Top-bottom workout for men. Split training: choosing the ideal system

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I'm sure you're already sick of training programs, which are sold on the Internet by every second person who bench pressed 100 kg yesterday!

As for me, I don't do this: yes, I sold books and manuals , translated by me personally, from famous authors from abroad, but these were not “programs”, but full-fledged training manuals.

However, as for the first split, everything is simpler here: for those who have just started training, the adaptations will be more versatile and less specialized. That is, it is quite realistic that classes in TK ( gym) one program will improve you in everything (you will become stronger, and bigger, and more athletic). But over time, the incentive needs to become more specific to your goals in order to make progress in the area you need.

For now, let’s agree that our beginner has just entered the gym and has no specific goals. Most often, this is what happens - they want everything at once, but what is stronger is not clear. Maybe to make your biceps grow faster than legs, and cubes appeared on my stomach.


Training frequency – 2 times a week

To train once a week, I think, is completely frivolous. Everyone can visit TZ twice a week: even schoolchildren, even students, even the working class. Stop making excuses!

The duration of each workout is 1-1.5 hours

Stop listening to smart people who say that you need to train for 40-45 minutes! No serious load in terms of strength exercises, you will not be able to receive it during such a period of time. Acidify the muscles and fill them with blood - yes, but this is not the essence of growth.

Program goals:

1. Familiarization with the technique of “basic” exercises/patterns
2. Increased level of voluntary muscle activation (neuromuscular strength)
3. Creating a “foundation”
4. Initial hypertrophy

Point 1– “basic” exercises usually mean movements from powerlifting – squats with a low barbell on the back below parallel, bench press of the barbell on a horizontal bench with a competitive grip, and deadlift of the barbell from floor level.

However, our beginner doesn't want to be a powerlifter. Perhaps he never will be. However, he is required to perform other “basic” movements - these are the so-called motor patterns, which are the most natural movements for us as organisms. Many muscles work in them, they are characteristic of various types of activity (sports, and everyday life), in them we can demonstrate maximum muscle effort. What are these patterns?

Patterns for the lower body

1) Squats - joint flexion and extension of the hip and knee joint, with the participation of the ankle, in which the center of body mass drops down and then returns to its original position.

An example would be any “squats.”

This pattern is considered knee-dominant (knee extensor muscles work), although hip extensor muscles (gluteus, adductor magnus) also work.

2) Hinge - these are exercises in which you perform the movement, for the most part, hip joint without bringing your knees forward. You push your pelvis back while keeping your back neutral. When lifting a load, you move your pelvis forward.

if we compare squats and hinges, the latter have less amplitude in knee joint, the joint itself does not move forward, the body tilt is stronger

An example would be deadlifts in various variations, incl. deadlifts, barbell curls, glute bridges, and kettlebell swings/swings.

This pattern is considered pelvic-dominant, and most of the stress is received gluteal muscles and muscles back surface hips.

3) Lunges - These are essentially all movements performed on one leg (unilateral exercises) where you need to move the load in a squat style, but on one leg.

These are lunges, walk-ups, and Bulgarian split squats on one leg.

The working muscle groups are similar to squats, but the muscles that adduct and abduct the hip are also more active (adductors, gluteus medius/minimum, others). Plus, balance develops and muscle power output increases due to bilateral deficits.

Upper Body Patterns

4) Horizontal thrust– you pull the object towards you (or reach for a support) in a horizontal vector.

These can be bent over or horizontal barbell/dumbbell rows, or horizontal pull-ups.

Working latissimus muscles, middle trapezius, rhomboid, teres, flexor muscles elbow joint(brachioradialis, biceps, brachialis), posterior deltoid muscles

5) Vertical thrust– you pull the object towards you (or reach for a support) in a vertical vector.

It could be cravings upper block in various variations, as well as various types of pull-ups.

Works the teres muscles, lower trapezius, latissimus, rhomboids, elbow flexors (brachioradialis, biceps, brachialis), posterior deltoid muscles

6) Horizontal press - you push the load away from you in a horizontal vector.

These can be horizontal or slightly inclined versions of barbell or dumbbell presses.

Large/small work pectoral muscles, triceps, anterior deltoids, serratus muscles.

7) Vertical press – you push the load away from you in a vertical vector.

These are vertical presses of barbells or dumbbells while standing or sitting.

The anterior and slightly middle sections of the deltoid muscles, serratus muscles, triceps, muscles that lift the scapulae, and the upper section of the pectoralis major muscle work.

Additional moves

Yes, seven basic patterns perfectly load most muscles, especially large groups. However, some muscle groups that many exercisers are eager to develop will clearly suffer from the lack of significant load.

1) Middle sections of the deltoid muscles. They work very weakly in vertical presses. I advise you to additionally perform dumbbell lateral raises.

2) Posterior sections of the deltoid muscles. Should work in deadlifts, but in reality, stronger muscle groups will always take almost all the load. Bent-over dumbbell flyes will improve the situation.

The anterior deltoid muscles work very well in both vertical and horizontal presses, and in additional load don't need it.

3) Biceps. In deadlifts, flexion of the elbow is carried out mainly by brachioradialis muscle. Let's supplement the plan with arm curls with a supinated grip.

4) Triceps. Overall, he trains quite well with bench presses. If desired, additional arm extensions will help increase the load.

Point 2– increase in the level of voluntary activation. That is, we practice in such a way as to develop the ability to activate maximum quantity fibers in the muscle. If we do not learn to do this, then, firstly, growth muscle strength in all movements will be severely limited, and secondly, muscle growth too, because if you are not able to activate the fibers, then they will never be able to grow from the load (since they do not overcome it).

For this reason, you need to train patterns with heavy weights and low reps! However, given that this is a beginner, we will focus on 8-5 repetitions in the main exercises. Even in this (actually not very low rep) range, a beginner will feel an increase in strength (weight of the projectile).

Point 3– we pay attention to the abdominal muscles and spinal extensors, joint mobility and muscle flexibility (the latter are beyond the scope of this article)

Point 4– it is obvious that our training should increase muscle size, especially at the beginning, when the adaptation window is still very large.


Since we only have two training days per week, I see only two reasonable options:

1. Two full-body workouts (for the whole body)
2. One upper body workout, one lower body workout

Let's first consider the “full-buddy” option

— The good thing about full body training is that you teach your body to work together (in real life, there are no concepts of “upper body”, “lower lats”), such training is closer, as they say, to combat conditions.
- Also, you can do two completely different workouts using a different set of exercises - variety is good.

However, there are also disadvantages:

- It will be quite difficult to work hard in all exercises. You train your legs, your back, your chest, and something else - the training turns out to be long, voluminous, and also difficult.
- It will also be difficult for you to recover. you will experience muscle pain all over the body at once, therefore, if they have not passed before next lesson, you won't be very pleased.

The whole point of a split is to separate groups, allowing some to be loaded while others have not yet had time to recover.

Two full body workouts can require up to 4-5 days of full recovery between them, which reduces the frequency of exercise.


Lunges - forward lunges in motion, backward lunges, stepping with dumbbells on a stand, repetitions are given for each leg

Horizontal press - barbell press on horizontal bench, dumbbell press on a horizontal bench, barbell press on incline bench

Horizontal row – standing barbell row, standing dumbbell row, horizontal pull-up

Biceps – standing barbell curls, standing dumbbell curls

Press crunches, feet on the floor

Spinal extensors – “boat” on the floor, arms in front

The press and “boat” are performed with a super-set - press approach, without rest - boat approach, rest until a new super-set.

Hinge – supported deadlift, deadlift, kettlebell swing/glute bridge

Vertical row - straight grip pull-ups, straight wide grip pull-ups, pull-ups reverse grip(or similar traction upper block if you are very bad at pull-ups)

Vertical press – standing barbell chest press, standing dumbbell press, seated dumbbell press

Dumbbell lateral raises – standing, sitting

Bent-over dumbbell raises – sideways, backwards

Regarding the progress of the load and changing exercises, perform 8 repetitions in the main movements, progressing from week to week in a weight of 2.5-5 kg. For the first month you can easily do this. Then, as you feel, continue to progress in weight, lowering the repetitions, when 3 sets of 5 repetitions are already extremely difficult for you, change the exercise, and start again with 8 repetitions. When the exercises are over (about 3 months), you can start again (six months), or switch to a different scheme (top-bottom) or a new split of three workouts per week, which I will post next time.

In other exercises, leave the weight with which it is quite difficult for you to do a given number of repetitions. Progress in weight may be extremely weak, or absent altogether - there is nothing to worry about.


In this version, as you might have already guessed, on one day we train the upper body (presses, deadlifts) on the other – squats, lunges and hinges.

The disadvantage of an upper-lower split (in the case of two training days) is that the upper body will be heavily overloaded relative to the lower body day, therefore, exercises on deltoids It would be better to do it on bottom day (although I hate doing anything on leg day other than legs).

Here we have the opportunity to add triceps on Day 1. Choose from EZ Bar French Press, Dumbbell Bench Extension, or Cable Arm Extension.

The progression of loads and rotation of exercises remains the same.

I almost forgot to tell you about warm-up approaches. 12,10,8 means that before the working sets you need to do a set of 12 reps, 10 reps and 8 reps, in each of which the weight will gradually increase to the working one, and on the first working set you take the weight that you are doing hard 8- 5 times.

12.10 means only 2 warm-up sets of 12 and 10 reps. 20 or 15 – one warm-up set of 20 or 15 repetitions.

Rest periods – about 2-3 minutes between light exercise and up to 3-5 minutes between main ones. If you are ready earlier, there is nothing wrong. If you only lift your weights at the same time.


In general, I admit that a split with two workouts per week is not as beneficial as with more training days, and you can easily work out three months on the full-body schedule that I gave above. Then, you can repeat it, or switch to “top-bottom”, or immediately to a three-day split, which I will describe next time.

I’ll add, perhaps, that beginners can progress from ANY load. Therefore, there can be a lot of options here. Mine only offers more optimal loads that do not exceed the ability of an inexperienced body to recover, and give gains in such a way that it will help in the future.

Remember that quality rest and nutrition are just as important as well-planned workouts. Use vitamins, minerals, sports supplements Moreover, hormones are not needed at this stage of training! Only if your doctor prescribes it for health reasons.

Well, I think we can charge schoolchildren two thousand rubles for this, because it’s so difficult to write a plan for two days! It probably takes a lot of time and resources, but I wrote about 10 pages of Word! For free! With exercise variations, progressions and everything in between.

I’m not asking you to give me 2000 rubles for this “titanic” work. But you can, if you wish,

2 months, just like you said. During this time I typed 4kg ideal muscle mass. They began to respect me more often and bully me less often. Sometimes girls give, and sometimes boys give, but only for the sake of fucking. In principle, any attention is pleasant.

World Of Warcraft hasn't been deleted yet, my orc 80th level will definitely see me surpass it. I handed over all my dad’s black beer Cheburashkas for 3 rubles, as well as my mother’s three-liter sauerkraut jars for 10 rubles per jar. I used the proceeds to buy Russian protein PRO92. Don't worry, I survived!

Life is getting better, it seems that success is very close, thank you for what you do. I beg you to write the next step to success, what should an ideal two-day weight split look like?

Why do you allow training all the muscles on one day with a rest of two days in the case of a one-day split. And also every other day in case of a two-day split for weight? We are not chemists, our muscles do not have time to recover so quickly!​

You are not chemists, but you are not professionals either. How more muscle, the longer it takes to recover damage received during training. If your muscles do not have large volumes, then their recovery is much faster, therefore at first it makes sense to use a two-day split for beginners, three at a time. 3-4 workouts a week!

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Now let's get down to business. When creating a two-day split for beginners, you need to be guided by three basic principles:

1) It is necessary to divide the entire muscle mass of the body into two equal groups, so that on each day we train 50% of our muscle mass.

2) The load on the spinal column and back extensors should also be distributed evenly over two days.

3) Distribute the load on the shoulder joint evenly over two days. Due to the very large range of motion, this joint is very traumatic. He is responsible for all exercises in pumping up the muscles of the back, chest and deltas. ​
The main factors of stress on the spinal column are squats and deadlifts. Therefore, to comply with the second rule, we train our legs and back in different days. And anyway, what kind of idiot would train such large muscle groups in one day?

We train the chest and shoulders on different days to comply with rule number three. By pumping our chest, we unwittingly kill the front bundle of deltas. We leave the middle bun for the back day, as well as the back one, because it swings by itself in almost all exercises for the back muscles.

Press whenever you want
Let me remind you that I am a supporter of pumping the biceps separately from the back, and the triceps separately from the chest. I think my hands grow faster this way.

Actually, we were able to take into account all three rules when constructing the set, you can count, every day we load 50% the entire muscle mass of the body.

Day one back block:

1) Pull-ups 10 times + overhead pull-downs 14 times (3 cycles). A superset of two exercises for pumping: the latissimus, major and minor round muscles of the back. Rest 15 seconds between exercises and rest 40 seconds between sets, and stretch after each set.

2) Deadlift 3x8. Lol classic!

3) Lower block rows to the waist 10 times + bent over dumbbell raises 14 times (3 cycles). A superset of two exercises for pumping: trapezius, latissimus and posterior deltoids. Rest and stretch as well.
In 30 minutes we kill all the back muscles.

Day one shoulders (trapezius, medium bun deltas):
Standing chest press (barbell) 10 times + Dumbbell raises to the sides 12 times (3 cycles). The ideal superset for tightening delts. Rest is the same.

Day one triceps block:
Press narrow grip 2x8. Total weight triceps + inner part chest that will be underloaded on the day of chest training.

6) French press 2x12. A super exercise for the triceps, we need it to pump up the ever-lagging long head of the triceps.

Second day of training:
Day two leg block:
Squats 3x8. Lol classic!

2) Lunges 2x10. Second basic exercise.

3) Calf 2x20 (on the leg press). Calf muscle, the only one that did not receive additional load from the entire muscle mass of the legs, so we are pumping it up with the help of isolation.
Be sure to stretch your legs, it’s sacred. I don’t think it’s necessary to train the quadriceps and hamstrings separately in a two-day split.

Day two chest block:
Bench press 3x8. Lol classic! Center of the chest.

5) Bars 2x12. Wider grip, lower chest.

6) Butterfly 14 times + dumbbell fly/press 10 times. A superset in which we immediately pursue 3 goals: pumping the upper chest, pumping, plus stretching the fascia. It is necessary to first fill the chest with blood on the butterfly, rest for 15 seconds, then perform either a deep fly or a deep dumbbell press on an incline bench.

Day two biceps (forearm) block:
Barbell lift (straight bar) for biceps 2x12. Hula classic. You can do it right away in drop sets. PSHNB with a straight bar perfectly pumps up the forearm, which is poorly used in the rest of the program.

8) Dumbbell curls for biceps with supination 2x12. More in-depth study!

Conclusion: as you can see, I again adhere to the position of short training. Unless you're injecting steroids into your ass, stick to short, intensive training in order to destroy your muscle tissue. You may notice that, unlike the one-day split, supersets, drop sets, and stretching are already starting to be used here. None muscle group not forgotten. In my opinion, this is the ideal two-day split for gaining muscle mass.

How to focus on certain muscle groups?

Let me give you an example. To focus on the chest instead of the legs, then in the second training day Place the block of exercises on the chest first, and pump your legs after the chest. At the beginning of training, there is more energy and mental concentration is better, therefore the impact will be greater. According to scientific data, mental concentration on the working muscle increases its growth by about 8%

Second way increase the load on a certain muscle group: you need to either add a couple of approaches to existing exercises, or add one new exercise for deeper development.
[Dead link to picture].

Gaining mass is a very pressing issue in our time. However, a seemingly fairly easy process causes many difficulties for ordinary people. When planning to gain weight, people have many questions: how many days a week to train? What exercises should I do? How to eat? How long to rest? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What is needed to gain weight?

Gaining mass, as well as many other goals pursued when working out in the gym, consists of three elements:

The first element is training. The workout should be as effective and productive as possible; you must load the target muscle groups so that the body releases a sufficient amount of hormones for muscle growth.

The second element is nutrition. The most important part when gaining weight is nutrition. Destroyed in training muscle fibers, building material is needed to prevent destruction and restore muscle cells. Nutrition must be balanced, the body must receive the required amount of all nutrients. At the same time, it is worth noting that to gain weight you need to consume more calories than you expend. This is why it is important to calculate your daily diet, along with the calories you burn.

The third element is rest. It is worth understanding that muscles do not grow during training, but during rest. A person rests during sleep, so sleep should last at least 8-10 hours for the body to fully recover.

We break the training split into two days

A two-day period is perfect for gaining weight. training split, but the question arises, how to divide muscle groups over these two days so that the training is as effective as possible? Based on the fact that mass training should last less than an hour, it is rational to train synergist muscles in one day, this will allow you to load all of them in fewer exercises. the right muscles. The training split itself will have the following form:

  • First day. Training the pectoral muscles and triceps, as well as training the back and biceps. During basic exercises on the chest and back, the triceps and biceps will be involved, which will receive sufficient load necessary for growth.
  • Day two. Legs, shoulders, abdominal muscles are trained.

This grouping of muscle groups allows them to be used only on one training day, which means that they will be given about a week to recover, which will allow them to recover as much as possible.

Exercises for the first day of a training split

At the beginning of the workout, a five-minute warm-up. The first exercise is the barbell bench press on a horizontal bench. Basic exercise for the chest muscles. After the bench press, a close-grip bench press is performed, an exercise aimed at developing the triceps, but the pectoral muscles also receive a load. After this, a deadlift is performed to develop the back muscles; the biceps, which received an indirect load, are completely tired by lifting the barbell onto the biceps. Exercises are performed for 4-5 approaches in the range of 4-6 repetitions, with a maximum large scales.

Exercises for the second day of the training split

The training begins with a five-minute warm-up, since we are training the legs, this will work well treadmill, at a relatively low pace. The first exercise will be leg extension in the simulator to warm up the ligaments and fill the muscles with blood. This is followed by squats with a barbell. The barbell press is performed on the shoulders while sitting from behind the head, and on the abdominal muscles, crunches are performed on the bench. Exercises are performed in the range from 4 to 10 repetitions, the abdominal muscles are pumped to failure.

You should pay attention to the fact that in order to gain weight, it is necessary to perform heavy basic exercises with large weights; it is precisely this load, as practice shows, that gives the maximum result. Gradually, the body gets used to the load, so you can replace one basic exercise with another, or switch exercises in places. This approach will allow you to constantly progress. One more important element in gaining mass is an increase in the weight of the projectile. It is advisable to increase the working weight at each workout, bringing the muscles to failure.

Rest interval between training days

As we have already found out, rest is one of the elements that is very important when gaining weight. But if it’s clear about how much sleep you need, then the next question arises: how to distribute training days among the week? By exercising just two days a week, you can get enough done big break between workouts. The first training day is better to start on Tuesday, because Monday, as practice shows, is a rather difficult day, and the body is just entering the work week. The second training day is best set on Friday.

So between training days it turns out three days of rest, and taking into account the fact that on different days they are involved different groups muscles, the body will recover perfectly, and it is very difficult to get overtrained.

How long should one workout last?

The ideal workout time for gaining weight is 45-60 minutes. This time is enough to complete the entire set necessary exercises, and load the muscles as much as possible. Many people think that the more time they train and do more exercise, the faster you will get into the desired shape. This statement is not true, especially when it comes to natural training, without the use of doping.

After an hour spent in the gym, the body begins to produce a large amount of the hormone, cortisol, aimed at destruction. That is why the situation turns out that instead of gaining weight, you will lose it.

Warm-up and stretching

Warm-up is a very important part training process. Any training involves an unnatural load on the body for which it is not ready. That is why you need to prepare him for this load. This preparation can be accomplished using cardio exercise. Great option This is done by running, in which many muscle groups are involved in one way or another. During running, blood circulation accelerates, heart rate increases, the body smoothly switches to training mode, and therefore will accept the load more adequately. In addition, it is necessary to stretch all muscles and joints.

For this, a regular warm-up routine is suitable, which many did in school. You should start warming up from the upper part of the body, going down to the bottom. Working on mass involves performing heavy basic exercises with large weights, which are very traumatic. That is why it is necessary to perform warm-up approaches before each exercise. This will help the body remember the mechanics of movement and prepare the involved joints for work.

As for stretching, it is very effective in gaining weight. It is recommended to stretch immediately after training to stretch the muscles that were tense during training. This allows you to improve blood circulation in muscle groups, which in the future will allow them to receive more useful elements from the blood. In addition, stretching is necessary for correct execution some exercises.

When gaining weight, special attention is paid to nutrition. As we have already found out, in order to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you expend. But a lot of questions arise: what products are there? How much protein, fat, and carbohydrates should you consume? How many times should I eat? What time?

To gain weight, the proportion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is as follows: 2/6/2 per kilogram of weight. Moreover, this proportion varies depending on your body type and your tendency to gain weight.

For an ectomorph, it is possible to increase the BJU until the weight gain meets your expectations.

You should take your food choices very seriously. Many people think that in order to gain weight, it is necessary to resort to eating fast food, fatty high-calorie foods, sweets, and starchy foods. These products should be limited as much as possible, because apart from fat mass and health problems, they will not give anything else. You need to rely on natural, natural products. The source of protein should be chicken, fish, beef, pork, eggs, and dairy products. It is these products that have a good amino acid composition, which is necessary for the growth of muscle tissue. The source of energy should be slow ( complex carbohydrates) and healthy fats. As for carbohydrates, the main sources are porridge, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and other cereals.

Fats should be consumed from fish, as well as olive oil, linseed oil, foods rich in omega 3-6-9, necessary for work cardiovascular system. You need to eat 6-7 times a day, in small portions, so as not to burden gastrointestinal tract, and all food was well digested. Please note that the most important meals are breakfast, pre-workout meal and post-workout meal. In the morning, the body is susceptible to night catabolism, so you need to prevent this process by replenishing carbohydrates and protein.

Before training, we need a supply of energy, so carbohydrates must be present in large quantities, and they must necessarily be slow. After training, it is necessary to replenish energy reserves and building material for muscles. In the first half of the day, the emphasis is on eating carbohydrate foods, in the second half of the day on protein foods.

By adhering to the recommendations described above, following a sports regimen that consists of productive training, proper and balanced nutrition, and good rest, you will definitely achieve your desired result. But it is worth understanding that we will not be able to get what we want in the shortest possible time, so we will have to make a lot of effort and spend a sufficient amount of time and then everything will work out.

2 months, just like you said. During this time I typed 4kg ideal muscle mass. They began to respect me more often and bully me less often. Sometimes girls give, and sometimes boys give, but only for the sake of fucking. In principle, any attention is pleasant.

World Of Warcraft hasn't been deleted yet, my orc 80th level will definitely see me surpass it. I handed over all my dad’s black beer Cheburashkas for 3 rubles, as well as my mother’s three-liter sauerkraut jars for 10 rubles per jar. I used the proceeds to buy Russian protein PRO92. Don't worry, I survived!

Life is getting better, it seems that success is very close, thank you for what you do. I beg you to write the next step to success, what should an ideal two-day weight split look like?

Why do you allow training all the muscles on one day with a rest of two days in the case of a one-day split. And also every other day in case of a two-day split for weight? We are not chemists, our muscles do not have time to recover so quickly!​

You are not chemists, but you are not professionals either. The larger the muscles, the longer it takes to recover from damage received during training. If your muscles do not have large volumes, then their recovery is much faster, therefore at first it makes sense to use a two-day split for beginners, three at a time. 3-4 workouts a week!

[Dead link to picture]:
Now let's get down to business. When creating a two-day split for beginners, you need to be guided by three basic principles:

1) It is necessary to divide the entire muscle mass of the body into two equal groups, so that on each day we train 50% of our muscle mass.

2) The load on the spinal column and back extensors should also be distributed evenly over two days.

3) Distribute the load on the shoulder joint evenly over two days. Due to the very large range of motion, this joint is very traumatic. He is responsible for all exercises in pumping up the muscles of the back, chest and deltas. ​

The main factors of stress on the spinal column are squats and deadlifts. Therefore, to comply with the second rule, we train our legs and back on different days. And anyway, what kind of idiot would train such large muscle groups in one day?

We train the chest and shoulders on different days to comply with rule number three. By pumping our chest, we unwittingly kill the front bundle of deltas. We leave the middle bun for the back day, as well as the back one, because it swings by itself in almost all exercises for the back muscles.

Press whenever you want
Let me remind you that I am a supporter of pumping the biceps separately from the back, and the triceps separately from the chest. I think my hands grow faster this way.

Actually, we were able to take into account all three rules when constructing the set, you can count, every day we load 50% the entire muscle mass of the body.

Day one back block:

1) Pull-ups 10 times + overhead pull-downs 14 times (3 cycles). A superset of two exercises for pumping: the latissimus, major and minor round muscles of the back. Rest 15 seconds between exercises and rest 40 seconds between sets, and stretch after each set.

2) Deadlift 3x8. Lol classic!

3) Lower block rows to the waist 10 times + bent over dumbbell raises 14 times (3 cycles). A superset of two exercises for pumping: trapezius, latissimus and posterior deltoids. Rest and stretch as well.
In 30 minutes we kill all the back muscles.

Day one shoulders (trapezium, middle deltoid):
Standing chest press (barbell) 10 times + Dumbbell raises to the sides 12 times (3 cycles). The ideal superset for tightening delts. Rest is the same.

Day one triceps block:
Close grip press 2x8. The total mass of the triceps + the inner part of the chest, which will be underloaded on the day of chest training.

6) French press 2x12. A super exercise for the triceps, we need it to pump up the ever-lagging long head of the triceps.

Second day of training:
Day two leg block:
Squats 3x8. Lol classic!

2) Lunges 2x10. Second basic exercise.

3) Calf 2x20 (on the leg press). The calf muscle is the only one that did not receive additional load from the entire muscle mass of the legs, so we pump it up with the help of isolation.
Be sure to stretch your legs, it’s sacred. I don’t think it’s necessary to train the quadriceps and hamstrings separately in a two-day split.

Day two chest block:
Bench press 3x8. Lol classic! Center of the chest.

5) Bars 2x12. Wider grip, lower chest.

6) Butterfly 14 times + dumbbell fly/press 10 times. A superset in which we immediately pursue 3 goals: pumping the upper chest, pumping, plus stretching the fascia. It is necessary to first fill the chest with blood on the butterfly, rest for 15 seconds, then perform either a deep fly or a deep dumbbell press on an incline bench.

Day two biceps (forearm) block:
Barbell lift (straight bar) for biceps 2x12. Hula classic. You can do it right away in drop sets. PSHNB with a straight bar perfectly pumps up the forearm, which is poorly used in the rest of the program.

8) Dumbbell curls for biceps with supination 2x12. More in-depth study!

Conclusion: as you can see, I again adhere to the position of short training. Unless you're shooting steroids up your ass, stick to short, intense workouts to minimize the breakdown of your muscle tissue. You may notice that, unlike the one-day split, supersets, drop sets, and stretching are already starting to be used here. Not a single muscle group is forgotten. In my opinion, this is the ideal two-day split for gaining muscle mass.

How to focus on certain muscle groups?

Let me give you an example. To focus on the chest instead of the legs, then on the second training day, place the block of exercises on the chest first, and pump the legs after the chest. At the beginning of training, there is more energy and mental concentration is better, therefore the impact will be greater. According to scientific data, mental concentration on the working muscle increases its growth by about 8%

Second way increase the load on a certain muscle group: you need to either add a couple of approaches to existing exercises, or add one new exercise for deeper development.
[Dead link to picture].

Today we wanted to talk to you about the most popular form separate training - split. As a rule, this is a full body workout. At each workout we load all major muscle groups. Over time, the muscles get used to the loads and it is necessary to increase them. The increase in loads occurs in two directions, your working weights increase and the number of exercises per muscle group increases. With such work, it is simply impossible to work out the whole body in one workout; such a workout should consist of 25 exercises and last 2-3 hours. It is clear that after the first hour of training, its effectiveness decreases (we do not take into account training that is supported by medications).

Now we know why we need to separate our workouts by day. But how many training weeks do you need? One, two, three or four? We believe that a three-day split or three separate workouts per week is optimal. But if a person does not have time, he is busy at work, then a two-day split or 2 weekly workouts will be quite effective. But, you will have to sacrifice something, some kind of muscle flu will be underutilized. Therefore, we recommend adjusting the two-day split more often, replacing underused muscles. What options for such training could there be?

Program Two-day split top and bottom

With this approach, in the first workout you work out top part body, in the second workout – lower.

Workout 1 (top)

  • (chest) Barbell press on a horizontal bench 3 x 8 – 10
  • (chest) Dumbbell fly on an incline bench. 3 x 8 – 10
  • (back) Bent-over barbell row 3 x 8 – 10
  • (back) Pulldown of a vertical block to the chest 3 x 8 – 10
  • (delta triceps) Seated barbell press up 3 x 8 – 10
  • (biceps) Standing biceps curl 2 x 10 – 12
  • (triceps) Vertical block triceps press down 2 x 10 – 12

You can safely replace one or another exercise for one muscle group with another. For example, if you have scaleosis, then instead of bent-over barbell rows, you can do other exercises for the latissimus muscles, for example:

  • Row of one dumbbell to the waist while standing in a bent-over position
  • Upper cable pull on the block
  • T-bar row

Workout 2 (bottom)

  • Squats with a barbell 3 x 8 – 10
  • Platform leg press (in the simulator) 3 x 8 – 10
  • Deadlift 3 x 8 – 10
  • Lying leg curls (in the simulator) 3 x 8 – 10
  • Standing calf raises (in the simulator) 2 x 12 – 15

Alternative two-day split

When preparing an alternative two-day split program, we were guided by simple rules:

1 – we divide the entire muscle mass of the body into 2 parts, and each workout we work out only half of the muscle mass.

2 – to reduce the load on the spine and hip joint, we divide exercises that load them evenly between two workouts.

Based on the above, you can divide the training as follows:

Examples of exercises for such a split:

Workout 1

  • (back) Pull-ups 2 x 8 – 10
  • (back) Pull-down of the upper block behind the head 3 x 8 – 10
  • (back) Lower pulley to the waist 3 x 8 – 10
  • (shoulders) Standing dumbbell lateral raises 3 x 8 – 10
  • (triceps) Close grip press 3 x 8 – 10
  • (triceps) French press 3 x 8 – 10
  • (back) Hyperextensions 2 x 20
  • Press 2 x max

Workout 2

  • (legs) Squats (or block bench press) 3 x 8 – 10
  • (legs) Lunges with dumbbells 3 x 8 – 10
  • (chest) Bench press 3 x 8 – 10
  • (lower chest) Wide grip parallel bars press 3
  • (chest) Dumbbell flyes 3 x 8 -10
  • (biceps) Standing barbell press x x 8 – 10
  • (biceps) Lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination 3 x 8 – 10
  • Press 2 x max

This way we have short and highly effective workouts 2 times a week. If desired, you can increase the load on any muscle group, either by adding 1 or 2 more approaches, or by choosing additional exercise on this muscle group.