How to pump abs on the lower abdomen. How to pump up your lower abs at home? Lower abs exercises

The formation of an unsightly fold in the lower abdomen is a problem that is familiar to a huge number of people. To eliminate this deficiency, it is worth not only adjusting your diet, but also making other efforts. The effectiveness of the fight against fat in the lower abdomen largely depends on identifying the right reasons occurrence of deposits. So, let's start fighting for a beautiful waist and a flat, sculpted stomach?

Causes of fat in the lower abdomen

If the lower abdomen is literally swollen with fat and an ugly, overhanging fold has formed here, it is worth understanding why this happened. What could be the reasons for the appearance of fatty layer of fat under the navel? There are several of these:

  • genetics or heredity;
  • failure in the body's hormonal system;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sedentary image life;
  • menopause.

Very often the lower abdomen becomes filled with fat and the weight loss process is stalled due to the fact that a person is constantly in the strongest condition. nervous excitement. As a result, he eats away his troubles. Increased appetite allows you to not only get enough. Constantly eating food creates a feeling of security and relative comfort. However, nutritionists recommend to do this not to go to the refrigerator, but to treadmill or an exercise bike. Sports training coupled with a massage, they relieve stress no less effectively than food.

Among other common causes of the formation of fat deposits in the lower abdomen, it is worth highlighting genetic predisposition. If there are many overweight and overweight people in the family, then education subcutaneous fat sooner or later it can affect everyone in your family. To protect yourself, you should stick to a basic diet and devote time physical training. It is equally important to include massage in your self-care program. You can do it yourself; it works on the most problematic areas.

Menopause- here is another common reason why fat cells are distributed unevenly and quickly concentrate under the navel. As a rule, women over 45 years of age are at risk.

No less dangerous for beautiful waist and hormonal imbalance. Usually this reason does not resolve on its own. Fat from the problem area can be effectively removed only with the help of an endocrinologist.

Ways to fight belly fat

Regardless of what caused the problem, men and women can begin to fight it on their own. There are several methods that are truly effective in helping to remove fat in the lower abdomen and start the weight loss process.

Nutrition correction

It is recommended to start with nutritional correction, which normalizes intestinal function. The menu should be as correct as possible. To do this, you should give up sweets. This does not mean that you should completely exclude desserts from your diet. However, it is worth reducing your sugar intake significantly. It is optimal to completely abandon it: this approach is the most correct for the beauty of the abdomen. It is equally important to minimize the consumption of fatty and fried foods.

Optimally enrich your diet:

  • assorted fruits;
  • seasonal vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • drinks with ginger and cinnamon.

These seasonings are excellent natural fat burners. No less useful herbal teas with lemon, mint, chamomile, fennel. It is also recommended to include fermented milk products in your daily diet. They normalize the digestion process and allow you to remove toxins from the body, which block the process of losing weight. This diet is quite unusual and can be difficult at first.


Drinking regime

A properly aligned abdomen helps to remove the lower abdomen at home. drinking regime. The diet of every person who is looking to stay slim should have optimal quantity drinking water. Every day an adult should drink at least 1.5 liters of still clean water. This is approximately 8 glasses.

Good mood

It is equally important for a beautiful waist to avoid stress. The whole point is that during nervous overexcitation, the amount of cortisol in the blood increases. This hormone aims to force the body to store fat. Especially often these “strategic reserves” are based in the abdominal area. This is why it is so important to avoid contact with people or situations that cause stress as much as possible. The absence of worries allows you to remain youthful and slim.

Physical activity

To remove the lower abdomen and start the weight loss process, it is useful to hula hoop in the morning and evening, swim, and do body wraps. Such training and procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole body and the appearance of the abs in particular. The main thing is not to give up and conduct classes systematically.

Effective exercises for the lower abdomen

Despite the fact that diet and other methods of maintaining slimness in the abdominal area are quite effective, it is the right exercises that help solve the problem as quickly as possible. To normalize the lower abdomen and remove the crease, the muscles must work constantly. That is why classes should become regular. Only under this condition can you get beautiful abs.

Exercise No. 1

An excellent exercise for eliminating fat in the lower abdomen is the scissors exercise. To perform it you need to lie on the floor. Hands should be placed under the buttocks. In this case, the back is pressed as tightly as possible to the floor surface. Then you need to use your legs. They should be positioned at an angle of 45 degrees. Then one of the legs goes down. This should be done as slowly as possible. The position of the legs changes in this way 20 times.

Note! It is recommended to complete the scissors exercise by performing 10 jumps. You can use a jump rope.

Exercise No. 2

Another productive exercise that allows men and women to quickly bring their waist back to normal is the fold. To perform this exercise for the lower abdomen, you need to sit on the floor. You need to put your hands behind your back and rest them on the floor. The legs bend at the knees. Then they should be pulled up to the chest, using the muscles in the abdominal area to the maximum. Abdominal muscles should be strained well. Be sure to stretch your entire body towards your feet. Then the body returns to starting position. Your legs should be straightened completely, but your heels should not touch the floor. You must repeat this movement at least 10 times during each lesson.

Exercise #3

Another exercise that works great for working out the abs at home is “drawing.” Starting position - lying down. You need to raise your legs. In this case, each of them should alternately display numbers from 0 to 9. Combinations can be performed simultaneously with both legs. To achieve optimal results, it is worth repeating the movements 6 times for each leg, working all the muscles, and not just those concentrated in the lower abdomen. Only in this case will the muscles in the lower abdomen begin to work, and the fat burning process will be launched. This is an excellent solution for activities that help remove the roll on your stomach.

Exercise #4

The “climbing” exercise is no less useful for the abs. It is recommended to perform it 10 times for both men and women who are faced with the formation of fatty tissue on the abdomen. To perform the approach, you need to take a lying position. The starting position is similar to when doing push-ups. In this case, one leg bends at the knee. The second one is pulled back. Then she pulls herself up to her chest, after which she returns to the starting point. Then all this is repeated with the other leg.

Exercise #5

Remove the lower abdomen quickly and effectively, achieving effective weight loss as necessary problem area, lifting your legs helps. To do this you need to lie on your back. The legs should be aligned. Hands are located along the body. The exercise begins with raising your legs. They should form an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, they cannot be bent at the knees. In this position, the body must be fixed for 2-3 seconds, after which the legs are lowered to the floor. To get perfect abs, such movements must be done constantly. For 1 approach you should perform at least 15 repetitions.

Exercise #6

This exercise is aimed at eliminating fat from the lower abdomen. To perform it, you need to place your feet hip-width apart. The back must be straightened. From this position you need to start squats. At the lowest point, your thighs should be parallel to the floor. 8-16 repetitions will be enough to form a beautiful waist.

Exercise No. 7

Crunches allow you to work on your abs no less productively. To perform them you need to sit on the floor. You need to put your hands behind you and rest them on the surface of the floor. The legs at the starting point should be absolutely straight. They need to be bent sharply and drawn towards the chest. In this case, you should work with the strength of your abdominal muscles. You need to repeat the exercise for a beautiful belly at least 8 times.

Video: how to remove the lower abdomen at home

Below is a video that will help you effectively and quickly get rid of belly fat at home:

The widespread popularity of fast food and low-quality food, as well as insufficient physical activity, leads to the appearance of folds and the deposition of fat in the lower abdomen. The problem is aggravated by computers, television, cars and our eternal sedentary lifestyle.

As a consequence of all this, first of all, the muscles of the lower abs suffer, since its upper everyday life more often involved and, accordingly, more trained.

How to pump up your lower abdomen so that it becomes an object of admiration and how to effectively deal with hated “reserves”? – this is what we will talk about in this article...

Proper nutrition.

fit, beautiful body is the subject of dreams of everyone who wants to be attractive and seductive.

After all, even a slender girl, wearing a fashionable, tight-fitting outfit (if she has a sagging lower abdomen), will not feel impressive and confident.

Regular exercise and diet will help you defeat those extra pounds.

Normalize your diet - reduce your carbohydrate intake and focus on protein, which promotes skin elasticity and strengthens muscles. For best result Eliminate carbonated drinks and sugar from your diet.

  1. Drink more. Thirst can cause not only hunger, but also poor health.
  2. Don't forget the one-spoon rule. If after a meal there is at least one spoon left on your plate, you will deprive yourself of unnecessary 100-200 kilocalories.
  3. Avoid alcoholic drinks: they are not only harmful, but also cause obesity. Even one glass of dry wine is fraught with 150–175 kcal. Remember: for a bodybuilder, alcohol is like death.
  4. Move as much as possible. Forget about the elevator and train yourself to always walk only on steps: such step aerobics will add both vigor and health. Will help bring your figure back to normal.

Fitness and sports.

How to pump up your stomach from below with exercises? Before you begin regular training, it is worth driving away from this area body fat. The following will be useful for this: running, swimming, cardio equipment, dancing and other types of aerobic exercise.

Then you can start executing and daily exercise, contributing to the drawing of a beautiful relief.

A set of additional exercises.

In this article we will not list trivial exercises, which we have already discussed in detail earlier in the articles in this section. Here we will focus on new, not entirely trivial recipes and original variations of movements that specifically affect the muscle group we need...

Rock climbing.

Take a lying position, as if doing push-ups.

Lift one leg off the surface and bend the knee, then quickly pull it towards your chest and return to its original position. After that, move on to the other leg.

Perform 2-3 sets of 30 reps for each leg.

Remember: the faster the pace of exercise, the better you will pump up your abs.

You will probably immediately remember the “scissors”, familiar to many from physical education lessons. In our case, the actions will be the opposite.

You need to lie on your back (put your hands under your lower back to make it easier) and raise your legs at a ninety-degree angle.

Then you should slowly lower left leg, but so that it does not touch the floor. Then it should go down right leg, and at the same time rise the left one.

Try to master three approaches for several minutes - the more, the better, of course.


This set of movements aimed at improving the abdomen is reminiscent of special yoga. It will help pump up your lower press and will also teach you how to maintain balance.

To take the starting position, you need to sit down and stretch your legs forward, while placing your hands behind your back and leaning on them.

Then bend your knees and pull them towards your upper body.

When your knees and chest touch, return to the starting position.

Do 15–30 folds in three approaches.

Hula hooping, periodic abdominal retraction (vacuum exercise) and self-massage with pinching the skin in a clockwise direction will also help you become the happy owner of inflated abs.

Focus on the result and don't stop bringing your figure closer to the ideal!

Pumping up 6-pack abs with a characteristic V-shaped body shape in the lower abdomen is the cherished dream of many of us. It looks great and is also a sign of strength and goodness. physical training. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who finds it extremely difficult to get a perfect stomach, especially one with a V-shape at the bottom.

Try complexes that include the most effective ones at home.

Buying a beautiful sculpted lower abs is the most difficult task, because fat leaves this area last. I read so many forum posts where people complain that they have toned mid and upper abs but can't get rid of the fat in their lower abdomen.

They want to know what are the best exercises for lower abs. They want to know some secret.

However, the point is that there are no special exercises here. You just have to reduce your body fat levels. To do this, you need to eat right and do cardio to burn extra calories.

Therefore, if you want to become the owner of beautiful lower abs, the first thing you should pay attention to is your diet and perform fat-burning workouts.

Does this mean that there is no need to do lower abdominal exercises?

Of course not! However, there is one misconception on this topic. The fact is that there is no such thing as “lower abdominal muscles.” As you can see in the picture, this is simply the lower part of the rectus abdominis and external obliques. Therefore, no matter what abdominal exercises you do, these muscles will be involved to one degree or another.

However, there are several exercises that can help strengthen and tone this area. Some of them even help burn fat. Read on to find out more about them.

The best exercises for the lower abdomen are those that involve the muscles of this part of the body.

Just try! Do some crunches. In what area do you feel tension? Mainly at the top, right?

Now do some leg exercises on the floor. I'm sure you will feel more tension in your lower abdominals.

Varieties of leg lifts

According to my experience, leg raises are the best exercise with own weight on the abs, especially on the lower part. However, it has variations.

You can do it on the floor, raising one or both legs. As you get stronger, you can start doing the jackknife exercise.

If you have an ab rack, you can do knee or leg raises on it. This exercise machine helps keep your back straight and stable position, while you can follow the technique of performing the exercise, focusing mainly on the abdominal muscles.

If you have more high level preparation, then you can perform hanging knee or leg raises on the horizontal bar. This exercise is more difficult than the previous one because it lacks body support.

Watch this video to see what types of leg lifts there are.

Running while lying down ("mountaineer") and burpees

Not only are these exercises great for your lower abs and obliques, but they're also great for burning calories because they're heavy compound exercises, especially burpees.

Watch the video to learn about the variations of the mountain climber exercise.


Although the plank is not the best exercise for burning fat, it works the abdominal muscles as a whole. The plank should be part of your training program.

Rollouts with roller

Simple gymnastic roller is perhaps the most powerful ab training tool you can have in your home. It involves not only the abdominal muscles, but also the chest, lower back, shoulders and arms. In appearance, the exercise seems easy, but for it correct execution It will take a fair amount of effort.

Pelvic lift with TRX loops or fitball

Exercise balls and TRX loops are excellent tools for various exercises on the press The pelvic lift is a fairly simple exercise. You should place your feet on an exercise ball or TRX loops and then lift then lower your body back to the starting position. The exercise ball version may seem more challenging as it makes it more difficult to keep your body stable.

Watch the video to find out how this exercise is performed.

Corner hold

This exercise is static. You should raise your legs at a 45° angle to the floor and push your torso back. Hold this position for as long as possible. Keep your lower back straight. If you experience back pain, then avoid this exercise.

Crunches + “bicycle”

Recent studies have shown that traditional crunches are one of the least effective exercises for your abs and thighs. However, combining crunches with a bicycle exercise is the only exception. This complex exercise Uses almost all core muscles. Watch the following video to find out how it is done. If at first you cannot do it correctly, then start with reverse crunches.

Lower abs workout

Well, you have found out which exercises are the best for the lower abs. Now let's look at some complex training programs, which they are included in. Here you will find workouts for both men and women.


Now you know how to work your lower abs, but don't forget that you can only achieve the characteristic V-shape of your lower abdomen if you don't have any fat in that area. If you have it, then focus on your diet and do cardio to burn off the extra calories.

Based on materials:

Lower Ab Workout: 9 Best Exercises

The obsession grows every year perfect abs. Guys want to know how to get a six-pack, and girls ask how to get flat and toned abs.

And this is not surprising. After all, every day we are “crushed” by ideal muscles from all sides. Models and celebrities have muscular abs everywhere, posing in lingerie or bikinis. They shamelessly post selfies on Facebook and Instagram, appear in advertising, print, billboards, magazines, TV shows and movies...

Graceful lower abs are truly the final touch to the perfect appearance. Since subcutaneous fat disappears from the body from top to bottom, fat in the lower abdomen is the last to disappear (and the first to return if you "break down" too often). And we immediately want to find lower abdominal exercises that effectively burn fat in this abdominal area. But you should not separate the upper and lower abs, this is one muscle and it will always be more prominent if you reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the entire body. This time we will tell you which exercises are best to choose in order to improve the tone of the lower abdominal muscles.

So with the help of a yoga mat, a bench, an exercise ball and your own weight you will be able to perform these exercises (they are described in detail and captured in the photo) - the most effective exercises for the lower press.

They will pump up the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle and form deep V-shaped abs.

This list of exercises is divided by difficulty, from beginner to advanced. So if you are a fitness beginner, then, of course, start with the simplest ones. After you improve your physical fitness, move on to moderate to advanced exercises.

IMPORTANT! Even if you do thousands of exercises, you will never see a six pack or flat abs if you have excess fat in your belly area. Visually sculpted abs are the result of low body fat, which is achieved through appropriate exercise.


To get rid of excess fat faster and more effectively, engage in high-intensity exercise. interval training(if you have a sufficient level of training), and also strength exercises. Abdominal exercises alone are not enough to burn excess belly fat.

Important: you need to explore your eating habits

In fact, 70% of your fat loss success depends on your diet.

You can tone and tone your abs, but they will be hidden under belly fat if you don't eat and drink right.

The best exercises for the lower abs

Exercises for the lower abs: 5 entry-level exercises

Reverse crunches

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs at right angles at the hips and knee joints. If you're lying on horizontal bench, hold the seat above your head with your hands.
  2. Without moving top part back, strain hard lower muscles abdomen, lift your pelvis off the floor and pull your knees towards your head.
  3. When your knees are at chest level, hold this position and then slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Do 12-20 reps. When you can do 20 reps with ease, make the exercise heavier by placing a light dumbbell between your legs.

Hold "V" (boat pose)

  1. Lie down on the floor or on a flat bench.
  2. Hands at your sides. Raise both legs at the same time as your torso to a 45º angle. Your body should form a "V" shape. Keep your legs straight and maintain proper posture.
  3. Tighten your core and lower/upper abs and hold the “V” position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Leg raise with ball

  1. Lie face up on the floor with an exercise ball between your ankles.
  2. Tighten your abs and squeeze the ball with your ankles. Raise your legs up so that they are at right angles to your body.
  3. Hold the ball at the top, then tighten your abs and slowly lower the ball down (don't let it touch the floor).
  4. Now pause at the bottom point.
  5. Perform 12-20 repetitions.

Unusual plank with a gymnastic ball

  1. Place your feet on top of gymnastic ball and straighten them completely.
  2. Keep your weight on your forearms, tighten your abdominal muscles and core to maintain a straight top part bodies.
  3. Hold this position for 45 seconds or longer, but do not allow your body to sag, as this can strain your lower back.

Twisting with corner hold while sitting

  1. Sit on a flat bench so that your body is perpendicular to its length.
  2. Grasp the bench, lower your torso back and extend your legs forward so that your body is straight and parallel to the floor.
  3. At the same time, pull your lower abs in and tighten your upper abs to form a “V” with your quads and abs. Keep your back straight.
  4. Repeat 15-20 times. When the exercise becomes easy, you can make it more difficult by adding dumbbells between your legs.

Lower abdominal exercises: 2 moderate exercises

Reverse crunches with leg press

  1. Lie on your back on the floor or on a flat bench. If you are on the floor, place your hands under your pelvis (as in the picture). If you're on a bench, place your hands behind your head to do a deep stretch.
  2. Tighten your core and lower abs and lift your legs to a vertical position. Your body forms a 90º angle with them. This is the starting position.
  3. Now squeeze your glutes, lowest abs, and thighs to push your legs up. This is called "impulse". Don't bend your knees.
  4. Hold at the top for a few seconds, then slowly lower your legs and short time touch your pelvis to the bench or floor.
  5. Repeat the “impulse” quickly.
  6. When you can easily do a set of 15 reps, hold the dumbbells between your legs. Continue increasing the weight until 15 pulses in a row becomes easy. Increasing the resistance will stimulate muscle growth.

Bringing your knees to your chest on a fitball

  1. Place your feet and shins on top of an exercise ball.
  2. Extend your forearms all the way out to get into a push-up position.
  3. Tightening your abs, slowly pull up your lower part, as a result of which your knees should be at your chest and the ball should roll to the level of your hips.
  4. Roll the ball until your quads are perpendicular to the floor. Hold the position for several seconds. Return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 12-20 times.

Exercises for lower abs: 2 exercises for advanced level

Ball lift

  1. The feet and legs rest tightly on the gymnastic ball.
  2. Straight arms fully extended, starting position - to be in a push-up position.
  3. Don't bend your knees or round your back. Roll the ball so that it is under your toes. Tighten your abs and lift your pelvis into the air. You should form an upside down "V" shape.
  4. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 12-20 times.

Hanging Leg Raises

  1. Hold the pull-up bar with your arms straight and shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep your back straight, then tighten your lower abs and slowly lift your legs up until they are parallel to the floor. It is important not to swing or lift impulsively. It should be a slow and controlled movement.
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then lower your legs and return to the starting position.
  4. Perform 10-20 repetitions.
  5. As your muscles become stronger, begin to gradually increase the height of your lift. Raise your legs to your waist, then your chest, and finally to the bar.
  6. If hanging leg raises are too difficult for you, lift bent knees. After a while, you will be able to do the same thing, only your knees will already be straightened.

Now in your service best exercises on the lower abs, which will help tighten the abdominal muscles and make the cubes more prominent. Good luck on your journey to creating perfect abs!

Bodybuilding involves several difficult tasks, including the formation abs cubes. The fact is that building abdominal muscles is an extremely difficult process that requires special treatment. This material will talk about pumping up the lower abs and ways to do it effectively and quickly.

Regardless of gender, for athletes who are involved in fitness or “bodybuilding”, pumping up this part of the abs is a pressing issue. In order to perform exercises for this muscle group as effectively as possible, it is necessary to become familiar with its features from an anatomical point of view. All people have the same muscle group of the press, but each person has individual characteristics in the shape and number of press cubes.

Press departments:

  • upper;
  • lower;

In the process of raising the torso, the upper abs work, raising the legs - the lower one, and inclined movements of the body - the lateral one. Thus, to work the department we need, we will need to use different types of movements of the lower body. The lower abs in an inflated and toned state eliminates the problem of a sagging belly, while the male figure takes on shape, and in women the waist is formed. However, you should know that it is impossible to quickly form sculpted abdominal muscles if your diet has not been adjusted.

The role of proper nutrition

The correct formation of the lower press depends to a large extent on not from training in the gym, but from, say experienced bodybuilders. Therefore, it is important to adhere to certain rules when creating a home menu. Even frequent and intense abdominal training will not yield results if you do not get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area. You can achieve pumped up, sculpted muscles, but a layer of fat will “eclipse” all your achievements and the meaning of such “invisible press” is very questionable.

For this reason, the main and primary task is to eliminate subcutaneous fat in this section to a level not exceeding 10%. In fact, this is not a very difficult task - at the initial stage you just need to stick to a diet, and then combine rational nutrition and intensive training. For the fair sex, it is recommended to give up sweets and high-calorie carbonated drinks.

Rational nutrition for the lower abs involves following the rules:

  • To avoid dialing extra pounds it is necessary to eat in accordance with strict calculated daily calorie intake.
  • The composition of the food should one third consist of plant and animal protein(as protein suppliers, it is preferable to use dietary meats - veal, rabbit, poultry).
  • The remaining two-thirds of the diet is carbohydrates. It is recommended to use “slow” carbohydrates, which are more beneficial (those found in vegetables, unprocessed rice, whole grain bread, and cereals).
  • Fats account for a very small portion of the diet and the bulk of them should be of plant origin.
  • Minimum amount of fluid consumed per day - 2 liters.
  • Meals are split and frequent - six times a day, with the obligatory inclusion of breakfast.

Useful information

The effectiveness of abdominal training directly depends on strict execution of the technique. If this point is not followed, the risk of discomfort and even severe pain in the back increases. also plays important role in pumping up the abs: exercises must be performed while inhaling, and relaxing the muscles while exhaling.

Emergence pain V lumbar region observed even if the exercise technique is followed, but if they are not very strong, they will probably disappear after the muscles become stronger and stronger. If the pain persists for several days, it is advisable to stop exercising and consult a doctor to identify problems in this part of the body.

It is not recommended to use a very complex set of exercises - a few simple, but effective ones for working out various muscle groups the press will be quite enough. Don't overload yourself and a large number approaches: at the initial stage, three approaches with repetitions of 15-20 times are quite enough for one exercise.

Exercises for pumping up the lower abs

Of course, the best option would be a program compiled by a coach, fitness specialist or other sports mentor. Here we will talk about the most effective exercises for training at home. It is important to note that regarding the formation relief press There is not much difference between working out in the gym and at home.

List of exercises for the lower abs:

At the initial stage, the listed exercises will be sufficient, but later you can complicate them. training complex, adding classes with simple props, for example, with an inclined bench.

Except proper nutrition and regular training, there is another method of pumping up the lower abs -. They are a program of exercises that are performed intensively and consistently. This complex allows you to effectively burn excess fat in just a month. It is necessary to determine the optimal speed and after a short period of time the press will become clear and prominent with the necessary hardness and elasticity. The exercise program includes intense push-ups, burpees and a number of other speed exercises.