The Farmer's Walk is a great basic exercise! Exercise “Farmer's Walk”: description, technique. Exercises for all muscle groups Farmer's walk what muscles work

In bodybuilding there is large number exercises that are aimed at developing certain muscle groups. Basic exercises are a must and will help prepare the body for more complex movements. One of them is the Farmer's Walk exercise.

Target muscle group

This exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the forearms, since it is these muscles that hold the projectiles. In fact, the Farmer's Walk is a basic full-body exercise.

During its execution, in addition to the forearms, other muscles also act:

  • Buttocks, thigh muscles, and lower legs. Due to the fact that during this exercise the athlete moves with additional weight, the leg muscles experience additional physical stress, and therefore also develop.
  • Abs and lower back. These small muscle groups act as stabilizers. And with the Farmer's Walk exercise, walking is carried out with weights, which requires additional stabilization and coordination, which entails the development of the core.
  • Traps and shoulders. Holding the projectiles occurs not only due to the forearms, but also due to the muscles of the trapezius and shoulders. The greater the weight of the weight, the better you can pump up your muscles.

Execution Rules

Correct technique doing the Farmer's Walk exercise will provide maximum benefit. It is necessary to carefully read the rules so that when going to gym pump up your muscles as efficiently as possible. Let's look at the technique:

  • You should choose the right weight of the equipment with which the exercise will be performed. Weight is calculated as follows: 60% of weight own body. That is, if an athlete weighs 80 kg, then the optimal weight of the projectiles will be 48 kg.

  • Now you need to choose what equipment you will use to perform the Farmer's Walk exercise. It can be very different: from dumbbells to barbells.

It should be taken into account that when moving with barbells in your hands, your forearms will be pumped more thoroughly, since stabilizer muscles will be used to balance long implements. You can also use weights.

  • The selected equipment of the required weight should be placed next to each other at a distance slightly greater than the width of the person’s body.
  • You need to stand between the shells and firmly grasp them with your hands. For convenience and greater efficiency, you can use chalk or sports magnesium to prevent the weight from slipping off your hands.
  • Holding the handles, you need to move forward in small steps. You can pre-determine the distance you need to walk. It’s even better to move around until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

  • After completing the Farmer's Walk exercise, you need to put on weights and rest for 2-3 minutes.
  • There is another technique of execution. Having taken the shells, you can simply stand still if you do not want to put stress on your legs. Here the load is deliberately placed on the muscles of the arms and core.

Exercise area

This exercise for all muscle groups is suitable for any person who monitors their body shape. As already mentioned, the “Farmer’s Walk” perfectly pumps up almost all the muscles, which means it correctly forms an athletic body.

This movement is very popular in bodybuilding and weightlifting. Athletes pump up the muscles of the forearms separately so that when performing other exercises they can concentrate on target muscle, and not on holding the projectile.

For example, the deadlift requires a strong grip because you have to lift heavy weights. However, this exercise is not intended to increase grip strength, but pumps up other muscle groups. And to work through individual muscles, you need strong forearms to hold the projectile for a long time.

For classes with own weight The Farmer's Walk exercise is also great. For example, when doing pull-ups on the bar main role The forearms play a role as they hold the entire body in a hanging position. When working the back and biceps, a strong grip is required to keep your body on the bar the entire time the target muscle groups are working.

The essence of the name

When you pronounce the name of the exercise, you immediately imagine a person involved in agriculture. And this is no coincidence, because even an ordinary person living in a village can perform this exercise. Housework is known to require a lot of effort, such as carrying buckets of water. This activity is similar in description to the Farmer's Walk exercise. If you hold buckets of water in your hands, the muscles of your forearms work no less than when holding weights or dumbbells of the same weight. This is why a farmer can train his hands simply by doing housework.

Pros of classes

Based on the above information, we can deduce the main advantages of performing the exercise:

  1. "Farmer's Walk" is basic exercise, which will pump up your forearms and make other movements easier.
  2. You can use weights, dumbbells, barbells as weights. gym. At home, buckets of water or other weights are perfect. Ordinary bottles filled with water with handles can also be an alternative.
  3. Exercise for all muscle groups. When holding projectiles, the forearms act. When walking, the main work is done by the leg muscles. The abdominal and lower back muscles stabilize the body. This way you can improve your overall body strength.
  4. Stimulates muscle growth and fat burning. When lifting extra weight, testosterone is produced, which has an anabolic effect on muscles and also helps burn fat. "Farmer's Walk" is no exception, so this exercise can be safely used to gain muscle mass.
  5. Increased endurance. This activity helps not only to increase the strength of the forearms, but also to pump up the ligaments, which entails an increase in overall endurance.


Although this exercise brings invaluable benefits, there are a number of contraindications that should be avoided. this exercise:

  1. Damage to the shoulder girdle. This item can include sprains, shoulder injuries and other problems. As already mentioned, the Farmer's Walk exercise involves the shoulders, so if this part of the body is damaged, it is not recommended to perform this lesson.
  2. Problems with vestibular apparatus. Although maintaining weight is static exercise, walking is dynamic, so Farmer's Walk is not recommended for people with poor coordination.
  3. Heart problems. In principle, it is not recommended to engage in sports for people with cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity primarily affect the heart muscle, so they should be excluded so as not to harm the main organ.

Complex classes

To achieve best result You can use this exercise in combination with other movements aimed at working other muscle groups. This will help improve the body's endurance and also provide additional load on the body. An example of a leg workout might look like this:

  1. Barbell squats - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  2. Deadlift- 2 sets of 8 repetitions.
  3. Leg press - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  4. Farmer's walk - 2 sets of 60 seconds.


The article discussed the main execution techniques, advantages, and contraindications. It turned out that the exercise "Farmer's Walk" develops.

In conclusion, it should be said that training should be carried out without fanaticism. It is necessary to select the right load so as not to harm your health, because it is the most important thing!

Grab it and carry it! What is a Farmer's Walk and why everyone needs it

A guide to an ancient and super-effective exercise.

Farmer's walk, also known as the “hell walk”, or “take it and drag it.” This exercise can develop the muscles of the whole body and make a person devilishly strong.

"Soviet Sport" has compiled a guide to " farmer's walk" - a forgotten movement that today has triumphantly returned to fitness.

What is a Farmer's Walk?

Events 3 and 4 from Miami"s Baddest Man put on by @thebattleaxegym 265lbs per hand farmers 50ft down around a cone and back. 1st place with 32 sec. Toughest event of the day ???? 500lbs hummer tire deadlift for reps. 1st place with 12 reps Headphones - @haloneuroscience #miamisbaddestman #farmerswalk #deadlift #halosport #smile #behappy #strongman #strong #powerlifting #iifym #gains #SBD #andersonpowerlifting #bodybuilding #fitness #fit #fitspo #fitfam #lifting #earnednotgiven #workhard #motivated #crossfit #vanillagorillastrengthathletics #ironhouse_fl #bulking #tattoo #inked #tattooedathletes #guyswithtattoos

Publication from 2017 6th Strongest U80KG Man(@richyu54) Apr 8, 2018 at 5:05 PDT

A “farmer’s walk” is an exercise in which an athlete walks with weights in his hands for a time or distance. Strongmen and CrossFitters perform farmer's walks with bars that have special handles. Often athletes do it with a trap reef, a car tire, or using a special platform that you can stand inside. But the value of the “farmer’s walk” is that you can use any weights as a load. Kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells will do, and if you don’t have those, then good option There may be buckets, canisters or large containers of sand or water. Anything that is heavy and can be carried in your hands is suitable for a “farmer’s walk”.

What effect will the “farmer's walk” have?

Brooks Kubik, US bench press champion and specialist strength training, called the "farmer's walk" one of the most effective exercises invented by man. “Its regular implementation makes a person massive and devilishly strong,” wrote Kubik.

Despite the unusual name, I am sure that many people are familiar with the farmer’s walk, especially women. Why is it closest to them? Everything is very simple, precisely because ladies are responsible for the food security of their family and go shopping more often. So, our worker entered the store with empty bags and within a few minutes came out, loaded with string bags, with various products in both hands. This picture can be seen very often - a woman is walking with two heavy bags, and it is similar to the exercise of a farmer's walk. We’ll find out what further.

Muscle atlas

The Farmer's Walk is a compound exercise, i.e. Many muscle groups take part in the work, and the effect on the body is complex.

The muscle ensemble of the exercise includes the following forces and units:

  • dynamic: hip/knee – extension, ankle – plantar flexion;
  • static: spine (thoracic/lumbar) – extension, scapula/clavicle – lifting up, fingers – flexion.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this.


By performing the farmer's walk exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of athlete's endurance;
  • general development of leg muscles, both strength and mass;
  • developing core muscle strength and creating a natural corset that supports the spine;
  • increase deltoid muscles upper shoulder girdle;
  • development of grip strength;
  • growth hormone stimulation;
  • the ability to overcome a training plateau;
  • increased calorie consumption;
  • development of coordination;
  • the ability to perform at home without going to the gym.

Execution technique

The exercise is not classified as difficult to perform, but it has its own characteristics. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

The classic apparatus for this exercise is a barbell with handles, but dumbbells/weights can also be used. Place both projectiles on the floor and stand between them. Tighten your abs, keep your back straight, squat down and grab the barbells with your hands by the handles. Push yourself upward with your heels and lock in with your gaze directed forward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Short and with quick steps Move with the barbells in your hands in a straight line forward, remembering to breathe. Move to 25-50 meters, place the shells, turn around and do the same in the opposite direction. Execute 5-10 such “walkers” in one direction without rest between them.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.


In addition to the classic version of the farmer's walk, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • with dumbbells;
  • with weights.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • lower yourself down behind the apparatus as you usually squat, and not take it from the top position with a rounded back;
  • select the weight for you based on the formula = body weight/ 4 , for example for an athlete 60 kg, the weight of each dumbbell should be 15 kg;
  • when walking, do not take long steps, but mince in medium ones;
  • while walking, do not lower your head down or round your shoulders;
  • use a weightlifting belt when lifting serious weights;
  • if the exercise is difficult, start with 2-4 “walker” by 20-30 seconds each and gradually increase the weight of the projectile, time and number of sets.

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

Is the Farmer's Walk an effective exercise?

According to numerous data on EMG muscle activity, the farmer's walk is one of the best complex exercises, evenly loading a large number of muscle groups. Such a cumulative load allows you to achieve not only an increase in the strength and endurance of the athlete, but also burn more calories than in conventional (even multi-component) exercises.

The Farmer's Walk is a competitive exercise in the strongman discipline, but can also be used in bodybuilding to increase the strength and endurance performance of an athlete.

Is the farmer's walk a safe exercise?

Fifty-fifty...Ie. If an athlete initially has scoliosis and a weak back, then he should not perform the exercise until a sufficient muscular frame of this group has been formed. In other words, you need to first build a strong frame and only then move on to the farmer's walk.

Experienced athletes with a built base should remember that if the weight is incorrectly selected (too much), it will tilt you forward, causing you to round your shoulders/back. Walking in this technique puts you at risk of injury and ejection. shoulder joints.

Conclusion: working with the exercise is indicated only after laying the foundation for the main muscle groups and with the correct choice of weight of the projectile.

The Farmer's Walk is truly an amazing exercise for developing major muscle groups, improving strength, endurance and strengthening everything. muscle corset. The main feature of this exercise is that it can be performed anywhere, with any weights: with dumbbells, heavy bags, with barrels or weights. All that is needed to perform farmer's walks are heavy objects that you can pick up in your hands and drag to a certain point. This could be 50 meters (then the weight of the projectiles should be quite large), 100 meters or even 1 km (with small weights).

The Farmer's Walk can be performed as short distances with a lot of weight and high speed, and over longer distances, with moderate weight and average speed movements. Don't have access to the gym in the summer? Are you going to the countryside or to the country? Then the farmer's walk exercise is perfect for you to maintain muscle tone bodies. And in nature this exercise is doubly enjoyable. Take, for example, a couple of cans of water in your hands and do a couple of approaches of this exercise.

Technique for performing the “farmer’s walk” exercise

Stand between the shells. Take them in your hands (just like you carry heavy bags in two hands). Before lifting the weights, bend your back slightly, squat down a little (as when doing a deadlift), pull your shoulder blades back, raise your head slightly, tighten your lower back, straighten your legs and start walking. You need to take small steps, adding a little pace as you go. The main technical feature is that you need to constantly monitor your shoulder blades - they should always be pulled back slightly, your shoulders slightly raised, the movements smooth and springy, try not to lower your head.

Working muscles

The farmer's walk is an exercise that develops a large number of muscle groups. This is a truly basic exercise that gets you involved in work. gluteal muscles, quadriceps, back surface thighs, calf muscles, trapezius, shoulder girdle, as well as the entire muscular corset that holds the spinal column. And, of course, the arm muscles also receive a significant load. When using sufficiently large weights in this exercise, hypertrophy of the working muscles anatomically correctly develops the shape of an athletic physique.

The Farmer's Walk exercise is also a basic discipline for strongman athletes. Their main criteria for successfully performing this movement are speed, strict technical execution of the steps and the entire exercise as a whole, and, of course, a strong grip that allows them to hold very heavy weights in their hands.

Therefore, doing farmer's walks is a good basic movement that athletes can use to strengthen their core muscles in a variety of sports disciplines. And it’s definitely worth trying to use it in your training.

One of universal exercises which can be done with kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbags or anything else is called farmer's walk. Its fundamental difference from other exercises with weights is the constant movement.

It is believed that moving under load (and the farmer's walk is one option) develops useful, applied strength of the whole body and improves overall physical condition.

Squats, presses, and deadlifts make you stronger, but at the same time, they are not all you need to achieve athleticism. In addition to strength, there is also coordination and, so to speak, “awareness of your body.” The Farmer's Walk helps develop not only strength, but also these qualities.

To be honest, I haven’t fully tried this exercise yet. I include it periodically in my training, but in order to get a feel for it full program, I don’t have enough free space (I work out at home) - so that I can just walk forward, and not make a turn in a circle every step. 50 meters of straight path.

So, before moving on to the practical part, we list the advantages of the exercise:


Work on the core muscles

Strengthening joints

Strengthening your grip

Possibility to use a kettlebell in training more weight(which you cannot use in other exercises yet)

Features of a farmer's walk with weights

Unlike other equipment with which the farmer's walk is performed, kettlebells are more variable in their position in space. The basic version of the farmer's walk is performed with kettlebells (or one) in the lowered hands.

Farmer's Walk - Basic Option

Take 2 weights that are heavy enough for you. You must be able to support correct position bodies with them. Perform a suitcase row with your chest up and start walking forward (or in circles if the room is small). As you move, your breathing quickens, your heart works harder, and your grip weakens. In the end, two thoughts will remain: “just not to unclench my fingers” and “I wish I could take a couple more steps.” This is not only training the body, but also mental concentration.

The single kettlebell farmer's walk, while seemingly easier, requires more muscle engagement to ensure your posture remains correct and you're walking in a straight line.

Farmer's walk with weights on his chest

This option, unlike the usual farmer's walk, gives the grip a break. The kettlebells will tend to drive your torso forward, and your hips and muscles will have to work to maintain stability.

If you do it with 2 weights, the exercise becomes more complicated, because the weights will put pressure on the diaphragm, causing breathing to become shorter and more intermittent, muscle fatigue may come faster and you will have to work hard to complete the distance.

Farmer's Walk with a Kettlebell Overhead

A way to strengthen the shoulder joints and improve the endurance of the surrounding muscles. Lift 1 or 2 weights to your chest, then press them overhead and step forward.

Changing the direction of movement will give additional impetus to the core muscles.

By the way, compared to dumbbells in the same position, kettlebells are safer, because the weight is partially supported by the forearm. Because of this, there is less grip training, but more effort is put into stabilizing the body due to the outstretched arm above the head.

Farmer's walk with kettlebell upside down

Strengthened work on the forearm and abdominal muscles. When the weights are upside down, you may not get as much of a workout on your heart as other variations (because you'll be moving slower), but there are other benefits.

Another potentially dangerous feature of this position is that it is easier for the weights to fall out of your hand when your grip loosens. Therefore, it is better to practice in places where you don’t mind the floor.

Kettlebells can be placed either in the arms, bent at the elbows, or straightened up.

Photos from