Summer diet for weight loss by 7. Summer diet for weight loss

Summer is a time of pleasure, warmth and relaxation for most people. This best time year to visit the beaches and show off their slim figure. Many people dream of healthy and beautiful body. However, how to achieve such a result during a hot period?

To do this, you need to study the most effective summer diets for losing weight and follow them for the specified time. It must be said right away that in all versions of such diets the emphasis is on vegetables and fruits. This is understandable, because it is in the summer that there are most of them.

General features

All effective summer diets for weight loss are relatively short-term and designed for a short period of time (up to 14 days).

all effective summer diets for weight loss have common features

The common aspects that most of these diets have in common to combat extra pounds, are:

  • Vegetables and fruits are almost always used as a basis. They contain large number vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. The latter helps to gently cleanse the intestines and slow down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
  • All diets are . This contributes rapid combustion excess weight and causes short-termism. Don't put too much strain on your body.
  • A prerequisite for any diet remains the need to consume large amounts of fluid. You should drink up to 2.0 liters of water per day. It perfectly cleanses the body and helps stimulate metabolic processes in the body.

Thus, you need to understand that all effective summer diets for quick weight loss are quite similar to each other, but they still have their own “zest”.

Fruit and vegetable diet

From the name itself it becomes obvious that this technique is based on the fruits of trees and earth. Total duration – 7 days. The essence of the diet is its complex effect on the body.

"Don't miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora gastrointestinal tract.

fruit and vegetable diet has its own characteristics

On the one hand, there is a reduction in the total calorie content of the menu without loss of vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, increasing the amount of fiber in food. As a result, a double weight loss effect.

The power diagram looks like this:

  • 1st day. You need to choose one of your favorite vegetables (cucumber, cabbage, tomato or any other to taste) and eat only that one that day. There are no restrictions on the quantity or number of meals. Additionally, you need to drink purified water.
  • 2nd day. The principle is the same, only instead of a vegetable some kind of fruit is already used.
  • 3rd day. Now you need to eat your favorite berry. Unlimited quantity. The main thing is to drink enough and not indulge in anything else.
  • 4th day. Fermented milk products come into play. It is better to give preference to low-fat kefir or yogurt. You can use cottage cheese, but not large quantities– up to 250 g per day.
  • 5th day. Again there is a return to vegetables. It is recommended to use potatoes, but only boiled.
  • 6th day. Fruits.
  • 7th day. This day is usually the hardest due to the ban on solid food. You can only drink fruit juice.

The end result of following such a diet will be the loss of 3 to 7 kg of excess weight. Much depends on the individual characteristics of metabolic processes in each organism.

Low calorie diet

To be honest, it can hardly be called a purely summer diet option for weight loss. The availability of plenty of fruits and vegetables at this time of year simply makes it very affordable and effective.

a low-calorie diet can also be called a summer diet

From the name it is clear that the main idea of ​​the method of combating extra pounds is to reduce the total calorie content of the daily menu and thereby get rid of unnecessary body weight. The duration of the method is 14 days.

There is no specific menu that would be universal for everyone. The main thing is to eat dishes with a total nutritional value of no more than 1500 kcal per day. To count calories, you can use generally accepted food tables.

The emphasis should be on vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, dairy products and mineral water. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish are welcome. In 2 weeks you can lose up to 8 kg of excess weight.

Salad diet

The basis of nutrition is greens, fruits and vegetables. The duration of the restrictions is 14 days. Every day you need to drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir.

salad diet can bring real results in losing weight

To enhance the effectiveness of the technique, in the morning, immediately before breakfast, you need to drink 150 ml of plain purified water with 5-10 drops of lemon juice. This will speed up digestion and promote fast weight loss. Kitchen salt remains prohibited. Average weight loss – 7 kg.

The menu looks like this:

  • For breakfast - fruit salad. Can be combined with and .
  • For lunch - vegetable salad. You can use any vegetable oil as a dressing.
  • Dinner can be the same as the breakfast or lunch menu to choose from.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of kefir and eat 1 apple.

As can be seen from the characteristics of the above diets, all effective summer diets for effective weight loss They are similar to each other and work on approximately the same principle. Which one to choose in a particular case is decided by the one who is going to fight extra pounds.

Summer is the most desirable time for many women: when else can you show off in bright dresses, short shorts and parade along the beach in a bikini? Almost every woman, wanting to please herself, has made attempts to get in shape before the beach season, but often attempts to lose weight on her own in winter and spring turn out to be futile. But don’t despair: summer is a great time to start the fight for slimness. In the heat, you don’t feel like eating so much, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, you have the opportunity to spend a lot of time on fresh air, so the weight comes off much faster. In addition, fresh seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits will appear on store shelves, low in calories and at the same time rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, allowing you not to feel hungry for a long time - and this is a great reason to try delicious summer diets for weight loss.

In this article we will talk about several diets that are ideal for summer weight loss. Summer diets for weight loss are characterized by a large proportion of plant foods, these can be fruit or vegetable diets for the summer, as well as more traditional options, which also contain protein and carbohydrate foods. Everyone can choose what suits her. We suggest familiarizing yourself with diets designed for both five and seven days.

Five-day summer diet, option 1

A five-day diet allows you to lose several kilograms, cleanse your body, and at the same time eat tasty and balanced food. Get acquainted with the nutrition plan.


  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge in water: after soaking the cereal, cook for 15 minutes;
  • 100 g of fruits or berries;
  • Green tea.


200-250 g of berries or fruits.


  • 150 g of soup from your favorite vegetables;
  • 100 grams of any low-fat protein food (chicken, beef, fish, seafood, eggs);
  • 150-200 g of vegetable stew or vegetable salad, which you can season with olive oil;
  • Freshly brewed berry or fruit compote.

Afternoon snack

A glass of freshly squeezed juice or 100 g of cottage cheese with fruit.


In the evening you can choose one of the following options:

  • Vegetable salad with butter or sour cream;
  • Fruit salad, with a dressing of low-fat yogurt, sour cream or 1 tablespoon of low-fat cream;
  • Curd casserole;
  • Vegetable stew with meat.

Late dinner

  • Two to three hours before going to bed, you can eat a serving of protein food that you ate during the day.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, not counting juices. This summer diet for 5 days will help you lose several kilograms without harming your health or causing physical discomfort.

Five-day summer diet, option 2

If you strictly follow the recommendations, a five-day diet allows you to lose up to 3-4 kg. This summer diet is characterized by a high content of vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins and minerals, while being filling and low in calories. It is advisable to steam or boil dietary dishes; frying in oil is not recommended. Despite the absence of strict restrictions, while losing weight you will have to give up sweet, fatty and smoked foods. It is also important to consume at least 2.5 liters. fluids per day, preferably water or green tea. Detailed instructions The summer diet menu is presented below.

First day

  • For breakfast - coffee without cream and sugar, a small piece of toasted black bread. You can have a snack with 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • For lunch you can eat fish soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner - 200 g of any steamed vegetables with mushrooms, with a piece of black bread.

Second day

  • For breakfast, you can eat a couple of walnuts to compensate for the deficiency of healthy fatty acids, with black coffee without sugar.
  • For lunch - 100 g of cabbage salad, two or three quail eggs or one chicken.
  • For lunch you can make beef soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner, 200 g of steamed vegetables with mushrooms and a piece of black bread are suitable.

Third day

  • For breakfast - toast from dried black bread, tea without sugar.
  • During the day, you can drink a glass of kefir (low-fat) and eat 100 g of currants or strawberries.
  • Lunch consists of chicken soup with vegetables.
  • Dinner of 200-250 g of any steamed vegetables, with a piece of black bread.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast – green tea (without sugar), black bread crackers.
  • During the day, as a snack, half a banana and a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch meal of fish soup with vegetables.
  • For dinner, 200-250 g of steamed vegetables with a piece of black bread.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast - tea, of course without sugar, 100 g of seasonal berries.
  • For lunch, you can drink a sip of low-fat kefir and eat two or three walnuts.
  • Lunch food includes beef soup with vegetables.
  • Dinner – 200 g of any steamed vegetables with mushrooms, with a piece of black bread.

Such a summer diet for 5 days is tolerated by the body quite easily both physically and psychologically, while allowing a gradual transition to healthy eating without the risk of breaking.

Summer diet for 7 days

This is a seasonal diet for 7 days, extremely simple and effective. Its principle is based on the fact that every day you choose a fruit, vegetable or berry and eat it throughout the day. In case of unbearable hunger, a glass of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt is allowed. The summer diet for a week suggests that during the day you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of still water, green tea or herbal infusions; tea, coffee and alcohol are not recommended during the weekly diet. The summer diet menu is presented step by step.

  • Day 1 – vegetable. You can choose any vegetable and eat it all day in unlimited quantities. Dressing in the form of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil is acceptable.
  • Day 2 – fruity. Choose any fruit, such as apples or oranges, divide them into several meals and eat most of them for lunch. If you are unbearably hungry, you can “eat” a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  • Day 3 – berry day. Fresh berries are not only tasty, but also a healthy source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, the latter of which will make you feel full. During the day you can eat any berries in unlimited quantities.
  • Day 4 – fermented milk. You can eat low-fat fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. These foods are rich in protein and calcium, which are good for muscle and bone tissue, and also contain beneficial bacteria important for normal intestinal function. Consume the selected product in small portions throughout the day.
  • Day 5 – vegetable again. This can be any vegetable, for example, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or pumpkin. You can eat the product either in its pure form or in the form of salads, okroshka with kefir (if cucumbers are chosen). You need to drink mineral water throughout the day.
  • Day 6 – berry day again. You can eat the berries raw, make purees and cocktails from them. In the evening you can “swallow” a glass of kefir.
  • Day 7 – juices. During the day you need to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices without sugar, for example, orange, apple or grapefruit. Juices can be consumed both pure and assorted.

As a result of using a diet for seven days, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight and cleanse your intestines. In summer, the diet is usually well tolerated by the body, but it is not recommended to repeat it more than once a month. This summer diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system and those who have recently undergone surgery.

According to reviews, a summer diet for a week gives tangible results, but the first days are tormented by a constant feeling of hunger, which leads to both physical and psychological discomfort and the desire to break loose.

Summing up the summer diet

Summer diets are an excellent opportunity to quickly and deliciously lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. Seasonal vegetables, berries and fruits help replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals and at the same time provide a feeling of satiety. However, in the presence of chronic diseases, both the five-day and 7-day diets can lead to a deterioration in the body’s condition, so before you decide to try them, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If you know from your own experience what a summer diet is, you can tell us about your impressions and results in the comments under this article.

Video: Summer diets for weight loss

Did you know that summer is the time when you can lose weight quickly and effectively. It is during these summer months that we move more, even if you previously led a normal lifestyle. Thanks to a large number of vegetables and fruits, herbs, berries, you can get the figure you have long dreamed of. In addition, if you also do some kind of exercise, then the weight loss effect will not take long to appear.

You need to start losing weight immediately after reading our article, and not tomorrow or next Monday. I knew one girl who kept putting it off until Wednesday, arguing that Monday is a hard day, after the weekend you need to recover, and on Tuesday give yourself some slack in your diet, so that on Wednesday you can stop eating many “harmful” foods. goodies. Well, what can I say, these are just excuses and nothing more. So now go and pour yourself one and a half liters of water, which you should drink throughout the day. Firstly, your appetite will decrease, and secondly, drinking plenty of fluids promotes rapid metabolism in your body, which means removing toxins from the body and thus cleansing. In the end, the result of such actions will be weight loss and nothing more. By the way, in hot weather you need to drink much more water, but less than 1.5-2 liters per day. And my advice to you is that it is advisable to drink most of the water in the morning, and not at night. You’ll simply have to get up to go to the toilet several times during the night, as everyone has already guessed.

Summer diets for weight loss are very diverse, we can talk about them endlessly. Everyone chooses what they like. I've picked a few interesting diets, which you can take note of.

1. Diet based on consumption salads. Summer diet salads are a must-have dish throughout the summer. And not only among young ladies who decided to lose weight, but also among those who do not need it. By receiving only beneficial substances from fresh foods, you thereby ensure long-term health for your body.

A girl trying to lose weight should always have cabbage, cucumbers, onions, spinach and other vegetables in her diet, the dishes from which can be made differently every day. But there is a special salad diet designed for two weeks. That is, if you are going on vacation, then it’s time to start taking care of yourself. This diet helps you reduce your weight by as much as 7 kg.

What needs to be done?

Week one.
Throughout the day you can drink 1 liter of 1% kefir.

Breakfast should consist of a glass of water with lemon half an hour before eating the main meal. Next, prepare a fruit salad from a green apple, orange, pear and 1% fat yogurt.

For lunch and dinner prepare any two salads from vegetables, but do not include potatoes in the dish. You should also only season with olive oil or lemon juice, but not with mayonnaise or other high-calorie dressings.

Week two. You continue to adhere to the diet, but you can now add 100 grams of lean meat without salt to your diet. Yes, it’s tasteless, but you remember what goal you are striving for, which means you have to be patient and tune in.

During this diet, you can only drink green tea and water, which should first be infused with lemon. And don’t forget, large doses of the dish are not for you.

2. There is another type of diet called extreme. And all because many girls remember that it’s time to lose weight only when it’s already summer in full swing and it’s time to undress, it’s time to go to the beach. You only need to spend the whole day on this type of diet, and you are guaranteed to lose a few kilograms.

On the first day, eat 4 apples, one lemon, 100-200 grams of lean boiled meat and three unsweetened crackers. On the second day you should eat exactly the same in order to achieve the desired effect. As a result, if you hold out, you will immediately lose 1.5-2 kilograms. If you want to repeat it to get a greater effect, then after a couple of days of break you can repeat the procedure.

3. Help you lose weight quickly summer diet soups, among which the most effective are cabbage and from. Eating cabbage soup daily can help you lose significant weight in just a week. The most amazing thing is that you can eat this soup at any time of the day, even after 18:00.

This diet contains mainly only green vegetables, on the digestion of which the body spends a significant amount of energy, unlike the rest. But don’t think that you have to eat only one soup all day; in addition, you can add vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, but only in a certain sequence.
Surely someone is interested in this diet, and therefore we offer a recipe for that same cabbage soup. You need to take: onions, bouillon cubes, parsley root, sweet peppers, cabbage, a can of tomatoes and fresh tomatoes, carrots. All vegetables are cut at your discretion and placed in a pan with boiling broth, cook for 1 hour, not forgetting to add salt and other spices to taste.

Menu This diet looks like this:

First day:
You can eat all fruits, except bananas and soup, and in any quantity. If you can maintain this diet every day, then you can lose 1.5 kg every day.

Second day: continue to eat soup, adding fresh or boiled vegetables to your diet, except legumes.

Third day: repeat the first day, also excluding potatoes from the diet.

Fourth day: Today you eat 5 bananas, skim milk, and don’t forget to eat soup.

Fifth day: today you can add boiled meat (beef or chicken breast), fish and tomatoes in large quantities to the soup.

Sixth day: Today you eat soup and vegetable salad again, and also add boiled beef. No fruits today.

Seventh day: If you made it to the seventh day, you are great, continue to eat soup, you can also add boiled rice without oil, but with salad. You can eat any vegetables and fruits in large quantities, and also drink juices.

While you are on a diet, you can only drink tea and coffee without sugar, mineral water and vegetable juice. Naturally no alcohol!

4. Among the wide variety of diets, there is raw food diet. The diet of people watching their figure includes only fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, and only in raw form. Sometimes you can add vegetable oils to your food, but only cold-pressed ones.

This diet is quite complex, since foods such as meat, fish, poultry and milk are completely excluded from it. Sometimes such a diet is prescribed to women who have gynecological diseases, including chronic premenstrual syndrome and pain during menstruation.

Even though you need to remove all animal products from your diet, in any case, in a few weeks of a raw food diet, you can easily lose weight, cleanse your digestive tract, and immune system will become stronger, and as a result, your vitality will also improve. The main thing in this diet is to survive the first few days - the most difficult ones. Because you may have headaches, but soon it will all pass and, on the contrary, you will begin to feel lightness and freshness.

To make it easier for you, we have selected sample menu, which you can stick to and which you can adjust.

For breakfast It is best to eat almonds (they must first be soaked overnight), and also eat one and a half cups of cereal shoots.

Before lunch
You can also drink one glass of juice made from bananas and carrots, or you can replace it with orange juice.

For lunch Prepare a large salad with lettuce, tomatoes, fresh green vegetables and half a cup of sunflower seeds. Season the entire salad with lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil.

For afternoon tea
drink a glass of juice from celery, beets and carrots.

For the first dinner you can eat half a glass of raisins or apples, while for the second dinner again prepare a large portion of salad from dry seaweed, avocado, vegetables and lettuce leaves. You also season with vinegar, citric acid and vegetable oil.

To remove the feeling of hunger before bed you can eat carrots or some fruit.

In addition to the fact that you will only eat raw vegetables and fruits, for beginners you can add some bread, porridge (preferably oatmeal), seeds, legumes and grains (sprouts), also do not forget to add a complex of vitamins and minerals so that vital elements do not leave the body along with the kilograms.

5. At number five we want to talk about diet for 5 days. The diet is designed for the summer, when even if you eat certain foods allowed in this diet, you still lose weight. In the summer, the heat makes you want to drink more, which means you reduce your appetite and, accordingly, lose weight. So, with this diet you can lose 1 kg of weight every day. But do not be alarmed by such numbers, due to the fact that the diet includes only summer dietary dishes, you will saturate it with useful substances necessary for normal life. By the way, if desired, such a diet can be extended for 10 days if you want to get a greater effect and lose not 5, but 10 kilograms.


1 day:- breakfast – tea without sugar with crackers or toast (only eat rye bread),
- second breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese– 200 grams,
- lunch – fish soup with cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes and tomatoes,
- dinner - steamed vegetables (you can stew, but do not fry!!!) with a slice of bread. You can combine vegetables at your discretion.

Day 2:
- breakfast - coffee without sugar and with walnuts,
- second breakfast – low-fat kefir and half a banana,
- lunch – beef broth soup with cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes,
- dinner - any steamed vegetables (stewed without oil) with a slice of bread.

Day 3:- breakfast – coffee without sugar with crackers,
- second breakfast – a glass of kefir (low-fat, of course) and half a glass of berries (strawberries, currants),
- lunch – chicken soup with vegetables,
- dinner - any steamed or stewed vegetables without adding butter with a slice of rye bread.

Day 4:- breakfast – green tea without sugar and crackers,
- second breakfast – fresh cabbage salad and two sawn eggs (can be replaced with one chicken),
- lunch – fish soup with vegetables and a slice of bread,
- dinner - any steamed or stewed vegetables without adding butter with a slice of rye bread.

Day 5:
- breakfast – tea without sugar and half a glass of berries,
- second breakfast – low-fat kefir and two walnuts,
- lunch – beef soup with vegetables and a slice of bread,
- dinner - steamed or stewed vegetables without adding butter with a slice of rye bread.

The 5-day diet has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, I would like to note, first of all, getting a quick weight loss effect in short time, many girls can try this diet and understand that it has long been easy to tolerate, and all because there is a lack of vitamins and other important elements for the body you will not experience. The presence of a second breakfast is also noted as an advantage. But the disadvantages of such a diet are that its use is possible only in the summer, while at other times of the year the effect will be much less noticeable. In summer they also rise physical activity, plus high air temperature - all this contributes to rapid weight loss, while in winter we lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The summer diet is based on a 5-day restriction on the consumption of carbohydrates and fats (it is fats that are extremely undesirable in any form), while recommended plant foods appear in excess, stipulating the use of seasonal cuisine and specific cooking methods.

Pros and cons of the summer diet

The positive aspects of a summer diet for weight loss are that it is good as a main diet in the summer, it is quite effective and does not require special investments or cooking skills. It will suit many people well.

The downside of the diet is its seasonality, since obligatory adherence to the menu and 4 meals a day makes certain adjustments to your lifestyle.

Summer diet rules

Drink at least 2.5 liters of water every day;

Before each meal, drink a glass of water half an hour;

Eat at least 0.5 kg of vegetables and 0.5 kg of fruits;

Do not eat after 19.00;

Do not drink alcohol during the diet and limit its consumption after finishing it;

Stick to daily calorie content at 1200 kcal;

For protein foods, eat legumes, lean fish, various seafood and poultry;

Move and exercise more active species outdoor recreation (swimming, sports games, hiking);

Do not eat pickles, smoked foods and marinades;

Refuse or reduce to a minimum the consumption of sweets, flour and confectionery products.

Summer diet menu for 5 days

First day:

. First breakfast: unsweetened tea with a small piece of rye bread (cracker or toast).

. Lunch: 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

. Dinner: soup from unfried vegetables: cabbage, 100 grams of fish, carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes.

. Dinner:

Second day:

. First breakfast: unsweetened coffee and two walnuts.

. Lunch: a glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir, half a banana.

. Dinner: soup made from unroasted vegetables: cabbage, carrots, 100 grams of beef, onions, potatoes, tomatoes.

. Dinner: steamed (stewed without oil) vegetables (200 grams) in any combination: onions, peppers, champignons, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, garlic, porcini mushrooms, etc. with a small piece of rye bread.

Third day:

. First breakfast: coffee with a small piece of rye bread (cracker or toast).

. Lunch: a glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir, half a glass of strawberries (currants).

. Dinner: soup made from unroasted vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions, 100 grams of chicken, potatoes, tomatoes.

. Dinner: steamed (stewed without oil) vegetables (200 grams) in any combination: onions, peppers, champignons, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, garlic, porcini mushrooms, etc. with a small piece of rye bread.

Fourth day:

. First breakfast: unsweetened green tea and crackers

. Lunch: fresh cabbage salad (100 grams) and two boiled quail eggs (or one dietary chicken).

. Dinner: soup from unfried vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, 100 grams of fish, tomatoes.

. Dinner: steamed (stewed without oil) vegetables (200 grams) in any combination: onions, peppers, champignons, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, garlic, porcini mushrooms, etc. with a small piece of rye bread.

Fifth day:

. First breakfast: unsweetened tea and half a glass of seasonal berries.

. Lunch: a glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir and two walnuts.

. Dinner: soup from unfried vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, 100 grams of beef.

. Dinner: steamed (stewed without oil) vegetables (200 grams) in any combination: onions, peppers, champignons, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, garlic, porcini mushrooms, etc. with a small piece of rye bread.

Summer diet menu for 1 day

. Breakfast: 200 ml of milk, black bread toast (1-2 pieces) with a thin layer of butter, fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with low-fat sour cream

. Lunch: fruits (choice: apples, pears, oranges) - 1-2 pcs.

. Dinner: dietary lean borscht, boiled meat or fish - 150 g and fresh vegetables

. Afternoon snack: fruit or vegetable salad

. Dinner: 50 g low-calorie cheese, toast, leafy vegetables

Summer mono-diet

This diet combines 7.

Day No. 1: vegetables of one type (for example, cucumbers) - no restrictions on quantity, as well as 1.5 liters of mineral water

Day No. 2: fruits (2 types) - no restrictions on quantity, as well as 500 ml of low-fat drinking yogurt and kefir

Day No. 3: any berries and 1.5 liters of still mineral water

Day No. 4: low-fat fermented milk drink of one type (for example, only sour milk or only kefir)

Day No. 5: boiled vegetables (any combination)

Day No. 6: apricots, peaches and 1.5 liters of still mineral water

Day #7: Juice made from one type of fruit

Other low-fat diets:

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By summer we manage to gain some weight, because during the cold period the need for food is greater than during the warm period. That’s why a summer diet for weight loss, compared to others, has a greater chance of success with less effort. In the summer you want to eat much less; this fact is taken into account by experts when creating diets. During this season, weight loss is also helped by the large quantity and availability of low-calorie vegetables, berries, and fruits.

Principles of the 7-day summer diet

The mechanism of its action is based on the properties of vegetables and fruits to supply a lot of vitamins and microelements, while having a low calorie content. By the way, we have already talked about the lowest-calorie fruits on the pages of our website. The high fiber content in them quickly saturates, which also promotes weight loss, and also cleanses the intestines of toxin accumulations.

Many fruits are very valuable for their ability to burn fat; pineapple, citrus fruits, and kiwi are the leaders in this regard. That is why they serve as the basis of diets for weight loss; pineapple, for example, is considered one of the most effective; its details are in this article. We have already devoted a separate article to the best fat burner products.

During the diet, fruits that taste too sweet are excluded, this applies to bananas, grapes, and peaches.Dried fruits include dried apricots and prunes.Liquid also gives you a feeling of fullness, so you need to drink a lot of it, at least 2 liters.

A light summer diet for 7 days is a balanced diet, so it includes not only plant foods, but also fermented milk.The diet plan consists of a sequence of mono-diets: a vegetable day is replaced by a fruit day, followed by a berry day, followed by a fermented milk day, etc. This principle of alternation is the basis of another diet - the favorite one, which is also very popular and effective.

Summer diet 7 days: menu for each day

Menu 1st day– vegetable: eat raw vegetables in unlimited quantities. Only potatoes are prohibited for consumption. Drink a lot of water, this applies throughout the diet.

Menu 2nd day– fruit, take your favorite fruits, except very sweet ones, eat them 4-5 times, the largest portion should be for lunch. If you have an acute feeling of hunger, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Menu 3rd day– berries, eat them as much as you like.

Menu 4th day– fermented milk: you need to spend the whole day on one fermented milk product of your choice: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or curdled milk. The lunch meal can be supplemented with a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, to which a little honey has been added.

Day 5 menu– vegetable: eat vegetables that have not yet been included in the diet of the first vegetable day. You are allowed to eat potatoes baked in the oven, sprinkled with vegetable oil, and lightly salted if desired.

Day 6 menu– berries: in addition to berries, apricots, dried fruits, tea without sugar with lemon are allowed. A glass of kefir is recommended before bed.

7th day menu– juice: juices squeezed from fruits are allowed - oranges, grapefruit, apples, but no food is allowed.

You need to say a decisive “no” to sugar and salt, flavor salads with lemon juice, and put a spoonful of honey in your tea. The result of a 7-day diet can be a weight loss of 5-7 kg. Exit from the diet requires gradual. On the first day after its completion, it is better to consume dairy products. Only on the 5th day can you eat meat and fish. The largest meal of the day should always be lunch.

Principles of the 10-day summer diet

This method of eating lasts 10 days, daily it is expected to lose 1 kg of weight, in the end it is expected to get rid of 10 kg. The following foods can be eaten in any quantity, but you need to eat them slowly, over at least 30 minutes, and drink the liquid in small sips.

Summer diet 10 days: menu for each day

IN 1st day eat only boiled eggs.
On 2nd day Only boiled fish of low-fat varieties should be present on the table.
On 3rd day eat low-fat cottage cheese with honey.
On 4th day eat chicken meat, boiled without skin, with the addition of herbs and seasonings.
On 5th day eat potatoes boiled in their jackets.
On 6th day there should be nothing on the table except boiled beef.
7th day involves eating salads made from cucumbers, celery, cabbage, carrots, beets, tomatoes with lemon juice dressing.
On 8th day the diet should be fruit and berry, the fruits are not very sweet.
9th day– kefir.
10th day- Purely drinkable, you need to drink rosehip decoction.

The 10-day summer diet is a very strict nutrition system, which can be considered as a quick diet that requires a responsible attitude. In fact, this is a combination of mono-diets, when every day the diet consists of one type of food. The given diet should be strictly followed.

Read also

Description of the summer diet for 5 days

This is the most preferable option, since it is the shortest in time, the most balanced in diet, best meets the requirements for proper menu planning, and has the smallest reduction in calorie content.

Summer diet 5 days: approximate menu for 1 day

Having breakfast porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), 100 g of any fruit or berries, green tea. Pre-soak the cereal for porridge overnight in water, then cook for 15 minutes. We alternate the type of cereal by day.

Lunch - 250 g oranges, kiwi, pears or other fruits.

We have lunch:

  • n a half-portion bowl of celery soup or soup from other vegetables;
  • chopped salad from 200 g of cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes or other vegetables, sprinkled with oil (alternate with stewed vegetables);
  • a dish of 100 g of meat, seafood, fish or eggs;
  • a glass of compote, but not particularly sweet.

Having an afternoon snack T berry dessert weighing no more than 100 g, can be replaced with a glass of fruit juice.

Let's have dinner f rukta or vegetables, can be in the form of a salad with dressing of 1 tbsp. l. sour cream; casserole or stewed vegetables with meat;1 glass of kefir.

If you feel hungry three hours before going to bed, you can eat a small amount of protein food left over from lunch. In addition to juices, 2 liters of water should be drunk per day.

The five-day “summer” diet allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg. Reviews about this method of nutrition are positive. Those who have been on such a diet note that it is tolerated quite easily, without much strain.

Analyze all the given summer diets carefully, choose the one that suits you, be persistent and lose weight forever. And we wish you success in this!