Physical training for contract soldiers. Physical standards for military personnel of special forces of the armies of the world

The Russian Army is provided with the latest equipment, which does not require extensive strength training to use; however, the physical training of employees remains an indispensable condition for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Indicators of human endurance are used in the selection of military personnel, including the practice of performing physical training tasks.

  • contract workers;
  • conscript service;
  • specialized structures;
  • students of higher educational institutions;
  • officers and warrant officers.

Considering that today large number representatives of the female sex serve in the ranks of the Russian army, and not only at work at headquarters or dealing with technical issues, but also in combat units; assessment standards are provided for them physical endurance, based on their age group. By the way, for applicants to specialized universities, it is also provided for the implementation of established workloads.

Requirements for employees undergoing military service

Based on the results of the physical fitness assessment, soldiers are distributed to places where they perform combat missions. They are given 2 weeks to demonstrate the following indicators:

  • do pull-ups on the bar at least 10 times;
  • do push-ups up to 45 times;
  • 100m run in 15 seconds;
  • 3 km cross-country in 14 minutes.

Such standards have also been established for military personnel working under a contract and no older than 30 years of age. The decisive factor should be an endurance assessment carried out in favorable weather conditions. If the weather does not allow this requirement to be met, then the tests are scheduled in a closed building.

When developing military training standards, we took into account general development today's youth, which is characterized by inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. They lead to rapid fatigue of the body, so when carrying out testing activities it is necessary to take this into account in order to stop performing tasks in time and prevent a person from becoming seriously ill.

Indicators for military personnel serving under contract

Requirements for employees who have entered into a contract are aimed at high level training in professional and physically in comparison with conscripts, but at the same time they are divided by age, since during this period the place of work activity becomes the service at the location of the units, and the performance of duties inevitably leads to significant physical costs. For applicants to sign such a contract, standards are provided in the field of psychology, as well as in professional terms, which help to identify the level of suitability of the candidate to perform job duties. Thus, for males under the age of 30, the same standards apply as for conscript soldiers. For those who are over 30 years old, you must complete:

  • spin 40 times;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar at least 8 times;
  • running 100 m in 16 seconds, and 3 km in 15 minutes.

However, these indicators are standard and do not apply to all military personnel. There are structures in which the level of physical endurance is much higher. To determine the candidate's capabilities, he is assessed physical fitness, to identify where the army man should be sent for further service. These are the groups:

  1. Reconnaissance and assault units, air force, special forces.
  2. Combat supply units of the Russian Armed Forces, radio troops.
  3. Logistics and defense services, under- and surface departments.

Standards for female military personnel

Employment in contract service is provided for women who have reached the age of 19, but not older than 35. They have their own requirements.

Monitoring of the medical condition during the physical endurance test is carried out by an authorized medical professional, who must be at the test site to measure blood pressure and heart rate.

The intensity of the workout should be determined taking into account the pulse rhythm, and is divided for female employees in the following order:

Pulse rate (beats/min)
1 2 3 4 5
MinimumUp to 125Up to 120Up to 115Up to 110Up to 105
Average126-145 121-140 116-135 110-130 106-125
High146-170 141-165 136-155 131-145 126-135
MaximumMore than 171More than 166More than 156More than 146More than 136

Testing a soldier's endurance

The results of the tests are subject to evaluation in points, which are awarded on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2009 No. 200, Appendix 15, which contains a table of points for performing physical training exercises for military women.

The level of endurance of employees is assessed when performing various complex tasks. They include tasks for endurance, speed, agility and other applied professional skills. Their number and complete list are contained in the training standards. When performing tasks, only those identified in the list are assigned, taking into account the job duties performed and the location where they are carried out.

For example, newly employed people overcome various running distances, pull themselves up and swim. The results shown are assessed on the basis of a scoring table on a scale of 100 units. An “excellent” rating is given when tasks are completed with 75 points and above, “good” - from 60, and “satisfactory” - from 35.

If the fulfilled standards cannot be measured in numerical terms, then the assessment can be carried out on other grounds:

  • “excellent” - the task was completed in accordance with its description, without errors, easily and with confidence;
  • “good” - when performing the exercise, all the requirements were met, but minor mistakes were made (insufficient frequency of movements, small flexion of the limbs, performing elements using force with a small swing or pressure, touching the apparatus without losing tempo);
  • “satisfactory” - the task was carried out uncertainly with significant shortcomings, but in accordance with the description;
  • “unsatisfactory” - failure to fulfill indicators or their distortion.

Based on the results of annual inspections, military personnel are recertified and their rotation to other duty stations is possible.

Features of training for female military personnel

The physiological characteristics of the body of female employees make it possible to set minimum loads during a certain period that they must perform. Basically, physical training for women is of a general strengthening and comprehensive nature, and is not associated with training certain muscle groups or developing skills for conducting combat operations in direct contact with enemy units.

For this reason, drawing up programs to maintain this category of military in excellent physical fitness is carried out taking into account the specifics of the unit and the type of military formation in which it serves. At the same time, in the complex power load includes tasks from guidelines for physical training, as well as individual exercises, involving jumping rope and long jumps, squats and various acrobatic movements.

Physical physical fitness chart for female military personnel

The volume of loads is distributed by age, and takes into account physiological characteristics this category of employees.

ExercisesAge categories
1 2 3 4 5
Swimming in km2,4 2,1 1,8 1,5 1,2
Ski marathon in km28 25 22 18 15
Cross in km22 20 18 16 14
Body tilt forward from a lying position, number of times500 400 300 200 100

Efforts directed by the leadership of the RF Armed Forces to maintain physical training their employees, make it possible to maintain a high degree of combat effectiveness and strength endurance personnel. Thanks to this, today the Russian army forms a formidable competitor to the strongest armed forces in the world and ensures a balance of power in the face of the threat of attack by other states.

Probably everyone sports man, even far from military affairs, is curious to know whether he is strong enough to become a paratrooper or special forces soldier. We suggest you check whether your physical fitness is enough to become a worthy defender of the Fatherland.

You need to understand that conscripts into the Russian army will not be required to meet any special standards and will be happy to have any physical form. Therefore, we want to consider the standards primarily for those who serve under contract, as well as for various Russian intelligence services.


Contract service can be divided into several categories: by age groups and by gender. Yes, yes, women also serve under contract. By age, standards are divided into two categories: up to 30 years and over 30 for men, up to 25 years and over 25 for women. You must sign your first contract between the ages of 18 and 40. Physical training standards consist of three levels: strength training, speed data and your endurance level. Therefore, it includes such types as push-ups, pull-ups, running and skiing. Let's look at all this in more detail.

Men under 30 years old:

- pull-ups on the bar: 10 times

— push-ups: 45 times

- 60 meter run: 9.8 seconds

— 100-meter run: 15.1 s.

— shuttle run 10x10 meters: 28.5 s.

- 3 km run: 14.4 minutes

— 1 km run: 4.2 min.

– ski race (5km): 28 minutes

Men over 30:

— pull-ups on the bar: 8 times

- push-ups: 40 times

- 60 meter run: 10 seconds

— 100-meter run: 15.8 s.

— shuttle run 10x10 meters: 29.5 s.

- 3 km run: 15.5 minutes

— 1 km run: 4.45 min.

– ski race (5km): 29 minutes

As you can see, the age standards differ, but not that much, so the older generation is quite capable of them with regular training. Now let's move on to the fair sex.

Women under 25 years old:

- tilt the body forward: 25 times

- push-ups: 12 times

- 60 meter run: 12.9 seconds

— 100-meter run: 19.5 s.

— shuttle run 10x10 meters: 38 s.

— 1 km run: 5.20 min.

Women over 25 years old:

- tilt the body forward: 20 times

- push-ups: 10 times

- 60 meter run: 13.9 seconds

— 100-meter run: 20.5 s.

— shuttle run 10x10 meters: 39 s.

— 1 km run: 5.45 min.

Airborne Forces

The airborne troops have always been considered the elite of the Russian army, so their physical training standards are especially interesting. Paratroopers are required to have an extremely high level of endurance. So, let's look and analyze:

— pull-ups on the bar: 13 times

- 100 meter run: 14.1 seconds

- 3 km run: 12.3 minutes

— 5 km cross: 24 minutes

cross-country skiing 5 km: 28 minutes

– 10 km ski march: 1 hour 15 minutes

— forced march as part of a unit: 56 minutes

— overcoming the obstacle course: 2 minutes 25 seconds

— swimming in uniform with a weapon: 100 meters

- special complex hand-to-hand combat: assessed by a point

In addition to everything there are several power complexes and a series of obstacle course challenges.


And now, perhaps, the most delicious thing. To meet these requirements, you will have to work hard in the gym.

— pull-ups on the bar: 25 times

— push-ups: 90 times

— bench press: 10 times (weight not less than your own, but not more than 100 kg)

- press lying on your back: 100 times

— shuttle run 10x10 meters: 25 seconds

- 100 meters run: 12.7 seconds

– 3 km cross: 11 minutes

— jumping up with changing legs: 90 times

This entire list is also complemented by demonstrations of punching and kicking techniques and participation in various sparring fights. And a standard exercise, which we even decided to separate from all the others - KSU (complex strength exercise). This includes: 10 push-ups from the floor, 10 presses lying on your back, 10 times crouching - lying down, 10 times jumping up from a crouching position. And this complex must be performed 8 times in a row without a break!

As we can see, everyone’s loads are different. For contract service, the standards are not so severe, and most sports people will meet them without any problems. Then, of course, everything is not so simple - for the level of the Airborne Forces and special services you need to be a real athlete.

Standards for physical fitness for military personnel under contract 2019 by category to receive an allowance for the qualification level (physical training). Currently, when serving under a contract, being physically developed is beneficial not only in terms of one’s own health and well-being in the classroom, but also in terms of salary. For example, if a soldier is a master of sports, he is entitled to a 100% bonus. Passes all standards - 15%, and if the highest qualification level, then reaches 70%. Let's take a simple example - the monthly salary of a sergeant with the profession of a sniper or machine gunner is approximately 16,500 rubles if he serves for up to two years. If he passes all the standards, the salary increases to 19,500 rubles. And if he is paid interest for conscientious service, then his salary can reach a very pleasant figure. Of course, the physical indicators of physical training standards are very important when accepting a contract - the command can turn a blind eye to some shortcomings, but in general one must strive to ensure that the actual level of training more than covers the standards. It should be noted that the standards themselves are quite liberal; they can be achieved literally from scratch in just a few months. Regular running training, strength exercises, pull-ups - all this will give you quick and good result, if you treat it correctly.

The latest version of physical physical fitness standards for military personnel under contract 2019 is shown in the table:

Push-ups, one time


Run, 100 meters

Cross, 3 km

Men under 30 years old

Men over 30 years old

Women under 25 years old

25 (torso bends)

Women after 25 years

20 (torso bends)

It is very good to start from the GTO standards when preparing - they also indicate such exercises as lifting with an inversion, power-up, long jump, swimming or skiing, hanging on the bar and running short distances. In the army, all this will be very necessary, especially if we are talking about serving as a soldier or junior officer. It is also worth remembering that after serving in the army as a conscript, you may not qualify for a physical training contract. Not all units prepare soldiers well physically - in many they still spend most of their time doing walking and sweeping the parade ground with a crowbar. At the same time, it is recommended to use any free minute to build strength. The same push-ups can be done in just 20-40 minutes a day. True, if there is no preparation at all, you can get injured from intense exercise.


The new PHYS standards for contract military personnel 2019 are somewhat weaker than the previous ones; the military command perfectly understands the lifestyle of most modern young people, as well as their state of health. By the way, if your military ID says that you are fit with minor restrictions, the requirements for the standards are reduced. But rarely anyone pays attention to this.

How to assess your physical fitness, and in fact, assess your condition to perform physical work using own body? How to relate physical fitness to age? And most importantly, how can you check your physical fitness in numbers?

Assessment of physical fitness according to reasonable standards

There are not many normative techniques to evaluate your physical condition. But they are more special than public. In sports these are rank grids, in educational institutions the GTO is being revived, but how to evaluate your physical fitness in everyday life.

I suggest you use army standards assessment of physical fitness of persons entering the military service(candidates). Essentially, these standards determine whether you are fit for contract service in the army or not. And if suitable, then in what branches and branches of the armed forces.

These standards are quite reasonable, because they are broken down by age and allow one to assess physical fitness. training on a broad scale of 100 points.

Why do I need this?

If you consider yourself to be very physically developed, check your physical fitness. training according to special forces standards. The test is called: Strength Endurance Assessment.

The test consists of four exercises performed 10 times in succession. One such execution is called a loop.

Ex. 1. From a squat position, go to a lying position, arms straight.

Special forces physical fitness assessment

Ex. 2. From the position lying on your stomach, roll over to the position lying on your back. Do leg lifts behind your head, 10 times. Return to original position.

Ex. 3. From a position lying on your stomach, do push-ups from the floor or ground on your hands.

Ex. 4. Jumping from a knee with a change of legs. Jump up with legs straightened, landing on the other knee.

As you can see, the most bad result, this is 3 cycles. But these are 12 exercises, 10 times each, for a total of 120 strength exercises, which must be carried out without interruption, one after another.

A Smarter Way to Assess Your Fitness

Examination special units can hardly be called generally accepted. Let's try to evaluate our physical. training according to standards for contract workers.

Their fitness level is assessed based on three or four exercises. Example instructions.

The following exercises have been selected for men:

  • Straight pull-up, crossbar;
  • 100 meter race;
  • Race 3000 meters;
  • If possible, swim 100 meters.

For women:

  • Bend forward;
  • 100 meter race;
  • 1000 meters.
  • Optional, 100 meter swim.

Control exercises are performed in sportswear within one day.

As you can see, these are quite reasonable standard exercises that you can take to evaluate your physical fitness.

Physical Fitness Assessment Chart

All that remains is to evaluate your physical fitness. For self-assessment, you need to perform a set of 3 exercises (we do not take swimming) and evaluate the results based on the results of the exercises.

Here, everything is somewhat complicated. Instead of simple ratings of good, bad, excellent, the Moscow Region has developed a whole system of point ratings, with points converted into grades.

You can see the rating table. A piece of the table in the photo.

The sum of points is converted into a score according to the table.

The results turned out to be pretty dry numbers. Look at the example.

To get a “good” rating, and this is a completely reasonable assessment of your physical fitness, you need to complete (we count 50-55 points per exercise).

Army standards. How many times do you need to do pull-ups in the army?

    According to the stories of sons who served, 8-10 times. But this really happened a long time ago, now, probably, everything has been tightened. The main thing was to do a certain minimum of pull-ups, 10 times, then either you were too lazy to do everything, or you continued until you were exhausted. By the way, here is a quote from the site about what every conscript should be able to do. This applies to physical exercise:

    It is very useful to be able to do at least 10 pull-ups on the bar and 30 push-ups.

    There, in principle, they say how much you need to pull yourself up to the mark, and then everything depends on the soldier and his physical preparation.

    In the army, the more times you do pull-ups on the bar, the better. If we talk about standards, then, for example, for men who enter military service under a contract, the number of pull-ups should be at least 10 times, but for those over 30 years old the standard is already less - it is 8 times.

    Here you can read how much and everything you need to do. The standard for pull-ups is twelve times, that’s what it says. To be able to do pull-ups, you can start hanging on the horizontal bar and try to do pull-ups every two days. When you get a little used to hanging by your hands, then you can pull yourself up. The main thing is to do this regularly

    In order to meet the conscript's standard for pull-ups on the bar, you need to do 12 pull-ups - this means doing it perfectly.

    Pull-ups must be of high quality. The pull-up is counted if the following conditions are met:

    • the chin rose above the bar (this position should be fixed for at least one second;
    • the legs should not swing, thereby helping the body with inertia (but the position of the legs itself does not matter - whether they are apart or bent, this does not matter).
  • I don’t remember how to do pull-ups, it was a long time ago, but in sergeant training the minimum was to do a pull-up 6 times and you had to be able to do an exercise on the crossbar called a sklpka (swing - bring your legs to the crossbar and come out with straight arms).

    There cannot be one figure for tightening up for the entire army, for all branches and types of troops. And it’s already clear to everyone that, for example, for a construction battalion the standard for pulling up is one, but for the Airborne Forces or even special forces the standard is different. And this is correct in my opinion.

    So don’t try to judge the entire army, you haven’t been everywhere! This is not to the author of the question, but to those who boldly assure that the number is the same everywhere. We were forced to do maximum pull-ups, there was a point system, and there were not standards, but whoever could do as much as possible. Moreover, every pull-up was taken into account.

    So everyone in our company did pull-ups at least 15 times, without jerking or swaying. And after that we still managed to do an inverted climb. Only the most trained served in our company!

    This was already a long time ago. And in the time that has passed since then, the standards could well have changed and I could have forgotten them. But in my opinion, if I’m not mistaken, in the army we pulled up to a C on the horizontal bar fourteen times.

    It was more of a shame.

    In order to receive an excellent grade according to the standard for pull-ups in the army, you need to do 12 pull-ups.

    If you cannot do a single pull-up, then you can achieve a similar result in less than a month. To do this, during each day, you need to practice on the crossbar several times (from my own experience).

    It seems that we had the standard 12 times, 10-11 - it still didn’t go anywhere, 8-10 - they gave a scolding, but turned a blind eye, but below 8 times there was a very bad result, for which then, after checking, such soldiers were driven around full program. This never threatened me, I went from 6 times in the first days of service to 19 clean times by the end... Those who pulled themselves up 15 times during the inspection were given 4 dismissals in a row. Although behind the fence the paratroopers seemed to have standards that were 3 times higher...

    A novice conscript needs to do pull-ups at least 12 times, but with age this figure can drop to 1 time (for those over 50 years old). So there is something to strive for. At school I remember exactly that 9 times was enough.