Will Russian athletes participate in the Olympics? Athletes will decide for themselves whether they will participate in the Olympics

The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) voted for participation Russian athletes at the 2018 Games in Pyeongchang, Korea, under neutral flag. The committee said it respects any decision by athletes to participate or not participate in the Olympics, and decided to create a negotiating group with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to agree on the participation of the Russians. Earlier, the ROC prepared an appeal to the IOC with a request to reconsider the decision to ban the Russian national team from competing under its flag and to impose lifelong disqualification on some Russian athletes.

“The opinion was unanimous. Our athletes need to go to Korea. We need to perform, we need to achieve victories for the glory of Russia,” said ROC President Alexander Zhukov at a press conference after the meeting of the Olympic meeting. He emphasized that athletes have to agree, “despite the unfair decision of the IOC.”

The Olympic Assembly also "calls for respect for the choices of athletes, including those who decide not to go." In addition, the ROC promised to provide “full support to athletes who have won the right to participate in the Games, but have not received an invitation from the IOC.”

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov on Kommersant FM:

President Putin said, if you remember, that, in his opinion, no one should interfere with those athletes who wish to travel under a neutral flag. And, based on this position, he expected the Olympic meeting, where the corresponding decision should be made. Now the Olympic meeting has taken place - the decision has been made. Thus, we can only talk about his support.”

Alexander Zhukov said that Russia has 208 licenses to participate in the Winter Games, but the IOC will issue permits, so the final number of participants may still change. According to Mr. Zhukov, the ROC fears that the IOC will invite to the Olympics in South Korea“fifth or fourth numbers”, but will not send invitations to the leaders of the national team. Therefore, the ROC executive committee has formed a group of delegates that will go to Lausanne on December 15 for negotiations with IOC members, where they will try to convince the committee to invite leaders after all.

Alexander Zhukov also spoke about the informant of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov, who now lives in the USA. “I believe that Mr. Rodchenkov and his colleagues have caused enormous damage to the sport as a whole, Russian sports and the international Olympic movement,” Mr. Zhukov said at a press conference after the ROC meeting.

Earlier, the ROC prepared an appeal to IOC President Thomas Bach and the organization’s executive committee with a request to reconsider the decision to ban the Russian national team from competing under its flag and to impose lifelong disqualification on some Russian athletes.

After the decision of the Olympic meeting was announced, Channel One announced that it would broadcast competitions with the participation of Russian athletes at the Olympics. Originally broadcast sports was also planned for Russia 1. However, in November the press service of VGTRK stated that state television channels would not show Winter Games in case of non-participation of the national team.

Neutral uniforms for Russian athletes will be provided by the company Zasport, which will develop clothing that will meet the requirements of the IOC in the context of the team’s exclusion from participation in the 2018 Olympics.

Let us remind you that on December 5, the IOC Executive Committee allowed Russian athletes to compete at the Olympics in Pyeongchang, but only under a neutral flag and only those of them who were not suspected of doping. Following this, some parliamentarians and politicians in Russia called for a boycott of the Games. However, later Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the authorities would not prevent athletes from participating in the 2018 Olympic Games. “We, without any doubt, will not declare any blockade, we will not prevent our Olympians from taking part in the Games if any of them wants to take part in a personal capacity,” Mr. Putin said during a conversation with workers of the Gorky Automobile Plant.

Roman Dorofeev, Mikhail Belyaev

Lifelong exclusion of Russians from participating in Olympic Games and returned the medals to Sochi. 28 athletes were fully acquitted, 11 were partially acquitted. Solution sports arbitration Russia cannot but rejoice at the Olympians, said President Vladimir Putin.

“In any system of law, the final authority for decision-making is the court, and everyone should respect the court’s decision,” the head of state noted. “Firstly, we are happy for those athletes whom CAS supported, but not all of them were 100 percent acquitted. This is the first. Second. We ourselves still have some work to do, that’s absolutely true, in terms of improving our anti-doping program and policy. We will persistently do this together with WADA, together with the IOC and others international organizations", he continued. At the same time, the Russian president noted that there is no need to demonstrate euphoria in connection with the court decision.

Should athletes suspended from the Games and acquitted count on a trip to Pyeongchang, he told MIR 24 TV channel sports commentator Alexander Grishin.

- Still, this whole situation is politics or a real fight for clean sport without doping?

After the admission criteria for Russian athletes in Lausanne were announced on December 5, what followed were mostly purely political decisions. The struggle for clean sport may have taken place once upon a time, when they tried to bring out individual and isolated cases of possible doping in our country. Now these are purely political games.

- Will the athletes who were acquitted be able to go to the Olympics in Pyeongchang in time?

It was adopted on Tuesday at a meeting of the organization's executive committee.

The IOC is ready to allow Russian athletes representing both individual and team sports to the Games, but only under Olympic flag. Now the word is up to the Russian side - whether Russia will accept the IOC conditions will be decided at the Olympic meeting on December 12.

What did you decide?

“Individual Russian athletes will be able to participate in the Games in Pyeongchang under the title “Olympic athletes of Russia” and will compete in this uniform and under the Olympic flag, the Olympic anthem will be played at the award ceremonies. No member of the Russian Ministry of Sports will be invited to the Games,” - The head of the IOC began his speech with these words, perhaps at the most significant press conference in the history of the organization.

The IOC made its decision based on the work of two commissions, one of which - headed by - was engaged in re-checking doping samples of Russian athletes from the Sochi Olympics. As a result of her work, Russia lost 11 awards and lost first place in the team competition. The second commission, headed by former Swiss President Samuel Schmid, checked information about possible government interference in the Russian anti-doping system. Both commissions began their work after an investigation led by them into the substitution of doping samples of Russian athletes.

The results of the work of the Schmid Commission were first announced on Tuesday in Lausanne. The commission confirmed “systemic manipulation of doping during the Sochi Olympics”, but “did not find any documented, independent and unbiased evidence of support or awareness of the “doping system” by the highest state authorities of the Russian Federation.”

According to Samuel Schmid, such conclusions are based on various sources. “I would like to emphasize that the conclusions of our commission are based not only on the testimony of Grigory Rodchenkov, but also on other sources, evidence of correspondence, exchange of letters. There are also other types of evidence. Based on these facts, our commission made an appropriate decision. Our commission made a decision, that there was systematic manipulation of anti-doping rules at the Sochi Games," Schmid said.

“We have never encountered manipulation on such a scale, and this has led to unprecedented damage to the Olympic movement,” added the head of the IOC Commission.

Who is punished?

The Russian Olympic Committee was disqualified, and the IOC membership of the president, who also ceased to be the head of the coordination commission for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games, was also suspended. The head of the organizing committee for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi was removed from the same commission.

Also, the ROC must contribute $15 million to the IOC for the development of a global anti-doping system. “The ROC must reimburse the costs incurred by the IOC in conducting the investigation and contribute $15 million to the development of the Independent Testing Authority (ITA) to create a comprehensive anti-doping system,” the IOC release said.

ROC may be restored before the closing of the games in Pyeongchang

The fundamental point is the possible restoration of the ROC’s membership in the IOC even before the closing of the Olympics in Pyeongchang. Thus, the Russians, starting their performance as “Olympic athletes of Russia,” can go to the closing ceremony under their flag on the last day of the Games and hear the Russian anthem.

“The IOC may partially or completely lift the suspension of the ROC by the beginning of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in PyeongChang, provided that all requirements put forward to the ROC, participants of the 2018 Games and officials are met,” the IOC said in a release.

“We expect that already at the closing ceremony in Pyeongchang our team will be under Russian flag, and with this we will close this topic altogether, turn this page forever,” the head noted.

Who will be allowed in?

According to the IOC decision, only those athletes who have not previously been accused of doping will be able to take part in the Olympics. At the same time, the decision on who will go to the Olympics will be made by a special commission, headed by the head of the ITA, Valerie Fourneyron. One commission member will be appointed by WADA, one by the DFSU (Doping Free Sport Unit) and one by the IOC (Richard Badgett, head of the IOC Medical Department).

Athletes who have qualified for the competition, have not been disqualified or suspended for violating anti-doping rules, and have passed doping testing recommended by the working group will be able to apply for participation in the Games.

Also in Pyeongchang, the redistribution of medals from the 2014 Olympics in Sochi will take place; it will be carried out during the corresponding ceremonies during the Games. “As a former athlete, I express my deepest regrets and sympathize with all the “clean” athletes who suffered during the manipulation. The redistribution of medals will be carried out during the appropriate ceremonies at the PyeongChang Games,” Bach said.

First Russian assessment

"The IOC has made an important and controversial decision, which includes positive aspects and negative,” Zhukov said. - The IOC has admitted all “pure” athletes from Russia in all sports. The second positive point is that it will be called olympic athletes Russia. Negatives- our athletes are invited to perform under the Olympic flag and without the anthem. True, this restriction applies until the last day of the Olympics. It is expected that all restrictions will be lifted before the last day of the Olympics, and then Russian athletes will be able to participate in the ceremony under their own flag."

“The key point is that all sanctions against Russia, all investigations from this moment are stopped. This decision has no precedents in Olympic history. It's tough. But I think that our figure skater’s performance before members of the IOC Executive Committee played a role. Everyone Russian teams allowed to participate,” added the head of the ROC.

The IOC announced its decision, now the Russian side has the say. “The sports community will have to discuss the decision at the Olympic meeting on December 12, discuss it with the participation of all athletes and coaches and make their decision on the conditions of participation in the Olympics,” Zhukov noted.

“The Olympic boycott has never led to any results. I see no reason for a boycott on the part of Russian athletes, since we allow “clean” athletes to participate, and this will show the presence of “clean” athletes in the Russian Federation. These “clean” athletes can build bridges to the future of clean sport,” said Bach.

The International Olympic Committee suspended the Russian team from participation in the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Russian athletes will be able to take part in the Games only if certain conditions are met. In particular, the athlete must not have previously been disqualified or found guilty of an anti-doping rule violation. In addition, the athlete must pass all tests recommended by the commission.

Thus, athletes who did not participate in the Games in Sochi but were previously convicted of doping will not be able to compete at the Olympics. They will be forced to perform under a neutral flag, and instead of the Russian anthem they will listen to the Olympic anthem. We offer the reaction of athletes and functionaries to the IOC decision. By the way, most of them are in favor of giving innocent and “pure” athletes the opportunity to compete for the main award in world sports.

Alexander Zubkov, President of the Russian Bobsleigh Federation

“Everything was leading to the fact that our athletes would be allowed to the Olympics in a neutral status. Now the athletes themselves need to make a decision whether or not to go to the Games in South Korea. The leadership of the bobsleigh federation will help those athletes who want to compete in Pyeongchang. This is clear.”

Alexander Zhukov, head of the Russian Olympic Committee

“Russian athletes are invited to compete at the Olympics under a neutral flag and without playing the anthem. However, this restriction only applies until the last day of the Olympics. And it is assumed that on the last day of the Olympics all temporary suspensions of the Russian Olympic Committee will be lifted, which means that on the last day "Russian athletes will be able to compete under the Russian flag along with all the athletes from the rest of the world."

Ilya Kovalchuk, hockey player

"We, athletes, are outside of politics. For us, this will be an important tournament, it will be no different from others. Patriotism, love for the country - they are in the heart. For this, it is not necessary to shout or even wear a flag on our chest. Yes, they took it from us flag and anthem, but did not take away our honor and conscience! We know that we are Russians, what we represent! best country in the world. I think that our fans will support us even more. And we will try to do everything to meet people's expectations."

Elena Berezhnaya, Russian figure skater and Olympic champion

“The IOC’s decision to exclude the Russian team from participation in the Olympics has nothing to do with sports. Athletes prepare for this all their lives, and then suddenly the IOC deprives everyone of the opportunity to compete. Each athlete must decide for himself whether he can compete under a neutral flag "The Russian authorities will not prohibit Russian athletes from participating in the Olympics; it is still necessary to separate politics and sports."

Tatyana Tarasova, coach

“The IOC did everything they could do with such persecution. They allowed our clean athletes under their flag. I believe that Russian athletes should go under the IOC flag, where it will be written that these are Russian athletes.”

Yevgeny Kafelnikov, tennis player

“Our athletes absolutely need to go to the 2018 Games. If I were an active athlete, I would still go. Even if Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said that all Olympians should not participate, I would still go. I would not listen to the president "The Olympics are more than the president."

Alexey Voevoda, bobsledder

“From the position of the state, it is impossible to go to such Games. From the position of an athlete, again, you can understand some individual athlete who wants to go. We are all individuals. But I will be proud of those who do not go.”

Alexander Tikhonov, four-time Olympic champion biathlon

“Everything was predictable. About 10 years ago, I myself personally predicted in the building of the Olympic Committee, said from the podium: “The day will come when we will disgrace the whole country.” That day has come. It all started with harmless meldonium, and I warned. IOC decision “It’s 99 percent Mutko’s fault that Rodchenkov escaped.”

Vasily Utkin, commentator

“And the country is represented by people. And they are the most valuable thing the country has. And not the flag, which has changed four times in a hundred years, and not the anthem - how many times?.. A piece of the most beautiful fabric and the sounds of the very best music will not represent us like that , like our people. Send athletes to the Olympics."

Anton Babikov, biathlete

"It's hard to say an opinion. Maybe it will still be deformed. I just think that in this situation this is a natural result. It was difficult to expect that we would be allowed in like others. The main thing is to perform at this Olympics. We will remain Russian athletes even without a flag ".

Georgy Cherdantsev, commentator

“Go to the Olympics and tear everyone up, especially Norwegian asthmatics. The most important thing is that we know that ours are ours. We don’t need a flag for a clue.”

Sergei Chepikov, two-time Olympic champion in biathlon

“Speaking from the perspective of the athletes, it seems to me that they have a desire to compete at these Olympic Games even under a neutral flag. If the athletes compete under a neutral flag, we still know that they are ours, and we will root for them. I I think that if everything is within the bounds of decency and there is no humiliation of the Russian side, then the authorities will not be against our athletes going to the Olympics. My opinion is that there is no need to prohibit athletes from competing under a neutral flag. I see how the athletes are burning. eyes are their goal sports career, they prepared, ran and drove many kilometers and are focused on conquering the peak. We need to give them a chance for self-realization."

Irina Rodnina, Olympic champion, State Duma deputy

“Guys, sorry, we couldn’t protect you.”

Franz Klintsevich, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation

“There is a continuation of Russophobia, an attempt to humiliate Russia, put it in its place, ignore common sense and force Russian athletes to betray their country and compete under a neutral flag. Every athlete today has too much temptation to compete independently, ignoring the country. I am categorically against this, I will never support the country did not betray."

Dmitry Navosha, journalist

“My personal opinion: even if everything in McLaren’s report, Rodchenkov’s confessions, Stepanov’s stories, etc. is true, in two years this story could have been resolved by recognizing the problem and declaring a clear plan for solving it. I am sure that for full access to OI-18 would have been enough."

Vitaly Prokhorov, hockey player, Olympic champion

“If you ride under a neutral flag, then who will pay for all this? This is an important question. The FHR should make the decision primarily. Secondarily, the Ministry of Sports or the government. But it will be the other way around. Our athletes don’t decide anything, they are all under control and will do what , what they will be told. It is clear that if ours hockey team If he goes, everyone will understand that this is the Russian team. If all issues are resolved and the state agrees to send the team, then the victory will, of course, be Russian. But the medals will not be Russian. And it will look absurd."