Push-up styles. What muscles work during different types of push-ups? Knee push-ups

Push-ups are very useful and effective exercise to strengthen the muscles of the chest, arms, shoulders and even the abs. This exercise is basic and forces several muscle groups to work at once. Push-ups have many variations with varying difficulty levels, which is why this exercise is suitable for people with different levels physical training. Let's look at 10 options for push-ups, the difficulty of which varies from easy to hard, and is suitable for athletes who already have at least minimal basic training. You can watch exercises for those who do not know how to do push-ups or are just starting to do push-ups.

Option #1

This is a classic type of push-up that works well on the muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps. When performing, pay attention to the position of your hands; they should be positioned wider than your shoulders at chest level. It is necessary to ensure that the main load does not transfer to the shoulders, but rather affects the chest muscles.

Option #2 Diamond push-ups

This type of push-up received the name diamond because the position of the hands when performing the exercise resembles the appearance of a diamond. The main load when performing the exercise falls on the triceps and inner part breasts

Option No. 3 Push-ups with cotton

When performing this type of push-up, you need to push your body in such a way that you have time to clap your palms in front of you, and then return to the starting position. This exercise not only develops and strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also allows you to increase explosive force muscles.

Option No. 4 Push-ups with clapping behind your back

This exercise is similar to the previous one, only the clap of the palms is performed not in front of you, but behind your back. Its execution requires even more explosive muscle power. To avoid injury, it is recommended for more experienced athletes to perform.

Option #5 One-arm push-ups

Starting position: emphasis on one hand, the second hand is placed behind the back, legs spread wide apart, this is necessary for stability. IN this exercise The main load falls on the muscles of the shoulders and elbow joints, so before performing it you need to warm up properly.

Option No. 6 Push-ups with arms placed diagonally

A special feature of this type of push-up is the position of the hands. If you look closely at the photo, you will notice that left hand is located slightly lower than the right one, i.e. the hands are positioned as if diagonally.

Option No. 7 Straight push-ups

Starting position: lying on your hands, legs on a hill. When performing this type of push-ups, the load increases not only on shoulder girdle, but also on the wrists, therefore, to avoid injuries, you must be careful and warm up.

Option No. 8 Push-ups

This exercise will do even for beginners. You can perform it as a warm-up before moving on to more complex types of push-ups.

Option No. 9 T-shaped push-ups

They help to knead and warm up very well. shoulder joints. It can also be recommended as a warm-up exercise.

Option #10 Aztec push-ups

This is a rather complex exercise and is suitable for athletes who have fairly serious physical training. Execution technique: take a prone position, lower yourself and perform an explosive upward push. At the same time, the hands try to touch the legs. Features of the execution: when pushing, the legs do not remain in place, but move towards the hands. Legs and arms should remain straight when moving towards each other.

We hope that all of these options will help you diversify your workouts so that they don't feel monotonous and motivate you to continue doing an exercise like push-ups.

We are sure that push-ups are included in the training program of all men who play sports and want to pump up their muscles. This basic exercise is performed without any devices - the load comes only due to own weight. Push-ups perfectly work the muscles of the arms and back, and also engage the abs and legs. Proof of the effectiveness of this exercise is the fact that all the toughest fighters, athletes, and bodybuilders do push-ups without fail. So, do not ignore them in any case - rather strive for high results and try all types of push-ups.

In this article, we will look at the rules for performing the exercise, create a program in which you can learn how to do 100 repetitions, and also tell you about the types of push-ups.

The advantage of push-ups is the fact that they are suitable for everyone, since they can be done outside gym– you can do push-ups at home even with a minimum of free space.

When performing a push-up program, the following muscle groups are worked:

  • Triceps (turns on when straightening your arms; the triceps receive a special load when doing push-ups with your hands close together).
  • Large pectoral muscles(if your goal is to put a load on these muscles, then focus on push-ups with wide arms).
  • Delta and biceps (during push-ups, they are involved, but receive less load compared to the triceps and pectoral muscles).
  • Gluteal muscles and abs (work statically - by maintaining tension when performing the exercise correctly).

Basic mistakes

Whatever types of push-ups on parallel bars, from a bench, from the floor you choose, remember - only correct execution exercise can bring results. If you do it incorrectly, with mistakes, you can only harm yourself.

When performing the push-up program, remember:

  1. About the correct position of the back. It should be straight throughout the push-up, not arched or rounded, and the shoulders should be pulled towards the shoulder blades, not towards the ears. As soon as you bend your back, the weight will immediately be incorrectly distributed. To make it easier to maintain your posture, constantly make sure that the muscles of your core, buttocks, and back are tense.
  2. Pain and sport are not best friends. Yes, training should be based on a constant increase in load, which is associated with discomfort for the muscles. You should feel tension, a burning sensation, but not acute pain - it already signals some kind of “breakdown” in the body, and before returning to exercise, you should find out the cause and eliminate it.
  3. Don't chase sports records, but there’s no need to feel sorry for yourself either. The increase in load should be constant but smooth. On the first day of the program, you should not try to do 100 push-ups at once. The exercises should be performed in sets (with short breaks between sessions), gradually increasing the number of repetitions in each of them.
  4. Do not forget that before exercise you must warm up and warm up your muscles. Our muscles are like plasticine - if you first knead them and make them warm, then you can sculpt anything from them, but if you try to work with “raw material”, then the muscles will simply tear.
  5. Push-ups alone won't help. Weak core abs, hip flexors, and shin extensors prevent you from doing push-ups. When performing an exercise, the body gives up not only when the agonist muscles (triceps, pectoral, deltoid) get tired, but also when the stabilizing muscles (abs and legs) cannot cope with the task. It is important to perform a comprehensive program and work all muscles.
  6. Doing push-ups too fast or too slow is not recommended. It is best to perform one repetition within 1.2–1.5 seconds. This time is considered optimal.

You need to start from the base

There are several dozen types of push-ups. A little later we will list the most interesting views, allowing you to work out various muscles and give more high load. But before we begin to describe them, let's talk about the basic exercise.

Remember: until you master it properly and achieve noticeable results in its implementation, forget about more difficult options. First, make sure you are performing the basic push-up correctly:

  • Take a lying position, arms and legs straight, palms slightly wider than shoulders, feet together.
  • As you exhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself down, trying to touch the floor with your chest.
  • As you exhale, take the starting position.

How can you learn to perform the maximum number of repetitions? The correct thing to do is to gradually increase the load. There are many types of push-up programs.

Sample program

(5 days of intense push-ups + 2 days of rest)

Number of exercises (rest between sets – 2–3 minutes)

First approach

Second approach

Third approach

Fourth approach

Fifth approach

Once you can easily complete the program in week 4, you can move on to more advanced types of exercises instead of further increasing the number of repetitions.

Complicated options

Let's look at more complicated options:

  1. Increase your strength threshold. To do this, start using weights in the form of a sports vest or discs (ask your teammates or trainer to place weights on your back during your push-ups). As practice shows, when you learn to do push-ups with weights 50 times, then regular push-ups of a hundred repetitions will not be difficult.
  2. Remove the sketch reflex. When performing an exercise, the muscles, in response to a strong stretch, reflexively tend to contract, and vice versa. This is called the sketch reflex. We will lose it if, when performing push-ups at the bottom point, we completely lie with our chests on the floor and lift our palms off the floor. This type of push-up is much more difficult to do, since the mechanism of muscle work and amplitude increase.
  3. Engage your leg. In push-ups, you can very well work out the muscles of the legs, abs and increase the load on the delta of the arms - for this you should try the Dutch push-up (it is also called the “grasshopper”). The exercise is performed as follows: pause at the bottom of the push-up, lift one leg a couple of centimeters from the floor and move it to the side (do not bend). Bring your leg back over the side, place it on the floor, and straighten your arms. In addition, mobility of the hip joints develops.
  4. Do push-ups on the floor with only one arm. When performing the exercise, it is allowed to move one supporting leg to the side (otherwise it will not be possible to maintain balance). One-arm push-ups are good for building up the muscles in the shoulder girdle.
  5. Try the American Corkscrew. A fairly complex exercise, performed as follows: starting position lying down, arms slightly wider than shoulders, feet moved forward towards the head (so that the legs are slightly bent at the knees and the pelvis is raised towards the ceiling). As you exhale, lower your pelvis to the side (you need to touch the floor with only one side, do not fall over), while simultaneously bending your elbows. Return to the starting position.
  6. Do push-ups on the floor using your fists. It is done in the same way as the basic exercise, only the emphasis is not on the hands, but on the knuckles. You should try to distribute the weight on the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, as they are the strongest. This type of push-up is useful for those who practice martial arts (a more complicated version is push-ups on the fingers, but it is very traumatic and requires lengthy preparation).
  7. Do the Japanese uchi-machi push-up. Used for training judokas and very well strengthens the spinal extensors, buttocks and the entire core. This is done as follows: in starting position Lift one leg off the floor and extend it parallel to the floor. Lower yourself down on your hands, pause, lift your leg as high as possible, rise up on your hands and return your leg to the starting position (do not touch the floor with your leg throughout the entire approach).
  8. Do push-ups with accents (such push-ups are called “English” or “different names”). In the starting position, place one arm a little higher (the shoulders are not in a straight line, but on a diagonal line), and raise the opposite leg above the floor. Do not fall over when lowering and lifting. This push-up allows you to load the rectus abdominis muscle and hip flexors.
  9. Try the Russian push-up. The difference from the classic push-up is that it is performed with your hands resting on the weights lying in front of you. When bending your arms, you should try to go as low as possible. Unstable support allows you to add load to the shoulders and forearms and increase rotation humerus, work out your wrist grip well (it affects the force of the blow).
  10. Work your back with the diving push-up. The starting stance is supported on the hands and feet with the pelvis raised and the head lowered (in yoga this pose is called “downward dog”). Bend your arms and at the same time make a wave-like movement with your body - as if you are crawling through a gap under a low gate. Smoothly lower your pelvis and legs to the floor, arching your back and raising your head. Repeat the movement in reverse order. This exercise is very beneficial for the spine.

Finally, we draw your attention once again: despite the simplicity of the push-up program, it can cause harm if you do the exercises incorrectly. Train carefully, do not load your muscles immediately, increase the level of difficulty gradually, watch your breathing. Do push-ups regularly, don't skip classes. This is the only way you can achieve high results and pump up the muscles of your arms, chest, and core using push-ups. Good luck in sports!

Many people want to have a strong physical fitness and look beautiful and athletic. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit gym or organize a sports corner at home. In this case, an excellent exercise will help - push-ups. It can be performed without any additional equipment and sports equipment. To keep yourself in shape, all you need is desire and a well-designed training program. This exercise is universal: men, women, children, and the elderly can perform it. In this article you will learn which muscles are pumped up thanks to push-ups.

What are the benefits of push-ups?

Push-ups affect various groups muscles. Exercise affects the development of strength indicators and an increase in muscle mass. There are several dozen varieties of push-ups, each of which is aimed at working a specific muscle group. For example, if you do push-ups with your arms spread wide apart (wide grip), the main load will fall on the pectoral muscles. If you do push-ups with enough narrow grip, then the triceps will be worked the most. More details about the varieties and their execution techniques will be written below.

The essence of the exercise is that you take a strictly horizontal position parallel to the floor, face down. Next, you need to lower and raise your body using flexion and extension movements of your arms. In the classic version, this exercise is performed without the use of additional weights. Only experienced athletes practice push-ups with weights.

The main benefit of the exercise is increasing the muscle mass of certain muscle groups, as well as giving them a sculpted shape. Exercise helps increase strength and endurance. When regularly performing push-ups, the body's metabolism is normalized, which has a positive effect on a person's general condition and well-being.

It is also worth noting that after 30 years the human body begins to lose muscle mass: Over the course of a year, about 2% of muscle mass is replaced by fat. Performing the exercise will stop the loss of muscle mass, develop muscles, improve heart function and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, push-ups help improve your posture.

What muscles are involved and pumped when doing push-ups?

This exercise has a comprehensive effect on the body. What muscles are pumped? The following muscle groups are simultaneously involved:

  • the upper and lower parts of the pectoral muscles are well worked out;
  • triceps of both arms are involved;
  • front and medium bun deltoid muscles shoulder girdle;
  • the serratus anterior muscle of the body is worked out;
  • top, bottom and lateral muscles abdominals;

Let's look at each muscle group in more detail.

Pectoral muscles

When performing various types of push-ups, the pectoral muscles are the most frequently used. When lifting and lowering the body, it is the pectoralis major muscle that takes the main load. IN everyday life For the average person, the pectoral muscles receive virtually no load, so they atrophy very quickly. Push-ups will help activate your pectoral muscles and increase their size.


The triceps is responsible for extending the arms. It is the second most important muscle that is used when performing push-ups. Depending on the grip width, the load on the triceps will change when performing the exercise. The narrower the grip, the greater the load.

Deltoid muscles of the shoulder

The deltoid muscles consist of three bundles (posterior, anterior and middle). When performing push-ups, part of the load goes to the anterior and middle bundle of the deltoid muscles of the shoulder. The deltoids help the pectoral muscles lift the body during push-ups.

Serratus anterior muscle

When doing push-ups, this is subtle, but very important muscle human body, which is located in the back of the sternum, works and strengthens.

Abdominal muscles

The abs consists of several muscles that are involved when performing the exercise. It is the abs that help keep the body in an even position when doing push-ups, so it can give the abs a certain definition.


When performing push-ups from the floor, your head should be level, your gaze directed strictly at the floor. Thanks to this, the neck muscles are also involved in the work.

Rest muscle groups(biceps and back muscles) are involved to a minimal extent during push-ups.

Basic types of push-ups. Execution technique

There are many varieties of push-ups, each of which is aimed at working a specific muscle group. Let's look at the most basic options.

The classic version of push-ups is taught at school during physical education classes. The technique is quite simple:

  1. First, a lying position with support on your palms and toes is adopted.
  2. Legs and back are one straight line.
  3. The palms are located slightly wider than the shoulders. The fingers are not widely spaced and point forward.
  4. Feet together or hip-width apart.
  5. As you inhale, slowly bring your chest toward the floor, bending your elbows. Don't spread them too far apart.
  6. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Wide grip

The technique is similar to the previous one with some exceptions:

  1. Hands should be placed at a distance equal to approximately two shoulder widths.
  2. Elbows should be directed to the sides.
  3. You can gather your palms into a fist or do push-ups with open palms, as in the classic version.
  4. The legs are shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.
  5. When lowering your body, you need to watch your elbows: they should always look to the sides.
  6. Your back, neck and head should form one straight line.

If you bend or stick out your buttocks, the effectiveness of the exercise will be significantly reduced. A wide grip allows you to maximally pump the pectoral and deltoid muscles.

This type of push-up is aimed at maximizing the development of the pectoralis major muscle. The technique is the same as in the case of wide grip, only your feet need to be placed on a hill. For beginners, a stand of 30–35 centimeters will be sufficient. Professionals can do push-ups with a stand of 60 centimeters. The higher the stand, the greater the load on the pectoral muscles. You can experiment with the width of your grip. The wider the grip, the greater the load.

The effectiveness of the exercise will depend on the correct placement of the hands.

  1. Hands should be placed strictly at shoulder level.
  2. The elbow joints should be directed back.
  3. Feet together.
  4. When lowering the body, the elbows move not to the sides, but back along the body.
  5. The body must be positioned strictly parallel to the floor.
  6. You can do push-ups on both your palms and your fists.

Narrow grip

A narrow grip promotes good development of the triceps and anterior deltoid muscles.

  1. The palms are located next to each other and directed slightly inward.
  2. Feet are shoulder-width apart or together.
  3. When lowering the body, the arms bend along the body, and do not diverge to the sides.

Doing push-ups on one arm is quite difficult; you should move on to this version of the exercise only if classic push-ups do not provide enough load.

  1. To maintain balance, you need to spread your legs wide apart.
  2. The supporting arm is located at the shoulder line, and the other arm is slightly bent and placed behind the back.
  3. When the descent phase occurs, the elbow bends to the side.
  4. You can do push-ups, alternating your hand after each push-up, or do a few reps on one hand and then change your supporting hand.

Video: 19 types of push-ups for beginners

Lightweight push-ups

For beginners with poorly developed muscles, especially women and the elderly, it can be difficult to perform classic push-ups, not to mention more complicated options. Lightweight push-up options have been developed for them.

The technique is similar to the classic version, only the legs rest on the knees rather than on the toes. The feet should be crossed and raised above the floor. Workload on the main muscle groups in this position is significantly reduced.

Do wall push-ups develop muscles?

This exercise will strengthen your muscles and prepare them for classic push-ups.


  1. You need to stand straight in front of the wall at a distance of about one step from it.
  2. We take the emphasis from the wall.
  3. The distance between the crayfish should be slightly wider than shoulder level.
  4. Lift your heels off the floor and perform push-ups.
  5. When performing the exercise, you must ensure that your body is even.

What are the effects of complicated push-ups?

This type of exercise helps not only to work out muscles, but also to increase agility and overall strength.

  1. The legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width, and the arms are approximately 2 times wider.
  2. We lower the body and push it up with a powerful push.
  3. We lift our palms off the floor and clap.
  4. The return landing should be soft.
  5. Hands should work rhythmically and energetically.

Weighted push-ups are aimed at increasing muscle mass and strength in the pectoral muscles and triceps. The additional weight allows you to work the muscle groups quite deeply. As weights for exercise, you can use special sports vests with weights or regular backpacks with weights. The technique is exactly the same as for classic push-ups. You need to start training with small weights (2–3 kilograms), gradually increasing the load. Below you will find an explanatory video.

Video: Basic types of push-ups

Push-up training program for beginners

A training program for a beginner may look like this:

First training week:

  • do a warm-up;
  • first training approach - no more than 8 push-ups;
  • second training approach - no more than 6 push-ups;
  • third training approach - 5 push-ups;
  • fourth approach - 5 push-ups;
  • if you still have strength, then you can perform 2-3 sets of 5 repetitions;
  • Rest between each approach should be 1-2 minutes.

Second training week:

  • do a warm-up;
  • four sets of 8 push-ups with breaks of 1-2 minutes between sets.

Third training week:

  • do a warm-up;
  • four sets of maximum repetitions; rest between approaches no more than 1 minute.

Subsequent training weeks you can do it yourself, gradually increasing the number of push-ups in each approach.

Recommendations for performing push-ups. What muscles work

  1. When performing push-ups, there should be no discomfort in the elbow and shoulder joints. The joints should not twist; to do this, choose the palm placement that suits you best.
  2. Push-ups require a certain flexibility, so it is recommended to develop this in parallel with classes.
  3. To avoid injuring your wrists, do a good warm-up before each activity. In addition, you can use special bandages or sports wristbands.
  4. If you are planning to gain muscle mass and increase muscle size, then you should pay special attention to nutrition. Food should contain sufficient amounts of protein and vitamins.

Video: 3 most serious mistakes when doing push-ups

Push-ups are a good alternative to working out in the gym with dumbbells and barbells. Just one exercise will allow you to stay fit and increase muscle mass at home. This exercise can be performed by absolutely everyone, regardless of physical fitness level, gender and age. Doing push-ups regularly can help you improve your health.

In the process of systematic push-ups, the pectoral muscles and triceps are effectively pumped. The choice of training method depends on your specific goals and level of physical ability. You can do push-ups from the floor, on parallel bars, and even between two chairs.

The technique of push-ups is generally not very complicated; the exercises can be performed both in a fist stand and on the palms. In the first case, you will strengthen and harden the striking parts of the hands, which is important for effective training in martial arts.

If your goal is to significantly increase muscle strength and build muscle, you will need the help of a partner. It, either by its direct action or through additional weights placed on your back, will create resistance to the movements of your core, adding and subtracting weight as needed.

If you want to become more resilient and make your muscles more prominent, you can do push-ups without additional weights, trying to increase the number of repetitions performed.

Secrets of effective push-ups

Exists effective technique push-ups, which maximally involves the muscles in work. Its secret lies in the incomplete range of motion when lowering and raising the body. That is, when doing push-ups, you do not fully bend and straighten your arms elbow joints Thus, the muscles do not have time to rest and use their own resources as much as possible.

To receive good results One more point should be taken into account: the shorter the rest between approaches, the greater the impact of the training. But at the same time, do not forget to monitor your well-being.

Experienced athletes know that during push-ups, developed triceps take on most of the load. They can be partially disabled to ensure the most effective development of the chest muscles. To do this, before regular push-ups, you need to perform pumping exercises. triceps muscles, you can also alternate between different techniques. For example, push-ups narrow support(hands are at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other) combine with exercises based on conventional technique.

If you build supports for your arms out of several bricks, you will be able to do push-ups, stretching, and thereby maximally pumping your muscles. In this case, it is important not to bend too deeply, as this can lead to injury. Before you begin this technique, you should warm up your muscles and ligaments well.

When performing the last two push-ups in each approach, stop at 50% of the exercise (arms bent at the elbows) and try to hold this position for one or two minutes. Static exercises are very difficult, but they additionally develop strength and endurance.

The number of approaches and repetitions in push-ups will depend on the task you set and the level of your physical fitness. You can start with 10-15 repetitions and 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the number of push-ups to 50 in a row or more.

By training in this way 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes, you will keep yourself in excellent physical shape.

To develop the muscles of the upper body and arms use various types push-ups and auxiliary exercises. Each method has its own key features that should be considered in more detail.

Features of the exercises

The first thing that needs to be sorted out is the benefits and harms of such exercises. Selected for men and women different techniques to train the desired parts of the body. It is also worth considering that the benefits of push-ups only appear if they are performed correctly.

The video shows all types of push-ups by difficulty level

CrossFit is a new direction that combines several sports. It is becoming more and more popular. Let's figure out what it is, what the pros and cons of such training are, and consider three programs: basic, endurance and weight loss.

Benefits of classes

To maximize results, it is important to do it correctly. The benefits for men and women are generally the same, but each person's goals are different. With these exercises you can achieve the following results:

  • improve your figure, tighten your arms, chest, stomach;
  • increase strength, agility, endurance, impact speed;
  • train the heart muscle, blood vessel, respiratory system;
  • speed up metabolism and lose excess weight;
  • gain muscle mass;
  • strengthen bones and joints.

Depending on the type of exercise chosen, there is an impact on different groups muscles. Mainly work the shoulders, chest and triceps. The abs and intercostal muscles, calves, thighs and buttocks, back, and forearm also receive a share of the load.

Important: as a result of training, a person’s posture will improve and general condition body, and the muscles will gain strength and attractive relief.

Harm and restrictions

It is not enough to understand why push-ups are useful. Any sports activity can harm a person if the basic rules are not followed:

  • Before classes, you need to stretch your joints and warm up your muscles;
  • do not overload the body;
  • follow correct technique performing the exercise.

Push-ups can lead to: negative consequences, such as sprains or sprains. The hands and shoulder joints are especially affected. People with fragile bones should not exceed permissible load. In addition, some restrictions apply to women, as well as people with vascular, heart and respiratory problems. So as not to make things worse appearance do not pump the same muscle group in isolation, supplement your training with other exercises, and follow a rest regime.

Varieties of push-ups

There are many varieties of push-ups for both men and women. It is worth considering their main categories and techniques, as well as why a particular type of push-up is useful.

The simplest types

The simplest methods are considered to be classical methods and push-ups using support. The higher the upper body is, the less stress is placed on the muscles. This category is great for girls to keep fit and toned body, as well as for beginners.

The following types of exercises are distinguished:

  • Classic. The emphasis is lying down, the hands are approximately shoulder-width apart, the body is extended in a straight line. Bending-extension of the arms in this position is a standard in sports programs.
  • From my knees. A lightweight option when the emphasis in the legs is on the knees, not the feet. Suitable for girls for preparatory training.
  • From the wall. They are also easy to perform, since push-ups are performed with minimal load. This way you can tighten your breasts.
  • For triceps. The hands are placed closer than in the classic version to increase the load on them.
  • On the uneven bars. Lifting your own weight or additional weights on the parallel bars is a good workout for your arms and shoulders.

  • From the support. You can make standard push-ups easier if your body position is higher than the floor level in the upper part. Can be used as a support sports equipment, chair or sofa, etc.

Middle category

Increase the load and work out additional groups muscles allow exercises of medium severity. Let's look at their main options:

  • Reverse. With their help you can pump up your triceps well. You need to perform the exercise with a support (bench) to place your hands on it. You need to stretch your legs in front of you, fixing your position and bend your elbows at a right angle.

  • Slow. In static conditions, the muscles experience a greater load, endurance is trained, and this is what slow push-ups are for. The benefits of such exercises are especially noticeable when using additional weights; the basic technique is often chosen to be classical, but this is not limited to this.
  • Wide. The emphasis is on the pectoral muscles, as the arms are placed as wide as possible.
  • Circular. An advanced program must include them. Push-ups are done on one hand with the transition to the second in the lower position.
  • Different names. One hand is put forward, the second is pulled back a little, serving only as support for the main area being worked on.
  • Step by step. Alternates between narrow and wide stance arms while performing flexion-extension approaches.
  • Narrow grip. More isolated work on the triceps when the hands are placed as close as possible. For convenience, you can use additional stops.

Tip: standard methods can also be complicated by using weights and varying the position of the body.

The trapezius muscle triangles are located on both sides of the spine. Their apices are directed towards the acromion of the scapula, the bases are directed towards the spine. The muscle on both sides has a generally trapezoidal shape. Develop the trapezius with exercises for its top, bottom and middle together with training muscular system back and shoulder deltas.

Complicated Variations

For sports professionals and physically fit people, ordinary exercises cannot bring enough benefits. It is necessary to introduce more advanced methods of push-ups into the training program. In a more complex category, it is worth highlighting the following types:

  • Plyometric with support. Able to increase strike speed and agility, train explosive muscle strength. When doing push-ups you need to throw up top part body to change the position of the hands and place them between the supports. On the next set, the push should be strong enough to return to the starting position.

  • With a bang. Another plyometric exercise, after the arms are extended, a clap is performed.
  • From the chairs. The amplitude increases, which allows for better pumping of the chest.
  • On fists. To complicate basic training Fist push-ups are used. The benefit is to train the hands and focus on the triceps.
  • On the fingers. Without preliminary preparation, the exercise is dangerous, since the load falls on the hands and fingers. These push-ups train your grip and finger strength.

  • On one hand. The muscles of the working side are subject to a large load; in addition, you need to train your balance.
  • Upside down. It also increases the load by transferring weight forward. The legs are placed on a support.
  • In a headstand. Trains trapezius, deltoids for powerful shoulders, develops balance.

Important: complicated options are not suitable for beginners and people with health problems.

Each type of push-up has its own characteristics and advantages, but to achieve good results they need to be combined and selected depending on the level of physical fitness.