A purely male sport. Men's sports Prelude to "kindergarten"

The hockey that real men play was formed in Canada. Naturally, it did not appear out of nowhere, because people have always loved to kick the ball with the help of staves and sticks, including on ice. But only at the end of the 19th century were the first clear rules invented, and already in 1920 hockey was played at the Olympics.

It is a sport in which two teams of six people ( fab five and goalie) find out on the ice who is faster and stronger, and also knows how to fight better, without going beyond the rules. The task is to throw the puck into the opponent's goal using a stick, physical strength and the right tactics.

What does it look like


Teams compete on ice arena, surrounded by sides and protective glass. Red and blue lines on the ice demarcate the defensive, offensive and general zones.

In hockey you need to watch not only who has the puck, but also the skates of the players. After all, when attacking the goal, the puck must first cross the blue line and only then both skates of the attacker. Otherwise the puck will be out of play.

How long do they play?

Standard hockey match- these are three periods of 20 minutes. Extra time and throws are assigned in accordance with the regulations of each tournament.

  • Hockey has fewer varieties than football, but there are still a lot. Bandy (bandy) is called Russian hockey, there is field hockey, sand hockey and roller hockey.
  • Powerful techniques are not only allowed in hockey. This is an important part of the game. So, pinning your opponent to the boards and taking the puck away is a matter of honor.
  • Therefore, players are constantly subject to many fines, which hockey players are sent to a special bench to work off. It is almost impossible to figure out immediately who was put there, why and for how long. This science must be comprehended gradually, peering into the game of your favorite team.
  • Although there are only six on the ice, 20-25 players are registered for the match, because hockey players are replaced both during breaks and during the match.
  • A coward doesn't play hockey.


It's hard to describe what football is, because everyone seems to know it. Even if you close your ears and eyes, don’t leave the room and don’t connect to the Internet, it’s still football news get to the brain. But not everyone learned to kick a ball before walking. So here's some basic information for those who don't know.

Some people think that football is a matter of life and death. I am completely disappointed with their position. I am ready to assure you that football is much, much more important.

Bill Shankly, legendary footballer and coach

Football is a sport in which two teams, each consisting of 11 players, compete. The task is to score the ball into the opponent's goal. In this case, you cannot touch the projectile with your hands.

The game that is now called football had many predecessors back in ancient Sparta, and in modern form began to spread from the end of the 19th century.

What does it look like

On a large field, two teams defend their own goal and try to get to others. Forwards (attackers) are on duty closer to the opponent’s goal to score goals. The defenders do not allow them to do this. Midfielders help the ball get to the right players, and the goalkeeper guards the most valuable thing, that is, the goal.

White lines on the field serve as distance markers and delimit zones.

How long do they play?

They play in periods (halts), each lasting 45 minutes. Between them there is a break of 15 minutes, during which time the teams change sides of the field.

If the winner is not determined after 90 game minutes, additional time is assigned: two times 15 minutes each. If this does not help, it is the turn of a penalty.

Basic Strikes

Elementary. The game starts with him in the middle of the field at the beginning of each half and after each goal.

Throw-in (out). If a team member brings the ball out side line, then the opponent will throw it with his hands onto the field.

From the gate. The goalkeeper kicks if the opponent hits the ball so that it crosses the goal line, but there is no goal.

Angular. If your teammate hits the ball so that it crosses the goal line but does not hit the goal, a corner kick is awarded. The enemy will shoot from the corner.

Penalty. Assigned for violating the rules. Violators are kicked at the goal from the place where the violation was committed.

Free. Looks like a free kick. Appointed for dangerous play (this is when there was no violation of the rules yet, but everything was leading to this). They shoot at the goal of aggressive players from the point of violation. But if the ball immediately hits the goal, such a goal will not be counted.

Penalty. Appointed either to determine the winner, or in case of violation of the rules in the penalty area. They shoot from 11 meters. The circle in the middle of the field shows where these meters are.

Alexey Filippov/easports.com
  • Not every shot into the goal is a goal. There is an offside position in which the ball is not counted. To prevent this from happening, there must be a player between the attacker and the goalkeeper who defends the goal.
  • There are a lot of footballs: women's, beach, mini and so on. Some types are more rugby than football. But only “proper” football is played by 250 million people.
  • Clashes between football fans have more than once led to riots, stampedes, and fights. If you want to peacefully support your favorite club, stay away from aggressive fans.
  • The judge is in the clear, of course.


Boxing ceased to be a simple fist fight when the rules of the Marquess of Queensberry appeared, namely in 1867. Since then, in boxing you cannot hit your head, push, or wear shoes with sharp heels. The same rules set the time of the fight, knockout conditions and much more. So fighting became an art.

Here we will talk about professional boxing, because amateur has its own rules and history. But they still admire professionals.

What does it look like

It looks harsh. In the ring, the boundaries of which are ropes, fighters with naked torsos and without helmets must defeat the enemy with their fists in a single fight.

How long do they play?

Each fight can contain a different number of rounds, but no more than 12. A round lasts three minutes, during breaks the fighters rest in the corners of the ring, receive medical assistance and advice from coaches.

Basic Strikes

The fight is built on combinations and series of blows, on avoiding them and defending, on movements and maneuvers.

What you need to know about boxing

  • Three side judges give victory to one fighter in each round. With a victory, the athlete receives 10 points, with a defeat - from 6 to 9 points (depending on how he lost). After the battle, the points are summed up. The one with the most wins (maximum 120 if the boxer wins all rounds).
  • You can win by knocking out your opponent - a condition in which a fighter cannot get up for 10 seconds. A technical knockout is counted when an athlete is unable to continue the fight due to injury.
  • For amateurs and professionals, the rules for conducting fights are very different.
  • Athletes enter the ring in accordance with their weight category, because large fighters have a clear advantage in strength.
  • Until the gong rings, the battle continues.


An expensive and high-status competition that will take your breath away. Speed, roar of engines and black tire marks - what a spectacle! The Formula 1 World Championships have been held since 1950. This is business and that rare species a sport that you can watch from your couch with a clear conscience. If you watch football only with beer, have never skated, but root for hockey players, there is something wrong with that. But you don’t need to be a pilot or drive your own car on the tracks to admire Formula 1. Still, auto racing is a dangerous and expensive business.

What does it look like

Pilots of bolides (single-seater cars with wheels located outside the body) compete in speed on circuit tracks during the racing season. There are several races with Grand Prix status in the season. Based on the results of these competitions, the best driver and the best car manufacturing team are determined.

How the Grand Prix is ​​held

The Grand Prix is ​​an event that takes place over several days, usually Friday and the weekend. Consists of three stages: free practice, qualifying and race. At the first stage, the pilots get acquainted with the track; at the second stage, the weakest ones are eliminated and places on the starting grid are distributed. Well, a race is a race.

What you need to know about racing

  • Each team competes in cars that are designed according to individual engineering projects. Therefore, Formula 1 is also a technology race.
  • A pit stop (tire change) usually takes less than 5 seconds. The fastest teams do it in 2–3 seconds.
  • To finish first, you first need to finish.


Beach volleyball. Of course, women's beach volleyball. Here it is, a sport in which entertainment is most important. The aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the players is so great that you don’t even have to learn the rules. However, understanding the essence of the game makes it even more interesting! Many people think that beach volleyball is just entertainment for vacationers. But this sport is included in the Olympic program.

What does it look like

Two teams compete on sand-covered areas. There are only two players on each side of the net, who cannot be changed during the match. The task is to send the ball to the neighboring court and not let it fall on yours. In this case, you need to throw the ball over the net in a maximum of three touches, and you cannot hit the projectile twice.

How long do they play?

Three games are played. The first two last until one of the teams scores 21 points. Third - up to 15 points.

  • Players give clues to each other using gestures. Hints concern tactics: where to throw the ball, how to block it, and so on.
  • Teams often change sites because the game is greatly influenced by the sun, wind, and precipitation. And changing sides evens the odds.
  • There are no temperature restrictions for beach volleyball; you have to play in both heat and rain.
  • On the beach, it doesn’t matter whether you are a janitor or an academician. It matters how you play volleyball.

And what sport will you follow now?

Can you list the 5 most popular men's sports without thinking? We are, yes. We collected them in our article.

When we talk about the division into male and female species sports, then this gradation is very arbitrary. In the modern world, the boundaries between “feminine” and “masculine” are quite blurred. This also applies to areas in sports.

If previously such “rough” activities that required pronounced physical strength, such as boxing, wrestling, rugby and others, were exclusively the prerogative of men, now women are not at all inferior to men in these sports. Moreover, they achieve stunning results and can easily compete in the ring with the opposite sex!

However, the division into female and male species sports takes place. And real men love real, masculine sports. This is primarily due to animal instincts and increased level testosterone. Danger and the possibility of using physical force are what men need! We have identified several sports that are preferred by the vast majority of men and the minority by women. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

1) Football- one of the most popular types sports among men. In practice, the number of fans is many times greater than the football athletes themselves. Already in early age boys begin to become interested in activities with the ball. Can be called especially masculine American football - This is something between regular football and boxing, so this direction in sports rightfully occupies the first line in the list of men's sports. We will also include here rugby, the same American football, but without heavy equipment, which further exceeds the risk of injury (or, conversely, inflicting it on an opponent).

2) Hockey– along with football, it belongs to male, aggressive sports. In hockey, unlike football, the likelihood of injury is much higher. On the ice, skirmishes and even group fights often occur between rival teams; the adrenaline level is off the charts, which is why this sport is also among the top five most masculine. It’s not for nothing that the phrase, which has become a catchphrase, from a song to the music of Alexandra Pakhmutova is so popular in our country: “Real men play hockey, a coward doesn’t play hockey!”

3) Boxing– one of the most ancient types of martial arts. This also includes wrestling, MMA, wrestling, sumo and other sports where the main task is to inflict physical damage on an opponent in the ring, overcome him physically, break him with the force of a blow or a deft grip. Despite the growing popularity of such sports among women, it is still men who we imagine in the ring, because it is the stronger sex who have the desire to stand out physically from the rest of their competitors.

4) Golf– a sport for aesthetes. In foreign films, golf is played by representatives of high society and the intelligentsia. This sport does not require special physical training. As a rule, when playing golf, opponents not only try to hit 19 holes, but also count points and discuss everyday or work issues.

5) Auto racing (motor sports)– what do men love most? That's right - cars! Racing along the highway at a speed of 300 km per hour - isn’t this a great pleasure for a real man? One of the most dangerous, extreme and blood-stirring sports. Among the famous racers, does anyone remember at least one female name? That's right, there are only real men on these lists! We will also include here motocross– off-road motorcycle racing. Not every woman agrees to ride through swamps and ravines on an iron roaring horse and rightly so. Let's leave it to the men.

17 March 2017, 17:46 2017-03-17

Karate is the most best sport for older men.

And I will prove it to you now. Judge for yourself - karate training provides everything that an adult man needs, even if he is just starting out in sports.

At the beginning of the lesson there is always running. Running is the basis of the basics and you have probably considered it as one of the possible sports options. Now you will have running, but there will also be a lot of other things, no less useful.

For example, flexibility exercises. Stretching is one of the essential elements karate and a lot of attention is paid to this. But stretching, especially at our age, is not only, or rather not even so much for the amplitude of the blow, it is simply necessary for health, for the joints and spine, for preserving youth. All these newfangled types of fitness - Pilates, yoga, stretching, etc. are based specifically on stretching, and very smart people came up with it, implement it, and use it. Karate gives us all this, including.

Now let's talk about kata and kihon. This basic technique, reminiscent of gymnastics, mainly swinging, simulating blows and protection from them. Rather than stupidly doing bends and bridges in the fitness club, performing these exercises is much more interesting. The load is impressive and a person gets excited doing it. However, the load is an individual matter and your trainer will determine it for you based on your current condition.

Physics, strength exercises and strength endurance, as you understand, pays special attention to karate. A karateka without strength and speed is not a karateka. Moreover, exercises are used, as a rule, with own weight, which minimizes the possibility of injury. Push-ups, light dumbbells, jumping and especially the press are the pillars of physical fitness.

The barbell is, of course, good, but there are a lot of contraindications. The most best exercises(such as squats and deadlift) - the most traumatic and with the most complex technology, without personal trainer can't get by. And not all guys over 40, due to accumulated ailments, will benefit from lifting heavy weights. Please understand that I am not against the barbell in principle, but only as an addition to dynamic loads and flexibility exercises.

We've sorted this out, let's move on. What guy doesn’t like to fight?)) to splash out adrenaline in a comfortable and safe environment - nothing better than light sparring has been invented. And there is no need to be afraid - in the fighting hall everyone respects and takes care of each other. I guarantee that you will not get any injuries, unless you suddenly decide to become a world champion and prepare seriously for competitions)) and even in this case the risk is not great.

About the atmosphere and friendship. There is, perhaps, nowhere else such widespread mutual assistance and respect as in fighting sections. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a black belt or this is your first time training, no one will look sideways or smile if it doesn’t work out. Everything will be the other way around. Everything here is completely different from a fitness club or a football team.

But if you are still ashamed of your physical fitness, then there are many sections for people like you, poorly prepared and not very young. And let it not necessarily be karate, but any other martial arts - boxing, kudo, sambo, some kind of capoeira or taekwondo. The principles are almost the same.

Well, prices, which is also important. The cost of classes in a martial arts group is an order of magnitude lower than in the same fitness club, even if you save on an instructor there (and this cannot be done).

Well, and one more thing. Classes in a group motivate and prevent you from slacking much more effectively than individual lessons. I hope that I have convinced you and you will accept the right decision when choosing a sport to start practicing))

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  • Physical exercise creates additional load on the skeleton, beneficial for men's bone health. Osteoporosis affects more than 200,000,000 people on the planet, but women are more susceptible to it, but osteoporosis also occurs among men, usually after 65 years. If measures are not taken, fractures in old age occur as a result of this disease in one out of five cases.

    Scientist Mattias Lorentzon from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and his colleagues assessed the health of 833 men aged 18 to 20 years at the beginning of the study. Scientists determined the bone mass of the participants and processed data on their daily physical activity. Five years later, a repeat examination and x-ray were carried out. The researchers found that men who exercised at the start of the study, putting extra stress on their bones, and who increased that stress over five years, had better bone growth rates than those who were inactive or stopped exercising. exercise. Also, every additional hour of intensive physical activity over the course of the 5-year study, it increased bone mass in participants. Those who participated in sports that put extra stress on their bones for four hours a week saw a 1.3% increase in hip bone density, while participants who were inactive lost about 2.1%. these fabrics. Sports involving racing or fast starts and stops place additional stress on the body's bones and are very beneficial for men. The most effective for building bone tissue are volleyball and basketball, followed by football and tennis. Such sports activities stimulate the body to build bone tissue.

    Sports that do not place additional stress on the bones, such as swimming and cycling, are not associated with building bone mass, although they have many other benefits for the human body. The scientists of this study concluded: “Increased physical activity increases local and trabecular bone mineral density and cortical bone size, indicating the need for these exercises to achieve maximum bone mass at a young age."

    Young people who play volleyball, basketball and other sports that place additional stress on bones for four hours a week or more increase bone mass. This discovery was another reminder of important role all types of exercises for physical health indicators.