In which country will the Olympics be held? Olympics in Pyeongchang

The most anticipated event winter period The 2018 Olympics is considered to be in the city of Pyeongchang (South Korea). It will take place on February 9-25. Millions of people will be able to watch the competitions of the best modern athletes and cheer for the representatives of their countries. About 2,500 thousand athletes will take part in the Olympics, who will fight for the honor of 90 countries.

How did the election of the venue of the event take place?

There were very few people wishing to host the Winter Olympics in their city. The IOC accepted only 3 applications. Cities aspiring to host the Olympic Games:

  • Pyeongchang (South Korea);
  • Annecy (France);
  • Munich (Germany).

The IOC decided to deny France the opportunity to host the Olympic Games due to the fact that it held these competitions quite often. In the entire history of the Olympic Games, competitions have been held in France 5 times. More often than not, this event took place only in the United States. Another point due to which France was refused is that it recently hosted the Olympic Games, in 1992.

It would also be nice to hold the competition in Munich, but IOC representatives did not think so. According to them, Germany has already held this event. Germany was the organizer of the Olympic Games back in 1972. United Germany did not organize such competitions.

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The main reason why the South Korean city was chosen is popularization winter sports in Asian countries. Pyeongchang is applying for the third time to host the Olympic Games. During the previous attempt to become the organizer of the competition, the South Korean city lost very unpleasantly to the Russian city of Sochi, gaining only 4 fewer votes.

This time, Pyeongchang snatched victory from their opponents already in the first round, and by a huge margin, leaving no chance for the French and Germans. Members of the International Olympic Committee were very pleased with the development of the city, especially the construction sports facilities. The South Korean delegation was incredibly happy to learn about the IOC's decision.

Types of competitions

The list of Olympic winter sports includes such competitions:

  • curling,
  • snowboard,
  • Nordic combined,
  • hockey,
  • skiing,
  • biathlon,
  • bobsled,
  • luge,
  • ski jumping,
  • figure skating,
  • short track,
  • skeleton.

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Representatives of the IOC decided to introduce new disciplines. There are 6 of them in total:

  • “big air” in snowboarding – women’s and men’s;
  • mass start in speed skating(for men and women);
  • double mixed in curling;
  • team competition in alpine skiing.

Two competitions have been removed from the list of winter competitions - women's and men's parallel slalom.

Sports facilities

Hwenge Park is the main site of the Olympics. It is here that 75 thousand fans will be able to watch the opening and finale of this incredible event.

The following will be involved in the competition: sports facilities:

  • “Alpensia” – the ski jumping center will be located there. 60 thousand fans will be able to watch the competition at once;
  • Alpensia is a biathlon center that can accommodate 26,500 spectators;
  • “Yongpyeong” is a ski resort with a capacity of 18 thousand;
  • "Alpensia" - ski center, with enough space for 15,500 fans.

Among the sports facilities, it is also worth highlighting the Genpo Ice Hall and the Kwandong University Arena.

Of the 13 sports facilities that will be used during the Olympic Games, 7 are already fully ready for operation. In the summer, IOC members visited Pyeongchang and were pleased with the construction schedule for the sports infrastructure. According to representatives of the International Olympic Committee, the construction of facilities is even ahead of schedule.

Where will the flame of the next Olympics light? Will Asia become a sports hub? These are the questions everyone wants answered. South Korea, the 2018 Olympics - these components have come together into a single whole, which promises a lot of interesting things.


Most recently, the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics took place in Sochi. Behind us are the ups and downs, joy and dashed hopes. But life does not stand still. If the Russian organizers breathed a sigh of relief and went on a well-deserved rest, then in distant Pyeongchang, on the contrary, the preparation work is just beginning. How to properly coordinate preparation activities? What grandiose changes await the Russian football infrastructure? Will new stadiums be built and laid ski slopes? What, besides carnivals, will Brazil please us with in 2016? Many new prospects and tasks are presented to humanity by preparation for competitions at the planetary level. Are we ready to solve them? The construction of Olympic facilities is a serious test for any country. The higher the bar, the greater the requirements. You can't stop halfway. How are the preparations going, what difficulties do the organizers face? Let's try to figure it out.

Why PyeongChang

Only on the third attempt did South Korea achieve the desired result. Previous applications ended in fiasco, and Vancouver and Sochi celebrated their victory. Finally, the whole world found out where the 2018 Olympics will be. Kim Jin Sun was appointed president of the organizing committee. In Sochi, the Olympic functionary studied ways to manage infrastructure and adopted the experience of his Russian colleagues.

What do we know about South Korea? This Asian country is developing rapidly. Today, the sports infrastructure has excellent ski slopes and sports facilities. This makes preparing for games much easier. The unique climate will allow athletes to compete and get a boost of vigor and health. Clean mountain air will contribute to the establishment of new Olympic records. The region is divided into mountain and coastal clusters. Communication between them will be supported by trains. In addition to sports facilities, the country has many attractions that guests will appreciate. South Korea, the 2018 Olympics is a fateful event that will allow this Asian country to further strengthen its position in the world community. That’s why Pyeongchang was chosen for the honorary role of hosting the 2018 winter season.

When and where will the Summer Olympics take place?

No one will know when and where it will be summer olympics 2018, because the time interval between is 4 years. After the grand sports festival in London in 2012 the venue for the next one was for the first time South America. The country of carnivals and fun - Brazil - will welcome guests from all over the world in the summer of 2016. The preparations are not without difficulties. Most big problem there will be transport links. Landscape features limit rapid movement to Olympic Park. Brazilians are laying a new metro line to minimize the time spent by everyone who wants to visit the spectacle. This task is complicated by the fact that when laying a subway line, one has to break through solid granite. In addition to the new line, communication will be supported by new bus routes. The Maracana Stadium, which is supposed to be the arena for the grand opening and closing ceremony, is quite outdated. It is now undergoing a complete reconstruction. Also new life The velodrome should also light up. The organizers promise to bring it into line with all Olympic requirements. But the venue in 2020 will again be Asia. Tokyo - this city awaits fans. Unlike Pyeongchang, where the 2018 Olympics will be held, the country of new technologies, Japan, will welcome everyone to the Summer Olympics.

Football tasks 2018

Everyone knows how much spectacle and positive emotions the Olympics can offer. Football 2018 will be marked by the World Cup in Russia. The World Cup, as you know, is not inferior in terms of entertainment. The geography of this event will amaze with its scale. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, and Yekaterinburg will host football battles. And although there are still 4 years until 2018, preparations are proceeding at a rapid pace. Sports arenas cities are at different stages of bringing into combat readiness. A completely new concept is being developed for the Luzhniki stadium. Construction is already underway in St. Petersburg. In some cities, preparation is at the level of drafting projects. Architects take into account the characteristics of each region. The landscape, distance from other objects, and transport options are considered. For example, in St. Petersburg the stadium will be located on an island. Accordingly, there is a need for an interesting and extraordinary solution to the transport issue.


Financing will be provided from the operating budget (FIFA Organizing Committee). The second component, which bears the lion's share, is the funds allocated by the host country. This includes investor funds. Even a special budget program has been created, consisting of 11 sections. The organizers promise free travel for fans, as well as visa-free entry into the country. Russia will once again show its high level of organizing such events after Sochi. The FIFA World Cup in Russia will be a spectacular continuation of the sporting events in Pyeongchang, where the 2018 Olympics will take place. It is no secret that holding competitions of this level is an important mission. General Director of the Organizing Committee Alexey Sorokin assured that Russia will cope with this honorable task “excellently”. The preparation committee includes 48 people. By 2018, their number should increase to 2000.


Nothing brings people closer together than joint efforts to prepare for sports competitions. In 2016 in Brazil, where the next Summer Olympics will be held; 2018 - in Russia, where the World Football Championship awaits us; and 2018 - in South Korea, where skiers and biathletes will clash in battles - everyone is concerned about the same problems. The main one is the timely completion of construction. In Pyeongchang, projects of 6 new sports facilities are at the completion stage. Infrastructure construction has already begun. The mountain resort of Alpensia, where it is planned to hold competitions in cross-country skiing, combined events, luge, bobsleigh, and skeleton, has always been distinguished high level service. There are 6 ski slopes here different levels. The jumping hill offers an amazing view of the future Hweng Park, which is scheduled to host the opening and closing of the Olympic Games. The giant slalom competition will be held in Enhepen. In addition, all fans will be able to visit the winter sports museum.


In Brazil, a difficulty arose with the choice of location for construction. Local residents are against the demolition of their homes and relocation to apartment buildings. Architects and organizers are having a hard time convincing people that the Olympic district, built using the latest technologies, will become one of the best and most beautiful places in the city after the Games. In addition, the local population will have new jobs. Engineers are struggling with the organization of treatment facilities at the site of construction of future facilities. In recent years, the environmental condition of the multimillion-dollar metropolis has deteriorated significantly. The place where the rowing competition will be held is called the garbage lagoon. Transforming this corner into paradise requires ingenuity and professionalism. The worldwide partners of the Olympic Committee are making a major contribution to the construction of new facilities. One example is DOW. Implementing innovative technologies, construction specialists transform sports infrastructure into a fairy tale. The 2018 Asian Olympics, where the battle will take place in 7 winter sports and their varieties, is no exception.


It doesn’t matter which sport a particular person likes best. Will it be a type of summer or winter Olympics. Or maybe a heated battle between football players at the next World Cup. Where will the Olympics be in 2018 or 2020? Everyone understands that competitions of this level are primarily designed to unite peoples, consolidate joint efforts, and learn from each other’s experience. Children from all countries will be happy about the new stadiums. Perhaps this is where new ones will grow Olympic champions. And they will already write new names in golden letters into the legendary chronicle. And although everyone knows the famous motto of the Olympics “The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation,” I would like to wish everyone victory!

The XXIII Winter Olympic Games will be held from February 9 to 25, 2018 in Pyeongchang, Republic of South Korea. The city has twice previously become a candidate for hosting Winter Games 2010 and 2014. However, he only got lucky on the third try. On June 6, 2011, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that Pyeongchang would still become the capital of the Olympics.

Who else was bidding to host the 2018 Winter Olympics?

Only three official applications were submitted to host the 2018 Olympics: Annecy (France), Munich (Germany) and Pyeongchang (South Korea). For comparison, Russian Sochi, which became the venue for XXII winter Olympic Games in 2014, managed to bypass six cities, including Pyeongchang.

Who will be the mascot of the 2018 Olympics?

The white tiger Suhorang, considered the sacred guardian of animals by South Koreans, and the strong and courageous Bandabi bear, entrusted to personify the Paralympic competitions, were chosen as the mascot of the Olympics. The images of the animals were published on Twitter by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The 2018 Olympics emblem consists of two symbols. The one on the left represents the unity and harmony of the sky (blue stripe), earth (red) and man (the space between the two stripes). And the snowflake on the right symbolizes winter views sports

Photo: Public Domain

What sports will the Olympians compete in?

  • biathlon;
  • bobsleigh: bobsleigh, skeleton;
  • speed skating: speed skating, figure skating, short track;
  • curling;
  • skiing: alpine skiing, Nordic combined, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle;
  • luge;
  • ice hockey.

In 2015, the IOC excluded parallel slalom in snowboarding (men and women) from the 2018 Olympic program and included several more new disciplines:

  • big air in snowboarding (men and women);
  • mass start in speed skating (men and women);
  • double mixed in curling;
  • team competitions in alpine skiing.

The Olympic Games are not only the largest sporting event, but also a huge cultural celebration for millions of fans around the world. Competitions held both in summer and winter are very popular. Latest games were held in 2014 in Russia, in the city of Sochi, and amazed the public with their grandiose scope. The next Winter Olympics - 2018 - will be held in the city of Pyeongchang.

The history of Pyeongchang's struggle for the right to be the Olympic capital

The city of Pyeongchang is located in South Korea, and will host the XXIII Winter Olympic Games on its territory. This city fought for the right to become the capital of world sports for quite a long time. Having applied twice, he lost first to the Canadian Vancouver, and then to the Russian Sochi. However, Korean representatives have always been characterized by confidence and constancy, perhaps this is why luck once again decided to smile on them.

The city of Pyeongchang was identified as the location for the Olympics on July 6, 2011. Thus, South Korea received enough time to carry out all the necessary preparations for the main sporting event. The small city of Pyeongchang was able to bypass the fairly well-known large European cities of Munich and Annesie in the first round of voting. It is worth noting that many analysts previously considered South Korea to be the favorite in this sports race.

The Korean athletes made a great impression on the jury of the Olympic Committee. Made a speech to them famous champion Yoo Na Kim. It was she who had the honor of telling the whole world about how Winter Olympics could change the history of sports in her country. By her example, she convinced everyone that competition South Korea for the right to host the Olympic Games new push for sports, stadiums and tracks began to be built, conditions were created for the education and training of athletes. Your words Olympic champion confirmed a couple of days before the performance - at the skating rink, showing the greatest class of skating.

It would seem quite recently, in 2014, the well-organized Winter Olympics in Sochi thundered throughout the world, where our state was able to show its temperament, charisma and flavor in full glory.

The 2018 Winter Olympics will be held from February 9 to 25, in Korea, in the town of Pyeongchang. He applied for this role twice already, in 2010 and 2014, but only got lucky on the third attempt. During this period of time, athletes will compete for 98 gold medals in seven sports.

As a reward for perseverance, PyeongChang was designated as the venue for the 2018 sports competition. It was not very difficult to win - the reason for this was rather weak competitors, and the not very expressed desire of the population. For the role of the place where they will take place sports competitions claimed:

  • Annecy in France;
  • Munich in Germany;
  • Pyeongchang in Korea.

The population of the first two candidates was neutral, and even cool, towards such an idea, since the 2018 Winter Olympics could further worsen the condition of the environment, which is already not sparkling with cleanliness.

Citizens acting as volunteers are also actively involved in organizing the event. It is with their help that participants, journalists and guests of the competition will be able to feel more comfortable and will be able to quickly receive the necessary information or help. More than 20,000 volunteers have already been selected for this role and are currently undergoing training.

Olympic venues

Pyeongchang is a county located in the east of Korea, famous throughout the world. ski resort. There are more than 100 slopes of varying difficulty, some of which exceed 1,000 meters in height.

Epicenter olympic games Alpensia complex will be built in Pyeongchang. This is where competitions will be held in:

  • Ski jumping;
  • Biathlon;
  • Ski racing;
  • Bobsleigh;
  • Slalom.

It will be located very nearby Olympic Village.


The opening and closing events of the Olympics will also be held on the territory of the Alpensia complex, the dates of which are set for February 9 and 29.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the small town of Gangneung, where competitions will be held in:

  • Curling;
  • Hockey;
  • Figure skating;
  • Short track.

In the vicinity of this city, its own Olympic village has been created, where the athletes will be accommodated.

Sports complex in Chungbong, where the competition will take place downhill, is already beginning to accept those wishing to explore the territory with their own eyes and try out the slopes. And Bugwan Phoenix Park is looking forward to the participants of the next Olympics in freestyle skiing and snowboarding.

On at the moment 7 objects are already ready for delivery, the rest are at the final stage of construction. In order to ensure the quality and correctness of construction sports facilities, this summer the IOC commission visited Pyeongchang, according to which the construction not only complies with the time frame, but is also proceeding significantly ahead of schedule. Moreover, this does not affect the quality of buildings in any way.
This only confirms the intentions and great desire of South Korea to host the Olympics in 2018 and show the world the beauty of the country.

What sports will be represented?

At the 2018 Olympics, as in previous years, the following main sports will be represented:

  1. Biathlon;
  2. Bobsled;
  3. Curling;
  4. Hockey;
  5. Skiing;
  6. Luge;
  7. Skating.

Among the innovations at the competition I would like to note:

  • Big Air, which refers to snowboarding;
  • Mass start, from speed skating;
  • Double mixed, from curling;
  • Team competition in alpine skiing.

But now in the program you will not see parallel slalom in snowboarding among men and women.

Who will participate in the competition?

The 2018 Olympics has already registered more than 2.5 thousand participants from more than 90 countries who want to compete in various disciplines for medals.

Applicants from Canada, Germany, Russia, Slovakia, Norway, Finland, and many others have already confirmed their participation.

Spectators who want to watch such a grandiose action will have to pay for tickets costing from 1,200 to 50,000 rubles. The cost of the main part of the passes will not exceed 4,600 rubles, which is considered quite affordable for almost everyone. You can purchase tickets online now.

Symbols of the Olympics in 2018

Like every previous Olympics, the competition in Korea will have its own mascot. They are the first to be remembered by fans and help restore the chronology of events. This time it was a white tiger, typical for Korea. He is often found in folk stories, and is characterized by courage, wisdom and strength. He inspires trust and can protect from evil.

Tiger cub Suhoran - mascot of the XXIII Winter Olympic Games

Video with the mascot:

But the emblem of the event is completely inconspicuous at first glance, but it carries a lot of meaning and is quickly remembered by all fans. It looks like four even parallel lines connected in the form of an unfinished square. Despite its simplicity, it carries a deep meaning and symbolizes clear sky, earth and the people on it.

Emblem of the XXIII Winter Olympic Games

The second symbol is even simpler, and resembles a five-pointed star, meaning snow and ice, since the games will take place in winter. The color scheme involves the use of five primary colors - yellow, black, red, green and blue. According to experts, there has not been a more successful connection for quite some time. Properly placed colors complement each other perfectly and make the emblem bright, but not overloaded.


Pandabi Bear is the mascot of the 2018 Paralympics

And just a month later, the Paralympic Games will be held in the same city, in which people with disabilities will take part, where the mascot will be Himalayan white-breasted bear. The Paralympic competition will be held from March 9 to 18, and participants will compete in six sports.

The Winter Olympics is a huge spectacular event, which is awaited not only by athletes, but also by fans around the world. Some of them will visit PyeongChang in person, but most will watch on TV and cheer for their country's representatives. We'll see whether the competition in Korea will be able to surpass the previous games in Russia.