Anabolic complexes: how can men choose the right ones? Anabolic complexes, their components and effectiveness Anabolic complexes rating.

anabolic complexes is a collective group of supplements and sports nutrition that have the purported and often unproven ability to increase muscle mass. anabolic complexes vary significantly in composition, they may contain plant extracts, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, fatty acids, creatine and much more. Quite often, sports nutrition manufacturers use the term “anabolic complex” in commercial purposes, classifying additives in this group that have nothing to do with this.

“Attention” It should be noted that in 90% of cases, anabolic complexes represent marketing profanation, not justifying even a tenth of the stated promises made by the manufacturer. Many anabolic complexes have no effects at all, and this has been proven by independent studies, but they continue to be sold successfully because buyers do not have objective information support. Be extremely vigilant when choosing an anabolic complex, carefully study the composition, checking information on each component, collect all possible data on the supplement from independent sources and consult with a sports nutrition expert.

Even such respectable brands as MHP, MuscleTech, BSN and others produce anabolic complexes, which do not affect muscle mass and other athletic indicators. The term “anabolic complex” is very vague, and in itself should alert the buyer. The fact is that even ordinary food has anabolic properties. The more we eat, the more anabolism predominates, so formally we can say that a loaf of bread is also an anabolic complex.

effective anabolic Products are typically strictly controlled and not freely distributed, so manufacturers must seek out various plants and food components that have any evidence of being beneficial.

“Attention” It has been empirically proven that there is not a single remedy that is highly effective and at the same time does not have side effects. Therefore, think twice before you buy a “super effective supplement” that does not have a single side effect.

✅Efficiency analysis

SportsWiki experts have identified the most popular ingredients included in anabolic complexes and analyzed their effectiveness in sports, based on independent research, scientific literature and feedback from athletes.

From herbal components, often used:

* Eurycoma longifolia - effective. Increases testosterone production and increases libido.

* Forskolin is effective (at the same time it can reduce fat mass).

* Icariin - effective

* Agmatine - increases gonadotropin secretion, confirmed in only one animal study

* 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran - blocks sex hormone binding globulin, the evidence base is fragile

* Tribulus terrestris - increases libido, but does not affect testosterone levels. Currently, the turnover of Tribulus in Russia is limited.

* Protodioscin is the active substance of the Tribulus terrestris plant.

Efficacy in humans has not been proven.

* Ecdysterone - effectiveness is questionable.

* D-aspartic acid - may not be effective

* Methoxyisoflavone - ineffective

* Peruvian Maca - ineffective

* Avena Sativa (Oats) - ineffective

* Phytosterones are ineffective

* Sitosterol - ineffective

* Common hops (Humulus lupulus) - ineffective

*Valerian derivatives are ineffective

* Macuna Pruriens - ineffective, but can increase libido due to its effect on the dopamine system.

* Griffonia simplicifolia - ineffective

* (Fenugreek) - effective (dry in the study) muscle mass increased by 3% in 8 weeks).

* Kudzu (Pueraria lobota) - ineffective

Fatty acids:

* Omega-3 - effective

* Arachidonic acid - effective

* Phosphatidylserine - effective

* Choline - effective

* 6-OXO - effective

* Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) - ineffective

* ZMA - ineffective

In addition, in anabolic complexes often include amino acids and creatine - however, it is more cost-effective to purchase them separately.

✅Effective anabolic complexes

Analysis of the composition and reviews allowed us to select the most effective anabolic complexes:

* T-Bomb II by MHP

* HyperTEST from Axis Labs

* T-911 from Legal Gear

* Stenandiol 3.0 from German American Technologies

* Animal M-Stak from Universal Nutrition

* Axis-HT from BSN

Anabolic complexes – these are drugs that formally include almost all sports nutrition products, anabolic steroid, tinctures and even ordinary pi-shu. The fact is that formally, in order to call something an anabolic complex, this something must promote anabolism. By and large, if you eat a roll with cinnamon and honey, then you will thereby contribute to anabolism. Why? Because the bun contains macronutrients, which in the process will be destroyed to micro-nu-tri-en-ts, which the body uses for syn-those-for or-ga-ni-chest tissues and ade-no-zin-tri-phosphate, which is quite an ana-bo-lys-m. Does this mean that a cinnamon roll with honey is an ana-bo-li-chess complex? Of course, no, that’s why let’s decide what we will mean by this term.

An anabolic complex is a drug that contains substances that can significantly increase the rate of anabolic processes and/or reduce the rate of certain processes, with This means that these substances cannot be obtained from EU test sources in the required volume without spoiling your health. And before you proceed to consider the effectiveness of certain substances and groups of pre-pa-ra-tov, you should immediately to say that, in addition to artificial hormones and creatine, any other substances known today can be effective as much as they are not -ta-et or-ga-niz-mu. If the level of hormones, vitamins, amino acids, calories and anything else is within the reference values, then increasing their levels, without -use-of-artificial hormones, it’s just she-nism. There is movement, but there is no re-zul-ta-ta!

Groups of anabolic drugs

Hormonal: These are truly effective anabolic complexes! From esters of tes-tos-te-ro-na, to growth hormone, but this group of drugs has side effects Moreover, their inept use can lead to ineffectiveness or a lethal outcome. We under no circumstances recommend using artificial exogenous hormones, as this is dangerous, harmful and, most likely, pointless. The point is that steroids are a means of accelerating growth, but if there is no growth, then there will be nothing to accelerate. In addition, if you don’t know how to lift without steroids, then you won’t be able to use them effectively, and your result when using such dangerous drugs -tov, it will be no higher than that of a guy who simply trains competently. But even if you know how to train correctly, then even in this case you don’t need steroids, since their effect lasts exactly as much as you take them, so if you are not preparing to become a pioneer in some kind of sport, then you do not need hormonal preparations. If you want to be a professional athlete, then using steroids is unethical, but this is, nevertheless, the only option -this is an equal case of their use, since the “natural” is not a rival to the “chemist”.

Food: These are the drugs that contain substances that we get from food. This includes proteins, creatines, amino acids, gainers, vitamins, and everything else. Which of these are effective? Firstly, creatine , secondly, OMEGA-3. All other sports supplements can be useful in two cases: when it is not possible to eat natural products normally and when, for reasons of poor health, duk-you are poorly absorbed. For example, if you have difficulty digesting proteins, then you can take enzymes to improve their absorption or drink amino acids to replenish them. dos-ta-tok. The same goes for vitamin , and mi-ne-ra-lov, and anything else. When the level of certain micro-nut-ri-ents and even hormones is lower than their reference values, then drugs that stimulate their endogenous secretion, or their exo-gene analogues can help. If the body has no shortage of certain elements, then it simply uses them for the synthesis of subcutaneous fat or ATP.

Why are creatine and OMEGA-3 effective? Because it is not possible to obtain creatine from meat in the quantity required by the body of an intensively training athlete. Especially, but it’s noticeable during power circuits , when adaptation to loads occurs, first of all, due to the expansion of the pool of creatine-phosphate. But during « pumping » There is no such need for creatine, so during these periods it either does not work, or works much weaker. But during the period of “pumping” there is a higher need for proteins, so many feel the results of the pro-te-i-n, which, however, is not indicates that this supplement is effective, since it is cheaper to obtain pro-te-in from EU-test products. Does the protein work? Works! And if you have money that you want to spend on it, please. Drinking pro-te-in is actually more convenient than eating an extra piece of meat, but a piece of meat is cheap. But getting OMEGA-3 from regular food is difficult, unless you live somewhere where there is a lot of cheap and good fish. And the same rule works with vitamins: if fruits and vegetables are difficult to obtain, then you should take vitamin complexes.

Vegetable: This includes various herbs that stimulate the production of testosterone and/or increase libido, and such a biologically active compound as force-co-lin. We have already written about tes-to-ste-ro-na beads, but, in general, it makes sense to use them only if the level of tes-to-ste-ro-na no reference values. If the level of tes-to-ste-ron is within the normal range, then no matter how you stimulate its endogenous secretion, it will not happen. Moreover, even if you don’t know the level of the test, it will not have any feeling of re- There’s no point in gaining muscle mass, or in burning fat, or in increasing one’s strength, unless “standing” will be better. As for the force, there are no scientific research There are no tests conducted in public. Research studies or an-ga-zhi-ro-va-ny were either carried out on rats or on a small sample. From-you also leave-the-better, and the declared properties or should cause significant side-effects -you, or simply these properties do not exist. By no means, different substances cannot give the same effect, and at the same time in one case this effect gives in a side-by-side manner, but in the second it does not. And eat the fish, and you can’t handle the bone!

Conclusion: working drugs are anabolic steroids, which do not even require any confirmation, and creatine, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly confirmed in practice, positive reviews and the work of Victor Se-luy-nova in the training of skiers, when the use of 5g of creatine per day for a month gave a positive result , which was due to stimulation of the production of RNA and ribosomes. In addition, as we already wrote above, additional dosages of cre-ti-na help it drip faster if the need for its accumulation creates a -lo-vym tr-ning-gom. It makes sense to take all other ana-bo-li-chesk complexes only if for some reason you cannot get the contents in no substances from ordinary food, or if the drug stimulates the endogene secretion of hormones that you have below the reference limit values.

We suggest you buy anabolic complexes in the online store website. Our catalog includes dozens of products from leading Russian and global manufacturers.

What are anabolic complexes?

The problem is that many people don't even know the exact definition. Moreover, not all athletes can correctly answer what it is.

Modern, this is not only and, but also various special compounds used by athletes in order to ensure best results and reduce the impact of catabolic processes on the body.

In our store you can purchase drugs that lead the world rating anabolic complexes.

Among amateurs and people far from sports, there is an opinion that such substances are dangerous to the health and even the lives of athletes. How close are these statements to the truth?

Any drug, including those prescribed to you by doctors, has contraindications and some side effects. Exceeding the dose and using it in violation leads to the expected negative consequences. There is no product that is both highly effective and completely safe.

For each drug, information about the composition and action is provided. By visiting the official website, you can find out more detailed information. Reviews of the application are always available online.


In our catalog you can find the best anabolic complexes in Moscow. They can be ordered wholesale and retail on the website. Among them are products such as:

  • Bio Tech Tribulus maximus Extra Strong 1500 mg. - a preparation based on the Tribulus terrestris plant extract. This herbal component is now actively used as a means of influencing testosterone production. It allows you to increase your own testosterone by an average of 30%. The additive is approved for sale in Russia, is not considered doping and is allowed for use by athletes participating in competitions.
  • DMAE (from various manufacturers) - dimethylethanoamine. A powerful and effective nootropic. Improves memory, helps increase concentration. It also helps fight various cellular processes associated with aging. Improves blood circulation;
  • Maxler T6 Max Testo Booster. As you can easily guess from the name, this is a testosterone booster. The drug contains extracts of tribulus (tribulus), grandiflora horny weed, saw palmetto, nettle, lamellar fungus, coleus (root), myricetin, diosgenin.
  • Universal Nutrition Animal Stak is a complex often recommended by experts. Promotes faster and effective increase muscle mass, increased testosterone levels;
  • DAA (D-aspartic acid) is a substance involved in many processes, including the production of a number of hormones such as testosterone and somatropin (growth hormone). It is one of the most studied agents used in sports supplements.

The drugs are distinguished not only by their price, but, above all, by their composition. Always study it. Make sure that the components included in it will not cause you allergies or other side effects. Only after this can you include the supplement in your diet. Considering how large the range of goods in our warehouse is, you can easily select a high-quality complex drug that will meet certain requirements.

Offers wholesale and retail sale of anabolic complexes with delivery throughout Russia. In Moscow, Zelenograd and Mytishchi, pickup of goods is possible.

Anabolic complexes- this is an integral collective group sports supplements endowed with the ability to stimulate muscle gain and increase other physical indicators athlete (endurance, strength, energy reserves, recovery speed, etc.). Products in this category can vary significantly in composition, for example, some of them contain exclusively plant extracts, others may consist only of vitamins and minerals, and others may contain creatine, fatty acids or amino acids.

Anabolic complexes: benefits, harm and controversial issues

Important: very often manufacturers producing anabolic complexes and supplements speculate on this name. They are trying to sell products that have no real benefit in sports - they cannot increase strength or increase muscle mass. Therefore, when purchasing drugs in this category, you should be as careful as possible.

In general, in about half of the cases, natural or synthetic anabolic complexes (the former are composed of natural components, the latter are made of synthetic ones) are a dummy or a marketing bait; such products are not even a tenth of the ability to show the promised effect. But that's not all. Many supplements are basically useless, both in sports and beyond. And this has been proven in multiple independent studies. However, companies that enrich themselves at the expense of deceived athletes continue to stick to their line and produce ineffective and sometimes even harmful anabolic agents.

Even such famous brands as BSN and MHP are guilty of producing anabolic supplements and complex drugs, the effect of which is practically useless. What can we say about companies and brands that are unfamiliar to athletes. By the way, this situation arose due to the fact that “anabolic complex” is an extremely vague term. Even the food we eat every day is, in fact, a complex of anabolic effects. That is why manufacturers allow themselves to produce ineffective products that have a weak, but still endowed, anabolic effect, and present them as a revolution among sports nutrition aimed at increasing muscle mass.

Please note that effective anabolic complexes and supplements are, as a rule, subject to strict control; it is unlikely that you will be able to freely buy them at a pharmacy. Partly because of this, manufacturers have to include in their sports preparations all sorts of controversial components and ingredients, which in theory are useful for athletes, but in reality do not have a positive effect as such.

Why all this long and languid preface? It's simple: now we will tell you about the most effective components that can be included in composition of anabolic complexes and anabolic agents. We will do this so that you can understand which supplement you come across is effective and which is not, simply by studying its basis and content. We will not discuss amino acids, creatine and other common ingredients, since everyone knows about their benefits, even inexperienced and novice athletes.

Eurycoma longifolia as an anabolic

In general, Eurycoma (Eurycoma longifolia) is a bush plant that grows in some Asian countries. Eurycoma longifolia root or extract is regularly included in sports equipment and biologically active additives, used in medicine and sports (in bodybuilding and other disciplines).

Explains the popularity it enjoys Eurycoma longifolia quite simply: it is the most effective natural component with multiple positive impact– it is used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, to treat malaria and tumors, as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, and, of course, as an effective sports supplement.

More specifically, in bodybuilding, Eurycoma longifolia is primarily used to increase the production of one’s own testosterone and gain muscle mass, as well as to enhance libido and increase sexual activity. For the same purposes, it is included in the composition of anabolic action complexes. And for good reason.

Now more details. Eurycoma longifolia, which, by the way, can be bought at a pharmacy, is one of the few herbal components used in sports practice as an anabolic agent and has proven effectiveness. Scientific studies of this plant conducted on rats showed that Eurycoma extract significantly increases the production of endogenous testosterone, resulting in increased physical endurance, stimulates muscle mass gain and increases sexual activity/libido (similar studies were conducted on humans, they also proved the effectiveness of Eurycoma as an anabolic).

Note that Eurycoma longifolia extract Not only does it increase the body's production of testosterone, it also suppresses its inactivation. In theory, this is due to the stimulating effect of this plant on the metabolism of the hormone LH (luteinizing hormone). Eurycoma also has other positive properties that are useful in sports, which we will now talk about.

Firstly, the use of Eurycoma longifolia has a positive effect on the level of stress hormones in the body of men and women. Thus, using this plant, you can reduce overall emotional stress by 11%, anger by 12%, and embarrassment by 15 percent. In other words, daily use of Eurycoma as a supplement can not only improve physical fitness, but also stabilize the psychological state that has been shaken as a result of malnutrition, sleep disorders, physical fatigue or for any other reasons.

Secondly, as reviews note, Eurycoma longifolia root extract can significantly improve overall vitality and well-being, speed up recovery time after exercise and eliminate joint problems (due to additional production of synovial fluid).

Thirdly, if you decide to buy an anabolic complex based on Eurycoma longifolia, you can be sure that it will protect your muscles from destruction and reduce the frequency of colds. Also, according to reviews from some athletes, when using products with Eurycoma, a noticeable decrease in the fat layer is observed.

Arachidonic acid as a component of anabolic supplements

This acid is not very common, but is still found as part of certain complexes of anabolic activity. This is explained by her high efficiency And beneficial properties. Which ones? Now you'll find out. But first, some basic information.

So, arachidonic acid is an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid that plays a significant role in the human body. Moreover, it is a replaceable acid, that is, our body is able to synthesize it independently to maintain the required concentration. It is also important to say that this substance is susceptible to oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, therefore, when resorting to storing it or storing products based on it, be as careful and prudent as possible.

In general, in our body, arachidonic acid, which exhibits an anabolic effect, is part of phospholipids, which are the basis of cell membranes. Its greatest amount is found in muscle cells and brain cells. In addition, in the human body this acid functions as an inflammatory mediator (takes an active part in the transmission of cellular signals).

It is also important to note which foods contain arachidonic acid. It is present in the greatest quantities in fats in the liver, meat, milk fat and brain. So if you want to replenish your reserves without resorting to sports supplements, then simply buy and consume these products.

Now the most important thing is what effects, useful and at the same time proven, do arachidonic acid and products based on it exhibit? Varied and extremely important:

  • Acceleration of recovery after intense physical activity;
  • Increased endurance volumes;
  • Increased strength indicators;
  • Stimulates increased muscle mass.

And how is the application carried out, otherwise, how to take arachidonic acid? In sports, its recommended dosage is on the border of 500-1000 mg per day, so for tangible positive action You will need anabolic complexes with a high content of this acid (before purchasing a product based on it, carefully study the composition and instructions to clarify the necessary details).

In conclusion of the description, we note that arachidonic acid, if we refer to reviews, is a relatively safe and harmless product for the human body. After all, this is a natural substance produced by the human body and is part of many food products (as already mentioned, meat, liver, etc.). It practically does not harm humans and has a minimal number side effects: due to its anti-inflammatory effect, it can lead to increased muscle pain after physical activity, joint pain, and headaches. These defects appear extremely rarely, literally in isolated cases, so there is essentially nothing to fear, unless, of course, you are susceptible to individual intolerance.

Phosphatidylcholine (choline) in bodybuilding: reviews, facts and effectiveness

Choline (from the Greek word “kholy” - bile) is a B vitamin (Bp or B4), which, uniquely, is conditionally replaceable - is synthesized in the body by fatty acids and microorganisms. It is regularly used as a component of certain sports supplements, as well as in the creation of auxiliary sports preparations.

What natural food products, and most importantly accessible to everyone, contain phosphatidylcholine? In a variety of ways: its high content is observed in egg yolk (found in the form of lecithin), in the liver, in the kidneys, in the heart, etc. Also, this substance is found in considerable quantities in soybeans, spinach and cabbage. Note that choline is partially destroyed during heat treatment, therefore, when storing the above-described products and preparing them for food, be prudent and careful.

In general, to finish with the theory, phosphatidylcholine has found wide application in sports practice, in particular in bodybuilding. This is explained by the fact that its effects help improve athletic performance and strengthen the body:

  • Participates in the synthesis of the amino acid methionine (it is a supplier of methyl groups);
  • IN positive side affects carbohydrate metabolism, regulates insulin levels in the body;
  • Reduces homocysteine ​​concentrations in the body and protects the heart;
  • It has a protective effect on the liver, so it can be effectively used during a steroid course;
  • It is directly involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine (this is the most important “transmitter” of nerve impulses).

With all this, phosphatidylcholine is a relatively safe component, in other words, there are practically no side effects due to its use with food or sports supplements. Of course, some deviations are recorded, however, they are rare and cause serious harm to the athlete’s body or his sports results in most cases they are not able to apply.

In conclusion, it must be said that phosphatidylcholine deficiency is a very rare phenomenon, since this substance enters our body in sufficient quantities with food, and is also produced by the body itself in considerable quantities. However, with intense physical activity, in particular when playing sports, there may be a need for additional choline intake. This is also true when using steroid drugs that have a toxic effect on the liver.

What doses of phosphatidylcholine should be used in sports? Under normal conditions, a dosage of about 500 mg per day is sufficient, but in bodybuilding conditions optimal quantity will be 1-3 grams per day. The maximum daily dose is 3.5 grams. Be careful with dosing, since an overdose of this substance can lead to not the most pleasant consequences - nausea, depression, a drop in blood pressure, digestive disorders, etc.

Icariin and its anabolic properties

This substance regularly becomes one of the main components of various anabolic supplements and complexes. Therefore, we are obliged to talk about it in as much detail as possible. And it's best to start with the basics.

First things first, remember that icariin is an active flavonol from the group of flavonoids, used in sports practice as an anabolic agent. Chemically, it is an acetylated version of kaempferide 3,7-O-diglycoside, obtained from certain plants of the Epimedium species (these plants are most likely known to you as “Horny Goat Weed”).

Another feature that icariin boasts when used in bodybuilding is its long history of use for medical and therapeutic purposes. It has been used for many years in Chinese folk medicine as an aphrodisiac and stimulant of sexual activity (it has been proven that this substance has properties similar to drugs used in modern medicine to treat male impotence and impotence).

But let’s move on to the most interesting thing, namely, what action and effects icariin exhibits when taken in sports:

  • Firstly, it acts as a phosphodiesterase blocker (the well-known Viagra also acts) and improves sexual function/libido in men;
  • Secondly, it can be used to increase the production of nitric oxide, which will lead to improved blood circulation and better transport of nutrients and oxygen in the muscles;
  • Thirdly, icariin can exhibit properties that are endowed with testosterone - it causes accelerated growth of muscle tissue;
  • Fourthly, it stimulates osteoblasts, which increases the strength of bones and the skeleton as a whole;
  • Fifthly, it can act as an antioxidant and antidepressant (increase mental concentration, mood, etc.);
  • Sixthly, its properties can be useful for the treatment of such a serious illness as osteoporosis.

It is important to note that in bodybuilding, supplements and drugs, flavonol icariin usually found in 20% or 10% extracts (higher concentrations can be found). Its doses largely depend on the percentage, so be careful. By the way, the recommended daily dosages of icariin are as follows:

  • 2000 mg (2 g) using 10% extract;
  • 1000 mg (1 g) using a 20% extract;
  • 400 mg (0.4 g) using a 50% extract.

Important: when purchasing drugs and complexes based on icariin, carefully study their composition and instructions. The fact is that many manufacturers add too small volumes of this substance, which means that by using their products you will not achieve the required anabolic effect. Also note that reviews say that icariin is best taken once a day before breakfast in the morning. However, this is more of a recommendation than a direct indication for use.

Forskolin as an anabolic component: reviews and facts

This component is regularly included in sports supplements and complexes, for example, it can be found in Forskolin from Life Extension or SciFit Axis-HT from BSN. But is it effective? Let's figure it out.

To start with the basics: forskolin is a biologically active compound, in its chemical structure, which is a diterpene produced by plants of the Coleus forskohlii type. In turn, Coleus forskohlii is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the mint family and growing in India (common as an ornamental plant, but not only, it is also used in folk medicine of Eastern and Asian countries and in sports - used in the form of root extracts ).

The popularity enjoyed by forskolin in bodybuilding and other industries is easily explained: as reviews say and scientific research proves, this compound is endowed with a huge number of useful and quite powerful effects. Namely:

  • Increased production of endogenous testosterone (this effect has been proven as a result of independent studies);
  • Providing, albeit a small, but stable increase in lean muscle mass;
  • Stimulation of fat burning (reduction of body fat and reduction of total body fat mass);
  • Vasodilating effect, providing improved nutrition of muscles with oxygen and other useful elements;
  • Suppression of genitourinary system infections and antitumor effects;
  • Action ensuring restoration of peripheral nerve fibers;
  • Increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation (allows you to get a more durable and high-quality tan, which is useful in bodybuilding).

With all this, forskolin is a relatively harmless anabolic component; side effects when using it or when taking sports products containing it practically do not make themselves felt. This, by the way, was proven not only in practice, but also as a result of scientific research - the test animals were given large doses of the described substance, and at the end of the test no harmful changes were revealed in the state of their body.

However, you should not lose your vigilance, since forskolin has contraindications for use: it cannot be used with low blood pressure, for intestinal and stomach ulcers. Plus, this compound is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and nursing mothers.

In conclusion, let us clarify what the instructions for use say: 10% forskolin extract should be taken in a dosage of 100 to 150 mg per day. The daily dose should in no case exceed 1000 mg, since excessive dosages can lead to undesirable and hazardous health effects.

Phosphatidylserine in sports supplements

This component is included with enviable frequency in certain complexes of anabolic action. In particular, if you need phosphatidylserine, then you can buy Recovery Stack from SciFit, AminoVol from NxLabs or Elevatel from NOW.

In general, phosphatidylserine is a natural phospholipid that is a component of the inner layer of cell membranes. It consists of a fatty acid and the amino acid serine, and its chemical formula this is 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol-(3)-L-phosphoserine. By the way, in sports complexes this phospholipid can be of either animal or plant origin. At the same time, the animal version is the most effective, at least that’s what reviews of phosphatidylserine and studies aimed at studying it say.

In what products can it be found? phosphatidylserine? In different. It is found in the greatest quantities in the brain, liver, chicken heart, mackerel, herring, tuna, soy and rice. If you do not want to buy sports supplements to consume the described phospholipid, then you can take the help of these products. But don’t overdo it; too much is unlikely to do any good.

Let us clarify what improvements and effects are observed when phosphatidylserine is used:

  • First of all, accelerating recovery time after physical activity;
  • Secondly, increasing endurance in both track and field athletes and weightlifters;
  • Third, reducing cortisol levels;
  • Fourthly, improvement of well-being and general vitality;
  • Fifthly, eliminating muscle pain, which is a frequent companion to physical exercise. loads;
  • Sixth, improving brain functions - memory, concentration, and so on.

However, do not let your guard down and remember that phospholipid phosphatidylserine can cause not only positive, but also some side effects that can cause a lot of anxiety: digestive disorders, loss of sleep, nausea, headaches and some others. These “side effects” are rare; after all, this substance is of natural origin, but in any case you should not lose your vigilance.

In conclusion, I would like to highlight what the instructions for use say and note what doses of phosphatidylserine should be taken in sporting purposes: The recommended dosage for bodybuilding is 400-600 mg per day (divided into three doses). For therapeutic and other purposes, smaller volumes are used, and the frequency of administration is less frequent.

Anabolic complexes (drugs, agents and supplements): conclusion and results

It is clear that these are not all components added to anabolic complexes and endowed with high efficiency. You simply can’t remember everyone, and besides, ingredients regularly appear on the market, the qualities of which have not yet been fully studied. Therefore, talking about their benefits and harms is stupid and early.

Plus, there are additives with controversial effects, about which some reviews speak in a positive way, while others speak in a purely negative way. These, for example, include anabolic complexes, which contain agmatine, as well as those based on D-aspartic acid, ecdysterone, protodioscin and some other substances, vitamins and plant extracts.

There are, of course, 100% effective components that we simply did not have time to talk about, for example, 6-OXO, Omega-3 acids or fenugreek. However, it seems that even the information that was given will be quite enough to avoid serious mistakes and the purchase of obviously useless sports equipment.

We hope that after reading our article you will be able to independently determine whether this or that anabolic supplement that you are offered to buy is effective or not, whether it deserves your attention or whether it is better to bypass it by purchasing time-tested ones sports drugs. By the way, if you are tired of ineffective sports products, you can always visit our online store and buy anabolic and androgenic steroids, the usefulness of which is beyond doubt.


Anabolic complexes- this is a generic name various groups sports supplements, main role of which - gaining muscle mass . It should be noted that now many unscrupulous manufacturers use this term purely as a marketing ploy to increase sales. Experts confirm this and point out that many complexes, despite their name, do not have anabolic properties. Therefore, choose carefully! Pay attention, first of all, to the composition. Of course, anabolic complexes vary significantly in their ingredients, but there is a list mandatory components : protein supplements, forskolin, amino acids, creatine, multivitamins, arachidonic acid and essential fatty acids. All of them are safe for human health and can be used either separately or in combination.

Anabolic complexes and steroids- different substances! The former are purely natural food additives, but the latter are chemical compounds containing synthetic growth hormones and negatively affecting the body from the inside. Also avoid anabolic steroids that are prohibited in sports. food additives, affecting nervous system a person and increasing the athlete’s pain threshold.

Conventionally, anabolic complexes are divided into three kind: pre-workout, post-workout and activators.

Release form

Available in three types: tablets, capsules and powder. The most effective of them are - capsules , are easily digestible, easy to use and quickly absorbed by the body.


Anabolic complexes increase anabolism (nitrogen balance) and muscle growth, stimulate the production of growth hormones, reduce the speed of metabolic processes, control testosterone levels, increase human endurance, improve body contour, etc.. Taking anabolic complexes is especially useful when doing bodybuilding, since intense physical exercise require large quantity nutrients.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components and in persons under 18 years of age.

Exceeding the dosage and improper use can cause increased body temperature, dizziness, and disturbances. heart rate and blood pressure.

Nutrition experts do not recommend taking such complexes to novice athletes. The fact is that muscle mass is gained quite easily during the first year of training. When using anabolic complexes during this period, the body gets used to the components, which in the future can reduce their effectiveness.

Before use, consult your doctor or sports nutrition specialist.