Cross-country epee fencing. Historical fencing

Fencing in Moscow - an overview of various areas

Today in Moscow there is a fairly significant layer of various schools fencing in a variety of areas.

The bulk of fencing schools in Moscow today are clubs and knife fighting schools. In general, this is understandable. Knife fighting itself is one of the most popular areas of fencing, in demand at the everyday level.

Everyone wants to know how to wield a knife. Everyone cherishes the dream of luring a gopnik into a knife in a dark alley, but someone also cherishes the dream of luring a decent citizen and his “sworn friend” into a knife; by the way, there are quite a few of them. They all go to knife fighting schools. The main knife fighting schools in Moscow are, in fact, people from hand-to-hand combat.

That is, their technique is just a modernized version of hand-to-hand combat, when instead of a fist or a boxing glove, you have
knife in hand What does this mean? Here's what. It is no secret to experts that hand-to-hand combat and fighting with a knife are very different things. Different in everything, in the stance, in the striking technique, in the muscles involved during the strike, in the movements, in the ideology of the fight, finally. What is acceptable for hand-to-hand combat is completely unacceptable for knife combat. Knife fighting requires one precise blow. This is an axiom.

If you run up and try to stab a person with a dozen blows, then you are almost 100% guaranteed to receive at least one blow in return. And the problem with a knife is that even one missed blow can often be fatal. Consequently, the basis of knife fighting is instant entry, defeat, and no less instant exit; everything else is nonsense, leading to mutual defeat, which is not only undesirable, but like death in the most literal sense.

Katana Club adheres to the technique of pure defeat only, with maximum safety for ourselves - this is why we are strikingly different from other knife fighting schools in Moscow, and in general from fencing schools in Moscow.

The second point, or rather the curse of knife fighting in Moscow, is tournaments.

That is, like all stupidity, they were conceived as a test of the strength and dexterity of the participants, and like all stupidity, after a couple of years they reached the apogee of stupidity. Their rules are designed for a tournament, and not for a real fight on the street, which instructors usually talk about beautifully, luring newcomers.

It is no secret that the rules of tournaments are as far from real combat as Jupiter is from Earth. Tournament rules for most clubs in general
they welcome punches and kicks, although in a real knife fight on the street this almost never happens, and the one who foolishly waved his leg gets a guaranteed blow with a knife and loses the fight and often his life.

The tournament rules develop a complete lack of fear of the enemy’s blade to the point of stupidity - well, of course, this is just an imitation of what they are afraid of. As a result, people climb onto the blade without understanding the ford, receive multiple blows and strike themselves, not realizing that in a real battle these are two corpses that have fallen away from each other with holes in their belly.

Another point is the training weapon itself. Short wooden blunt imitations.

This type of training equipment is common in most clubs in Moscow. Why is this bad? Well, first of all, weight and length. The piece of wood is very short and light. If you make it larger, you will need more serious, MUCH more serious protection than just a fencing mask. These are unnecessary expenses not only for participants, but also for clubs, including for the safety of classes. Heavy and long wooden weapons can easily kill. In a very real sense, I'm not kidding. Or brutally maim. Even the weapons that are usually available are a danger to the enemy if the neck, abdomen, or hands are hit if they are poorly protected. Up to and including death. If you hit the liver or spleen with all your might with a blunt piece of wood, you certainly won’t pierce a person.

But, in addition to a hefty hematoma, he can get a rupture internal organs And

Die from severe blood loss before the end of the workout. Especially considering that, out of pure bragging, 90% of the participants do not wear protective vests. This is on the one hand. That's enough

It is a common practice to weaken the blow at the end point, so as not to inadvertently receive a load of 200 and a decent sentence in prison.

On the other hand, the low weight and size do not allow you to properly train your hand when training with such a weapon. Some techniques cannot be trained at all with a low knife weight, for example fast strikes by hand. A knife of such a weight distribution and such a weight does not fly forward, although even when picking up an ordinary one
folding knife you get a completely different picture.

Katana Club uses in its training and sparring non-traumatic weight and dimensions of real knives, heavy - from 200 - 250 grams or more, for example Raja 2 or Ontario. Our simulations do not cause injury, although it is quite possible to get bruised fingers if you come to sparring without gloves. All sparring participants must have protective helmets that protect against concussion and reliably cover their faces and gloves. In addition, women are advised to wear bibs to avoid chest injuries.

This Katana Club approach to training makes it possible not to weaken the blow at its extreme point, for fear of injuring a person, but to deliver it at full force. This forms a reflex in a person to ALWAYS hit exactly like that, hard and brutally, without allowing any missed blows. Secondly, real weight distribution allows you to apply fast, accurate and powerful blows, in contrast to light wooden imitation.

Another direction of fencing in Moscow, quite popular, is dueling fencing. Here the choice of clubs and schools and areas is very wide. From fencing with two-handed swords, from sabers and broadswords to

Heavy historical swords. They all have one thing in common - they are usually weapons made of textolite, weighing more than 1.1 kg, although sometimes there are clubs fencing with steel blades.

The main difference between this direction is its extreme risk of injury. A textolite blade, unlike a steel blade, is practically
doesn't bend. They usually hit them with full force and with all their might. This type of fencing requires you to have quite expensive protective armor, a modernized fencing mask, because if you receive a direct blow to the face in a standard sports fencing mask, the consequence is a cut in the face and a broken nose, it’s good if it’s broken so that it can be put back together.

However, protection does not guarantee against minor injuries, such as broken fingers, bruises from injections, joint injuries, etc.

One of the most unpleasant phenomena in dueling fencing is its terrible isolation from real life. Tournaments that are held for points do not provide any skills in real combat; moreover, they dilute this skill in a person. In general, everyone knows that the weapon is not real, the blows are not lethal, and in order to earn points, they climb without looking at the enemy blade. The same picture is repeated as in a knife fight. Even worse. Moreover, the practice that has developed in dueling fencing brings almost nothing from sports fencing, and in vain, in sports fencing, despite all its incarnation, there is something to learn.

In its training, Katana Club takes the best from sports fencing; we try to study the techniques of sports fencing masters and thoughtfully transfer them to heavier weapons.

Fencing in aikido, kendo and other training in techniques with a katana stands out.

Unfortunately, today's kendo is very far removed from real combat fencing. It contains a number of techniques - for example, prohibited

Piercing blows to the face, no way to retreat during a fight, and much more. Things are not much better in Aikido.

Today's Aikido is as far from its original version as sword fighting. Not to mention that sparring with a sword is not practiced in modern aikido. In addition, all these schools do not teach combat with different weapons, developing techniques only for a two-handed sword - a katana, and leaving aside techniques with a short sword and a knife.

Another problem is the armor for the same kendo. The cost is very high, so today it is a sport for very wealthy people.

In its practice, Katana Club focuses on a thorough study of the practices of oriental martial arts, with different weapons, both two-handed and one-handed, short and long, unifying and modernizing the classics of sword fighting. Katana Club brings into it elements from sports fencing, which, by the way, have never been used in classical Japanese martial art, but which are most effective.

Another area is re-enactment fencing in Moscow. The undoubted advantage of this fencing is its historical surroundings. There are quite a lot of disadvantages.

Firstly, these are quite strict restrictions on the types of strikes, weapons, and fencing techniques at buhurts (exhibition battles such as a knight's tournament). For example, piercing blows are prohibited on steel weapons, even with blunt blades, for fear of inflicting cruel
injure, maim or even kill participants.

Secondly, there is an extremely high risk of injury. The blades are generally dull, but they hit with all their hearts, so steel armor often does not save them. Often someone suffers injuries that incapacitate them for many weeks. Thirdly, there is even greater isolation from life than dueling fencing. Well, will you ever meet a person dressed in heavy armor in your life?

In contrast to these directions, Katana Club, as a fencing school in Moscow, teaches its students such techniques and blows that, when aimed at an unarmored enemy, are completely universal - it doesn’t matter what weapon you have in your hands - a stick, a sword, a machete, knife, saber, broadsword or tourist hatchet.

You can successfully defend yourself with ANY weapon. Secondly, all our techniques are applicable for self-defense, and include all
an arsenal of blows - both chopping and piercing. The versatility of muscle movements develops the ability to use any object as a weapon of self-defense. Our techniques are not pretentious or artificial, which, for example, is often the case with dueling fencing, we use the maximum effective techniques combining both sports fencing, historical techniques, and techniques from eastern fencing schools, including the classics.

At Katana Club you can learn as much as possible effective style combat, with different weapons and without separately retraining the techniques of knife fighting, fighting with a machete or sword - both two-handed and one-handed. After training at the Katana Club, any item will become a weapon for you, any item in your hands will help you defend yourself on the street.

Nowadays, people often wonder why, in principle, in the 21st century, learn a sport such as sword fencing, since a person is unlikely to carry a sword with him for self-defense, especially since there are a number of more effective and less demanding means .
However, we should not forget that sports fencing in Moscow is a separate type sports art, which has a lot of benefits for human health and well-being.

First of all, if we talk about the benefits of fencing classes, we should note the mental hardening of athletes. It is hardly a secret for anyone today that one of the most important elements success professional athlete is his psychological state, because a lot depends on willpower, the ability to control one’s fear and act with a cool mind. It will also be no secret to anyone that absolutely all working martial arts systems necessarily include training in fighting spirit, and fencing school is no exception.

Fencing for children and adults

In the process of fencing, psychological hardening occurs much faster, since it is simply impossible to duel with blades if a person is constrained by fear. The psychological state of a fighter, even among those people who are not initially inclined to aggression, arises after the first successful sparring, and in this case there is no difference in what type of swords is used.

It is also worth saying that many fencing masters can use their art even for self-defense, and if a person with a sword is unlikely to walk around a modern metropolis, since he will have an absurd appearance, then he may well take a cane with him, or simply, in an emergency, use the stick that he had at hand. That is why even fencing for children in Moscow has recently become popular.

It is worth noting that a person even with an ordinary stick can cope with an unarmed group if he really knows how to use it correctly. Using a stick allows you to eliminate even an opponent with a knife, especially since even a person trained in working with knives is simply not trained to resist a professional fencer.

Besides everything else, in our time, when the majority are not at all accustomed to physical activity, fencing classes will also be extremely useful, because training ensures the development of an entire muscle group. It is worth saying that the muscles, of course, do not grow from such loads, but they significantly strengthen the tendons and also train endurance.

Despite the fact that the times of musketeers and knights are in the distant past, fencing for children in Moscow is still popular. Several centuries ago, young talents knew how to control a sword as soon as they learned to walk, but now these classes are not mandatory. Today, anyone can practice this noble sport.

The article will tell you where fencing is held for children in Moscow, as well as the benefits of these activities. The listed clubs and sections are especially popular and respected by their students. It is in these places that children can feel like real knights, immersed in the atmosphere of those times.

The benefits of fencing

Fencing classes for children in Moscow help young athletes master this sport, which is not so easy to do. Regular training and the desire to improve your own skills are very important here. Every child, entering the fencing hall for the first time, is immersed in an unusual atmosphere, learns new weapons and becomes familiar with quite interesting equipment. Of course, for the little ones in schools, clubs and sections, shortened and lightweight versions of swords are provided, but over time they will reach the level where they can train “like an adult.”

Many parents send their children to practice this sport for the following reasons:

  • development of physical characteristics and human values;
  • lessons are always interesting and informative;
  • developing the ability to control oneself in highly stressful situations;
  • fencing is the least dangerous looking sports through reliable equipment;
  • Children develop correct posture from childhood;
  • development of dexterity, intelligence, observation, tactical thinking and reaction speed;
  • the classes will definitely come in handy in the future, since during them the emphasis is placed not only on learning how to properly wield a weapon, but also on the ability to evade enemy attacks and masterfully defend.

Club 18 Fight & Fitness

Fencing for children in Moscow is taught in many clubs. One of the most popular is this one sports center, where people of different ages exercise various types martial arts and fitness. The club is located at the address: 1st Nagatinsky proezd, 15. One hour of classes will cost visitors 400 rubles, and a monthly subscription costs about 6,000.

The club's coaching staff conducts regular classes for groups, as well as for individual athletes individually. Exercises in this place help improve health, develop sharpness, and also develop the mind. Here every child will be able to find friends with common interests, which will make him want to visit the center more and more often.

The trainers always find an individual approach to each of their students, which is considered the main feature of the center. They are true professionals in their field. Many of them are winners of various tournaments and championships held at international level. Here sport is made accessible to all people, regardless of gender and age.

Creative fencing section

In the modern world, people perceive fencing training for children in Moscow completely differently than it did several centuries ago. In section creative fencing children and their parents will be able to experience exactly the atmosphere in which real knights in armor used to fight. You can find the section at the address: Mazhorov Lane, building 5. The first lesson for kids is absolutely free. If the child likes it and wants to practice fencing regularly, parents will have to purchase a lucrative subscription for only 4,000 (two classes per week) or 5,000 (three training sessions in 7 days) rubles.

The first group in the club consists of children from 7 to 10 years old, and the second group consists of teenagers from 11 to 13 years old. Fencing for children in Moscow attracts young athletes thanks to professional trainers, a pleasant environment and clear training. Here they learn to fight on both hands, which contributes to the harmonious strengthening of various muscle groups. At the same time, trainers practice fencing with both hands at the same time. This allows you to develop coordination of movements and improve reaction, as well as activate the cerebral hemispheres.

Studio "Kaira Land"

A well-known studio in the capital, where various sports are taught, also offers clients fencing for children in Moscow. Girls and boys of different ages enroll here, wanting to achieve success and improve themselves. The studio is located on Znamenskie Sadki Street, 7Ac1. For trial lesson the payment will be 600 rubles, and for a monthly subscription - about 8 thousand rubles.

The fencing school in Moscow for children accepts students from 5 years old. Here kids are taught prestigious, dynamic, beautiful and intellectual appearance sports The center's youngest students are provided with safe sabers for training, and the lesson itself is played in a playful way. The most active students will be able to use their energy in the right direction, getting maximum benefit from it. And their complete opposites will be able to learn to look for ways to win and not be afraid of their opponent.


This fencing section is a unique place where not only children, but also teenagers and adults go to practice with great pleasure. Children are taught here from the age of 5, classes can be held individually or in groups. You can find the club on Ostozhenka Street, 7с1. The cost of a monthly subscription is 6,000 rubles, while equipment and necessary equipment are provided at no extra charge.

In the capital's fencing section called "Leader", visitors can choose a convenient schedule of classes for themselves. Groups here are created taking into account physical characteristics and age, but gender does not play a role. If you wish, you can go to training even on a day off.

"Kimberly Land"

Modern center family leisure It is considered one of the largest clubs in the capital. This is where the kids study different types sports, including fencing, with experienced trainers. The center is located on Azovskaya Street, 24. A subscription for a month of classes can be purchased here for 5-6 thousand rubles.

Children practice sword fencing with high-quality equipment. The likelihood of injury during training is zero. Therefore, parents, when sending their children there, do not have to worry about their health, since the child will in any case only benefit from it.

Club "Dynamo-Moscow"

Another popular fencing section in Moscow (SAO) for children accepts children aged 6 to 12 years. Both boys and girls can enroll here. The first trial lesson can be attended for free, but a monthly subscription will cost about 4 thousand rubles. Located on Leningradskoye Shosse, 39с53.

Dynamo Moscow students often take winning places in competitions, demonstrating their own skills. This gives pride not only to themselves, but also to their parents and coaches. Club graduates who move on to adult fencing become Universiade champions, Olympic Games, Moscow, Russia, the world and Europe. At the same time, coaches have many well-deserved awards, among whom there are Honored Masters of Sports, as well as Honored Trainers of Russia.


Fencing in Moscow (ZAO) is well taught for children at the famous center “Kenage”, which means “Courage and Diligence”. Aikido and fencing classes are regularly held here. For one lesson, parents will have to pay 500 rubles, but it will be more profitable to purchase a monthly subscription, which includes 3 classes per week, for only 3,500 rubles. The center is located in the capital on Pokryshkina Street, building 3.

Children from 5 years old, as well as teenagers, can sign up for fencing. Groups are formed based on the child’s age and physical capabilities. Each group has a professional trainer who does an excellent job with children, finding an individual approach to each one. It is thanks to such specialists that young knights have no desire to leave the walls of this place.

A form of ancient martial arts with edged weapons, which are recreated based on historical sources - texts, images and oral traditions. In other words, historical fencing is an attempt to revive martial arts, the traditions of which have not been preserved to this day. Basically, the term "historical fencing" refers to the types of bladed weapons that existed before the rise of the three classical sporting blades - the rapier, épée and saber. In recent years, as a result of the enormous interest in martial arts and historical heritage, many individuals and organizations are trying to recreate ancient martial arts.

Historical fencing in Paladin.

Our hall is named after the famous fencing club “Paladin”, which has existed for more than 10 years. At the beginning of 2002, a number of fighters separated from him and organized their own own club called "Bayard", which soon became generally recognized the best club Russia, Europe and the CIS on the tournament component of historical fencing. From year to year, the fighters of this club win almost all the tournaments in which they participate. Moreover, almost all Bayard participants work as trainers at FFC Paladin. Thus, FFC Paladin has the strongest coaching school in this sport in the world, which we are very proud of.

Classes are held in the hall

Coach - Ivan Vasiliev

Experience in historical fencing - since 1999. Multiple winner and prize-winner of various regional, Russian and international tournaments in HMB (both in duels and in group battles). Two-time winner of the Battle of the Nations tournament. One of the authors of the concept of professional full-contact medieval battles (“professional fights”) - one of the most spectacular and tough types of historical fencing. Won many victories professional ring. One of the founders of the Bayard Club. Has an official higher education diploma sports education. Coaching experience in historical fencing - since 2003.

Coach - Mikhail Babynin

An excellent fighter and coach, he knows more about the theory of fencing than others, the author of the “two strikes” concept, a participant in the “Battle of the Nations” and various tournaments, writes a bestseller about historical fencing. Sports background – sports fencing.