Fitness classes for children 4-5 years old. Children's fitness - sports are needed not only by adults

Lyudmila Krapivina
GCD for fitness aerobics for children 5–6 years old

Synopsis of the district open GCD for fitness aerobics. Group "Grace". Instructor physical culture d./s "Teremok" Krapivina Lyudmila Mikhailovna, age children 5 – 6 years old.

Integration of areas: "Communication", "Motor",


Form of activity: joint activities instructor

with children.

Types of activities: "Communicative"(general,


Program tasks:

Educational: learn children climbing onto a step-platform, placing the right - left foot on the toe while performing exercises for the arms; improve step touch up and down (approach from the front); secure the base (basic) step (front).

Developmental: develop physical qualities (flexibility, endurance) And motor abilities; develop dexterity and coordination of movements; develop children interest in training on the step platform.

Educational: cultivate a value-based attitude towards your health; cultivate the ability to express emotional freedom and creativity; cultivate the need for daily activities physical exercise and sports.

Form of conduct: demonstration of the work of the circle for teachers in the district.

Lesson equipment: step – platforms by number children, gymnastic mats, audio tape recorder, musical soundtracks, hoops for the game.

Lesson outline:

1. Warm up; 2. Outdoor switchgear b/p. ; 3. Parterre (exercises, lying and sitting);4. Education (exercises on the step platform);5. The final part.

1. Warm up.

Walking is normal

Medium tempo

On toes

On your heels

In a half squat

Walking with the right - left side, side step.

Running with high knees

With the shin whipping backwards

Running with hand tasks

2. Outdoor switchgear b/p.

1) I.p.o. With. 1-2 arms through the sides up, right leg back on the toe. 3-4 - same left.

2) I.p.o. With. 1-2 place your foot on your toes on the platform, spread your arms to the sides - turn to the right, 3-4 to the left.

3) I.p.o. With. 1-2 climb onto the platform one by one with your left foot and place your hands alternately on your belt, 3-4 get off.

4)I. p. standing legs apart 1 - tilt, touching the platform, 2 - i. points 3-4 the same.

3. Parterre.

5)I. n. kneeling, emphasis on the platform (palms) 1- straighten left leg to the side, 2-and. p. 3-4 to the right

6) I. p. sit with his legs apart on the platform, supporting himself with his hands behind him. 1- bend your legs at the knees, bring them to your chest (wrap your arms around) 2nd. points 3-4 the same.

7) I. p. sit on the left edge of the platform, support at the back. 1- roll onto your back, bend your knees, pull them to your chest, 2- and. points 3-4 the same.

8) I.p.o. With. hands behind your back, jumping on two legs - legs apart, legs together.

4. Training.

a) teach how to climb onto a step-platform, placing your right and left foot on your toes while performing exercises for the arms;

b) improve touch above and below (approach from the front);

c) consolidate the basic (basic) step (front).

5. Final part. P/n "Homeless Hare".

1-2 min. Keep your head straight, your back straight, don’t slouch, look forward.

Hands on the waist, elbows apart, back straight.

Run easily, breathe through your nose. Raise your knees higher.

Arms straight, toes pointed, knee not bent.

Arms straight, fingers together, turn straight to the sides.

Pay attention to the placement of your feet and the position of your torso.

Do not bend your knees.

Do not bend your back, look forward.

Keep your knees together, back straight, chest forward.

Do not spread your knees, the roll is softer.

Jump higher, lighter, softer.

Play at a relaxed pace (walking).

List of used literature:

1)E. A. Polynskaya « Fitness for you» 2004

2) A. A. Viru, T. A. Yuriplyae, T. A. Smirnova « Aerobic exercise» . "Physical education and sports" 1983

3)M. M. Boheme "Teaching motor actions".

4)E. Yu. Ponomareva “Technology and content of classes in fitness system» .

5)B. A. Gubanov "Conducting classes with musical accompaniment» 1980

6)N. N. Malyaruk “Direction of health development activities in a preschool institution” No. 7 2012

Aerobics for children 7-12 years old

Correct habits need to be instilled in children from childhood. By accustoming your child to fitness, you will thereby provide him with excellent physical fitness, which will help in physical education lessons, an excellent physique that will help avoid the appearance of complexes associated with body imperfections at a young age and, in the end, you will help your matured child avoid those problems that led many to this site: a great love of food and small interest in sports.

Children's aerobics from Denise Austin are fun and interesting activities for children aged 7 - 10 - 12 years. During the workout, kids will try lighter versions of exercises familiar to adults, such as push-ups, squats, jumping jacks and lunges.

This children's fitness program lasts only 20 minutes, but during this time your child will have time to work out all the main muscles of the body, which, with regular repetition of the set of exercises, will provide excellent muscle tone. And if you comply proper diet will help get rid of excess weight. And all this in an understandable and accessible form - a video lesson on children's fitness.

Warm up in kindergarten and physical education at school is, of course, good, but not enough to form a physically healthy child. Few teachers pay special attention to the development of a special program, trying to tailor the lesson to each student. Regarding sports sections, then they are not suitable for everyone, since they have a narrow age range and target orientation, they accept children of the appropriate level physical training.

The best option is children's fitness, the features and advantages of which we will talk about in this article.

Children's fitness- these are complex sports activities that include aerobics, yoga, martial arts, choreography, swimming, posture exercises, with a skipping rope, as well as elements of gymnastics. This turns out to be a mix aimed at general development. The number of group members ranges from 10 to 15 people. Such fullness is optimal and allows the child not only to develop flexibility, dexterity, and strengthen the body, but also to receive a charge of positive emotions while interacting with other children.

Groups are formed according to age and physical abilities. There is the following division by age categories:

  • from 3 years to 6 years;
  • from 7 to 11 years old;
  • from 12 to 16 years old.

The duration of classes for children of the first category is set within 20-30 minutes, 2 times a week. Children in the middle category can already visit the fitness club 3 times with a “lesson” duration of 30 minutes. Senior group You are allowed to go to classes 3 times a week, exercise for 40 minutes a day and include exercise equipment in your workout.

Why fitness is for children

Children really need fitness for several reasons:

  1. No need to win. Everyone is treated equally and rewarded equally. Winning is not valued as much as participation.
  2. Game form of classes. The training program is structured in such a way that children want to return to the walls of the fitness club, do the exercises and get exceptional pleasure from it.
  3. The ability to choose. The character of each child is individual. Some people won't like dancing, others won't like repetition exercises. Therefore, sports institutions give the child the opportunity to choose the direction and type of activities that will make up his program, after first allowing him to familiarize himself with each of the options.
  4. Safety. The likelihood of injury during training is reduced to zero. The instructor constantly monitors the children, and the exercises are selected especially carefully.
  5. Availability. The doors of a fitness club or dance school, which also conduct children's fitness classes, are open to all children over 3 years old. And the level of physical fitness does not play a role here, since fitness is designed to strengthen the kids.

A little about training

All sports organizations, which provide children's fitness services, provide visitors with the necessary equipment. In the first days, the instructor conducts familiarization and full instructions.

For schoolchildren, that is, children from 6 years old, new opportunities are opening up. Their training program includes new equipment - children's exercise equipment. At this age, the child is predisposed to develop flexibility, endurance, speed, strength and coordination. That's why special simulators will be most appropriate here. Training to work with them is mandatory.

All classes begin with a warm-up. At this stage, children are taught to walk in place, run, and squat. Next, variety is added to the training with dance exercises. They are needed to develop rhythm and ear for music in children. The main block focuses on strengthening the muscles of the legs, back, abs and arms.

Restrictions? Unfortunately…

Although children's fitness is designed to strengthen the child's body, the presence of certain pathologies requires approval to attend training sessions from a health professional. So, in the case of chronic diseases, before starting classes, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and trainer, develop and agree on a training program that will not worsen the situation, but will promote recovery. For example, asthma requires restrictions on aerobic exercise. Spinal problems will worsen if the child is overloaded strength exercises, but swimming and aerobics will improve his condition.

Children's fitness is a necessary thing in children's lives. Another thing is that not all families can afford to take their child to a fitness club. In this case, it would be advisable to practice at home.

To do this, just consult with a pediatrician and find video tutorials on performing a number of exercises for children with recommendations from trainers. The Internet is filled with educational reviews on the topic of children's fitness, so providing yourself with information will not be difficult.

The benefits of children's fitness

The decision to include children's fitness in a child's life will have extremely positive consequences. So, as a result of training:

  • children become more perseverant in school lessons, because all their accumulated energy is completely released during training;
  • develops attentiveness and coordination;
  • confidence in yourself and your abilities appears;
  • strengthens muscle corset, flexibility and mobility develop, which helps avoid scoliosis and other problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • strong immunity and healthy sleep are guaranteed.

And this is only part of the positive factors. The benefits of fitness for a child are difficult to overestimate. Therefore, feel free to hand over your child experienced trainer and rejoice in his success!