Tantric classes. Tantric yoga

Preachers from Europe used the word Tantra to describe various teachings and practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Bon, new religions and New Age cults. TANTRA- in Hinduism - collections of ancient texts by admirers of the female form of Trimurti-Shakti, the wife of Shiva. The term “Tantra” is quite complex and polysemantic. Translated from Sanskrit, it means “fabric”, “connection”, “generalization”, “concord” and so on. However, there is also a decoding of this word with a slightly different connotation - “expansion”. Otherwise - expansion of consciousness, acceptance of the world as a whole, in all its integrity, not dividing into black and white. Tantra is not yoga, not a religion or a philosophy. It is a fusion of all three of these elements, but at the same time something more.

We can say that Tantra combines yoga, religion and philosophy. However, it is more than just a mixture of all these elements.

The term Tantra is large number various interpretations inherent in different schools and associations. Such a number of understandings often gives rise to some misunderstandings. Because even in India and Tibet, the term tantra refers to completely different concepts, from magic to the path to enlightenment.

In Hindu terminology, tantrism is the doctrine of the dual nature of the world, in which the masculine and feminine principles are outlined, about the integral union of bliss and emptiness of both the masculine and feminine principles.

In Tibetan and Bon terminology, tantra is formulated as a system of practices for achieving higher realization, and is a feature of Vajrayana Buddhism (or Tantric Buddhism), which encompasses Tibetan Buddhism and the East Asian Shingon school.

In New Age movements, tantra defines a system of paired practices, including sexual ones, devoid of religious overtones, which would be more correctly called Neotantra.

Tantra, in addition, quite often refers to sexual therapy sessions, which are designed for the purpose of relaxation and removal of complexes.

Among the martial arts, in turn, there are tantric ones: taijiquan and aikido. In them, maximum attention is paid to working with the energy of Ki (qi) and yin and yang.

Tantric schools

Tantric schools can be symbolically divided into two “wings”: Indian and Tibetan tantra.

  • Hindu Tantra is considered to be a more “pure” teaching, in which philosophy takes precedence over yogic practices. The fundamental principles of Hindu Tantra are rituals, worship of deities, and theology.
  • The Tibetan line of Tantra is much closer to the primary tantric teachings, more “practical”, distinguished by a detailed and thoughtful system of yogic practices aimed at working with the body and its energy.
  • There is also a third line of Tantra - Chinese, in which tantric practices brought from Tibet closely merged not only with Buddhism, but also with the teachings and practices of Tao.

The main goal of tantra is to change the “average” state of a person, that is, the state in which he arrives in an ordinary environment, his reaction to the surrounding reality and the way he interacts with it.

Tantric techniques

A characteristic property of tantric techniques is their complex impact on a wide range of manifestations of man as a living, thinking being. As a result of the practice of tantric techniques, the range of characteristics of the conscious functioning of the human body and mind expands.

Due to this, at a certain stage, the practitioner experiences that the usual conditionally “normal” state of consciousness from the point of view of today’s psychiatry seems to be only one of a huge number of other states in which the presence of self-awareness is possible, but the mechanism of the mind’s interpretation of information from the senses is transformed.

As a result of the successful practice of tantric techniques, the practitioner loses the certainty of his personality and experiences himself as a limitless, non-personal conscious being, whose existence takes place outside the concepts of duality (I am not I, name is form), the nature of which is indistinguishable and organic from the abstract from the point of view of materialism world consciousness.

What is Tantra yoga

Tantra Yoga represents special practice, prepared for the birth of new vital forces in a person. This technique helps to establish and improve all processes occurring in the body. Nevertheless, this type Yoga seems to be just one of the ways to develop the spirit and body.

Tantra yoga classes help a person gain additional confidence. They open up the prospect of understanding ourselves and relationships between people. The result of classes is the acquisition of spiritual freedom and joy. In addition, Tantra yoga also provides an opportunity to productively improve health and tighten appearance.

We can say that Tantra yoga symbolizes the path of unifying the masculine and feminine principles found in every person. These practices free you from complexes, mental and unconscious blocks. Through them you can unleash your inner potential.

Tantra yoga deals with "Z" energy. This energy flows diagonally. It is recognized that diagonal energy provides the opportunity to comprehend the Will of God. The essence of tantric practice is the use of the senses. Tantrism has quite a lot of versatile methods: mantras, yantras, concentration on shabda - ultra-subtle internal sounds, pranayama and asanas. Some tantricists actively use a technique called Maithuna. It represents the awakening of Kundalini through ritual, controlled sexual intercourse.

In Tantra yoga classes, one most often interacts in pairs with a partner, usually of the opposite sex. Partners in asanas help each other more successfully perform stretching or bending exercises. These physical exercise It is very important to combine it with proper breathing.

Types of Tantric Yoga

The emergence of Tantrism goes back to ancient Hindu traditions and is associated with the cult of the Great Mother Goddess. Tantrics define their creed as the comprehensive religion of all people, from which other religions have evolved and derive their spiritual strength.

The basis is the idea of ​​the identity of the microcosm and the macrocosm, man and the universe, because everything is built towards the unity of two principles - feminine and masculine. Depending on which principle is chosen to be at the head, tantra is divided into “right” and “left”.

  • Right Hand Tantra reigns supreme in India, she declares the leading masculine, active principle.
  • Left Hand Tantra is the first to recognize the feminine principle, reflecting feminine wisdom and acceptance.

The lotus is considered a symbol of wisdom and emptiness, the feminine principle. The veneration of the lotus came to Tibet from India, where this flower personifies purity, beauty and perfection. The throne for each of the Tibetan gods is an impressive lotus flower - this is a sign of communion with the vajra (“diamond”, “lightning”) - a small ritual rod. Vajra is a symbol of Enlightenment itself, occurring like a flash of lightning; a symbol of truth, steadfastness of Buddhist teachings, wisdom.

Another symbol of the feminine principle of the universe is the bell. The masculine principle symbolizes hardness, not inferior to a diamond, which is why numerous Buddhist deities are depicted with a vajra in their hands.

There are three types of Tantric yoga: red, black and white.

  • Red Tantra Yoga involves physical sexual practices.
  • Yoga of Black Tantra provides an opportunity for a person to control others. To do this, mental strength is involved, which a person must constantly improve.
  • White Tantra Yoga does not include both of these variations. This yoga can be practiced in groups or couples only under the direct guidance of a Mahan Tantric. White Tantra Yoga involves the controlled use of group and personal energy. This energy is generated through mantras, maintaining posture, concentration and communication between participants and the group. All this must be realized under the protection of the aura of the Mahan Tantric. White Tantra Yoga represents a person’s acquisition of purity of the subconscious. This purity is achieved through close synchronization of individual polarities with Infinity. It is recognized that in this type of tantric yoga, the energy created purifies the physiological and mental bodies of a person.

Tantric sex

Tantra- a system whose purpose is to achieve spiritual ecstasy, which expands knowledge, consciousness, and promotes understanding of the natural world. Tantra polishes the senses, improves the abilities of comprehension and feeling. The means to achieve the goal of tantra is sexual pleasure, and preliminary stage- special physical and mental exercises. Tantra promotes rejuvenation of the body and mind of partners.

In addition, from a sensual point of view, the process of sexual contact in tantra has significant advantages over the style of sexual contact typical of the West. The vast majority of Western men experience orgasm within an average of 2-5 minutes after insertion of the penis.

With such a duration of contact, it is quite difficult to fully experience pleasure. Tantra promotes the length of sexual contact (from insertion to orgasm) from half an hour to 1.5 hours, a greater degree of pleasure and extraordinary power of orgasm.

Tantric sex is one of the secret tantric practices, the main content of which is the intimate intimacy of partners. Ritual tantric sex in tantric literature is called maithuna. But, contrary to popular belief, maithuna is the final part of the ritual called "Panchamakara" (pancamakara - Five letters " M"), so called by the first letters of their names components ritual:

  1. madya - madya (wine);
  2. mamsa - mamsa (meat);
  3. matsya - matsya (fish);
  4. mudra - mudra (roasted grains) and
  5. maithuna - maithuna (ritual intercourse).

Another designation for the ritual is Panchatattva (pancatattva - Five Truths).

Tantra and yoga have much in common and are manifested as complete psychophysical systems aimed at the physical and spiritual development of a person (therefore, instead of “tantra” the term “tantra yoga” can be used).

In each of them there are a number of ways to achieve goals (and their goals are similar - achieving spiritual ecstasy, that is, ultimately understanding the unity of all things): in yoga - through activity, knowledge, love of God, mental exercises; in tantra - through sounds, visual images, sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse is the most effective method achieving the goal).

Why do Westerners pay great attention to sexual contact between a man and a woman in Tantra? Why do they highlight this particular aspect?

  • Firstly, there is a ban on sex (as something shameful, dirty), a feeling of guilt, shame. In traditional tantra there is much less sex than in the “ordinary” life of Western people. In tantra, all concentration is directed towards opening the higher chakras and states.
  • Secondly, sexual relations can open the door to the subconscious (albeit for a fairly short time).
  • Thirdly, in a state of the highest sexual ecstasy, the barriers of their own individuality are erased in partners, and the ability to realize the unity of everything that exists in the Universe is revealed. Consciousness expands (the word "tantra" seems to be derived from the Sanskrit root "tan", meaning expansion), and the flow of knowledge overflows the mind.

Those who want to practice tantra yoga, sign up at or.

The 20th century gave people the opportunity to fight for personal happiness in the most intimate area of ​​life. Incompatibility in bed, fatigue from sexual monotony, dissatisfaction - all these are reasons sufficient for the occurrence of neuroses and depression. In court, they can be the main argument in favor of divorce. But most people are not ready to leave a relationship because of sex. They either quietly suffer, or look on the outside for something they don’t find in the family. But some, once admitting to themselves that there is a problem, try to do something to solve it. In the first half of the 20th century, they turned to a psychoanalyst - psychotherapy is now one of the most popular forms of working on oneself. Starting in the 60s, sex therapists began to practice in enlightened Europe and liberated America, and a few decades later such specialists appeared in Russia. And that's it more people arm themselves with books or attend seminars called “Spiritual Sex,” “The Art of Sexual Pleasure,” and “Tantra: The Art of Conscious Love.”

Most often, the authors of such books and seminar leaders claim that they will not only help sexual liberation, but sexual relationships can simultaneously become a spiritual path to liberation and enlightenment. It is this idea of ​​tantra that attracts some people to it and repels others. The first, even if they have a full sex life, strive to find a deep connection with each other. Others consider tantra to be sectarianism, and of a dangerous nature, associated with something similar to ritual intercourse. Denial often comes from ignorance or from communication with people who, hiding behind tantric teachings, pursue completely different goals.

Meanwhile, tantra in India has deep roots. This ancient spiritual tradition underlies many practices, including hatha yoga. The Western interpretation of Tantra, which has spread in recent years, is a fusion of teachings that uses Taoist and Middle Eastern techniques described in extensive Indian texts on the art of sex (including the Kama Sutra); as well as sexual psychotherapy techniques.

Charles Muer, a former yoga teacher, was one of the first in America to organize tantra seminars in this synthetic, Western version. Charles believes that, like yoga, tantra is reborn from century to century, changing depending on the problems and views of people living at one time or another.

The collapse of his first marriage forced him to look for new ways to resolve interpersonal relationships. Muer began to study ancient tantric texts, increasingly including these techniques in yoga seminars, and since 1980, the topic of tantric sex became the main topic in his lessons. Twenty years later, he and his wife Caroline are among the most renowned teachers of Western Tantra.

Participants of a week-long seminar called “The Art of Conscious Love” gathered at one of the Mexican resorts. First evening. Men and women sit in a circle in pairs. Many try to look at ease, others do not even try to hide their fear - tension literally hangs in the air. Tom, a charming man, a psychologist by profession, and his girlfriend, a smiling brunette named Leslie, are sitting in an embrace. Next to them are Bill and Susie, a married couple of 25 years, both of whom grew up in a small town, he in a military family, she in a Baptist minister. Susie is constrained so that her back is stretched out like a string, and Bill is hunched over, as if trying to take up as little space as possible. Stan and Liz are a sweet older couple. They are 67 years old and live in one of the wealthy suburbs of Southern California. “We are getting married soon, this is the second wedding for both of us. But we tell people this is our first real marriage.” Anja, a healer from Denmark, and Merle, her American friend, smile serenely and look relaxed compared to the others.

Several entrepreneurs, an architect, a secretary, a teacher, an accountant, a pensioner in public service. And there are a lot of people involved in healing: a doctor specializing in alternative medicine, a psychologist, a social worker, an art therapist, four chiropractors. Many of the seminar participants quit their jobs to devote themselves to Eastern spiritual practices. The doctor practices Zen Buddhism; for several years, every two months he retired for a week to devote himself entirely to meditation and other practices. Enja headed a yoga school for 17 years, then left it to open another - esoteric energy healing, and ended up living alone in the forest for six years, devoting herself to personal spiritual practice. Her companion Merla own school manual therapy. He practiced Vipassana for several years.

Workshop organizer Charles Muer asks each couple to share what brought them here. It turned out that two of those sitting in the circle had already taken part in a similar seminar, but with different partners. Enja vowed to find someone with whom she could practice tantra after visiting tantric temples in Khajuraho, central India, where she was struck by carved reliefs depicting hundreds of lovers entwined in ecstasy. Merle was found 12 years later. But most of those participating in the seminar are not ready to answer such a question - this would mean revealing the secrets of their sex life. Only much later does Susie admit: “For a very long time, sex life did not give me any pleasure. What we did was very similar to a not-so-successful first sexual experience. I learned about tantric seminars from a friend, and at first I was little impressed. But one day I thought: if I can reconcile sex and spiritual relationships, perhaps I will feel love again. And we decided to try."

Charles and Caroline Muer begin their lecture with something everyone can understand. They compare the respectful, conflict-free relationships between men and women that were accepted in ancient Indian culture with Western sexual traditions and knowledge. “We gleaned most of our knowledge about the intimate side of life from the storehouse of wisdom and experience - our parents,” Charles says with bitter irony. – Outside the house, we collected information bit by bit from conversations in locker rooms and whispers with peers. We intensely absorbed the most controversial opinions about love and sex - everything we heard from adults, priests and pop culture. How can you not get confused when they simultaneously tell you: “Sex is cool” and “Save yourself for the one you love?”

Caroline continues. She says that even in childhood and adolescence, many face various types of sexual harassment. And the vast majority experience emotional trauma from their first conscious experience - due to illiteracy on the part of a partner who is just as scared. “Have you ever thought that many of us don’t know how to make love? – Caroline asks a rhetorical question. “We may have learned how to orgasm, but we don’t know how to use sex to bring more love into a relationship.”

The Muers believe ancient cultures, particularly Indian cultures, exemplify healthier relationships. Caroline says that the Hindus revered sex as a sacred gift of the creator, considering it both revelation and art, extolling it in painting and literature and passing on its secrets to their children. Sex was a kind of meditation that allowed lovers to connect with the divine energy of the Universe. “During this week,” she says, “we will learn how to make sex sacred again.” The Muers also tell seminar participants that tantra and its study are important not only for their own benefit, but also for their children and grandchildren, to whom they can pass on a smarter, healthier attitude towards sex.

Charles talks about what will be taught at the workshop: “We will learn a variety of techniques to energize and have fun. I call many of them “white tantra” - these are practices that can be performed individually, such as asana, pranayama, and reciting a mantra. Others - red tantra - require connecting your energy with the energy of your partner."

These techniques are created so that lovers gain the ability to give and receive each other’s energy. “You will find that there is no need to learn new actions. All you need to do is relax and allow yourself to express your nature. Relationships are a spiritual path. Everything you need to know can be learned from your relationship with each other. Undoubtedly, tantra is meditation. Orgasm is a universal meditative experience that is present in all cultures. At the moment of orgasm, you are completely absorbed in the present. Time disappears and you experience eternity.”

Already in the morning of the second day, exercises of an unambiguously sensual nature appear. Students are taught about touching, kissing and oral sex. They are taught to use breathing to enhance and prolong orgasm, and to strengthen certain muscles for greater sexual pleasure. One of the classes is only for men - here they teach methods of delaying (and intensifying, and prolonging) ejaculation. Using toy yoni and lingam (Sanskrit names for male and female genital organs), Charles and Caroline show how to please each other. Then - how to bring endless variety to sexual relationships by changing the speed, depth and angle of penetration. Fully clothed, the Muers teach sexual positions, showing in detail how to use pillows to support problematic back, how to gracefully flow from front to side to back, and from woman on top to man on top and back again, without losing contact and intimacy for even a second.

Charles and Caroline also devote a lot of time to esoteric techniques. They conduct hatha yoga classes, paying special attention to the chakras. “All chakras,” says Charles, “contain dormant energy. Tantra aims to awaken this hidden energy and learn to control it. The purpose of performing asanas is not to improve your figure, but to recognize and reconcile yourself with your body, such as it is.” Charles and Caroline teach workshop participants how to maintain the body's energy through breathing. For example, during forward bends, they raise energy upward with the inhalation, from the feet, through the legs and torso and exhale through the crown, and then begin a new cycle from the feet. The Muers also teach pranayama, starting with simple breathing exercises and moving towards more advanced practices, including the use of bandhas (energy locks). They teach how to hold energy in the body, amplify it, or direct it upward into the space between the third eye and the upper chakra through rapid, deep exhalations, a technique called Kapalbhati, or Circle of Fire. The group members recite various bija mantras. It is believed that the vibrations of these mantras can awaken each chakra. For the same purpose, they visualize yantras - graphic images used for meditative practices and concentration, and form their fingers into sacred mudras - powerful forms that create special flows of energy. Students are taught joint breathing. First, they harmonize their inhalations and exhalations. Then they catch the partner’s exhalations, and with them his energy. In this way, breathing is used to connect the bodies into circular flow energy.

But the main practice of the seminar is stimulation of the sacred point. During this intimate experience, which takes place in a private setting for each couple, the man spends the entire evening giving the woman love, intimacy and touch that can heal old wounds and help open hitherto unknown facets of sexuality (on another day they change, and the woman acts in the role of the giver).

According to tantra, arousal and orgasm in women open channels for communication with shakti - the fundamental forces of the Universe, which are then acquired by both partners. It is believed that men have a more limited supply of sexual energy and it decreases with each ejaculation. Therefore, men must learn to experience pleasure and conserve energy without dissipating it during ejaculation. The Muers claim that any woman is naturally capable of experiencing endless multiple orgasms, both explosive clitoral ones and deeper, longer, wave-like vaginal ones, which can be accompanied by ejaculation.

The key to awakening female sexuality is gentle stimulation of the sacred spot, a sensitive area located on the front wall of the vagina, about 5 centimeters from the entrance (in Western sexology, this area is called the “G-spot” after the gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg). But stimulation of this point can not only open up new dimensions of pleasure, but also remind you of sexual failures, harassment and pain. Such memories are stored both in the mind and in the memory of the body, especially in the zone of the second chakra (genital area), and it is this that is considered in tantra to be an inexhaustible source of energy. And there is no other way to the joy that unlimited sexual energy brings, except to “work through” and let go of past suffering.

The muers spend several hours explaining the upcoming practice. It is important for them to make sure that the students understand what needs to be done to combine the emotional experiences caused by mutual tenderness with the passion of sexual arousal. Stimulation of the sacred point should not be done for the sake of receiving fireworks of sensual pleasures. This is a process that allows the couple to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of trust, intimacy and care.

Charles then takes the men away to give them a separate session. He teaches sexual healing: he tells how to decorate a room, light candles, pick flowers, dress beautifully, have a special dinner. How to prepare a bath, give a massage. “Then,” he strongly advises, “tell her what you love and appreciate most about her. Don’t be shy about inviting God—whatever that means to you—into your bedroom.”

Charles teaches men to focus all their attention and love on a woman in order to support her in any experiences that may rise to the surface of consciousness. “Sincere support is much more important than physical skill,” he assures. – Don’t think with your head – feel with your heart. This evening is a sacred meditation, a unique experience of empathy.”

Charles warns couples: “For many of you, tonight will be the most important night of your life. About a quarter of couples have an ecstatic experience from the practice of stimulating a sacred spot. Another quarter face remnants of emotional trauma that need to be healed. Others have had mixed experiences.”

For Susie, stimulating the sacred point was painful both physically and emotionally: “From the first minute I felt discomfort, all my problems surfaced. I cried and screamed, raved and cried again. Bill cried too. However, this is a life-saving experience. You can't change everything in one fell swoop. This was just the first dose of the medicine.” Susie turns to Bill and continues, “I’m really grateful that you supported me. I have long wanted to free myself from the past. I used to think that I should break up with you. Now I know I can trust you."

Bill smiles back, he is touched: “I should have become a giver, but I gained so much. After a couple of hours, it dawned on me that I didn’t have to quiet my mind anymore, it had already happened on its own. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could help another person.”

It's the last morning of the seminar at the Mexican resort. It doesn't seem like any of the participants were concerned about whether they were on the path to enlightenment. They are all too busy with each other. The tension and stiffness that was visible on the faces on the first evening gave way to smiles. Everyone takes turns talking about how much this week means to them. Stan, a 67-year-old grandfather and groom, reads a poem dedicated to the bride, moving him to tears. One of the students says that she discovered a simple truth: “There is nothing more important than knowing how to learn to love each other even more.” It’s Bill’s turn, and his speech boils down to the poetry of numbers: “The past week has knocked down the walls that took us 25 years to build.” Looking at the couple, the furtive glances they give each other like shy teenagers just discovering love, Caroline says, “Great, you two take the grand prize.”

Yoga practices have been known around the world for quite a long time, but a special surge of interest in these ancient teachings has been observed in recent decades. This is largely due to the spread modern yoga as a special direction in fitness - simplified and adapted to the needs of a person from Western society. However, there is also a deeper interest in the esoteric Indian teachings. One of the most mysterious and often misinterpreted ancient teachings is tantra yoga.

Determining direction

Like many other religious and philosophical movements, tantric yoga is a conglomerate of numerous ancient traditions, a system of knowledge and concepts that originated about 2 thousand years ago in the territory of what is now Tibet, as well as the surrounding countries - Bhutan, Nepal and India.

This one is used by different religious groups - Buddhists, Hindus and some others. It got its name from the name of the sacred texts - tantras. In the European tradition, this trend is often called Tantrism and is not always perceived in its historical and philosophical context. In an adapted, simplified and updated form, Tantrism became very popular throughout the world only in the last century, especially in the wake of the American “sexual revolution”.

Features of the movement in Hinduism

For Hindus, tantra yoga represents special esoteric secret rites and rituals that are not associated with the main religious direction. They rely on ancient sacred texts - tantras.

This movement in Hinduism has its own characteristic features that distinguish it and characterize it in a special way. In schools of this direction, representatives of lower castes predominate, as well as people from numerous heterogeneous tribes of non-Aryan origin. Most of the basic rituals, rites and services have nothing in common with Brahmanical traditions and the norms and orders accepted there. The tantric yoga practiced here is associated with the cult of the goddess Shakti, who personifies the sexual energy principle. Most rituals have deep esoteric roots and are distinguished by the widest use of techniques and yogic practices.

In this direction it is impossible to detect asceticism; on the contrary, self-knowledge here is based on the release of energies hidden within a person, especially those associated with the sexual principle. To achieve this, secret mystical rituals are practiced that are directly related to sex as a way of releasing hidden energy. Orgasm is equated to the esoteric liberation of the spirit from the corporeal shell and the frailty of existence.

In this direction, much attention is paid to the body as a repository of the spirit, therefore, since ancient times, sages have been looking for a way to prolong the life of the body. To do this, they used not only a variety of vital elixirs, which is very typical for the Western medieval religious tradition, but also developed special rites and rituals, often associated with sexual activity.

The supporters of the movement themselves regard their faith as the most ancient universal religion, which arose in time immemorial from the cult of universal worship of the Mother. There is a division of Tantrics into “left” and “right”. With a certain degree of simplification, we can characterize the “right” supporters of the doctrine as traditionalists, and the “left” ones as experimenters. In the latter direction, the most strange and mysterious rites and ritual actions from the point of view of modern Western man exist and are practiced.

Specifics of the direction in Buddhism

Tantric yoga in the Buddhist tradition it is especially widespread in Tibet, where part of the beliefs and knowledge came from India. Here all the local deities sit on a lotus flower, which is considered to be a symbol of the feminine principle, a symbol of ideal perfection. This symbol also came from India, combined with the local female symbol - a special bell. The designation of the masculine principle is a special rod.

The practice of Tantrism in Tibet consists of the following points:

  • Identifying oneself with the divine principle by contemplating the image of God.
  • The use of mudras - a series of specific fixed gestures - also comes from India.
  • Reading special spells or prayers - mantras.

This direction in the Buddhist tradition of Tibet has four classes:

1. Kriya – action. Here, improvement is achieved through special rituals.

2. Charya – execution. It is characterized by the use of both ritual actions and meditation.

3. Yoga – based on meditation.

4. Anuttara yoga is the highest yoga aimed at realizing the unity of the principles of the opposite direction.

The connection between this type of yoga and sex

For most uninitiated people, tantra yoga is associated with a special type of sex. This is a very simplified, even primitive understanding of the practice of this direction. There is practically nothing carnal about sexual contact here. For tantricists, sexual intercourse is the highest manifestation of the divine principle, when at the moment of orgasm what believing Europeans would call the “spark of God” is born. During these seconds, partners not only merge together, but also feel themselves to be part of the general system of the universe, that is, they come into direct contact with the universal Mind.

Tantric yoga, for all the ambiguity of its rituals for us, has nothing in common with the unbridled sexual orgies attributed to it. It must be remembered that this movement is focused on achieving higher enlightenment, and not on satisfying base needs.

Understanding Tantrism in Modern Western Society

Due to its characteristics, tantra yoga has always attracted people who, as they say, were “out of the loop.” Based on knowledge of medieval religious cults that practiced sex among community members as one of the types of religious rites, they approached this type of yoga as a set of poses and unique exercises to prolong sex and obtain maximum pleasure. Despite the fact that tantric yoga does not reject the pleasure of sexual intercourse, it is still focused more on spiritual orgasm than on physical orgasm. In some modern schools of yoga, tantrism is taught too simplistically, relying only on the bodily, physical side of the process.

Many people are attracted to this direction by its mystery and mystery. Since this religious and mystical teaching has always been the lot of closed groups, it was extremely difficult, almost impossible, for outsiders to penetrate them. Modern teaching in Western countries is more open and accepts everyone. If we ignore the very primitive interpretation of this type of yoga, then in the West you can find schools where it is taught, albeit in a simplified form and carefully adapted to the European tradition, but still without distorting its basic meaning and practices and rituals.

Such schools include those opened by the British singer Sting and his wife Trudie Styler. This married couple itself can serve as an illustration of the benefits of Tantrism. Great appearance for their age, intense personal life, psychological balance, healthy beautiful body, four children and an active life position - this is a clear example of what an ancient and mysterious practice can give to a modern Westerner with a reasonable approach to it and the correct interpretation of ancient rites and mystical rituals.

Do you think tantra and other oriental wisdom is needed only by geishas? No matter how it is! Methods proven over centuries will help and modern woman. Even after mastering the basics, you can prolong your youth, improve your health and become damn attractive to men.

It is a harmonious, self-confident woman that a man perceives as beautiful and attractive - regardless of external data. You may ask, where can you get these qualities? In yourself, of course! Our body produces enough energy so that we can carry out our plans, enjoy life, improve and enjoy every moment. And the key to an inexhaustible source is techniques from tantra, yoga and Taoist practices.

Divine Approach
The birthplace of the Kama Sutra, India, gave the world not only a practical guide to bodily love, but also a theoretical teaching about the union of the masculine and feminine principles - Tantrism. Translated from Sanskrit, “tantra” means “continuity”, “connection”. When they talk about sex in the West, they mean physical pleasure from the contact of bodies, and in the East it is believed that every act of love is a sacred union of two deities. The role model is the athletic god Shiva and his feminine beloved goddess Shakti. So it is recommended to treat your partner like a deity, no more and no less. It is not necessary to copy images from Hindu mythology. Just imagine that Apollo suddenly turned out to be your spouse! And you yourself would probably want to reincarnate as Aphrodite... In a word, dare to dream, the main thing is that the mental image is beautiful in all respects and evokes the most reverent, sublime feelings in you. Thoughts are material, therefore, by entering into union with the deity, you will experience more vivid sensations. You can tell your partner about your innocent fantasies - he is unlikely to be jealous of the gods, and a comparison with ancient Greek athletes will even flatter him. And let him not forget that you are also a perfect goddess of love!

Tantra workshop
Pragmatic Western people simplify the ancient teaching into applied new age tantra: tantra yoga, kundalini yoga, pair yoga and others. They use bodily, breathing and mental techniques. It sounds serious, but in reality they are all ways to increase sensitivity, sensuality and control over perception. This means increasing the pleasure of almost everything you do.
Don't expect tantric exercises magic - in one go, it’s unlikely that anything will miraculously change in you and your relationship with your partner. But over time, repeating the mini-practice described here or continuing classes in a yoga studio, you are likely to become freer, more confident and joyful. And perhaps the most important thing is to understand: no matter who your tantra partner is (spouse, good friend, just acquaintances), you work primarily with yourself and your feelings. It’s not without reason that they say that you always need to start with yourself, because only when you discover and reveal your own resource, you will be able to share it with others. That is, learn to hear yourself - you will hear those around you, fall in love - you will get the opportunity to give love to someone else.

Paired meditations
The first step to tantra is meditation. It helps to “relax” the mind and learn to feel your body. Don’t be alarmed, it’s not difficult, you just need to observe your breathing and sensations. Try it and be careful, because this is a great opportunity to get to know yourself and your partner better.

Exercise "Magnet"
The partner can be either a man or a woman. A person you trust will do. To relax, it is advisable to turn on quiet, calm music. It’s good if these are three or four songs lasting 3-5 minutes, because the exercise consists of several parts, and the beginning of the song will mean the transition to the next phase.

1. Sit across from you at a short distance, crossing your legs cross-legged or in a way that is comfortable for you. Close your eyes and try to feel your partner's presence. Feel if there is attraction between you and track where in your body it is concentrated. Try not to evaluate your feelings, but simply immerse yourself in them. Notice the desires you have (for example, to move closer to your partner, hug him), but do not follow them.
2. Now that you have become acquainted with your “magnet”, try to sense it from your counterpart. How strong is its attraction, where does it come from? If you feel like laughing or tears come to your eyes, don't be surprised or hold back. Give free rein to your feelings and try to relax.
3. Concentrate your inner magnet in the center of your chest, near your heart. Imagine that your partner has it in the same place, exactly opposite. Since heart energy is a very powerful unifying force, you will most likely be overcome by a feeling of joy, happiness, and unity with the world.

After 10-15 minutes, open your eyes and thank your partner. It is very important to maintain the resulting pleasant state at least during the day. You will notice that even while doing normal activities, you continue to feel connected to your meditation partner.

Benefit: This public practice will increase confidence in each other and provide mutual moral support. By doing it together with your loved one, you will strengthen your union.

Exercise "Leader - Slave"
Before you begin, assign roles in the pair: one should be the leader and the other should be the follower.
Stand next to each other and hold hands. The follower closes his eyes, tries to feel the leader and tune in with him. To avoid the temptation to peek, it is better to blindfold your eyes with thick fabric. As a sign of readiness, he nods to the leader, and he begins to carefully pull him along. Talking is not allowed - contact occurs only through hands. Drive carefully and smoothly. The leader should not make sharp turns. His task is to ensure a pleasant journey together.
As a follower, you will feel how the unknown sharpens your perception and stops your internal dialogue, allowing you to hear the voice of your intuition. Your goal is to achieve a state of simultaneous concentration and relaxation while walking, and also to trust your partner as much as possible.

During practice, the presenter learns tactile control. This role also requires attentiveness and simultaneous relaxation, because the follower feels the slightest tension and regards it as a signal of danger. After 5-10 minutes of “travel”, you can stop, change roles and repeat everything again. Benefit: This practice seems like a game, but it significantly strengthens trust between partners, develops the ability to cooperate, and respect each other’s feelings and needs. Sexual energy improves health and prolongs youth.

Yoga for tone
Tantra yoga exercises help recharge your energy. They primarily affect the pelvic organs and train the pubococcygeus muscle. It is worth working on it: when it is activated, all nearby erogenous zones become even more sensitive. Perhaps these are the most enjoyable workout that you can only imagine. And besides, for women's health The active movement of blood and lymph in the genital area is very important. It is ensured by all asanas (body positions) that work the pelvic area, and the so-called inverted ones (legs above the head). They are very useful because they relieve tension from the lower part of the body, preventing the development of genitourinary diseases and hemorrhoids, as well as varicose veins veins And of course, regular training will make your sexual relationship brighter and increase the frequency and duration of orgasms.

Exercise "Butterfly"
Doing this exercise is like flapping the wings of a butterfly. Sit on the mat with your back straight, pull your feet as close to the groin area as possible, spread your knees out to the sides so that the soles of your feet touch. Interlace your fingers and wrap them around your feet. Imagine that your bent legs- these are wings, and “wave” them, raising and lowering your knees. Gradually increase the speed and scope of movement, maintaining a deep and smooth breathing rhythm. After one or two minutes of “flight”, stop and relax. If at first you find it difficult to perform a full butterfly, start with one “wing”, pulling only one leg towards you and straightening the other freely.

Benefits: “butterfly” activates blood circulation in the pelvic area, serves as a prevention of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, strengthens the thigh muscles, and relieves leg fatigue.

Contraindications: pregnancy, knee diseases.

Exercise "Birch"
We remember shoulder stand from physical education lessons, and in yoga this body position is called “sarvangasana” and when correct execution considered one of the most universally useful.
Lie on your back, raise your legs and lower back, bend your arms at the elbows, supporting your back with them, preferably closer to the shoulder blades. The weight of the body should be on the shoulders and elbows, not on the neck. Inhale and exhale, stretch your straight legs upward as much as possible. Strive to ensure that your back, pelvis and legs are in the same vertical plane. Stay in this position for 5-10 inhalations and exhalations. Gradually lower your palms to your shoulder blades, stretching your spine more and more upward. Breathe freely better belly to relax your lower back. At the slightest discomfort, if you feel unpleasant tension in your neck or lose your balance, gently lower your back onto the mat and lie down, trying to relax.

Benefits: the oblique abdominal muscles are strengthened, which form a feminine curve of the waist, tension in the pelvic area is relieved, and blood pressure is reduced.

Contraindications: violations in cervical spine spine, weak tone muscles (will help strengthen them regular classes under the guidance of an experienced instructor).

Air element
Difficulty breathing is a sure signal of disharmony. After all, it is this that awakens our energy centers and fills us with vitality. The health of the entire organism depends on how freely air, and therefore energy, circulates throughout the body.

Exercise "Breath of Love"
While standing, sitting or lying down, hug your partner, try to breathe with him in the same rhythm for several minutes, imagining that the air is passing through your body. It is as if you are inhaling through the perineum and exhaling through the heart center or between the eyebrows. After several cycles, change the direction of visualization: “inhale” through the forehead or heart, “exhale” from the lower abdomen. Try to “color” the practice by imagining colorful air currents. This is how you activate different levels energy. For example, orange enhances sexual desire, green - love and tenderness, blue - creativity, silver - intuition. Breathe in all the colors of the rainbow in unison with your loved one.

Benefit: the exercise helps you tune in to your partner’s energy and feel each other as one.

The Geisha's Secret
Taoist techniques, including sexual ones, are the so-called Chinese branch of tantra. In the East the art of development intimate muscles not only geishas owned. After all, sexual energy is equal to the energy of life, it even affects the wealth and prosperity of the family. And the ability to control the necessary muscles not only increases pleasure in intimate life, but also improves health and prolongs youth. Taoist masters believe that menopause begins when a woman has used up her personal energy reserve. The body rejects the reproductive function as unnecessary for survival and distributes energy among other vital organs. And then the woman ages dramatically... But we can delay this process! Enough to master simple exercise and do it regularly. In the Western world it is called the harsh word “wumbuilding”, but initially it was called much more flirtatiously...

Exercise "Blinking"
To feel the work of the vaginal muscles, you need to hold urination for a few seconds. Once you have become familiar with the required effort, try doing it every day while you are traveling in public transport, sitting at work, or standing in line. Every day, increase the number of repetitions, gradually bringing it up to one or two hundred times a day. And it’s best to practice before the date, then your chosen one will definitely pay attention to the exciting sparkle of your eyes. After all, after performing “blinking” it is completely natural to feel a slight excitement.

Benefits: prevention of inflammatory diseases and vaginal prolapse, strengthening the urethral sphincter. The development of intimate muscles helps to accumulate vitality, increases sexual desire, delays the onset of menopause, maintains skin elasticity and feminine body shapes longer, which means you look younger and more seductive. Q.E.D.

Expert opinion - Natalia Bortnichenko, yoga instructor
Tantra yoga techniques specifically strengthen the muscles of the perineum and vagina, and develop the sensitivity of the body. After training, it is easier to achieve orgasm; it feels brighter, stronger and longer lasting. And if you devote enough time and diligence to practice, you can get closer to the so-called tantric sex, when a woman, at the peak of sensations, dissolves in endless merging with her partner. If you are still single, exercises will activate blood circulation in the genital area and relieve sexual tension by distributing accumulated energy throughout the body. Thus, tantra yoga allows you to depend less on the presence of a partner and other vicissitudes of fate, and makes it possible to find peace, harmony, self-confidence and magnetic attractiveness.

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Today, almost everyone knows what Yoga is, and this is good, it is these eastern teachings that have made adjustments to our empty lives, since thanks to them you can easily cope with stress, find peace and balance, learn to listen to your body, and this is of interest not only to women , but also men. That is why it is necessary to know Tantra Yoga, which is performed with a partner. Thanks to such teachings, both partners can discover their sexuality from a new, unknown side.

Thanks to modernity, one can understand that Tantra Yoga is the unification of two strong principles into one - male and female. But you need to understand that all exercises with a partner are of great importance not so much physical plane how much spiritual. Thanks to these practices, a new vitality and inexhaustible energy awakens in every person.

For exercise, it is better to choose a partner of the opposite sex. It is paired exercises that are much more effective, since mutual support occurs and some poses can be reproduced more accurately. In addition, it is the emotional barriers that are erased and the complexities and understatement simply go away.

Everyone who has used this can assure that Tantra Yoga can significantly improve relationships between people, sexuality increases, and the most important mutual understanding comes to such a union. But it is necessary to regularly perform the required exercises with a partner in order to achieve the desired result. It is thanks to this that love and attraction comes to the couple.

The first thing you need to learn is to do paired meditations. The most important thing is to properly relax both partners and settle on the right note of sexual and spiritual melodies. This is the main teaching for beginners, so that everything goes right further. This is not difficult to do; you need to get away from the bustle of the world and listen to your body and your partner’s breathing.

The first thing, which is quite suitable for beginners, is to sit on the floor opposite each other in comfortable position, the main thing is that your back is straight. To begin meditation, fifteen minutes is enough, to make it easier, you can supplement everything with light music. After this, you need to feel what is happening inside and understand whether you feel good.

Everyone should know that Tantra Yoga will help not only get closer to your partner, but also significantly improve your health. Exactly daily exercise normalize blood circulation, improve metabolic processes in the body and, in general, the condition of the whole body returns to normal.

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