Kostya Tszyu is an Olympic champion. Biography


Born in Leningrad in 1962 in the family of a physical education teacher and an engineer. In 1981 he founded the Kino group, which soon became one of the most popular in the Soviet Union. He starred in several films (“Rock”, “Assa”, “Needle”, etc.) and became the main character of a new generation. On August 15, 1990, he died in a car accident in Latvia.

Main achievement

The Kino group recorded 9 studio albums. Many of her hits have stood the test of time. Viktor Tsoi is still very popular in Russia and abroad: fans imitate him and leave inscriptions on “Tsoi’s walls” in different cities(the most famous of them is in Moscow on the old Arbat), musicians record covers of his songs. Moreover, “Kino” is the only Russian-language rock band whose songs are known abroad: in South Korea they are played on the radio and translated into Korean; the American group Brazzaville and “Mama Anarchy” have their own version of “A Star Called the Sun” was performed as a punk anthem by a choir of 1,800 people at an international punk festival in Estonia, and in Belarus the song “Change!” is now officially banned


Viktor Tsoi never focused on his Korean roots. They manifested themselves only in their passion for martial arts and cutting netsuke. Sergei Solovyov, director of the film “Assa,” recalls: “I told him: you, Victor, are not suitable for me in this group (which is needed for the film. - “RR”). Why do I need a Korean? Now he’s charismatic, but then he was just a Korean, not charismatic at all. If he’s Korean, that means he needs to somehow introduce Korean motifs - why is this necessary?” (from an interview with the Dozhd TV channel).

Yuliy Kim, poet, composer, bard, screenwriter and playwright


Born in Moscow in 1936. His father, Korean translator Kim Cher-san, was repressed and executed in 1938, and his mother was arrested and sent into exile. Yuliy Kim spent his childhood and youth in the Kaluga region and Turkmenistan. Then he returned to Moscow, graduated from the pedagogical institute, worked for five years as assigned in Kamchatka, then taught in Moscow. In the mid-60s, he actively participated in the dissident movement, for which he was fired from his job and since then he has made his living mainly by composing songs for films and plays. In his track record such Soviet film hits as “Bumbarash”, “12 Chairs”, “ An ordinary miracle", "Matchmaking of a Hussar", "Formula of Love", "The House That Swift Built". In total, Kim has more than 500 songs. In the 2000s, he became closely involved in musicals, in particular, he translated and wrote the script for the Russian-language version of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Main achievement

Because of the stigma of a dissident, he was usually listed in the credits under the pseudonym Yu. Mikhailov. However, this did not prevent him from becoming one of the most famous Soviet bards under his own name.


“It’s more difficult for me to communicate with Korea - I don’t know the language.<…>They know about me there. But the trick is this: they know about me in South Korea, but my roots (and, possibly, relatives) are in North Korea. There, as you understand, it’s not a big deal to travel there.<…>But there are most likely not many relatives left there. Most of my father’s relatives are in Russia or in the republics of Central Asia.<…>Things didn't work out with Korea. I was there, but it did not turn into love for the homeland of my ancestors. This is how the circumstances of my life developed” (from an interview with Yuli Kim to Ogonyok magazine and RIA Novosti).

Anatoly Kim, writer, playwright, artist


Born in 1939 in the village of Sergievka in the south of the Kazakh SSR. He studied at the Moscow Art School in memory of 1905, and graduated from the Literary Institute in absentia. He worked as a crane operator, furniture worker, projectionist, and art critic. In 1973, Aurora magazine published several of his stories. Kim's most famous work, the fairy tale novel “Squirrel,” was published in 1985. The family saga “Father Forest” was published in 1989, the novel about spiritual quest “Onlyria” - in 2000. He also wrote plays, and based on one of his stories (“Stop in August”), in 1990, a scandalous film for that time about life in the zone and in the army, “Ivin A.”, was made.

Main achievement

In Soviet and early post-Soviet literature, Anatoly Kim occupied the position of a “magical realist,” our answer to Marquez and Cortazar. His stories and novels combined realistic sketches, elements of Eastern philosophy, magic and absurdity.


“In 1937, when the bloodiest year of Stalin’s repressions began, Koreans were forcibly evicted from the Far East. Peasants, office workers, students, fishermen, children and adults, theater actors, antler hunters and mountain ginseng seekers - all Koreans were loaded into freight cars and sent under escort to the west...<…>This forced relocation directly accused: guilty! But what? It has not yet been clarified what the Korean population of the Far East was accused of. And about three hundred thousand people went to serve an indefinite exile, harboring a feeling of vague guilt. That’s how I was born with a guilt complex in my blood” (Anatoly Kim. My past).

Boris Kim, businessman


Born in 1963 in the Uzbek city of Urgench. In 1985 he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, and over the next 22 years he received four more diplomas - from the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics, the Moscow State Academy of Law, the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. In 1999, he began working on the creation of the e-port payment system. Today Boris Kim is a co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of Qiwi.

Main achievement

Kim demonstrated how to create, essentially, a separate branch of the economy from scratch. Qiwi instant payment system with terminals that are today big cities can be seen on every corner, first appeared in Russia and precisely thanks to his efforts. His company is developing this business in twenty countries. “We couldn’t drag one Vice President of Visa away from our terminals: he kept poking…” Boris Kim said in an interview, explaining how new this business project was for the entire global financial system.

According to him, such a project could appear in Russia, and not in the United States, for example: “America, from the point of view of payment services, is a rather backward country, because they still use paper checks. But why is this happening? Because that's how it works. They have great mail, they have great banks that process these checks. And if it works well, then why change? That’s why payment innovations appear in “backward” countries: they don’t have a good financial infrastructure and need to build it from scratch.”

Today, Qiwi's turnover is measured in hundreds of billions of rubles and Boris Kim is one of the most respected Russian businessmen.


Kim's father was a Korean deported from the Far East to Uzbekistan, his mother was a Russian teacher originally from Tambov. “When love arose, my father’s family was not very happy that he was not marrying a Korean woman, but a Russian one. This still leads to disputes in Korean families, but back then, in ’58, it was generally something. They probably saw a blonde for the first time in their lives and tried to dissuade their father,” Kim recalled in an interview.

He admits that he doesn’t know Korean, but he feels the influence of his genes: “I think that my genes also manifest themselves in the fact that I love to study. And, it seems to me, I know how to do this - I think it’s no coincidence: it comes from my dad.”

Victor Ahn (Ahn Hyun Soo), three-time Olympic champion in short track speed skating


Born in 1985 in Seoul, began training speed skating V elementary school. On Olympic Games ah - 2006 in Turin won three gold medals. In 2007, at the World Championships in Milan, Ahn Hyun-soo set a record, becoming the first athlete on the planet to win five overall world short track champion titles in a row. Now the three-time Olympic champion is 27 years old, in 2011 he took Russian citizenship and took his Russian name in honor of Viktor Tsoi. For almost four years the athlete struggled with the consequences of a knee injury and tried to break into starting lineup national team South Korea. When I realized that this was practically impossible, I changed my citizenship. At the 2013 World Championships, performing under Russian flag, became second in the 500-meter race and in the 5000-meter relay.

Main achievement

The last time Russian representatives won medals at the world short track speed skating championship was in 1991. With the arrival of Viktor An to the team, the team’s results increased sharply, which is especially important before the Olympic Games in Sochi.


“I was very worried about how my decision would be perceived in Korea. After all, short track speed skating in our country is very popular look sports And indeed, I heard a lot of unpleasant things about myself from both journalists and fans. But I’m lucky: I have fans who root for me and worry about me personally. They understood my transition to another team. Moreover, they are happy for me, because I can train and perform normally again” (from an interview with Russian Reporter).

Nellie Kim, five-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics


Born in 1957 in the Tajik village of Shurab. Her father Vladimir Kim is a Sakhalin Korean, her mother Alfiya is a Tatar. In 1969, Kim won the Olympics in Chimkent, but a year later the most titled gymnast in history, Larisa Latynina, said that Nelly “has no future.” The athlete was ready to leave the sport, but thanks to the support of coach Vladimir Baidin she remained. At the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, Nellie Kim won three gold medals and one silver medal, four years later she won two more gold medals at the Moscow Olympics. In the 1990s she moved to America for permanent residence, and in 2004 she was elected president of the women's technical committee of the International Gymnastics Federation.

Main achievement

In the 70s, Nelly Kim was one of the leading gymnasts along with Nadia Comaneci, Lyudmila Turishcheva and Olga Korbut. It was Kim who became the first gymnast in the history of the Olympic Games to receive the maximum score of 10 points for the vault and floor exercise.


“If in most sports the athletic component dominates, then in gymnastics there is also art, which adds beauty and aesthetics to the sport. Previously, parents took their children to gymnastics to distract them from the bad influence of the street. Sports activities build character. The material side cannot be ignored either. Sports provided an opportunity to see the world. Not every Soviet person could travel abroad at that time. Those who found themselves on the other side of the “Iron Curtain” had a chance to purchase scarce goods that simply were not on the shelves of Soviet stores” (from an interview with the Kazakh newspaper “Karavan”).

Kostya Tszyu, world amateur boxing champion, absolute world champion among professionals


Born in 1969 in the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region. When Kostya was nine years old, his father Boris Tszyu took him to the boxing section, which predetermined his entire fate. Coach Vladimir Cherni saw that the boy had the makings of a great athlete. He often repeated: “Strength is inferior to intelligence.” Tszyu remembered this and subsequently always showed “smart” boxing in the ring.

Main achievement

Both as an amateur and as a professional Kostya Tszyu reached the highest level in boxing. In the amateur ring, he scored 270 victories in 282 fights. The only thing missing from his collection is an Olympic medal: in 1988, at the Games in Seoul, he reached the quarterfinals. At the 1991 World Championships in Sydney, Tszyu attracted the attention of Australian promoter Bill Mordy. With his help, Kostya moved to Australia and became a professional. In thirteen years professional ring he won all boxing titles (according to WBC, WBA, IBF) in the welterweight division and became the absolute world champion.


“I don’t feel like I’m Korean. I always felt more European than Asian. Although sometimes something Asian breaks through... My grandfather came to the Urals in 1937 as one of the many witnesses in the Tukhachevsky case. In the Sosva area I met my grandmother and stayed in the Urals. This is how my dad was born in Serov, as well as my aunt and uncle. My grandmother - nee Postnikova, such a real Russian woman with a brown braid - was not afraid to marry an exiled Korean. Some people here are still surprised if someone marries a person of a different nationality, and in those days, especially in the Ural outback, it was a real act” (from an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta).

Zinovy ​​Pak, scientist


Born in 1939 in the Lviv region. In 1961 he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Lvov State University. He began working at the Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology in Dzerzhinsk, and twenty-seven years later he rose to the position of general director and general designer of NPO Soyuz, a manufacturer. rocket engines and solid fuel for them. Then he headed the Ministry of Defense Industry, was Deputy Minister of Economics, a member of the Russian Security Council, and director of the Russian Munitions Agency. Currently, he is vice-president of the Defense Enterprises Assistance League association.

Main achievement

By the mid-90s, Zinovy ​​Pak became one of the most influential Russian defense industry. In January 1996, he was appointed head of the State Committee for the Defense Industry. Using his influence, within a few months he achieved the transformation of the committee into a separate ministry with serious powers.

He forced the creation of large financial and industrial groups in the military-industrial complex; in fact, he destroyed the monopoly of Rosoboronexport on arms supplies abroad - he was always in favor of giving many defense enterprises the right to direct export deliveries.

Park was an ardent opponent of the purchase of weapons abroad. “We will do everything to prevent mass purchases of imported weapons,” he said as soon as he became minister. And this line was maintained even after Park’s own career in the government began to decline. The reason for this was sought in his closeness to the then First Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets. After the scandalous resignation of Soskovets in June 1996, Pak lost support in the White House, and in March 1997 the Ministry of Defense Industry was disbanded, and he generally relegated to secondary roles.

Everyone recognizes the scientific achievements of Zinovy ​​Pak: he has more than five thousand scientific works and 170 inventions, including unique missile technologies for such intercontinental strategic missiles as Topol-M and RS-12M.


Like any defense specialist, especially those related to secret technologies, Zinovy ​​Pak has never been a public figure. In rare, discreet interviews when he was a minister, he did not allow himself to be distracted by topics of his Korean origin and never spoke publicly on this issue.

Kostya Tszyu is a legend of Russian and world boxing, an absolute world champion among professionals. This title was awarded to the Russian by three world boxing associations. Boxing, Tszyu says, shaped him as a person, his attitude towards others and gave him other blessings in life. At the same time, the cruel world of sports taught us not to trust seemingly sincere smiles, empty words and contracts. Kostya is familiar with betrayal and disappointment.

“But I don’t want to change myself, I don’t want to get to the level where the majority is. I don't want to go down."

Now the athlete who left his career is promoting ideals healthy image life, does not like giving interviews and attending social events. The public will recognize the champion in any case, no matter how Konstantin hides his conspicuous hairstyle under hats and hides behind dark glasses.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Tszyu was born on September 19, 1969 in a small provincial Russian town called Serov, in the Sverdlovsk region. His parents were the most ordinary people who professional sports had nothing to do with it. Father Boris Timofeevich worked the lion's share of his life at metallurgical enterprises, and his mother worked as a nurse. The boxer inherited the surname from his grandfather, a Korean by nationality, who came to the Soviet Union from China at the beginning of the 20th century.

As a child, Kostya grew up cocky and active. In order to direct the child’s fountain-like energy into a fruitful direction, Boris in 1979 took his son to the boxing section at the local youth sports school. Then I realized that I had made the right choice. The family was not against such initiatives.

After just 6 months of training in the gym, the lively 10-year-old boy began to defeat older guys in the ring. After 2 years, the coaches of the national junior team began to take an interest in the guy. Soviet Union. This period is considered the beginning of professional sports biography Kostya Tszyu, who slowly but surely strived upward.

He won many regional and international fights and became a prize-winner of several tournaments. Enchanting victories alternated with defeats, but this only strengthened the guy’s spirit. In 1985, Tszyu received the title of champion of the RSFSR in his age category for young men. A little later, the boxer began to periodically appear in more mature tournaments.


In 1989, the guy managed to achieve serious success in the main age group. At this time, Tszyu won the championship belt at a tournament in the USSR and soon after that he triumphantly competed at the European Championship, where he also climbed to the highest step of the podium. Then followed a long series of significant victories.

In the period 1990-1991, the talented boxer won the title of champion of the Soviet Union twice in a row, and also received many gold medals based on the results of international competitions. In 1989, at the world boxing championship, which took place in the Russian capital, Kostya Tszyu managed to take third prize position in the group of athletes in weight category up to 60 kg.

A year later, the champion also added gold medals from the Goodwill Games in Seattle. 1991 was no less impressive and bright in the athlete’s career. At this time, Kostya earned gold medals at the European and international championships.

Serious results at the competition attracted considerable interest from Australian coach Johnny Lewis to the athlete from the Soviet Union, who soon convinced the boxer to move to the Green Continent. Tszyu was then offered to officially become an Australian citizen, which he readily agreed to. After this, the boxer began performing at regular exhibition fights all over the planet.

For professional career boxer nicknamed Thunder from Australia (Thunder from Down Under) was considered one of the most strong athletes world championship in the weight category up to 63.5 kg (Tszyu’s height is 170 cm).

From time to time, Costa managed to defeat famous fighters Juan Laporte, Jesse Leija, Zab Judah and others. These bright victories were the forerunners of incredible fame and global recognition in the boxing world. Tszyu became a star in Australia and his native Russia.

In total, Kostya entered the ring 282 times, scoring 270 victories. For such impressive performance, in 2011 the boxer was inducted into the International Fighting Hall of Fame.

It is noteworthy that on the same day, along with Tszyu, Hollywood actor and Mexican champion Julio Cesar Chavez received a similar honor. Konstantin defeated the latter in the 200 in the title fight for the junior welterweight championship.

The most famous fight of the Russian boxer took place in 2001 in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA). The fight in the junior welterweight between the WBA/WBC champion, 32-year-old Kostya Tszyu and the IBF champion, 24-year-old Zab Judah, was remembered by the audience, because the favorite sensationally lost. This fight between Tszyu and his student is considered one of the most interesting in the history of boxing.

The American began the meeting assertively. In the first round, Tszyu was constantly inferior to his opponent. It seemed that Judah would soon demonstrate his skills, and the age difference would also affect him, but this did not happen. In the 2nd round, the absolute world champion began to “pressure” his opponent from the first seconds, trying to throw a left uppercut. In turn, Kostya intended to stop the agile enemy, limiting his freedom of action in close combat. 8 seconds before the gong, Judah missed a powerful right cross to the head and fell to the canvas, earning a knockout.

Fight Kostya Tszyu and Zaba Judah

There was no clean knockout, but after Zab quickly stood up, he was severely pulled to the side and fell a second time. “Chicken Dance” - that’s what journalists will call it physical condition American boxer after powerful blow"Russian Australian"

Jay Neidi, the referee of the fight, decided to stop the fight. Such judicial arbitration infuriated the US boxer. Zab Judah attacked Neidi, declaring that he was ready to continue the fight, but the meeting was still stopped.

The judge's decision is still being discussed by experts. A clean knockout did not take place, but the American’s fall, as well as his condition after the blow inflicted by Kostya, influenced the referee. Judah demanded a rematch, but the meeting was never organized, and Tszyu ended his professional career altogether.

In June 2005, a fight took place against Briton Ricky Hatton in Manchester. This fight was decisive in the career of the Russian-Australian boxer.

Fight Kostya Tszyu and Ricky Hatton

Hatton, having defeated Tszyu by technical knockout, took the IBF junior welterweight world boxing title. Tszyu refused to participate in the final round, and coaching staff threw away the white towel. Later, the athlete said that every fight took place on the verge of life and death. But that time Kostya was not ready to die. And then the Russian did not find the motivation to return to the ring.

The Briton refused a rematch, citing preparations for a confrontation with the WBC world champion.

After the end of his professional career, Kostya Tszyu began to train the younger generation. A special training scheme was developed for the students, which allowed them to effectively confront their opponents in the ring. The most memorable students of the Russian athlete were boxers and Khabib Allahverdiev.

At the same time, Tszyu conducted master classes for young athletes. On personal funds Konstantin opened sports schools throughout Russia, motivating this decision with the desire to help expand and popularize sports in his native country. There is a Boxing Academy in Yekaterinburg, named after the champion.

In 2010, Kostya Tszyu became the head of the editorial staff of the country's debut electronic publication Fight Magazine, which reveals various aspects of martial arts.

Fans learned about another talent of the famous boxer. At the same time, Tszyu also often took part in various television programs, acting as a media person. The athlete appeared in the projects “Kostya Tszyu. Be the first", Dancing with the Stars, Australia's Next Top Model and others.

Kostya Tszyu is interested in the state of affairs in world boxing. In particular, in 2013, he called the boxer from Kazakhstan the best in the post-Soviet space in his category. The famous Russian has spoken positively about Golovkin more than once, commenting on his achievements in the professional ring.

Personal life

First Tszyu's wife, Natalya, worked as a hairdresser in Serov. The young people met in a city bar. They got married when Kostya was offered to move to Australia. From official data it is known that in a marriage that lasted 20 years, three children were born - sons Timofey and Nikita and daughter Anastasia.

Tim made his debut in the ring in 2016. By the fall of 2018, he had won 11 victories in 11 fights, 4 of which by knockout.

Kostya's hobbies include music and Budha Bar, books on English. Boxer is friends with and.

Kostya Tszyu now

Konstantin Tszyu is used to plowing. The boxer graduated from the Ural Federal University. The athlete also has his Ph.D. thesis ready, but there is not enough time to defend it. Kostya travels around the country giving master classes and motivational lectures. He became a TV presenter on the Domashny channel, in the show Culinary Duel. In Australia, Tszyu has published several books. In Russia, only an essay for children was published. The boxer rejects other offers from publishers, as he encountered attempts to deceive.

Kostya Tszyu is the author of several books

The creators of the show “Stars in the Ring,” according to Kostya, also did not pay for the idea.

“We slightly changed the structure, design - and forward, only under a different name. Unfortunately, this is often done on our television.”

The athlete continues training in the ring. After one sparring at the beginning of 2018, Kostya felt unwell. I turned to .

The teledoctor recommended doctors, and Tszyu underwent heart surgery. Before this, the man was diagnosed with problems with blood vessels - a blood clot had broken off due to high cholesterol. Tszyu made sure that the children also underwent examination.

Konstantin is the face of the company Concellence, which produces sportswear. Bright and stylish wardrobe items are sold in the online store. Kostya Tszyu Sports Academy LLC produces vitamin-fortified and energy drinks, mineral water, natural food products under the Gladio brand. The boxer invested in the project, according to Forbes, $80 million.

Titles and awards

  • 1989, 1991 – gold medal European Championship
  • 1989 – bronze medal world championship
  • 1991 – world championship gold medal
  • 1995 - IBF world champion
  • 1999 – WBC world champion
  • 2001 – absolute world champion in junior welterweight

He underwent surgery on the heart vessels after a heart attack. The 48-year-old athlete spoke about his health on the air of the program “Live Healthy” on Channel One.

According to the boxer, some time ago he decided to take a break from sports and take a break from training. After returning to classes, Tszyu felt unwell, once fainting.

“When I did some exercises, for example, pull-ups, after 15-20 times I experienced strange sensations.

I didn't understand what it was. And then in the morning I went to the toilet and fell...,” Tszyu said..

After that, according to the athlete, he called the TV presenter, who stated the need to consult a cardiologist, and the very next day the boxer found himself on the operating table.

During the examination, it was decided to perform coronary angiography and surgery to stent (strengthen the walls) of the artery. Doctors explained the problem high level cholesterol.

“It turned out that I had high cholesterol levels, which is the cause of the blood clot. I have already checked my children. Everything is fine with them!”- assured the athlete.

Konstantin is currently recovering from surgery.

This is not the first time Tszyu has turned to doctors for help with heart problems. In 2017, the boxer underwent examination at the Yekaterinburg Cardiocenter, where he received an electronic “Coronary Passport” chip and recommendations on how to prevent the development of atherosclerosis of the arteries.

Also last year, the athlete gave birth to his fifth child, daughter Victoria. Konstantin's eldest son Tim is already following in his father's footsteps and winning victory after victory in the professional ring.

Mine last Stand The 22-year-old athlete spent October 22 in Sydney, where he excelled in a fight with an Australian and won the regional title of the World Boxing Council (WBC) Asian Boxing Council Continental.

After a 10-round fight in the weight category up to 72.6 kg, the judges unanimously gave the victory to Tszyu.

Now Konstantin’s son already has six victories and not a single defeat. He made his professional debut on December 17, 2016, defeating Australian Zorran Cassady on points.

Tszyu Sr. was born on September 19, 1969 in the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region. At the beginning of his career, he became a prize-winner in many regional and international competitions.

His first serious successes at the adult level came in 1989, when Konstantin won the USSR and European championships. In 1990, Tszyu won gold at the Goodwill Games in Seattle, America, and a year later he became first at the continental and world championships.

The Russian's performance at the World Championships in Sydney impressed the Australian coach and promoter Bill Mordy. They invited him to move to Australia and start a professional career.

For a long time, Konstantin remained one of the strongest athletes on the planet in his weight category (up to 63.503 kg). He managed to defeat many famous boxers, such as Jesse Leija, Juan Laporte, Zab Judah, Cesar Chavez, Ismael Chavez. This made Tszyu famous in Australia and Russia.

Throughout his career, Konstantin fought 282 fights, in which he scored 270 victories.

In 2011, the athlete was included in the fighting hall of fame as a person who made a huge contribution to the development of this sport.

On the same day as the Russian, an American, actor and director, former Mexican champion, coach Ignacio “Nacho” Berishtein and famous referee Joe Cortez received a similar honor.

On June 4, 2005, the boxer had his last fight in the professional ring, after which he decided to try himself as a coach. Over the years of living in Australia, Tszyu developed his own training methods professional boxers, which he successfully used for several years.

Returning to his homeland, Konstantin began to train famous Russian athletes. Under his leadership they performed, and.

Tszyu also opened a number of sports schools in Russia, where he regularly conducts master classes.

Other news and materials can be viewed on the chronicles, as well as in the sports department groups on social networks

Absolute world champion among professionals, Russian boxer, began boxing at the age of 9 years. His father brought him to the section at the Youth Sports School and, probably, never regretted it. Sports mentors very quickly noticed the undoubted abilities of a boy with an unusual surname, which he inherited from his grandfather, who once came to Russia from China.

Already at the age of 15, Tszyu Kostya began to take part in junior and adult championships not only of the USSR, but also of the European and world levels. And he won his first significant victory in 1986, when he turned 17 years old, becoming the champion of the USSR among juniors. And this was just the beginning of his journey in boxing.

Kostya has a firmly established reputation as the strongest welterweight boxer. His winning tactics have always been constant dominance in the ring, pressure and pressure, leaving no chance for his opponent. Konstantin has fights with Vernon Forrest, Juan La Porte, Sammy Fuentes, Julio Cesar Chavez and many others. Over the years of his professional career he won the belt MBF, VBA, VBS, 34 fights were held with 32 victories.

Today Konstantin Dzyu, as author unique methods training professional boxers, trains famous Russian boxers Habiba Allahverdieva, Denis Lebedev and Alexander Povetkin. In addition, he is actively interested in development issues children's sports in Russia, opening boxing schools, organizing bike rides and heading a charitable foundation and the editorial office of the first Russian electronic magazine about martial arts.

While still living with his family (his wife Natalya and three children) in Australia, Kostya never ceased to consider himself Russian and actively help the development of sports in his homeland. On this score, he always speaks with confidence that nationality depends on what language a person thinks in. But Konstantin thinks only in Russian.

Konstantin Tszyu comes from a small industrial town in the Sverdlovsk region - Serov with a population of about 100 thousand people. Biography of Ju Bones began here, on September 19, 1969, in a simple family where the mother worked as a nurse and the father worked at a metallurgical plant. Realizing that his son needed a hobby that could regularly provide an outlet for his seething energy, his father sent him to the boxing section of the local youth sports school. And this truly became a landmark decision that determined the course of Constantine’s future life.

Young athlete

In 1978, Tszyu Kostya, whose biography as an amateur boxer began with this event, entered the Serovskaya ring for the first time sports school. His first mentor, who laid the foundations for the skill of the future champion, was V. Ts. Cherny. And within a few months, the gifted boy won victories, first at the city and regional level, and five years later at republican and union competitions.

Among his further achievements: winner of the All-Russian youth games(1985), winner among juniors of the USSR Championship (1986 and 1987), USSR champion(1989-1991), silver medalist at the World Junior Championships in Cuba (1987), winner at the European Championships (1986), etc.

Kostya became the winner of the Games Goodwill in 1990, won a convincing victory at the World Championships in Sydney (1991), and a year earlier the title appeared in Kostya Tszyu’s biography Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. Thus, in the amateur ring the boxer won 270 victories, having spent 282 fights.

The path of a professional

In 1992, Tszyu Kostya, whose biography was now marked by a transition to professional boxing, signed a contract in Australia. And on March 1st of this year he makes his professional debut against Darrell Hiles. The fight ended with the latter being knocked out in the first round.

January 30, 1993 - Konstantin carried out his 10th fight in the professional ring, his opponent - Livingston Bramble, whom the Russian defeated on points. Two years later, on January 28 in his 14th fight Tszyu won world champion according to IBF junior welterweight Jake Rodriguez, taking away this title from him, which Tszyu would defend six times, until May 31, 1997.

May 31, 1997 – Tszyu Kostya, whose biography had never known any serious defeats before, lost to the American Vince Phillips technical knockout. So he lost world title (IBF). After that, he changes his diet, his mood for fights, training program and other aspects.

Two years later, on August 21, in a battle against a Mexican Miguel Gonzalez in the 10th round he wins by technical knockout, after which he becomes the only Russian boxer with golden belt the most prestigious professional boxing organization WBC.

Significant champion fights

07/29/2000 – fight with Julio Cesar Chavez, victory for Tszyu.

02/03/2001 – fight against Sharmba Mitchell in the USA. The Russian wins by technical knockout.

Among his next opponents Oktaya Urkala, in a duel with whom he defended his titles, Zab Judah, who fiercely protested his defeat on November 11, 2003 and threw a tantrum in the ring. In 2003 he met with Jesse James Leija, who refused to continue the fight due to a suspected ruptured eardrum. In 2004, according to the boxer’s biography, a fight took place with Sharmba Mitchell(November 06), where Tszyu won by technical knockout.

It seemed that no one could become a winner if Tszyu Kostya entered the ring. The biography indicates that there was still an athlete who was able to defeat him, and his name Ricky Hatton. Although he is not the most difficult opponent for Konstantin, he was able to win the fight by technical knockout on June 4, 2005 in Manchester. This, of course, was a serious shock for the Russian, while his loyal fans continued to greet their idol with thunderous applause.

Currently, the boxer is working in several directions at once, including “ Kostya Tszyu Charitable Foundation", engaged in the implementation of significant programs in the sports field, opens boxing schools throughout Russia. In addition, he developed his own methods of training boxers, which he has successfully used for many years. And now for 2012 he trains famous Russian boxers: Habiba Allahverdieva,