Why do my muscles hurt so much after the first workout? Muscles hurt after training: what to do - nutrition and regimen

Work out in gym, working hard on yourself and your body - this is all, of course, wonderful. But in all this splendor there is one extremely unpleasant moment for many people involved - muscle pain after the training.

Its presence and the discomfort it creates for some result in a reluctance to study, a drop in motivation for further self-improvement, and other problems. How to avoid all this is described below.

The fact is that the human body (and other mammals) is naturally built in such a way that it contains protective and developmental mechanisms. These two mechanisms at the same time are, roughly speaking, muscle pain. It’s worth noting right away that there is a widespread belief that muscles hurt because of. In fact, this is not so: lactic acid is just a product of the breakdown of substances in the body or something like the consequences of an inflammatory process. The muscle tissue itself hurts due to damage due to physical work: During weight or resistance exercise own weight, muscles (or rather fibers) are literally damaged - torn, stretched. Therefore, anyone who practices can feel the effects within a day or two.

Muscle structure and types muscle fibers

By the way, due to various factors, pain can manifest itself in different ways and at different times.

Types of muscle pain

Muscle pain is not an indicator of muscle growth or strength. Pain is a sign that you have worked hard, that the muscles have received a significant load on them

Due to the fact that in the programs of bodybuilders or other athletes (fitness, workout, weightlifting) the training has varying degrees of severity (light, medium and heavy), the muscles receive different loads and, as a result, different degrees of “injury”. Due to such prerequisites, muscle pain can appear at different times: a day later, two days later, or immediately after finishing the exercise.

It’s interesting, but bodybuilders perceive the complete absence of such pain in the muscles negatively. This is due to the fact that the body is already accustomed to the stress, and a workout that did not cause pain was wasted. “No pain, no growth.”

Normal moderate muscle pain after exercise. As a rule, this type of pain appears after sleep or almost exactly one day after training. This type is considered the most optimal and favorable for muscle growth, physical qualities and constant progress. Based on these sensations, one can roughly say with what intensity, weights of weights and how many approaches the athlete worked. This intermediate level intensity, projectile weights vary from 70 to 80% of the maximum, and approaches range from 4 to 6.

Delayed muscle pain. Typically, the period of its occurrence is an average of 48 hours after training. Naturally, such a delay in the protective and developmental mechanisms of the body leads to a greater expenditure of time to achieve certain goals. That is, you will have to rest longer, which means training will be less frequent. If delayed pain occurs, you can judge the nature of the training - it was hard. The body was simply not ready for such stress, and it took time for it to launch all the necessary processes.

Muscle pain from injury. This type differs from the previous two in that it is not predictable: it can occur right during the exercise, immediately after it, or simultaneously with the usual moderate pain the next day. It has a more long-lasting nature: if the two previous types of pain disappear in 2 or 3 days, then the pain from the injury will disappear along with the injury itself. And damage heals slowly, especially serious ones. One such injury is a sprain. The nature of the pain from an injury is more acute than pain from stress: if you touch it, the usual or delayed pain is more dull, while from an injury it is more acute. It's hard to confuse them.

Physical activity can not only damage the muscles that hurt, but also, on the contrary, help recovery

Depends on which side you look at this issue from. If an athlete trained the chest and triceps on Monday, for example, and has the next workout on Wednesday, but the strained muscles have not yet recovered, this does not mean that it is necessary to train the chest and triceps again. It is better to pay attention to other muscle groups. This will be smart from the point of view of constructing a set of exercises.

But if an athlete trains the same muscle groups several times a week, when the muscles do not have time to rest properly and the pain in them does not go away, then leading trainers and bodybuilders advise taking additional time to rest, otherwise due to “lack of sleep” the muscles will not grow and become stronger. This is what is based on main principle bodybuilding or other heavy sports: stimulate the muscles, give it a rest, stimulate, rest, and so on. It is from this scheme that the success of an athlete follows.

How to prevent post-workout pain

There are several simple ways reduce or almost completely eliminate muscle pain after intense exercise:

Massage or self-massage;

Contrast shower;

Eating large amounts of carbohydrates ( sports nutrition);

Hot bath or sauna.

Let's go through each point.

During the process of growth and aging, changes occur in muscle tissue. Incorporating warm-up and stretching into a regular training schedule will ensure uniform muscle growth along the fibers and increase flexibility. This will give you the ability to move in any direction with ease and provide more energy to perform various actions.

Massage in any form stimulates the outflow of blood and lymph from tight muscles, which reduces their size and micro-tears.
As a result of this painful sensations the next day will be much smaller.

A contrast shower for 3 to 5 minutes immediately after training allows you to narrow and dilate blood vessels
, which has a beneficial effect on the outflow of blood from “clogged” muscles. Naturally, the pain should be less.

Carbohydrate foods or sports nutrition
with a carbohydrate base (preferable, of course), for example, any type of gainer (high-carbohydrate or high-protein), allow you to quickly restore glycogen in muscles and saturate cells with energy, which will affect muscle recovery during sleep. The recovery rate in this case is the highest, and the pain the next day, as a rule, disappears completely.

Like a contrast shower, a hot bath or sauna promotes the occurrence of certain processes in the body, which have a beneficial effect on the subsequent rest of the “damaged” person. muscle tissue. In addition, a very warm environment relaxes and improves the quality of sleep, which cannot but affect your vacation as a whole.

Video: Why muscles hurt after training. How can I help?


Well, muscle pain is a completely normal and even beneficial phenomenon for every organism. But it can cause a feeling of inconvenience, which not everyone can put up with. Therefore, following simple rules of rest and recovery can significantly minimize discomfort after training. They are not difficult to perform, and their effectiveness is confirmed by leading athletes and coaches.

Be sure to read about it

Muscle pain after exercise - how to avoid and how to treat

We are accustomed to associate muscle pain with overexertion. We did too much work in the gym, went for a run for the first time or went to aerobics, and just went skating or cycling after big break. But it also happens that there was no heavy load, on the contrary - you sit at the computer all day, intensely peering at the monitor, and the next day your back muscles, abs, neck, and arms ache. The reason is your stiff, immobile state, in which the usual muscle strain has occurred. If the pain does not go away for two or three days, this is a reason to consult a doctor; you may have a disorder called fibromyalgia.

Muscle pain during training - how to avoid?

In principle, minor pain during exercise is acceptable.

But remember – you need to train with pleasure, and not with tears in your eyes. An exception is made only for the abdominal press - it needs to be loaded exactly to the point of feeling “I can’t do it anymore.” All abdominal muscles are a voluminous area that requires great job and good work. It is also recommended to actively load the buttocks and hips.

The maximum load is easy to determine. When the body approaches the limit, you feel a vibration in the muscles, as if they are filled with heat. Usually this feeling occurs on the 8-12th set or after 30-40 seconds of intense strength work. The same sensations are typical for aerobic exercise. To ensure your strength is restored faster and you can move on to the next exercise, it is recommended to do stretching exercises. But if a sharp pain appears and the body refuses to obey, the training must be stopped - trust the instinct of self-preservation.

You should not exercise every time until muscle pain appears. Alternate heavy workouts with light ones - this technique will give best results than constant work at the limit. With increased physical activity, not only the body gets tired, but also nervous system, the body does not have time to recover. If you come to your next workout, and instead of a pleasant stretching of the muscles you feel a sharp pain, this means that the body is sending an alarm signal. You should not ignore it - as a result of overload, the structure of the muscles is disrupted, they become less elastic and serious injuries are possible. Training should be resumed only after complete recovery.

Muscle pain after training - what to do?

The next morning after impact training, you can barely get out of bed, your legs are weak, your whole body hurts. A familiar state, isn't it? These are so-called residual muscle pain, which appear a few hours after training and can increase over two to three days. What to do? Under no circumstances should you wait until it “goes away on its own”!

Here's how you can alleviate the suffering of your own body:

  • During the recovery period, the most important thing is to properly relax the muscles. After loading, they shrink and become like stone. It is advisable to have a relaxing massage on the same day, otherwise you will have difficulty moving around the next day. By the evening of the next day, it would be nice to supplement the recovery program with a sauna or bathhouse. If the pain bothers you greatly, rub it with a warming cream.
  • If there is no sauna or steam bath, take a warm, relaxing bath. Be sure to add sea salt and essential oils– roses, lavender, mint, pine, tea tree, rosemary, juniper. 3-5 drops per bath is enough. Lie in warm water for 15-20 minutes - and you will feel like a completely different person!
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. Drink herbal teas with honey or green tea.

Do not try to exercise until muscle pain appears. Muscles should only occasionally ache when changing the type of load. If you constantly give high load, you can very quickly reach the limit of your body's capabilities.

Any person who has had to play sports knows what muscle pain is. It doesn’t matter what kind of sport someone is involved in, and which muscles are subject to significant stress and can be noticeably sore after training. What to do in this case?

What can hurt

If you had to run a lot - your legs hurt, you lifted a lot of weights - your arms and chest muscles will hurt. Most often, this pain is insignificant and is perceived by a person with some joy - “it hurts, which means the muscle worked really well.” But you shouldn’t be so optimistic about everything, because pain is a signal from our body that some tissue is being aggressively affected.

First you need to understand what causes muscle pain after exercise and what is the mechanism of its occurrence.

“Good pain” in the muscles and the reasons for its occurrence

In sports, they talk about two types of pain, which can please a person and not be a cause for concern. It is their presence that indicates that the muscles worked to their fullest during training, and gradually increase their volume in response to heavy loads. Most often it is the increase muscle mass and is the main purpose of working out in the gym. In one case, a person begins to feel muscle pain during exercise and almost immediately after training, and in another, a day or more later. The thing is that the mechanism of its occurrence is radically different.

Accumulation of excess lactic acid

Normally, our cells obtain the vast majority of their energy needs through aerobic glycolysis. In this case, oxygen participates in the reaction chain, resulting in a large amount of energy. However, there is an evolutionarily older way of obtaining energy by the cells of the body. It is called anaerobic glycolysis and occurs without the participation of oxygen.

During training, a person loads the muscles to such an extent that the oxygen supplied by the blood becomes insufficient to provide energy to all myofibrils. The body launches the second pathway of glucose oxidation and replenishes the lack of energy. One of the products of this metabolism is lactic acid (lactate), which accumulates during training in those muscles that experience significant stress. How more exercise is carried out, the more acid has time to accumulate.

Lactate has an acidic reaction, which our receptors cannot fail to notice. That is why, when performing an exercise, a person experiences, at first, a mild burning sensation, which gradually becomes stronger, to the point that even if desired, it is impossible to perform the exercise.

Regular exercise usually ensures the absence of severe pain

Scientists have conducted dozens of studies and found that after stopping exercise, all the lactic acid that has managed to form is gradually washed out by the blood. The entry of a significant amount of acidic compounds into the blood can slightly shift its acid level (but not so much that a person feels it) and trigger compensatory mechanisms. As a result, free radicals are additionally destroyed - harmful compounds that can damage cell membranes and DNA molecules.

Previously, there was a very widespread myth that the more pain a person experiences during training, the greater the effect they bring. The poor bodybuilders simply screamed in pain as they struggled through exercise after exercise. Many believed that those unable to endure pain had no place in the society of athletes, etc.

Scientists naturally became interested in this phenomenon and conducted their own research. The results amazed many - the intensity of the pain experienced during training does not in any way affect the final result. The most significant factor turned out to be the body weight of the trainee: the more a person weighs, the more more muscles it can grow on it (this is quite logical and can be explained in terms of proportions). Moreover, constant pain is a strong stressor and can discourage any desire to work out in the gym. Sport should bring joy, pleasure and at the same time make a person beautiful and healthy, and not be the cause of mental and physical suffering.

Conclusion: You should not be afraid of such pain, but there is no need to take this feeling to the extreme. It is important to feel the limit to which the pain is not particularly bothersome and brings satisfaction from the workout. It is highly undesirable to step over it.

Delayed muscle pain

If the body itself eliminates the cause of past pain in just a few hours, then many may wonder: why do my muscles sometimes hurt for several days after training?

In this case we are talking about delayed muscle pain. It occurs when the muscles received an unusual load the day before. Most often, this kind of sensation bothers newcomers whose body has not had time to adapt and signals to the owner that he has never had to do this before. However, even experienced athletes can feel this pleasant aching pain a day after training. In such cases, the reasons are new (or well-forgotten) sets of exercises, a sharp increase in intensity, and duration of work in the gym.

The mechanism of development of this pain may frighten the unprepared reader - muscle ruptures. In fact, we are talking about microtraumas and microtears, when damage occurs at the level of individual muscle fibers. Any intense load causes some of the fibrils to break. This does not affect the overall performance of the body, but interesting processes begin to occur in it.

This kind of pain is familiar to every powerlifter.

Microscopic foci of inflammation appear in the area of ​​ruptures in response to injury. The body immediately activates its regenerative abilities and releases hormones into the blood that stimulate the growth of damaged muscle and suppress inflammation. By stimulating growth, protein synthesis is enhanced, thereby increasing the volume of muscle mass. These hormones affect not only the damaged areas, but also the rest of the tissue (although not to the same extent). This is achieved through the release of active substances not into the area of ​​inflammation, but into the systemic bloodstream. The blood does not understand what to carry where and evenly distributes any substance throughout the body.

A logical question arises: in the absence of pain, can we talk about improper training? This is not true, since our body can adapt to almost anything, including pain. After several workouts, the same damage to muscle cells will no longer manifest itself as pain of equal intensity. The receptors will no longer signal the brain as actively, but the effect of proper work in the gym will still be good. However, you should not continue the same exercise program for more than two months, as the body can adapt to such an extent that the effectiveness of working on itself will be reduced. If, after changing the set of exercises, delayed pain does not appear, then you should think about increasing the intensity of the workout.

Why muscles hurt after training: overload and injury


It has already been said that delayed muscle pain is a consequence of microtrauma during training. All benefits will be received only if the micro-tears have time to heal before the next session. Otherwise, any training will only cause harm and additional damage. The ability of the immune system to correct all the consequences of thoughtless stress will gradually decrease, hormones will no longer be released with the same intensity, and the tendons will become more fragile. We are talking about overtraining of the body.

Main symptom this state the body is a wandering phantom pain that appears for no apparent reason in the muscles and joints 1–2 hours after training. It goes away as unexpectedly as it arises. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the load during sports, and in the most severe cases give up training altogether for a week or two.

Injury received in a rocking chair

If you do not follow safety precautions and the simplest training rules, you can get a serious injury without any harsh impact on the body with foreign objects. Many novice athletes believe that warming up only takes away the time during which they can do “really” useful exercises" This is extremely dangerous and unwise! Unprepared tendons, joints, ligaments and muscles can easily be damaged by even the heaviest load.

You should be wary if there is at least one of the following signs:

  • The pain appeared suddenly during training and was severe.
  • When moving, a cracking or clicking sound is heard in the joint.
  • A swelling appeared on the body, painful on palpation.
  • The unpleasant feeling does not weaken, but intensifies every day.
  • Increasingly, during the exercise, “shots of pain” occur, which then disappear.
  • There is a feeling that the pain comes from inside the joint.
  • The pain is so severe that it is impossible to perform the usual exercises.
  • Pain appears when performing a certain load - this indicates isolated damage to individual elements of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Unpleasant sensations prevent you from performing your usual activities.

Sprains and dislocations often occur in both beginners and old-timers of the rocking chair.

If pain after or during training is of the nature indicated above, then you must urgently contact a surgeon or traumatologist. Doctors will be able to determine the cause of the discomfort and provide adequate treatment. Many conditions in orthopedics and traumatology can be eliminated using conservative methods. Afterwards, patients can return to sports and attend gyms in the same way.

If you don’t pay attention to the “alarming pain” and think that the stronger the sensation, the greater the effect, you can prolong the disease to such an extent that surgical intervention will be required, after which you will have to forget about spending time in the gym. It’s especially hard to hear such advice from doctors. professional athletes at the peak of his career.

What to do with pain: methods to relieve or at least alleviate discomfort

For most athletes, the burning sensation in the muscles after a workout is not pain, but a kind of pleasant reward that indicates that the hours in the gym were not wasted. If you want to dull this feeling a little, then you can remember the pathogenesis of pain and take some measures.

  • Drinking enough fluid stimulates the kidneys and eliminates all unnecessary metabolites from the body. These include lactic acid, which, when drinking heavily, will leave the muscles faster and stop irritating the nerve endings.
  • Water procedures, especially a combination of a hot bath with a cold shower, help to increase blood flow in the peripheral parts of the body and “wash out” lactic acid from there. In addition, temperature changes stimulate the immune system, which is generally beneficial for the body.
  • The sauna is a wonderful combination of high, significant temperature changes and plenty of drinking, which perfectly eliminates almost any pain after training.
  • Antioxidants are substances that can eliminate free radicals. You can help the body in this difficult task by taking a little ascorbic acid, vitamin A or E. Also, a lot of these substances are found in the peels of fruits and vegetables (grapes, cabbage, raisins - good choice to have a snack during training).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - inflammation in the muscles can be relieved by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but not in the case of sports! They cannot be taken regularly due to the risk of developing pathology of the gastric mucosa. A good alternative to them is an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, licorice, and walnut, raspberries, currants in the form of berries.
  • Warm-up and cool-down - important elements workouts that will prevent the development of serious muscle pain.
  • Massage - rubbing and kneading muscles leads to increased local blood flow, due to which acidic metabolic products are quickly removed from the body. Also, touching the body distracts a person, and he stops feeling pain so clearly.
  • Swimming is a good combination water procedure and movement - an important factor that allows muscles to recover faster.
  • Sleep - the body recovers best when a person sleeps. Muscles are no exception to the rule.

If you follow all the rules of training, don’t overwork, remember to warm up and cool down, then muscle pain will only bring joy, and no measures to alleviate it will be required!

Taking the first step is always difficult in any business. If you start playing sports, then you need to get used to a new lifestyle and physical activity. It is quite obvious that even mild pain does not give you enthusiasm, but this is the mechanism of adaptation to physical activity. They can appear even in experienced athletes, but beginners almost always feel them.

What is muscle soreness after exercise?

Doctors call pain and discomfort that manifests itself a day or two after the training as “creature”. This is a normal phenomenon for athletes and everyone goes through it. Any physical activity is stressful for the body. If you have never exercised before, the stress is quite strong.

Krepatura can appear after a strong long-term impact on the muscles. During training, muscle tissue receives microdamage. Inflammatory processes begin to develop in the areas of these herbs, which cause pain.

Experienced athletes perceive their appearance as a sign effective training. However, novice athletes may get scared, after which they want to find out if their muscles hurt after training and whether they can exercise.

Causes of muscle pain

When you lift weights in the gym, your muscles actively contract and constrict your blood vessels. It is quite obvious that in such a situation blood cannot penetrate the tissue. Consequently, oxygen does not enter them. To provide muscles with energy during strength training The process of anaerobic glycolysis is used, which occurs without the participation of oxygen.

The result is a metabolite called lactic acid. Its amount directly depends on your training experience and in beginning athletes it is synthesized in large quantities. Under normal conditions, lactic acid is excreted in the blood, but we have already noted that during strength training blood flow in muscle tissue is obstructed and the metabolite remains in the tissue until blood flow is completely restored.

The pain caused by lactic acid appears only the next day, when the muscles cool down. In this case, the pain is not acute, but it causes discomfort and sometimes it can be quite difficult to even move a leg or arm. The answer to the question, if your muscles hurt after training, can you train, is affirmative if the pain is not acute.

When an athlete experiences sharp pain, especially during an exercise, the whole issue may be an injury. Most often they are associated with ligament injuries, and they can be caused by a careless sudden movement. The ankle is especially vulnerable in this regard.

Unheated muscles are also often injured. To avoid this, it is always necessary to conduct a quality warm-up before starting the main part of the training. If, when pain occurs, you see redness or swelling on the skin and want to know if your muscles hurt after training, is it possible to train, then in this case the answer is no. In such a situation, you should consult a doctor about possible injury.

Muscles hurt after training: is it possible to train?

Actually, we have already answered your question, if your muscles hurt after training, can you train? If the pain is not strong, then you not only can, but even need to train. However next lesson should be less intense and deliberate.

Since you have soreness, athletes often say that the muscles are clogged, then you need to keep them in good shape. Sometimes you even have to force yourself, as the discomfort can be very unpleasant. If this is not done, then after the next lesson you will again experience pain.

However, you should also remember to rest, as excessive exercise can lead to overtraining. If you trained a specific muscle group and after that pain appeared, then the next session should be of a general nature. Simply put, you should work all the muscles in your body, but not as intensely as last time.

Pay special attention to stretching your muscles. You can do Pilates, yoga or go for a run. If you have been training for quite a long time and after training you experience soreness, then we can say that the work involved those muscles that you had not previously pumped. This may be due to a change in the training program.

If after training you do not see progress, and the muscles do not react to the load, then they have already adapted to it. This fact suggests that you urgently need to change something in your training process. Most often it is enough to increase the load. However, if you have been using the training program for a long time, then it is worth making small adjustments to it.

Beginning athletes should remember that the body will not respond well to heavy loads. It is very important to dose them correctly so as not to harm your health. We will now find out how to do this.

How can you reduce pain after exercise?

In order for each session to be as effective as possible, and for the muscles to have time to fully recover, it is necessary to competently approach the preparation training program. To do this, you should adhere to several rules, which will be discussed now. If you follow them, the question of whether your muscles hurt after training or whether you can train will not arise.

Let's start with the frequency of classes. If you train every day, your body will not have time to recover. This will lead to premature wear and tear of the body, which should not be allowed. You should always be concerned about your health. Only moderate physical activity can be healing in nature. Thus, classes should be held every second day. This time will be enough for your muscles to recover, and they will not lose their tone.

Every workout must begin with a warm-up. This is extremely important, because unwarmed muscles can easily be injured. You can use for this treadmill, perform swinging movements of the limbs, and also work with a skipping rope.

It is also very important to alternate loads, focusing on different muscle groups. Let's say you trained your chest in the last lesson, then today you can pay attention to your legs, and next training session- back. A similar approach to building training process is the most effective and you will achieve your goals faster.

We have already said that muscles adapt to the load. Actually, it is thanks to this adaptation process that weight gain occurs. To continually progress, each new training session should be slightly more difficult. However, the load should be progressed systematically. We recommend increasing working weights by no more than 10 percent weekly. This is enough to force the muscles to adapt to new physical activity.

How to eliminate pain in muscles?

Since the main cause of muscle pain after training is lactic acid, it is necessary to remove it from muscle tissue in a short time. We have already said that this is possible due to the normalization of blood flow. Lactic acid is quickly eliminated and this metabolite can no longer be the cause of pain that appears a few days after training.

Massage is an excellent way to normalize blood flow. A hot bath followed by a cold shower can also help. Don't forget to drink water throughout the day, including during exercise. We have already mentioned the need for a warm-up, but you should also do a cool-down.

If you stretch your muscles well after the main part of your workout, blood flow will be restored faster. Antioxidants, say vitamins C, E or A, can also be very useful in this situation.

To reduce and even completely eliminate soreness, some foods, namely fruits and vegetables, can be useful. Moreover, they should be consumed with the peel. You can use decoctions of some herbs, for example, chamomile, licorice, St. John's wort, linden. They can be taken even during class. Most professional athletes visit the pool after training. Swimming perfectly relieves tension from the muscles and spinal column.

In conclusion, I would like to say that pain in the muscles can also be negative. With sore throat, pain is felt during movements, but if it remains even when you are at rest, then an injury may have occurred.

Beginner athletes quite often make serious mistakes when muscle pain occurs. Some people stop training until the discomfort goes away. As a result, the previous lesson loses its effectiveness and you will have to start all over again. Another group of novice athletes continue to train intensively through pain, which is also a serious mistake. You should approach the construction of the training process wisely, and try to use the services of a trainer who will select the optimal loads for you and draw up a training program.

Is it possible to train muscles if they hurt after last workout, says Denis Borisov:

Muscle pain after training is known to everyone who started playing sports after a long break, changed the program or type physical activity. This kind of pain is called “soreness.” It was previously believed that its cause was muscle acidification, but scientists soon refuted this assumption. What causes sore throat and is it possible to play sports if muscle pain does not go away?

Sports-related muscle pain comes in three types: traumatic, burning during exercise, and delayed-onset muscle pain (soreness).

Traumatic pain is acute and occurs during or after training. It is usually described with the words “pulled a muscle” or “strained a ligament.” If you experience such pain, you must urgently complete the workout, relieve the pain syndrome, give yourself a complete rest from training, and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

A burning sensation occurs during physical activity due to accumulation in the muscles, the concentration of which increases with each muscle contraction. For example, you perform biceps curls and feel a burning sensation in your muscles (calorizer). Towards the end of the approach it reaches its peak. After finishing the approach, you rest and the burning goes away. Such pain is a natural reaction of the body.

Krepatura is a pain syndrome that occurs the next day after training. During sports, myofibrils rupture in the muscle fiber - the cells become inflamed and retain water. Water puts pressure on nerve endings and causes pain. To heal microtraumas, the body produces hormones and actively synthesizes protein. With each subsequent workout, the pain dulls and the muscles become stronger.

Whether to exercise with muscle pain or not depends on the intensity of the pain. If you have severe sore throat, training is not recommended. Firstly, sport should lead to progress, and not to pain and fatigue, and secondly, if unrecovered muscles are given another portion of excessive load, this will lead to overtraining or even the death of muscle fibers. It is necessary to find a middle ground between the need to receive microtrauma for further growth and normal well-being.

Use a 10-point scale to rate your readiness for training, where 0 means you feel no pain and 10 means the maximum intensity of the pain. If it hurts slightly - 3-4 points, then good - go train. If the pain is worse - by 5-6 points, that’s also good, you can go to training (calorizator). And if you rate the pain as 7 points or higher, then rest or change your type physical activity. You can exercise the muscles that don't hurt or do cardio. It is strictly forbidden to repeat the previous workout and load damaged muscles.

Krepatura is the case when too strong sensations and their complete absence are bad, and moderate sensations are good. After 2-3 weeks, you will adapt to the loads, increase your level of fitness, and instead of strong soreness, you will only have a pleasant heaviness.

There are ways to reduce the intense pain experienced after exercise. Various warming procedures will help you cope with sore throat:

  • Warm shower;

Physical activity reduces the intensity of muscle pain:

  • Having a warm-up before training and stretching at the end;
  • Light stretching on a day of rest from sports;

All of the above methods are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the muscles, which helps to recover better.

All people have different adaptation capabilities. Trained people recover faster than beginners and feel soreness less often. The one who trains muscle group twice a week is less likely to experience long-term pain than someone who exercises their muscles once a week. Pain does not always lead to growth, and in some cases it even interferes with recovery.