Exercises for general physical training, their purpose. Exercise with the Push Up effect Pushup exercise how to do it correctly


Spring is not only a time to change your wardrobe. This is still a period of active preparation of the body for the summer season.

In the fight for perfect body everyone pursues their own goals: someone wants to improve their health, while others want to meet the beach season slim and fit so that they can wear a new bikini or favorite shorts without hesitation.

Here are 5 almost magical exercises, at correct execution which, your body will soon be transformed.

Just 10 minutes every day, and in a month you won’t recognize him.

Exercises for an ideal figure

1. Plank

The plank is a static exercise.

This means that you don't need to move during the exercise, just keep your body in the correct position. The plank is considered a basic exercise.

To perform it correctly, follow the example shown in the picture above.

Support yourself on your elbows, forearms and the front of your feet. It is very important to keep your back completely straight. Try not to lower your waist so that your hip line is parallel to the floor.

If you don't have any difficulty doing the plank, it's strange to say the least. You should feel tension in almost every part of the body: the muscles of the back, abdomen, front of the thighs and muscles of the arms.

2. Push-ups (push up exercise)

Push-ups are another exercise that literally works every major muscle.

Thanks to this exercise you strengthen your body.

Perform it on a flat floor.

Fix your body position: n and with outstretched straight arms, hold the body for several seconds, while also supporting straight line of legs, back and buttocks.

Slowly lower your body, bending your elbows. Then, straightening your arms, also slowly return to the starting position. The most important thing is to always keep your back, buttocks and legs straight.

You should feel how muscles tense abdominals, arm muscles, as well as the anterior thigh muscles.

A set of exercises for a beautiful figure

3. Squats

Squats will help strengthen your thigh muscles, calf muscles, and also correct your posture. In addition, this exercise will improve the overall tone of the body and promote fat burning.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your arms in front of you and then proceed directly to squats, keeping your head straight.

Try to perform the exercise with your back as straight as possible. Lower your pelvis until your thighs are parallel to the floor (as far as possible).

4. Hunting dog stance

Take the initial position as for doing a plank.

Pull your stomach in and simultaneously extend one leg and the opposite arm, while maintaining perfect balance.

Hold this position for at least a minute. Then slowly lower your arm and leg and repeat this exercise with the other leg and arm.

The so-called hunting dog stance develops gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles, as well as muscles in the lumbar region.

5. Lying hip raise exercises

Raising your hips from a lying position is perfect exercise for the body.

Thanks to him, you can develop your gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and strengthen your abdominal, back, and thigh muscles.

Lie on your back, bend your knees. The foot should be completely on the floor, arms extended to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body.

Pull your buttocks in and lift your hips as high as possible. Fix your body in this position for a few seconds. Then slowly lower your pelvis and repeat the exercise again.

This program, which includes 5 basic exercises, consists of two workouts. Perform the exercises for 4 weeks in the following sequence, paying attention to the time for each type of exercise:

Workout 1:

1 minute plank

1 minute - push-ups

2 minutes - squats

1 minute – hunting dog stance

1 minute - raising hips from a lying position

1 minute plank

1 minute - push-ups

2 minutes – squats

*The break between exercises should be 10 seconds.

Workout 2:

3 minutes - plank

3 minutes - hunting dog stance

3 minutes - hip raise from a lying position

1 minute - push-ups

*The break between exercises should be 15 seconds.

Perform a set of these exercises 6 times a week in the following sequence:

*Make the seventh day a day off.

Week 1:

Day 1: workout 1

Day 2: workout 2

Day 3: workout 1

Day 4: workout 2

Day 5: workout 1

Day 6: workout 2

Day 7: day off

Week 2:

Day 1: workout 2

Day 2: workout 1

Day 3: workout 2

Day 4: workout 1

Day 5: workout 2

Day 6: workout 1

Day 7: day off

Once you've completed Week 2, go back to rotating Week 1 exercises.

The results will not take long to arrive. After just 4 weeks you won’t recognize your body.

*It is worth adding that the effectiveness of these exercises will increase significantly when performed in combination with proper diet nutrition.

    Every girl dreams of having a beautiful, elastic, fit, with perfect shape, with smooth skin and enticing men's views into the depths of the seductive neckline with breasts! Today we will talk about what chest exercises you can do at home to achieve a real push up effect. You will have to work on yourself, but the result will pleasantly surprise not only you.

    Believe me, there is nothing more realistic for achieving the desired goal than simple home workouts, with which you can not only lift your breasts, but also slightly increase their volume. It’s clear that the first size will not turn into the fourth, but your man will certainly appreciate the metamorphosis that has happened to you.

    Restore breast elasticity

    Numerous factors after twenty years have a negative impact on appearance and elasticity of the mammary glands: feeding the baby, sudden weight loss or weight gain, gradual age-related changes in the skin, hormonal imbalance, incorrectly selected underwear, etc. Therefore, if you want to restore breast elasticity, you must use integrated approach. From today your task is to:

    Impact on the skin of the chest using herbal decoctions, contrast showers, oils and moisturizing creams;

    Work on the development of chest muscles;

    Proper nutrition.

    Classes should be regular; create a training schedule that is most convenient for you and stick to it. Then the result will not take long to arrive.

    The most effective exercises for chest muscles

    1. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward, palms “looking” at each other. Squeeze and relax your palms as if they need to be glued very securely and then torn apart. The chest muscles should tighten. Perform slow but strong movements. We do it at least 20 times.

    2. Perform the exercise while lying on your back. Elbows spread to the sides, dumbbells in hands. Do not take heavy ones; the best option would be one kilogram. But depending on your level physical training or its complete absence, the weight can be from 0.5 kg to infinity. Raise your arms straight out in front of you and gently lower them to your chest. Watch your elbows. We do it at least 20 times.

    3. Lying on your back, arms with dumbbells extended along the body. Simultaneously raise straight arms to chest level 10 times.

    4. The position is the same, arms with dumbbells are spread to the sides. We bring our arms straight in front of us, as if we want to clap our hands. We do it 10 times.

    5. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells extended in front of you, palms turned up. We bend our elbows. Make sure that the line of your arms is parallel to the floor line. For starters, 10 times is enough, but after a week you can increase the number of approaches.

    6. We stand, arms with dumbbells extended forward, the line of the arms parallel to the floor. We perform the “scissors” movement, without swinging our arms too much, 10 times. Control the line of your arms.

    7. Push-ups are very good for all chest muscles. Start with 3 and gradually increase the load.

    Tired? Then go ahead and take a shower and move on to the next exercise: have sex while lying down, sitting or standing, but avoid passive positions. Have orgasms and your breasts will increase thanks to the hormones produced by your body. Although this effect is not long-term, it is very pleasant. Result regular classes Sex will tighten your breasts and your whole body. Do this exercise as many times as you and your partner want.

    Maybe for better perception and reinforcement of the material, a selection of videos for chest exercises will help you and you will choose the ones that you like. You can also visit a fitness club and, with the help of a trainer, achieve good results. You can also sign up for swimming or rowing classes. It's up to you to decide, of course.

    Every morning go to the mirror, smile at the reflection of the beauty in it. Believe me, the size and shape of your breasts are completely unimportant for self-love, but you still shouldn’t skip training. Be always beautiful and desirable!

Push-ups are perhaps the most common exercise with own weight, because its implementation does not require any extra equipment, except for a more or less flat horizontal surface. However, this simplicity and monotony of execution makes many people disdain push-ups, or even completely exclude them from their training plan. Don't do that. With the right approach, this exercise can be turned into a universal tool for working on your body. For example, we found about three dozen types of push-ups that are definitely worth trying before saying that they don’t work.

1 Light push-ups

If things are not going well even with a regular push-up, we recommend starting self-improvement with push-ups on bent knees or with your hands resting on a raised surface, as in the video. When you can calmly do several sets of 20-30 times, you can move on to standard push-ups.

2 Standard push-up

Familiar from school or else earlier exercise many manage to do it wrong. Before moving on to more complex variations, master the standard push-up technique - lie face down on the floor, feet together, arms shoulder-width apart, smoothly rise up, concentrating on the muscles of the chest and shoulders, then just as smoothly down until your chest touches the floor, and more 20 times. Are your muscles aching? Great, you're on the right track!

3 Wide push-up

This type of push-up focuses on the chest muscles, isolating the stress on the shoulders. Just spread your arms wider than your shoulders and don’t forget to visualize the muscles working.

4 Diamond push-up

This type of push-up got its name due to the shape that the palms and fingers of both hands form during the process. We agree that it looks more like rum, but it doesn’t sound like it. However, it is in this way that you can hammer your triceps as much as possible, especially if you change the height of your arms from solar plexus and higher.

5 Push-ups with legs elevated

Keeping your feet elevated during this exercise increases the stress on your shoulders. The main thing is, try not to bend too much, otherwise it looks stupid and spoils the technique.

6 Hindu push-ups

Hindu wrestlers over the centuries have taken the best from yoga and probably the Kama Sutra to make the most of push-ups. effective exercise on a wide number of muscles. The chest, shoulders, back, hips and triceps work to the fullest when you exhale and dive forward, down and up from a V-shaped stance with legs and arms wide apart, and then return to the starting position. Even GI Jane in the film of the same name did Hindu push-ups, so why are you worse?!

7 Bomber push-ups

The only difference from Hindu push-ups in this form is the method of returning to starting position. Here it completely repeats the forward movement, but as if in the opposite direction. In general, watch the video and repeat.

8 Hindu Diamond

9 Bombarding Hindu Diamond

You already understand what’s what, so it won’t be difficult for you to understand this variety. For triceps it will definitely not pass without a trace.

10. Hindu elbow push-ups

It's simple! When moving forward and down from the starting stance, the elbows touch the floor and come off when the head is raised up. Have you tried it? Not so easy, right?

11. Hindu wall push-ups

Here comes the first truly difficult push-up! The same V-shaped starting pose and the same technique, only the feet rest against the wall. Experiment with the width of your arms and see at what point your deltoids respond best.

12. Bombing Hindu push-ups against the wall

Questions? No? That's great.

13. Tiger push-ups

The starting position is the same as in the Hindu version, but push-ups look more traditional. Make sure that the fifth point is still at the top.

14. One-arm push-ups

It is this exercise that distinguishes men from boys and works best tiny muscles due to the additional stabilization work they have to do. Once you're in a standard push-up position, place one hand behind your back or on your hip and then try to push up as many reps as you can until failure. Change your hand.

15. Rocky push-up

Rocky Balboa is a worthy role model, so hurry up to master his signature one-arm push-up with a jump change.

16. Handstand push-ups

If you want to find out what your deltoids are capable of, you will have to master the handstand. For starters, a version with a support is suitable, but over time you will need to abandon it. Stabilizing muscles, you know, don't work when they have nothing to stabilize.

17. Wall push-ups

18. Plyometric push-ups

Plyometric exercises are best way make the muscles “wake up”. This is why many athletes incorporate explosive exercises into their training plan. So plyometric push-ups will add variety and force the chest and shoulder muscles, accustomed to measured loads, change the dynamics of movement. You can probably already guess what the next step will be.

19. Push-ups with clap

You did great job. You can give yourself a pat. During push-ups, of course.

20. Triple clap push-ups

An exercise with clapping will not only load your muscles in a new way, but also develop hand speed. An indicator of the latter may well be the successful completion of three claps in one push-up phase: the first when the hands just leave the floor, the second clap is performed behind the back at the top point, and another one before the hands land.

21. Planch push-up

If it seems to you that without serious gymnastic training it is impossible to perform push-ups in a horizontal plane without supporting your legs, then we will disappoint you. Or we'll make you happy. It’s possible, and how! The main thing is to move your hands closer to your hips so that such support can support the balance of your legs with your body.

22. Pseudo planch push-up

23. Rotation push-ups

Standard push-up with the body turning at the top point and one hand lifting off the floor.

24. Spider-Man push-up

Another variation of the standard push-up, otherwise it loads the muscles of the shoulder girdle and engages the abs. It is performed with alternating legs bent at the knee, which, indeed, is a little reminiscent of Spider-Man moving along steep walls.

25. Superman push-up

Another superhero has immortalized his name in push-ups, thanks to the similar position of his hands during the execution, that is, in front of himself. The exercise is extremely difficult and requires maximum muscle tension from the feet to the palms. It’s good if you can do 1-2 repetitions at first.

26. Grasshopper push-up

Twisting the body during this exercise provides tension to the abdominal muscles and creates an additional stabilizing load.

27. Aztec push-up

This exercise is for true push-up fans who have tried all known types. Start with a standard push-up, but at the top, lift your body completely off the floor and touch your toes with your hands before you land. Alive? Whole? Eagle!

28 Push-ups

This exercise strengthens your fingers and forearms, which will allow you to be more tenacious in everyday life. You will still fondly remember those times when you calmly did push-ups on your palms and thought that even this was hard.

29. Superman push-up on fingers

Cool. Just cool. I don't even care a little about efficiency. With such a skill, you are guaranteed everyone's attention and envious glances.

30. Bruce Lee push-ups

No one else has challenged human capabilities as many times in a row as Bruce Lee. These push-ups on one hand on two fingers are another confirmation of this. We don't expect anyone to repeat this feat, but everyone should know what to strive for.

31. Charles Atlas Push-Ups

The founder of bodybuilding, Charles Atlas, paid a lot of attention to exercises with his own weight, and he liked this type of push-ups more than others. The fact is that by resting your palms and legs on a hill, you create additional space underneath you, which allows you to perform the exercise with greater amplitude and further stretch the working muscles. This, by the way, has a positive effect on their growth.

32. One-legged push-ups

This type of push-up allows you to additionally load the buttocks and stabilizing muscles of the shoulder girdle without sacrificing the number of repetitions, which perfectly works out the relief.

33. Isometric push-ups

An additional delay at the bottom or middle point of a standard push-up allows you to increase muscle endurance. Freeze in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat again.

34. Push-ups

Representatives of martial arts are especially fond of push-ups, which increase the immunity of joints to blows. If this doesn’t bother you either, then go ahead.

35. Stepped push-ups

Different hand positions in this exercise allow you to isolate pectoral muscles on one side and additionally load on the other. Don't forget to alternate hands in different approaches.

36. Side to side push-ups

You can load your arms almost as much as doing one-arm push-ups by sliding from side to side. Great opportunity to strengthen shoulder girdle without putting too much effort on yourself and smoothly prepare the body for a more complex exercise.

If the first month of our recruiting training program muscle mass was devoted to working to increase muscle strength, then the second month (5-8 weeks) will be devoted to a hypertrophy cycle - training to increase the volume and mass of muscles.

In turn, the basis of the hypertrophy training program will be a classic bodybuilding split divided into two different workouts, which will allow you to train a muscle group twice a week, thus accelerating its growth processes.

What is a split?

Split (from English. split- divide into parts) names the method of division training program into parts, each of which is performed on a separate day. The most common split is a triple split (Mon: chest, Wed: back, Fri: legs) or double (upper and lower body).

The main advantage of this type of training is that the muscle group gets more time to recover (in a triple split it is worked only once a week), and with a sufficient level of nutrition it gives more rapid growth muscles.

Why such training?

In a situation where you use serious working weights, it is quite difficult to carry out full workout whole body in the allotted 45-60 minutes. It is in this case that a split with division is required, and not working out the main large muscles in one session.

It is important to make a reservation: in most of the past materials, FitSeven did not recommend split training with the division of muscle groups on different days, solely with the caveat that this approach does not work for beginners. Split works quite well for professionals.

Two-day split

In the material, we mentioned that for the consciousness of a harmoniously developed and symmetrical body, it is important to pay equal attention to the development of the posterior and anterior biomechanical chains of muscles. Distortions are fraught with figure disturbances.

In this week's training program we will use this approach, dividing the workouts into press training and push training. Each of them uses its own type of movement, thus optimizing the final result.

Training program: week 5

The total number of working approaches should not exceed 20-22, total time training - no more than one hour. Don't forget about a general warm-up before training and one or two warm-up sets in each exercise before performing work.

Press training (“Pull”) - Mon, Thu

  • - 3 x 8-10
  • - 3 x 8-10
  • Deadlift on straight legs - 3 x 8-10
  • Lying leg curls in the simulator - 3 x 8-10
  • Biceps curls in the simulator - 3 x 8-10

Push training - Tue, Fri

  • - 3 x 8-10
  • Leg press in the simulator - 3 x 8-10
  • - 3 x 8-10
  • Dumbbell bench press incline bench- 3 x 8-10
  • - 3x8-10
  • Traction vertical block for triceps - 2x10-12

How many times a week?

The ideal would be to do four workouts per week (each workout done twice). Moreover, in the first half of the week, training is performed with high weight and low repetitions, in the second half - with lower weight and high repetitions.

This approach both creates stimulus and stress for muscle hypertrophy and does not overload the central nervous system, giving her more time to recover. This is especially true for those who have never trained with such sleep programs before.

Abs workouts

Remember that the abdominal and core muscles are engaged during other exercises, such as squats, bench presses, barbell rows, and so on. If you don't feel your abs working when you squat, then you're squatting incorrectly.

Among other things, abdominal work is energy-consuming - its implementation can negatively affect the recovery and growth of other muscles. Based on these two factors, we do not recommend training your abs separately during your muscle gain cycle.


The second month of our muscle building training program is based on the double split technique - dividing muscle groups according to the “push/pull” principle and working each of these groups twice a week.


According to modern ideas, beginners are recommended to train in full body patterns, including basic multi-joint exercises with a barbell three times a week. This is the only thing the right approach, which has proven its effectiveness. Beginners are usually not happy with this: they immediately want isolation, they want to pump up “cans” and “cubes”, they want to “hammer the bitsuha” and that’s all. They don't understand how deadlift and standing press will make them look like Brad Pitt from the “ fight club” (really, they won’t). They need a hypertrophy training program, right from the first day in the gym.

“It’s okay to pump yourself up like this,” right?

Classic, time-tested training schemes, created specifically for beginners, such as, cause bewilderment among fitness enthusiasts, they say, where are these sweaty dips and heroic crunches that we saw in the movies? Like, these squats of yours with a barbell every day are not at all like “real” training, when you need to alternately lift dumbbells onto your biceps while standing in front of a mirror on serious cabbage soup. And why, they say, only three days a week? I'm very motivated now, I want to train every day.

Meanwhile, it is impossible to achieve anything sane without the same squat or deadlift. Therefore, in order to still provide results, but at the same time satisfy the newbie's pathological need for isolation exercises, and also provide him with the tight training schedule he wanted (after all, there were eight days and fifteen hours left until summer!), the PPL program was invented.

PPL includes everything basic exercises with free weights, which every beginner simply must do, but at the same time it is skillfully disguised as a program for advanced people due to the abundance of isolation exercises and the use of the principle of separate training (split format). Because of the latter, by the way, you will have to train 6 days a week, just like you wanted, on serious sweaty cabbage soup. The program is very democratic: all exercises, except the basic ones, can be replaced with similar ones.


Reddit logo before and after P.P.L. classes.

Who is this program created for?

For beginners for whom classic training schemes do not seem “cool” enough, as well as for those who have already trained according to the classic beginner scheme and now want to add isolation.

Program outline

Like any classic hypertrophy training program, PPL is built on the split principle, that is, different muscle groups distributed across different days training. In PPL, the division into muscle groups does not occur anatomically (arms-legs-back, or top-bottom, for example), but according to a functional principle, that is, according to the nature of the movement of the projectile: towards oneself or away from oneself + leg day is taken out separately.

Thus, PPL consists of three workouts: Deadlift (T), Press (W), Legs (L).

  • Traction: includes those exercises in which you pull the apparatus towards yourself (for example, bent-over barbell row)
  • Press: includes those exercises in which you push the apparatus away from you (for example, bench press)
  • Legs: well, it’s clear

Training alternates like this: TZHNTZHN or like this: TZHNTZHNO, where o is a day of rest. The order of the TZhN can be changed, that is, schemes like ZhTNoZhTn are allowed. Thus, you need to train 6 days a week, 1 day off.

Day 1: Cravings

Deadlift1 5+
Vertical Row or Wide-Grip Pull-Up or Reverse-Grip Pull-Up3 8-12
Horizontal pull-down or Dumbbell row while lying on your stomach3 8-12
Mid-block pull to face5 15-20
4 8-12
4 8-12

Day 2. Press.

Bench press4
Overhead press3 8-12
3 8-12
Triceps press in the simulator
Dumbbell lateral raises


Dumbbell lateral raises



Day 3. Legs

Barbell Squat2
Romanian deadlift3 8-12
Leg press in the simulator3 8-12
Leg bending in a lying machine3 8-12
Calf press5 8-12

Day 4. Rest.

Day 5: Cravings

Bent-over barbell row4
Vertical Row or Wide-Grip Pull-Up or Reverse-Grip Pull-Up3 8-12
Horizontal pull-down or Dumbbell row while lying on your stomach3 8-12
Mid-block pull to face5 15-20
Hammer grip dumbbell curls4 8-12
Standing dumbbell curl4 8-12

Day 6. Press.

Overhead press4
Bench press3 8-12
Incline Dumbbell Overhead Press3 8-12
Triceps press in the simulator
Dumbbell lateral raises


Dumbbell triceps overhead press
Dumbbell lateral raises



Day 7. Legs

Barbell Squat2
Romanian deadlift3 8-12
Leg press in the simulator3 8-12
Leg bending in a lying machine3 8-12
Calf press5 8-12

Explanation of symbols:

  • 5+ means that in this approach you need to try to do five or more repetitions, that is, do as many as you can. Please note that the repetitions must be performed with perfect technique, this is very important, otherwise you will not avoid injury. For such approaches, you need a partner who will insure you. This last set of 5+ reps will be especially useful when you are doing a weight rollback.
  • Superset - this means that two exercises are performed one after another, as if simultaneously, approach after approach. That is, you do one set of triceps presses, immediately after that, without rest, you do one set of dumbbell lateral raises, then rest. The second part of both supersets is the same, yes, this was done on purpose.
  • The days are almost the same. The day on your feet is the same, I just duplicated it. The two deadlift days differ in just one first exercise. The two bench press days are different in that the first two exercises are swapped.

Linear progression, constant increase in load

Like any decent hypertrophy training program, PPL regulates the constant increase in loads - the increase in the weight of the projectile - from training to training. In other words: the weight of the bar needs to be increased every time you come to the gym. While you are a beginner, you can easily afford it. Weight increase scheme:

  • 5 kg – for deadlift
  • 2.5 kg – for all other exercises with a barbell

This is the meaning. In the main (basic, multi-joint) exercises, where the last set looks like this - 1x5+ - add weight if you were able to complete working sets in the required amount.

In the remaining exercises, your task is to perform at least 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Add weight if you were able to complete 3 sets of 12 reps with correct technique(!). If you can perform from 8 to 12 repetitions, everything is fine, leave this weight, work with it, try to bring it to 3x12. If you can't do 8 reps, reduce the weight.

Reducing working weights, unloading.

Obviously, it is impossible to increase the weight on the barbell indefinitely, and sooner or later you will not be able to complete the required number of approaches. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce weight - take a step back, so that you can then take two steps forward. This is called weight rollback or deload - unloading. Only those who have stopped going to the gym or are doing it incorrectly do not reach this point. So don’t worry, unloading is an integral part of any program. Here's what to do if the weight of the shells stops growing.

You need to reduce the working weight by 10% and continue working according to the scheme with this weight. For example, you couldn’t squat 3x5 100 kg, so next time squat with 90 kg. As the weight rolls back, 5+ reps start to show their best. If when you went through 90 kg in a squat for the first time, you did 2x5 and 1x5, then now, returning to this weight after a while, you can easily do more than 5 repetitions in the last approach. The same applies to the remaining stages (92.5, 95, 97.5) - the results in them will be better than on the first pass. By the time you get up to 100kg again, 3x5 with that weight won't be a problem for you.

Starting weight for exercises

Start performing the exercise with an empty barbell, do sets of five repetitions, rest for a sufficient amount of time between them. Gradually increase the weight of the barbell in each approach. As soon as the pace of the exercise slows down, that is, the bar begins to move more slowly, stop and subtract 2.5 kg from the current weight. This will be your starting weight for this exercise.

If you have already done this exercise before, there is another definition starting weight. Calculate your 1RM and take 50-60% of that weight. It will be fine.


The author recommends reducing the warm-up to warm-up approaches in each specific exercise. That is, do warm-up approaches in the bench press before working sets in the bench press, warm-up approaches in the squat before squats with a working weight, etc. The point is to “remember” biomechanics this exercise, warm up the ligaments and muscles, psychologically prepare for the working weight. You shouldn't get tired during the warm-up.

For example, if you need to bench press 100 kg, the warm-up scheme will be: empty barbell x 10 repetitions, 40 kg x 10 repetitions, 60 kg x 5 repetitions, 80 kg x 3 repetitions. Next will be working sets of 100 kg 4x5 and 100 kg 1x5+

The author also notes that warming up is an individual matter, and you can additionally do whatever you like to do: dynamic stretching, push-ups, whatever you want. Meanwhile, static stretching before strength training undesirable.

Rest time between sets

Rest between sets for as long as it takes to complete the next set, but no longer. General recommendations are:

  • 3-5 minutes between sets in the first exercise of the workout
  • 1-3 between other exercises

What can replace exercise x?

The author allows you to replace any exercises in the program, except for the five basic ones (those that come first in the workouts). It is proposed to consider the program as a template, rather than a set of strict rules. Some alternatives seem to me personally even more exotic than what they are supposed to replace, but I’m just translating. Here's how you can replace some exercises:

  • Triceps exercises can be anything: French bench press or arm straightening with dumbbells lying down or triceps press with EZ barbell, do what you like best.
  • Legs.

    • The leg press can be replaced by a front squat
    • You can replace leg curls in the machine with hamstring curls
    • The calf press can be replaced with absolutely any calf exercise.