What should a girl wear to boxing? We will fight: boxing as a new type of women's fitness

“After a hard day at work, I go to hit a punching bag with great pleasure,” says fitbox fan Olga Pokalskaya. For girls who preferred martial arts more graceful species physical activity, GO.TUT.BY learned how the ability to fight back helps you feel more confident, and at times even more feminine.

« In fight halls no one is shy"

Minsk resident Olga Koverchik has been practicing Thai boxing since his fifth year at law school. She says that at first she had an absolutely “girlish” motivation - to learn how to fight back.

— I used to go to bachata, women's plastics and swimming. But after two or three months I got tired of the monotony of training. There was a feeling that we had already been through this,” says the 24-year-old Belarusian.

In 2015, a friend suggested she try martial arts. Olga quickly got involved, learned to ignore the specific atmosphere of fight clubs and enjoy boxing itself.

“And at first I was horrified: “Ugh!” They blow their noses in the trash!” - the girl laughs. “No one is shy in the fight halls.” Guys calmly take off their shorts and pull on the jockstrap in the presence of girls. It’s common practice for us to take turns drinking water from one bottle, and not from disposable cups, as in sterile exercise equipment.

Olga Koverchik notes that boxing and the described training conditions bring people closer together and help reduce the distance in communication with a person.

“When you get into sparring with a stranger, you don’t start apologizing in advance: “I’m sorry, but I’m violating your personal space.” You just box - these are the rules of our sport.

Olga reacts with a smile to stereotypes that boxing can turn an elegant girl into a masculine one.

— Thanks to boxing, you can only become more feminine. Aerobic training do not build muscle mass. This is just a good option for keeping your body toned and burning calories.

Now the girl with two higher educations trains six times a week.

— For a good emotional state and maintaining physical fitness.

She goes to boxing five times and devotes one day to strength training with iron.

— Sport helps relieve stress. This is my type of therapy and my thrill,” Olga assures. — During the week I work a lot mentally. And in the gym, the brain switches to doing exercises. When on public holidays the halls are closed for the day off, I feel very sad. If I can’t stop exercising for a long time, withdrawal symptoms begin.

During working hours, Olga Koverchik provides information support to victims of domestic violence. The girl notes that her interest in martial arts has nothing to do with her profession.

— I came to boxing even before I started working for hotline with the topic of domestic violence. I never advise girls who come to us to take up self-defense or anything like that. Such advice is simply inappropriate,” the specialist emphasizes. — People have difficult life situations, and I help them figure it out, and I don’t advise them to sign up for a gym. Moreover, what is a relief for me may not be a rest at all for them.

In 2018, Olga Koverchik became the champion of the Republic of Belarus in kickboxing weight category up to 70 kilograms. Now she perceives boxing as an art of movement and an opportunity to progress.

— Martial arts are like dancing—a kind of beauty. If I had come to boxing not at 21, but, for example, at 13, I would have gladly tried to become a professional athlete,” Olga admits.

« One day I was attacked by a maniac: I hit him in a panic and was able to escape.”

Olga Pokalskaya I have been doing fitboxing for two months. This load combines martial arts, interval training and elements of self-defense. The girl says that she got into the fitbox by accident.

— At the sports club where I go to the gym, they opened a new direction. The coach suggested that I try my hand at women's boxing. At first it was scary and unclear what to expect,” admits the Minsk resident. “I thought they would immediately put me in sparring with someone, but I don’t know how to do anything.”

Olga paid for an individual lesson with an instructor to understand the technical aspects: how to stand, move around the gym and strike.

— After the first workout, I couldn’t walk for about a week because of jumping exercises“My calves started to clog,” the girl recalls.

— Fitbox is powerful cardio, which differs from exercise in the gym. There you can do an approach and then walk around the hall, catch your breath. And in the fitbox we are constantly in motion - jumping rope alternates with running, push-ups, shuttle work and stretching. In an hour of training, we burn about a thousand calories,” Olga shares her experience.

The contingent that comes to fitbox, according to Olga, is very diverse - from students to pensioners.

— There are four people in our group. Some come to relieve stress, others to lose weight. And our positive pensioner tells everyone that this way she prolongs her life.

Olga herself works as an economist. Twice a week she goes to the gym and once a week to fitbox. The girl calls sports the best release after “endless tables and numbers.”

— After a busy day, I go to the gym with great pleasure to hit a punching bag. At first I was afraid to work in sparring with another person. But the main thing is to clearly differentiate: on a pear you can let off steam, but on a person you can only practice the technique of movements.

The heroine emphasizes that fitbox helps her feel confident.

“Once I was attacked by a maniac. Then I hit him in a panic, was able to escape, but thought that I needed some kind of defense skills. I separately approached the trainer and asked to show me the techniques. It’s clear that in a stressful situation you may not remember something, but at least you’ll dodge the threat,” the girl reasons.

Friends and colleagues are very surprised when they learn about Olga’s hobby.

“Mom said I was crazy and boxing was a sport only for boys.” Many people have a stereotype that I will walk around all beaten and bruised. But fitboxing is not a fight in the ring, explains the interlocutor. - On the contrary, I see positive changes in appearance - arms, legs and butt have become more toned. Modern girls dream about this.

« Boxing is full of stereotypes that have nothing to do with the truth."

Yana Zaitseva works as an SMM specialist and journalist at the CHINUK fight club. For a beautiful relief, she works out in gym, but for emotions and excitement he looks at Thai boxing.

“I first came to the fight club five years ago. Then there were three or four girls for the whole hall, but now there are enough of them in each group. - says the girl.

Yana assures that boxing training is a constant challenge.

“Once you get to boxing, an adrenaline-addicted person will no longer be able to refuse it. This is a regular challenge and new emotions. After the training, you come out wet and so tired that you don’t have the strength to think about any problems. And that's great.

But for the beautiful toned body need to go to strength training, and not for boxing, the girl is convinced.

— Intermittent cardio workouts help you lose weight, but don’t build beautiful relief. If you don't alternate boxing with a rocking chair, you can only get an exhausted look.

The interlocutor admits that the guys react positively to her hobby. Yana's field of activity only attracts them.

“Young people are surprised that I don’t just go to the gym a couple of times a week to stay in shape, but live in martial arts and work in this field. “I have never encountered negativity,” Yana emphasizes. — Much more offensive things are said about professional athletes. They say that they are beaten, stupid, inadequate. Boxing is full of stereotypes that have nothing to do with the truth.

In Yana's experience, martial arts are the best way develop character and recognize yourself.

— It happens that a person does not find the moral strength to come even to the second training session. And there are also opposite examples, when an athlete first defeats the body, and then the spirit. fight club“is a suitable place for this,” says Yana Zaitseva. “I came there as a homely, squeamish girl who didn’t drink tap water. Now all this has passed. People come to us just for a special flavor. More than once I have seen girls in expensive cars with manicures and pedicures that anyone can afford sports club, they come to our hall with a wooden floor, where no one wipes the exercise equipment behind them.

On Tuesday, June 9, the head of the World of Boxing promotion company, Andrei Ryabinsky, announced that from now on, girls dressed in bikinis will no longer appear at boxing shows held under the auspices of his brand. The half-naked ladies announcing the rounds will be removed as a sign of respect for representatives of religious faiths. From now on, at fights involving Alexander Povetkin, Denis Lebedev, Grigory Drozd and other ring girls, they will only wear “solid and discreet” uniforms.

“The tradition of ring girls wearing bikinis appeared in the USA,” Ryabinsky quite rightly noted. Let's see what the fans who went to the show under the auspices of the "World of Boxing" lost.

Boxing evening in Las Vegas, December 2014

There is an opinion that beautiful girls in revealing outfits accompanied boxing evenings at all times. Actually this is not true. Until the 70s of the last century, only boys generally did this, and girls were not observed near the ring. Ring girls in modern form were “invented” in Las Vegas about 35 years ago.

At the M-1 championship mixed martial arts, 2010

In addition to boxing, ring girls host evenings in mixed martial arts, kickboxing and other martial arts disciplines.

Ring girls at a boxing show at the MGM Grand Arena, Las Vegas, May 2010

Regulars of the BoxingScene portal joke that God created the ring girls on the fifth day, because on the sixth, Saturday, there was a big boxing evening.

Boxing tournament in Donetsk, April 2009

The duties of a boxing referee include counting points awarded for accurate strikes and combinations. But between rounds, when the girls enter the ring, the judge is absolutely free.

During a break in a boxing match in Australia, July 2001

The richest organizations and promoters invite not just girls to their evenings, but real Playboy stars. Thus, ring girls from the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) earn over a million dollars a year just by gracefully carrying signs between rounds.

At the fight between Denis Lebedev and Santander Silgado, Moscow, December 2012

This is what the show looked like three years ago in the Russian capital, which was organized by a competitor of the World of Boxing, promoter Vladimir Khryunov.

Full line-up of ring girls at a boxing show in California, July 1998

Some organizers may invite only a few ring girls who will announce the rounds, taking turns replacing each other. And others, such as the American television channel Fox, staged a kind of game with the audience, hiring ten girls - one for each round. Choose which one is cooler!

German boxer Rene Weller with ring girl, Berlin, February 2003

Nowadays girls are protected and protected from unnecessary attention. Previously, ring girls could easily hug the winner and leave with him after the fight. Of course, just drink champagne and look at the championship belt.

Ring girls at a boxing event in California, August 1992

Often large companies use ring girls as advertising platforms, placing their logos on swimsuits. After all, all the attention is focused on the girls, and what else is needed for successful advertising?

Tecate Girls and Floyd Mayweather Jr., Las Vegas, May 2015

For top fights, for example, between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, models are selected strictly according to certain parameters. Six girls who worked at the recent “fight of the century” received approximately $500 for the evening.

During a break in the fight between Shane Mosley and Oscar De La Hoya, Los Angeles, June 2000

In less pretentious and promoted fights, ring girls work for symbolic money, or even for free - a successful entry into the ring can make a girl a real star of at least a regional scale. “Oh, that’s the one who was in the ring on Friday,” many of the ring girls heard this phrase.

Boxing evening in Moscow, 1990s

When performing in the ring, many girls prefer to hide their real last name and take a pseudonym. This at least eliminates problems at your main job.

Before the fight between Oleg Maskaev and Owen Beck, Troitsk, December 2012

Boxing is not the first sport to think about “reformatting” ring girls. For example, in the WEC racing series, girls helping drivers navigate the starting grid were considered a manifestation of sexism and decided to abandon such promotions. Similar ideas arose in Formula 1, but there the experiment of replacing girls with men was harshly criticized by influential racers.

Boxing show in New Jersey, March 2006

Various men's magazines, primarily Playboy and Hustler, quickly sensed the benefits of cooperation with boxing. It is not uncommon to see them providing their models for boxing matches.

Show professional boxing in California, May 2011

Requirements for modern ring girls: waist - 60 centimeters, hips - 90, height from 175, chest from size 3, long hair and big eyes. Don't meet one of the parameters? Looking forward to next time.

Boxing for girls as a way to correct their figure, acquire self-defense skills, develop psycho-emotional stability, choosing a section, common myths, contraindications.

Contents of the article:

Women's boxing is a sport that was banned in most countries for a long time, but began to gradually revive at the end of the last century. Even greater development of this genus physical activity received after 2009, when he was included in the program Olympic Games. The specifics of women's boxing are in some ways different from those of men's. First of all, this is increased safety, secondly, the construction of classes taking into account the characteristics of the body and body structure of representatives of the fairer sex. Every year, more and more girls start active activities this type of martial arts. What is the reason for the increase in its popularity - read in this article.

The benefits of boxing for girls

Even today, many people consider boxing classes for girls unacceptable, because... This sport is associated with a high risk of causing serious injuries, therefore it is rough, which is not at all suitable for the fragile female nature. However, when determining the benefits of boxing for women, it is worth looking much deeper. There are several reasons why ladies start attending boxing training. Let's describe them in more detail.

Improving your figure through boxing training

Boxing requires quite a lot of effort. What are the warm-ups worth? Many girls note that there is nothing more difficult than this stage in each exercise, which promotes active fat burning. Already after the first 2-4 weeks, a significant weight loss is observed, the waist becomes thinner, and beautiful line shoulders, legs become slimmer, posture improves.

Figure correction, enhancement muscle tone happens much faster than in fitness or dancing classes. Regular attendance at training allows you to consolidate the effect, i.e. maintain excellent physical fitness, keep your figure in perfect condition, develop flexibility and improve coordination of movements.

Improving your health through boxing

Improving personal endurance is an integral requirement of boxing, not only for men, but also for women. Because of this, training involves working out large quantity variety of exercises, many of which are carried out with additional load.

This in turn stimulates blood supply to all cells of the body. In addition, the musculoskeletal system is trained, in the process it is formed correct posture, which has a beneficial effect on the spine and muscles.

Gaining self-defense skills through boxing training

Without a doubt, developing endurance and practicing strikes are the key to successful self-defense in almost any situation. Quite often, fragile women are the object of street robbery and indecent intimate demands that can end in disaster. Criminals choose this category because of potential physical weakness.

However, in most cases, female representatives involved in boxing are practically no different from those who are not interested in sports, because... do not focus on increasing muscle mass, but to develop strength, agility, and stability. This in turn gives them big advantage in front of the attacker, because he is not ready for the fact that a defenseless woman can give a strong rebuff and even detain the attacker.

Girls who attend the boxing section improve their reaction speed and pain threshold. In classes, students learn to defend themselves, attack, evade attacks, and strikes.

Increased self-confidence

Success in one area or another has a beneficial effect on any person. And success in sports significantly increases self-confidence, because a girl who masters boxing techniques becomes more independent in terms of self-defense, decisive, self-confident, gets rid of many complexes associated with both physical beauty, as well as with other spheres of life.

Boxing also plays a big role for the psyche, because... allows you to throw out accumulated stress within reasonable limits. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of boxers and other athletes are calm and reasonable in everyday life. This sport fosters resourcefulness, courage, and the ability to immediately assess any situation and find the most correct solution.

What could be better than restraint, the ability to control your emotions and behavior even in stressful situations - all this is possible with boxing.

As practice shows, boxing for girls is not only about development physical strength, but also training of spirit and willpower, which will definitely come in handy not only in the ring and for self-defense, but also in any life situation - be it business negotiations or raising a child.

Contraindications for boxing among girls

Although boxing is beneficial in many ways, it is worth remembering that benefit and safety are not the same thing. It is contraindicated for some women and men. To avoid deterioration in health, you should take this issue seriously, despite all the advantages of this sport.

Absolute contraindications to boxing are:

  • Myopia, cataracts, glaucoma, astigmatism;
  • Neuritis, neurosis;
  • Epilepsy, encephalopathy;
  • Hypertension, heart disease, myocarditis, ischemia, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, etc.;
  • Previous concussions;
  • Tuberculosis, asthma;
  • Any acute inflammatory diseases.
Temporary contraindications include pregnancy and the first few months after the birth of a child, as well as untreated injuries.

Any deviation in health requires prior consultation with a doctor. You should also undergo general examinations at least twice a year.

It is also worth remembering the potential danger of sparring, as a result of which there is a high probability of injury. Not only the face suffers, but also internal organs, brain.

Choosing a boxing section for girls

Boxing sections for women exist in almost all cities of the country. The level of a particular school can vary significantly depending on the skill of the coach, the training program he has developed, as well as the general organization training process. It is worth understanding that the success and effectiveness of classes depends on these factors.

What should be taken into account when choosing a club for training in boxing techniques - let's take a brief excursion:

  1. Location. Of course, a club that is located close to home can be considered the best option, but this factor cannot be considered a priority.
  2. Visiting schedule. A normal workout lasts at least an hour and a half. This should be taken into account when determining your class schedule.
  3. Inventory. Every self-respecting club equips its halls with a full range of necessary equipment. One ring and the presence of a punching bag are not at all enough to carry out correct and effective warm-ups and training.
  4. Additional premises. Separate changing rooms and showers are an essential requirement for the comfort of women and men. Many people prefer those clubs that are located in sports complex, where everyone can visit, for example, a swimming pool or a cafe after boxing.
  5. Cost of services. The first lesson in prestigious clubs is absolutely free. A subscription for a month of boxing classes costs from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, subject to group classes. Individual lessons, where only a trainer and one student are present - from 8 to 15 thousand rubles per month.
Everyone comes to the gym for their own reasons, among which are the desire to achieve success in the ring, increase endurance, learn self-defense techniques, improve their figure, and improve their health. Based on this, the coach must develop a special individual program for everyone. Here, the level of qualification of the coach is at the forefront, whose calling is not only to teach basic strikes and defensive techniques, but also to reveal the student’s potential.

In large groups there is an acute problem of individual approach, which is very important for any beginner. That's why main role personal lessons are played, when the trainer devotes himself entirely to the development of one specific student. The return from them is much more effective.

There are also mixed groups - simultaneous occupation of men and women. In this case, a partner for sparring is selected not by gender, but by level of physical fitness.

Boxing for beginner girls

It’s always interesting, but at the same time, a little scary to start something new, still unknown. Almost every girl who decides to engage in such a serious sport as boxing experiences similar exciting moments. However, as practice shows, fears and worries pass quite quickly, you just have to delve into the training process a little deeper.

Boxing uniform

The first stage does not require a special form. The main thing is sneakers and sportswear. In the future, it is best to purchase boxers that have a thinner sole and provide good support for your legs. Shoes are very important for any boxer because... is one of the factors of stability in the ring.

Before you start practicing punches on the punching bag, it is recommended to purchase gloves and bandages that help secure your fingers. This is necessary to reduce the risk of injury from impacts. The choice of gloves often has to be treated with additional trepidation, because they are an important “weapon” for striking.

By the time of the first sparring you will have to buy a mouth guard and a helmet. A mouthguard is a device that is placed over the teeth to protect them from injury. It is made of flexible plastic. Special chest protectors have also been developed for women.

On average, equipment for girls costs about a thousand rubles.

First training in women's boxing

Many girls note that the first 1.5-2 months of training are quite difficult, especially for those who have not previously been involved in any sport, but physical condition is below average. That's why best option for the first lessons - this is a group for beginners.

You should not try to join a group in which students have been studying for several years, because the workload there is much higher. Although there is an additional psychological factor - particularly diligent beginners with great ambitions are drawn to more trained students, admire and are inspired by their successes, putting even more effort and time into training.

The first stage of training involves increasing endurance and learning the basics. It is the most secure. The punches are practiced on a punching bag, or “shadow boxing” is suggested. The last type of training perfectly develops the imagination.

Beginners are allowed to participate in sparring 4-6 months after the start of training, when they are not only technically, but also psychologically ready for this species classes. A training match provides for increased safety - the use of uniforms and the control of a trainer.

Common myths about women's boxing

When asked about their attitude towards women's boxing, most people answer negatively. And immediately the phrases “cruel”, “traumatic”, “not a woman’s business” appear in my head. During the existence of this sport, some stereotypes have formed that sometimes prevent boxing from being adequately perceived as a martial art.

Let's describe several myths about women's boxing and immediately debunk them:

  • Boxer girls look overly masculine. Boxing is a sport in which the emphasis is not on building muscle mass, but on developing self-control, agility, strength, and endurance.
  • Increased danger. Statistics show that there are sports that are more dangerous than boxing, such as football. The most dangerous stage in the training is fighting in the ring, which very often does not come to fruition, because not every student strives to achieve success in fighting; many come to the gym to see a trainer for other known reasons described earlier in this article.
  • A female boxer will not be able to have children.. This statement is more than erroneous. After all, training with the right attitude only strengthens the body and does not affect reproductive function.
Watch a video about boxing for girls:

Boxing classes for girls are a way to actively and very effectively correct their figure, develop psychological abilities and physical self-defense skills, increase self-confidence and self-control. However, even in such a useful and interesting activity, you need to be attentive to your health and listen not only to the recommendations of a professional trainer, but also to the advice of a doctor.

Boxing is one of those sports that is increasingly gaining momentum in the world of fitness. Everyone from models (Gigi Hadid, Adriana Lima) to fashion bloggers and influencers (Hannah Bronfman) are becoming boxing fans. Boxing doesn't just make you physically stronger - it also improves your mental health. Boxing has been scientifically proven to help overcome anxiety attacks. Ready to lace up your gloves and begin your first boxing training session? Danila Rysev, trainer of the fitness boutique “Granatny 4” advises you to pay attention to the following seven points.

Don't be afraid

Everything is not as scary as it seems. Boxing is not only training in combat, but also a very personal “journey”, so it is fundamentally important to strive for self-improvement, and not compete or compare yourself with someone. There is no need to be ashamed of your inability and think that everyone around you is talking about it. During training, no one has time to look around: maximum concentration is what is required of everyone who enters the ring.

Hands won't turn into sledgehammers

Don't worry about your arms gaining weight as a result of training. Correct technique striking is a movement of the whole body, so boxing will help polish your figure as a whole. Strong legs, a sculpted body and a strong back ─ these are the things to remember first when it comes to boxing. Most the right approach, if you want to lose weight, combine boxing with aerobic and anaerobic exercise, as well as plyometrics (“jumping gymnastics”).

One and only

If you want to devote all your time to a new hobby, then a competent trainer will draw up a training program in such a way that there will be time in it for strength exercises, both for cardio and endurance training. There will simply be no need to run through other workouts in search of variety. In the first month, you can study twice a week, then three times, and it is better to discuss further loads with a mentor.

Better early than on time

Before your first lesson, it is optimal to arrive at the gym 20-30 minutes early. This will save you a lot of headache and stress when it comes to parking or finding a studio. More importantly, this will give your trainer the opportunity to properly prepare you for your first session in the ring. And preparation, in particular, should include wrapping your hands and choosing the right gloves. Wrapping your hands before boxing is not a game of “real sport” or a tribute to tradition, but a safety measure that ensures correct position hands and wrists, as well as support during impact.

Equipment by size

When working out, wear leggings that fit like a glove. This advice may sound a little glamorous, but you have no idea how much easier it can make your life. During training, you will be wearing gloves, so tightening and adjusting your equipment will be quite difficult. Immediately choose a form in which it is convenient to move: fight, jump, lunge or crouching. And don’t forget that you will have to sweat in the literal sense of the word, and all kinds of “breathable fabrics” are welcome.

Comfort zone

The same close attention should be paid to shoes ─ they should be strictly in size and with a high “ankle” to fix the ankle and reduce the likelihood of injury. It is also better to purchase hand bandages in advance: two meters is usually enough for girls (men usually need a little more). Another important point– you don’t need to overestimate yourself and think that long nails can survive “fist” training. They can’t, so only a short, neat manicure is appropriate in the ring.

If you have decided to take up Muay Thai, but still have a vague idea of ​​what exactly you will have to acquire for this and how much it will all cost, then read on.

Clothes and shoes

The first, but least important point. Workouts in Muay Thai Usually they are held without shoes, so old shorts and some kind of untorn T-shirt are quite sufficient. You don’t have to buy any special Thai panties or elastic ankles for now.

Hand bandages

The expediency of their use is explained by the fact that punches can damage your fingers, and the hand inside the glove sweats, causing the equipment to gradually, and sometimes rapidly, become unusable. Therefore, it is better to buy bandages. They usually cost no more than 300 rubles.

Boxing gloves

12-14 ounces for heavyweights, 10 ounces for everyone else. You can't do it without gloves. You can buy gloves for 1.5 thousand rubles. There is no upper price limit.


You can’t do it without a mouthguard either, otherwise you won’t have teeth very soon. The price of a high-quality mouthguard starts at about 250 rubles.

Shin and instep pads

In Thailand they enter the ring without pads, but many fighters there practice Muay Thai with early childhood, so it would be too self-confident to look up to them. It will most likely not be possible to exercise without pads, since every blow to the shin or knee will lead to bruises that do not heal for a long time. Overlays will cost an average of 800 rubles.

Inguinal "shell"

The most important element protective equipment. Standing in full contact without a shell is almost like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. The likelihood of getting a perineal injury and losing the functionality of a certain area is very high. 400 rubles is not a lot of money to save on your reproductive health.

So, we have compiled the minimum kit for a beginner Muay Thai fighter. In total, it cost about 3,000 rubles, not counting the cost of training. You can expand the list of necessary equipment with a protective helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, ankle pads and a protective vest. However, at first, all this is necessary, as they say, just because.