Formation of precise movements of articulation organs. Analyzing body language Gymnastics for the tongue

Movements of the lips and tongue during blowjob

Movements of the mouth and tongue are:


To explain it quite simply, you move your head and lips along the penis “back and forth.” Men really like it if you lightly squeeze the head with wet, tense lips (without touching your teeth) and make several very fast back-and-forth movements (in other words, back and forth), then take a short break for about five seconds (to avoid getting bored, blow on the head cool stream or exhale warm) and repeat again. A widespread misconception among many women is the belief that the penis needs to be caressed by grasping it deeply and firmly with your lips and moving your head back and forth. This form of stimulation looks exciting, but the head is practically not stimulated, and the man is deprived of a whole range of sensations. The same applies to grabbing the penis with your hand and vigorously massaging it. These techniques have a very indirect relation to real oral sex - mainly as a “special effect” and visual stimulus. The main effect during blowjob is performed by nodding movements, when the lips slide over the head and pass through the crown (corolla) - the extension at the base of the head. It is on the corolla that the erogenous zones are concentrated, and therefore the lips should fall here with every movement. At the same time, you can clasp the shaft of the penis with your palm and move your hand in time with the movements of your mouth, creating an additional sheath that imitates contact with the vagina. Usually the head and a third of the shaft are placed in the mouth, but you can also use the “deep throat” technique (see types of blowjob). In this case, the penis is “swallowed” almost entirely; the lips need to be closed at its base. Some men like this technique less than progressive movements only on the head, since with a deep throat the caresses of this area are more monotonous.

Important addition: during this movement, the head does not protrude completely from the mouth (except sometimes for variety); its tip should always be in the mouth.


The penis is twisted using the mouth. You need to take the penis into your mouth (only the head or about half) and begin to make rotating movements with your head. You can entrust control of the process to a man - give him hair in his hands or allow him to move your head.

With this movement, the member will make free movements circular movements, alternately touching different internal surfaces of your mouth. Take it out, slowing down a little with your teeth. It is more convenient to do this exercise while kneeling in front of your partner, or when he is lying down and your head is directly above his penis. Rotational movements should be done either clockwise or counterclockwise.


The movement involves sucking the entire penis or just the head. The biggest mistake with this movement is getting the bridle into the gap between the lower teeth. This is REALLY painful, so ideally the gap should be "filled" by the dentist or always ensure that the lower lip is wrapped around the teeth. In fact, sucking is not as easy as it seems at the very beginning. The first thing to learn is that the penis must be inserted into the mouth correctly. Not like a sausage before biting into it - completely different.

For training, let's do this simple exercise: close your mouth, close your lips. Without opening your lips, slowly unclench your jaws. The teeth are separated, but the lips are still closed. We open our jaws as far as possible and insert the penis into closed and tense lips - this grip is most pleasant for a man.

Let's move on - we took the penis into our mouth, now we need to learn how to suck it. The easiest way to feel what a man feels when you suck his dick is to try sucking your thumb in different ways. And first you can practice on it - to get feedback about sensations. Too strong suction and pushing will most likely be unpleasant for a man. With shallow sucking, only the head is placed in the mouth. You can suck it while moving up or down, or alternating these two movements. When diving deeper, the penis is taken into the mouth to its maximum depth and sucked. In this case, you can completely push it out of your mouth and suck it in again - like a lollipop. Don’t be shy about smacking sounds – they excite a man. When using the “Deep Throat” technique, the penis can be pushed out slowly or done in a back-and-forth motion.

In the East, women were taught to suck on overripe persimmon fruits. The skill was to suck the fruit without getting your fingers dirty. This was not easy to do, since overripe persimmon is a thick liquid that tends to drip onto your fingers. For such training, an overripe tomato, a plate of pasta without a fork, or a thick cocktail with a narrow straw may be suitable. And remember that in porn everything is usually greatly exaggerated, and if you handle a man during a blowjob, working like a pump, rhythmically, sharply, often, with tightly compressed lips, he will either cum very quickly or be afraid of your rudeness (which is more likely!) .


At first glance - the simplest technique - everyone knows how to lick ice cream. In fact, licking can be very different, this is precisely its “trick” and advantage over other techniques. In any case, this is a teasing technique, and not for the result. For example, you can lick the entire surface of a well-moistened tongue, pressing it as hard as possible against the skin - like when eating ice cream. You can lick the entire length of the penis, like children licking a popsicle (at the same time, caress the testicles with your hand), just don’t overdo it. It is the licking movements at the very beginning that allow you to examine the penis and identify the most sensitive areas on it - they are a little different for all men. By the way, in India they called blowjob “licking a mango fruit” - more beautiful than ours. The second “blowjob” technique is based on alternating strong and light touches with the tongue. Do a little test: lick the back of your hand, barely touching it with your tongue, then tense it and lick it again, pressing lightly. Now do the same thing - with the tip and the entire surface of the tongue, like licking jam. Try again: abruptly and slowly, relaxing and tightening your tongue again. Nice? What's more pleasant? Don’t think that a man’s feelings are very different from what you feel, unless they will be many times stronger. The head, shaft, base of the penis and scrotum react differently to the touch of the tongue and require a different approach. The head can be licked slowly, and then very quickly, and again slowly, as with a deep kiss, massaging with a tense tongue the places under the rim, the frenulum. Later you will be able to combine licking movements with others - simultaneously suck and lick the head when the penis is inside, massage the penis with a heavily charged tongue, pressing it to the skin. Licking movements (teasing, playful, provoking) are indispensable for caresses of men who are quickly excited - with more intense caresses, everything can begin and end solely with a blowjob. A “licking scenario” could be like this: walk along the entire shaft of the penis, tickle the frenulum with your tongue, describe several circles along the edging of the head, touch the opening of the urethra with the tip of your tongue, lick the frenulum again, down the shaft, gently lick his testicles. Another option is to take the penis with one hand and gently lick its entire lower part along its length from bottom to top. When you reach the head of the penis, gently and gently wrap your mouth around it. By the excitation of the organ, you will see which part of it is most sensitive and gives the greatest pleasure to your loved one. Kneeling in front of your partner, lift his already hard penis so that you can reach his testicles with your mouth. Using slow, strong movements of your tongue, massage the area under the scrotum, the testicles themselves, carefully and gently slide your tongue over them and lick the entire penis to the very top. The technique is essentially like licking a popsicle. As an option, you can combine straight-line movements of the tongue with the “Big Eight” - from below around the testicles, from above around the head.


This group includes very fast licking movements with the tongue: with the tip of the tongue you make fast movements up and down and side to side, the faster the better. I often call this technique "hummingbird". You've probably seen how the wings of this miniature bird move so quickly that the flapping is not visible at all. Your tongue tip should move the same way. Or a little slower, but so that the man doesn’t notice it. Of course, it won't work right away. It will take training, but once you master the hummingbird technique (you can master it without a partner), you can be sure that he will not find anyone equal to you. Run your quivering tongue over the head, then down, over the testicles and behind them (carefully so as not to tickle). And again return to the head, linger on the bridle and down again. Kiss with the tip of your tongue - touching the skin with your lips, you move the tip of your tongue in a circle or from bottom to top. Quick, short, stinging touches with the tongue are called “Snake Tongue.”


Biting movements - This is a gentle biting of the penis. Be careful with bites. The Kama Sutra teaches: lightly biting the base of the penis turns a man into a tiger. Remember, only light! The more excited a man is, the more boldly you can bite, squeeze and scratch, gradually making your way to the most secret places. You can't bite the anus, but you can caress it with your fingers, lick it and tickle it with your tongue, although not all men like it. Some perceive such games as characteristic only of “gay” people, others suffer from hemorrhoids (this does not have to be visible). There is no point in insisting.

Movements of the tongue when the penis is in the mouth:

Reception aerobatics from the arsenal of the best lovers is the ability to caress the partner’s penis with the tongue, even when it is in the mouth. Learn to move your tongue, lick the penis when you take it deep. By the way, good technique blowjob is doubly useful. It replaces facial gymnastics, so you don’t have to worry about a double chin and “sad lines.” For example, your tongue may spiral around the penis, changing the direction of rotation, or it may simply make quick movements from side to side or up and down. You can alternate all these movements, stick out the tip of your tongue when the head moves along it (in the area of ​​the frenulum), and make a “figure eight” on the head. Alternation various movements The tongue allows a man to experience simply amazing sensations, which is what distinguishes an ideal blowjob from an ordinary one.

You don’t have enough of your own imagination - write letters or numbers in order with your tongue...

Wrapping your lips around your teeth and forming a tight ring:

You don’t have to stand on ceremony with the shaft of the penis; this is the least sensitive zone, the stimulation of which excites mostly the woman and the man due to visual stimulation - the sight of a partner with a penis in her mouth. If you take not only the head into your mouth, tighten your lips very much, as if massaging the penis with them. This area can withstand hand stimulation, strong compression, and fast, jerky movements very well. Practice hiding your teeth well, wrapping them with your lips, and straining your elongated lips hard enough so as not to injure or cause pain to a man’s delicate tissues! From rough treatment, a man gets scared and literally becomes numb. You can try wrapping your lips around your teeth when the penis moves inward, and loosening them into a “bud” when the penis moves back. During the reverse movement, the lips are also tense and do not allow the penis to reach the teeth, but at the same time they look more appetizing than when turning around.

I sincerely hope that everything described above is familiar to you to one degree or another, because these are the basics of caresses with lips and tongue - the most sensual and intimate caresses that you can give to your man. Like a cat that rubs against a person and at the same time enjoys the process, you can please your man, enjoying the process and the result. That's the whole "Big Cat Secret": think about your pleasure, but don't be selfish and give pleasure without counting.

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(from French tic) - relatively simple, reminiscent of purposeful, involuntary movements that occur suddenly, with different frequencies and without a specific rhythm, in which various muscle groups take part. Tics disappear during sleep, vary in intensity, usually intensify with excitement, can be temporarily suppressed by an effort of will, and are easy to imitate. The duration of the tic movement ranges from 50 to 500 ms.

Tics vary in difficulty. Simple tics characterize contractions of one muscle group, complex tics characterize a number of muscle groups. Most often, tics begin in childhood and often persist for years, in some cases throughout the patient’s life. In children aged 6 to 12 years, they occur with a frequency of 6–18%; by the age of 17–18 years, most of them disappear. Tics may be accompanied by anxiety, depression, stuttering, hypersensitivity, restlessness, and lack of self-confidence. A third of children with tics have one or both parents with a mental disorder.

This is grimacing, wrinkling the nose, winking, etc. Manual tics are associated with the muscles of the hands. This is snapping fingers, rubbing palms, rotating a hand, clenching fists, etc.

Another, perhaps equally preferable, taxonomy of tics by A. J. Lees (1989), which we will also present. The author groups tics by the parts of the body in which they occur, noting that the frequency of tics is in descending order from the upper part of the face towards the legs. Tics in this taxonomy look like this.

Facial tics: blinking, rolling eyes, rolling eyes, fixation of gaze, wide opening of eyes, squinting, winking, raising eyebrows, scalp movements, furrowing brows, wrinkling nose, twitching nostrils, opening mouth, grimacing, twisting face, pursing lips, protruding lips, twitching lips , spitting, flicking the tongue, grasping movements with the mouth, licking, biting the lip, grinding teeth, biting the oral mucosa, protruding the jaw, contracting the cutaneous muscle of the neck, sucking movements, rubbing the chin.

Tics of the head, neck, shoulder girdle: tossing the head, nodding the head, twitching the head, tilting the head, shaking the head, rotating the head, raising the shoulders, hunching, stretching the neck.

Hand tics: twitching of the hands, clenching the fingers into a fist, extending the fingers, snapping the fingers, moving the fingers as if playing the piano, sharply straightening the arms, bending the arm at the elbow, abducting the shoulder.

Torso tics: jerking movements of the pelvis, tic in the form of a greeting (bows), twitching of the abdominal muscles, twitching pectoral muscles, protruding the abdomen, squeezing the buttocks, straightening the shoulders and protruding the chest, contracting the rectus abdominis muscle.

Leg tics: foot twitching and thumb, hip flexion, hip abduction, sharp leg lunges forward, toe twisting, foot dorsiflexion, leg flexion knee joint, extension of the leg at the knee joint.

By their nature, tics are heterogeneous. In this regard, the following tics differ.

1.Organic ticks- characterize residual organic brain damage. Such tics are often combined with symptoms of hyperactivity syndrome and psychoorganic symptoms. Tics are usually static, stereotypical, relatively simple, they do not attract the patient’s attention, and do not intensify with excitement (Kovalyov, 1971, 1979).

2.Procedural tics characteristic of endogenous mental illnesses, primarily schizophrenia. In the latter case, the tics are abundant, somewhat pretentious, varied, dynamic, and one type may be replaced by another over time. Probably, some tics are microcatatonic signs; at the same time, there may be other symptoms of catatonia: freezing, mannerisms, negativism, echo symptoms. Increasing autism, emotional impoverishment, and other signs of illness are also revealed. Patients are usually indifferent to tics and do not seek help. The intensity of the tics fluctuates. They can intensify as psychomotor agitation increases and weaken with the onset of psychomotor retardation. Tics may become worse when patients' attention is occupied with something else.

3.Neurotic tics are characteristic of neurosis, arising initially as a defense in situations of distress. When repeated, they are reinforced by habit. Neurotic tics are psychologically understandable; they are similar to those expressive and unnecessary movements that occur in healthy individuals in connection with strong emotions. Typically, such tics intensify with excitement, attracting the attention of patients to them, and are usually accompanied by a reaction of anxiety and concern. Patients make a lot of effort to suppress tics in the presence of others, and to a certain extent they succeed.

The absorption of patients' attention by something else leads to a weakening of the intensity or temporary cessation of tics. Neurotic tics do not have a permanent localization; they often migrate from one part of the body to another. They are usually combined with other neurotic symptoms. Neurotic tics are more similar to obsessions than organic and processual ones, in that patients are aware of their painful nature and resist them.

Obsessive phenomena are believed to arise in the structure of neurotic and neurosis-like disorders of various types, and are also observed in affective pathology. Some types of obsessions, such as obsessive desires, contrasting ideas, obsessive philosophizing, compulsions with complex and elaborate rituals, should be alarming in terms of schizophrenia.

Several additions to the pathogenesis of obsessions.

Proponents of classical psychoanalysis believe that psychopathology centers around regression to the anal-sadistic stage of psychosexual development and ambivalence towards parental figures and their introjects. More recent research emphasizes a high degree of internalization and the need to control all impulses. Symptoms of obsessions are a failure to exercise control; they are examples of the “return of the repressed.”

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis, according to some psychoanalysts, can also be considered as a disorder occurring in those whose personal development was based on alienation from instinct and emotion, because the obsessive Ego is anti-libid, anti-impulsive, anti-emotional, etc.; the symptoms of obsessive neurosis themselves are either breakthroughs beyond alienated aspects of oneself (obsessive thoughts), or defenses against such breakthroughs, that is, obsessive rituals of C. Rycroft (1995). It is indicated that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder use three main defense mechanisms. Isolation is the rejection of unwanted thoughts and impulses, which are thereby perceived by patients as associated with outside influences. Withdrawal - actions designed to neutralize unacceptable impulses, such as hand washing. Reactive formations are actions that are opposite to impulses from the Id. For example, it is living a virtuous life as opposed to destructive impulses. Such esoteric constructs, alas, are far from the clinic, but we believe they deserve attention with regard to the possible connection between obsessions and disturbances of self-perception, since terms such as “repression”, “internalization”, “alienation” are close to those used in the psychopathology of disorders self-awareness.

Followers of behaviorism believe that obsessive actions are formed by fixing any random actions if the latter reduce the level of anxiety. Treatment of patients involves stopping them from performing obsessive actions or eliminating unwanted thoughts with the help of others.

From the standpoint of cognitive psychology, adaptability training is indicated for treatment purposes - voluntary induction of obsessive thoughts, since eventually such thoughts may lose their threatening meaning. The most effective currently is the biological model using drugs such as clomipramine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine.

From the point of view of psychopathology, in understanding the nature of obsessions, it is important to take into account not only the clinical-psychopathological structure of a particular obsession, but also its background and subsequent dynamics.

Jack Schafer, a former FBI special agent, psychology professor, and behavioral analysis consultant, in his book “Turning on Charm Using the Secret Services Method,” says that the lips of the interlocutor can tell a lot to an attentive observer.

Fake smile

Both psychologists and simply observant people have long known that smiles can be genuine and fake. Characteristic signs a sincere smile: raised corners of the mouth and the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. A fake smile usually comes out crooked and out of sync. If a person smiles sincerely, his cheeks rise and wrinkles appear under the eyes and at the outer corners of the eyes. With a fake smile, the corners of the mouth do not rise and there are no folds around the eyes.

People sincerely smile when their desire to communicate is genuine. If you notice a fake smile, this is a sign that something is going wrong. An artificial smile or its absence means that the person is not interested in making acquaintances or continuing the conversation.

Pursed lips

A person automatically purses his lips or folds them into a bow if he is not happy with something. This facial signal can be interpreted as disagreement or protest. Pursed lips also indicate that the other person has said something that contradicts his own thoughts. Knowing this gives you a huge advantage. By noticing that a person is pursing his lips before you have finished expressing your thought, you have a chance to make him change his mind before he has time to express his opinion out loud. Because if a person says something out loud, then he prefers to be consistent and stick to what he said.

For example, imagine that a husband says to his wife: “Darling, I’ll now prove to myself that we can afford a new car.” And then you notice how your wife purses her lips. You understand that she has doubts and is ready to energetically object to you. You just need to immediately bring new arguments before she has time to express her thoughts out loud. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to convince her to agree to the purchase. This technique can also be used perfectly in conversations with husbands.

Pursed lips

If the upper and lower lips of the interlocutor are tightly closed, it means that he wants to say something, but is restraining himself. Suspects often purse their lips before confessing to a crime. They want to confess, but involuntarily purse their lips so as not to give themselves away.

Lip biting

Biting your upper or lower lip is another telltale sign facial movement. At this moment, the interlocutor wants to say something, but for some reason does not dare to do it. This is what the old saying "bite your lip" means - to refrain from speaking your mind.

During a conversation, try to notice this nonverbal signal. This is a good sign to encourage the person to speak up. Say something like, “It sounds like you have an opinion about this. Would you mind sharing?" Many will be surprised by your ability to read their minds and your attentiveness, and will be glad that you show sincere interest.

Touching lips

Touching the lips means that the person is confused by the topic of conversation. Touching your lips distracts attention from the subject being discussed and reduces anxiety. If the person touches his lips with his fingers or a pencil to test the waters, you can clarify your assumption: “I think you are embarrassed to talk about this.” By doing so, you give the person the opportunity to confirm or refute the statement and explain their reaction. And your interlocutor will be pleasantly surprised by your ability to notice such the smallest details.

Lip touching can be used effectively in both business and personal communication. For example, if you are discussing the merits of a product in private with a potential client, notice that he thoughtfully strokes his lips with his fingers. When you notice this gesture, say something like: “You must be confused because you have never used such a thing before.” Your words will encourage the customer to express concern about the quality of the product or service. Once you understand what's bothering him, you can adjust your offer to successfully sell your product.

Based on materials from the book “Turning on the charm using the methods of the secret services”

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Many people, even those not associated with public speaking as such, often still have to take on the function of a speaker, presenter or entertainer. This could be a presentation of a project or a report, holding an event, or just a story interesting story in a circle of friends. What can we say about those for whom performing is a profession? But it doesn’t matter at all whether a person performs professionally, is just learning this skill, or has nothing to do with it at all; in any case, correct articulation will always play into his hands, because thanks to her, all spoken words will sound intelligible, clear and precise, and the speech will be beautiful and memorable. This especially applies, of course, to those people who are directly involved in the performances. In this article we present to your attention 10 effective exercises to improve articulation.

Each of the exercises is aimed at training the muscles of the speech apparatus and improving their mobility. When performing, it is important to pay special attention to the fact that the load should be directed to specific muscle groups. It is also important that the muscles of the cervicobrachial region can work freely, and the pace of exercise should be slow - this helps to obtain the greatest effect from the exercises. Before performing the exercises, you must perform warm-up exercises for the speech apparatus. You can devote only 5-7 minutes to it, but the quality of practice will improve significantly.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics differs by type:

Gymnastics for the cheeks

  1. Retracting and inflating the cheeks alternately
  2. Distillation of air from one cheek first to the other cheek, then under the lower lip, then under the upper lip
  3. Tension of the cheeks and lips with an attempt to push air out of the mouth
  4. Retraction of the cheeks and simultaneous closing and opening of the lips

Gymnastics of the lower jaw

  • Pressing your fists into the lower jaw and pressing your jaw onto your fists
  • Various movements of the lower jaw: up and down, back and forth, circular

Gymnastics of the soft palate

  1. Yawning with open mouth
  2. Movement of the tongue, gathered into a “scapula”, to the soft palate and return to the alveoli - the base of the upper and lower teeth
  3. Pronunciation of vowel sounds with yawns
  4. Imitation of gargling

Lip gymnastics

  • A tense smile with closed teeth and lips stretched out like a tube.
  • Various movements of lips with closed teeth: up-down, left-right, circular
  • Chewing lips
  • Pulling the lips over the teeth and then smiling with the lips sliding over the teeth
  • Lifting the upper lip exposing the upper teeth, then lifting the lower lip exposing the lower teeth
  • Snort

Tongue gymnastics

  1. Rotating the tongue in a circle in the space between the lips and teeth and holding the tongue under the right and left cheeks alternately
  2. Chewing the tongue
  3. Slapping tongue with lips
  4. Pulling the tongue forward with a “needle”
  5. Attempts to reach the chin and nose with the tongue
  6. Folding the tongue into a “tube”, moving the “tube” back and forth and blowing air into it
  7. Turning the tongue on different sides
  8. Holding the tongue against the upper palate

After articulatory gymnastics finished and you are convinced that all parts of the speech apparatus have been developed, you can move on to the main exercises to improve articulation.

Exercises to improve articulation

Exercise 1

An exercise to feel the tip of the tongue - its hardness and activity in pronunciation. To do this, use your imagination: imagine that your tongue is a small hammer. Then hit it on the teeth with the tip, saying: yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. After this, practice pronouncing the letters “T-D”.

Exercise 2

Exercise to free the larynx and tongue. Its essence is that you need to quickly take a short breath through your nose and exhale completely through your mouth. The exhalation should also be sharp and should be accompanied by the sound “Fu”. The same exercise can be supplemented with an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the larynx: pronounce the letters “K-G” several times.

Exercise 3

Exercise for rapid activation of the labial muscles. You need to puff out your cheeks and release the accumulated air with a sharp clap through pursed lips, while vigorously pronouncing the letters “P-B”.

Exercise 4

An exercise to practice the skill of drawing air before each new phrase. Take any poem or excerpt from a work and consciously take a deep breath before each new phrase. Try not to forget about this so that you develop a habit. And you also need to take into account three points: breathing should be silent, at the beginning of each phrase you should keep your lips slightly open, and after the end of each sound you should immediately close your mouth so that the ending is not “chewed.”

Exercise 5

Exercise for proper air distribution. Typically, a person requires more breathing when speaking loudly, but speaking softly often requires greater control of exhalation. Practice pronouncing phrases in a low and loud voice and determine how much air you need for each of them. Combine this technique with the previous one.

Exercise 6

An exercise for smooth pronunciation of vowels in a single flow and clear pronunciation of consonants within this flow. Choose any poem (or several lines from it) and do it as follows: first, eliminate all consonants from the lines and pronounce only the vowels evenly, stretching them out a little. After this, begin to insert clear and quick consonants into the stream of vowels, trying to ensure that the stream of vowels remains as sonorous.

Exercise 7

Diction exercise. It is a simple reading of tongue twisters. Choose for yourself several tongue twisters with different letter combinations and begin to hone your pronunciation. Slowly at first, measuredly. Then increase the pace. Watch the rhythm, control diction, intelligibility and expressiveness.

Exercise 8

Another exercise to improve diction. It consists in the fact that at the end of each word you need to pay special attention to sharply emphasizing its ending. This will make the pronunciation of the word clearer and more expressive.

Exercise 9

Exercise to improve the pronunciation of sounds. It is used for those sounds that are most difficult for you to pronounce. Take a dictionary, open the letter that is causing you difficulty, and read in a row all the words that have a sound that is difficult for you, listening carefully to it. Through repeated repetitions, pronunciation will improve. In addition to this exercise, you can use a voice recorder to track your progress: record all the words you speak, then listen to the recordings and work on mistakes.

Exercise 10

An exercise to develop the timbre and acoustic properties of the voice. It includes the development of the muscles of the pharynx and tongue. You need to silently pronounce the letters “A-E-O” 10 times, while trying to open not your mouth, but the pharynx cavity.

And as a small bonus, another cool and effective technique to improve the overall quality of not only articulation, but also introductions in general - this is working with a mirror. Choose a passage of prose or a poem that you remember and read it while watching your reflection in the mirror. Track your facial expressions, movements of lips, eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones. Listen to your voice. The main evaluation criteria should be aesthetics, naturalness, harmony, as well as psychological and physical comfort. You must ensure that you like yourself, so that the sound of your voice is pleasant to you, and your facial expressions and gestures evoke exclusively positive emotions.

Naturally, these exercises are not exhaustive and the only ones of their kind. And they should only serve as pointers for you in working on your articulation. If you wish, you can find a huge number of similar exercises on the Internet or specialized literature. But to summarize, we can make a brief summary and highlight a few main principles:

  • Of particular importance in articulation training are the systematic nature of exercises and their conscious control.
  • It is very important to regularly work in front of the mirror
  • During training, you must be demanding of yourself, be able to look (listen) to yourself from the outside
  • It is necessary to do numerous repetitions of unpronounceable sounds until you feel a state of complete comfort when pronouncing them.
  • Particular attention should be paid to working with muscular and emotional tensions
  • Progress significantly speeds up listening to audio and viewing video materials with recordings of people with excellent articulation

Guide your practice by these principles, and desired result will make itself felt very soon. And the first tangible effect will appear at the initial stage. Remember that developing articulation is recommended not only for singers, professional presenters, lecturers, speakers or actors, but also for any person in general, if only for the simple reason that we all live in society and we constantly have to interact with other people.

We wish you good luck with your articulation work. Speak beautifully!

To train your articulation and improve your mood, we suggest you take a short test:

  1. Try turning your lower lip inside out without using your hands and with your mouth closed.
  2. Try to do the same, but with your mouth open
  3. Repeat point No. 2 at the mirror

It is impossible to imagine your life without kisses; with their help you can express a whole range of feelings: gratitude, tenderness, affection, respect and, of course, love. They are the essential companions of love, serve as the beginning of a serious relationship, and no couple in love can do without them. Therefore, sooner or later, every person wonders how to kiss correctly. This topic is especially of interest to those who have never had the opportunity to do this.

Before the first kiss

Usually, failures during the first kiss happen due to the fact that people constantly think about it, are afraid of leaving an unpleasant impression or seem incompetent, or, on the contrary, they express themselves too actively, trying to show themselves as capable and experienced. Therefore, you should not get hung up on it.

While kissing, try to relax and enjoy yourself. Forget about memorized movements, rely only on your sensations and feelings.

However, it is worth remembering that your partner also wants to be kissed. At the same time, it is very important that your jaws move synchronously, try to get into the rhythm of your loved one’s movements, do not immediately seize the initiative, a little later you will be able to set the rhythm yourself.

When kissing, do not be afraid to touch your partner; you can stroke his hair, face, shoulders, etc.

All your actions should be gentle and relaxed.

Try not to rush and not to delay the first kiss too much; it is better if it is short-lived.

Not everyone manages to enjoy a kiss for the first time. This is due to the fact that most of the attention is paid to assessing the situation, as well as one’s own actions. But as soon as you manage to get rid of these thoughts, relax and completely surrender to the process, you will understand how pleasant it is to kiss.

There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in the art of kissing; everyone can learn to do it correctly. First of all, you need to make sure that you are ready for the kiss. There should be no unpleasant odors coming from your mouth, as they can repel even the most passionate lover. You should also keep your teeth and tongue clean. To achieve this, in addition to toothpaste, use special fresheners and mouth rinses.

Now we can take a closer look at the kissing process itself:

Having waited for the right moment, you can start kissing. To do this, slowly begin to tilt your head towards your partner until your lips touch. At the same time, pull your lips forward slightly so that they remain relaxed. After contact, close your eyes and focus on the sensations.

Without haste, gently kiss one of your partner’s lips with your two lips, ideally it should be between your lips. At the same time, lightly compress your lips. To determine the strength of compression and practice, you can squeeze with your lips index finger. This kiss should last about 2-4 seconds.

After this, lean back about 4 centimeters, open your eyes and look at your loved one. This point needs to be given special attention, as it will help you determine whether it is worth continuing or whether it is better to stop. Monitor your partner's reaction, if it is positive, you can move on.

Start kissing one of your loved one's lips again, then move to the other and back again. At the same time, you can suck it lightly or move your tongue over it. You can also use your teeth and start lightly biting your lip, but you should be very careful here so as not to hurt your loved one. When kissing, be sure to watch your partner’s reaction and give him the opportunity to kiss you too.

French kiss

This is a very intimate type of kiss in which one partner touches the lips, mouth and tongue of the other partner with his tongue. Usually it becomes a continuation of a kiss on the lips, but can also occur separately. If you and your lover have never kissed in this way, you don’t need to immediately put your tongue in his mouth, try to act gradually and tactfully, taking into account the situation and your partner’s reaction.

Where to start:

So, first you need to know your partner's reaction. So start with a simple kiss, then open your mouth slightly and run the tip of your tongue across your loved one’s lips and wait until he responds. In this case, the guy can take active action himself. If he doesn’t dare, then open your lips a little wider and very slowly spread his lips with your tongue. Then move your tongue back slightly and wait for his reaction. Repeat this action until your tongues touch.

The video below will more clearly demonstrate to you how to kiss correctly. Please note that the video shows a kiss from partners who have long passed the stage of the first kiss and can afford much more. You can find a visual aid to the first kiss in the video at the end of this article.

Passionate French kiss with tongue

French kiss technique

  1. Try to behave naturally, relax, discard shyness and excitement.
  2. You can make any movements with your tongue: suck easily, move from side to side, touch slightly, etc., the main thing is that your loved one likes it. Explore, add new movements, and you can easily determine his tastes. Just remember that when kissing, all manipulations with the tongue must be performed smoothly and with moderate force, so as not to cause discomfort to your partner.
  3. To start, you can run your tongue over inside lips, men really like this, since one of the erogenous zones is located there.
  4. Tongue sucking. While kissing, you can lightly suck your partner's tongue. It may be quite difficult for you to catch it right away, but soon you will learn to do it quickly. Suck the guy's tongue like a cocktail straw. At the same time, you may need to press closer to your partner so that he does not recoil in surprise. But as soon as the guy relaxes, you can start sucking his tongue with pulsating movements. Such caresses usually give the partner great pleasure.
  5. Tongue rotation. You can make rotational movements with your tongue when kissing, this gives great pleasure to many. To do this, touch your partner's tongue with yours and begin to make clockwise rotational movements around it.
  6. Simultaneous movements of the tongue. Usually one of the partners initiates the kiss, so at first he acts independently. But there are also situations when a couple begins to kiss using the tongue at the same time. At the same time, a kind of game occurs when the partners seem to catch up with each other with their tongues.
  7. Pressing on the tongue. You can press on the tongue with such force that it would be pleasant for you. In this case, the partner may, as it were, resist in response, pressing on your tongue.
  8. The force of pressure on the lips. Lips can be treated with different strengths. It is recommended to start with a soft, gentle touch, and after a little time you can add intensity. Change the pressure on your lips and the pace of the kiss: sometimes weakly, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Constant change and variety are the basis of any kiss.
  9. Duration of the kiss. The duration of a kiss can be completely different; the optimal time is from 0.5 to 5 minutes. But this figure is very individual, for some one minute is enough, while for others half an hour is not enough. The fact that the kiss was successful is indicated by slight excitement and slight shortness of breath.

What is better not to do when French kissing:

  • When kissing, you should not bite your tongue, since even the most gentle and light biting can give your partner unpleasant sensations.
  • Also, do not stick your tongue too deeply, as this can also cause discomfort.
  • No need to focus on just one language, make the process varied, alternate various types kisses.
  • Don't grab your partner's lips or tongue too hard or too often.
  • Don't drool. Watch your salivation, if it is too strong, alternate different types kisses.
  • Don't lick your partner's entire face and mouth - why be like a dog.

Whatever your experience in kissing, never be afraid to experiment, because only through trial and error will you be able to perfect your technique. Kiss your loved one as your heart tells you, and then you will remember these wonderful moments for the rest of your life.

What not to do while kissing

1) Don't try to look at your partner. Just close your eyes and enjoy the kiss. If during a kiss your partner opens his eyes slightly and notices that you are looking at him carefully, this may confuse him.

2) Don't try to talk or interject while kissing. A kiss is an absorbing process, if your partner is drowning in the kiss, he simply may not hear what you say, or, on the contrary, will move away from your lips in order to better understand what you are saying.

3) Do not try to passionately pull your partner’s hair while kissing, as you may have seen in some erotic scenes in movies. If you just want to repeat what you saw in the movies, it can be executed simply ridiculously.

4) Don't open your mouth wide. A kiss is primarily the interaction of the lips and tongue of the partners; do not try to eat your gentleman.

5) Do not try to lick your partner’s face with your tongue; the kissing zone is your partner’s lips and tongue. Everything that goes beyond this zone can already be considered preliminary caresses before the start of intimacy.

Video instruction: how to kiss correctly for the first time