Who is Sleptsova's husband? Sleptsova ends her career

Svetlana Sleptsova - star Russian biathlete, who won Olympic gold in 2010, was a world champion, stood on the top step of the World Cup podium six times and won many times in domestic Russian competitions.

Svetlana was born in the northern city of Khanty-Mansiysk in the family of pilot Yuri Olegovich and medical worker Elena Viktorovna. She has an older sister, Olga, who followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a doctor. And Sleptsova Jr. has been interested in sports since childhood. Moreover, her interests were incredibly diverse: from ballroom dancing to karate and even boxing.

When 10 years had passed since her birth, biathlon first appeared in Svetlana Sleptsova’s biography. She got into the section after the coach of the youth sports school came to the secondary school and invited all the children there. The girl was interested in this sport because, at ten years old, she was trusted with weapons, and this was exciting and tempting. Together with Sveta, all her classmates began to train in the same group, but gradually the sports team thinned out, and Sleptsova was almost the only one left at the training sessions.

Svetlana also wanted to quit biathlon, because in her teenage years she wants to spend more time communicating with friends. But professional trainers managed to convince the talented athlete to continue her studies.

A busy training schedule and frequent competitions did not leave room for full-fledged study, and Sleptsova’s performance at school was far from excellent. She was lucky that her parents were sympathetic to their daughter’s choice. Later, Svetlana became a student at Ugra State University, where she studied at the Faculty of Sports and Tourism. There, at first, the girl also had problems, but when she began to bring medals from world championships, the university management agreed and allowed the student to take the sessions on a free schedule. As a result, the biathlete became not only a certified specialist, but also passed her thesis with the maximum score.


With the transition to senior age group Svetlana Sleptsova began to perform better and better, and at the age of 19 she became the champion of the junior world championship in the individual race. Her coaches called her persistent character the key to the girl’s bright success. She never missed a workout, always giving it her all. Perseverance and dedication did their job: Sleptsova came under the radar of the women’s national team coaches and made her debut in 2007. national team.

A year later, Svetlana wins the World Cup and enters the top ten strongest biathletes on the planet, which earns her the title of international master of sports. Subsequently, the awards came one after another: the “Discovery of the Year” nomination, another relay gold, laureate of the Order of Friendship. A highest point Sleptsova's career is considered to be her performance at Olympic Games in the Canadian city of Vancouver, where she became an Olympic champion. Together with her colleagues Anna Bogaliy-Titovets and Olga Medvedtseva, Svetlana won gold at the relay stage.

Later, the athlete suffered a complex knee injury, as well as a psychological decline. As a result, in 2013 Sveta showed the worst results ever during her performances in professional sports and ranks only 78th in the overall standings. Sleptsova’s age indicated that she could still conquer the highest peaks, but the girl no longer had the psychological strength. She even thought about ending her career. However, in 2016, the biathlete returned to the ranks of promising athletes and climbed to the podium several times as part of IBU Cup.

As a result, Svetlana returns to the national team again as a full member of the team and participates in competitions along with Anastasia Zagoruiko and others Russian stars biathlon By the way, Sleptsova, who had not participated in the national team’s races since 2013, was replaced in the national team, who ended her professional career.

Personal life

Svetlana Sleptsova left her personal life in the background for a long time. Although rumor has repeatedly brought her together with Norwegian colleagues and, as well as with Russian sports journalist Ilya Trifonov. But the athlete herself either did not comment on these conversations, or said one phrase: "We are only friends". Many times fans said that Svetlana Sleptsova was getting married. The biathlete herself claimed that she was ready to walk down the aisle only when she officially finished her sports career.

After finishing her career, Sleptsova planned to open her own restaurant in Khanty-Mansiysk. She stated in an interview that she wants to create a large modern establishment with many halls and several kitchens, which will be able to compete even with the capital's elite restaurants. Her hometown remains in the athlete’s heart as the best city on earth.

In 2012, Sleptsova was awarded the title “Honorary Resident of the City of Khanty-Mansiysk.” Although she rarely has free time, nevertheless, Sveta tries to pay attention to her mother, especially after her father suddenly died and Elena Viktorovna was left alone. And the main hobbies in a girl’s life are tennis and music of various styles. Svetlana can talk on these two topics for hours.

Svetlana is an open and sincere person, which her colleagues have repeatedly noted. The girl is famous for her straightforwardness. After the three-time unsuccessful performance of the Russian women's biathlon team in 2010 in Vancouver, Svetlana was the only one of the athletes who managed to go to the microphones and comment on the losses. The phrase “we don’t owe anyone anything” was remembered by fans for a long time Russian biathlon. The girl said these words rashly, but many sports commentators perceived the phrase from a negative point of view. The general tension subsided after the Russians managed to become champions.

Svetlana Sleptsova now

In 2017, the athlete performed brilliantly at the World Summer Biathlon Championships in Tchaikovsky, where she became a three-time medalist, winning gold in the categories mixed relay, sprint and pursuit races. After winning, although not at such a prestigious competition as the winter championship, Svetlana Sleptsova announced her retirement from the sport. The girl explained her decision by saying that she was pregnant. The news came as a pleasant and exciting surprise for fans of the biathlete.

Pregnancy also made adjustments to the biathlete’s plans for 2018, because back in winter the girl announced her readiness to join the Russian team and compete at the Olympics in Korea. Journalists learned that the athlete’s husband was a top manager of an oil company. Svetlana does not advertise the name of her beloved man. social networks, but at the beginning of August in " Instagram“Joint photos of lovers appeared with the note “wedding coming soon.” The newlyweds also kept the date of the celebration a secret from the public.

On social networks, Svetlana Sleptsova has her own hashtag - #ray of light. At the last world championship in Svetlana’s sports career in Tchaikovsky, fans staged a flash mob with this name, which touched the biathlete.

After Sleptsova got married, she stayed with her husband in hometown. In the fall, the district governor offered Svetlana the post of sports advisor. A year earlier, the girl already intended to start a political career and even participated in the United Russia primaries before the elections in State Duma. But then the girl did not get the required number of votes. Now Svetlana Sleptsova has accepted the offer from the governor. On November 1, she officially took up her position, although the girl did not manage to work in the new place for a long time, since Svetlana soon went on maternity leave.

On April 20, 2018, Sleptsova gave birth to a son. Touching posts with a picture of the newborn’s tag appeared on the athlete’s accounts on VKontakte and Instagram. Subscribers, friends and fans congratulated the athlete on the birth of her son. So far, Svetlana has not officially announced what name the baby received. The boy's weight is 3550 g, and his height is 53 cm.


  • 2008 - bronze medal at the World Championships in Östersund
  • 2009 – gold medal at the World Championships in Pyeongchang
  • 2010 – gold medal at the Vancouver Olympics
  • 2012 – gold medal at the World Summer Biathlon Championships in Ufa
  • 2017 – gold, two silver and bronze medals at the European Championships
  • 2017 – three gold medals at the World Summer Biathlon Championships in Tchaikovsky

Conducted the final race of her career. And Russian biathlon will really miss her.

Everything about this race was perfect from the very beginning. Starting position the main character is the first, in splendid isolation, by a wide margin. Support from rivals and coaches - many of them took to the track with hearts and the inscription “Ray of Light” in honor of Sleptsova. Sunny day full stands, home championship world, finishing with the Russian tricolor... A more perfect final would probably only be an Olympic victory. But even so, Sleptsova ended with a double triumph - to the envy of many.


Towards the end of an outstanding, almost perfectly completed race, Sleptsova seemed to have decided to fray the nerves of the fans. On the final lap, Sveta lost her strength, and the representative of Ukraine, Nadezhda Belkina, quickly began to catch up with her. The gap at one point was reduced to just five seconds, but then Sleptsova pulled herself together. After all, it was her day, her holiday. Belkina still has many races ahead, the Russian needed to win more.

“I was more worried than at the Olympic Games,” Sleptsova said in a flash interview after the finish. - But the excitement was special. I didn't feel like this was my last start. I’m glad that I brought pleasure to the fans and brought intrigue, although I didn’t want that at all. Thank you everyone, I am incredibly happy.

- You promised to announce after today’s race why you are retiring.

Since I promised, I’ll say it. I will soon become a mother.

That's it, one less intrigue. We can only congratulate Sveta on this happy event. For obvious reasons, she did not report her condition before the races, but how many doubted - why else would an athlete suddenly, in the middle of the off-season and on the eve of the Olympic season, decide to finish?..


Sleptsova remained on the track as the last of the great generation Russian champions the end of the 2000s. She is only 31, which is far from old by sports standards. But it seems that it has always been in biathlon. Swede Anna Karin Oloffson-Zidek, Germans Martina Glagow and Kati Wilhelm, Frenchwoman Sandrine Bailly - all these mastodons with whom Sleptsova managed to compete have long been retired, giving birth to children and knitting mittens. German Magdalena Neuner is one year younger than Sleptsova, but has two children. Is it any wonder that the Russian woman decided to follow her example?

All the coaches with whom she worked called Sleptsova a fantastically gifted athlete by nature. Excellent speed data, stable shooting - such talents have not been born in Russian biathlon for a long time. This is probably why Sleptsova showed herself unusually early - she was already performing at the World Cup level from the age of 20. Compare with the current generation of Russian women, who at this age do not even dream of the adult national team. At the age of 22, Sleptsova became the world champion for the first time, and at 23, the Olympic champion in Vancouver. Then it seemed that this was just the beginning of a wonderful career.

Unfortunately, in the end those relay awards remained the only ones for Sleptsova. She did not win any more at the level of World Championships and Olympics. There were many reasons: from numerous injuries and illnesses to conflicts with coaching staff. Perhaps no other biathlete in Russia has been criticized as painfully and sharply as Sleptsova. And not a single one has endured bullying so steadfastly as to return to duty with each new season. “I’m not made of iron,” Sleptsova explained the reasons for her departure. She can be understood.


On social networks, Sleptsova has her own hashtag - #Ray of Light. She really is a firefly, that is, a person who knows how to stand out from the gray crowd. Bright, independent, always with her own opinion. The famous inscription “SEXY” on the heel of a ski suit or the statement about “we don’t owe anyone anything” at the Vancouver Olympics are also phenomena from this series. Who will now remember that these memorable gestures happened and ended up in the press, thanks more to a coincidence of circumstances than to scandalous character?

Svetlana, we must give her credit, never made excuses, although there was something to say. In all these years without results, she had to endure so much. Any other biathlete in her place would have been forgotten long ago: they say, she can’t run and shoot fast - let’s talk about others, what’s the problem? It is impossible to forget Sleptsova: in her post-sports life, she will undoubtedly shine brighter than anyone else.

She spent her career crossing eras, generations, and training methods. That is why, probably, she did not win even half of the medals that she could have counted on with her talent. Regardless of the results, she always remained a star. Her coaches and teammates listened to her opinion. Journalists and fans hung on her every word. Banality and Sleptsov are incompatible concepts.

Sveta is not lying: knowing her will, she would certainly have qualified for the Olympics in Pyeongchang. Another thing is that in this Korean city, where she won her first world championship gold, it would have been difficult to climb onto the Olympic podium just like that. The current Russian relay race is far from what it was in the “golden” times, when Sleptsova’s career was just beginning. In personal races, a medal for Sleptsova would be a miracle. Although, it cannot be emphasized enough that miracles sometimes happen in biathlon. It was probably with this belief that Svetlana drove herself to train this summer. Until a miracle of another, and much more significant kind, happened to her.

The loss of Sleptsova for Russian biathlon is much more than the loss of a potential medal. This is the passing of a generation, the passing of the spirit of freedom and dissent. Similar average results, cliched phrases and judgments are a reality that now there will be no one to dilute. As time goes on, a new leader will probably emerge from the current team.

But we will still miss you, Sveta! They don't make people like you anymore.

Svetlana Sleptsova is about to end her career. In recent years, perhaps, only her rare appearances in the national team were reminiscent of one of the most successful periods of women's biathlon in Russia.

Those who won the 2009 World Cup and the 2010 Olympics with Svetlana either finished long ago, or, like Anna Frolina, found themselves abroad.

But it’s not just about titles - Russian biathletes, albeit infrequently, achieved something after Vancouver: there were World Cup and Games medals, there were victories and hopes. But characters comparable to Sleptsova in terms of charisma, recognition and brightness have not yet appeared.

The main thing to remember about Svetlana's career.

Sleptsova, who impressed as a junior, made her World Cup debut ten years ago. The adaptation did not take long: she was quickly remembered on the podium, and in March 2008 the first winning double happened in Holmenkollen, Norway.

December 2007 – Sleptsova’s relay debut in Hochfilzen: silver.

Sleptsova in the company of Tura Berger (left) and Katya Wilhelm.

There was no reason to doubt that another super talent had emerged in Russian biathlon.

The first half of the 2008-2009 season – perhaps best time in Sleptsova’s career: a stream of prizes, a new personal victory, a fight with Ekaterina Yuryeva for leadership in the overall standings, and even an appearance in the yellow jersey - Svetlana has never looked so convincing again.

A serious bet was made at the 2009 World Cup in Korea, but it turned out to be a huge doping raid for the Russian team: International Union(IBU) announced several positive tests of our biathletes.

Sleptsova through the official website (can you feel the spirit of that time?) that this is not about her. A few hours later, the post on the site changed - the phrase about doping.

For positive samples Albina Akhatova, Ekaterina Yuryeva and Dmitry Yaroshenko were soon punished.

Valery Zakharov, Sleptsova’s personal trainer, did not mince words in those days:

“People are perplexed: why are those tests that were considered normal over the past two years now considered doping? Moreover, at first it was called erythropoietin, now they are inventing some new name. I think so - they’re digging deep under us.”(from an interview with Soviet Sport).

Surviving the scandal, Svetlana fell apart in the individual races, but showed her best in the team race - the Russians spectacularly won the relay. Since then, Russia has not won a single medal in the women's relay races at the World Cup - six attempts in a row.

Victory in Korea: Olga Zaitseva, Olga Medvedtseva, Anna Bulygina (now Frolina), Svetlana Sleptsova (from left to right).

One of the most memorable antics in Sleptsova’s career was training in a jumpsuit with the word “Sexy” on the butt. Having caught the peak of her own capabilities, Svetlana allowed herself to be outrageous.

In the gloomy Russian biathlon, conscious provocations have long been avoided - this is largely why Sleptsova’s simple gesture was not only remembered, but also gave her a biting nickname - the same one that is written on the overalls.

The 2009-2010 season is, as is now clear, the last more or less cloudless period in Svetlana’s career. She had a strong December: with a double in Pokljuka and a series of very high-quality races - but, it seems, she was mentally unprepared for the Olympic decline.

“They expect medals from the biathlon team, but we don’t owe anyone anything”, - probably that emotional speech from Vancouver will appear in Sleptsova’s resume next to all the regalia.

Hasty excuses liberated her:

“Probably half the country hates me. I probably described the failure very emotionally. I don’t want to make excuses, but I didn’t mean at all that we “don’t owe anyone anything.” On the contrary, all conditions have been created for us, and we must justify the trust. The “must-must” press is a little dominant"(from an interview site).

She was assigned to the relay four partly out of inertia. As in 2009, Svetlana took the first stage. Just like in 2009, it didn’t disappoint – and others have already made the difference.

Golden Four 2010: Svetlana Sleptsova, Olga Medvedtseva, Olga Zaitseva, Anna Bogaliy (from left to right).

After the Olympics, big reforms were conceived in Russian biathlon (including purely internal ones), which, alas, crippled Sleptsova.

Cooperation with Anatoly Khovantsev, a super-trainer discharged from Finland, did not work out: the titled Svetlana almost did not listen to the boss - even more often the SBR bosses made decisions for both of them. It’s not surprising, since the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, Sleptsova’s hometown, was at stake.

She opened the championship with two penalties in mixed doubles - the team had no chance to win back.

This is what Khovantsev himself recalled in an interview with the site:

“Sveta is uncontrollable. She was not supposed to go to America, but management ordered it. It wasn’t me who decided the composition for the mixed doubles either. The championship in Khanty was a management decision, almost at the regional level.”

By the way, a few weeks before the home disaster, Sveta suffered third place in the Oberhof mass start - this was her last podium at the World Cup.

In the spring of 2011, Anatoly Khovantsev was replaced by Wolfang Pichler - it seemed that this was an excellent chance not only for Sleptsova, but also for the entire women’s team, which had noticeably slowed down. Under the leadership of the German, Svetlana twice finished seventh at the 2012 World Cup - this is one of her best performances at major tournaments.

Anna Bogaliy, Svetlana Sleptsova and Natalya Sorokina are happy with Wolfgang Pichler.

But Sleptsova’s personal trainer, Valery Zakharov, quickly became disillusioned with Pichler - public arguments often broke out between them, and there was even a scuffle with Pavel Rostovtsev, Pichler’s assistant.

All this, of course, did not help either the team or Svetlana.

Sleptsova had the opportunity to qualify for the Games in Sochi, but cooperation with Pichler went wrong. The German will later tell you that Sveta frankly underperformed in training.

Valery Medvedtsev, the husband of Olga’s close friend, pulled her out of the hole for several years.

Moving on to Medvedtsev (in the background), Sleptsova began to smile more often.

By last season, working with Medvedtsev brought success - at the European Championships (not the most high-status tournament in biathlon), Svetlana did not leave the podium and took part in the gold mixed doubles.

At the 2017 World Cup that arrived in time, it was not possible to show class: Sleptsova said in her hearts that for her it was last championship, but promised to fight for participation in the 2018 Games. Even the failure in the pre-Olympic week (66th place in Pyeongchang) did not dissuade her.

At the 2017 Summer World Championships in Tchaikovsky, Svetlana took part in the winning mixed doubles, and before the sprint they announced her impending retirement. The reason is pleasant, feminine. Svetlana is expecting a child.

By the way, Sleptsova won the sprint./Alexey Filippov (18.19), Andrey Anosov/SBR (20.21)

The childhood of Svetlana Sleptsova

Svetlana Sleptsova was born in Khanty-Mansiysk. Her father was a pilot and her mother was a doctor. Her older sister's name is Olga, who, like her mother, received a medical education. Svetlana grew up as a very active child and before biathlon she realized her energy both in martial arts (karate, boxing) and in a more elegant way (ballroom dancing).

The girl went to school No. 1 in Khanty-Mansiysk. In third grade, she met her first coach, Alexander Vladimirovich Korczak. He invited students to the biathlon section. Many came, but out of several dozen newcomers, only the most persistent and interested remained in the section. Among them was the future champion.

Svetlana Sleptsova and Biathlon

Svetlana did not develop her current attitude towards this sport right away. Like other children, the girl also wanted to spend time relaxing and walking, so she dropped out of classes several times. We must pay tribute to the coach who motivated her for further training, telling her that gradually, starting from the district championship, she could come to Olympic gold. And the classes continued, and Svetlana began to show good stubbornness.

The higher her success in sports became, the worse her performance in subjects was. The parents could not help but be concerned about the deterioration in grades, but they saw with what enthusiasm their daughter began to engage in biathlon, so they supported her aspirations, for which Svetlana is very grateful to them. According to the athlete, the family did not live well, but her parents always tried to buy her everything she needed.

Career of athlete Svetlana Sleptsova and her achievements

A year after the start of classes, Svetlana was awarded the first category. She takes part in a number of competitions different levels, up to the all-Russian one, periodically taking prizes.

2000 - the athlete begins training in a new group, where Mikhail Semenovich Novikov is the coach. In the same year, the girl was awarded the title of candidate master of sports. The following year was marked by a victory at the All-Russian youth competitions. In 2004, the athlete received the title of Master of Sports.

In 2005, Svetlana won the World Junior Championships, taking 1st place in the individual race. In addition, she took 2nd place in the pursuit and 3rd in the relay.

Object of desire: biathlete Svetlana Sleptsova

Since 2006, the athlete began training with Valery Pavlovich Zakharov, who more than once noted her perseverance in achieving her goal - Svetlana did not miss training and was never late for training camp.

And her efforts were rewarded in 2007, when the girl received gold at the Junior World Championships (sprint and pursuit) and all the prize medals at the European Junior Championships. After this, Svetlana was enrolled in the Russian national team.

In 2008, the athlete won the World Cup stage (Ruhhpolding, Germany), and received bronze in the mixed relay at the World Championships. In the same year, she took 8th place in the list of the strongest biathletes on the planet and received the title of International Master of Sports.

The year 2009 was marked by the awarding of the Biathlon Award (discovery of the year nomination), winning gold at the World Championships in the relay and conferring the title of Honored Master of Sports.

Svetlana Sleptsova. After all, she could...

2010 - the girl takes a number of prizes at the World Cup stages. In Vancouver, Svetlana (together with Bogaliy-Titovets, Zaitseva and Medvedtseva) wins gold in the relay.

In addition, she was awarded the KhMAO badge “For Services to the District”, and on March 5 of the same year she became a laureate of the Order of Friendship.

After Olympic victory There was a decline in the girl’s athletic performance. In 2012, the situation was aggravated by a knee injury, subsequent surgery and problems with recovery. All this was the reason that she finished the 2012-2013 season with the highest bad result throughout her career - she took 78th place in the overall standings

Valery Zakharov blamed the national team's head coach Wolfgang Pichler for this, and spoke simply about the condition of his former ward - “psychologically broken.” Pichler himself believes that Sleptsova’s problems lie in the psychological sphere, namely in the inability to cope with moral pressure.

However latest news encouraging - Svetlana won the IBU Cup in the sprint relay (November 2013). According to the athlete, this victory significantly lifted her spirits.

Personal life of Svetlana Sleptsova

In one of her interviews, Svetlana indicates that she likes men who are slender, tall and dark-haired. The girl has a boyfriend, but she does not dream of marriage. She plans to start a family after finishing her career.

She admires Olga Medvedtseva, who, according to the girl, has achieved everything she could dream of in sports.

In 2012, Svetlana Sleptsova was awarded the title “Honorary Resident of the City of Khanty-Mansiysk.” The girl loves her city very much and has no intention of leaving anywhere.

Svetlana managed to receive two higher educations in the following professions: trainer-teacher and manager. However, she does not plan to work in these areas, but dreams of someday opening a large restaurant with several kitchens and halls in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Svetlana Sleptsova now

In August 2017, at the World Summer Biathlon Championships in Tchaikovsky, Svetlana Sleptsova won the pursuit race, after which she announced her retirement. The 31-year-old athlete decided to leave big sport due to pregnancy.

Svetlana claims with one hundred percent confidence that she will not return to biathlon, but it will live in her heart. “I have no regrets, and there won’t be any in the future,” the biathlete said in one of the first interviews after the fateful decision.

Svetlana was born on July 31, 1986 in Khanty-Mansiysk in the family of doctor Elena Viktorovna and pilot Yuri Olegovich and became the second daughter in the Sleptsov family. The older sister, Olga, became a doctor. And Svetlana with early childhood was studying various types sports and ballroom dancing. I came to biathlon when I was in third grade at secondary school No. 1. Then coach Alexander Vladimirovich Korczak came to the school to look for students. He invited Svetlana to try her hand at biathlon. So he became her first coach. In parallel with playing sports, Svetlana did not give up her studies; after finishing 11th grade, she entered the Institute of Sports and Tourism at Ugra State University. Svetlana was able to gain a foothold in the team of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In 2006, her sports career began in the main team. It was under the leadership of coach V.P. Zakharov that Svetlana achieved her first successes in the adult national team. Knowing the potential of the young biathlete, feeling her character, he did not force the load on the fragile body; on the contrary, he tried to devote as much time as possible to rest. Together with Svetlana, the coach decided to transfer her to sports club CSKA. In the summer of 2008, Zakharov took upon himself all the issues of Svetlana’s absence at the first training camp of the main team, giving her the opportunity to calmly prepare for passing state exams and defending her diploma. Thanks to the support of the coach, Svetlana graduated from YSU in 2008, defended her diploma and became a certified specialist in the specialty “trainer-teacher”.

Sports career

Performances at junior international competitions

At the junior level, Svetlana achieved great success. In 2005, she took home a full set of medals from the World Championships: gold in the individual race, silver in the pursuit and bronze in the relay. A year later, the World Championships brought the Russian only one more bronze for the relay race. The 2007 World Championships gave Svetlana gold in the sprint and pursuit. In the same season, Sleptsova won two golds (pursuit and sprint), silver (relay) and bronze (individual race) at the European Junior Championships.

Season 2006-2007

She made her debut in the World Cup on January 17, 2007 - in sprint race(held as part of the 6th stage of the 2006-2007 World Cup) in Slovenian Pokljuka, showing the 35th result (and 4th (out of 7) among Russian athletes). She lost to the winner, Swede Anna Karin Olofsson, by more than two minutes, with one penalty.

She dropped 8 positions in the pursuit, ultimately trailing first-place German Katja Wilhelm by almost 7 minutes and with 6 penalties.

In the sprint race, which took place as part of the 7th stage of the World Cup in Lahti, Finland, she took 33rd place, which she shared with the Norwegian Gunn Margit Andreassen. She fell behind the winner, German Martina Beck, by a minute and 50 seconds, having made one mistake.

She took 20th place in the pursuit race, earning her first cup points. She made 2 mistakes, and Beck, who again became the first, was 2 minutes and 36 seconds behind.

In the sprint, which took place at next stage World Cup in Holmenkollen, Norway, Svetlana took 29th place, behind the winner, German Andrea Henkel, by 1 minute and 47 seconds and making 2 mistakes.

In the pursuit race, she rose 10 positions, falling behind the German athlete Magdalena Neuner, who took first place, by more than 3 minutes and making 4 inaccurate shots.

In the sprint, held as part of the ninth stage of the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, she took 26th place with three penalties, losing to Neuner, who became the first in this race, by 2 minutes and 23 seconds.

In the pursuit race she took 16th position, lagging behind Magdalena Neuner, who retained first place, by almost 3 minutes and making 4 mistakes.

The result of his debut in the World Cup races was 55th place in the overall standings with 45 points scored.

Season 2007-2008

In the individual race, which took place in Kontiolahti, Finland, and became the opening of the new World Cup, Svetlana took ninth place, making 2 penalties and being more than 2 minutes behind the first German Martina Glagow.

In the sprint, the athlete took 15th place with one penalty, more than 30 seconds behind Glagow, who again took first place.

In the pursuit race, Svetlana rose to 9th position with four penalties, losing 1 minute and 47.7 seconds to the winner, Norwegian Tura Berger.

In the sprint at the second stage of the World Cup, held in Hochfilzen, Austria, Svetlana, shooting without mistakes, took seventh place, 56.7 seconds behind the Frenchwoman Sandrine Bailly, who climbed to the top step of the podium.

In the pursuit, with five penalties, she dropped 20 positions, 2 and a half minutes behind Bailly, who retained first place.

On December 9, 2007, Svetlana made her relay debut at the World Cup. She competed in the first stage, spent one extra round at the shooting range and lost to the leaders of the stage - the German team - by 12.5 seconds, passing the baton to the second. The Russian team (Sleptsova, Anisimova, Moiseeva, Yuryeva) ultimately remained in second place, losing to the Germans who retained their leadership.

In the sprint at the third stage of the World Cup, held in Pokljuka, Slovenia, with two penalties, she took tenth place, behind the leader, Sandrine Bailly, 55.4 seconds.

In the relay race, she performed in the first stage, used 1 additional cartridge and was the first to finish her stage, ahead of her closest pursuers - the Germans - by 0.4 seconds. The Russian team (Sleptsova, Neupokoeva, Guseva, Yuryeva) again won silver, losing to the German team.

In the relay race at the 4th stage of the 2007-2008 World Cup, held in Oberhof, Germany, Svetlana used one additional cartridge and was the first to finish her stage, ahead of her closest pursuers - the French - by 7.2 seconds. The Russian team (Sleptsova, Neupokoeva, Moiseeva, Gusev) took third place at the end of the race, behind the leaders - the German team.

On the podium in personal race Svetlana first climbed on January 5, 2008 - in the sprint race she took second place, 5.5 seconds behind the winner, Norwegian Tura Berger, and making 2 mistakes.

On January 11, 2008, in the sprint at the 5th stage of the World Cup, held in Ruhpolding, Germany, the athlete took second position, but later, due to the disqualification of the Finnish athlete Kaisa Varis, who took first place, she was recognized as the winner of the race.

As part of the mixed relay, Svetlana won bronze medal World Championship, held in Ostersund, Sweden (Sleptsova, Neupokoeva, Kruglov, Yaroshenko).

Season 2008-2009

  • In the 2008-2009 season she was the leader for a long time overall standings World Cup. However, at the World Cup stage in Ruhpolding, Svetlana fell ill with bronchitis and lost shape, giving the yellow leader's jersey first to Ekaterina Yuryeva and then to Helena Jonsson. Until the end of the season, Svetlana was unable to regain her form and took only 12th place in overall standings World Cup.
  • World champion 2009 in the relay race as part of the Russian women's team (Sleptsova, Bulygina, Medvedtseva, Zaitseva).

Season 2009-2010

  • In the 2009-2010 season, Svetlana held third position in the overall World Cup standings for a long time. At the World Cup stage in Ruhpolding, Svetlana suffered a back spasm during the race. After this, the coaches decided to release her from competitions until the 2010 Olympics. After the Olympics, Svetlana also missed a number of starts at the World Cup. Overall, compared to previous season, Svetlana performed a little better, winning two personal victories and taking 11th place in the overall World Cup standings.
  • Olympic champion Vancouver in the relay as part of the Russian women's team (Sleptsova, Bogaliy-Titovets, Medvedtseva, Zaitseva).

Svetlana performed at the first stage, passed both firing lines without misses and, maintaining enough high speed during the race, she was able to stay in the group of leaders until the end of her stage.


World Cup

1 - the victory was awarded after the disqualification of Kaisa Varis.

Personal trainers

  • First coach (1996-2000) - Alexander Korczak
  • 2000-2006 - Mikhail Novikov
  • 2006-present - Valery Zakharov


  • Rifle - Ansch?tz
  • Skis - Fischer
  • Boots - Alpina
  • Ski poles- Swix
  • Fastenings - Rottefella
  • Suit - Adidas
  • Gloves - Adidas
  • Glasses - Adidas

Awards and titles

  • Order of Friendship (March 5, 2010) - for great contribution to development physical culture and sports, tall sporting achievements at the Games of the XXI Olympiad 2010 in Vancouver
  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2009).
  • On January 10, 2009 she became a laureate of the annual Biathlon-Award in the category “ Best Newcomer 2008"

Social and political activities

Member of the United Russia party.

During training and performing at domestic Russian competitions, Svetlana Sleptsova uses a uniform with the inscription “SEXY” on the “fifth point”.