as isoleucine, valine and leucine in a daily dietary supplement. You won’t be able to buy BCAA in a pharmacy; it’s better to order online inexpensively and with good discounts for fast weight loss.

What are BCAA's for?

When losing weight, a woman refuses carbohydrates, considering them to be the reason for the appearance of a problematic figure. In fact, when consuming BCAAs, such strict restrictions are not required, since the drug increases calorie consumption, activates the body’s protein metabolism, and promotes the burning of subcutaneous tissue. This is an excellent solution for athletic girls and guys who are used to keeping their figure in shape. When wondering what BCAA are needed for, it is additionally important to note the following positive points:

  • suppression of the catabolic process;
  • preservation of muscle mass;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • creating a favorable anabolic background;
  • boost immunity with vitamins;
  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • rapid consumption of subcutaneous fat.

Effect of BCAA on the body

This innovative product has several forms of release, including tablets, capsules, powder, and liquid for oral administration. The unique effect of BCAA on a losing weight body is identical, and is based on blocking the body’s perception of excess calories, adjusting metabolism and restoring organic resources after intense exercise. physical activity.

The main purpose of taking this amino acid is to activate the production of leptin. To solve this problem, the mechanism of action is as follows: BCAA contains leucine and isoleucine, which contribute to the formation of leptin in a high concentration. As a result, metabolism increases and work normalizes. digestive system, high-quality intestinal cleansing occurs. Weight gradually decreases, an athletic corset is formed with a minimal amount of subcutaneous fat.

Doctors' reviews about BCAA

Since the drug is of natural origin and has a harmless composition, doctors’ reviews of BCAA are positive. Experts do not deny that this is a worthy assistant for weight loss, which becomes an indispensable additive during the meal. Doctors advise not to combine amino acids with alcohol, avoid allergies, and carefully follow daily doses. Only then will BCAA for weight loss work, replace and diversify strict diet. A person who is losing weight will not remain hungry; moreover, his body receives a unique complex of vitamins.

How to take BCAA

The main goal is to consume fewer calories, but spend more when intensive training for weight loss. The specified amino acid, or rather its correct use and combination with a low-calorie diet and physical activity, helps achieve this goal. Before taking BCAA for weight loss, you should consult with a specialist in this matter.

Any online store offers a description of the full course, taking into account physical training and the health status of a thin person. Useful information You can always find information on the topic on Sportwiki. Dietary properties and productive burning of subcutaneous fat depend on the choice of products, for example, you can buy BCAA for weight loss in the form of Drive Black BCAA diet pills (200 pieces), or Nutrex, which make your figure flawless.

How to take BCAA powder

This dietary supplement should be consumed on an empty stomach; the risk of side effects if the dosages are followed correctly is minimal in both cases. Take BCAA powder 6-8 grams 30 minutes before the start of training and immediately after it. During the recovery period, the daily portion of BCCA for weight loss is 4-6 grams, which should be taken in the morning. It is easiest to use the powder form; the dietary effect is no weaker than BCA tablets for weight loss (as stated in Sportvik).

How to take BCAA capsules

The tablets should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, between meals and at night, the benefits will be enormous. It is convenient to take BCAA in capsules for weight loss, since a single dose can be taken in any extreme situation. Contraindications are minimal, it is important to determine the dosage. You should take BCAA capsules based on weight category a losing weight person. For example, one pill can contain up to 500 mg of BCAA, which is enough for the body for a day. However, this form of release is not cheap, the most expensive option, not available to everyone.

When is the best time to take BCAA?

Physical activity should be replaced by proper rest, which in sports is called a recovery period. When losing weight, you also need to alternate the use of BCAAs, avoid overdose and side effects. Before buying BCAA, it is important to choose the most suitable option, and make the purchase only from the manufacturer (it is important to avoid counterfeits). Why take amino acids is already clear, all that remains is to find out when it is better to take BCAA. Be sure to take it before and after training, but on recovery days in the morning on an empty stomach. The food should be protein.

Other rules are presented below:

  1. It is important to observe the compatibility of BCAA when losing weight, otherwise the body suffers from side effects in the form of an allergic rash.
  2. The diet must include a minimum amount of calories, otherwise the proposed nutrition will not cost anything for productive weight loss.
  3. Be sure to carry out high-intensity strength training every other day, giving the body time to rest when losing weight.
  4. A single meal should contain 30-35 g of protein; additionally, ask a nutritionist how to drink BCAA for weight loss.
  5. It is difficult to buy BCAA in a pharmacy, but you should not take questionable products from your hands. As a worthy alternative, you can buy BCAA amino acids in an online store from the manufacturer, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Harm of BCAA

The harmful effects of natural amino acids on the human body in the process of losing weight are completely absent, as evidenced by specially conducted clinical studies. The harm of BCAA if daily dosages are observed and if they are slightly overestimated is completely excluded. Side effects occur extremely rarely, and are limited to allergic, local reactions on the skin of a temporary nature. In practice, such cases are isolated and require additional consultation with a nutritionist.

Price for BCAA

It is cheaper to order products online, but choose online stores with a good reputation, or better yet, a website from the manufacturer. This is advantageous because sales and promotions are often held, free shipping by courier and minimal costs when sending BCAA by mail. The purchase price varies by supplier and region. For example, in Moscow, amino acid sales are somewhat more expensive; in the provinces you can save on purchases. It's time to get acquainted with the capital's prices for BCAA:

  • Pro BCAA (390 grams) – 1,700 rubles;
  • BCAA Drive Black (200 tablets) priced up to 2,000 rubles;
  • BCAA-Pro Reloaded (90 tablets) – 1,700 rubles;
  • BCAA Workout ActivLab (400 grams) – 1,300 rubles.

Video: what are BCAA and what are they for?

BCAA (BCA) – food additive which is used by athletes. Consists of a complex of essential branched amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine. They are called essential because the human body is unable to synthesize them, although they are necessary for building protein, obtaining energy and metabolism. The most popular is BCA in the form of tablets, which have a low cost. The supplement is also available in the form of capsules, powder and liquid.

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    Functions of BCAA

    BCAA (abbreviation: branched-chain amino acids - branched-chain amino acids) is a complex of amino acids that are the material for building muscle fibers, their protection, restoration. They make up 35% of all amino acids in muscles. Increases immunity, central stability nervous system, supply the body with energy. It is used in the following cases:

    • for weight loss;
    • for muscle growth;
    • to strengthen the immune system.

    During dieting and exercise, the blood sugar level is low, due to this, during physical activity, muscle tissue breaks down to release glycogen and energy, and then fat tissue. When a person consumes BCA, amino acids are responsible for providing energy, and they also break down adipose tissue. Their deficiency reduces immunity and reduces stress resistance.

    Amino acids

    Amino acids are organic compounds responsible for building protein. There are about 200 of them, 20 of them are important for humans: 12 acids are replaceable, synthesized in the body, 8 are irreplaceable, they are poorly soluble in water and are not produced by humans. These include:

    • valine;
    • isoleucine;
    • leucine;
    • lysine;
    • methionine;
    • threonine;
    • tryptophan;
    • phenylalanine.

    BCAA composition includes:

    Name Properties Food products containing it Daily requirement, mg Contraindications
    • Contained in all proteins.
    • Participates in the process of growth, synthesis, restoration of muscle tissue of the body, and is a source of energy.
    • Increases coordination, reduces sensitivity to cold and heat.
    • Maintains serotonin levels, helps fight stress and pain.
    • It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, protecting the sheath of nerve fibers.
    • Supports nitrogen metabolism, suppresses appetite and cravings for bad habits
    Contained in chicken fillet, beef, eggs, cow's milk, cheese, squid, seaweed, nuts, seeds1700-5000 Contraindicated in case of cardiac, renal, liver failure
    • Participates in the regulation of hematopoiesis, sugar and cholesterol, produces hemoglobin.
    • Supports blood pressure.
    • Increases muscle endurance, supplies them with energy, and restores them.
    • Supports the functioning of the nervous system.
    • Participates in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes
    Chicken, pork, beef, liver, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, nuts 1500-6000 Individual intolerance, kidney, liver, pancreas diseases
    • Is a powerful source of energy.
    • Protects cells from damage and aging.
    • Participates in regeneration muscle tissue, lowers blood sugar levels.
    • Strengthens immune system, increases the production of growth hormone.
    • Stimulates the central nervous system.
    • Recycles fats
    A large amount of it is found in meat, poultry, fish, caviar, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, nuts, seeds4000-15000 Contraindicated in case of intolerance. Side effects in the form of an allergic reaction

    In combination, these three amino acids give a strong effect and complement each other. Increases muscle endurance and recovery ability.

    Release form

    There are four forms of BCA release, each with its own pros and cons:

    The use of BCA depends on the goal. If you need to lose weight, then the complex is used between meals. If they want to gain muscle mass, then they drink the supplement before training or on time, this applies to both girls and men. It is better to use them at 33 g per 1 kg of weight. The number of doses depends on whether there is physical activity that day, namely:

    • on a training day - from 1 to 5 techniques;
    • on a rest day - 1-2.

    Benefits and harms

    BCA has a positive effect on the body, namely:

    • speeds up metabolism;
    • restores muscle fibers and prevents their destruction;
    • increases the body's resistance to stress;
    • helps improve immunity thanks to the vitamins it contains;
    • enhances insulin secretion;
    • participates in fat burning and suppresses appetite.

    Despite the benefits of amino acids, one should not assume that their use does not have side effects. In case of overdose the following occurs:

    • allergic reactions;
    • gastrointestinal disorders;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • heartburn (when taken on an empty stomach);
    • atherosclerosis.

    Do not use with alcohol, otherwise the effect will disappear.


    The role of BCA in muscle fiber synthesis was proven in a 1988 study. To date, it has become clear that BCAA are needed for:

    • improving physical performance;
    • increasing the release of testosterone and growth hormone;
    • enhancing protein synthesis and active enzymes;
    • accelerating recovery and increasing endurance.

    Here's what the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) says about BCAAs: “BCAAs, even when taken once, stimulate protein synthesis and glycogen resynthesis, delay the onset of fatigue, and help maintain mental function during aerobic physical activity. The ISSN concludes that the consumption of BCAA (in addition to carbohydrates) during and after training loads recommended as safe and effective."

    Women need BCA to fight overweight. Scientists have found that it stimulates the production of the hormone leptin, which decreases with exercise and diet. Leptin regulates weight, appetite and fat deposition. This hormone increases metabolism and reduces muscle breakdown.

    Experts believe that it is advisable to use BCAA in situations where physical activity is long and intense, and the amount of food eaten does not cover the body's energy costs.

    BCA or protein

    BCA are amino acids, and protein is the protein from which amino acids are derived. The fundamental difference between these two products is only in the speed of absorption. The body can immediately use amino acids, but it has to be extracted from protein, so protein takes longer to digest.

    If a person is interested in muscle growth, it is better to use these supplements together. Amino acids - during training, and protein - in the morning and at night. The combination of these drugs will provide the body with energy, and muscle fiber recovery will occur faster.

People who spend a long time in gym, they know that BCAAs (branched amino acids) are sports nutrition, reviews of which are mostly positive. But for many it remains a mystery what this mysterious product is.

Amino acids are an integral part of any protein. There are everything - and their content is different in different products.

What are BCAAs needed for?

BCAAs- These are amino acids with branched side chains. This generalized group includes three substances: valine, leucine, isoleucine.

  1. Valin

    One of the most active components in the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. If you train intensely and with high load, then fiber tears occur in the muscles. When these tears heal, muscle growth occurs (). Additional intake of valine reduces the healing time of such microtraumas. In addition, taking valine regulates protein metabolism and significantly improves nitrogen balance, which also accelerates muscle growth and prevents protein destruction.

    The most important function of this amino acid is that valine prevents the decrease in serotonin levels! But in the article we explained why a lack of this important neurotransmitter can lead to problems! We need it, so to speak, to sparkle our eyes.
    A couple more important functions of valine to impress you:

    It is a complete source of energy for muscle cells;

    Thanks to valine, vitamin B3 is synthesized;

    Valine is responsible for the absorption of other acids of the proteinogen group;

    Increases muscle coordination and reduces the body's sensitivity to cold, heat and pain;

    Valine is essential for maintaining normal nitrogen levels in the body.

    Valin is integral part natural proteins, which must constantly be supplied to the body in required quantities through food. Among animal products, the richest in valine are: cow's milk, beef, salmon, eggs, chicken fillet. Some plant products are also rich in it: peas, wheat and corn flour, porcini mushrooms, cherries, wild rice, millet, buckwheat and pearl barley. If a food lacks valine, it becomes protein deficient and leads to nitrogen imbalance.

    Highest concentration substances - in cottage cheese, natural yogurt, in cheeses (Swiss, processed, goat, edam), as well as in milk and eggs. Among the seeds and nuts, the most beneficial are pistachios, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. It is better to choose salmon, trout, halibut among the varieties of fish, and among protein-rich legumes, choose beans, lentils or chickpeas. But still, perhaps The easiest way to digest valine is from quail eggs and walnuts.

    Our body needs about 2 - 4 grams of valine every day. A more accurate individual dosage can be calculated using the formula: 10 mg of amino acid per 1 kg of weight (or 26 mg of the substance per 1 kg - when it is necessary to increase the dose).

    Pay attention to the fact that valine is an essential amino acid, the content of which in food is quite high. That is you can easily reach your daily requirement of valine without the use of supplements! It is enough to eat up to 300 grams of beef or up to 400 grams of chicken. And by consuming dairy products and eggs, it’s easier to get your daily dose of valine.

  2. Leucine

    Reduces blood sugar levels, promoting increased production of growth hormone. How important growth hormone is for increasing muscle mass and restoring muscle fibers after heavy training probably shouldn’t be said. Leucine is also actively involved in the restoration of muscle tissue, skin and bones.

    Scientists have identified one of the reasons for the problem of excess weight. There is such a hormone - leptin. Its action is based on the regulation of metabolism, appetite and, as a consequence, body weight. The secretion of this hormone directly depends on the amount of fat in the human body. We discussed this problem in the article, we recommend it for study. The higher the weight, the more actively leptin is produced. When we diet and lose fat reserves, the concentration of this hormone decreases. The body gets used to a certain level of leptin, which nutritionists call a control point. To replenish its concentration and accumulate the previous fat reserve, the body begins to whet the appetite. Leucine can balance leptin concentrations and moderate hunger. As a result, a feeling of fullness appears when eating a small amount of food.
    A couple more important functions of leucine, again to impress you:

    Creates conditions for nitrogen balance and lowers sugar levels;
    participates in protein synthesis;
    is a significant element of normal metabolism;
    protects cells and tissues from decay and aging, serves as an inexhaustible source of energy for them;
    strengthens and restores the immune system;
    prevents fatigue due to overproduction of serotonin;
    accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue and skin, recommended in the postoperative period.

    On average, the body's daily need for leucine for a healthy person is only 2-4 grams. But depending on your lifestyle, power loads and many other factors, these figures are subject to change.

    In order to gain 4 grams of leucine, you usually need to eat at least 30-50 grams. protein from foods rich in...um, butter, but oh well...protein, including. Pay attention to the fact that leucine is an essential amino acid, the content of which in food is quite high. That is you can easily reach your daily requirement of leucine without using supplements!

  3. Isoleucine

    — Ensuring hemoglobin synthesis.
    An essential amino acid in the production of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels, increases the overall endurance of the body and accelerates the recovery of damaged muscle tissue.

    — Regulation of blood sugar levels.
    For the body, excess glucose in the blood, as well as its deficiency, are very harmful. Essential acids are the basis for hormones that regulate sugar levels. With a lack of isoleucine, this hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, which disrupts carbohydrate metabolism.

    — Stabilization of energy supply processes.
    The amino acid promotes rapid tissue healing and. It is necessary for athletes because it increases endurance after physical activity.

    — Strengthening and restoration of the epidermis.
    Essential amino acids in the blood help speed up metabolic processes. The faster they happen, the sooner the epidermis is restored.

    In addition, isoleucine is required for mental illness; if it is deficient, symptoms similar to hypoglycemia may appear. When there is a lack of isoleucine, people experience headaches, irritability, fatigue, and sometimes even depression.

    Since isoleucine is an essential acid, its consumption is necessary to ensure the health of the body. At the same time, digestibility of isoleucine depends, first of all, on whether a person has liver and kidney damage. Secondly, absorption of isoleucine depends on accompanying acids such as valine and leucine. Only in the presence of the above acids does this amino acid have a good chance of being absorbed.

    By the way, the content of isoleucine in food products changes under the influence of their preparation process in the same way as in other amino acids. So, Fried and raw meat contains less of this essential amino acid than stewed meat. A baked in meat, fish and seafood products, isoleucine is significantly less, rather than stewed or fried. As for plant raw food, then its content 25% more than in cooked.

    Daily norm of isoleucine:

    1.5-2 grams per day – with a low-active lifestyle and not experiencing severe stress.
    3-4 grams per day - with normalized bodily and intellectual activity.
    4-6 grams per day - with excessive mental and physical stress.

Attention, question:

Why should we spend money on these amino acids if nature has already carefully presented them to us in ordinary, not some super exotic, but simple food products?

Early answer, Mr. Presenter:

In fact, the high-quality protein that we supposedly consume during the day consists of 18-26% BCAA, so there is no reason to absorb them additionally.

By the way, if you exceed the norm of what you need daily protein If you also add BCAA, then there is a possible excess of calories (leucine – 6.5 kcal/g, isoleucine – 6.5 kcal/g and valine – 6 kcal/g). On the topic of “” By the way, it is likely that the efficiency of assimilation and use of amino acids entering the body will decrease.

Okay, you retort to me that you don’t have time for these troubles and it’s easier for you to buy yourself a ready-made, balanced product. Actually, that’s what you’re doing, you’re already drinking protein.

Then we are ready to shock you: the BCAA content in proteins of animal origin (whey, egg, casein, milk, meat) is approximately 16% - 20%. What about vegetable proteins (soy, rice, wheat)? It contains BCAAs 13% – 15% . That is, a little less, but still quite decent.

For the same amount of BCAA in protein and in a BCAA product, you will pay approximately the same amount. But, in the BCAA preparation you will receive only BCAA, and in the protein you will also receive a full spectrum of all the amino acids that the body also needs.

Aaaand...one more thing. BCAAs will only work well if your body really lacks isoleucine, leucine and valine. Or maybe the body lacks other amino acids more than these? You'll never know. Only experimentally. And when you drink protein, which contains all the amino acids, or just eat well, you will never miss the needs of your body.

Do you need BCAAs?

Who's too lazy to read:

Who cares:

Due to the global hype (very developed in the fitness industry), many people talk about protein, BCAAs, pre-workouts and other squiggles as something required to achieve results. Everyone around has already turned to the beauty of the body and the “high” purpose of bodybuilding. No, really, look around, every second lady no longer just wants a beautiful figure - she wants to MAKE A SHAPE. That's right, in big letters and with big buns. Saleswomen, a hairdresser, an accountant, a schoolgirl - everyone rushed to make a uniform and whine about their smooth path.

But let's get back to the good stuff. The inconvenient truth is that you don't need any extra protein from outside at all with a properly designed nutrition plan. Because you will already get enough protein.

BCAA (as explained above) are simply 3 of the 20 amino acids that exist in all animal products.

Speaking about BCAA amino acids (as well as about sports supplements with other amino acids), it is important to note that these amino acids are only the constituent “building blocks” of any protein product - starting from whey protein, ending with meat and even . Essentially, the body gets amino acids from most animal foods.

There are more than 200 different amino acids, but only two dozen of them are critical for metabolism. Although the human body synthesizes most of these important amino acids from each other, nine must be obtained from food. Sports nutrition with amino acids (including BCAA) contains these same nine essential amino acids in its purest form.

Amino acids: health benefits and harms

The daily requirement of a 70 kg man for nine essential amino acids is 10-12 g (1). Fortunately, these important amino acids are the most abundant in food and are replenished with 15-20 grams of any protein. At the same time, in fact, amino acids do not directly benefit health - it is more correct to talk about the dangers of their chronic deficiency. However, such a drawback is very, very rare.

The benefits of taking amino acids in the form of sports nutrition have an extremely controversial evidence base. Although it can improve strength performance in professional athletes or reduce hunger, it is completely wrong to consider BCAA amino acids as a supplement for weight loss or weight loss - this is especially true for girls.

Amino acidsBCAA - what is it?

BCAA amino acids ( English: Branched-Chain Amino Acids - branched-chain amino acids or BCAA) are a combination of the three most important essential amino acids for human metabolism. BCAA's include leucine, isoleucine and valine. The daily requirement for these BCAAs is 5-6 g (1) - that is, half the requirement for all essential amino acids.

Moreover, BCAA amino acids are contained in significant quantities in any protein product. For 25 g of protein contained in 100 g of beef or chicken, there are about 5 g of BCAA (2) - consumption of 100 g of meat per day completely covers the daily requirement for BCAA. Among other things, it consists of 20% BCAA amino acids.

The effect of BCAAs on muscle growth

On the one hand, BCAAs are three essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and must obtain from food. These amino acids stimulate the formation of new muscle tissue, accelerate muscle recovery and slow down the processes of destruction of existing ones, normalize fat metabolism processes, accelerate fat burning and normalize metabolism.

On the other hand, sports nutrition manufacturers “forget” to mention what to get daily norm BCAA amino acids from regular food are not that difficult. It is also important that if an athlete trains with the goal of muscle growth and adheres to high protein nutrition, he undoubtedly receives an amount of BCAA sufficient for normal metabolism.

How to take BCAA capsules?

BCAA amino acids as a sports supplement are recommended to be taken before and during strength training in a total dosage of 500 to 1500 mg - this will increase the duration of training and help slow down catabolic processes in the muscles. However, on non-training days, it is preferable to obtain BCAA amino acids from your regular diet.

Although the form you take BCAA's (capsules or powder) doesn't matter, you need to keep in mind that in their pure form they are insoluble in water - in other words, it is easier to take a capsule during a workout than to dilute the powder. At the same time, powder sports supplements for use during training, they consist specifically of BCAA, flavorings and ingredients for easy mixing with water.

Amino acidsBCAA for weight loss

Speaking in simple language, BCAA amino acids seem to “deceive” the body into believing that there is high-calorie food in the stomach. This activates metabolic processes and starts burning calories - however, in the absence of real food, fat reserves are used. This is precisely the principle behind the influence of BCAA on getting rid of fat reserves.

However, BCAA amino acids are not a fat burner at all and can influence weight loss only in combination with and active. Their only advantage for weight loss is that taking BCAA capsules on an empty stomach helps reduce hunger - which is why, according to reviews, girls love them.

Benefits of BCAAs for beginners

Considering that the quality sports protein Since approximately 20% (3) consists of BCAAs, the use of amino acids in the form of separate supplements is recommended only for professionals seeking to increase the duration of strength training to 90-120 minutes. Beginners do not need to take BCAA amino acids (as well as any other amino acids in liquid form).

At the same time, we note once again that most of the advantages attributed to BCAA (increasing strength indicators, accelerating muscle recovery and growth, optimizing hormone production processes, and so on) are a description of the positive effect of any protein (including protein from food) containing these amino acids, and This is not at all a list of the benefits of pure BCAA.

Despite the fact that the three amino acids behind the abbreviation BCAA undoubtedly have benefits for the human body, consuming them in their pure form (that is, in capsules or powder) will bring benefits more quickly professional athletes. However, BCAA amino acids can actually reduce appetite, indirectly helping with weight loss.

Scientific sources:

Nowadays, few athletes do not use sports nutrition. One of the most important and common complexes is the BCAA amino acids, but many still have the question: is it harmful or not? Let's figure out what they are side effects this supplement, what positive effects it has.

Before you consider main question, you should understand what BCAA amino acids are and what their composition is.

Taurine is a healthy amino acid. As part of the athlete's diet, whether beginner or professional, it stimulates the entire body during training with heavy loads. Taurine is used in combination with creatine and glutamine to stimulate the activity of the nervous system and brain, increasing reaction speed.

What are BCAs?

BCAs are long-chain amino acids. They include only three essential amino acids for humans: isoleucine, leucine, and valine, which are allocated to a specialized class due to the unique structure.

In the human body, the share of these amino acids is forty-two percent of the total number of essential amino acids, which emphasizes their importance for stable life and activity.

Important! According to research, it has been proven that branched chain amino acids help maintain muscle mass and strength during active activities, as well as during periods of stress, and they also increase the degree of endurance.

BCAA composition

As is already known, BCA contains three amino acids. Let's look at their action in more detail.


It is a valuable source of energy for muscles and is necessarily involved in cellular processes. There are also disadvantages to the effects of this amino acid if taken incorrectly, such as:

  • reduction in muscle mass in the human body;
  • decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • the occurrence of a state of drowsiness, lethargy.


It has a major influence on proper muscle growth. Leucine ensures the formation of protein in muscle and liver fibers, and also helps organize the protection of its molecules from destruction processes. In addition, this amino acid balances the amount of serotonin by the highest level, thanks to which a person gets less tired. Leucine also delivers additional energy to muscle fibers.


It is also a source of additional energy for muscle fiber cells, similar to leucine. It keeps serotonin levels at the highest levels, resulting in the body being much less tired.

Important! BCAA, which has a generally positive effect on the body, can lead to a negative effect if used incorrectly. For example, negative consequences applications may be as follows: gastrointestinal upset, drowsiness.

Now, based on the effects of the BCA amino acid complex, let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of them.

Read also the article “” on our website.

Effect of BCAA on the human body

Previously, we considered the priority qualities of amino acids belonging to the type of essential BCAA, which leads to the conclusion that they are necessary for the human body. Without these amino acids, correct muscle growth and their ideal construction is impossible, since BCAAs ensure the correct occurrence of all processes of filling muscle cells with additional fuel.

But this is not all the positive effect of BCAA. Multiple human studies have shown that these amino acids:

  • become the main supplier of glucose when there is less glycogen in muscle fibers.
  • taken before training, they protect muscles from destruction processes, while acting as the main supplier of the required energy;
  • participate in the production of insulin;
  • significantly accelerate the increase in muscle mass when used correctly;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • suppress the feeling of hunger;
  • provide protection to the body from unnecessary external influences.

Besides positive effects BCAA may be harmful. But these are rare cases. Let's see in what cases this may occur. side effects when used bcaa amino acids. They will cause harm to the body only in the following situations:

  • If you drink them on an empty stomach. The fact is that BCAAs help stimulate the digestion process and ensure increased secretion of gastric juice. The absorption of BCA occurs very quickly, and the stomach continues to perform its functions idle, which often leads to belching, heartburn or stool upset.
  • In case of overdose. This leads to disruptions in the stable functioning of the liver, as well as the kidneys, so adhere to the established norm.
  • If you have liver disease. You should consult your doctor. Amino acids have a negative effect on the liver, putting a lot of stress on it.
  • If a young woman is breastfeeding. In this case, the effect on the girl’s body will be positive, but it can cause harm to the baby.