How to choose gloves for playing sports on horizontal bars. What gloves for the horizontal bar should you buy? (comparative review) Pull-up gloves

Workout gloves are one of the means of protecting your palms from rubbing calluses and getting injuries of varying complexity. Properly selected hand protection is the key to the most effective training, providing high-quality support for the hand, preventing the possibility of developing sprains.

Fans of street gymnastics advise paying attention to several points when choosing protective gloves. The key requirements for accessories of this type are:

  1. Material. It is worth giving preference to genuine leather (it is wear-resistant and provides reliable adhesion to the slippery surface of the horizontal bar) or neoprene. But nylon products, despite their cheapness, are not suitable for workout classes. This material is highly slippery, increasing the likelihood of injury to the athlete.
  2. Glove size. The accessory should sit comfortably on the hand, not squeeze or slip off the hand.
  3. A big plus would be the presence special retainer, which will provide high-quality fixation of the wrist, preventing the risk of developing sprains.

Workout gloves should be comfortable and durable. Athletes who are keen on sports prefer closed-type accessories. But cycling gloves, with an open back, used by beginners.


There shouldn’t be any problems where to find workout gloves. After all, such products are sold everywhere - from a construction supply store to specialized boutiques with sports equipment. The main thing is to decide on the price category of the accessory.

The cost of protective gloves directly depends on the material from which they are made, the manufacturer, and the features of the model. Today the most commonly used are:

  1. Construction gloves made from natural cotton fiber;
  2. Bicycle blowjobs;
  3. Regular wool gloves;
  4. Professional accessories for workout.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, so each athlete chooses the best one for himself.


This is the most affordable protective accessory. The price of one pair ranges from 15–25 rubles. Construction gloves are made from cotton fibers with rubberized elements on the palms. Less often - from a material completely impregnated with special compounds.

This accessory provides an optimal level of grip between the palm and the bar of the horizontal bar. But construction gloves have two significant drawbacks - a short service life and the absence of a special wrist lock.


The cost of this type of accessory directly depends on the manufacturer and starts from 1000 rubles. Bicycle blowjobs are lightweight, fingerless, the palm side is made of genuine leather. Products provided intensive training will serve the athlete for a season. A big advantage of blowjobs is the presence of a wrist lock.

One of the disadvantages of the model is the open back side. It is designed to ensure high-quality ventilation of the athlete’s hands. But during exercise, the lack of protective covering increases the risk of injury. Taking these points into account, athletes recommend using the accessory for its intended purpose.


Most adherents of street gymnastics consider gloves for weightlifters to be the most optimal for training on the horizontal bar.

Weightlifting gloves are made of thin, durable genuine leather, providing reliable grip on the horizontal bar. The top of the product is cut out, often covered with mesh. This cutout provides high-quality ventilation, preventing sweaty palms during exercise.

One of the features of weightlifting mittens is the heavily cut fingers. Therefore, the accessory is ideal for practicing on a crossbar covered with rubber tape or medical tape. Heavily cut fingers do not protect hands from the appearance of calluses. And under the condition of intensive training, the service life of the accessory is no more than two training seasons.


The main advantage of the products is the ability to use them for activities in winter. Wool mittens perfectly warm your hands, provide good glide on the horizontal bar at an affordable price. The only drawback of the accessory is its fragility - with intensive use on the crossbar, the working surface of the palms is rubbed to holes.


These are a summer version of protective sports products for outdoor gymnastics. The outer part of the accessory is open, and the inner part is made of neoprene. The overlay gloves have another rubberized coating in the palm area. It guarantees maximum grip on the horizontal bar.

This version of protective products is an excellent choice for athletes who do pull-ups, deadlifts, and enjoy exercises with kettlebells and dumbbells. Gloves-pads are available in a universal size, so choosing a convenient accessory will not be difficult.


The design of professional equipment was specially developed for street gymnastics. Special gloves for workout provide maximum protection for the athlete’s palms and fingers from the appearance of calluses.

Inner side The product is sewn from special wear-resistant suede. This material provides a good level of slip without rubbing. Wrist locks are provided to ensure the correct position of the hand during exercises.

Summer models of sports gloves are characterized by open fingers. Often the design features of the product provide for the presence of soft elements on the palm. The back side of the mitten is made of nylon, a breathable, hygroscopic material.

The cost of professional gloves for street gymnastics starts from 1000 rubles. But this price is justified by the increased service life of the product.

The WORKOUT brand produces both whole gloves, insulated from the inside, and with cut fingers, in three varieties depending on the type of internal coating.

With hooks

In street gymnastics without additional equipment, it is very difficult to give 100%. After all, when doing exercises, your arms get tired, as a result of which the training time decreases. To solve the problem of length of training, special mittens with hooks were developed.

Using the device, an athlete can do push-ups on the horizontal bar for a long time, maintaining the intensity of the load on the forearm muscles, but at the same time unloading the hands. An undeniable advantage of hook gloves is the ability of the athlete to concentrate on the technical performance of exercises without worrying about correct position hands

Concerned about the safety and comfort of exercises on the horizontal bar, it is wiser to purchase sports gloves for workout. You can order them without leaving your home in a specialized online store at

The advantages of professional workout gloves are obvious: safety, comfort, durability. A wide variety of models in a wide price range are presented in the store

Today sport occupies a serious place in the lives of many people. For some, training in the gym is a kind of relaxation after a hard day, some focus on a toned figure and strong muscles, while others simply spend their leisure time this way. But in any case, regardless of the reasons, you should definitely pay attention to the choice of equipment for training. Undoubtedly, sportswear should be convenient and practical. But in our article we will not talk about specialized T-shirts and sneakers, but about professional supplements that help you get only the benefits from sports and protect yourself as much as possible from unwanted injuries and consequences. One of such equipment are gloves for pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This device will not only simplify the task of performing the load, preventing your hands from slipping, as well as freezing them on outdoors during the cold period, but will also protect the skin from calluses and wounds.

How to choose gloves for the horizontal bar?

But today, many sports companies offer a large selection of a wide variety of gloves for the horizontal bar. Models made of elastic material with sewn-in gel pads in the palm area are considered universal. These gloves are suitable not only for pull-ups, but also for cycling or indoor cycling. Often such models are presented with cut off fingers, which affects comfort especially in the hot season.

More challenging task There will be a selection of gloves for doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar in winter. Such models should provide comfort when performing movements, as well as protect the skin of the hands from chapping and freezing. But it is more important that the accessory is not too warm to avoid overheating. Therefore, designers offer thermal gloves for the cold period that regulate the temperature of the hands, are equipped with pads on the palms to protect against calluses, and also have a waterproof top layer that protects from rain and moisture.

In addition to seasonal accessories and models for classes fresh air designers offer a specialized attribute that is necessary especially in the first training sessions. These gloves are completely different from a standard device. Such an accessory is an elastic piece that is secured with Velcro or a fastener around the hand, and a wide fabric or foam hook rests on the palm. Thus, the skin of the hands does not rub against the metal, which prevents the appearance of calluses.

Most people who exercise on the horizontal bar are interested in where they can get gloves for the horizontal bar. After all, after classes, calluses may appear, which do not look very nice. And in general, they can cause their owner a lot of trouble. In addition, due to calluses, exercising on the horizontal bar can cause discomfort, as your hands will hurt.

Why are gloves needed?

Many people believe that gloves for the horizontal bar are not needed, but athletes who have been training for more than one year are advised to purchase them. After all, after doing pull-ups and performing other tricks, calluses may appear, which do not at all decorate a man’s hands. Perhaps in the future you will want to work at a serious enterprise, but you may not be hired there if appearance hands will not be appropriate.

In addition, during exercise your hands begin to sweat. And this, in turn, leads to slipping from the horizontal bar. Wearing gloves will increase friction, resulting in less slip. Therefore, it is advisable not to start performing tricks without gloves. In addition, you can make them at home from scrap materials or other gloves.

Selection of materials for sewing gloves

Gloves for the horizontal bar can be made from ready-made purchased products. Moreover, they belong to different price categories. It is very important that the gloves for the horizontal bar are comfortable and durable. You also need to remember that in the case of cycling gloves there are several nuances. Very often their back side is open. Moreover, the manufacturer made it this way specifically for better ventilation. Therefore, in winter they will be quite cold, although in summer they are very comfortable. To exercise in them on the horizontal bar in winter, you need to select a soft material and make two tabs out of it that will completely cover the holes. If the gloves are leather, then the material for closing the holes should also be the same.

Construction gloves also have their drawbacks. First of all, this is their quality. Just a few workouts can ruin them completely. Negatives Any gloves have them, even the most expensive ones. That is why many people decide to sew them for themselves. But first things first.

Remaking construction gloves

Many people wonder how to choose gloves for the horizontal bar. However, you don’t have to give away a lot of money. After all, even ordinary construction gloves can be used during training on the horizontal bar. Moreover, they can be easily and quickly altered. Of course, their appearance does not attract attention, but they are quite inexpensive. Due to this, you can purchase several pairs at once, and then use them until they are worn out to holes. But we are not talking about the cheapest gloves, but about more expensive ones, which are rubberized on the palm side. They will help make training on the horizontal bar much more comfortable. You can purchase them both at a hardware store and at the market. Moreover, the second option will most likely be cheaper.

Usually such gloves cost no more than 30 rubles. There are several types of them, which also affects the cost: with pimples, stripes and completely rubberized. In order to make good gloves for the horizontal bar, you need to take two pairs of the products described above. You need to put both on your hands and take them off so that they remain one in the other. Now you need to sew them together to make them thicker.

How to alter cycling gloves

They are also often worn by athletes training on the horizontal bar. They are usually made of fairly dense material, so thanks to them, calluses rarely appear on the hands. The cost of models varies and ranges from 200 to 2000 rubles. Another advantage is that they are made of leather, so your hands will not slip at all. However, usually very thin leather is used to create them, so they quickly lose their appearance and tear.

Such products also have a number of disadvantages. They are not always convenient to use. This is especially noted by men with rather large palms. In addition, despite the high cost, they can be used for no more than one season, since they wear out very quickly. To make them easier to use while practicing on the horizontal bar, you need to take an elastic band and sew it on top. There should be enough to wrap your hand. This way, while performing tricks, you won’t have to worry about your hands slipping.

Is it possible to alter weightlifting gloves?

You can also use weightlifting gloves for pull-ups on the horizontal bar. They are inexpensive: from 300 to 800 rubles. The main advantage of such products is that they provide good hand ventilation. In addition, there is a thick leather coating on the palms, due to which the hands do not slip. However, because the skin is so thick, they may not always be comfortable. However, experts say that these are some of the best models, which can be used while working on the horizontal bar. But to practice with them in the summer, you should remove the inner covering. This can be done using a knife. Naturally, you need to act extremely carefully.

From wool gloves

Ordinary woolen gloves for training on the horizontal bar may also be suitable. Their cost ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles, although cheaper options can also be found. It is very convenient to use them with special straps, since without them your hands will slip quite a lot. You can wear them only in winter, but in summer it is better to avoid them. And in general, you can’t perform all the elements with them, since your hands slip too much. To avoid this, you can take leatherette, put on a glove and transfer the dimensions of your hand to the material. Then cut and sew to the glove from the palm side.

Where to buy gloves?

The cost of gloves varies, and it usually depends on their type. You can purchase such products in a specialized store or on the market. Both options have their pros and cons. On the market, gloves are much cheaper, but when you buy them in a store, you can be sure of their quality. In addition, when purchasing products, you need to know the exact size of your hand. Therefore, before going shopping, it is recommended to measure your hand with a centimeter to determine the approximate size. Usually sellers do this themselves. Of course, you can try on gloves right in the store to choose the most suitable ones.

By the way, you can sew gloves for the horizontal bar with your own hands. To do this, you need to buy only the material used in the work process.

Sewing gloves from scrap materials

Many people are interested in how to make gloves for the horizontal bar with their own hands. Such products have a huge advantage: only proven sewing materials will be used, so the durability of the gloves can be increased. First of all, it is necessary to determine what fabric will be used to make them. Usually the choice is between leatherette and leather. Of course, it is quite possible to sew such products yourself, but you need to have at least primitive cutting and sewing skills.

Now you need to determine the size of your hand. It needs to be measured. If you don’t want to measure anything, you can put your hand on the fabric and trace it with chalk or a piece of soap. Then cut out two parts for each arm and sew them together. It is better to sew Velcro on the top to make the gloves easier to put on and take off. You can decorate the resulting products with buckles, chains, and the like. Although these trinkets can only interfere while working on the horizontal bar. To prevent the glove from losing its shape, it should be stored in a special bag or box.

You should not start practicing on the horizontal bar without gloves. After all, this can cause not only calluses, but also various injuries. Your hands slip very much, so you can fall. And this is fraught with dislocations and even fractures.

You can be an experienced CrossFitter athlete, endlessly, but not be immune from calluses, slips, and even injuries. For results when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, you can use gloves that will prevent the appearance of calluses and strengthen your grip and grip on the bar.

Why use gloves for pull-ups?

  1. Thanks to the high-quality coating, the gloves can strengthen the grip on the horizontal bar, and prevent hand slipping and possible consequences.
  2. Gloves can increase the number of pull-ups because relieve possible pain when rubbed against grooved bars or with peeling paint, they do not allow you to rub calluses, which make the exercise impossible to perform, although the strength in the muscles still remains.
  3. They can insure when pulling up due to special devices - hooks, straps, which are attached to the horizontal bar and stabilize the wrist, improving the grip and preventing falls.
  4. Gloves are required when exercising outdoors in winter., preventing hypothermia of the joints of the fingers and hands.

What types of gloves are there for the horizontal bar?

  • Gloves with cut fingers– for weightlifters, cyclists and fitness enthusiasts. These gloves completely cover the palm, and lightweight and breathable materials are used on the back side. For weightlifters, a very thick leather covering is used, for the rest, thinner leather, faux leather, fabric, nubuck, suede, or rubber can be used. (Approximate cost from 400 rub.)
  • Gloves with fingers for pull-ups and workout– the inner side of the palm is made of materials that improve grip on the crossbar, while at the same time, lighter materials are used on the back side. (Approximate cost from 1700 rub.)
  • Wristbands or gloves with hooks– designed for the horizontal bar, iron hooks are attached to the wrist area, which are put on the crossbar, and the hand clasps them on top. Relieves stress from hands and forearms. (Approximate cost from 1500 rub.)

  • Pull-up pads– rubber pads for palms with elastic bands for fingers. The rubber coating improves grip on the horizontal bar. (Cost from 450 rub.)
  • Construction gloves– used as an economy, the surface of the inner side of the palm provides greater grip and prevents the appearance of calluses. The material of such gloves wears out quickly. (Cost from 15 rub.)
  • DIY pull-up gloves. You can use old leather gloves, cut off your fingers if you wish, this material will hold a good grip.

How to choose gloves for training on the horizontal bar

  • It is better to choose full gloves with fingers, this will prevent the appearance of calluses on the fingers.
  • Inner surface should be made of non-slip material - leather, rubber, suede, but at the same time thin enough so that the thickness of the material does not impair the grip.
  • Choose gloves based on your hand size.

Top brands


WORKOUT– the brand specializes in products for and produces high-quality gloves for the horizontal bar. You can choose the design of gloves individually and to suit every taste. Cost from 1700 rubles.


POWER SYSTEM– the Czech manufacturer offers models for fingerless pull-ups, cost from 700 to 860 rubles.

Mad Max

Mad Max– the company produces fitness gloves of various designs for men and women. The cost ranges from 490 to 1100 rubles.


You can choose any models - different colors and designs, expensive and more affordable, the main thing is that the gloves provide good grip without slipping, preventing injuries and calluses. Typically, manufacturers guarantee the service life of gloves for up to 1 year - it all depends on the regularity of training. It is important to choose gloves to enhance your training performance, and not just as a stylish accessory.

Useful video: how to choose the best gloves for the horizontal bar

To practice on the horizontal bars, you must have good gloves.

To practice on the horizontal bars, you must have good gloves. Gloves for the horizontal bar are not just a sports accessory, but protection against calluses and injuries. To carry out effective workouts and do not overload your hands, you need to choose the right gloves for pulling up on the horizontal bar. Further results and achievements will largely depend on the choice of gloves.

What benefits do gloves provide when exercising on the horizontal bar?

First, gloves protect against wrist sprains.

Secondly, good gloves prevent the appearance of scars and calluses on the palms.

Thirdly, gloves for working out on the horizontal bar protect against slipping when your hands sweat.

In general, the gloves increase grip, soften the load on the hands and wrists, and provide confidence in movements.

What to look for when choosing gloves for horizontal bars?

  • Material. Gloves made of neoprene material and leather performed best. The most unfavorable material is nylon, since it slips a lot.
  • Size. Gloves must fit exactly the same size, otherwise they will cause discomfort.
  • Presence of a latch. It is better to choose gloves with wrist locks, as they reduce the risk of sprains.

Gloves for performing exercises on the horizontal bar should be very comfortable and durable. It is immediately worth noting one feature of cycling gloves - this is the open back side. Since the manufacturer makes gloves for cycling, an open part is left for better ventilation. For the horizontal bar, it is still better to choose closed gloves.

Leather gloves look stylish, they do not slip, but at the same time they have a high price and wear out quite quickly. They will last 1-2 seasons, depending on how often you train.

Where can I buy gloves for training on the horizontal bar?

Gloves for the horizontal bar can be purchased at a specialized online store, at a hardware store, or at a sporting goods store.

In principle, you will not have any problems with the search, the main thing is to decide what kind of gloves you need. If you are looking for an economical option, then construction gloves from the appropriate store will suit you. If you want to purchase a useful and beautiful sports accessory, then you can use the services of special online stores or go to places that sell sports items. In general, there is a different option for everyone. It is also important to consider the load and frequency of training. For some, weightlifting gloves are suitable, and for others, woolen gloves. The best option will be found experimentally.

The cost and characteristics of gloves depend on their type, material, and manufacturer. Today, the most popular types of gloves for training on the horizontal bar are:

  • Construction cotton;
  • Bicycle;
  • Weightlifting;
  • Woolen winter;
  • Special gloves for the horizontal bar;
  • WORKOUT overlay gloves.

Let's consider each option in more detail.

Construction gloves for training on the horizontal bar

Construction gloves are the most affordable option. They are not particularly attractive or especially durable, but they are inexpensive and quite suitable for short training sessions. Low price– this is their main advantage. You can buy several pairs of these gloves at once.

A special feature of construction gloves is the presence of rubber tubercles or a completely rubberized side. Due to these rubber elements, there is no slipping during exercise. In principle, construction gloves do not protect against calluses, do not keep you warm in cold weather, wear out quickly and look the same. The price fully justifies the quality.

Cycling gloves

The cost of such gloves depends on the manufacturer and the material used. Cycling gloves are distinguished by leather trim in the palm area, cut fingers, and a light or completely open back (to ensure better ventilation).

Cycling gloves, unlike construction gloves, have better durability, but are not without drawbacks. They use a fairly thin type of leather, which does not protect against calluses very well when frequent training on the horizontal bar, and such gloves will last only a couple of months. In addition, those who actively exercise develop additional calluses in the places where their fingers are cut.

Cycling gloves are still best used for their intended purpose, although under certain conditions they can also be used for training on the bar.

Weightlifting gloves

Many consider weightlifting gloves to be the ideal option for training on the horizontal bar. This is due to the fact that their skin is quite strong and thick, which does not allow their hands to slide over the projectile. The top of these gloves is either mesh or cut out so that the hand sweats less during exercise. One more distinctive feature This type of gloves has heavily cut fingers. Gloves are best suited for training on horizontal bars, wrapped with fabric tape or adhesive tape.

Initially, weightlifting gloves were created for performing strength exercises and working with a barbell. Today they are often used for training on equipment that is wrapped in something. Disadvantages include fragility and cut fingers, which also causes the formation of calluses.

Wool winter gloves

The main advantages are low price, closed fingers, warm well, suitable for use in the winter season. Wool gloves have no leather elements and are made entirely of wool, which provides excellent glide.

Disadvantages include fragility. With active use, holes appear on the gloves.

Special gloves for workout

In this case, we mean gloves specially designed for training on parallel bars and horizontal bars. They completely protect the hand, and on the palm side they are equipped with a special type of suede.

Since the gloves were designed for a specific purpose, namely for training on horizontal bars, all the features of this sport were taken into account.

Firstly, this type of gloves has closed fingers, so the athlete does not develop calluses.

Secondly, gloves have a long service life and, even with active training, can last from 6 months to 1 year.

Thirdly, there are now two types of WORKOUT gloves on sale - F1 and F2. The difference lies in the type of suede used on the palm side and the strength of adhesion to the surface. In general, F1 type gloves are more suitable for performing dynamic exercises, since they have less adhesion force. F2 gloves are perfect for static exercises, as they provide excellent grip on the projectile.

The only negative is the fear of moisture. Suede is afraid of water and can deteriorate if it comes into contact with pieces of paint on the horizontal bar.


Overlay gloves have a special design. They have it completely open outer part palms. The inner side of the palm is made of neoprene. In addition, the gloves have a rubber surface, which guarantees maximum grip.

Overlay gloves are ideal for summer training. The hand does not slip or sweat in them, but at the same time there is complete adhesion to the crossbar. Another advantage is the universal size. The pads are available in one size, so there will be no problems with selection.

This option is perfect for those who often do pull-ups, exercise with barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells.

Gloves for the horizontal bar with hooks

Separately, it is worth noting the gloves for the horizontal bar with hooks. Training requires maximum effort and concentration from the athlete. For efficiency and good results Often you have to use additional devices. This also applies to training on horizontal bars. Using hooks for the horizontal bar, you can increase your workout time and get the desired effect from your workout.

The hooks for the horizontal bar are made from durable leather. In combination with a steel hook, these gloves can support a person weighing up to 150 kg. It should be noted that thanks to the soft inserts, the grip is improved and stabilized, and the pressure on the hands is reduced. Wrists are adjustable in size.

Using gloves with a hook you can practice for a long time strength exercises. At the same time, the athlete does not experience a strong load on the muscles in the forearm area and does not injure the hands. This way, during classes, you can focus on working out specific muscle groups, rather than worrying about the bar slipping or calluses appearing on your hands.

Gloves with a hook are an excellent solution for those who practice workout. The athlete does not need to worry about the position of his arms, he can concentrate completely on his back. In this case, the results from your training will appear much faster. Gloves with a special design make it possible to conduct experiments and learn new exercises and tricks. Hooks make the task much easier and make activities more varied.

What can hinder progress in training on the horizontal bar? Mostly calluses on the hands, sprains, injuries to the hands, bruises and cuts on the hands interfere. All this can be avoided by using gloves with hooks. They are distinguished by their light weight, strength, reliability, long service life, affordable price and versatility. They can be used for training on horizontal bars and for training in the gym.