How long can a person go without eating?

And, most simple diet, which comes to mind and is pronounced in the form of a joke: “There is half a bucket less.”

Jokes aside, many women do just that. They go on a diet that allows them to eat only 1000 kcal per day, or maybe less, instead of the required 2000 kcal - just half. Perhaps this is the easiest way to lose weight - you do nothing and lose weight. There is no need for exhausting workouts or scrupulous calculation of nutrients - just tolerate hunger and drink water. Today we’ll talk about how a simple “eat half a bucket less” diet can change our lives and health.

For the first time, such a diet brings fabulous results - the weight melts like a piece of ice in the sun and there is no limit to happiness. This is the secret to being slim! Works at home! Hooray!!! Now I will do this every spring!

The second time around, it takes a lot of courage to significantly cut back on your diet. Internal resistance appears from somewhere, but you still manage to lose weight.

Often, after each such fasting session, the weight returns and/or deteriorates greatly appearance(in underwear). And yet, you get the feeling that you don’t eat as much as before; the hunger strike has adjusted your appetite a little. As they say: “the stomach sank.”

And, against this rosy background, the suspicion creeps in that you can get better from cucumber: “I eat only salads, fruits, porridge on holidays and empty cottage cheese with chicken breast!!! Where did these kilograms come from!?!”

The third time, you may no longer encounter internal resistance, but the so-called “plateau.” The body simply clings onto its mass with its teeth and does not give up a single gram. And, for the desired weight loss, you have to cut off another half from your meager diet...

Before answering the question, “Why does this happen?”, let’s look at scientific research.

According to scientists, starving people (in concentration camps or during voluntary hunger strikes) lose from 25% to 50% of the mass of internal organs, including:

  • 52% of the mass of the spleen (an important organ of hematopoiesis and the immune system)
  • 80% heart muscle(which leads to death)

Let's now see what happens in the body of laboratory rats during such weight loss. Scientists cut their diet by 2/3 for 6 weeks. They observed which tissue, which organ would “lose weight” first and how it would recover after returning to normal nutrition. Unfortunately, this study does not include observations of fat mass, only overall body weight.

So, during the famine, the body weight of laboratory rats fell by 50%. The mass of internal organs decreased as follows:

  • liver (Liver) 55%
  • Muscle 35%
  • Kidneys 25%
  • heart (Heart) 20% (and did not recover in the end)
  • The brain suffered the least damage

Very hungry heart suffers(a kind of latent heart attack). Moreover, such a slight loss of heart tissue significantly increases the death rate of starving people. For reference, if you take people with a normal body mass index (BMI) and take their mortality rate as one, you get the following picture:

Mortality rates for individuals with different BMIs

  • less than 18.5 - 1.8. 2 times higher!!!
  • 30 - 34.9 - 1.2 times higher
  • 35 or more - 1.3 times higher

The immune system goes into hibernation; any bacteria that lives friendly with us begins to attack the body (candida, E. coli...), a person suffers much more often from ARVI and influenza.

The liver receives a blow below the belt and cannot fully protect the body from decay products, and in the process of losing weight, the rate of tissue breakdown increases greatly. The body begins to suffer from its own toxins.

Muscle mass is severely lost. In many ways, the metabolic rate depends on muscle mass. The less it is, the less we can eat without harming our figure, and vice versa.

In rats, muscle mass was restored with a return to their usual diet, however, it must be taken into account that rats are not characterized by physical inactivity (lack of physical activity). They move actively, do not sit in front of gadget screens and do not use transport. People most often lead a sedentary lifestyle and cannot restore muscle mass in full. The muscles remain atrophied and the metabolism is reduced.

Thus, having lost the lion's share of muscles, we are forced to continue to starve in order not to gain weight.

  • Starts taking diet pills
  • Connects sports!

Option one - pills: they plunge the woman into even deeper starvation. Pills have different principles of action. Some interfere with the absorption of nutrients, such as fats, others have a laxative and diuretic effect, others contain drugs that affect the central nervous system, which suppress the hunger center, usually from the group of drugs.

All these pills can seriously undermine your health. Those that interfere with the absorption of nutrients deprive us of vital substances: vitamins, healthy fats and essential fatty acids. Moreover, even taking vitamin tablets will not help here. Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in fat, and without it they whistle down the toilet.

Laxative and diuretic pills are simple dehydrate the body and, interfering with the digestive process, free the intestines from feces. For people suffering from constipation and swelling, this effect may be useful, but for a short time. Dehydration and prolonged use of laxatives also have a detrimental effect on the health of any person.

Drugs from the amphetamine group were previously used to treat severe forms of obesity and were always under the supervision of a physician. The use of these products at home is unacceptable!

In addition to forming addiction, they have a number of side effects, as a rule - mental disorders. The most severe of these can develop even after taking a single dose - schizophrenia-like disorder. I don’t think that anyone in pursuit of beauty will want to acquire a crippled psyche.

Often, in the annotation to pills, you can find information that this drug burns internal fat. This is not entirely true. No substance can burn fat. Pills, in one way or another, create an energy deficit in the body, and an energy deficit leads to the fact that fat becomes a source of nutrients and is consumed by the body. Only this deficiency can be achieved without pills.

Conclusion: Diet pills lead to deeper nutritional deficiencies and have a number of serious side effects (dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, mental disorders).

Now let's look at the second option - sports. Against the backdrop of a low-calorie diet combined with physical activity, the level of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, increases significantly. Even if you increase your caloric intake, your appetite will not decrease. And this is typical only for women!

Moreover! The body goes into fat-saving mode! Let someone challenge this term and say that it does not exist. In principle, this is true, but to say otherwise would not be good.

As a result, our lady does not lose an ounce of weight, and in the worst case, she begins to eat everything in a row, break off her diet, make nightly raids on the refrigerator... It is not difficult to guess what this leads to and how she begins to feel about sports.

So, what conclusions can be drawn:

  • It is impossible to fall below the level of basic metabolism (approximately 1200 kcal) under any circumstances!
  • The best path to long-term leanness is to invest in muscle mass. Effective workouts include all types of physical activity. Moreover, fitness should be done against the background of a balanced diet with sufficient caloric content or, even with a small calorie surplus.
  • The most effective fat-burning corridor for ordinary women involved in fitness (not bodybuilders): 1500 - 1800 kcal (for breastfeeding women no less than 1900 kcal).

Let your weight loss be enjoyable, without hunger and overload!

Thanks for sharing the article on social media.

Best regards, Elena Dyachenko

The popularity of diets using water is understandable.

The human body gratefully accepts increased moisture intake, especially against the backdrop of constant stress and restrictions.

How much weight you can lose with water depends not so much on the water itself, but on the state of the body and the chosen regimen.

How much weight can you lose on water on a water diet?

A diet for the lazy or a water diet is a special regimen of water intake for the purpose of weight loss. They are different from each other. So, scheme lazy diet – just drink two glasses of water 15 minutes before any daily meal. Moreover, it must be water, without gas, additives, or mineralization.

Another scheme: Before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water, before lunch, two, and before dinner, all three glasses. The calculation is made on the fact that a stomach filled with water is not an example large number food. Reducing the amount of food consumed will certainly affect the reduction in calorie content.

With a water diet, you can drink water regardless of meals, the main thing is in sufficient volume. To calculate the amount of water per day, you need to multiply your actual weight by 40. For example, if initial weight 78 kg, then you will have to drink 3 liters of water and another 120 ml. Tea, coffee, soups and other liquids drunk during the day are not taken into account: you need to drink clean water.

The point is to improve metabolic processes, remove toxins, and relieve swelling. Every morning you should start with two to three glasses of water, drunk on an empty stomach. Water will immediately enter the pancreas, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate its normal functioning, and improve digestion. To lose weight with water, you need to drink it in small sips for better absorption. The temperature should be normal, neither cold nor hot.

Additionally, it is recommended to provide a low-calorie diet, exclude all fatty, salty, pickled foods during the diet, and limit flour. An abundance of fluid is contraindicated for people with kidney stones (the danger is that the disease may not be diagnosed and will be discovered during the diet) and high blood pressure.

How much weight you can lose with water if you drink it according to one of the given schemes depends on your initial weight, the amount of toxins and even the season. Both the water diet and the diet for the lazy will allow you to get rid of three to four kilograms of excess weight in a week (and, unfortunately, it will not be fat at all), and in three weeks - from seven to ten kilograms.

It is important to know some rules for drinking water during the day:

If you want to eat, drink water, but only at room temperature. Cold water stimulates the appetite;

Coffee lovers should learn the rule: for every cup of coffee you need to drink a glass of water outside the main volume. Coffee dehydrates the body;

Working in front of a computer for a long time also dehydrates you, so every fifteen minutes you need to drink some amount of life-giving moisture;

You should not wash down your food. If the meal was carbohydrate, you can drink after half an hour, if it was protein - after two. Water dilutes the normal concentration of acids and alkalis, which break down food before it enters the intestines, and beneficial substances are not absorbed.

A water diet will help not only to lose weight, but to normalize weight and return it to normal levels. Therefore, if you just need to fit into old jeans and slightly trim your tummy, then this option is ideal.

How much weight can you lose on water during a seven-day wet fast?

Wet fasting is abstaining from food and taking only enough water for seven days. This option for losing weight on water is suitable only for completely healthy people, and then only after consulting a doctor. Weight loss is guaranteed, but how much weight you can lose on water depends on the same individual characteristics of the body: weight, level physical activity, season, sufficient amount of fluid to drink.

The average weight loss over a seven-day fast will be approximately six kilos. The first 3.5 kilograms will be lost in the first day: this will be half a kilogram of glycogen and three liters of water. Only after the body has spent all the glycogen will the breakdown of fat depots and a certain amount of muscle fibers. That is why it is imperative to maintain muscle activity and take a vitamin complex to replenish the substances the body needs. In just a week you can get rid of 2.5 kilograms of fat itself. In addition, the body will lose up to 25 g of muscle daily.

What will be your diet during these seven days? Water, herbal teas (sage, chamomile, hibiscus, mint, lemon balm, thyme), green tea. The amount of water per day is at least one and a half liters, up to 2.5 - 3 liters.

How much weight can you lose on water without harming your health?

Seven days is exactly how long you can spend on wet fasting without significant harm to your health. Especially stubborn girls spend more time in this mode, but it is very dangerous. How much weight can you lose on water in two weeks? 10-17 kilograms. But this is a very dangerous activity, and it is important to follow the rules for entering and exiting hunger.

Before a water fast, you need to remove meat and fish products, fatty and salty foods from your diet for three to four days. You need to move more and drink more water - up to two liters. Reduce your diet, switch to vegetable dishes, introduce fruit and vegetable juices.

Fasting is accompanied by acidification of the body (acidosis). The process is accompanied by headache, weakness, unpleasant odor, and nausea. This usually happens on the third day. The body can be helped by an enema, a shower, walks on fresh air. How much weight you can lose on water largely depends on your state of health and the degree of slagging in your body. If the symptoms do not go away, insomnia, arrhythmia, and headaches increase, wet fasting should be stopped immediately.

The way out of water fasting is juice therapy. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, instead of the usual portion of food, drink a glass of fresh juice, diluting it with water if desired. Juices from packages are not suitable: they contain too much sugar and preservatives. In addition, you should continue to drink clean, still, and unsweetened water.

During the first day, you need to introduce small amounts of fruit and natural juices (apple, grapes, pear, etc.) into your diet. On the second day, add vegetable soup, on the third - chicken broth. Over the next week, you can gradually introduce vegetables into your diet. more, best boiled, steamed, or, in extreme cases, grilled.

In the following days you should adhere to healthy diet with an emphasis on dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, greens.

What happens if you don't eat for 3 days?

Dream of fast weight loss right now and many, many kilos are haunting you? Let's figure out what happens in the body during fasting, and what will happen if you don't eat for 3 days, and, for example, only drink?

What happens in the body when you refuse food

Hatha yoga describes an interesting way to cleanse the body: the yogi does not eat anything at all for... several weeks. At the same time, his weight loss is minimal, he maintains a sufficient level of vital energy, and can engage in everyday activities such as meditation and performing complex asanas.

In the East, many amazing properties of the human body have been discovered, and probably if you told this yogi that you intend to lose weight by giving up food for 3 days, he would laugh. Surprisingly, the weight from short-term fasting does not go away. But you can get into trouble.

Over millions of years, people have adapted to survive periods of lack of food with minimal losses, this...

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What happens if you don’t eat for 3 days and drink only water?

In principle, the question of what will happen if you don’t eat for 3 days and drink only water should come first in the tablets of dietetics.

Because most people sincerely believe that all evil is in food. It is because of her that she has to work her entire adult life, regularly “feeding” the toilet. This is the road to male love and sexual indulgence.

So is it or is it not? Of course drink!

How long can you go without food? Three months, experts say, but only if the body is healthy and can switch to a special fasting mode. Otherwise, there will be enough strength for no more than two weeks.

2) There are tips that the procedure should be preceded by an enema or laxatives. However, enemas are not suitable for some due to contraindications, for others - from an aesthetic point of view.

Yes, and using a laxative is not always advisable, especially if a person has been using it correctly and moderately for several months...

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The popularity of diets using water is understandable.

The human body gratefully accepts increased moisture intake, especially against the backdrop of constant stress and restrictions.

How much weight you can lose with water depends not so much on the water itself, but on the state of the body and the chosen regimen.

How much weight can you lose on water on a water diet?

A diet for the lazy or a water diet is a special regimen of water intake for the purpose of weight loss. They are different from each other. So, the lazy diet plan is to simply drink two glasses of water 15 minutes before any daily meal. Moreover, it must be water, without gas, additives, or mineralization.

Another scheme: drink a glass of warm water before breakfast, two glasses before lunch, and all three glasses before dinner. The calculation is made on the fact that a stomach filled with water does not contain a large amount of food. Reducing the amount of food consumed will certainly affect the reduction in calorie intake.

When on a water diet, you can drink water...

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If the fast lasted 2 days, then the exit from it should last the same number of days, i.e. 2 days. The first food should be a salad of fresh vegetables, mainly grated carrots and grated cabbage. You can use lemon or orange juice as a seasoning. This dish acts like a broom on the intestines. After this, you can eat boiled vegetables and fruits. You cannot interrupt your fast with products of animal origin: meat, cheese, fish, nuts, seeds, flour and sweets. Do not eat any acidic foods for 2 days.

or this food:
Day 1: Drink juices the entire first day.
It is better to drink freshly prepared apple-carrot-beetroot juice, first diluted in half with water, and then, in the afternoon, pure juice 100 ml (half a glass) every hour.
If there are difficulties with juices, then in the evening you can pour a liter cold water 100 g dried apricots and 100 g prunes.
In the morning, every hour, drink 1 glass of compote (without fruit). In the second half of the day, pour...

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Pure water is the primary medicine
Everyone knows that water is our main ingredient. That's what we're made up of the most.

Every cell of our body, skin or organ, all need water, like any flower in a pot on your windowsill. Here we can draw a parallel with a flower - if it has enough water, not too much, not too little - it blooms, its leaves are green and it is happy.

We also drink, comparing ourselves to a flower, but we very often replace water: with soda, buckets of coffee, tea, milk, someone pours their favorite delicious dose of their favorite beer, etc.

What will happen to us if we throw out all drinks except water from our diet for just 30 days? We will not change our food preferences, we will not reduce or increase our active loads during the day - we will just replace everything that flows with water.

The first thing that comes to mind is that we will save money. Yes, this is an indisputable fact. But what is more interesting, valuable for...

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Many people sooner or later think about the question, if you don’t eat for a week, what will happen? The materials in this publication will help you dot the i’s.

A week is not a long time

Based on the experience of people who practice fasting in order to cleanse the body, we can say with certainty that weekly fasting is a relatively common diet. Of course, before you dare to take such a step, you need to be examined by your attending physician.

Some people who periodically practice similar experiments on the body dare to abstain from food for a period of a month to 40 days; it is at this indicator that the critical mark has frozen, which cannot be crossed, based on the physiological needs of the body. Long-term fasting is carried out under the supervision of specialists. But a person can do without liquid for no more than 5 days. If you drink water correctly while abstaining from food, you can thoroughly cleanse your body of waste and toxins.


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For the first 12-24 hours, liver glycogen will maintain glucose levels; after a day of fasting, glucose as a substrate will be used only by the brain and spinal cord (red blood cells too!). The remaining tissues will use ketone bodies and free fatty acids. The body's energy consumption will decrease by 15-20%. After 3 days of fasting, the brain will switch to ketone bodies.

Lipid oxidation

Energy savings due to the breakdown of some mitochondria

Greater formation of ketone bodies and cholesterol

Hypoproteinemia, as a result of hunger edema

By 6-8 days, spontaneous secretion of the digestive glands will occur.

Your body will strive to preserve as much as possible...

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What happens if you drink only water for 3 days?

It is believed that fasting days are very useful not only in terms of losing weight, this is the so-called “cleansing of toxins.” Therapeutic fasting removes toxins and cleanses internal organs. There is even a water diet. This means that you can only drink boiled or filtered water all day. But this is a one-day diet.

What will happen to our body if we drink only water for 3 whole days?

Firstly, you can significantly lose weight - up to 7 kg. But such a “diet” will cause a significant blow to the body: swelling and kidney problems are not the worst thing. Of course, everything is strictly individual and depends on the build, age and general condition human immunity. Those who have practiced a long-term water diet report weakness, and in some cases fainting and hallucinations.

It is also believed that after a 3-day fast, gain overweight gaining is much easier than if you follow more...

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Just drink water one day. Compared to any diet, it’s nothing. Drinking only water all day long is a fast, even a short one-day fast. This means that the body is under stress. And stress is a hindrance to any diet. When stressed, the body goes into a “stupor”. And it’s not moving anywhere, which means it’s not losing weight. How can you lose weight and unload on the water? Right!


The essence of water cleansing and unloading: in the process of ordinary drinking water, the stomach is filled. If the stomach is full, the feeling of hunger does not set in until it is empty again. But then you no longer want to eat lightly, but for real. There are recommendations to have a “water” day after holiday overeating. They say it helps and relieves a lot. Wrong! Let us repeat, the body needs to be prepared for such a cleansing.

There are different opinions about the frequency of such fasting days, up to twice a week. Wrong! Once every ten days - the minimum interval between water fasting days. And then you will have to stock up...

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A person simply gets used to not eating, and if the situation is pushed a little further, anorexia will occur. We will also consider the question of how much weight you can lose in a month and what you need to do for this.

Time passes, but the fashion for voluminous bodies is a thing of the past. It is not beautiful, not useful and leads to a decrease in human life.

But after the cancellation I will find myself attending to my upbringing with full dedication, since is it possible to lose weight if you only eat okroshka download edible results. You need to drink from 1 to 1.5 liters of this product per day, dividing the daily intake into 6 doses.

How to lose weight and get your body in order quickly

The problem is that they are very “lazy” in terms of splitting, that is, they are very difficult to convert into a source of energy. The most suitable employment for Tomsk workload is deviation....

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How long a person can go without food depends on many factors. It is known that many people fast for a certain time, some even go on hunger strikes, and some, by coincidence, are left without food (people lost in the snowy mountains or people buried in earthquakes).

Doctors say that a healthy person can go without food for up to two months, but must definitely drink. After all, a person dies from dehydration in about 5-7 days. How long can a particular person go without eating? depends on his weight, state of health, climate and his willpower.

There are many cases in history when people went without food for a long time and felt great, but at the same time, some people died of hunger in a shorter period of time. Undoubtedly, strong people in good physical fitness can go without food longer, however, the body must have fat reserves. The body always stores energy in reserve in the form of fat, carbohydrates and proteins. First of all, during hunger, the body begins to consume carbohydrates, then fats (this is why obese people can go longer without food), and only lastly proteins. And when the body depletes its protein reserves, it begins to wither.

Also, an important survival factor is metabolism, due to which food is converted into energy. People with slow metabolisms are more likely to survive without food. When the body does not receive enough food, the metabolism slows down in order to economically spend energy only on the most important processes and maintain normal functioning of the body.

Oddly enough, one of the most important factors is climate. The bad news is that not only cold weather, but heat also significantly reduces the time a person can live without food. In a temperate climate, you can live much longer without food.

In 1984, a group of volunteers led by Heinrich Ryzhavsky and Candidate of Medical Sciences Valery Gurvich performed 15 days“emergency” kayak trip on the Belaya River. They set out on their journey without food and ate nothing but water. They had to work with oars for 6-8 hours a day. All participants successfully passed this test, although the oldest of them was 57 years old. A year earlier, another group of enthusiasts made a similar two-week “hungry” raft trip across the Caspian Sea.

As is known, many people fast for several weeks, and many prisoners go on hunger strikes. At the age of 70, an Indian man named Gandhi fasted for 21 days. People involved in the disaster also had to go without food for a long time until rescuers found them

During the Great Patriotic War, in July 1942, four Soviet sailors found themselves in a boat far from shore in the Black Sea without water or food supplies. On the third day of their voyage they began to taste the sea water. In the Black Sea, the water is 2 times less salty than in the World Ocean. However, the sailors were able to get used to using it only on the fifth day. Everyone now drank up to two flasks of it a day. So they, it would seem, got out of the water situation. But they could not solve the problem of providing food. One of them died of starvation on the 19th day, the second on the 24th, and the third on the 30th day. The last of this four is captain of the medical service P.I. Eresko - on the 36th day of fasting, in a state of darkened consciousness, he was picked up by a Soviet military vessel. For 36 days After wandering at sea without eating, he lost 22 kg in weight, which was 32% of his original weight.

In 1962, Soviet physicist V. Leshkovtsev performed an experiment on himself. He starved for 45 days. During this time he drank only water, without receiving a crumb of food. The experimenter's body passed the test perfectly. According to the “researcher,” after 3-5 days the feeling of acute hunger disappears.

Another case of prolonged forced fasting. In the winter of 1963, a private plane crashed in a mountainous desert region in Canada. Its crew consisted of two people: 42-year-old pilot Ralph Florez and 21-year-old student Helena Klaben. The plane landed successfully, but getting to the nearest settlement through hundreds of kilometers of snowy desert was completely unrealistic. All that was left was to wait for help, wait and fight the bone-piercing cold and hunger. There was some food supply on the plane, but after a week it ran out, and after 20 days this couple ate their last “food” - 2 tubes of toothpaste. Melted snow became their only food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. “For the next weeks,” Helen Klaben later explained, “we lived on the water. We had it in three forms: cold, hot and boiled. Alternation helped brighten up the monotony of the menu of the only “snow dish”. Miss Klaben, who was a "pretty fatty" at the time of the disaster, after severe tests I lost 12 kg in weight. Ralph Florez lost 16 kg. They were rescued on March 25, 1963, through 49 days after the accident.

In January 1960, a self-propelled barge with four Soviet servicemen (A. Ziganshin, F. Poplavsky, A. Kryuchkovsky, I. Fedotov) was carried into the Pacific Ocean by a storm. On the second day, the barge ran out of fuel and the radio broke down. After 37 days, the very meager supply of food ran out. It was replaced by the fried leather of the harmonica and boots. Daily norm fresh water was first 5, and then only 3 sips per person. However, this amount was enough to last 49 days until the moment of salvation.

In March 1984 55 days 52-year-old Paulus Normantas had to live alone on an uninhabited island in the Aral Sea because his boat sailed away. The food supply was: half a loaf of bread, 15 g of tea, 22 lumps of sugar and 6 onions. Fortunately, spring floods bring a lot of fresh water to the sea, which is lighter than salt water and floats on the surface. Therefore, he was not thirsty. The eggs of seagulls, turtles and even fish (thanks to hunting with an underwater gun), and young grasses were eaten. When the water in the sea warmed up to +16°C in May, Normantas swam over a distance of 20 km in 4 days, resting on 16 intermediate islands, and safely reached the shore without outside help.

The fact that a person can go without food for a very long time is evidenced by the case of a “hunger strike” recorded more than 1920 in the Irish city of Cork. A group of 11 imprisoned Irish patriots, led by the mayor of Cork, Lord Terence MacSwiney, decided to starve themselves to death in protest against British rule in their country. Day after day the newspapers carried news from the prison, and on the 20th day they began to claim that the prisoners were dying, that the priest had already been sent for, the relatives of the prisoners gathered at the gates of the prison. Such messages were transmitted on the 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th and 70th days. In fact, the first prisoner (McSweeney) died on the 74th day, the second on the 88th day, the remaining nine people on Day 94 gave up hunger, gradually recovered and remained alive.

Sources of information:

  • - capabilities of the human body;

What happens if you don't eat for a week? What are the sensations and consequences?

  1. I haven’t eaten anything for two days now and everything is fine. For the first day it is quite difficult, on the second day you get used to it, the main thing is to drink water, for example, I drink Esentuki, very healthy water, you can drink regular water, but it is from Esentuki that hunger disappears, you don’t want to eat at all. But we cannot do without consequences. 1. My head starts to hurt in places, not much, but still. 2. Nausea, nausea occurs at some time, again not significantly. 3. The brain, the brain begins to work quite slowly, you understand slowly, you think slowly, it’s hard to understand, sometimes your behavior even changes.
  2. Depending on the body: for a weakened person it is highly not recommended to fast, for a strong one - nothing terrible will happen and without any consequences. Under stress, I ate almost nothing for 2 weeks (stupidly I didn’t want to do anything), as a result: I naturally lost weight, but there was no catastrophic feeling of hunger, my performance did not decrease (neither physical nor mental), my psychological state improved a little... The main thing don't delay!!!
  3. play in the box forward with your fins
  4. I haven't eaten for a week! I read the course “Hunger Energy”. Remember firsthand. First, drink as much as possible, preferably kefir or liquid yoghurt. Secondly, no physical activity! Do not wash the floors! You won't want to eat until the evening of the second day, you'll just have an unpleasant feeling in your stomach - it's shrinking. If you follow two simple rules, you won’t faint. Yes, avoid stuffiness too; slow walks in the fresh air are welcome. When you decide that you've had enough, under no circumstances attack the refrigerator with burning eyes! For breakfast, a little oatmeal or any other porridge, and for lunch, preferably a little beef soup; it is better to refrain from dinner. You eat like this for a couple of days and you can switch to regular food, but don’t get carried away with sweets, flour, and fried foods.
  5. This should not be done under any circumstances, because if a person does not eat for more than 12 hours, then any food he eats goes into fat.
    and metabolism may be disrupted. and you will feel disgusting. and there will be no effect. You fast for a week, then you start eating, and you gain even more weight than you lost.
  6. Then there will be nausea in the stomach and dizziness
  7. About how many people are starving)))
    and how many different answers, I’ll write too)
    I haven’t eaten for the 5th day, I don’t even drink water or do any sports, the sensations are still normal, in the first days of course I wanted to eat, but gradually over time you begin to not pay attention to it)
    no dizziness or nausea, just no mood and always in thoughts, thoughts
  8. Firstly, fasting means not eating or drinking anything at all except water. So the advice about kefir doesn’t work.

    Secondly, you can lose 5-7 kg, depending on the initial dimensions. However, this does not mean “5-7 kg of fat”. The first 1-1.5 kg is a supply of glycogen, which is stored in our body in the form of “syrup” with water and constitutes the main supply of carbohydrates and “fuel” with the highest efficiency. If the body is not fed, then first of all it uses up glycogen. This one and a half kg will return immediately after the person starts eating again. And very good. We cannot live without carbohydrate reserves.

    Then, when there is no free glycogen left, the body begins to consume fat. However, it will not “eat” it in its pure form; again, carbohydrates are needed. Where can I get them? In the muscles. That is, both fat and muscle tissue. But it’s difficult to restore muscles, especially for a girl. Accordingly, after the end of the famine, our body will “store” fat instead - in case they start starving again. This does not mean that after a hunger strike you will immediately lose weight, but 2-3 kg will definitely return.

    What exactly will happen? Nothing special. Weakness, dizziness, possible slight dehydration, the rest depends on the state of health. Maybe this will be all there is to it, maybe not... The thoughts really calm down. Nice lightness. Sometimes there is a slightly elevated mood. Personally, I have never been able to get hungry enough to achieve increased performance, rather the opposite. At the same time, I went to work and exercised sparingly.

    The most interesting things usually happen not during the hunger strike, but after. If it is wrong to come out of hunger. Or even correct, but digestive system Doesn't turn on right away. The process is quite unpleasant and can last for a week or two (provided that there are no gastrointestinal diseases, otherwise - who knows...).

    Why is it worth doing this? From my own experience, fasting provides more of an emotional release. Helps with mild forms of depression, stress, and nervousness. The attitude towards food changes, and the taste is then felt more strongly. You don’t want meat for a long time (if you suddenly decide to become a vegetarian). But it’s unlikely to achieve a “weight loss” effect if your weight is basically normal: everything comes back quite quickly. Although obesity seems to be treated... But there are longer hunger strikes, sometimes several in a row, plus a strict diet.

  9. For me, a real discovery was that the link was blocked by the decision of the project administration, normal, healthy, gradual, without constantly counting calories and the need to give up your favorite foods, as is often the case.
    And in combination with bodyflex it simply works wonders
  10. painful but you get used to everything later...
  11. Don't bother, you can't live here for more than 5 days.
  12. no, I'm losing my mind... I haven't eaten for a week... then they write that you should drink yogurt or drink broth, but when did yogurt and broth stop being food for your division?
    depending on what kind of organism it will be, if it was ruined before, then you’ll play in the box, but if it’s strong, nothing will happen... but it’s better to drink mineral water...
  13. pohudeete tochno,no pit nado vodu or kefir...chai...
  14. You will be very irritated, aggressive, all thoughts are only about food! It is possible to lose 2 kg, unlikely more
  15. I'll be hungry, that's for sure
    low pressure
    dizziness and loss of consciousness
  16. Not a damn thing will happen. , but not more than 6-7 days. Tested more than once. The main thing is to drink more. By day 3-4 you don’t really feel like eating. The smell of food makes me feel a little sick after 5-6 days. Consciousness works very clearly on days 3-4.5. Efficiency increased. Everything comes out of the body - all reserves and all the crap are burned. You understand everything very carefully, calmly, normally. The main thing is more liquid and its composition. On the 6-7th day you need to slowly switch back to kefir, etc. More than 5-6 days is undesirable - glitches can and will begin, since there is no longer enough glucose for brain activity, the person slowly ceases to control his condition
  17. I constantly eat normally for a week, a week on just yogurt and tea and I feel fine in a week 5-8 kg goes away, when I eat normally 2-3 come back
  18. Read "Therapeutic fasting" by Nikitin.
    A week will not be enough, the body switches to internal nutrition for 3 - 5 days. Take only water (preferably still Borjomi). At the usual breakfast, lunch, dinner - a glass of boiling water in small sips. Do not smoke under any circumstances. Enema daily, definitely.
    The period of recovery from fasting is equal to the period of fasting. The exit is very gradual.
    I never experienced a greater feeling of fullness in my life when on day 16 I drank 1/2 glass of orange juice half diluted with water.
    The performance is fanatical. More walks in the fresh air.
    After going out, limit yourself to food very carefully. Because the assimilation process is doubled. (assimilation)
    That is, if you ate, say, 2 cutlets, the body absorbed one at best. So - after 1 it will be like 2 are learned)))
    Prepare yourself, read Bragg and other authors.
    There's nothing scary. Therapeutic effect There is.
    You can fast for 45 days. Medical supervision is recommended.
  19. If you're hungry, eat some Nails)))
  20. I haven’t eaten for 6 days and only sit on the water. I feel great, but I had to suffer in the first days.