International Skating Union rating. The International Skating Union resets all figure skating records.

TO figure skating attracts the attention of millions of fans around the world, and dozens of various ratings are compiled every year. The most authoritative rating of figure skaters is from the ISU - International Skating Union (ISU - International Skating Union).

It includes best athletes who have proven themselves in pairs, singles, men's and women's figure skating.

ISU World Skater Ranking

The rating is compiled based on the scores scored by the athlete (athlete, pair), taking into account successful performances (1-3 place) in competitions international level. All skaters who have competed abroad at least once are evaluated. For brevity, we will publish only the first three steps in the TOP figure skaters compiled by the ISU based on the results of 2016.

Single men's figure skating:

  • Yuzuru Hanyu.
  • Javier Fernandez.
  • Shoma Uno.

The highest place for a Russian figure skater is 7th (Maxim Kovtun).

Single women's figure skating:

  • Evgenia Medvedeva.
  • Satoko Miyahara.
  • Anna Pogorilaya.

Pairs figure skating:

  • Megan Duhamel/Eric Redford.
  • Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov.
  • Ksenia Stolbova/Fyodor Klimov.

TOP figure skaters in the world in ice dancing:

  • Madison Chalke/Evan Bates.
  • Maya Shibutani/Alex Shibutani.
  • Madison Hubbell/Guala Cicero.

Russians Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov are in seventh place.

We have no right to judge how objectively the top figure skaters in the world are compiled, but we are sure that the federation pays too little attention to Russian figure skaters. This was during the time Soviet Union, separated from the rest of the world by the “Iron Curtain”, this remains even now, under conditions of sanctions that are unfair to Russia. Therefore, we simply must know the names of outstanding Soviet and Russian figure skaters who performed brilliantly in competitions high level. This:

  • Two-time champions Olympic Games, four-time world and European champions, six-time USSR champions Lyudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov.
  • Olympic champions in ice dancing, six-time world champions, five-time European champions, four-time USSR champions Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov.
  • Bronze medalists of the Olympic Games, two-time world and European champions, champions of the USSR, students of the legendary coach Tatyana Tarasova, Irina Moiseeva and Andrei Minenkov.

And, of course, the legend of figure skating - three-time Olympic champion, eleven-time European champion, ten-time world champion and multiple champion of the USSR Irina Rodnina, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a figure skater who has not lost a single competition for sports career.

Rating of figure skaters according to the International Skating Union »

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Rating of figure skaters according to the International Skating Union

Patrick Chan. ©RIA NOVOSTI

1 comment

1. Patrick Chan (Canada) - 4808.2. Yuzuru Hanyu (Japan) - 4450.3. Daisuke Takahashi (Japan) - 4117.4. Javier Fernandez (Spain) - 3980.5. Michal Brzezina (Czech Republic) - 3610.6. Denis Ten (Kazakhstan) - 3203.7. Takahiko Kozuka (Japan) - 2913.8. Jeremy Abbott (USA) - 2822.9. Florent Amodio (France) - 2751.10. Arthur Gachinsky (Russia) - 2688,....41. Abzal Rakimgaliev (Kazakhstan) - 1285.

1 comment

The ISU Congress introduced new rules, but did not discuss the age of the skaters | Figure skating

SEVILLE (Spain), June 8 – RIA Novosti, Elena Dyachkova. The Congress of the International Skating Union (ISU), which ended on Friday in Seville, Spain, hosted major changes in the rules of figure skating, but did not even consider the topical issue for Russia about the age of transition of skaters to the adult level.

An urgent proposal to increase the age of admission of juniors to adult competitions from 15 to 17 years old from the 2020/21 season was made by the Netherlands. But since it was done urgently, 4/5 of the congress delegates had to agree with it to be included in the agenda. The first meeting, held on Monday morning, began with Israel's proposal not to bring up the issue of age even for discussion.

The proposal did not pass

63 delegates voted in favor of including the Dutch proposal on the agenda, 39 voted against, 15 abstained, and it did not receive the required 4/5 votes. Nevertheless, the majority of delegates still spoke in favor of an amendment on the issue of age, so with a high degree of probability it will not be discussed on an emergency basis at the next congress.

Alexandra Trusova

ISU Vice President Alexander Lakernik also spoke to RIA Novosti about the need to discuss the age of transition to “adulthood”. “Congress is a large organization, and since it did not consider it necessary to consider this proposal, it means that for the majority it is simply not ready for consideration. But the question is correct, it needs to be discussed,” Lakernik said.

He emphasized that the proposal to increase the age should not be considered as directed against young Russian figure skaters. “There is no need to consider this issue only from the position of Russia and say that this is bad for Russia. There are enough athletes and, in particular, girls in Russia to compete at any age,” the ISU vice-president emphasized.

Russia, as previously promised by the President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) Alexander Gorshkov, voted against bringing the amendment up for discussion.

"This the right decision- do not put the issue of increasing the age of an athlete for admission to adult competitions on the agenda; the question really was not prepared, the proposal was indeed “raw”. Such a serious issue must be worked out and discussed before being put to a vote,” Gorshkov commented to RIA Novosti on the congress decision.

Less jumping in the second half

Alina Zagitova

On Tuesday, the ISU Congress made an important decision regarding the limit of jumps in the second part of the short and free programs, which will be marked by an additional coefficient - the transfer of jumping elements into the second part of the program was best known to Russian figure skaters - Olympic champion Alina Zagitova and two-time champion world of Evgeny Medvedev. Two proposals on this issue were considered - from Canada and Japan. The Canadians proposed limiting the number of jumps in the second half, receiving a coefficient of 1.1, to two in the short program and four in the free program.

A judge evaluates a figure skating performance

The Japanese proposed to mark only one last jump with an increased coefficient. short program and three final ones in the free program. According to the authors of the proposal, with such a number of jumps with a bonus, the programs will be more balanced. As a result, the majority supported the proposal of Japan, which immediately withdrew another proposal from the vote - to give bonus points to those skaters who demonstrated single skating six different triple and quadruple jumps in one program.

Only one quadruple can be done twice

On Thursday, Congress voted on changes to technical rules. As a result, several important decisions were made at once. Congress delegates preliminary discussed the proposed changes to the rules at a “workshop” on Monday, as a result of which amendments were made to some of the proposals. In particular, it was initially proposed to limit the number of quadruple jumps for singles athletes free program one of each type. However, in the end, an amendment was made to this paragraph: now in a free program an athlete can jump one of the quadruple types twice, but all other types - only once.

Javier Fernandez

According to the technical committee for pairs and singles skating of the ISU, which made the proposal, such an innovation will give the programs more variety, and will also allow skaters who master all quadruple jumps to express themselves.

“If an athlete like (Javier) Fernandez can jump (quadruple) Salchows and a toe loop, then (according to the previous rules) he would do two (quadruple) Salchows and two toe loops, that is, already four jumps out of seven possible,” Lakernik commented on the congress decision “With the new rule, he will not be able to repeat one of them, and he will have to include some other jump. That is, now some kind of variety will be forced to be added.”

The base cost of jumps has also been changed, to a greater extent this applies to quadruple elements. In addition, the duration of the free program for single skaters and athletes has been reduced by 30 seconds. pair skating, as a result of this, men in the free program can now perform not eight, but seven jumping elements. In addition, the ISU Congress approved a new scale of execution level (GOE, Grade of Execution), now it ranges from minus five to plus five points instead of the previously existing “minus three - plus three”.

“More details in the evaluation with good judging will allow a more correct assessment of the quality of the elements. We hope this will lead to a better evaluation,” Lakernik explained the ISU position.

It's time to think about quality

A jump that is not completed by a quarter of a turn, but not more than half a turn, will now be considered under-rotated. Falling must be punished according to new system GOE, -5, landing on two legs and step-out - 3-4 in GOE. All these changes, according to the ISU, should become an incentive for skaters to perform well. “We have already reached such crazy complexity that we shouldn’t encourage just attempts - we need to reward good execution. We encouraged attempts at the beginning of the system and achieved the crazy complexity that we have. Perhaps now is the time to think about quality,” Lakernik emphasized.

Figure skates

The short dance in ice dancing will now be called rhythm dance (Rhythm Dance). "Rhythm dance is a dance that should reflect given rhythms, it is a dance to these rhythms. That is why changes were made, because there was no other way to explain to the athletes that their main task, which is set by us and which must be demonstrated on the ice - this is precisely the interpretation of the rhythms chosen for the season as musical accompaniment"- international category judge Alla Shekhovtsova explained the innovation to RIA Novosti.

“The term “short dance” does not reflect the essence of the dance, its main idea, so it was decided to change the name. Previously, it was not entirely clear what the difference between short and free dances was. We decided to emphasize this difference,” added the agency’s interlocutor.

There will be one World Speed ​​Skating Championships

The ISU Congress also made an important decision regarding speed skating. In Seville, it was decided to change the structure of the world championships in speed skating; starting from the 2020/21 season, one world championship will be held per season. On at the moment Speed ​​skating has three world championships per season: individual distances, sprint all-around and classic all-around. Congress delegates voted unanimously for the change, but without specifying the format, and from 2021 there will be one world championship.

Alexey Kravtsov

President of the Russian Skating Federation Alexey Kravtsov told RIA Novosti that the Russian side initially supported the idea of ​​holding one world championship in speed skating. speed running skating in season. “Initially, when this issue first arose, I spoke positively about this, and we, for our part, fully support this idea, so that instead of three world championships there would be one in a season,” Kravtsov said.

“Now it is still important to understand what format it will be in, whether it will be combined - both individual distances and all-around events. In any case, we must be prepared for any conditions and format that will be proposed,” said RIA Novosti three-time champion peace Denis Yuskov.

In addition, the Congress supported the joint proposal of Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea and the USA on the establishment, starting with the 2019/20 season, of the Four Continents Tournaments in speed skating and short track speed skating, similar to the competitions held under the same name in figure skating. According to the authors of the proposal, thanks to the establishment of new competitions, speed skaters and short track speed skaters from non-European countries will receive equal rights and opportunities with athletes participating in the European Championships.

ISU leaders re-elected

Alexander Lakernik

On the final day of the congress, elections were held for the ISU leadership, as well as the composition of the technical committees. Dutchman Jan Dykema was re-elected to the post of ISU President without a vote, as he was the only candidate. Also, without voting, Lakernik was re-elected to the post of vice-president for figure skating, while Norwegian Tron Espeli remained vice-president for speed skating. Lakernik will also serve as first vice president of the ISU for the next four years.

Russian representative Ulyana Chirkova was elected to the synchronized skating technical committee in the first round of voting. It took three rounds of voting to determine the composition of the ice dance technical committee, and in the end, Russian Alla Shekhovtsova was unable to retain membership in the committee.

Next ISU Congress will take place in the summer 2020 in Phuket (Thailand).

The International Skating Union resets all figure skating records.

International Union speed skaters (ISU) reset all world records in figure skating, including those set by famous Russian figure skaters Evgenia Medvedeva and Alina Zagitova. The ISU decided to use a new performance level rating scale. In June 2018, it was approved at the ISU Congress in Seville, Spain.

If earlier the performances of figure skaters were assessed on a scale from minus three to plus three, now - from minus five to plus five points. All past records and results set before the 2018/2019 season will be archived and will be considered historical. The achievements of Russians will also be included in such archival records.

For example, the world record of Evgenia Medvedeva at the World Championships in Tokyo, set in 2017. Then the Russian woman set records in the free program (160.46) and in the sum of marks in the short and free programs (241.31).

Alina Zagitova set a world record in 2018 at the Olympics in Pyeongchang. She received 82.92 points in the short program. Olympic champions Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov in February 2014 set a world record in the short program among sports couples. They received 84.17 points for the rental.

Vice President of the International Skating Union on how figure skating will change 

Main season Fourth anniversary will leave in the memory of figure skating fans the incredible confrontation between Evgenia Medvedeva and Alina Zagitova quadruple jumps 13-year-old Alexandra Trusova, the first Russian singles world championship medal in seven years, won by Mikhail Kolyada. Vice-President of the International Skating Union (ISU) Alexander Lakernik summed up the results of the Olympic season in a conversation with TASS and announced upcoming changes to the rules that could significantly affect the distribution of prizes.

The four-year Olympic cycle ended with the World Championships in Milan. Is it possible to judge the results of this period based on the results of the world championship, since the post-Olympic tournament has always stood apart?

Yes, the championship after the Olympics is always unique - the form of many athletes declines, because it is difficult to maintain it for so long. In addition, in the period between the Games and the world championship, not everyone is always able to train normally.

But athletes still have to go to it.

Of course, this is not only the World Championship medals, it is also the distribution of quotas for the next tournaments. Athletes should do this for their country. And it's not just about Russia. Take, for example, the Japanese Shomu Uno, who skated in Milan with an injury and, although not at all healthy, provided Japan with the maximum quota in the men's tournament - three skaters. If he had not done this, the Japanese could have been left with two. Thanks to the performance of Mikhail Kolyada and Dmitry Aliyev, Russia now also has three quotas.

We also have three quotas in doubles and women's skating, could not achieve this only in dancing.

In pairs skating, the championship turned out quite well for Russia. Second, fourth and seventh place is a very good result, which probably was not expected, because the skating and results at the Olympics were somewhat worse. Therefore, the season in pairs skating can be considered successful, although with a lot of reservations.

But Russian athletes always strived for first places.

Firstly, for this you need to select the program very carefully. The same Tarasova and Morozov had a short one with a bang, with it they could compete with anyone. The free program is too difficult to perform cleanly. However, she did not leave a strong impression on the viewer. Secondly, you need error-free execution of all elements. Yes, our couples skated well, but everyone made mistakes.

This program hides their disadvantages and emphasizes their advantages. After all, the couple formed recently, there are questions about the “skating” of the partners, about Masso’s skating. After all, Alena, to be honest, skates better. But all this is hidden thanks to the program, and on the surface there are only elements that have the great advantages of GOE. You can see how much the serious elements impress the audience and the judges.

What will change in the GOE judges' scores from next season?

The range of estimates will increase significantly. If now an athlete receives from minus three to plus three points for an element for an unfulfilled or well performed element, then from next season the range will be “minus five - plus five.” This innovation was the basic decision of the last ISU Congress. Therefore, now athletes will not be chasing the number of jumps, but their quality.

So a great performance can earn five points?

Exactly. And in case of a serious mistake, the athlete can, accordingly, lose five points. With a medium jump, the result remains almost the same.

So now athletes will have to think seriously before stuffing their programs with complex elements?

They must understand that poor performance will be punished more than before. Yes, it used to make sense to go for a difficult element, even getting “minus three” from the base cost of the jump for the fall. Hence the phrases that were often heard after this: “I fell, but I made it through.” Now, if you get a minus five, the item will remain half price.

The question that will arise for coaches is whether to go for the entire set of quadruple jumps or cut their number so that something remains from the program.

The same decision that Kolyada made at the World Championships, making the short program easier?

And it was the right decision - he made the program cleanly, everyone liked it, it was rated quite well. In the free program, the question is more about Mikhail’s head, which he quite rightly knocked on after the performance.

There were many falls at the World Championships in Italy, especially in men's skating. The point, as I dare to assume, is precisely in the quadruple jumps.

At the June ISU Congress, a proposal will be considered that each type of quadruple jump could be presented in the program only once, and not twice, as now. Yes, this solution will work against those who don’t have enough quads. But the same Kolyada has a Lutz, a sheepskin coat, and a Salchow, albeit unstable, and these are already three types of jumps.

What if the skater only has one in his arsenal?

That is why many countries, especially European ones, where people perform only one quadruple, may not support such a decision. But at the next starts we will see changes that were announced at the previous congress in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Also, starting from the new season, the duration of the free program for men and couples will be reduced by 30 seconds, and programs are set with this in mind. The same goes for the minus five to plus five gradation of the GOE score.

Will the base score remain the same?

It will decrease, but only slightly. The point is that, on the one hand, high-quality skating is necessary, on the other hand, there is no need for attempts for the sake of attempts.

How can all this affect women's skating? Look, for example, what Alexandra Trusova did at the Junior World Championships - two jumps in four rotations.

A few days ago Alena Kostornaya did a triple axel in training, and I saw the recording with my own eyes. The cost of this jump will be plus four - plus five. One of the ideas in Eteri Tutberidze’s group, where leading athletes are now training, is to move jumps into the second half of the program. Congress could reduce the cost of such jumps. They will still cost a little more, but not as much as they do now.

And how then to beat your rivals?

Clean rentals.

What if the others also skate cleanly?

Continue to act. If boys can do quadruple jumps, then why can't girls? They rarely performed the triple axel. The first was Japanese Midori Ito, and she jumped great. Then there were Lyudmila Nelidina, Mao Assad, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva. Logic will push development in this direction.

It is easier to learn this at a young age, while the body is small and nimble. But if you learn it correctly, then there is a chance to maintain the skill even as your size increases. Pay attention to Japanese Mirai Nagasu jumping a triple Axel. She's not small at all, so it's a question of technique.

What about trauma? After all, the more difficult the jump, the higher the danger?

I compare it with four-turn throws in pair skating and I don’t see such a danger. You need to warm up properly, prepare, don’t go for jumps if you’re not ready for them today. Injury can happen anywhere. Anna Shcherbakova, who was jumping a quadruple toe loop, broke her leg on a triple loop. She returned to figure skating, but difficult jumps I haven’t performed it in competitions yet, as far as I know.

Injuries in sports are inevitable, but there are certain ways in which the risk can be reduced. It is possible to avoid them. Nathan Chen had a very bad leg fracture a couple of years ago, and look how he jumps. Returning to throwouts in pair skating, they are much more dangerous than quadruple jumps in singles - almost everyone who learned this element was injured in one way or another. The slightest inaccuracy in the release of the push, and your body flies to God knows where. Twisting is still less dangerous - the partner is supported by the athlete.

Remember what kind of quadruple Salchow and with what flight Ksenia Stolbova did with Fedor Klimov. And on what throw (axel three and a half turns) did Natalya Zabiyako fall, hitting her head on the ice?

That is, quadruple jumps in women's skating will not appear in a single version?

And pretty quickly. Now this is in Tutberidze’s group, but soon others will see it - it’s real. If the athlete’s jump is high and her spin is fast, everything is possible. And I don’t see why girls are worse than boys.

For boys, four-turn jumps once also seemed like something exceptional.

Figure skating is moving forward. And now even those for whom they once seemed impossible are learning quadruple jumps. German Paul Fenz jumps a triple axel and a quadruple toe loop. Given his size (the athlete’s height is 179 cm - TASS note). And he is not as nimble as the Georgian Maurice Kvitelashvili, for example. But he flies smoothly and manages everything.

What about the artistic image that large quantities complex elements can fade into the background?

That’s right, because when there are a lot of difficult jumps, you need to prepare for them. And the program of some athletes in some places begins to resemble a “run-up-jump”. That is why, on the one hand, there should be more quadruples than two types, but on the other hand, the program should remain an integral program. And the further process of development of figure skating will be determined by the concept of combining the sports and artistic components.

And then they won’t be “killed” like that?

This is a philosophical question. Someone criticizes Alina Zagitova and her coach for six jumps in a row in the second half. But this is terribly difficult - not only physically, but also psychologically. When at least one card flies in this house of cards, they all begin to crumble, which is what happened at the World Cup. People choose this path to victory, but it may not work out. Don't assume that everything is easy.

Why cut programs?

There is a tendency to shorten the time of championships. Tools can include shortening the time of programs, judging, and warm-ups. For example, the question has now been raised that 16 pairs in a free program is not enough, because the level of skating has increased greatly thanks to the work of the ISU. As a result, at the World Championships we achieved that 28 pairs performed at a decent level. And since we ourselves are blocking their exit from qualification, how can we encourage them?

There is another dilemma: there are proposals to increase the number of singles skaters in the free program from 24 to 30. But in this case, the schedule will be so tight that it will become completely stationary. We need to weigh all the pros and cons and decide which way to go next.

There are much more prosaic things than time - this is the interest of television and sponsors. This is the money that figure skating lives on. If we make changes, we must coordinate them. There are quite a lot of questions here that are related to objective reality. But the process should not stand still. After all, our main task is the entertainment of the sport and, as a result, the interest of the fan.

Interviewed by Veronica Sovetova

The International Skating Union (ISU), responsible for ranking all international teams in skating sports (figure skating, ice dancing, skating and short track), announced the classification for figure skating.

Russian skaters took fourth place in the ISU rankings, which means they will be able to take part in team championship peace in Japan. Also, the national teams of France and China, who took 5th and 6th places in the ranking, respectively, deserved this right.

Based on materials: RIA Novosti

Russians Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov became winners among sports couples at the World Championships taking place these days in London. figured skating.
The judges recognized Alena Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy from Germany as silver medalists. Megan Duhamel and Eric Radford (Canada) climbed to the third step of the podium.
Two more pairs of Russian figure skaters - Yuko Kawaguchi with Alexander Smirnov and Vera Bazarova with Yuri Larionov - took 6th and 7th places, respectively.
Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov are two-time European champions. However, in the world championship figured skating they managed to win for the first time.
Russians lead the world championship figured cat.....

World Cup starts in Japan figured skating. Over the course of four days, athletes will compete for awards in women's and men's singles skating, pair skating and ice dancing.
Russians will be present in all forms, while only dancers and sports couples received maximum quotas due to their successful performance at last year’s World Championships.
Among dance couples, Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitry Solovyov, Elena Ilinykh/Nikita Katsalapov, Victoria Sinitsina/Ruslan Zhiganshin will take to the ice, among sports couples - Yulia Antipova/Nodari Maisuradze, Vera Bazarova/Yuri Larionov, Ksenia Stolbova/Fedor Klimov.
In women's single skating, two Russians received tickets - Yulia Lipnitskaya and Anna Pogorilaya, in men's.....

At the World Championships taking place these days in Saitama (Japan), figured skating Today, March 29, medals were played in women's single skating. The winner of the international championship was the host of the competition, Japanese figure skater Mao Asada. Her total result was 216.69 points (78.66 for the short program and 138.03 for the free program).
The young Russian woman Yulia Lipnitskaya climbed to the second step of the podium. According to the sum of the two programs, she scored 207.5 points (74.54 points in the short program and 132.96 points in the free program). Bronze medal The 2014 World Championships was awarded to the Italian figure skater Carolina Costner, who scored 203.83 points (77.24 for the short program and 126.59 gold)...

According to the President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation Alexander Gorshkov, Olympic champion Adelina Sotnikova did not have any strength left after her performance at the Games in Sochi, so she will miss the World Championships figured skating, which starts on March 24 in Saitama (Japan).
Previously, the skater herself stated that she would definitely take part in the world championship.
“Taking into account the successful completion of the assigned super task, which required the utmost dedication of strength and emotions, it was decided to give Adeline the opportunity to recover and then begin preparations for the next season,” added Gorshkov.
Russia will be represented in women's single skating by Yulia Lipnitskaya and Anna Pogor.....

In the future capital of the 2014 Olympics, preparations for the largest competition in figured skating. December 6 at ice arena"Iceberg" starts the Grand Prix figured skating.
Russian figure skaters have already appreciated the quality of the ice and the incomparable architecture of the stadium, which allows them to see the skaters’ program from literally any seat. Skaters of the Russian national team train on the ice of the Iceberg Sports Palace.
Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov are contenders for gold at the 2014 Olympics; they have never competed in Sochi before. “This is probably some kind of Grand rehearsal before the Olympic Games,” says Tatyana Vol.....

The Russian dance couple Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitry Solovyov withdrew from the World Championships due to an injury to their partner. figured skating, which takes place in Tokyo.
“Unfortunately, we had to withdraw the pair from the World Championships. The injury turned out to be serious, Dima can hardly walk. It was impossible to try to perform on painkillers, because there was a risk of aggravating the injury. But we can’t take risks, since we are counting on Bobrova and Solovyov in the next four years ", said their coach Alexander Zhulin.
According to the coach, Solovyov suffered a torn groin muscle while going in with his partner to support him in training on Friday morning. Japanese doctors immediately gave the skater an injection, but after an hour and a half...

Information has appeared on the official website of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency about the disqualification for 9 months of the 2012 Russian champion in synchronized figured skating Alisa Lisovskaya for violating anti-doping legislation in December 2012. Since the period of disqualification is counted from the moment the positive doping test is revealed, Lisovskaya will be able to start performing as early as next month.
Alisa Lisovskaya is the daughter of the 1981 world and European champions in pair skating Igor Lisovsky and Irina Vorobyeva, who left Russia in the early 90s. Now Alice's father works as a trainer figured skating in one of the private American clubs.
In 2001-2002.....

The Moscow stage of the Grand Prix ended today figured skating(Rostelecom Cup). The winner of the competition was Russian figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya, second place went to former world champion Caroline Costner (Italy), and Miraya Nagasu (USA) took third place on the podium.
Russian champion Elizaveta Tuktamysheva took only fourth place at the Grand Prix in Moscow. Another Russian figure skater, Nicole Gosviyani, took eighth place.
On November 23, Yulia Lipnitskaya lost to Caroline Kostner in the free program. However, due to good performance in the short program on November 22, she managed to retain her final first place. In total, the Russian scored 190.8.....

"at level B++ "Satisfactory level of reliability."

The borrower under the mortgages that make up the mortgage coverage of “ISU GK-3” is STONEBELL TRADING & INVESTMENTS LIMITED, registered in Cyprus. The volume of obligations under the loan agreement, the requirements for which are mortgage coverage, is 24.63 billion rubles. with maturity in 2030. The mortgage coverage is provided by the Petrovsky Passage Department Store and the Integral Business Center, the market value of which, according to the estimate of CETNR BUSINESS SUPPORT LLC, is 32.5 billion rubles. The fiduciary manager of the mortgage coverage is LLC Management Company GeoCapital*.

The rating level was positively influenced by the high reliability of insurance protection of the collateral objects (the collateral objects are insured by IC BIN Insurance, which has a reliability rating from RAEX (Expert RA) at level A), the high reliability of the settlement bank (the settlement bank is PJSC BINBANK, which has a credit rating from RAEX (Expert RA) at level A+), as well as a high level of sophistication of the financial model of the MIS. In addition, the significant experience of the management company in managing mortgage participation certificates and the good reputation of the auditor of the company STONEBELL TRADING & INVESTMENTS LIMITED (the company's auditor is KPMG) had a positive impact on the rating assessment. “The ultimate beneficiary of STONEBELL TRADING & INVESTMENTS LIMITED is Gutseriev Sait-Salam Safarbekovich, who confirmed his interest in the further successful development of the company and at the same time has sufficient resources to provide financial assistance to the company if such a need arises. This was highlighted as a factor supporting the rating assessment,” notes the Managing Director for Corporate Ratings at RAEX (Expert RA) Pavel Mitrofanov.

Among the factors constraining the level of the rating assessment were the low liquidity indicators of the borrower (payments on debt obligations during the year significantly exceed the revenue from the company’s operating activities), the extremely high level of the borrower’s debt burden, the high dependence of the timely fulfillment of obligations by the borrower on financing from the owner and high LTV value (the ratio of replacement funds to the market value of the collateral, according to the appraiser, is 75%). In addition, as limiting factors, agency analysts highlight the inability to highly assess the reliability of the management company (MC GeoCapital, which manages mortgage coverage, does not have a rating of reliability and quality of services from RAEX (Expert RA) or other international rating agencies), the low level of capital adequacy of the company STONEBELL TRADING & INVESTMENTS LIMITED (0.25 as of 06/30/2015), as well as low profitability indicators (for 2014, return on assets for gross profit was 4%, return on equity for gross profit was 6%, return on assets for profit from sales was 2 %, return on capital on sales profit – 4%). The inability to highly evaluate the reliability of a specialized depository (the specialized depository that maintains the register of mortgage coverage is ZAO First Specialized Depository, which does not have a reliability rating (long-term creditworthiness) from RAEX (Expert RA) or other international rating agencies) also stands out as a deterrent factor.

Figure skating attracts the attention of millions of fans around the world, and dozens of various ratings are compiled every year. The most authoritative rating of figure skaters is from the ISU - International Skating Union.

It includes the best athletes who have proven themselves in pairs, singles, men's and women's figure skating.

ISU World Skater Ranking

The rating is compiled on the basis of the scores obtained by the athlete (athlete, pair), taking into account successful performances (1-3 place) at international competitions. All skaters who have competed abroad at least once are evaluated. For brevity, we will publish only the first three steps in the TOP figure skaters compiled by the ISU based on the results of 2016.

Single men's figure skating:

  • Yuzuru Hanyu.
  • Javier Fernandez.
  • Shoma Uno.

The highest place for a Russian figure skater is 7th (Maxim Kovtun).

Single women's figure skating:

  • Evgenia Medvedeva.
  • Satoko Miyahara.
  • Anna Pogorilaya.

Pairs figure skating:

  • Megan Duhamel/Eric Redford.
  • Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov.
  • Ksenia Stolbova/Fyodor Klimov.

TOP figure skaters in the world in ice dancing:

  • Madison Chalke/Evan Bates.
  • Maya Shibutani/Alex Shibutani.
  • Madison Hubbell/Guala Cicero.

Russians Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov are in seventh place.

We have no right to judge how objectively the top figure skaters in the world are compiled, but we are sure that the federation pays too little attention to Russian figure skaters. This was during the time of the Soviet Union, separated from the rest of the world by the “Iron Curtain,” and it remains the same now, under conditions of unfair sanctions against Russia. Therefore, we simply must know the names of outstanding Soviet and Russian figure skaters who performed brilliantly at competitions at the highest level. This:

  • Two-time Olympic champions, four-time world and European champions, six-time USSR champions Lyudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov.
  • Olympic champions in ice dancing, six-time world champions, five-time European champions, four-time USSR champions Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov.
  • Bronze medalists of the Olympic Games, two-time world and European champions, champions of the USSR, students of the legendary coach Tatyana Tarasova, Irina Moiseeva and Andrei Minenkov.

And, of course, the figure skating legend is three-time Olympic champion, eleven-time European champion, ten-time world champion and multiple champion of the USSR Irina Rodnina, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a figure skater who has not lost a single competition during her sports career.