Fletcher food. Therapeutic chewing method

Hello dear readers.

Do you know that there is very simple technique healing, which cures many diseases, especially diseases gastrointestinal tract. , duodenitis, gall and pancreatic diseases are difficult to cure without using this method.

So, meet medicinal chewing.

The essence of this technique is so simple that you might be surprised that it can treat diseases. But don’t rush to conclusions, read the article and try it. You will quickly feel the beneficial effects of medicinal chewing.

Of course, if you have a disease, for example gastritis, that is already advanced, one method cannot defeat it, I already wrote about this in the article. But without chewing your food thoroughly, you will not be able to fully recover.

In the modern world, people have forgotten how to do it correctly. Eating on the run, overeating, and consumption leads to obesity and the development of chronic diseases of all organs and systems. To maintain excellent health and remove toxins, they are often used. Combining the technique of properly chewing foods with one of the methods helps prevent diseases and quickly get rid of many diseases. Let's talk about how to chew food properly.

An excursion into the history of the technique

The founder of the method of proper chewing of food is the American physiologist Horace Fletcher. After 40 years, his health began to crack; diseases arose one after another, worsening his general condition and reducing his performance. He was diagnosed with a “bouquet” of ailments from the digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and problems of a psychological nature arose. A sharp deterioration in health led to insurance companies refusing to pay health insurance for long courses of therapy.

Despite the difficult period in life, Fletcher did not fall into depression, but tried to find the roots of his problems. He concluded that the deterioration in health was due to proper nutrition– snacks on the go, disruption of the daily routine, quick meals while watching the press and television programs. Thanks to his knowledge of physiology, the doctor described in detail the causes of ailments due to poor nutrition. Based on scientifically proven conclusions, he created effective technique medicinal chewing, which was called fletcherism.

Briefly about the digestion process

According to the physiology of digestion, food begins to be digested in the oral cavity. Food contains essential nutrients that are necessary to maintain the functioning of the body. These are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. To be absorbed in the digestive tract, nutrients must be broken down into smaller particles that can enter the bloodstream. They are delivered in this condition transport system blood circulation (special proteins) to cells and tissues.

Food components are broken down using the digestive juices of the mouth, stomach, small intestine, pancreas and liver. They contain enzymes that break down large nutrient molecules into smaller particles. Carbohydrates begin to break down in the oral cavity, and then in the duodenum. Thus, the body prepares them for further digestion in the digestive tract. Proteins and fats are broken down primarily in the stomach and small intestine. For proper digestion, food must be mechanically crushed by teeth and chemically treated with saliva. And the more, the better.

The essence of the therapeutic chewing technique

The method of therapeutic nutrition is based on the physiology of digestion and is aimed at maintaining the health of all organs and systems. Fletcher proved that chewing one portion of food in the oral cavity should require at least 30 chewing movements, ideally about 100. As a result, the food bolus is completely saturated with saliva, softens, liquefies and enters the esophagus without swallowing movements, as if sliding down the pharynx and moves through the esophagus without spasms. This phenomenon was called the "Fletcher's food probe."

Of course, you don't have to reach the point where food passes without being swallowed, but remember, the more you chew, the better.

The technique of thoroughly chewing food was known in oriental medicine. It was actively used by yogis. Thanks to the right way meals, they were satisfied with a small amount of food, healed physical and spiritual ailments, life expectancy was at least 100 years. With a small amount of food consumption, yogis maintained an alert state during the day and maintained healthy sleep at night.

There is another aspect to this.

The fact is that when we chew slowly and focus only on food (we don’t get distracted, don’t talk, but feel the food and its taste), we energetically interact with it. All this leads to the fact that we take more nutrients from food and become energetically and physically satiated faster. We now need less food.

The digestive organs become healthier and stronger.

Yogis knew about all this. It’s not for nothing that there is a legend that a yogi’s stomach can digest even rusty nail. There is a deal of truth in it.

Have you noticed that when someone prepares food and tastes it, they feel full faster? And he no longer wants to sit down and eat with everyone else. He simply energetically interacted with food. Draw conclusions.

Every person who wants to maintain good health should know how to chew food properly. physical fitness throughout life. Here are the main principles of the healing technique:

  • do not stuff your mouth with food; it is necessary to place food in the oral cavity in small portions, filling it halfway;
  • Chew your food slowly - the number of minimal chewing movements can, for example, be calculated using the formula: one movement for an existing tooth, three for a missing or diseased tooth. For example: if you have 32 healthy teeth, then chew food 32 times, you can increase the number of jaw movements by 2-5 times. But this is all approximately. Main principle- the more, the better;
  • while eating, try to achieve maximum contact of the food bolus with the tongue, which has large number receptors. This allows you to activate the digestive glands through nerve impulses to the central nervous system;
  • Eating should take place in a calm environment, in the absence of irritability and anger. Negative emotions disrupt the process of breaking down food;
  • the meal should not be accompanied by other activities (reading, conversation, watching TV); during meals it is necessary to concentrate on the taste of the dishes, smells, the process of chewing and satiety. Those. Interact energetically with food.

Fletcher proposed a 5-week course of the technique, during which a person uses medicinal chewing at every meal. During this period, a healthy way of eating is fixed at the reflex level and then maintained for a long time. If skills fade, the course can be repeated.

Scheme of a 5-week course of healing chewing:

  1. The first week – each portion of food in the mouth is crushed for 1 minute.
  2. Second week – 2 minutes.
  3. Third week – 3 minutes.
  4. Fourth week – 2 minutes.
  5. Fifth week – 1 minute.

The technique must be used with every meal, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero. In this case, all Fletcher’s recommendations should be followed.

Of course, in the modern world with a frantic pace of life, it is difficult to constantly adhere to the recommendations for long chewing. Then do such courses at least periodically, and during the breaks try to chew based on the availability of free time. When you feel the beneficial changes and learn to eat with energy benefits, you will enjoy chewing thoroughly and you will no longer want to stupidly quickly swallow food, like animal.

Beneficial effects of medicinal chewing

Positive changes in the body are noticeable after the first course of using the technique. The attitude towards food changes radically - a person enjoys the dishes, receives pleasure from the meal, a surge of strength, emotional uplift, and feels true happiness.

Positive effects of the Fletcher method on health:

  • the effect of separate nutrition without the difficulties in creating a diet - the nutrients are broken down sequentially when chewed slowly;
  • reducing the volume of food consumed by 2-5 times - proper chewing helps to normalize the functioning of the saturation center in the brain, which prevents exhaustion and obesity;
  • gaining natural body weight. Fat people lose weight, thin people gain weight;
  • small energy costs for digesting a small volume of products - energy goes to restorative and healing processes in the body;
  • improving the functioning of digestion and other body systems - nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, reproductive;
  • getting rid of many diseases;
  • maintaining correct biorhythms - active daytime wakefulness, calm and uninterrupted sleep at night;
  • maintaining good mood and states of emotional uplift.

Now you know how to chew food properly. Use the technique at every meal and enjoy good health, great mood, good performance. To enhance the healing effect, combine proper chewing with or wet (with water) fasting.

And then you will be healthy and happy! That's what I wish for you!

I suggest watching an interesting video about medicinal chewing:

Best regards, Sergey Tigrov

In principle, everyone knows how to lose weight: eat less, move more - there are no special secrets.

But alas, despite the apparent simplicity of such advice, a huge number of people on earth suffer from excess weight - in 2018, I think, 774 million people around the globe suffer from obesity!

This once again proves that fighting head-on is not a strategy for everyone. In fact, losing weight is full of hidden life hacks that will help you lose weight “unnoticed” - without special effort will and other sufferings.

Let's get acquainted with one of them - Fletcherism in the studio!

What is this

As the wonderful and perspicacious Ilf and Petrov once wrote: “by chewing your food thoroughly, you help society.” This all sounds, of course, not solid, but don’t rush to scroll through this method of losing weight - what if it’s right for you and will revolutionize your weight loss?

Scientifically, this method is called Fletcherism, named after its creator and ideological inspirer, American Horace Fletcher. He encouraged everyone to chew each piece they swallowed 32 times (the original number of teeth), and later raised the bar to 100 times.

He was quite a fanatical person; they say that he even “chewed” water. According to Fletcher, food chewed almost to the point of liquid facilitates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promoting health improvement and weight loss.

You can argue with the ethics of this statement - in fact, it’s not superfluous to experience food well, but if you don’t do this, then nothing will get stuck in your intestines and will not rot - our gastrointestinal tract can completely cope with this “problem”.

But it’s also worth knowing that by eating this method, Fletcher lost 29 kg! Fletcher conducted many experiments to prove high efficiency the method he created.

For example, at the American military academy at West Point, he gathered two groups of people. One of them included cadets who were underweight, the other - those who were overweight. They received the same food and chewed it according to Fletcher's method. As a result, what a miracle, the fat ones lost weight, the thin ones gained weight!

In addition, the “great chewer,” as his contemporaries called him, was clearly also a charismatic person, since at the beginning of the last century he was very popular and managed to attract writer Mark Twain and even billionaire John Rockefeller into his ranks!

The method of therapeutic chewing in our country is promoted by the Altai general practitioner Sergei Filonov, who, with a height of 176 cm, weighs 68 kg! Filonov took as an example the motto from Indian yogis: “Eat liquid food, drink solid food.” That is, even juices, milk or tea must be chewed, mixed with saliva. And solid food needs to be chewed longer than usual to turn it into liquid.

In fact, there is a lot of rational grain in these arguments. A person of the 21st century, even if he avoids fast food, still eats extremely quickly! Observe your colleagues in the cafeteria: most finish a three-course meal in an average of 10–12 minutes, although they should stretch out the meal for 20–40 minutes.

Usually a person makes 10-15 chewing movements for every piece of food he puts in his mouth, and it turns out that he swallows the food like a hungry boa constrictor, so that he can then crawl away somewhere to a quiet place and digest it all.

Unfortunately, such a habit of eating quickly, almost without chewing, is formed in childhood. Remember how, when you were still a child, your parents fed you with a spoon, not allowing you to chew the previous one thoroughly, or they shoved unloved food into you in the style of “just put it in your mouth and swallow without chewing, and for that I’ll give you candy.”

Or, for example, how you, in order to quickly go for a walk on the street, tried to finish lunch as quickly as possible. At school, during recess, I also wanted to play more than pay attention to food, so they then chewed it under the desk so that the teacher would not scold... Eh, something made me sad, but oh well.

We do not believe that long chewing will make you healthy and give you longevity, as some adherents of Fletcherism think, but there are 100% benefits from it, especially in terms of losing weight and establishing a normal relationship with food.

The thing is that our appetite is controlled by hormones and the stomach itself, or rather stretch receptors. Of course, you need some time to analyze the situation and the level of satiety, so the longer you eat, the higher the likelihood of eating less by the time your hormones and stomach say: “enough.”

An interesting study by scientists from Kyushu University (Japan) was published in the journal BMJ Open. Researchers analyzed data from nearly 60,000 Japanese residents who underwent regular medical examinations between 2008 and 2013.

All of these people had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and doctors were monitoring changes in their health, including fluctuations in weight. Study participants, among other information about their lifestyle and eating habits, also reported the speed at which they used to eat.

More than 22 thousand people reported that they prefer not to sit at the table and eat very quickly, and about 4 thousand people, on the contrary, turned out to be slow eaters. The remaining participants reported that they were used to eating with normal, average speed.

The analysis showed that there is a direct connection between the usual rate of food absorption and the tendency to obesity - how faster man eats, the higher the risk of gaining excess weight. Compared to fast eaters, people with a normal eating rate had a 29% lower risk of obesity, while slow eaters had a 42% lower risk of obesity.

Calculations have shown that, on average, the waist circumference of normal and slow eaters is smaller than that of fast eaters, by 21 and 41 centimeters, respectively.

According to the authors of the study, when food is quickly consumed, the brain simply does not have time to process information about the onset of satiety, therefore, regular overeating and weight gain occur. When eating slowly, a feeling of satiety occurs even before excess food enters the digestive tract and, accordingly, overeating does not occur.

In short, we personally think that this will be a useful practice for 99% of modern people, even those who do not intend to lose weight. Due to the constant rush, we swallow food like boa constrictors, not always even having time to understand whether it tastes good to us at all.


It will take approximately 5 weeks to learn how to chew slowly. You need to act according to a very simple scheme. We chew every spoonful of food:

  • 1 week– 1 minute,
  • 2 – 2 minutes,
  • 3 week– 3 minutes,
  • 4 – 2 minutes,
  • 5 week– 1 minute.

As a result, a conditioned reflex is formed to chew food for a long time (30–40 seconds) and you will no longer be able to fit a large portion of food, you will be satisfied with a completely smaller amount.

    Eat in silence: without being distracted by TV, gadgets, books and conversations. It is important to think about food, inhale its aroma, feel its taste, savor every bite. As you say: when you walk, walk. When you eat, eat.

    Eat with a teaspoon: this will make it easier to lengthen the meal time!

    Sit down at the table only when you are really hungry.

    Reduce plate size. Yes, it sounds naive, but our brains really work in very weird ways. And even something as simple as reducing the size of the plates really works and works very well.

    Therefore, by halving (and then halving again if necessary) the usual portions, at the same time reduce the plates so that the ratio of plate to food remains the same. And the brain is “deceived” by such things.

The first point is simply incredibly important not only for losing weight, but also for your psychological comfort in general! Conscious nutrition, consumption of food with concentration on it, its form, color, smell, taste - all this is one of the most useful and simple shapes meditation that will help you basically improve your life.

In general, any activity we engage in gives us the opportunity to improve concentration, calm the racing thoughts in our heads, and calm irritated nerves. And if it’s also good for our waistlines, why not start eating mindfully?

How does the eating process usually proceed? In most cases, our attention escapes after just a couple of spoons, devouring which we make sure that everything is in order with the food. We are used to eating without thinking.

The next time you sit down at the table, try to examine the food before each bite - smell it, enjoy the color. Put it in your mouth and taste the consistency and flavors. Chew and concentrate on the taste, but whether you like it.

Swallow the food and evaluate your condition: how well you feel, whether you are satisfied with the meal, whether you are overcome by any obsessive thoughts. All this sounds a little sectarian, we agree, but believe me, it unloads your head and stomach just wonderfully.

The founder of this method was the American Horatio Fletcher. In search of a way to improve health and lose weight, he dug through a mountain of scientific literature. Including works on digestion by the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, who received the Nobel Prize for research in this area.

Fletcher's formula

As a result, Fletcher derived his formula healthy eating: Each piece of food should be chewed 32 times (the original number of teeth) or even more. Eating this way, Fletcher lost 29 kg: in order to be full, he now needed much less food.

At the beginning of the last century, the “great chewer,” as his contemporaries called him, was very popular and managed to attract writer Mark Twain and billionaire John Rockefeller into his ranks. Fletcher conducted many experiments to prove the effectiveness of the method. For example, at the military academy at West Point, he assembled two teams. One included overly thin cadets, the other - obese officers. They received the same food and chewed it according to Fletcher's method. As a result, the fat ones lost weight, the thin ones gained weight!

Yogis have a motto: “Eat liquid food, drink solid food.” They chew each piece up to 100 times and literally get their fill from a pinch of rice. No one has ever seen an obese yogi!

Basic principles of therapeutic chewing

The method of therapeutic chewing in our country is promoted by the Altai general practitioner Sergei Filonov. He is convinced that, having mastered it, every person will be able to not only lose weight without dieting, but also improve their health.

Once in a restaurant Filonov ordered, which was served with with a tiny spoon. The meal dragged on, because you can’t eat quickly with a “toy” device. When the julienne was finished, the doctor felt that he was full. But the portion was no more than 100 g! First, the doctor tried medicinal chewing on himself, and then began to recommend it to patients.

As a result, without diets or special efforts, people lost 25–30 kg in a year! Dr. Filonov tirelessly reminds everyone who wants to lose weight: During meals, you should not be distracted by talking, reading or TV. Yes, yes, the rule “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb” has been known to us since childhood, but for some reason we neglect it.

The fact is that while eating, the receptors of the tongue and palate send certain impulses to the nervous system. They provide the body with information about food so that it can get the maximum benefit from it and normalize the digestion process. If we are distracted by something else, this does not happen, so an ideal meal should be akin to meditation.

Slow food vs fast food system

Fast food is the collective name for any “garbage” food: chips, snacks, hot dogs. But in the literal sense, fast food means “fast food.” And even those who don’t have it in their diet still often eat too quickly! Watch your colleagues in the cafeteria: most people finish three courses in 10–12 minutes! Although it would be more correct to extend the meal by 40 minutes. It is no coincidence that the lunch break lasts about 1 hour.

Anyone who eats slowly becomes a gourmet and refuses “junk” food.

Here's the thing. The composition of industrially produced and fast food dishes is designed in such a way that the receptors “reveal” their taste literally in the first 3 “chews”. If you keep such food in your mouth longer, it will seem tasteless! And the taste of natural products, on the contrary, only becomes brighter.

Pros of Fletcherism

➤ intestinal function is normalized;
➤ liver condition improves;
➤ metabolism improves;
➤ Gums are strengthened, and teeth receive additional protection from caries (saliva released during chewing neutralizes acid and sugar from food).

Another argument: By chewing food thoroughly, we save a lot - we now need to buy 2 times less food!

It is beneficial to chew long and thoroughly.

Let's find out: how and why chewing food thoroughly has a positive effect on our health?

The article determines the required number of chewing movements to achieve health and longevity.

He who chews longer lives longer (proverb). Is this really true?

We will get acquainted with the founders and followers of the method of medicinal chewing, we will get interesting information about how to lose weight just by chewing food thoroughly, and in general, thanks to the information received, we will become one step closer to a healthy lifestyle.

Chinese sages said:

“If you chew 50 times before swallowing, you will not get sick, 100 times, you will live a very long time, 150 times, you will become immortal.”

Also, perhaps some of us have heard or read about how yogis are meticulous about eating:

“You need to drink solid food and eat liquid food.”

Friends, these are truly wise sayings that contain great meaning. Let's reveal for ourselves the secret of medicinal chewing. By the way, and importantly, this easy and healthy chewing trick is available to everyone. As they say, everything ingenious is simple.?

Agree, in our lives the process of eating occupies one of the dominant positions. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, various snacks and even night trips to the refrigerator - we eat a lot and often, this is a natural biological need of a person.

So, what am I talking about?? No one can argue with the fact that it will be simply wonderful if each meal gives us much more energy and health than we usually get.

And it's possible! I emphasize - we can get additional energy and health almost for nothing, which, unfortunately, most people have less and less of lately (for many reasons), and, alas, money cannot buy them in most cases.

➡️ But there is always a solution! We can use this free and healthy method of chewing, which, if turned into a habit, will give a big bonus to our body in the form of excellent health and even longevity.

So, let's get to the point. Scientists have proven: The more thoroughly we cut food, the better and more efficient the digestion process is..

Digestion does not begin in the stomach, as many believe, but already in the mouth at the first contact of food with saliva.

Each piece chewed long and hard is healthier than several similar pieces swallowed at our usual speedy pace.

If you chew for a long time, the body will thank us with excellent digestion, because subsequent digestion of food occurs faster and better, which, accordingly, guarantees that beneficial substances enter the blood in much larger quantities.

In addition, the liver and pancreas will work in an energy-saving mode, and the walls of the stomach will not be injured due to solid, unchewed substances.

On the contrary, due to the increased load on the jaws and the greater secretion of saliva, the teeth and gums become stronger. Long-term chewing also promotes weight loss, but we will talk about this separately below.

In short, by spending more time chewing food, we are not wasting time - we are investing in our health, and this, along with self-development, is one of the most valuable investments for a modern person.

So, how to chew properly?

Most of us chew our food about 10-15 times (and often even less) and then swallow.

This is not enough!

The minimum is 30 times, but the maximum efficiency of food absorption is achieved with more than 50-100 chewings.

The longer we chew food, the better, and this is a proven fact.

Many people, including me, are too lazy to bother counting chewing movements (it’s better to enjoy the taste of food). So if you are also not prone to calculations, then you can use another method for determining the required number of chews.

It's simple: chew until the food turns into a homogeneous paste and its taste is felt.

The number of chews depends on what exactly we chew, that is, on the consistency of the food. Therefore, it is best not to focus on the number of chewing movements, but to trust your feelings. After all, you see, chewing a banana and chewing a carrot are different things for our teeth in terms of the density and hardness of these products.

So it’s better to chew until our teeth turn the food into a homogeneous liquid mass, and also until the taste completely disappears. In other words, the more thorough the better.

Besides, don't rush to swallow quickly liquid food (juices, soups and the like). As mentioned above, it is recommended to eat liquid food, that is, hold it in the mouth, make several chewing movements, fully enjoy the taste and only then swallow. This will saturate the liquid with saliva, which, in turn, will contribute to its better absorption by the body.

Therapeutic chewing for weight loss

Firstly, you should know that undigested food pollutes the body and causes weight gain due to toxins that do not have time to be eliminated and therefore are stored inside us. Chewing thoroughly means preventing contamination of the body from the inside, which, accordingly, leads to weight loss.

Secondly, we often eat not because of real hunger, but to enjoy the taste of food. Our brain is responsible for the feeling of fullness. When hastily absorbing food, taste buds, along with the corresponding sensory areas of the brain, do not have time to engage in the process.

That’s why our brain doesn’t catch up with the fact that it’s time to finish the meal, and that’s why we continue to eat on both cheeks, often eating too much and, consequently, gaining weight.

One of the reasons for excess weight is insufficient chewing of food.

If you chew many times, saturation occurs faster and we do not overeat. Chewing for a long time reduces the amount of food absorbed, that is, less of it is needed to achieve a feeling of saturation.

It has been established that the feeling of fullness comes after 20-30 minutes. Therefore, you can at least overeat in 10-15 minutes, but this will not get rid of the feeling of hunger. With careful chewing, this does not happen - eating, as they say, with feeling, with sense, with arrangement, we do not want to eat too much.

Therapeutic chewing- this is the most basic and easy-to-use diet, which is highly effective; moreover, medicinal chewing heals our body and leads to longevity.

A large-scale study was conducted in Japan. Scientists divided 5 thousand volunteers into groups depending on chewing speed. There were five groups: “fast”, “quite fast”, “regular”, “quite slow”, “slow”. Based on observations of volunteers, scientists came up with a formula: chew quickly - you get fat (plus 2 kg), slowly - you lose weight (minus 3 kg). The results speak for themselves.

Another study conducted by specialists Medical University Harbin and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed: when a person chews food 40 times instead of 10-15 times, the calorie content of his diet decreases by 12%.

That is, reducing calorie content by thoroughly chewing food is quite in an efficient way losing weight. Brilliant - simple!

Fletcherism - medicinal chewing

Horatio Fletcher, founder of medicinal chewing

The founder of the scientific and practical approach to thorough chewing of food isHoratio Fletcher(1849-1919). About a hundred years ago, his insight about the need for thorough chewing of food was adopted as a valid concept of healthy eating, thanks to which Fletcher helped himself and other people, became rich and famous throughout the world.

Previously, Fletcher himself suffered from obesity and many related diseases. No insurance company wanted to deal with him because the risk was too high.

But thanks to his basic diet, Horatio lost more than 30 kilograms, and also reduced daily food consumption by almost 3 times without any self-abuse.

After all, as already written above, with long chewing, the feeling of fullness comes at the right moment and relieves gluttony.

Thus, Fletcher proved by personal example the effectiveness of thoroughly chewing food. Many people followed his example and became convinced of the effectiveness of long chewing.

From famous people Fletcher's method was used by the world's first billionaire, John Rockefeller, who lived to be 98 years old, as well as the talented writer Mark Twain.

Horatio Fletcher argued that " nature punishes those who chew their food poorly».

Therefore, you need to chew at least 32 times (according to the number of teeth), but later he raised the minimum amount to 100.

In fact, food must be chewed until it becomes liquid.

This method of therapeutic chewing became known as “ Fletcherism“, and currently it has again become popular due to current problems in society with excess weight.

Therapeutic chewing in Russia is promoted by an Altai doctor Sergei Ivanovich Filonov.

Like Fletcher, Sergei Ivanovich experienced the effectiveness of long-term chewing, so he recommends it to his patients and friends who, following the doctor’s instructions, manage to lose weight. extra pounds and maintain the achieved level without any problems.

Filonov found that chewing food thoroughly not only leads to weight loss, but also generally improves the health of the human body.

Agree, friends, that this is a rather pleasant bonus for losing excess weight.

How to chew correctly according to yogis?

Prana is the life energy that permeates the entire universe, although invisible to the eye. Yogis claim that long chewing promotes the absorption of prana from food. And the finer the food is chopped, the better. The pleasure and satisfaction that arise when we eat are precisely evidence of the absorption of prana from food. Thus, the longer we savor every particle of food, the more effectively we receive vital energy.

Therefore, yogis eat their food slowly, chewing it until they “feel it,” that is, chewing until the food is able to give a taste sensation. And is this correct!?

With such thorough chewing, even an ordinary person, not a yogi, receives much more useful substances and energy from food than when eating in a hurry. Indeed, in this case, every gram of food gives us the maximum of its nutritional value, the maximum of vital energy.

Why chew for a long time?

The digestion process begins not in the stomach, but in our mouth. When we chew food slowly and thoroughly, the taste buds promptly send a detailed report to the brain about what food is about to be sent down the esophagus.

Well, the brain, accordingly, makes a decision about which digestive program to include, for what duration and in what difficulty mode.

As a result, this leads to high-quality digestion of this type of product and complete absorption of the nutrients and microelements contained in it.

Thus, we get maximum nutrients, the digestive system is not overloaded, and the body is not polluted.

In a person who swallows food only half-chewed and insufficiently moistened with saliva, most of the beneficial substances are wasted and pass through the body in the form of a fermenting and rotting mass. This is especially true for people who love to eat meat.

By the way, saliva secreted is 98 percent water, but it is an extremely useful substance and contains a huge amount of enzymes.

When chewing, food heats up in our mouth, which enhances the catalytic activity of these enzymes, which are necessary for the most complete breakdown and absorption of food. The more saliva is produced, the easier it is for the body to extract everything useful from food..

A lot has already been said in this article about losing weight by chewing food thoroughly. Let us remember that this is one of the most simple ways reset overweight , because: firstly, thoroughly chewed food is not deposited in the body in the form of waste, and secondly, the feeling of fullness comes on time and, accordingly, prevents further gluttony.

Chewing thoroughly is also beneficial for the teeth and gums. Interesting fact: when we chew, very strong pressure is exerted on our teeth (from 20 to 120 kilograms, depending on the food we eat). This is a good “charge” for teeth and gums, since due to the load there is a significant increase in blood flow.

In addition, our teeth are protected from caries, since the saliva secreted neutralizes the acid and sugar contained in food. The components of saliva form a protective film on the teeth and strengthen the enamel.

After all, saliva contains a substance with a special bactericidal effect - lysozyme. The more saliva is released, and the better it mixes with food, the more efficient the process is. disinfection, and the safer our meal becomes.

Surprisingly Chewing thoroughly has a positive effect even on the heart.

1⃣ Firstly, if you swallow food in large pieces, you can get stomach deformation, which, in turn, can lead to pressure on the heart.

2⃣ Secondly, it turns out that with each sip, the heart rate increases by an average of 7-10 beats. When a person swallows rarely, the rhythm quickly returns to normal, but if you hardly chew and swallow frequently, tachycardia may develop. Therefore, chewing food thoroughly reduces the load on the heart, which is especially important for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Separately, another pleasant fact should be mentioned: when chewing thoroughly, we concentrate all our attention on the food, which allows us to evaluate the taste of each piece we eat in much more detail.

Friends, it’s as if we are opening the door to a new world that was always near us, but we did not pay attention to it because of the eternal busyness and endless bustle.

Taste sensations become much brighter, turning every meal from an ordinary snack into a small celebration!

The most interesting thing is that you don’t have to force yourself.

Remember how in childhood we loved to savor the taste of food and enjoyed every bite. Gradually this good habit will return, and such a simple action as chewing food will become therapeutic and at the same time bringing joy.


The main reason to chew slowly is for excellent digestion and, as a result, health and longevity.

Hippocrates, the great physician of antiquity, said more than 2500 years ago:

“Let food be your medicine and food be your medicine”

And these are golden words.

Even without taking into account what exactly a person eats (although this is very important), by medicinal chewing we can significantly increase our health and energy.

You don’t have to turn into a cow chewing all day long, but it wouldn’t hurt to take a slightly more conscious approach to the process of eating.

Unfortunately, we often live at a frantic pace, and we believe that we have no time to waste our time on all sorts of nonsense like long chewing.

❌ In vain!

After all, later, when we start to get sick, we spend a lot more nerves, time and money on treatment, while many health problems could have been avoided just by chewing thoroughly.

Of course, it would be an exaggeration to call long chewing a panacea for all diseases, but one thing is certain: this is one of the building blocks on which healthy image life.

Remember that it is not at all necessary to perform a certain number of chews: even by slightly increasing the duration of chewing food, we will please our body and facilitate its functioning, and in addition we will get more pleasure from the meal. In any case, even a slight increase in chewing movements will be beneficial. Simply more is better. Therefore, please try to ensure that the food you swallow is chewed as finely as possible.

Dear readers, I hope that this article has provided a comprehensive answer to the question “ how to chew food?"and has benefited you and your loved ones. Thank you for your attention!

Which allows you to eat less food and lose weight. The inventor of this diet, Horace Fletcher (1849-1919), was a passionate advocate of "healthy" foods during the Victorian era. He was nicknamed "The Great Chopper" because he argued that food should be chewed thirty-two times (the number of teeth a person has) or chewed at a rate of about 100 times per minute before being swallowed. He claimed that "Nature will punish those who do not chew" and came up with many justifications for this statement.

Horace Fletcher followed his own method with great enthusiasm, saying that the liquid also had to be chewed to mix properly with the saliva. He claimed that his method of chewing increased a person's strength, improved dental health, reduced the amount of food consumed and therefore saved money.

Thus, this method is to extract from every particle of food maximum quantity nutrients and eat only the amount you really need. You should chew consciously and not swallow until the food becomes liquid in your mouth. Horace Fletcher believed that you can eat any food if you chew it until it is “swallowed of itself.”

Horace Fletcher promised that "Fletcherism" (the name of his method), when it became famous, would transform the pathetic glutton into an intelligent gourmet. He advised not to eat if there is no “good mood and feeling of hunger.” For example, you shouldn't eat if you're angry, sad, or worried.

Fletcherism recommends knowing the foods we eat. According to Horace Fletcher, food has its wastes, so we must know the wastes that will enter our body in order to achieve overall well-being. Horace Fletcher spent decades promoting his theories at conferences and became a millionaire. Mark Twain, Henry James, and John Rockefeller were among those who tried his chewing method. Henry James and Mark Twain even visited his palace in Venice.

In support of "Fletcherism," Fletcher and his supporters advocated a low-protein diet to restore health and well-being. He recommended avoiding coffee, tea and alcohol.

Fletcher had a special interest in human excrement (a general term for any mass or liquid excreted by the digestive system of a living organism). The term excrement most often means urine and feces. Horace Fletcher believed that the only true indicator of a person's nutrition was their excrement. He recommended that children be taught to examine their own excrement to identify diseases. If a person is healthy and eats properly, then his excrement (“digestive ash,” as Fletcher liked to say) should be harmless. Fletcher's definition of "harmless" means that there is no odor or evidence of bacteriological decomposition in the excrement.

When Horace Fletcher died in 1919, at the age of 68, his diet plan had already been forgotten, erased by the next approach to the diet, which was also presented as "revolutionary", its inventors were Irving Fisher and Eugene Lyman Fisk and called this diet "Counting calories."


By adopting this “diet”, you will train your jaw muscles and significantly help your digestive system process the food you consume.


Horace Fletcher advocated not consuming non-chewable foods such as . Lack of fiber, in turn, leads to constipation. But Fletcher persisted and insisted that it was the right thing to do and that it was a small price to pay to gain and maintain good health.


Horace Fletcher, before finding a name for his "diet", lost more than 20 kilograms and cured himself of chronic indigestion through his method of chewing.

Horace Fletcher was born in Lawrence (Massachusetts, USA), a man full of energy. He became a horse racer, a millionaire businessman (based in San Francisco), an amateur artist, a teacher, and a self-taught nutritionist as he attempted to perfect and fanatically preach his doctrine of "Fletcherism" for 24 years (1895 to 1919).

Although many people believed in the reports of Fletcher's laboratory, what he did in the gym of the famous Yale University, his experiments shocked many doctors. It was in this hall that he, at the age of 58, participated in vigorous tests of strength and endurance against university athletes. Tests included deep knee bending, horizontal hand holding for long periods of time, and lifting weights with a calf on a complex machine. The tests claimed that Fletcher outperformed Yale athletes in all competitions and that these athletes were impressed by Fletcher's athletic abilities in his old age. Fletcher attributed these abilities to diligent adherence to his chewing method. Ultimately, these tests contributed to Fletcher's wider public recognition.