The strengths differ. What is the difference between anaerobic training and aerobic training, and how to combine it? The difference between strength and power training

How are power transformers different from voltage transformers? What are one and the other intended for? and got the best answer

Answer from Alexander R9AAA Prokudin[guru]
1. They differ in mode. The power transformer (PT) operates at a rated load (current and voltage) Sload~Snom. The voltage transformer (VT) operates in a mode close to idle (Sload is much less than Snom).
2. For TN the coefficients are more strictly standardized. transformation and no-load current since these parameters affect the accuracy of voltage transformation (transformation ratio errors and phase errors). Compliance with the accuracy class is established.
3. The design of the magnetic circuit. For three-phase VTs, the magnetic circuit is always closed for zero-sequence flows (five-rod circuit), or the VT is made of three separate transformers.
Power transformers are designed to convert electrical energy with one parameters (current and voltage) into electricity with other parameters. There are step-up, step-down and autotransformers. All of them are installed at substations. At substations of power plants, step-up transformers and autotransformers are mainly installed. Autotransformers are most often installed at junction (transit) substations. There are step-down transformers at substations.
Voltage transformers are designed to reduce the voltage of the measured circuit to a safe level and provide galvanic isolation between the measured circuit and the circuits of measuring instruments.
The rated voltage of the secondary windings of VTs is 100 V.
Source: El. some stations. 3rd year energy

Reply from Mynda Shvinda[guru]
After all, it’s almost the same thing. Power for galvanic separation and obtaining several voltages on the secondary winding, and the voltages may not be power but sound

Reply from Oleg Mezhnov[newbie]
Current is ampere, voltage is volt. This is how we should be guided.

Reply from Alexslav[guru]
The question is posed a little differently, a power trance can also be a tension trance

Reply from Alex Iven[guru]
These are specialized terms. In fact, both are ordinary transformers. to the voltage transformer TN, serves to power the secondary measuring circuits. similar to a CT current transformer. which is also installed in secondary measuring circuits.
A power transformer provides food to the consumer. that is, the main power current flows through it.

Reply from Foxius[guru]
static electromagnetic device having two or more inductively coupled windings and designed to convert, by electromagnetic induction, one or more alternating current systems into one or more other alternating current systems
POWER TRANSFORMER - a transformer designed to convert electrical energy in electrical networks and in installations intended for receiving and using electrical energy.
a voltage transformer in which one magnetic core performs two functions - measuring and protective; such a transformer may have one or more secondary windings.
a voltage transformer designed to transmit an information signal to protection and (or) control devices.
voltage transformer designed to transmit an information signal to measuring instruments and meters

Functional training. What is it and where to start?

Part 1

AUTHOR: Mikhail Ivlev. Wellness Academy Training Director. Associate Professor of the Department of Gymnastics, Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Master of Sports in artistic gymnastics. International category judge in sports aerobics. Wellness Academy teacher.
Personal trainer highly qualified, specializing in complex cases of rehabilitation after injuries and operations, working with clients with problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system.

Functional Training: Understanding the Concepts

Ask ten trainers what functional training is and you will get ten different answers. Sometimes functional training is mistakenly understood as only functional exercises for developing explosive strength, often used by professional athletes. These exercises require good basic training otherwise there is a high risk of injury.

In fact, functional training uses normal (sometimes exaggerated) movements of our body in various planes that reflect our daily activities. These can be, for example, squats, lunges, push-ups, rows and twists (turns). We use all these movements in life: we squat when we want to pick something up from the floor; we twist (turn) our torso when exiting the car and push the car door with our arms and chest when closing it; a lunge is an exaggerated form of walking, etc.
In functional training, the so-called “transfer effect” is actively exploited. The idea is that the benefits of developing functional strength and neuromuscular coordination carry over into activities of daily living and positively impact other athletic skills in other disciplines, ultimately reducing the risk of injury.
At the initial stage in functional training, it is quite enough to use only your own body weight. Then you can add a variety of additional equipment: rubber shock absorbers, unstable platforms, balls, free weights, body bars, etc. But it is fundamentally important to first learn how to technically perform basic exercise, and only then can additional resistance and/or instability elements (unstable platforms, Bosu, etc.) be added.

What Functional Training Can Do

Functional training can provide a lot to an athlete of any level: from the amateur fitness beginner to professional athlete in any sport. Functional training improves balance, posture, coordination, strength, improves athletic performance, and reduces the risk of injury in life and sports.

How is functional training different from strength training?

Functional training works the body in a more holistic way than traditional strength training. Traditional strength training uses isolation individual muscle or muscle groups, functional training teaches the entire neuromuscular system to work together. After all, in ordinary life and in sports competitions our nervous system operates with holistic movements rather than with individual muscles.

With the help functional exercises intermuscular coordination develops, since different parts of the body must simultaneously perform the movement in the most optimal way in coordination with each other.
Traditional strength training gives very good aesthetic results, developing muscle definition and body beauty, but the functional indicators of bodybuilders are far from the highest. Yes, a bodybuilder can bench press heavy weight from a lying position on a bench, but this skill does not transfer to daily life and doesn't improve sports results in other disciplines. In addition, bodybuilders are highly susceptible to soft tissue injuries, and their gait and movement in general are not associated with ease and flexibility. Rather, on the contrary, bodybuilders are easily recognized by their somewhat “heaviness” and clumsiness.
Maximum training results can be achieved by combining functional and strength training so that they complement each other. Exercises functional training should not 100% replace traditional strength training. Exercises that involve isolating one or more muscle groups indispensable when you need to strengthen more weak muscles.
The best option is to supplement the strength training program with functional ones.

In the struggle for harmonious and healthy body You can’t do without strength exercises: they tone muscles, train the heart, stimulate metabolism, form aesthetic relief and beautiful posture. Strong muscles prevent osteochondrosis, pain in the lower back and joints. But the phrase “strength training” often paints in the female imagination the image of a bodybuilder torturing himself with weights in a “rocking chair.” But girls dream not so much about molten muscles (unless, of course, we are talking about their life partners), but about slimness and grace.

In Pilates, as in strength training, one of the main tasks is to build and strengthen muscles. How are these methods different? Firstly, the regime and technique. Strength programs involve dynamics - multiple repetitions, several approaches, working with weights. In Pilates, exercises are performed in rhythm with breathing, the pace is calm, the movements are measured, the number of repetitions is small. Secondly, goals.

Pilates or strength training: the goal is to improve health

“Originally, it was a rehabilitation technique that, during the First World War, made it possible to raise wounded people with severe injuries to the musculoskeletal system to their feet,” says Ekaterina Soboleva, fitness director sports club Zupre. “Then this technique was used by ballet stars to recover from injuries. So this is the first place to start when it comes to back and joint health. Basically, all exercises in Pilates are performed lying down with minimal stress on the spine. This is a very functional training system: clearly laid out, effective, while being gentle and soft. Only after all joints, ligaments and muscles have been restored can you move on to strength training.”

Pilates, unlike most strength training, is indicated during pregnancy and during the recovery period after childbirth.

Pilates or strength training: the goal is to shape your figure

“First of all, Pilates is flexibility, excellent intermuscular coordination, muscle tone without excess muscle volume, good functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system,” explains Ekaterina Soboleva. “But in terms of weight loss, it is less effective than strength training or cardio training due to lower energy costs.”

Pilates or strength training: the goal is to work hard-to-reach muscles

Strength training is built around strengthening large, superficial muscle groups. Pilates uses the internal stabilizer muscles that make up the “corset” for correct posture. These exercises improve mobility of the spine and joints, increase muscle elasticity and flexibility of the whole body. And balance exercises allow you to work several muscle groups at once.

Pilates or strength training: the goal is to return to sports after a break

“If after several months of stable strength training you take a break, say, for the New Year holidays, in order to return to your previous results, you will need two to three weeks of training in a relaxed mode, do not try to immediately perform the same load that you did on last training session, says Ekaterina Soboleva. - Otherwise, you risk serious injury, such as sprains or torn ligaments. Muscles need to be prepared for stress. If you want to avoid unpleasant consequences, return to the previous level of working weights and repetitions gradually. Pilates is very suitable for this.”

Pump, don't pump

The hormone estrogen protects girls from bulging biceps. He is responsible for the smooth lines of the female body and will not allow you to oversize. To really build a mountain of muscle, you need to try: regularly train with large scales(much more than 15 kg), eat protein, amino acids and protein shakes. An ordinary woman who follows her diet and training regime can increase muscle mass to a maximum of 500 g per month. So there is nothing unnatural in strength exercises with medium weights for a girl’s body, if they are performed technically and in moderation.

The first ones focus on cardio training (which we already talked about in the material “What is cardio training?”), and are perplexed why other girls want to be “jocks”. The latter, fans of strength training, openly laugh at the former, believing that their “jumping” is not a sport at all.

To find out which of them is right, let’s look at what strength training is and why it is needed.

What is strength training?

In short and understandable terms, power loads are those loads that are based on working with weight. Such exercises maximally utilize the muscles of the body and are aimed at their development, which ultimately ensures fat burning.

Strength training can be done in different ways– working with free weights (dumbbells, barbells), on exercise machines or testing own body. Yes, you heard correctly, without additional equipment You can also do strength training, you just need to know what exercises to perform and with what intensity. But still, with professional equipment this will be much easier and more efficient.

Of course, working with free weights or other equipment can be dangerous. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles and achieve results, it is important to master the correct execution of the exercises. For beginners, it would be a good idea to contact a coach, at least at first.

Strength training for weight loss

The advantage of strength training is that it gives a 100% guarantee of weight loss. That is, by exercising properly three times a week for an hour and following the simplest rules of proper nutrition, you can see a positive result in just two months. Moreover, it is strength exercises, unlike all other loads, will help not just get rid of extra pounds, but also to “pump up” the body. For example, making your buttocks round and firm, your abs sculpted, and also avoiding the skinny fat effect is possible only with the help of strength training.

The main difference between strength training and cardio is that in the first case, the effect of burning calories occurs within 12-24 hours after exercise, when the body is recovering. In the second option, calories are burned exclusively during training. And even if you burn significantly more calories during cardio, after the workout the body will try to restore them as quickly as possible, accumulating fat cells. While strength training During exercise, carbohydrate reserves are consumed, and to restore them after exercise, the body will use fat as fuel. Which ultimately will bring faster results in weight loss.


The most common obstacle for girls on the path to strength training, besides laziness, is the fear of “pumping up” and gaining a masculine figure. Believe me, a bodybuilder figure can only be achieved by taking steroids in addition to years intensive training, specifically aimed at muscle hypertrophy.

If the loads vary in the range of 3-4 hours a week, they will in no way be able to turn you into a person even remotely reminiscent of the bikini girls on the bright posters hung in the “rocking chairs”. Moreover, the bikini athletes themselves look so “threatening” only during the competition period, when they have been drying for several months. The rest of the time, their body does not complain about pronounced muscles and wiry.

No one can tell you that it is better to focus on cardio training or lean on strength training; you must determine this yourself, depending on what goals you are pursuing.

For healthy and beautiful body Experts recommend combining cardio and strength training, alternating them on different days.

If you don’t have the time and opportunity to do so much, and reset extra pounds I really want it as quickly as possible, then you should prefer strength training with 10 minutes of cardio immediately after it.

But in all cases, it is worth considering the fact that no training will provide eternal results if you then abandon them. Sports only work when you do them. Therefore, you should not immediately lean into training with excessive pressure if you have not previously engaged in physical activity. Too active a jerk will quickly bore you and exhaust you. It is better to start with small loads that you can handle and only then gradually increase them, be it strength, cardio or mixed exercises.

Training is usually divided into anaerobic or otherwise strength and aerobic, which is also called cardio training. In this case, strength training refers to any activity such as powerlifting, bodybuilding, arm wrestling, etc., during which the maximum number of muscle fibers are involved (note - not groups!). Anaerobic training is designed to increase strength and gain muscle mass. It is during this type of activity that happens. How does strength training differ from cardio, and what effect does it have on the entire body?

What is anaerobic glycolysis?

In order for a person to carry out any physical activity, he needs energy. Its source is always the ATP molecule (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is found in small amounts (approximately 3.5-7.5 mmol/kg) in our muscles, but this supply only lasts for a few seconds physical activity. However, the human body is a unique system, and it contains numerous processes that ensure the restoration of this energy. Depending on what type of exercise is performed (aerobic or anaerobic), the processes of ATP recovery differ.

If translated literally, “anaerobic” means “without the participation of oxygen”, “aerobic” - “with the participation of oxygen”. Those. the difference lies in its presence or absence. In fact, these are completely different biochemical processes. Since now we are talking about strength training, then we will analyze the first one, which is called anaerobic glycolysis.

Energy is generated by the breakdown of the ATP molecule into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and phosphate. This process is accompanied mostly by the release of heat and about a third in the form of energy production for mechanical work. Since this energy lasts only a few seconds, ATP restoration is necessary, i.e. reverse connection of ADP and phosphate, and this also requires resources. And here it is customary to distinguish alactic cleavage and lactate cleavage. In the first case, we are talking about creatine phosphate, which is found in small quantities in muscles. This resource is produced when a sudden, very intense load is needed, for example, a barbell jerk. Creatine phosphate also depletes quickly, lasting only 15-30 seconds of intense work or 5-7 seconds of extreme hard work. For longer work at moderate intensity, an energy carrier such as glycogen is more suitable.

Glycogen is the body's main carbohydrate reserve. It is the result of the breakdown of glucose and is deposited in the liver and muscles.

Provided that oxygen does not take part in this process, glycogen is broken down into lactic acid (lactate), which ensures the restoration of ATP. This is exactly what we begin to feel when the muscles, as they say, “burn.” See it clearly in the video below.

Why is lactic acid dangerous?

Why aerobic exercise we can exercise for quite a long time without a break - run, jump, skip for hours, but we can perform power loads only by doing approaches (sets) with a rest break? The thing is that the anaerobic training regime depletes all energy reserves, and lactate (lactic acid), released during such glycolysis, “clogs” the muscles and prevents further work. It reaches the so-called threshold - when the formation of lactate already exceeds its breakdown.

Lactic acid is produced very quickly during anaerobic work, and it is impossible to compensate, decompose or remove it with blood or through respiration. For prolonged power load acidic decomposition products will lead to increased concentrations of lactate in muscles and blood, which in turn will prevent further decomposition of glycogen and restoration of ATP. And here it is important to note the following:

ATP is necessary not only to provide muscle work, but also for subsequent muscle relaxation.

Therefore, for such training to be effective and safe, it is necessary to follow a regimen and take breaks between approaches. During this time, some of the lactic acid will leave muscle fibers, ATP will be restored and you can continue working. But this does not mean that you can do an infinite number of approaches. As already mentioned, ATP is quickly restored by glycogen, but it itself takes much longer to restore. Therefore, with each approach, even with a rest break, the strength to complete the exercise will be less and less. This is why the duration of strength training rarely exceeds 1 hour.

Restoration of all energy reserves and breakdown of lactate occurs only during aerobic processes, therefore breaks between forceful approaches accompany with low-intensity exercise, for example, light running, aerobics, swimming or stretching, the main thing is not to stand idle. Those. It is always advisable to combine both modes. A mixed class format is optimal.

Of course, everything is very individual. The processes and speed of recovery, glycogen and creatine phosphate reserves depend largely on the level of training of a person and third-party factors - nutrition, sleep, supplements, etc.

What are the benefits of strength training?

The main goal of strength training is often to increase strength. However, this is not all the advantages. Anaerobic training allows you to:

  • Make bones stronger;
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • Reduce the risk of developing diabetes;
  • Fight depression;
  • Improve mood;
  • Get rid of excess weight(very good for weight loss and fat burning, especially in combination with cardio);
  • Overcome insomnia;
  • Increase endurance;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins, etc.

Strength training is also indicated for people with VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), as it significantly alleviates symptoms.

Who shouldn't do strength training?

This type of training has a lot of contraindications. First of all, this includes high blood pressure, asthma, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, and heart disease. It is necessary to approach training with caution if you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, during critical days, during pregnancy and pathologies of the thyroid gland - here it is imperative to consult a doctor before starting exercise. If you have never done anything like this, then you should not start at home, first practice gym under the supervision of a specialist who can monitor your pulse. But you shouldn’t give up on yourself in advance; you can always adjust the training program to suit your health, excluding certain exercises.

Materials used:

  • Vadim Protasenko “Think or super training without misconceptions”
  • Mike Mentzer "Supertraining"
  • Hartmann U., Tünnemann H. “Modern strength training. Theory and practice"
  • Seluyanov V. N. “Technology of health-improving physical culture”

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