Which martial art to choose for self-defense. Best martial art for street fighting: which type is most effective and why

From the very beginning of their history, people tried to come up with the most sophisticated techniques for inflicting pain and injuring the enemy. It all started with claws and teeth, then there was the era of sticks and stones, and gradually all this resulted in systems of a wide variety of martial arts.

Some types of martial arts are really more like an art, for example, like dancing, while others have left nothing from the fight except extreme efficiency and lethality. We will consider the latter:

Ancient martial art from Cambodia, another name is "Labokka-tao". Translated from the ancient language, it is translated as “beating the lion.” Bokator originated on the battlefield, during the clash of ancient armies, and not in daily small skirmishes, so it is not surprising that this system takes into account the use various types weapons - sticks, spears, etc.

This is a Canadian invention. Today it is no longer practiced, but during World War II Combato proved to be extremely deadly look martial arts, which Canadian soldiers used against opponents (Canadians fought mainly in Italy and Northern Europe, approx. website).

Jeet Kune Do

In Chinese it sounds like " Tse-quan-dao“, translated means “The Way of the Leading Fist.” This style, developed by Bruce Lee, contains all the most effective techniques all martial arts that the “Little Dragon” mastered. For his style, Bruce chose only those elements that were truly useful in battle, putting effectiveness rather than entertainment in the foreground.

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Sib pal ki

This martial art has been in service with the Korean armies for hundreds of years. It is built on three main elements - lunge, strike, cut. Sib stick ki differs from other Korean martial arts by placing more emphasis on efficiency and less on philosophy.

Although Capoeira is now more of a dance than a fighting style, in the very beginning this fighting art was quite fearsome. It appeared several hundred years ago in Brazil, in slave settlements. Capoeira was created so that a runaway slave could defend himself if caught, which is why it quickly became banned.

Kajukenbo (kajukembo)

This American-Hawaiian hybrid appeared relatively recently, around the time of World War II. The name is no coincidence: “ka” - karate, “ju” - judo, “ken” - kempo, or ki Thai boxing. The history of the origin of this martial art is interesting - it was invented by the Hawaiians for self-defense both from street gangs and from drunken American sailors.

The word, familiar to Russian ears, means “self-defense without weapons” and is a lethal combination of striking and wrestling techniques. This martial art was developed by order of the Red Army in the 20s of the last century. Sambo includes the most effective techniques and tactics of various types of combat sports, martial arts and folk types of wrestling: Azerbaijani (Gyulesh), Uzbek (Uzbekcha Kurash), Georgian (Chidaoba), Kazakh (Kazaksha Kures), Tatar (Tatarcha Koresh), Buryat wrestling; Finnish-French, free-American, English wrestling of Lancashire and Cumberland styles, Swiss, Japanese judo and sumo and other types of martial arts.

Balintawak Eskrima

Also known as Balintawak Arnis or simply Balintawak. This martial art originates from the Philippines. The technique is so effective and sophisticated that the Spanish colonialists banned the Filipinos from practicing Baliwantak after several mass riots. The style flourished in the 50s of the 20th century.

Although the English word “spear” in translation means “spear,” the name of this type of combat is in no way connected with edged weapons. The English acronym SPEAR (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response, site note) means “spontaneous protection with accelerated counterattack.” The style is almost entirely based on the use of natural human reflexes and is used by many police services around the world.

GRU special forces combat system

As the name suggests, it is used by Russian military intelligence. An extremely effective fighting style, where the enemy is incapacitated as quickly and reliably as possible. Experts say that there is only one analogue in the world that is comparable in effectiveness and lightning speed - Krav Maga, used by Israeli special forces.

Krav Maga

Actually, the Israeli twin of the previous type of combat. Fast and reliable is the main message. There are no sporting competitions in Krav Maga, and there are no amateur sections.

Muay Thai

In its homeland it is called “the art of eight limbs”, in the West the popular name is “Thai boxing”. Due to the active use of elbows, knees, feet and legs, even sports matches often lead to serious injuries. Muay Thai is very ancient art fight, however, it gained worldwide popularity relatively recently, after the release of the film “Kickboxer,” where Jean-Claude VanDamme played the main role.

Vale Tudo

Widely known under the names “Fight without rules”, “Fight mixed style"or "Mixfight". Translated from Portuguese, “vale tudo” means “anything goes” or “whatever works.” This martial art of Brazilian origin came to Russia not so long ago - the first championship in “Fightings Without Rules” took place in 1995, where Russian fighter Mikhail Ilyukhin, having reached the final, lost first place to a Brazilian champion named Ricardo Morais. Currently the most famous Russian athlete This style is Fedor Emelianenko.

This world-famous martial art is based on merging with an opponent's attack and redirecting the attacker's energy. Simply put, the enemy's strength is used against him. Leaving range to throw your opponent off balance is common. This art is so dangerous that no competitions are held in traditional aikido styles. In addition, the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, rejected the very possibility of any rivalry: ““There are no and cannot be competitions in Aikido.”

Originally from medieval Japan, translated means “the art of being invisible.” Ninjutsu is an invention of the Japanese spy clans, or "ninjas", there is no concept of "rules". Anything can be used as a weapon; any means are suitable to achieve the goal. Ninja training began from infancy, literally from the cradle itself, which was rocked so that when it hit the wall, it helped the baby learn to group when hit. Ninjas mastered swimming before walking, they could walk along a slack rope as if across a wide bridge, and the ability to “merge” with the environment for camouflage is still legendary. Usually, a clash between an ordinary ninja and an ordinary samurai did not bode well for the latter, because the samurai, with his laws of honor, was initially vulnerable. Due to their extreme unscrupulousness, ninja performers were also called “genin”, or “non-human”.

Let's start with the fact that the most best school- the one that suits you personally, your physical fitness and seeing yourself in martial arts. You can succeed in any of them if you have the desire - but to master the heights of sumo, an asthenic person, for example, will have to spend more time. In the end, martial arts are the same training, only with striking or throwing techniques.

Different types of martial arts develop different qualities and even muscle groups. Some of them teach you to use the opponent’s energy, others are aimed at practicing powerful punches, others - with legs, and others will build up endurance or develop jumping ability.

In some ways, martial arts are reminiscent of yoga: in them you can find your spiritual path, or you can take only the technique and learn to stand up for yourself. Below is a description of the most popular types martial arts, which will help you decide on the choice of school.


This martial arts is suitable for those who want to learn self-defense techniques. Jiu-jitsu emphasizes the fighter’s skills on the ability to defend himself, free himself from holds, and use tactics not of attack, but of using the enemy’s strength to his advantage.

Kicks and punches are present, but the technique does not descend into hand-to-hand combat. The main thing here is efficient use energy (your own and someone else’s), which allows you to defeat a larger and strong opponent. Jiu-jitsu is not an aggressive type; this martial art improves dexterity and dexterity.


This Korean martial art is so popular that in 1988 it was included in the program Olympic Games. Translation of the name into Russian: “the path of the hand and foot,” which clearly hints at the upcoming mastery of the art of striking with all limbs. Taekwondo combines both attack and self-defense techniques; moreover, it is an exercise, an official sport, meditative techniques and an entire Eastern philosophy.

IN current state Taekwondo focuses on defense and control. The emphasis is placed on kicks from a standing position, since legs can reach further and cause more damage than hands. Martial arts techniques include various sweeps, painful holds, open palm strikes and grabs.


One of the youngest martial arts in Japan. Just like many martial arts of the Land of the Rising Sun, Aikido includes physical and spiritual practices. It is also effective in developing strength, agility, and the ability to stand up for oneself - regardless of physical characteristics. Aikido is an art of defense for everyone, because there are no restrictions on age or physical development.

Aikido techniques mostly involve using an opponent's attack, controlling his energy, strength and movement, which ends with throws or grabs. The name itself reflects this: “aiki” means “connection with power”, “do” means the path.


Very spectacular view full contact sports. This Chinese martial art has a lot of strength, acrobatics, jumping, balancing, beautiful poses and strikes (like in the movies). Another name is kung fu, since the term “wushu” itself refers to all traditional Chinese martial arts.

There are hundreds of subtypes of wushu, in some places there is more acrobatics and “stagecraft”, in others there are powerful strikes and techniques, sweeps and “twirls”. The main thing you need to know before choosing this martial art is that wushu develops strength well, and the fighting styles taught in Russian kung fu schools are reminiscent of Thai boxing.


Translated from Japanese - “soft (flexible) path.” Judo is based on throws, painful holds, and choking. Movements should be economical physical strength, there is less waste of energy, but more improvement of the spirit, more self-defense, more sports training. More than 20 million people practice judo all over the world, as it has a good educational character and teaches harmony of soul and body.

Unlike boxing, karate and other striking styles, judo explores hand-to-hand combat techniques only for throwing and grappling. This martial art formed the basis of other modern martial arts: the creators of aikido, sambo, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu practiced it.

Despite the sports orientation and adherence to the rules of the competition, no one would want to meet a judoka in an extreme situation. These are always prepared people who will repel any villain in a dark alley.


Sambo is a system of self-defense without weapons, which was developed in the USSR. The martial arts are based on judo, Armenian koch, Tatar kuresh and many other martial arts.

Practical sambo is based on a complex effective techniques defense and attack, which have already been practiced over centuries of donor martial arts. It is noteworthy that sambo is constantly developing, incorporating new techniques and techniques into its arsenal. The philosophy of martial arts resembles the principles of the GTO: physical development, readiness for self-defense, detaining the enemy, instilling moral fortitude.


Or karate-do, translated from Japanese as “empty sleeve.” From 2020, martial arts will become Olympic form sport, although initially it was a hand-to-hand style for self-defense.

Nowadays karate is incredibly popular, in part due to spectacular demonstrations. Masters on demonstration performances show the strength and power of practiced blows, breaking thick boards with a palm strike or splitting blocks of ice.

Unlike many Japanese martial arts, karatekas do not use holds, painful or choking techniques. But they know how to hit an opponent in the vital area with precise and powerful blows. important points bodies. Crushing and biting urakens, spectacular and swift ura-mawashi-geri... Perhaps you cannot find a more Japanese style.


Boxing is a classic that there is no point in talking about in detail. It is only worth mentioning that this sport produces fighters who REALLY know how to work with their hands, and it is difficult to compete with them in a street fight. By the way, everyone remembers the star’s fight UFC Conor McGregor with professional boxer Mayweather? Same thing.

If you want to sign up for a boxing class, you should know about some nuances. Firstly, it is difficult for a boxer to cope with an armed opponent, and secondly, with kicks. The third point is that in an extreme situation you will not have gloves, a referee, ropes or a girl with a sign. On the other hand, dodging punches and knocking out is in the blood of boxers, so attack and defense are balanced here.

Thai boxing

Muay Thai is a martial art in Thailand; it is very popular all over the world and competes with karate, judo and sambo. Perhaps this is the art of combat that is closest to a real fight. The rules are tough here, but the blows are the same. Here there is full contact, striking techniques with hands and feet, and the targets are the most vulnerabilities on the body.

Grappling and throwing are also important, especially chokes. If you master this martial arts, you will be able to confidently walk through the most dangerous areas of the city (but it’s better not to anyway), because the training will be harsh. The Thais train real fighters without rules who can withstand any opponent.

You may find it difficult to balance training and public speaking at work, as you will sometimes have bruises on your face and grab marks on your neck.


Another type of martial arts that prepares you for real fights. Kickboxing was formed by karate masters who did not want to obey sports rules martial arts The new style incorporated kicking techniques from several eastern directions and fist boxing techniques.

Kickboxing is popular in culture because it is spectacular, dynamic and somewhat “bloody” - full contact leaves cuts and bruises, so athletes usually use a mouthguard, a helmet (to protect the head from kicks) and a groin (for girls - a cuirass).

Kickboxers are similar to CrossFitters in that they build strength, endurance, coordination, speed and flexibility.

Professional boxers, Muay Thai, judokas, sambo wrestlers are always dangerous opponents. Choose the martial arts you like, but don’t forget: best fight- the one that did not take place. In this sense, running can also be called a martial arts for real pacifists.

Well? Which of these directions did you like? Maybe it's time to go for a trial training session? Book a lesson with our free mobile application Sport Priority is near your home or work in your city, plan your training schedule and learn useful facts and stories from the world of sports in your free time.

Many people wonder which martial art is best to take up in order to feel confident in a conflict situation on the street. It was this question that prompted me to write this short article to help beginner martial artists.

In this article I will not say anything about street hand-to-hand combat or about applied martial arts in general. We will talk exclusively about those martial arts that I consider the most effective for street fighting today and of which I am a fan.

I would like to immediately make a small reservation: martial arts, which have applied value, are inevitably associated with hardships and hardships training process. When you come to class, you will definitely get hit on the head, it will most likely be painful and hard for you, but the knowledge and experience that you will gain will be one hundred percent real. Once you start practicing one of the martial arts listed in this article, you are guaranteed to learn at least something; all that remains is to choose the optimal direction just for you.

I’ll start by announcing a truth that absolutely all people who are interested in martial arts know: if you have never done anything before and are starting from scratch, then BOXING is an ideal option for street self-defense. The thing is that boxing is a super-universal sport. Having received good base in boxing, further growth in the world of martial arts will not present any problems for you.

One of the main advantages of boxing, compared to other types of martial arts, is the relative simplicity and incredible effectiveness of the technical arsenal practiced. That is why, if you do not have a lot of time and you are faced with the task of learning to fight as quickly as possible, boxing, due to its hyperspecialization, provides the best ratio of the time spent and the knowledge and technical skills acquired during this time. Among other things, the methodology for training boxers in our country has been worked out quite well, so when you come to almost any gym you will receive high-quality training services.

However, this direction also has disadvantages, which are the reverse side and continuation of its advantages: due to a rather narrow technical arsenal, the boxer remains vulnerable to a huge range of techniques used in hand-to-hand combat, such as throws, kicks, elbows, knees, wrestling technique, close combat technique, etc…. However, this is no reason to worry: in my experience, about eighty percent of the techniques used in street fights are hand-to-hand techniques. middle distance. It’s rare that the average fight’s arsenal exceeds a few crooked punches and a couple of simple kicks. Having learned to defend against basic kicks and counterattack with standard boxing combination, you will protect yourself for the rest of your life.

In order to confidently master the boxing technique, you only need to spend about 3 years studying it, after which you will not have problems communicating with people with a reduced level of culture.

Second in order, but not in importance, in my personal ranking of the most effective martial arts for a street fight is Thai boxing, or as it is also called, Muay Thai. The advantages of this martial art are that the technical arsenal used is as close as possible to that in a street fight. Strikes are delivered with all parts of the body (except the head), work is carried out both at medium and long distances, and in the clinch.

The Thai clinch is a strong thing. It is a set of simple twists, cuts and throws, which, in organic combination with the striking technique of Muay Thai, become an incredibly effective weapon and a way to create a lot of problems even for experienced masters mixed martial arts! In my deepest conviction, this is the closest to real, applied hand-to-hand combat technical arsenal, and this is exactly what the application of elements of struggle in practice should look like, in real life. In my opinion, the amplitude throws and takedowns that are popular in wrestling circles are not suitable for street fighting.

Despite the significant role of the ground in mixed martial arts competitions, it is extremely undesirable to take the fight to the ground in a street fight. And if you do find yourself on the ground, which is quite likely, your main task is to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. Don’t even think about messing with anyone, otherwise you may not be able to get out of an extreme situation alive and well, since the rules governing your safe stay on earth are sports competitions, do not work on the street.

However, in order to sufficiently master the technical arsenal of Muay Thai, you need to spend significantly more time than if you took up English boxing. The combination of striking techniques of the arms and legs requires greater coordination and motor talent, which is why the required frequency of visits gym to obtain reliable self-defense skills will be higher than that of boxing.

For those who don’t want to bother and spend a lot of time on martial arts, this option is not ideal. However, if you feel enthusiastic, have a craving for martial arts and have enough time to attend training regularly, then Thai boxing is your choice.

And finally, if you want to take martial arts seriously and get the maximum practical value from your training, then I would strongly recommend that you go for combat sambo. Combat Sambo is the most comprehensive combat system I know of. It has absorbed all the best and has shown itself to be extremely effective not only within our country, but also in the international arena. This is an open, flexible system of hand-to-hand combat, which is constantly evolving and improving, cultivating all possible martial arts techniques and conducting competitions according to the most free rules.

The technical arsenal of Sambo is inexhaustible. It is impossible to master it fully. It includes both wrestling techniques and striking techniques of arms and legs, techniques of painful and choking techniques, a special section for special services, a section for working with weapons, techniques for all-out combat, detention, convoying, etc.... In general, if we briefly summarize all of the above, sambo is an encyclopedia of the best knowledge available to a person in the field of sports and applied martial arts today. If you decide to take up combat sambo, then be patient, because you simply will not conquer this peak.

By practicing sambo, you will not gain highly specialized skills, as you would in boxing, but a fairly wide range of knowledge, which you will be able to apply in a wide range of situations.

However, if we are talking about a self-defense option and you are interested in solving applied problems on the street, winning fights, then the combat sambo arsenal will be redundant and not optimal for you, since it contains many techniques specialized for the conditions of conducting a competitive fight that are not desirable for use in real fight. What you can do painlessly on the carpet, in good lighting, after warming up and stretching, is guaranteed to cause you a lot of trouble when trying to do the same thing on the street, where the surface is most often uneven and hard, and there is not much space to perform the technique. , the enemy may not be alone or armed, and temperature changes and “cold” muscles are guaranteed to lead to injury when trying to show off a “beautiful” technique. Well, this is not the fault of Sambo as a system: the point is, as I have already said, that the selection of the most effective and efficient technical actions in any combat sport is based on the conditions and rules of the fight. With the same success, a sambo fighter will experience difficulties entering the cage at a mixed martial arts competition, where he does not have his usual wrestling jacket, which makes it difficult to perform many techniques. But it’s worth making a reservation: eighty percent of the technical arsenal practiced in combat sambo, suitable for universal use in any street situation.

In addition, if you do not have sufficient time resources to deeply immerse yourself in this martial art and thoroughly master it, it is better to take a closer look at one of the options listed above.

Therefore, to summarize, it is necessary to outline the main features of the above styles of hand-to-hand combat: take up boxing if you are short on time and want to learn how to fight..., if you have more time (about 3 free evenings a week), choose Muay Thai, but if you are a fan martial arts and are going to get carried away with it seriously and for a long time, then combat sambo is your choice!

The truth, in my opinion, always lies somewhere in the middle. Speaking of solving applied issues (winning on the street), I personally would lean towards training in Thai boxing (Muay Thai). In my opinion, training in hand-to-hand combat is a rather labor-intensive and complex activity that requires regularity and consistency. By practicing Muay Thai a little more often, you will gain incomparably more experience and master a much more diverse technical arsenal than in English boxing, and at the same time not redundant, as in combat sambo. That is why in my personal ranking of the most effective martial arts for a street fight, Thai boxing takes first place!

The idea that with the help of a secret and deadly martial art you can kill a person with your bare hands or, has always warmed the hearts of nerds around the world. And, of course, the idea of ​​fighting like Jackie Chan, breaking boards with his bare hands. The debate about how realistic or unrealistic it is to kill everyone with your bare hands runs like a red thread through all holivars in many forums. We are writing this only to tell you something interesting.

1. Sambo. Country of origin: Russia

An interesting observation: the more often a country has to defend itself and attack various neighbors, the more often it all results in an interesting martial art. Russia is just such a country. After the revolution, all the numerous experiences of fighting with bare hands were combined into “Self-defense without weapons” or sambo. Both government agents and ordinary soldiers were trained in this type of fighting.

And here is sambo in action.

2. Muay Thai. Country of origin: Thailand

Thailand's borders were also often violated, so it is not surprising that they developed their own martial art. Another name for Muay Thai is eight-limb fighting, or Thai boxing. What are these extra limbs? Elbows and knees, of course! Wrestlers use them like clubs, expertly beating their opponents with them. The power of the blow in this type of martial arts is simply amazing. One smart person once said that Muay Thai is “Kill the bull with one blow.” And he was damn right.

As is always the case with good things, there are many legends associated with Muay Thai. the most famous and partially true one dates back to 1774, when the Kingdom of Burma captured Thailand, which was then Siam. Against the great Muay Thai master Nai Khanom Tom, who was captured, the king of Burma, for the sake of general jubilation, put up a great master of the Burmese martial art, called lethwei. They say that dude held out against Tom for 10 seconds and was brutally killed. But the judge decided that Tom was cheating by distracting his opponent. Being a true gentleman, the Muay Thai master agreed to nine(!) battles that he won with amazing ease and cruelty. The King of Burma was amazed by Tom's skill and offered him, along with the freedom to choose, two rewards: two very beautiful girls and a bag of money. Tom refused the money (happiness is not in it), but he took the women. And he rode off into the sunset with them on a horse.

3. MCMAP - Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. Country of Origin: USA

The martial art for the US Marine Corps was invented in the eighties. Its special feature was the ability to use a pistol, a bayonet-knife, or a rifle with a bayonet as an improvised weapon for close combat. Most often, the program is used to neutralize an enemy by breaking a couple of bones, immobilize him with hellish pain, but you can also kill him with it.

4. Silat. Country of Origin: Malaysia

Malaysia also suffered a lot at one time. Pirates, Portuguese, British, and even the Japanese - all these dudes tried to screw over the Malays. But they didn’t whine and invented silat.

Many martial arts were invented to improve the body and spirit, to find oneself and to complete one's spiritual quest. So, silat does not apply to them. The first masters of this martial art used it to beat an opponent to the point of inability to stand with lightning-fast attacks in 10 seconds, and then finish off the half-dead man with something heavy. Silat masters encourage various sneaky attacks and tricks.

The most brutal and vile methods of fighting are still taught in the jungles of Malaysia. Rumor has it that such masters, aged 7-10 years, once beat an adult half to death. Dudes who were taught silat spent years in dark caves in which they could not see anything beyond their noses. If the Shaolin monks learn restraint, the madmen of Silat learn from a young age to tear flesh like animals.

By the way, silat masters actively use a kris - a wavy dagger that rips pieces of meat out of the victim. Often a deadly poison is literally melted into the kris, which is very easy to kill a person - just a scratch is enough.

5. Excrima. Country of Origin: Philippines

Excrima is an ancient Philippine art that involves beating opponents with wooden sticks at stunning speeds. Until 1521, Filipinos practiced excrement on each other, but then Magellan arrived, and foreigners experienced the hard way of what Filipino martial art means.

Excrima became the main protection of the peasants who grew rice. The most famous victim of this art was Ferdinand Magellan, who was beaten to death with sticks. For 450 years, excrima was banned and survived only because it was disguised as a dance.

The problem of choosing any type of martial arts to study is very relevant. It's sad to see people spend 20 years training in martial arts only to be beaten by someone who hasn't spent a single day in the training room. Unfortunately, this happens often. However, there are many types of martial arts, by practicing which you can gain the necessary adequate skills.

The question of which martial art is most effective and best for self-defense has been debated for many years. This aspect is the most important when choosing one type or another. Unfortunately, not all martial arts are functional and effective enough from the point of view of self-defense. Also, keep in mind that everyone's needs are different, so what works for one may not benefit another. However, of all the existing ones, we can highlight the most effective types martial arts Choosing any of them will be useful for improving your self-defense skills.


This type of martial arts is considered by many to have one of the worst reputations in terms of self-defense. This point of view has its grounds. On the one hand, Aikido is almost useless against anyone with decent martial arts skills. However, it can be very effective for people who must constantly control aggressive and unskilled people in terms of combat training.

Police officers, security personnel are the people who are most likely to benefit from Aikido as it focuses on controlling the opponent and redirecting the energy of the attack. There are many arts that will teach you how to knock out your opponent, but this cannot be done in every situation.

Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba, who combined his experience in several martial arts to create a system of self-defense that is largely spiritual. Most of the techniques are based on the art of fencing. On the one hand, this system has good tricks grabs and throws that allow you to resist a not very prepared opponent without causing him much harm, but it will be impossible to resist an experienced fighter with such a technique.


It is a martial art that has influenced many martial arts or self-defense systems. He is one of the most effective styles martial arts This fighting style includes very fast strikes, balance manipulation and hard submissions.

Silat is a martial art from Southeast Asia that is practiced in Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines. There are many origin stories surrounding it.

What are its advantages? Silat is a system of self-defense that covers a wide range of combat aspects. Weapons, striking and grappling techniques - all this makes him incredibly dangerous. Anyone who attacks a silat expert will eventually be defeated. For those who are trying to figure out which martial art is the most effective on the street, silat is one of the most suitable options.

Muay Thai

Also known as Muay Thai, it deserves a place on any list of martial arts that are suitable for self-defense. This is a combat system whose arsenal includes powerful blows kicks, fists, elbows and knees.

It has become the source of training for MMA fighters, although Muay Thai is equally excellent for street self-defense.

Muay Thai is a complex martial art, but it utilizes all the skills needed on the street. This is what makes it one of the most effective martial arts for self-defense.

This type of fighting originated several hundred years ago, and many believe that it originated as a result of the migration of tribes from China. In the difficult conditions of almost constant war throughout the history of Thailand and neighboring countries, this art was used during battles. Needless to say, Muay Thai has proven itself both on the battlefield and sports arena.


Many experts consider karate to be one of the most effective martial arts. The reason for this is the nature of the system. Kicks, punches, blocks - all these are part of the karate training program.

This style has fairly low requirements for beginners. Students work to improve their powerful punches and kicks. This style of martial arts is respected, however, compared to other martial arts, it lacks defensive techniques.

The exact origins of karate are unknown, however it is generally believed that it was created on the island of Okinawa, and due to various bans on the use of weapons in the history of the islands, it was originally a style that used the "empty hand" technique, although some were subsequently made improvements.

Why is karate good for self-defense? One of the clear advantages of this style is strong blows. Some disadvantages include the excessive use of rigid blocks. However, harsh karate is not always a bad thing. Just remember some MMA fighters, for example Lot Machida, who does a very good job using karate as a base.

Overall, excellent physical fitness, powerful punches and kicks make karate one of the most effective martial arts suitable for self-defense. However, it should be borne in mind that there are different styles of it, which are suitable to varying degrees for self-defense purposes.

wing chun

This is a Chinese style of martial arts that has gained enormous popularity in recent years, thanks in large part to the success of the Ip Man films. leading role. Many people, when answering the question of which type of martial arts is the most effective, name it.

The actual origin of Wing Chun remains a controversial issue, but there is one most popular theory about its origin. This is the story of a Buddhist nun, Ng Mui. It is said that she was one of the five elders of the Shaolin Temple who managed to escape before its destruction. Thanks to high level Shaolin martial arts, she created a form of self-defense that would allow her to resist an opponent superior in size and weight, which was especially important for a fragile woman. She drew inspiration for Wing Chun from the movements of animals, most notably the crane. When applied to the human form, these delicate but natural movements required little force but allowed for effective blocking and striking.

Ng Mui's first disciple, in an as yet unnamed form, was a beautiful young girl named Im Wing Chun, whom the local gang leader tried to force into marriage. Having mastered the art, she was still able to protect herself and stop the onslaught of the bandit. It was in honor of her, as the first student of Nung Ng Mui, that the new look martial art. With zero sports skills, Wing Chun is able to provide the necessary self-defense skills. Yes, as in any art, there are good and bad instructors, but this is a very reliable and practical self-defense system for close combat.

The strength of Wing Chun lies in its direct approach. In this martial art, the practitioner becomes very strong and delivers very targeted lashing blows. Thus, it is truly one of the most effective martial arts that was created specifically for self-defense.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

This art is quite effective as a self-defense system. However, he does have weaknesses when it comes to defending against weapons and group attacks. The basis for jiu-jitsu was judo. Accordingly, most of the attention is paid to wrestling techniques, painful and choking techniques, and to a lesser extent to strikes. This style has been used by many MMA fighters.

Nowadays, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has become more of a sport than a self-defense system. However, there are enough techniques here that can be used effectively for self-defense.


This sport has already become a global phenomenon. His arsenal consists of knockout blows, strangulations, and holds. The disadvantage of MMA from a self-defense perspective is that it requires serious physical training.

The big advantage of these workouts is rapid growth skills in all areas. Thus, over time, one can become a very skilled opponent for any attacker. The downside to this is that the practitioner is more focused on the sport with all its limitations rather than self-defense. For example, there is no knife protection at all. But despite this, its parts are included in the list of the most effective martial arts.

Krav Maga

This is perhaps one of the most famous and effective self-defense systems in the world. The word Krav Maga in Hebrew means " contact fights", and this is the official system of the Israeli Defense Forces.

The origins of Krav Maga can be traced back to Czechoslovakia (modern Slovakia) before the outbreak of World War II. Its founder was a young Jewish athlete named Imi Lichtenfeld. They were famous nationally and international level boxer, wrestler and gymnast. Beginning in the mid-1930s, fascist and anti-Semitic groups came to power in Czechoslovakia, which led to oppression and violence against Jewish communities. Lichtenfeld organized a group of young men to patrol and protect against potential attackers. However, he quickly realized that his training in combat sports cannot be compared with gangster methods. Fighting for points in a match and fighting for your life in a street fight require a different mindset and different techniques. Imi began to synthesize his knowledge of martial arts and began to focus on attacks that quickly disable and neutralize the threat.

Thus, this type of martial arts was originally created as the most effective martial art.

When Lichtenfeld moved to Palestine in 1942, he joined the Haganah, a pre-Israeli Jewish paramilitary organization with a mission to protect Jewish settlers from locals who were not welcoming to the new arrivals. Israeli military leaders quickly noticed Imi's fighting skills and his ability to teach them to others.

After Israel gained statehood in 1948, Lichtenfeld was appointed chief instructor in physical training at the IDF Combat Training School. It was in this role that he developed what is today known as Krav Maga.

This type of martial art, the most effective, according to many experts, is a tactical system of mixed martial arts and self-defense that combines boxing, judo, jujutsu and aikido. In recent years, Krav Maga has incorporated elements of other martial arts such as Muay Thai and Wing Chun.

Principles of Krav Maga

In fact, they form the basis of this martial art.

  1. Neutralize the threat. The main goal of Krav Maga is to neutralize your opponent as quickly as possible. It governs all other principles of Krav Maga. It's about being dominant and taking out your attacker as quickly as possible.
  2. Keep it simple. Krav Maga has simple punches, holds and blocks. This system has been designed to be used as quickly as possible.
  3. Simultaneous defense and attack. Many martial arts treat defensive and offensive movements as separate and discrete actions, such as blocking first (defensive action), then striking (attacking action). The downside to this approach is that it is reactive and the fighter will end up getting caught in a cycle of endless defensive movements. Krav Maga combines offensive and defensive movements: the fighter simultaneously strives to disrupt an attack and counterattack. It should be noted that Wing Chun has a similar principle of simultaneous defense and attack.
  4. Continuous movement. Associated with the principles of simultaneous defense and attack is “retzev,” the Hebrew word for “continuous movement.” Its goal is to neutralize the attacker with continuous, consistent aggressive defense and offensive movements. Retzev requires the fighter to work instinctively rather than relying on a pre-established routine technique.
  5. Using the capabilities of weapons. Can be used in Krav Maga firearms and knives. In addition to these traditional weapons, Krav Maga also teaches practitioners to improvise and use any object at their disposal as a weapon. Keys, pens, belts and chairs can be incorporated into Krav Maga techniques to neutralize an opponent as quickly as possible.
  6. Weapon protection. In addition to teaching weapons skills, Krav Maga also teaches how to defend yourself from armed attack.
  7. Focusing on vulnerable soft tissues and pressure points. A well-known principle of Krav Maga is its emphasis on attacking vulnerable soft tissues and points. Many counterattacks include attacks on the eyes, groin and throat.

Thus, Krav Maga is tough, but at the same time the most effective martial art in the world.