Training programs for parallel bars. What muscles swing when doing exercises on the uneven bars?

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. Considering how many different trainings we have already done together, without a shadow of understatement you can be considered quite experienced athletes. One thing - only if you strictly adhere to the instructions, follow the recommendations and, of course, are not lazy. However, there will probably be those who have recently discovered bodybuilding and, perhaps, today they first looked into our virtual gym. I hope no one will object if we hold a lesson for newcomers today, especially since the uneven bars training program that I want to bring to your attention today, believe me, is worthy of the attention of both beginner athletes, athletes, and already experienced bodybuilders.

Now we don’t linger, especially the new ones, and we all go outside to the nearest sports ground to warm up before training.

Where to start

Start, as always, with a good warm-up. After that, let's go to the bars together and figure out what's what. Take a close look at the simulator. Firstly, both crossbars must be at the same height and positioned clearly horizontally. Secondly, the bars should under no circumstances wobble. If you do not find 100% compliance with these minimum requirements, look for another projectile. But if everything is ok, then we can talk about doing the exercises.

When practicing on the uneven bars, in addition to working on many muscle groups, you can also focus on both relief and relief. In the first case, push-ups should be slow and smooth, especially the descent. This way you increase the volume of your muscle mass.

For relief, exercises are performed as quickly as possible, but not in jerks. However, since today we decided to conduct a training session for beginner athletes striving for a beautiful, muscular body, I strongly recommend starting with gaining muscle mass. Only after your muscles have gained, in your opinion, the required form, you can already take care of the beauty of the contours, that is, the relief.

By the way, for the most effective training you will simply need a video course" Street Bodybuilding Workout", which will help you build a great training program in order to build powerful powerful muscles in the shortest possible time.

So, I hope we have dotted all the i's, and if you have no questions, then I suggest moving directly to the exercises.

How to do push-ups correctly

Bars are an excellent exercise machine for the chest muscles, shoulder girdle and hands But, at the same time, when doing push-ups on the uneven bars, both the abs, and even the legs work. Depending on the execution technique, you can focus on one group or another. At this point, I propose to finish with theory and move on to practice.

How to go on the uneven bars correctly? A good and, most importantly, correct question. Of course, you need to start with this, because it is very important to keep your balance and not dangle in the wind - this way you will only earn yourself sprains and other unpleasant injuries. So, stand along the bars, grab them and, pushing off the ground with your feet, come out on straight arms. Do you manage to stay straight, without hesitation?

Now carefully and smoothly jump to the ground. The longer you train, the more you reach the uneven bars using the muscles of your arms and shoulder girdle.

Well, let's move on to push-ups, shall we? We go to the uneven bars. Bend your knees approximately 90 degrees and cross them. This position will add stability to you. Let's start with the triceps. Leaning forward slightly, while inhaling, bend your elbows also 90 degrees. It is important not to move them apart, but to keep them as close to the body as possible. Now, as you exhale, we extend. Do you feel the load? And the warmth in the triceps? This means we are doing everything right.

If you want to work on it, then you need to go lower, but the angle at the elbow joint at the lowest point should be approximately 30°. Rest assured, you will immediately feel the work of the muscles you are working on when performing this or that exercise.

Training program

If you are serious, then so that your training is not chaotic, I suggest that you follow the program for the next 20 weeks. Believe me, the numbers you see in the table are a reality that is within your reach.

Make sure you perform all actions correctly. Firstly, avoid sudden movements, and secondly, at the top point your arms should be completely straight. Breaks between approaches should not exceed 2 minutes.

To consolidate and improve the result, use dumbbells. Firstly, after the uneven bars you can use them to finish off your shoulders. Secondly, when training triceps on the uneven bars, it is advisable to simultaneously turn your attention to the biceps. Here, as we already know, dumbbells are indispensable. Well, thirdly, if the loads own weight It seems to you that this is not enough, then dumbbells can also be useful here, acting as weighting agents.

Of course, there are many more various exercises on uneven bars aimed at different groups muscles. At this stage, I would also advise you. This is the simplest exercise, the implementation of which does not require any special skills from you: standing on the crossbars with straight arms, raise your legs straight. But start doing this only after you can confidently maintain your balance on the machine. Although there are countless options for performing this training.

By fulfilling all these conditions as we agreed, you will very soon feel the result, and after some time, around the 20th week, or maybe earlier, looking in the mirror, you will think: “Damn, why did I always pass by sports ground?!” And you will be right! Play sports, take care of your health, and also buy a pair of dumbbells. We will need them in almost every training session. See you!

Circuit training of pull-ups and push-ups
We scoured the entire Internet and did the almost impossible - we found the recommended training program for those who are just starting to train on horizontal bars and uneven bars:

Pull-ups narrow grip(top or bottom) - 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps
Dips - 1-3 sets of 10 reps
Diamond push-ups - 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps
Squats (feet together) - 1-3 sets of 20 reps

Workout with emphasis on the pectoral muscles

Elevated Leg Push-Ups - 4 sets of MAX reps with 2 minutes rest
Back push-ups from a bench
Regular push-ups - 4 sets of MAX reps with 2 minutes rest
Bench push-ups - 4 sets of MAX reps with 2 minutes rest
Calf raises - 4 sets of MAX reps with 1 minute rest

P.S. Yes, the last exercise in his program is calf raises, we were not mistaken.

Training program for everything muscle groups(FULL BODY)

The author of this program is Chris Carlsson, who gained fame through his Calisthenics & Weight Training channel. He combined all the main basic exercises into one scheme:

Australian pull-ups (bar pulled to chest level) - 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps
Push-ups - 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps
Squats - 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps
Lunges - 2-3 sets of 10 reps (each leg!)
Calf raises - 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions (alternately) or 10 in a row for each
Peak push-ups - 2-3 sets of 10 reps
High Australian pull-ups (the bar is pulled to shoulder level) - 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
Hanging knee crunches or chest raises - 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
Plank - 3-5 approaches to the maximum

Rest between sets and exercises - from 30 seconds to 3 minutes depending on your level, select in such a way as to complete all exercises in good quality, but it would be hard.

Circuit training on the horizontal bar

A circuit consisting entirely of basic exercises, from the legendary Czech street athlete - . All exercises are performed in a circle without rest between them.

First round:

5 pull-ups neutral grip

20 push-ups

Second round:

5 pull-ups wide grip
10 leg raises to the bar
15 diamond push-ups
10 jump squats

Rest before the next round - 4 minutes.

Third circle:

5 pull-ups with a shoulder-width grip
13 leg raises in support on the uneven bars (to the side, in front of you, to the side, in front of you, etc.)
20 push-ups with broad setting hands
10 jump squats

Rest before the next round - 4 minutes.

Fourth circle:

5 pull-ups with underhand grip
10 leg raises in front of you on parallel bars
20 push-ups
10 jump squats

Back training on horizontal bars

Basic training

Conor McGregor double, Kazakhstani turnstile man Islam Badurgov, from time to time pleases her fans with the publication of good training programs for beginners. We decided to present one of them in this article:

Overhand grip pull-ups - 4 sets of 5-10 reps
Neutral grip pull-ups - 4 sets of 5-10 reps
Dips - 4 sets of 5-10 reps
Diamond push-ups - 5-10 times
Push-ups with narrow setting hands - 5-10 times
Push-ups with hands shoulder-width apart - 5-10 times
Push-ups with wide arms - 5-10 times

Evening weaving

Program from for everyone who comes home late after work and who has very little time to work out. Nothing fancy or complicated, just the basics - pull-ups on the bar and push-ups on the uneven bars (if your level doesn’t allow it yet, then push-ups from the floor).

The name of the program exactly reflects its content - in the evening you will need to do 100 repetitions (100 on the horizontal bar and 100 on the uneven bars) according to the scheme - 10 pull-ups, 10 dips, 1-3 minutes rest, repeat. Strength is in simplicity! And as your strength increases, try to reduce the rest time between sets to 1 minute.

Some people are very biased towards training on the uneven bars, calling lovers of these harsh, but simple as a stick, equipment “horizontal bar men”. This probably happens because not everyone can show off their skills on the uneven bars.

In fact, parallel bars are one of the most ingenious human creations. There are parallel bars in almost every yard, and if not, then you can equip them at home and calmly swing and improve your body without paying for going to the gym. Of course, not all muscle groups can be pumped up on the uneven bars (definitely not the legs), but everything above the waist acquires a natural stethema-like beauty and power. Of course, if you do not exclude other equipment and proper nutrition.

Here are 6 must-have exercises on the parallel bars, after which you will not be afraid of anything in life.

1. Push-ups

This requires dexterity and training, otherwise already at the initial stage you can beautifully slide off the horizontal bar right on your face native land. But it’s worth a try, because nothing trains the triceps like this exercise.

1. So, you need to take an emphasis position on the uneven bars with straight arms.
2. Slowly, without unnecessary fuss, bend your elbows, lowering yourself until you are level with elbow joint.
3. Then, just as slowly, without jerking, return to the starting position.

The main thing is that while performing this exercise, press your elbows to your body and tilt your body slightly back. Do not work with weights under any circumstances, otherwise there is a high risk of injuring the ligaments. In any case, never do this in the first two approaches.

2. Diagonal push-ups

In this exercise you need to slightly swap your legs and arms. Simply put, it must be performed strictly upside down.

1. So, place your palms on the ground slightly wider than your shoulders, and place your straight legs on the bars: one leg on one bar, the other on the other.
2. Make sure that the body is in a single line with the legs. There is no need to raise your pelvis and bend your knees. Even if you stand diagonally to the floor, there is nothing wrong with that.
3. It’s very simple - bend your elbows, bringing your face as close as possible to the floor.
4. Return to straight arms and repeat all over again.

You can perform exactly the same diagonal push-ups. In this case, for each repetition the emphasis is placed first on one edge and then on the other. The emphasis point forms a sort of straight line with the leg, keep this in mind.

3. Hanging crunches

Another exercise that needs to be done upside down. Who said crunches can't be done on parallel bars? Stop communicating with this person, because he is your enemy. The main thing is to do everything efficiently and without risk to life.

1. Throw your legs onto one bar of the parallel bars and hook them onto the second so that one bar passes under your knees, and the second above your ankles.
2. Hands behind your head, elbows to the sides. Pull up chest to the crossbar.

Remember not to do this exercise for too long, otherwise you will get a stroke. The exercise itself is noticeably more difficult than usual, because it affects not only the work of the muscles, but also your position. Everything seems more complicated upside down.

4. Lifting straight lines with a turn

An exercise in the style of “two birds with one stone.” It's the same for you here good load on the arms and abs. However, we must warn you that performing this exercise is much harder than it might seem at first glance.

1. Stand on straight arms, bringing your legs slightly bent at the knees slightly forward.
2. Smoothly raise your legs above the bars. The slower the better.
3. Now, without lowering your legs, turn first to the right and then to the left.
4. After this, return to the starting position, lowering your legs down. Then repeat.

5. Jumping on hands

The exercise is as simple as it may seem. Nothing supernatural, just jumping on your hands. However, before doing this, make sure that the shell will not fall apart under you.

1. Stand on straight arms.
2. Trying to help yourself with your legs and not bend your elbows too much, jump on your hands as high as possible.
3. If you are doing an exercise on long street bars, you can “jump” along the length of the bar from one end to the other.

Try not to do the exercise on your last breath, because it is very easy to injure yourself while doing it.

6. Back push-ups

The same, but the load falls on the back muscles. Very effective exercise for those who want to level up evenly.

1. Stand with straight arms on the bars, turning your back to the bars.
2. B starting position your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows.
3. Bend your arms and lower yourself as low as possible, trying to touch the limit of your strength.
4. Return to starting position and repeat.

On uneven bars, as in any intensive work with an apparatus, the hands especially suffer. If you work especially hard, you can grind your hands into dust, leading to hanging bloody scabs and calluses that can embarrass Satan himself. That's why normal people always wear gloves.
With fingers, without fingers, blue, red - you choose, but if you want good ones, take them

The training program, which is carried out on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, is designed to strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest and back. But these same exercises have a beneficial effect on the overall tone of the body, improve the functioning of the heart, respiratory system, and endurance.

Contrary to popular belief, parallel bars training is needed not only for boys, but also for girls - it will help you look feminine and maintain a toned figure at any age.

The horizontal bar and parallel bars provide an excellent opportunity to develop the muscles of the arms, chest and back, increase overall tone and burn excess fat. It is not necessary to exercise under the guidance of a trainer. You can choose the program yourself.

For maximum efficiency, you should follow a few simple rules:

Is it possible to pump up on the horizontal bar and uneven bars?

It is possible, and it is very effective. During operation, mice have to lift own weight body, and this is a considerable load. If the exercises have become too easy, you can increase the number of approaches, change the height of the planks, or use special weights - they are put on your legs and increase body weight.

Exercises on parallel bars and horizontal bars are available to almost every person.

The results will be different - it all depends on the frequency of training, the characteristics of the regime and natural data, but they will definitely be there. Therefore, if you set a goal to pump up, then it will be achieved with due diligence.

In addition, exercises on the uneven bars improve the tone of not only the muscles of the upper body, but also the abs, back and partly the legs (for them you can perform additional exercises, we will talk about them later), so regular classes on the horizontal bar will help you develop your body harmoniously.

Advantages and disadvantages of training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

The horizontal bar remains extremely popular among lovers of a sports lifestyle. Recently, a separate direction for performing tricks on the horizontal bar and uneven bars has emerged. This is due to its accessibility - you can find a horizontal bar in any yard, and if you don’t want to go outside, you can put a horizontal bar at home, securing it in the doorway.

The parallel bars are somewhat more difficult, but they can also be found in parks or on outdoor sports grounds. There is no need to buy additional equipment, so training on the uneven bars and horizontal bar requires virtually no financial costs. The second advantage is the simplicity and simultaneous variety of exercises on the horizontal bar.

You can choose a program for yourself, without consulting a trainer, while harmoniously developing all the muscles of the body. Exercising on parallel bars is safe - a person would rather not be able to do the exercise at all than do it incorrectly and get injured, so such exercises can be recommended for beginners.

But besides the advantages, there are also disadvantages that are directly related to the advantages. You can exercise in the yard only in good weather, but in winter and in the rain you will have to spend money on a gym or give up training.

The exercises are quite difficult for beginners.

If we are talking about girls, then among them there are many who will not be able to complete the exercises the first time, and this repels them from such activities and destroys motivation. If classes take place in a group, then people with poor preparation find themselves “in the tail”, it is most difficult for them to study, and they leave the group. But any group classes have this disadvantage.

Types of grips

There are often debates among athletes about how to properly hold on the horizontal bar. In fact correct grip does not exist - all possible options are necessary and useful, but the load is distributed differently.

Types of grips for the horizontal bar:

For parallel bars, only a straight grip is possible - it is impossible to perform exercises on them in any other combination. The distance between the parallel bars can be changed to adjust the difficulty of the exercises.

Mode and frequency of classes

A training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is effective only when the training rules are followed.

The structure of each lesson looks like this:

You can add muscle stretching exercises to the complex. Beginners can limit themselves to one approach, and add others as possible. The frequency of training depends on the goal.

To build muscle mass, you should exercise according to the 1+1 scheme, i.e. 1st day – active loads, the next – rest.

Active growth occurs during rest muscle tissue. Then you can complicate the scheme by doing several training days contract. Important for maintaining tone daily workouts low intensity. They will not add muscle mass, but will allow you to maintain a toned shape.

Common mistakes

Exercises on the horizontal bar have their own difficulties that need to be taken into account when practicing.

The table shows common mistakes and rules that will help you avoid them:

Proper execution Errors
Breath Inhale in the starting position, exhale at the moment of greatest load Voluntary breathing. The athlete gets tired faster and performs fewer approaches
Hand movements Smooth, elbows do not fully extend Sudden movements and full extension of the elbows increase the risk of injury
Movements of muscles not involved in the exercise The neck is completely relaxed, the legs and abs are tensed only when the exercise technique requires it. Tension of “extra” muscles reduces the effectiveness of the main load
Using weights Only experienced athletes use weights. Switching to weight training too early increases the risk of injury and accelerates fatigue.

Women's set of exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for girls is not fundamentally different from that for men. The main difference is that girls are usually less trained, and they have to start training with light loads and light exercises, which boys do at school. But over time, girls achieve results no worse than boys.


Be sure to start your workout with a warm-up - it allows you to prepare your muscles, blood and respiratory system to active work, reduces the likelihood of injury. Warm-up duration is 5-10 minutes. It includes exercises for the neck, shoulder girdle, hands, lower back and legs.

Particular attention should be paid to the arms and shoulder girdle, and the warm-up should include rotation in the shoulders, including in opposite directions, warm-up of the wrist joints and elbows.

Chest exercises

Exercises for the chest and back muscles can increase arm strength and create muscle definition. Contrary to popular belief, pumped up shoulder girdle muscles will not make your breasts beautiful and neat - there are no muscles in the mammary gland itself, so it will look the same as before training. Significantly improve appearance Possible only with small breasts (size 1-2).

To develop the chest muscles, pull-ups with a reverse and wide grip are performed on the horizontal bar; the number of approaches depends on the level of preparation. On uneven bars for the same purpose they do various types push-ups - corner, chest style, diagonal and others.

Ab exercises

Program intensive training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars includes exercises for the harmonious development of the whole body.

Performing abdominal exercises on such equipment involves greater efforts of the abdominal muscles - they are more difficult to perform than the usual flexion-extension of the torso on the floor, the abs work more intensely, and the result is more noticeable.

On the horizontal bar and uneven bars, similar abdominal exercises are performed - raising the knees, and then straight legs, twisting, lifting the toes to the shoulders. Knowing your own body and adequately assessing your level of fitness will help you dose the load.


Stretching is needed to relieve muscle tension after exercise. It is performed at a calm pace, which makes it possible to restore breathing after exercise. Also, girls have the belief that if you stretch, the muscles will not grow too quickly, they will form a relief, but will not be too voluminous, and will retain a feminine appearance.

The main exercises for stretching the arms are to extend the straight arm to the opposite shoulder and place the arm bent at the elbow behind the head. With your free hand you need to pull your arm towards the body in the first case and down in the second. Stretching exercises must be performed very carefully so as not to damage the ligaments and joints.

Training plan

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is compiled individually for each student. For a beginner, the best option is to exercise every evening to keep fit or according to the 1+1 scheme to build mass. The plan for each lesson should include a warm-up, 3 exercises on the horizontal bar or parallel bars, stretching and breathing restoration.

Before you create a training plan, you need to decide on your goal and select exercises that will correspond to it. If the task is to maintain sports uniform, then it’s better to take 3 exercises for different muscle groups (chest, arms, abs) and perform the same complex every day.

If the goal is to gain muscle mass, then you should select 3 exercises for each muscle group and alternate them (arm day, chest day, abs day). Exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars can be conveniently divided into different days. If the training plan is drawn up correctly, then the result becomes visible within a month even for those who are not physically fit.

The main thing is regularity of classes and correct execution exercises. If the result is not satisfactory, then the lesson plan can and should be changed, adapting to individual characteristics. As an example you can find ready plans trainings online, but you need to be prepared for the fact that they may suit some people, while others will have to modify them.

The best exercises on the horizontal bar for girls

It is better for girls to start classes with enough simple exercises- this will help you adapt to physical activity, will improve the overall tone of the body. Even if a girl cannot or does not want to pump up her body, training on the horizontal bar will have a beneficial effect on her physical fitness, will allow you to remove extra pounds and create an ideal toned figure.


The hang is the simplest exercise you can do on the horizontal bar. It is not performed on uneven bars.

Performing a hang on the horizontal bar:

Vis is perfect as initial exercise. The main task of the hang is to relax the muscles of the back, neck and arms, and straighten the spine. This helps to cope with the consequences, like sedentary image life and excess power loads.

Pulling your knees to your chest

This abdominal exercise is great for beginners. It is performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Technique for performing on the horizontal bar:

  • starting position – hanging with slightly bent elbows;
  • legs are bent at the knees, brought together, in this position they rise to chest level;
  • return to the starting position.

All movements are performed smoothly, especially the return to the hang. At the initial stages of training, it will be difficult to raise your legs the desired height, but you need to try to raise your knees as close as possible to correct position. Over time, you will be able to perform the exercise correctly. The most common mistake is trying to raise your legs with a sudden movement.

This is less effective than gentle lifts and poses a risk of damaging your elbows. On the uneven bars, the starting position looks like this - the arms support the body above the apparatus, the elbows are slightly bent. Performing abdominal exercises on parallel bars is somewhat easier, but the load on the arms is higher.

Hanging Leg Raise

Starting position – hanging on the crossbar, as in the previous exercise. The lifting process must be carried out in several stages, especially for beginners.

Sequence of actions:

  • vis (starting position);
  • raising your knees to your chest;
  • straightening the legs so that the feet are higher than the crossbar (be sure to raise the pelvis);
  • return to the starting position (possible through knees bent at the chest).

The exercise develops the abs and muscles of the thighs, buttocks and back. On the uneven bars it is performed by experienced athletes.

Hanging crunches

Twists are performed upside down. To do this, you need to hold on to the bar with your knees and flex and extend your torso. The exercise can be performed after hanging leg raises have been mastered ( reverse twist).


Another abdominal exercise. Performed hanging on the crossbar. From this position, you need to raise your straight legs to a horizontal position so that they form a right angle with the body (hence the name of the exercise). You need to stay in this position for 10-15 seconds or more if you are training endurance. Performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Australian pull-ups

This simplified version pull-ups on the bar. The bar is set lower than usual, and in the initial position the body is horizontal or at an angle and touches the heels to the floor. When performing pull-ups, you need to pull your shoulders towards the bar, your face should be above it.

Training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for girls.

In this case, the arms do not lift the entire weight of the body, but only part of it. Over time, you need to raise the bar higher, gradually moving from Australian pull-ups to classic ones.

Training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for beginners

The horizontal bar and parallel bars training program for beginners includes simplified exercises. You need to start small - by doing hanging exercises every day, so that in a week you accumulate at least 30 minutes spent in a hanging position. This will relax the spine and back muscles, reducing the risk of injury in the future.

Then you can move on to pull-ups. If a person cannot do it themselves, they can start with the Australian version or have another person provide backup. Abdominal exercises are performed in the following sequence - knee lifts, leg raises and corners, crunches. At first, it is advisable that the practitioner be insured.

A daily routine for beginners may consist of hanging, pull-ups and knee raises.

Even an incompletely completed exercise strengthens the muscles and brings the day closer when the exercises will be performed correctly and it will be fashionable to move on to more complex ones.

Training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for weight

To build muscle mass, you need intense exercise. It’s worth thinking about this when your fitness level can be called medium or high. A set of exercises is developed for each segment that needs to be pumped up.

During the workout, exercises are performed for 1-2 segments and the press. The more approaches, the better, and the duration of each approach should be no more than 8 times. The training scheme is 1+1, then 2+1 and so on. It is acceptable to work with weights for the limbs and torso.

Training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

Working out muscle relief is an activity for those who have accumulated the desired muscle mass. It requires not only properly selected loads, but also adherence to a diet, which is called drying. The selection of exercises is aimed at developing the desired muscle groups.

Training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for strength

Strength pull-ups are an opportunity to work out volume and relief at the same time. To achieve this, you need to combine intense loads with isolating exercises (on relief). The program is designed by analogy with weight training - each workout is dedicated to a specific area of ​​the body, strength exercises, isolation exercises and abs are performed.

Contraindications to classes

The main contraindication to training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is injuries to the arms and shoulder girdle (joints, bones, ligaments, muscles). It is impossible to perform the exercises correctly, and it is very easy to damage an already injured area. As for diseases of the spine, you should consult a doctor.

Caution should be exercised in diseases of the bones, cerebral vessels and intercostal neuralgia. The training program on the horizontal bar or uneven bars can be selected for any level of fitness. For beginners, you can start with hanging, and experienced athletes can choose a complex set of exercises that work individual muscle bundles.

Article format: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about parallel bars exercises

Horizontal bar-parallels-support:

Bars are an integral element of an outdoor sports ground. There are also stable steel structures for training in the gym or at home. To achieve results, not only a well-designed uneven bars training program is important, but also correct technique performing each exercise.

The benefits of parallel bars training

To work a specific muscle group, you can change the position of your hands. Standard dips, which form the basis of any training program, have a positive effect, first of all, on:

  1. triceps
  2. deltas
  3. pectoral muscles

You can also pump up your abs on the uneven bars. A training program that includes leg lifting exercises affects the muscles abdominals. Raising your legs while turning your torso activates the oblique abdominal muscles.

The uneven bars training program for beginners does not require the use of weights, and athletes with intermediate and high level preparations may well diversify the exercises in this way. To do this, you need to take a weightlifting belt and, for example, a set of weights. Alternatively, a parallel bars training program may include dumbbell exercises. Typically, weights are needed to achieve the goals of forming relief and working out the torso muscles.

Types of parallel bars training programs

You can divide parallel bars training programs by level physical training athlete. Beginners are considered to be those who are able to do 6-12 push-ups, intermediate level- up to 25 times, expert - more than 25 times. Two workouts per week are enough, no more than every other day, so that the muscles have time to recover.

  1. A set of parallel bars exercises for beginners. In the first workout you need to do 50 push-ups, the number of approaches does not really matter. The ideal option is 5 sets of 10 repetitions. After this, push-ups are performed: 4 sets of 12 times. In the second workout, dips should be done in three sets, with as many repetitions as possible. A 5-minute rest is allowed between sets. The day will end with 4 sets of 10 push-ups.
  2. Program for intermediate level. On the first day, five sets of push-ups of 10 repetitions, breaks between sets of 2 minutes. Then 3 sets of 12 push-ups. The second workout consists of two exercises that are performed without a break between them. Push-ups on parallel bars and from the floor until failure, in four sets. Rest for 5 minutes is allowed only between approaches.
  3. Exercises for professionals. The first hard workout again includes dips and push-ups. On the uneven bars, you should do push-ups to failure, then 30 seconds of rest and repeat, another 30 seconds of rest and again push-ups to failure. All this is one approach, you need to do three of them, with a 5-minute rest between them. To do push-ups from the floor, your arms should be placed narrowly. Do 3 sets of 15 reps with 3 minutes rest between sets. The second workout is considered easy: dips, 5 sets of 20 reps.

If a person cannot do push-ups 6 times, it is recommended to limit himself to push-ups from the floor for now. In the first stages, training develops strength and helps build muscle mass. And in the future they develop endurance and contribute to the formation of relief.

The distance between the bars should be slightly greater than the width of the athlete's shoulders. If you perform exercises on the parallel bars with a very large distance, you can get damage to the shoulder girdle. When doing dips, the up and down movements should be slow and rhythmic, but not too fast. The elbows should be kept in the same plane as the wrist, and the legs should be motionless, without swinging. The chest protrudes forward, the shoulders move back, it is important to keep your back straight.

A set of exercises on the uneven bars leads to high energy consumption. You can replenish it with a balanced diet and sports nutrition. When compiling a daily menu, be guided by your training goals; when building muscle mass, you cannot do without additional protein intake.