Participants of the GTO movement. What is GTO and why is it needed?

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) is a regulatory framework physical education population of the country, aimed at the development of mass sports.

A proposal to introduce all-Union tests “Ready for Labor and Defense” came in 1930, and a year later the first GTO complex was formed, which included 21 standards.

The “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex was revived in 2014. A new list of tests was approved, standards were developed, as well as the design of insignia. There are three of them: gold, bronze, silver.

2. Who can meet the standards?

Residents of the capital aged 6 years and older who regularly engage in sports, including independently, and have a medical permit can meet the standards. The GTO complex includes 11 age groups.

Standards and number of tests vary depending on the gender and age of residents. For example, you can test your travel skills and pass shooting from 11 to 59 years old, but you can take self-defense tests without weapons only from 13 to 29 years old. At the same time, some disciplines are mandatory for everyone: bending forward and running (mixed movement). You can find out what standards you can pass at your age and what results are awarded the GTO sign on the project website.

3. Where can the standards be met?

Today, there are 21 testing centers for the GTO complex in the capital. They work on the basis of institutions of Moskomsport, the Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow, and other organizations.

Testing sites are available in all urban areas. You can choose the right one at Moskomsport.

The standards can also be met at temporary sites during city festivals and holidays.

4. How do I register to participate?

To comply with the TRP standards, you need to register on the website. Each participant is assigned a personal unique identification number. An application for testing can be submitted electronically or directly at the testing center. To be admitted to the tests, you must provide an identification document and medical clearance from a doctor.

After successfully completing the required number of tests at the appropriate level (determined depending on the age category), the summary protocol is sent to the automated TRP information system, where it is processed and uploaded accordingly.

5. Why is this needed?

The introduction of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex helps improve physical training residents and the development of mass sports in general.

Applicants who have a gold GTO sign can receive additional points for the Unified State Exam upon admission to a university. And students with such marks can apply for an increased academic scholarship. The final decision is made by the administration of the educational institution.

The system for determining the quality of physical education of the population “Ready for Labor and Defense” allows you to find out how serious the preparation of schoolchildren and employees of many organizations for all sports disciplines is. Thanks to the unique GTO program, the state determines what needs to be paid attention to first and what innovations need to be introduced regarding the physical education of youth. The program has its own portal or, to put it another way, official website, which allows everyone to receive all the necessary information regarding testing of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex.

Useful information for program participants

The use of a unique portal provides a lot of opportunities for every person who needs to monitor the implementation of GTO events. If the user is interested in certain information, then using the official website you can easily find answers to all questions.

All data is evenly and conveniently distributed across portal categories. This means that even a user who has visited the site for the first time will be able to quickly understand the peculiarities of the functioning of a unique resource.

Official website

The appearance of, the official website of the program, is as simple and understandable as possible for every person. Programmers and layout designers carefully planned not only the design of each icon, but also ensured the best ergonomics of this resource.

At the top of the portal there is a header with the names of the main categories. If a person is primarily interested in “News,” then he can go to this tab of the website. Afterwards, the screen will display all the available information that interests a particular user. This also becomes very convenient if you need to find out the contacts of representatives of this organization, from whom you can obtain information that is not on this site.

Main categories

GTO contact details

Under the main categories of the official website there is a number hotline. Anyone who has questions can call it. Calls within the territory Russian Federation are carried out free of charge from mobile and landline numbers. Also in that part of the portal you can find important buttons that allow you to either register a new user or perform authorization.

Contacts section

There you can also find the inscription: “Become a participant in the program.” If you click on this button, a form opens for filling out contact information about a new participant in a unique program.

Become a program participant

Using this page, each user has the opportunity to register to participate in a unique project. You just need to fill out a simple form, correctly indicate information about yourself, and after that the application will be sent for consideration by the appropriate commission.

Where can I get information about the program itself?

On the main page of the official website you can get introductory information regarding the unique “Ready for Labor and Defense” program. It is also possible to check your own insignia. For this purpose, the portal has a huge database where a summary of all received TRP badges is stored.

Check information

To obtain information, a person needs to know the following:

  • identification number;
  • number of the TRP award certificate.

Entering data to check sign information

After entering the necessary contact information, all you have to do is click the “Find” button. It is enough to wait ten seconds, depending on the system load, and then obtain information regarding the available TRP badges from a specific resident of Russia based on his full name and award certificate number.

Information about standards and exercises

Standards for schoolchildren

Also, the main page of, the official website of the program, has comprehensive information regarding all the standards and exercises that must be performed to receive award badges. The main ones include the following:

  • sprinting;
  • throwing a projectile at a distance;
  • swimming;
  • lifting the body while lying on your back;
  • pull-up high crossbar;
  • kettlebell jerk.

All standards for schoolchildren

This is not a complete list of all the exercises that can be completed to obtain the desired badge.

Next to the information about the exercise there will certainly be information on how to perform it correctly. Explanations are also offered in short text format and in full video for each standard.

Mandatory tests

Regulatory documents

For many users who use the functionality of the official website, it is important to familiarize themselves with the regulatory documents of the organization. They are freely available and anyone can easily view and study them.

Regulatory documents

Registration of a new TRP participant

Passing the “Ready for Labor and Defense” standards becomes possible only after passing a special registration. official website opens up such a unique opportunity.

The most important thing in registering is filling out a special form. The basic data of the future owner of the badge is entered into it, which will then end up in the unified database of this organization.

Every PC user with an Internet connection can cope with this task. A modern schoolchild is able to register quickly enough, since this process is in many ways similar to creating your own page on social networks, so teenagers will not feel any difficulties.

Instructions on how to register


There are also exact instructions on the easiest way to register. To do this, you need to follow these important points:

  • visit official website;
  • indicate email;
  • create a password;
  • click on the button to send the activation code;
  • enter the received code;
  • indicate your date of birth.

As soon as these steps are completed, special fields will appear where you will need to enter basic information about the new participant in the unique program. The basic information that is indicated should include the last name, first name, patronymic, residential address and information regarding the education of this person.

It would be advisable for a person registering in this system to indicate his preferences in sports. This will allow you to select the most suitable sports disciplines for a new member of the organization.

You will need to send a photo of the person who plans to register in the system. It is this image that will subsequently be pasted into the personal passport of the VFSK participant.

It is also important not to forget that after the user has provided all the information, he will need to check the box that he allows the system to process personal data. Without this condition, the electronic application will not be accepted.

After a person clicks on the “Registration” button, which completes this process, an email will be sent with a corresponding notification. This means that the user has become a full-fledged participant in the program and can now log into his own account using a unique portal, information about which is on the official website

Features of a unique project

What is GTO

The modern GTO program was created in order to significantly improve the physical fitness of every representative of the population of the Russian Federation. Main task unique system is to ensure the effective development of the population, as well as the competent improvement of the nation.

The unique GTO complex includes all kinds of exercises that relate to the development of strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility. The difficulty of the exercises will depend on the age group, to which the person himself belongs. Boys and girls from six years of age can participate for championship in the “Ready for Labor and Defense” program, for whom certain standards have already been created that are suitable for their age.

The official website has all the information you need. It will help you effectively prepare for various standards and exercises.

There are special groups for people aged seventy and older. All regulatory requirements divided into three levels of difficulty. All of them correspond to three main insignia:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • bronze.

Each similar GTO sign demonstrates that a person was able to achieve high results in sports and physical training. The better the badge, the higher the complexity of the tests that the applicant for the “Ready for Labor and Defense” insignia was able to overcome. More detailed information regarding the holding of such competitions can be obtained using

Every modern user will be able to use such data. It will be enough just to visit the official website using the appropriate link, go to the category of interest and view all the information that is offered there. In the event that the user’s questions still cannot be answered correctly, then you can call the hotline number, which is listed on the main page of the official website.

Main categories of the website

In order to quickly find any necessary information using this unique site, there are special categories that evenly distribute all the useful data and facts that are available on this portal. The main categories include the following:

  • news;
  • standards;
  • story;
  • documents.

Press releases

For example, if a person is primarily interested in current news, then in this case he only needs to go to a special category. There, all relevant information on all Russian regions is immediately available for viewing.

Each event necessarily concerns the GTO. For example, this could be information: children of a certain camp are joining the movement or in a specific region they discussed the features and plans for the implementation of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex.

If the user is more interested in the development of a new sports movement in one of federal districts or cities of the Russian Federation, then in this case he only needs to enter the name of the locality that interests him most in a special search bar on the official website After this, the system will generate the corresponding results.

How to comply with the standards?

A very popular category among others is called “How to”. There is detailed information regarding each standard. For example, not every sports enthusiast knows how to perform the exercise correctly “ Nordic walking"or "Mixed movement".

But anyone who is unfamiliar with holding such competitions will definitely be interested in what is unique about passing each standard, and what requirements are used to evaluate and process the results obtained by a special commission. But the official website provides this and other information.

To clarify specific information or obtain numbers of the main organizers of the event sports competitions, there is a special category “Contacts”. There you can find out the email address of the Minister of Sports, his deputy and other officials who have access to the project. The convenience of this page lies in the fact that all numbers are located in the most convenient sequence.

Question and answer

Another important category on the site is “Question and Answer”. It contains the most basic questions and answers to them, which were prepared in advance by the moderators. If something interests a site user, then first you need to look at the existing information. When you don’t find the necessary information in their list, you can ask your question to the site administrator, to which they will definitely give a detailed answer. official website “Ready for labor and defense opens up a lot of new opportunities. If a person is interested in participating in the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex, then he can get any information using this portal.

An integral part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” are standards. So what exactly are the GTO standards?

Standards are indicators of distance, quantity, time, expressed in numerical values; compliance with them in each test indicates successful mastery of the complex.

Obviously, these standards cannot be the same for all age groups of the population and have no differences at all between men and women, therefore all standards by age and gender are slightly different. Detailed data is contained in the table of GTO standards. To determine the optimal values, an analysis was carried out of the level of physical fitness of all age groups of the population (from 6 to 70 years). Based on the results obtained, not only the necessary indicators were identified, but also three levels of GTO standards were determined, on compliance with which the dignity of the insignia directly depends. Thus, for special successes and achievements, a participant in the GTO complex can receive a gold, silver or bronze award.

In addition, in accordance with the standards developed and approved by the Russian Ministry of Sports, the entire GTO complex is divided into 11 levels, which cover all segments of the population aged 6 years and older. It is interesting that the GTO standards within the same level may vary: thus, starting from the VI stage, participants in the same age category are divided into two subgroups. At the same time, the indicators for the second of them decrease slightly. For example, at the VII stage of the GTO, men aged 30 to 34 years and from 35 to 39 years are divided into separate subgroups. Representatives of the first age category, who want to compete for a bronze insignia, need to cover a three-kilometer distance in 15 minutes 20 seconds, while men from the second category must complete it in 15 minutes 30 seconds to receive a similar award.

The list of proposed tests did not include: throwing a training grenade, cross-country on bicycles, speed skating and rope climbing. At the same time, forward bends and ball throwing were included in the GTO complex. In addition, participants of the complex have the opportunity to choose the type physical activity: Now each of them can prioritize several trials, taking into account their own physiological characteristics and sympathy.

The package of mandatory tests, the standards for which must be met, includes tests of strength, endurance, flexibility and speed. Selective tests include exercises to determine coordination abilities and identify applied skills. The full table of GTO standards is presented on our website.

It is worth mentioning that modern GTO standards, although they have some similarities with their Soviet predecessors, are not their direct continuation.

The “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” complex appeared in the 30s of the last century and played important role in creating a system of physical education and a mass physical education movement in the country. In 1972, the All-Union physical education complex The GTO was significantly reformed. .

All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (VFSK GTO)

The implementation of the GTO complex is aimed at strengthening health, personal development and instilling patriotism in Russians. Tasks have been set to improve the level physical fitness population and modernization of the physical education system. The result is evaluated.

Stages of the GTO complex

GTO standards are established for eleven age groups (stages of the complex). The first five steps determine the GTO standards for schoolchildren (from 6 to 17 years old). The sixth stage is the standards for women and men aged 18 to 29 years. The seventh defines the GTO standards for the age group from 30 to 39 years. The next three steps set standards in ten-year increments in the age of the test takers. The last (eleventh) stage sets the GTO standards for those over 70 years old.
Those taking the GTO undergo mandatory tests and optional tests. During testing, speed capabilities, endurance, strength and coordination, as well as mastery of applied skills are determined.
( , And ). The TRP badge is awarded to the badge artist along with the certificate.

GTO insignia

The GTO icon is stylized in the shape of a five-pointed (twenty-five-pointed) star. The central circle of the badge depicts an athlete running to the right in a blaze of glory. Below it is the red inscription “GTO”. The circle is framed at the top treadmills stadium, below two laurel branches with ribbons of flowers Russian flag.
, indicated at the bottom of the sign at the base of the branches.
The dimensions of the GTO insignia are 2.4 by 2.4 cm with a thickness of 1.2 mm. The insignia (GTO) is made of coated iron (high-quality polishing).
, and correspond to three levels of complexity of the passed standards. Those who successfully pass the GTO standards of the seventh level and higher (men and women over 40 years old).

Passing standards (TRP testing)

Based on the results of passing the GTO standards, it is possible to assess the level of physical fitness of the population, as well as the harmonious development of the main physical qualities, skills and abilities in accordance with gender and age characteristics.

How to pass the GTO standards

To officially pass the GTO standards, you must register on the website and receive a unique ID number there.
In addition, to pass the standards you must have a medical clearance. It can be obtained at the clinic at your place of residence or at the medical unit at work.
. Registration for passing the standards is made through the official website of the TRP. On the same website you can track your test results online.

Where can I take the GTO standards?

Created throughout the country GTO testing centers, which organize the adoption of standards.
Geographically, standards are passed at different sports facilities. Swimming - in the pool, shooting - in a shooting range or at a shooting range, athletic disciplines - in sports complexes, including open ones.
Everything you need sports equipment and equipment for test takers should be provided by the GTO Centers.
In addition, the GTO standards are passed at physical education and sports events and GTO festivals. For example, in Moscow during city sports holidays“Moscow Sports in Luzhniki”, “Athletes’ Day”, “City Day in Luzhniki”, “Moscow Cross-Country Festival”, “Moscow Ski Track”.

When can you take the GTO standards?

Schoolchildren can take the GTO standards within academic year. Adults, within one level, during the calendar year.
During one day, the participant has the right to take several GTO tests.
In case of an unsuccessful attempt, the GTO standard can be retaken. In this case, one standard can be taken no more than three times within one year. In addition, there must be at least a two-week time gap between two completions of the same test.
The test takers themselves are interested in successfully passing the GTO tests, showing at the same time best results. When determining your schedule for passing the standards, it is important to competently approach the issue of distributing the load on the body and take into account the undeniable influence of the waxing and waning phases of the Moon. Necessary information about what the moon will be like in the coming days.

Awarding with GTO badges

TRP insignia are awarded to those who successfully pass a certain number of standards for a given level. The “price” of the TRP badge is determined by the “lower” bar. Testing Centers provide information about those nominated for awards.
The awarding of TRP insignia takes place in a solemn atmosphere.
The badge of the same level is not awarded twice. This is especially true for adults, where a whole decade is allotted to one level. Therefore, at the age of 18 – 39, when the award is being ranked according to the “metal” of the badge, you need to approach the standards in optimal sports form.

Form of results of passing the GTO

Accounting of data on the results of passing the GTO standards is carried out according to the federal statistical observation form No. 2-GTO “Information on the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO)”. The report identifies all participants in the complex, both badge holders and those who have not passed the GTO standards.