Relaxing on the shore and training in Muay Thai, what could be better for a real man? Additional factors for choosing a Thai boxing camp in Phuket.

There are several Muay Thai style Thai boxing schools in Phuket. Most of them are “tourist”, that is, they were originally designed to serve tourists. There is nothing good or bad about this. It just is. This fact has a number of certain advantages - in such schools, coaches are already accustomed to working with foreign tourists and speak at least a little English. And believe me, even a few dozen familiar phrases will help you master the necessary technique more successfully.

Such schools are primarily suitable for those who are not entirely confident in their Muay Thai technique, even if they have been training in their home country for several years. Many, having arrived in Phuket and started classes at one of the schools, are very surprised to discover that what they were doing before has nothing to do with Muay Thai.

To choose for yourself the best school, it’s best to go around them all and attend one or two training sessions. And then stop at one specific one. First of all, pay attention to the number of people training with one trainer (1-2 people per trainer is normal). Then you must evaluate the quantity and especially the quality of the attention given to you personally, the location of the school relative to beaches, restaurants and other things. Well, not the last condition is the ability to rent housing somewhere near the school.

In the resort town of Kata there is a Muay Thai camp - J Prapa. It is located on the road closest to the beach, just behind the bike parking lot. It’s a bit difficult to find it the first time, but you can see the diagram - Once upon a time, a very famous champion in Thailand conducted training in this camp, but now there is another coach there, by the way, also a very good one. The advantages of this camp also include its convenient location and the availability of the necessary equipment for sparring. If you are missing something, you can buy it at the store located on the camp grounds. Among the disadvantages are the lack of the required number of trainers (one trainer is not able to pay enough attention to all students) and the lack of simulators.

Another camp - Chang Muay Thai Gym is located on Kata Beach. You can find it using the diagram - The advantages include the location in the very popular resort town of Kata, the proximity of inexpensive housing options, and the availability of equipment. The disadvantages include a feeling of neglect in the gym itself, high prices for training, lack of exercise equipment and a normal store. There is practically nothing you can buy from what is available there. And there is also a very unpleasant smell from a nearby cafe, which is very annoying during training.

The next camp, Raw Fitness, is located in the Nai Harn resort, which is very popular among Russian tourists for a relaxing holiday without too much fuss. The hall in the camp is small and operates under the motto: “relax and train.” You can find this camp using the map - The advantages include a convenient location, the availability of fitness training, a good rocking chair and the presence of a shower room. Disadvantages - the training is not very serious, there is practically nothing for real athletes to do here, the gym is small and there are few coaches.

The best gym for Muay Thai in Phuket is still considered to be Dragon Muay Thai, located in the northern part of Chalong. It is located on the same street as Camp Tiger. The distance between them is approximately 200 meters. Find a camp - Pros: very friendly trainers with an excellent attitude towards athletes, two gyms and a pleasant Thai atmosphere in each, the store sells inexpensive equipment, equipment is available for training. The only downside is that the location of the hall is not very convenient.

Tiger Camp is located near Dragon Muay Thai. If you search separately, you can use the map - This camp has a very large area and well-thought-out organization. The advantages include decent training, a large staff of trainers, large gyms, availability of equipment, a good rocking chair equipped with air conditioning, and training in other sports is available for those who wish. There are few disadvantages, and even then they can be called relative - the location is not very convenient if you live in a tourist area and the incredibly large area of ​​​​the camp, in which you can get lost at first.

Rawai is a Thai boxing gym located in the town of the same name on the island of Phuket. It is located on the outskirts of the northern part of the city. It is difficult to find, so it is better to use the map - The advantages of the camp are a large staff of trainers, some of whom are active fighters, a good gym with spacious rings, it is possible to rent housing right in the camp, good rocking, yoga classes. The downsides are the lack of clinch and sparring, the trainers don’t pay much attention to what you’re doing, and also, it’s very inconvenient to get here from the resort areas.

Another camp - Lion is located near Nai Harn beach and not far from the Sinbi Muay Thai camp. The gym is run by a Briton, which does not in any way affect the quality of the training. Pros - spacious and bright hall in good condition and with good equipment, availability of equipment and intensive training, the possibility of accommodation on the camp site and proximity to the beach, the best value for money throughout the island of Phuket. The disadvantages include the fact that not all coaches are equally attentive to their players, and parking is not very convenient even for bikes, not to mention cars.

The last of the famous ones - the Phuket Muay Thai camp is located in the Chalong area of ​​​​the city in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"villages" of houses for rent. It’s better to find it on the map - The advantages are the presence of a rocking chair, in which, by agreement with the trainer, you can exercise in the evenings for free, and the proximity of housing, if you rent it right here. By the way, the houses here are quite good according to reviews. Disadvantages - insufficient number of trainers and inattentive attitude on their part towards the trainees, lack of rounds and normal discipline in training, lack of necessary equipment, not very convenient location, if you don’t live in the neighborhood.

You can fly to Thailand for beach holidays and wild parties, or immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a martial arts camp for two or three weeks. We continue to add to the list of reasons to go to the other side of the world, at least a little different from the boring “well, let’s just relax.”

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“Muay Thai” is translated as “a fight of the free”, and the main difference from other types of martial arts is the ability to strike quickly and fairly strong blows arms, elbows, shins and knees, for which he is also called eight-armed.

Nowadays, Muay Thai is practically the main sport in Thailand, which is sponsored by the government and involves a huge number of people. It is impossible to come, for example, to Phuket, and not come across a single school or ring - they are everywhere here.

And no one, except the Thais themselves in the scenery familiar to them, will explain to young padawans by their own example that Thai boxing is first of all about “have fun”, and only then everything else.

Why do I need Thai boxing?

  • You have always been attracted to the aesthetics and philosophy of martial arts.
  • You want to be able to defend yourself if attacked.
  • You need to lose weight or just get in shape, and regular gyms and workouts seem boring.
  • You strive to bring your mind and body into harmony.
  • You are simply inquisitive - today you are surfing, tomorrow you are yachting, and the day after tomorrow you started knitting sweaters.

And where to go?

Only to Thailand. Fortunately, the path there is well-trodden, airlines fly smoothly, and you don’t need a visa. But there is room for maneuver - you can go to noisy Phuket or Pattaya, quieter Samui, Chiang Mai, or even go to a small village in search of maximum authenticity.

The sun, famous Thai beaches, fresh fruit, relaxing massage and a beautiful tan will be a bonus to your training.

The peculiarity of training in Thailand is the amazing atmosphere in the gym, very warm, family-like. It’s always a lot of fun, the Thais joke around, they care, everything is done with a smile, and the smile never leaves your face throughout the entire training session. You feel like a member of this large and friendly family. Therefore, all visitors really like to train here, everyone wants to come again and again, they literally fall in love with the gym.

Katya Knysheva

PhuketTopTeam, Muay Thai fighter

I decided - I want it! But can I?

Here we need to start with the fact that Muay Thai is a hobby for both men and women. Many girls from Russia choose Thai boxing, preferring it to fitness.

For an introductory course to Thai boxing, you don’t need a special education. physical training– it is important to choose a school or camp that has a course for beginners. In addition to the actual fighting lessons, such a course necessarily includes general exercise - running, stretching and strength training.

But if you're determined to dive into the world of Muay Thai, it's a good idea to do a little preparation in advance. This will reduce the risk of injury, help you learn techniques more easily, become less tired, and keep up with others.

Many of us regularly engage in some kind of sport - go to the gym, run, do functional training. This will be enough. If sports are a parallel line in your life, we recommend that you get involved a little, starting at least a month before departure. Nothing special - standard exercises for general stretching and strengthening muscle corset. If you decide to go to the gym, be sure to tell the coach that you are planning to go to Muay Thai camp. He will select the right load for you.

How are schools and camps organized?

Almost any Muay Thai school in Thailand is the school itself, where the current Muay Thai fighters themselves work and train, and a residential camp where you can stay for any period of time - from several days to several months.

There are no schools or camps where only Russian tourists would go in Thailand, but this is for the best. Each training session is like an international seminar, bringing together representatives of various nationalities.

There are several options for coming to school:

1. If time is not very limited, fly to Thailand on your own, rent a hotel or guest house, and then ask the locals for recommendations. Here, we still advise you to take in advance a list of those schools about which you already have good reviews, and compare the information received. Go and look at the training bases yourself - you can even visit one or two training sessions in each and ultimately choose what you like.

2. If you don’t have much time, decide on a school and book a training course and accommodation in advance.

Here in our labyrinth there are again 2 options. You can book any suitable hotel near the school or in another place suitable for you, or stay in a camp at the school - the conditions will probably be more spartan, but the prices will be lower. But in the second case, immersion in the atmosphere is guaranteed one hundred percent - athletes of various levels of training come to the camps, and you will always have the opportunity to ask questions and chat about what interests you.

Another advantage of living in a camp is that there are special weight loss programs that include: dietary food or detox course. In combination with physical activity it gives very impressive results - all more people go to Muay Thai camps to lose weight quickly and safely.

There are no package offers that necessarily include accommodation at the school - the student is given complete freedom of action.

Thailand is on my schedule: twice a year. Every six months we spend two weeks there. This is a sanatorium: we play sports, change mental work on the physical, we sleep enough, eat right, get the sea, the sun, impressions, communication. For two weeks we deal only with ourselves: physically and spiritually. In Moscow, if you are not a professional athlete, sports fade into the background. Sometimes there is not enough time, energy, events or urgent matters happen. Not to mention the regime. Well, the spirit of sport is in the air. It's charging! My dream is to go for 6 weeks.

Elena Kizyuk

PR director

How are the training sessions going?

Some schools specialize exclusively in Muay Thai, but there are also those that combine it with MMA training, classic boxing, grappling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and cross-fit. There are also yoga, fitness and meditation classes.

In any camp there is constant movement. Someone is training, someone is hitting a punching bag, someone is chatting or resting after sparring. This is a large living organism where there is a place for everyone.

One day in the life of a school usually consists of two Muay Thai training sessions – in the morning and in the evening.

One workout lasts about two hours - it includes a warm-up, shadow boxing in front of a mirror, pad and boxing pad work, bag work, sparring and final stretching.

How to choose a school?

At the end of the article there is a list of the most popular and proven schools, but for those who prefer to go their own way, we have collected several recommendations from professional athletes:

  • Try to choose a school where the coaches speak at least some English. This will save you from overtraining, excessive fatigue, injuries and will definitely add everyday comfort and peace of mind. It is difficult to study when you have difficulty understanding your mentor.
  • Be interested in the level of professional athletes who train and train at school. The higher it is, the better and more solid the camp.

I'm on my way! How much money should I take?

We will calculate in rubles - the baht is too encouraging with its low exchange rate - and 2 weeks of stay based on the arithmetic average for schools. If you want to stay longer, multiply the prices as many times as necessary and don’t forget that they give good discounts for long-term stays and training in camps!

Subscription for a week of “All inclusive” training (all school training: Muay Thai, boxing, fitness, jiu-jiu-jitsu, MMA, etc.)

15,000 rubles

Accommodation in a superior dormitory at the camp (private room with 1 double bed and shared shower)

13,000 rubles

Accommodation in a standard double room

26,000 rubles

Dietary food in the camp

12,000 rubles

Regular food in a cafe (no alcohol)

16,000 rubles

Flight Moscow - Phuket

30,000 – 35,000 rubles on a direct flight with Aeroflot

Equipment (uniform, bandages, gloves and leg protection)

8,000 rubles

Additional expenses (transfers from the airport and back, souvenirs, trips around the island)

10,000 rubles

Total: about 95,000 rubles per person for 2 weeks of active training, warmth, invaluable experience and impressions and envious questions from friends “where is this? what is this? and how did you get there?”

Bonus track. Muay Thai schools in Phuket, for which you are definitely not ashamed

  • Tiger Muay Thai. A large, well-designed camp, many professional trainers, a competent training plan and many guests from different countries.
  • Sinbi Muay Thai. There are many highly qualified fighters among the trainers, big hall and several accommodation options different levels comfort.
  • Phuket Top Team and MMA. A huge range of martial arts in addition to Thai boxing: sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, freestyle wrestling and, of course, MMA.

Muay Thai is martial art and boxing in practice using approved methods. Muay Thai is also a school of life. Like all martial arts, Muay Thai allows a person to control their body and mind. The battles are quite difficult and intense, so the fighters get tired quickly.
Thai boxing in Phuket attracts many tourists, and some of them want not only to watch professional fights, but also to be trained in this martial art in one of the schools on the island.
Muay Thai has a long history. It was even banned once in 1921 due to the fact that it was considered dangerous looking martial art. But in the 1930s, the rules of Muay Thai were changed to make the martial art safer.
International style gloves were now required to be worn. To make the fights more fair, they began to take place in the ring, and the fighters were divided into different categories.
Muay Thai is a real industry in Thailand, employing approximately 200,000 people. These are mainly boxers, trainers, and managers. The number of Muay Thai practitioners is estimated at 100,000, and hundreds of fights take place across the country every week.

Muay Thai Schools in Phuket

The most famous and oldest Thai boxing school in Phuket is Rawai Muay Thai. Is the camp better equipped? than all other camps on the island of Phuket, and its owners offer quality services. Rawai and Chalong are generally the best places for training in Thai boxing in Phuket, since there are several famous Muay Thai schools here. You will find Muay Thai schools in Rawai Supa Muay Thai, Lion Muay Thai and Sinbi Muay Thai, and there are also schools on Chalong Suwit, Tiger Muay Thai, Phuket Top Team and Dragon Muay Thai. All of these schools offer Muay Thai training for foreigners.

Where to watch Thai boxing in Phuket

There are several Muay Thai stadiums on the island of Phuket. The most famous of them is Saphan Hin, which is located in Phuket city and offers real fights on Tuesdays and Fridays from 20:00. This is the most old stadium Thai boxing in Phuket, the fights here are very serious, and only professional fighters. The entrance fee is 450 baht.
Boxing Stadium on Sainamyen Road in Patong offers fights on Mondays and Thursdays from 21:00. They fight in this stadium good boxers, including fighters from Bangkok and experienced foreigners.
Tiger Stadium also located in Patong and located next to Jung Ceylon Shopping Centre. During the high season there are serious fights involving foreigners.
Suwit Stadium Chalong is essentially a training camp, but there are fights every Friday night. Entry costs 900 baht for the cheapest seats and 2,000 baht for ringside seats.

How to choose a Thai boxing club in Phuket - list of camps and tips

As combat sports and martial arts become increasingly popular, new gyms growing everywhere. For this reason, difficulties in finding quality gym- the one that is right for you - is becoming increasingly difficult. There are several options to consider: location, price, trainers, classes offered, services, student skill levels, and training.

Just like many things in life, you may have to sacrifice certain options to get the exact result you are looking for. The key is to determine which traits are most important to you and find a gym that best matches those traits. This guide will help you through this process.

Phuket is a popular Thai resort with many halls of different sizes and specializations

This is one of the biggest factors that play into a student's decision to join a gym. Most people will donate more than high quality preparing the location just so they don't have to make a long drive. For most fighters, time is money and fighting is not their main source of income. However, if you want to fight on high level, you may have to look outside hometown or even look outside your country to get the proper training.

Most people consider Thailand to be the holy land for Muaythai training, due to the abundance of high quality gyms. Thailand is also the birthplace of this sport. If you don't want to move to Thailand to train, don't worry, use our "Gym available" feature and search for gyms in your area.

Price for training in Thailand on the island of Phuket

Depending on the gym you go to, the price may be big problem for fighters. If you've never looked into any type of martial arts gym, the price tag of the training may come as a shocker. Sports clubs can be charged from $20 per month to $200 dollars per month. You should go into this category expecting a more established gym with a larger staff and a lot of quality equipment to be higher on the price scale. Unlike traditional gyms, your training not only covers the cost of equipment and utilities, but also the instructor's time.

Like all gym memberships, Thai gyms typically have contracts and payment plans. Read the contract carefully because there is usually a clause in the contract that charges you if you cancel before your contract is up. Sports clubs also have payment plans according to the needs of students. You can pay for a year in advance, which is usually the cheapest way to go if you have the money. Sports clubs will also have semi-annual contracts, monthly payment plans and drop-in fees, which are often the most expensive payment option.

In some countries, if you struggle at the gym, the staff will give you free training as long as you give the gym a portion of your earnings. This is not always the case, and certainly does not apply to students who simply want to train for fun.

Trainers in Muay Thai camps

Seeing that you are paying high gym prices because of the trainers' expertise, you should do your research before joining a gym. Try to get some time to talk with the head coach or coach to see if he/she is one you can get along with. Here are some questions to ask coaches:

Hot Tip: cru Certificates

Beware of non-Muaythai certifications and achievements. There are a few Thai instructor certifications, but they don't hold much weight in the wrestling world. Fight to record and achieve to keep more points than certification in Muay Thai. It will also be very tired if the trainers do not have much experience in Muay Thai or only achievements in other martial arts.

How long have you been coaching? What's your fight record? Who did you train under? Where are you used for training? What achievements have you or your fighters achieved? What is your coaching style?

Even if you like all the answers to these questions, then best way Finding out the true qualities of a trainer/coach is to participate in one of their classes.

What level of Muay Thai training do you require?

If you have a feeling for trainers at the gym, it's time to check out the types and times of classes offered. Each person has a preference for the time they would like to train and workout, so make sure the gym offers classes at times that fit your schedule.

Depending on the type of gym you are looking for, classes can be broken down into several types: beginner classes, advanced classes, clinch classes, sparring classes, or strength and conditioning classes. If you are new to Muay Thai, you should ask the gym staff if they offer intro classes that will help you up to speed with the basics of training.

Additional factors for choosing a Thai boxing camp in Phuket

Muaythai is a sport that focuses on powerful striking and causing damage to your opponents. Unlike some martial arts, you can't get very far in the sport by simply practicing the technique without the proper equipment. Each gym must have a standard set of amenities to provide to students. However, not all gyms will come with "in-house" facilities - so be careful with this part of the decision.

Nice to have Gym amenities: Water fountains Showers Loaner gear Pro Shop Music

Among the amenities required are Thai heavy bags, pole bags, or traditional heavy bags. If the gym doesn't have punching bags, check to make sure they at least have training pads. Training pads to look for are Thai pads, focus mitts, belly mats, and kick shields.

If a gym does not have any of the devices listed above, it may be ideal to look elsewhere.

Different levels of training for Muay Thai fighters

Depending on your skill level and what you're looking for to get out of the room, you'll want to take note of the skill levels of other students. Some people look for a gym where they can learn from other students, in addition to the trainers. Typically, if you train with higher caliber fighters, your skill level will also increase due to the level of technology currently on display around you.

On the other hand, some people might want a gym where they are ahead of the class and able to help others with their training. In any case, make sure that the skill level in the gym matches your goals and expectations.

One thing that should not be overlooked is how you will (or will not) get along with other fighters and students. You'll be spending a lot of time with these people, so try to get a feel for the relationships and personalities in advance.

Study in Thailand

One of the factors that should play important role Part of your decision about the gym is preparation. If you are new to Muay Thai, you should look for a gym that will teach you the basics. While watching some classes or even joining one class, be observant to see if the trainer and trainers are helping you and other beginners. Employees in nice halls will correct students' bad methods rather than allowing them to continue to practice incorrect movements.

You need to have an idea of ​​what you want to get out of your training. Make sure it matches what you want to leave the hall. If you're there to work out, make sure the gym is dedicated to cardio and steady work rate. If you are looking for a technician, make sure the training helps you fine-tune your boat.
The best way to see if a gym will work for you is to try it. You should find out if the gym offers a free two-week trial to test out the classes. Some gyms offer this great feature. Take advantage of this to see the quality of the training first hand. If the Muay Thai camp in Phuket does not offer a trial period, try signing up for one month just to make sure the gym will be a good fit for you. This way, if the gym doesn't work, you're not stuck with a long-standing contract.

The first gym visit may not always be the best one that suits you, so feel free to shop around until you find the perfect deal.

If you want to see something truly Thai, energetic and definitely unforgettable in Phuket, then feel free to go to a Thai boxing performance in the very center of tourist life - Patong, at the Bangla Boxing Stadium. How does a Muay Thai fight work? If you are afraid that after a busy day of swimming you will have to yawn while sitting near the arena, then this will definitely not happen at Muay Thai in Phuket.After all, it can rightfully be called spectacular and very dynamic: one fight of 3-5 rounds of 3 minutes, breaks of 2 minutes, up to 10 fights per evening (from juniors to professionals international level), participants from all over the world (come to Thai boxing and cheer for participants from Russia and other CIS countries)

Muay Thai boxing shows in Phuket are far from staged wrestling or other semi-fiction fights. This is a real fight, which is often called the “fight of eight limbs” (blows are delivered with fists, elbows and feet). At the same time, the fighters have endurance, flexibility and stretching, which makes the fight spectacular and emotional, without turning into a bloody drama. Therefore, all family members can buy tickets to Thai boxing in Phuket.

Why is it worth buying tickets to a Muay Thai show in Phuket?
Argument 1: This is a vibrant Thai tradition.
Sometimes you wonder how the Thais, so friendly and smiling, like cartoon characters, could give this martial art to the world. But Muay Thai is truly an integral part of Thai culture. The traditional Ram Muay dances that fighters perform before fights will help you feel this flavor. It looks mystical and bewitching. The hall simply freezes, leaving the fighters alone with their prayer and rhythmic music.
Argument 2: The original version of the evening in Phuket.
Sometimes it is difficult to find a compromise in the search for entertainment for the evening, if the whole family or company should be interested, then, believe the reviews of the Muia Thai show in Phuket from visitors from all over the world, everyone will be satisfied. You will be surprised by the number of women in the stands; in addition, they are the most active fans. Therefore, the fair half will also be interested in muya thai. A Thai boxing show is a good alternative to going to a bar in the evening, especially since you can order beer in the hall. And sometimes not only men, but also women enter the ring; such fights are especially popular.
Argument 3: You can buy tickets without leaving the hotel.
If you don't live in Patong, then you don't need to waste time and money to go and buy tickets for Muay Thai. Order them on our website by calling +66807905737 - and in the evening you can enjoy this bright show, without intermediaries and inflated prices! And after the fight is over, you will find yourself in the epicenter of the nightlife of Patong and all of Phuket - near Bangla Road, where you can always continue the evening. If you decide to go home, there are dozens of tuk-tuks and taxis at your disposal.

What do you need to know if you decide to go to a Muay Thai show?
If you decide to spend a memorable evening at a Muay Thai show, then hurry up and book your tickets now, because the stadium is ready to accommodate only 350 people, and the show is held only on certain days:

Fights take place at 21-00 and last until 00-00.

Muay Thai fights take place on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Tickets are sold daily.

Ticket prices: 1600 – 2400 baht.

Venue: Bangla Boxing Stadium (Patong, near Jangceylon shopping center).

Take with you:
photo and video equipment.
money for your personal expenses
additional costs: no