A set of exercises for the pectoral muscles for men. Exercise machines for the muscles of the arms and chest. A set of exercises for the press.

The ABfitness online store offers you to consider purchasing exercise equipment for free weights, because they will help create an athletic figure and tone the body. When starting classes, each person sets a plan for himself to achieve his goal, but to look beautiful, it is not enough to exercise own weight, it is better to buy yourself additional devices. We present strength training equipment on free weights, so you can pump yourself up big muscles to look inimitable by summer. Contact the managers, they will advise on the purchase, and select bench press machines with free weights to pump up those parts of the body that you want. When contacting them, tell them the smallest details so that they understand what is contraindicated and select the best, and most importantly, healthy products. In most cases, these products are a bench with a back, which can be adjusted to the angle of inclination, and a stand for a barbell, which can also be adjusted. If you plan to do complex training, consider one with features for leg pumping, flexion and extension, and biceps work. Having turned to the assortment, decide for yourself whether you need non-collapsible or collapsible models that can be hidden under a sofa, bed or closet.

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Do you want to have a wide chest and relief press? It's likely that you've already spent endless hours doing crunches and push-ups, but you still look down and see the same unchanged chest and belly. If you want to look toned and strengthen your body, it's time to step up your workouts and focus on getting bigger and stronger. Learn the strategies you can use to achieve the results you want.


Building chest and abdominal muscles

Bench press . This is the best exercise to start working on your chest muscles. To do it, you need a bench and a barbell or several dumbbells (in gym you can also use special simulator). Choose a weight that you can lift 5 to 7 times before needing to rest. Don't worry if the weight seems low - it doesn't matter now. What matters is what you lift enough to build muscle, and how much to build muscle. different people this figure will vary. You will add more weight when you become stronger. However, in order to increase bulky muscles chest, your goal should be to lift at least your body weight. Here's how to do it:

  • Lie on a bench on your back with your feet firmly on the floor.
  • Hold the barbell on your chest with your arms symmetrical to your body.
  • Raise the barbell toward the ceiling with your arms straight.
  • Lower the bar until it touches your chest.
  • Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Rest for a minute and then do 2 more sets.

Push-ups with weight. Regular push-ups provided correct technique and breathing is one of the simplest and at the same time best exercises For chest. Weighted push-ups create additional tension in the muscles, which breaks them down and then promotes their growth, however, this exercise is not recommended for beginners as it carries a high risk of injury, followed by a long recovery period. To do weighted push-ups, strap on an additional weight to add weight to your torso. Do 3 sets of 15 push-ups per workout. If you can easily do more than 15 reps in one set, add more weight.

  • You can also make standard push-ups more challenging by doing twisted push-ups and lifting dumbbells at the same time. Start in a normal push-up position, but instead of just resting your palms on the floor, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lower your body toward the floor, then push up on one arm and lift the other up, turning sideways. Lower yourself to the floor and push up again, now raising your other arm and turning in the other direction.
  • Raises with dumbbells. One more thing good exercise for the chest - raises with dumbbells, for which you will need either a set of dumbbells or a special exercise machine. This movement activates the chest muscles and helps break them down to build them up. Since this movement is a little more difficult than the bench press, it is recommended to use a lighter weight.

    • Lie on your back with either your dumbbells or cables (if you're using a weight machine) in your hands.
    • Extend your arms straight towards the ceiling.
    • Lower your arms to either side of your body so that they are spread out like an eagle's wings.
    • Return to starting position, and then repeat. Do 3 sets of approximately 10 repetitions.
  • Push-ups on benches with weights. You will need two exercise benches. Try this exercise without weights at first, and over time you can add weight. Place your hands on one bench and your crossed legs on the other. Your buttocks and thighs should be positioned above the gap between the benches. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can put weights on your hips. Make sure they are well secured before you begin.

    • Keeping your back straight, lower your torso and buttocks into the gap by bending your arms. Bend your elbows and lower yourself so that your elbows are level with your shoulders, pointing straight back.
    • Straighten your arms, lifting yourself back up.
    • Do 3 sets of 10 or so reps.
  • Crunches with weight . Complicate it a little classic exercise on the abs, adding weight. Crunches may be boring, but they are still one of the the best ways get toned abs. Make sure you are doing everything correctly:

    • Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet comfortably placed on the floor.
    • Keep your weight on your chest. Don't go too heavy; you should be able to do about 12-15 crunches without resting.
    • Use your muscles abdominals to lift your torso and head forward so that your shoulders are off the floor. Don't lift your entire back; you can damage it, and raising your back completely doesn't give you any benefit in terms of building your abs.
    • Lower yourself to the floor and then repeat. Do 3 sets of 15 crunches.
    • Add variety by doing something sometimes lateral crunches: Assume the starting position for a regular crunch, but twist to one side or the other. This works the obliques - the muscles on either side of your abs.
  • Plank. This exercise works all the abdominal muscles at once and does not require any equipment. Make it part of every workout and you will notice the difference. Here's how to make a plank:

    • Lie on the floor on your stomach with your legs straight out.
    • Rise up onto your forearms. Elbows in straight line with shoulders, fingers pointing straight forward.
    • Rise on your tiptoes so that your legs and torso do not touch the floor. Keep your back straight.
    • Hold the position as long as you can - at least a minute. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
    • Rest on the floor and then repeat.
    • You can do a side plank to work your obliques. Lift up onto just one forearm, rotating your body to the side, and lift your other arm straight up. Hold the position and then repeat on the other side.
  • Weighted leg raises. Tie weights around your ankles before you begin. this exercise. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs straight. Keeping your legs together and your back pressed to the floor, lift your legs up 90 degrees (perpendicular to the floor). Make sure your legs remain straight. Lower them to the floor. Do 3 sets of 12 lifts.

    • You can use a ball instead of weights: just grab it between your feet and hold it as you lift your legs.
  • Bicycle crunches to work out the lower abs. Again, using weights will make this exercise more effective. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Straighten left leg, keeping the right one bent. Draw your left elbow toward your right knee, rotating it across your body. Repeat with your right elbow and left knee.

    The right approach to training

    1. Work your chest and abdominal muscles twice a week. Don't train any one muscle group more than twice a week. Your muscles need time to rest and recover between workouts - that's when they grow bigger and stronger. You can work your pectoral muscles and abs on the same days or on different days. Both options are equally effective.

      • Set a suitable schedule for yourself and stick to it. Sticking to a workout routine will increase your chances of success.
    2. Train as hard as you can. When your goal is to increase muscle mass, it is important to give your best effort in every workout. Try to perform each exercise in correct position and do any crunches, bench presses or leg raises as intensely as possible. Efforts below your maximum will not give you the results you want.

      • Your workout should take about 30 minutes. During this time, give your all and do not take many long breaks. Make the most of your time in the gym.
      • Do your reps quickly. Accelerated exercise puts more strain on the muscles, which leads to faster growth.
      • Don't train so intensely that you end up injuring yourself. The exercises will not be comfortable, but you should not experience much pain. If you feel excruciating pain, stop immediately.
    3. Do supersets of two or more exercises. This means that you perform one type of exercise immediately after another without a break in between. Supersets will make your muscles work harder and can be in an efficient way rapid build-up muscles. For example, immediately after bench pressing, do several sets of push-ups.

      Tighten your abs as you work your pecs. This is called core strengthening. When lifting heavy objects, you should always tense your stomach to avoid back injury. This will bring you two additional benefits. First, by working on your pectoral muscles, you simultaneously strengthen your abdominal muscles. Secondly, tightening your abdominal muscles will give you much more energy during chest exercises. This will help you see results much faster than if you didn't focus on your abs during chest workouts.

      Add weight as you get stronger. You won't make progress if you don't do this. When you see that you can easily bench press a certain weight more than 10 times, it's time to increase the weight. The same goes for all other exercises where you work with weights: when you can do more than the recommended number of repetitions without feeling a burning sensation, increase the weight to challenge the muscles and build them up.

      • Don't be tempted to add more weight than you can handle. If you try to lift too much, you can get injured, which will ruin your efforts. If it is too difficult for you to lift a certain weight more than 5 times without taking a break, then it is too heavy for you.
    4. Vary your abdominal exercises. Your muscles may get tired of doing crunches, and progress will stop. Do new exercises to work your abs at every point possible. For example, you can do crunch squats, planks, and reverse twist for one week, and twisting with raised legs bent, Russian twists and side planks - another week.

    5. Don't forget about other muscle groups. If you want to build muscle, you need to work your entire body. If you neglect your legs, back and arms, your pecs and abs won't be as strong. Besides, you don't want to have a toned torso and skinny legs!

      • It is important to maintain balance when working the chest and back muscles to avoid uneven muscle development, chest bulge, or incorrect position spine. Vertical thrust to the chest, reverse grip pull-ups, the Superman exercise and rowing with an expander band are all good examples of exercises that also work the back muscles.
    6. Do limited cardio exercise. Do cardio exercises such as running, cycling and swimming no more than a couple times a week. Your body needs to burn fat to show off your abs, and cardio will help you lose weight overall. However, by doing too much cardio exercise, you will use up the energy needed to build muscle. It's best to do cardio a couple of times a week, no more.

      • Minimum recommended cardio load is 150 minutes moderate load or 75 minutes of intense exercise per week.

      Healthy Habits for Better Results

      1. Eat plenty of protein. Protein is the main building material for muscle that you get from food, so eat a lot, but not so much that you cut out carbohydrates, fats and other forms of energy for the body. When you're trying to build muscle, protein should be the foundation of every one of your meals.

        • Whenever possible, choose meat without hormones.
        • Eat lean beef, chicken, pork, fish and other healthy sources of protein such as eggs and tofu.
        • Protein supplements such as
  • The chest muscles are one of the important components of athletic form. To develop shaped breasts, training is necessary to work out both the internal and external parts of it. From simulators to the most prominent representatives to study this muscle group, include the Butterfly simulator, the Smith simulator, the Hammer simulator and the Crossover.

    Remember, you need to pump your breasts no more than once a week. This way your muscles will receive sufficient load and have time to fully recover before the next workout.

    Chest exercises on machines

    This effective exercise to isolate the pectoral muscles after basic exercises. The cables allow for continuous muscle tension throughout the entire range of motion. Use it last on your chest training day to push your muscles to the limit.

    Technique: Place the bench in a cable machine. Take the handles of the lower block with a palms up grip and lie down on the bench. Spread your arms slightly bent at the elbows to the sides, parallel to the floor. As you exhale, tightening your pectoral muscles, bring your arms together in front of you. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

    The Smith machine relieves the stabilizer muscles from the load and therefore allows you to load the pectoral muscles as efficiently as possible. In this exercise, the machine will give you the trajectory of movement and isolate the chest muscles. Also, this method of pressing will be relevant if you train without the help of a partner, reducing the risk of being crushed by a barbell.

    Execution technique: set the back of the bench to the required position (when performing the exercise on incline bench the load shifts by top part chest). Lie down on the bench and grab the bar wide grip. As you inhale, lower the barbell to your chest, and as you exhale, powerfully press it up.

    This exercise imitates a bench press and, unlike the first, is performed while sitting in the machine. This exercise also removes the load from the stabilizer muscles and, depending on the design of the simulator and the trajectory of the handles, the load is shifted to the upper, middle or lower part of the chest.

    Technique: Adjust the seat of the machine so that the handles are at chest level. Sit in the exercise machine with your lower back pressed tightly against the backrest. Feet rest on the floor. Inhale, and as you exhale, straightening your elbows, press the handles up. Slowly return to the starting position.

    4. Reduction of arms in the “Butterfly” simulator

    This exercise will give your chest definition and provide good stretching, which in turn will improve blood circulation. When performing this exercise, it is important not to relax the muscles when raising your arms in the opposite direction. This way your pecs will be in constant tension, which will undoubtedly improve your results.

    Execution technique: adjust the height of the seat of the exercise machine so that the handles are at chest level. Sit in the machine and rest your back against the backrest. Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to move the handles of the exercise machine in front of you. At the end point of the trajectory, squeeze and strain your pectoral muscles as much as possible, holding the peak contraction for 1-2 seconds. Slowly and under control return to the starting position.

    5. Bringing your hands together on the upper crossover block while standing

    This exercise is similar in principle to the previous one, but unlike it, in the block simulator the work includes more stabilizer muscles, due to which strength qualities, as well as overall muscle endurance, are better developed.

    Technique: take the handles upper block and hold them in slightly bent arms at shoulder level. For added stability, place one foot in front. As you exhale, bring your arms in front of you due to tension pectoral muscles. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

    To work out muscles thoracic 3 simulators are most effective:
    Hammer trainer.

    What muscles does the Butterfly chest exerciser work?

    On the Butterfly simulator, special emphasis is placed on the central pectoral muscles, namely, on the middle strip of the pectoral muscles. The simulator is named after the swings performed by athletes: they are reminiscent of the flapping wings of a butterfly. When performing swings on the Butterfly machine, most of the work is done by the pectoralis major muscle.
    At the same time, the following are involved:
    anterior delta;
    clavicular part of the pectoral muscle;
    biceps (its short and long heads);
    wrist flexors.

    How the Hammer simulator works

    The Hammer chest exercise machine is based on the principle of leverage. The system of weights is not used in this case, since the design is made as follows:
    on one side a load is attached to the lever (most often it is a pancake);
    on the second side the athlete must make an effort to overcome the load.
    The advantage of training on this machine is that it limits the work of stabilizer muscles. If when pressing dumbbells they can “walk” to the sides, then in the Hammer simulator the weight moves exclusively in one direction, provided for by the specifics of its design. As a result, the load is concentrated on the work of the pectoral muscles.

    What muscles work on the Crossover chest machine?

    Working on a block crossover simulator - bringing your arms together - is similar to the flapping of the wings of birds. In this case, movement occurs only in shoulder joint, the load is concentrated on the pectoral muscles, and the triceps are not included in the work. Stabilizers when performing the exercise are:
    muscles of the forearm;
    upper shoulder belt;
    rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
    spinal extensor muscles.
    Buy Moscow price
    Benefits of chest exercisers

    If you decide to buy a chest trainer for... home use, the best price in all of Moscow is here, in the “Sports at Home” online store. By exercising on this category of exercise equipment, you will get the following results:
    beautiful relief, tone and balanced athletic shape of the pectoral muscles;
    improving blood circulation in the upper body, providing nutrients and improving metabolism, which leads to burning extra pounds;
    additional support and strengthening of the shoulder muscles, harmonious development of the core and protection from injury.

    A beautiful body implies good muscle definition - well-developed muscles of the chest, abs, arms and back. You can quickly build up muscles through regular workouts in the gym, but if for a number of reasons this is not possible, you should try home workouts. strength training.

    Regular exercises for the chest and abdominal muscles will help create moderate relief without pumping. To avoid injury, before performing any set of exercises, you should definitely do a short warm-up: swinging your arms, rotating your shoulders, stretching. You can pump up your chest and abs at home with push-ups, leg raises and crunches.

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    Chest muscles

    The best effect for the pectoral muscles is provided by exercises with a barbell with a significant load. If it is not possible to use it, it is recommended to regularly perform exercises for the chest muscles, which are based on push-ups.

    Push-ups with books

    To complete this exercise you will need 2 stacks of hard cover books. It is necessary to place them at the most convenient distance and rest your hands on the books. What follows:

    • Straighten your back.
    • Place your toes on the floor.
    • Bending your arms, smoothly lower yourself down, trying to touch your chest to the floor (the lowering should last at least 6 seconds).
    • Rise up, straightening your arms little by little.

    In one workout you need to perform 4 sets of 15 push-ups.

    Push-ups for relief

    To acquire noticeable relief, you must:

    • Take the starting position - toes and palms rest on the floor, arms are straightened.
    • Lower yourself down to the floor, slowly bending your elbows.
    • Stop in the middle and hold on with bent arms for 3-4 seconds.
    • Lower yourself to the floor and hold for 3-4 seconds, then smoothly rise up.

    In one session you need to perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions. If you cannot immediately perform the required number of push-ups, you should start with a feasible load, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.


    In order to strengthen the pectoral muscles, you need:

    • Take the starting position as with a normal push-up.
    • Smoothly lower yourself down, trying to touch the floor with your chest.
    • Push up so that your palms come off the floor - you can make a clap for better control.
    • Lower yourself onto straightened arms and repeat the exercise.

    It is recommended to start the exercise with 2 approaches of a feasible number of push-ups with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions. To work the upper pectoral muscles, a set of push-ups should be performed from a position in which the legs are higher than the body.

    Abdominal muscles

    Pumping up the abdominal muscles requires regular classes 20-30 minutes a day. Train various exercises for twisting, but to gain relief, it is recommended to pay special attention to working out the muscles of the lower abs.

    Leg Raising

    In order to pump up your abdominal muscles with leg raises, you need to:

    • Take the starting position - lying on the floor, arms along the body.
    • Slowly raise your legs, placing them perpendicular to your body.
    • Gradually lower your legs until there is a small distance between your toes and the floor.
    • Repeat the rise.

    Reverse twist

    In order to work the abdominal muscles with crunches, you need:

    • Take the starting position - lying on the floor, legs raised up perpendicular to the body.
    • Stretch your toes towards your head.
    • Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds.