Exercises to pump up your shoulders at home. Shoulder training at home: basic principles

For those who want to have toned body, but he doesn’t have enough time for the gym, it would be good to learn conduct workouts right at home. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the most effective exercises for a particular part of the body.

In this section you will learn how pump up quickly broad shoulders at home. We will also talk about recommendations and all sorts of mistakes during the execution of practices, which will help you achieve results faster and safer.

While doing shoulder exercises at home the deltoid muscle is involved. It forms the outer contour of the shoulder and is responsible for its flexion and extension, as well as abduction of the arm to the side.

Consists of of three parts: or and deltas. A pumped-up deltoid muscle makes the shoulders voluminous and prominent.

Those who want and have the opportunity to study in gym, maybe with another article “Shoulder exercises in the gym.”

How to pump up your shoulders at home without harming yourself? To do this, you need to know safety precautions and some tips from experienced instructors:

  • Be sure to warm up before your workout. The following exercises are suitable for this: walking for 8-10 minutes, during which the body warms up and blood circulation accelerates; circular movements shoulders, which will prepare the muscles and joints for further complex techniques. Next 1-2 minutes. rest, and then proceed to the main complex.
  • Stick to your study schedule, since chaotic execution reduces the effectiveness of training.
  • Do each technique 6-16 times depending on your level of training, the number of sets is 2-4 times with a break of 2-3 minutes.
  • Train 3-4 times. per week without forgetting about exercises for other muscles of the body.
  • All movements do it smoothly without using the force of inertia.
  • Eat more high-quality protein foods, which are building materials for muscles. Try to finish your meal an hour and a half before training, and it takes even longer to digest fatty foods.

The best shoulder exercises at home

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar, exercises with dumbbells and push-ups are still the most popular among those who want to pump up their shoulders without leaving home. Now let's look at their technique.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

A man can pump up his shoulders at home by doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar. This practice is less common among women, but still happens. Many men make a horizontal bar directly in their apartment, for example in a corridor or doorway.
The exercise technique is as follows:

  • Using a straight or reverse grip, grab the bar with your hands, with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Arch your back so that your shoulder blades move.
  • Without jerking while inhaling, begin to pull yourself up, trying to raise your chin above the bar.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.


  • throwing the head back;
  • rocking the body before pulling up;
  • sharp descent down from the peak point, using the force of inertia;
  • transfer of effort to one of the hands.

How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells at home

How can you pump up a girl’s shoulders at home? After all, many ladies cannot do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. The beautiful part of the population really likes exercises to work out the deltas with dumbbells, but this does not mean that such exercises are not suitable for men.

Both men and It is better for women to start with a small weight and gradually increase it. When doing exercises with dumbbells, make sure that the load is not on the biceps, but on the shoulder joint.

In this exercise, evenly All three parts of the deltoid muscle are involved: front, middle and back. The distance between the dumbbells should remain the same both in the initial position and during lifting.

  • Sit comfortably on a horizontal surface, placing your feet firmly on the floor.
  • Take the dumbbells with an overhand grip and raise them to eye level, making a slight lumbar arch.
  • As you exhale, lift the dumbbells up, but do not fully extend your elbows. Pause for 1 second. at the top point.
  • As you inhale, lower your arms so that the dumbbells are at eye level.

As with the previous exercise, keep the distance between the dumbbells the same both in the starting position and as you lift, ideally equal to the width of your shoulders. The emphasis is on working out the front deltoids.

  • Take dumbbells with a straight grip (palms facing your feet), or a neutral grip (palms facing each other), stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your hands in front of your hips and slightly bent at the elbows.
  • Inhale and, while holding your breath, raise the dumbbells in front of you to shoulder level, and if possible, even higher.
  • After pausing for a second at the peak point, as you exhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

This exercise mostly works the middle delts.

  • Take dumbbells neutral grip(palms facing in) and then stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, with your arms extended along your body.
  • Inhale and while holding your breath, lift the dumbbells, slightly bending your elbows. Raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Exhale and lower the dumbbells towards your body.

Mistakes while performing exercises with dumbbells:

  • using the force of inertia while lowering the dumbbells, which results in jerky movements;
  • movement in the shoulder joint;
  • rounding of the spine.


If you don’t have a horizontal bar or dumbbells at hand, ideal exercises on the shoulders at home are push-ups, which can be done in different variations: wide or narrow grip, with legs thrown back or with a clap. We will analyze the algorithm for classic push-ups.

  • You need to take a position lying face to the floor, feet somewhere at the width of the pelvis, elbows slightly bent, and palms slightly wider than shoulders in line with the chest.
  • As you inhale, bend your arms to a right angle at the elbows.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.


  • arching the back;
  • spreading the elbows to the sides when bending the arm;
  • incorrect hand position during push-ups: practitioners turn their palms with their fingers towards each other, but they need their fingers to look forward.

How to pump up your shoulders at home - video

After watching the video, you will learn how you can pump up your shoulders right at home by performing exercises that are simple in their technique. Regular training will provide results no worse than in the gym.

Demonstration of the implementation of a particular technique, recommendations and indications of errors - all this will help you achieve the desired results faster.

Having familiarized yourself with the most effective back exercises at home, feel free to start practicing. Do not forget about the recommendations for this or that exercise. Be careful while training so as not to injure your body.

Do you do shoulder exercises at home? What techniques do you use for this? Share your life hacks and ask questions in the comments.

Exercises for training the shoulder girdle - deltoid and trapezius muscles - at home. If the technique is followed and performed regularly, they form beautiful line upper arms and back. Results will appear in 3-4 weeks.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders at home

Shoulders or, as they are also called in professional sports, “deltas” consist of three muscle groups: anterior, middle and posterior bundles. For the harmonious development of beautiful and broad shoulders, you need to work on all three groups. This training is aimed at hypertrophy (mass gain) of the deltoid and trapezius muscles. A set of exercises can be performed by men both at home and in the gym. Additional equipment not required. All you need is any elevation (sofa, bench or exercise ball).


Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
2-3 7-10
2-3 10-15
2-3 10-20

Duration of training is 30-45 minutes.

An effective training program for the shoulder girdle


Before each workout, you need to do a warm-up to warm up your muscles and get a cardio workout.

  • Energetic walking. Accelerates blood circulation and increases body temperature. Lead time: 10 minutes.
  • Circular movements of the shoulders. Prepare the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle for upcoming loads. lead time: 3-5 minutes.

Don't jump into your workout immediately after warming up. Rest for 1 - 1.5 minutes to restore breathing.

An effective exercise for working the upper chest, arms, and also deltoid muscles and shoulders. Thanks to high load on muscles, helps to work out at home shoulder girdle no less effective than in the gym. However, it requires preparation (recommended only for trained athletes). Additionally, the core muscles are worked out and the vestibular apparatus is trained.

  1. Hands on the floor, palms down and shoulder width apart. The weight is evenly distributed between the palms.
  2. The body is elongated. The pelvis is slightly moved forward (in lumbar region slight deflection), legs extended along a straight line. For insurance, you can lightly touch the wall with your toes.
  3. As you inhale, gently lower your body down by bending your shoulder joints and elbows. In this case, the center of gravity changes slightly, since rib cage leans forward a little.
  4. Hold at the lowest point for 1 second.
  5. Then forcefully and smoothly lift the body.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 7-10 repetitions (depending on preparation).

Advice: Before performing, you must master correct stance on your hands and learn to maintain balance. First statically, then while performing the exercise. At first, perform push-ups at an angle of about 50 degrees, gradually increasing the inclination. We recommend mastering the exercise under the supervision of a trainer and with a safety net (mats).

2018-01-18 How to pump your shoulders at home quickly: exercises

An effective exercise for working your shoulders and upper chest at home. The front and middle delta bundles are loaded.

Execution technique (classic version):

  1. Take emphasis on your hands. Select the distance between the hands depending on the training objectives: narrower - more load on the triceps, wider - more work on the chest.
  2. Place your feet on an elevated platform. A fitball, sofa or bench will do.
  3. As you inhale, gently lower your body down, keeping your back straight.
  4. As you exhale, gently lift your body to starting position.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 10-15 repetitions.

Advice: The higher the legs are, the higher the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Move on to this exercise after classic push-ups become too easy for you. When performing, focus on your sensations and try to use the target muscle group. When the exercise seems easy, you can perform it with weights.

Basic exercise for working the chest and triceps. Also suitable for strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back stabilizers and abs. If the technique is followed, it allows you to comprehensively work out the entire top part bodies. It is an alternative to the barbell bench press, in which the load is created not by the apparatus, but by the athlete’s body.


  1. Take a lying position. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. The hands are pressed to the floor.
  2. Feet rest on the floor with their toes. The body is stretched along a straight line - without bending in the lower back, between the shoulders and neck.
  3. The elbows are almost along the body, but not pressed to the body, but slightly turned outward. The head is slightly raised: the gaze is directed forward and down.
  4. As you exhale, smoothly lower your chest almost to the floor for 2 seconds, remaining suspended.
  5. Then, while inhaling, lift your body for 1 second.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 10-20 repetitions.

Advice: To avoid overloading the elbow joints, at the highest point, do not straighten your arms to the end, but leave them slightly bent.
If at the initial stage the execution classic push-ups seems too difficult, do the exercise from your knees, from the wall or bending over from a support. These are simplified versions of the basic exercise.

At the initial stage, basic exercises that can be performed without special equipment at home are suitable for working out the target muscle group. Push-ups provide the optimal load on the shoulders. They will give impetus to further development of the body and perform exercises in the gym.

The silhouette of the shoulders is formed by the deltoids or deltoids, which are divided into anterior, middle and posterior. Each beam needs accentuated elaboration. The optimal result is achieved by performing a set of 3 exercises to work out each area.

General recommendations for pumping up the muscles of the shoulder girdle with push-ups

  • To work the anterior bundle of deltoid muscles, place your palms shoulder-width apart, elbows near your body.
  • To emphasize the triceps, place your palms side by side.
  • Push-ups upside down or from a handstand position are considered exercises increased complexity, which require preparation.
  • After strengthening the target muscle groups, when the exercises are performed without much difficulty, you can use weights.
  • Start with basic exercises and work in a comfortable range.
  • Perform the exercises smoothly, as when fast movements the body rises and falls due to inertia, not muscles.
  • Regularly performing push-ups without complex training leads to excessive hypertrophy of the chest and shoulder muscles.
  • For optimal results, you don't need to train your shoulders every day. Give your body time to recover.

Contraindications for push-ups

  • injuries and diseases of the spine (protrusion, hernia, curvature);
  • injuries or inflammation of the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints;
  • overweight (in this case, you can start with simplified options, for example, push-ups from a wall or from the floor on your knees);
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart disease;
  • increased bone fragility.

When are additional weights needed?

Physically developed athletes can perform exercises with additional loads to specifically target the pectoral muscles and shoulders.

This is an advanced exercise that is not suitable for beginners. When training in the gym, a device in the form of a special weighted vest is used. At home, it will be replaced by a backpack with a load of the required weight and a reliable fastening.

To avoid injury, consult your trainer first.

Every man wants to have beautiful, pumped up and sculpted shoulders, which are considered the first quality indicator male power and confidence. However, constant work and eternal tasks simply do not provide the opportunity to visit the gym at least 3-4 times a week. In these situations, you can do shoulder exercises yourself at home. There is a specific purpose for this basic complex, which can be easily used daily.

So how to pump up your shoulders at home? To do this, you need to perform a certain technique, in which the main emphasis is on the upper arms and shoulders.

Features of organizing training

The entire training to be done at home consists of basic exercises, the direction of which is to pump the entire delta. But it is recommended to pump up a separate beam only in cases where it begins to lag behind in development or the load placed on it is not enough. In other cases, there is no need for isolation type training.

Of course, doing shoulder exercises in the gym is much easier, because these places have special equipment and instructors who will help you carry out the whole process correctly. But if there is no opportunity or time to visit these places, then in these cases everything can be done at home. In these cases, equipment such as dumbbells and a barbell must be available.

In addition, before you start performing basic exercises for the shoulder girdle, you should definitely pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The weight is selected so that at least 8-10 lifts can be performed during one approach;
  • In order to give your shoulders definition and width, you should not take a very large mass;
  • It is worth increasing the load, namely working with heavy weight equipment, when it is necessary to increase strength and strengthen muscles;
  • To strengthen muscles, it is necessary to lift the apparatus from 5 to 8 times, while lifting should be done in 4-5 sets;
  • For beginner athletes, first of all, you should pay as much attention as possible to performing the entire complex, learn and master all the exercises and one or two shoulder presses.

This program perfectly develops the deltoid muscles, ensuring even distribution of the load over the entire shoulder girdle area.

Initial training

How to pump up your shoulders at home? Where do you need to start? If you still want to start training, but don’t yet know what shoulder exercises will help you build muscles at home, then you should use an initial set of workouts that does not require the use of special equipment.

If you want to make broad shoulders, but at the same time make them strong and pumped up, then you should perform basic exercises:

  1. To begin, you need to stand with your back to the surface of the wall, arms apart at shoulder width.
  2. You need to rest your hands on the floor area, while the distance from the wall should be 20 cm.
  3. Feet rest against the wall.
  4. In this position, shoulder push-ups are performed. We pump our shoulders this way 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches.

This workout will help broaden your shoulders and also increase your muscle mass. In order for your shoulders to become pumped up in a short period of time during this workout, you need to increase the load, for this you should wear a special vest or backpack with a load.

An alternative to push-ups would be the parallel bars press. However, it will require purchasing special simulator or build the device yourself. Pull-ups on the uneven bars will not only pump up your shoulders, but will also give your arms and back muscle and strength.

Dumbbell workouts

If you want your shoulders and arms to become expressive, pumped up and acquire the necessary relief, then it is recommended to do exercises with dumbbells at home. But this will require a lot of willpower and motivation. It is also important to monitor your health and eat right. How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells?

Shoulder training should only be done after warming up. To warm up your shoulder muscles, you should perform the following effective preparatory exercises:

  1. First you need to walk for 10 minutes. While walking, blood circulation accelerates and the body warms up.
  2. Next you need to perform circular movements with your shoulders. This will ensure that the muscles and joints are prepared for the subsequent training program.
  3. After this you need to rest for about a minute. Then you can begin to perform the main complex.

Dumbbell press

The best shoulder exercises with dumbbells involve evenly distributing pressure on the deltoid muscle area. They can be done at home, but dumbbells must be available. How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells? There is one effective exercise for this.

How to perform seated dumbbell bench press workouts:

  1. To begin with, the initial state is assumed, with the dumbbells positioned at eye level, the elbows in an extended state, the palms in front, and a deflection in the lumbar region.
  2. As soon as you exhale, the dumbbells must be lifted up.
  3. You need to lift the dumbbells until your elbows are fixed, but your elbows do not fully extend.
  4. After a short break, the dumbbells are lowered down.
  5. You need to do it 8-12 times in 4 approaches.

Raising dumbbells in front of you

Training - lifting dumbbells in front of you will ensure a uniform increase in muscle mass in the shoulder girdle.

During this workout, a man must do the following:

  1. The initial state is accepted - you need to take dumbbells and stand up straight, arms are extended along the body and palms are turned towards the thighs.
  2. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells to the sides until they are parallel to the floor.
  3. After a short pause, the hands drop down.
  4. This training must be done so that at the top point of the movement the shoulder, elbow and hand are located at the level of one straight line.
  5. Performed 10-12 times in 3 approaches.

Bent over dumbbell swings

You can strengthen and improve the structure of your shoulder muscles with simple exercise- swing dumbbells. The main thing is to do everything correctly.

The exercise is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The initial state is accepted - the legs are bent at the knees and placed shoulder-width apart, you also need to bend in the back and lean forward a little. The shoulders drop down and the arms are in a straight position, slightly bent at the elbows.
  2. After this, the arms with dumbbells are spread to the sides until they are parallel to the floor surface.
  3. The elbows are bent, but not too much.
  4. There is a short pause in the upper region.
  5. You need to do this workout 10-12 times in 3 sessions.

Barbell exercises

Many men are interested main question in this matter - how you can quickly pump up your muscles at home so that they become toned and elastic. Professionals recommend doing mass training, and specifically with the use of increased loads - barbells. These exercises will, of course, be most effective in a professional gym using a specially developed program and simulators. But again, not everyone has the opportunity to visit regularly gyms. But barbell workouts can be done at home.

Bench press

This basic training, which help to quickly pump up the muscles of the forearm and shoulder girdle. The main thing is to do everything correctly. First of all, you should take a sitting position.

How to do the exercise correctly:

  1. First you need to sit on a sports bench.
  2. The back area bends slightly.
  3. The barbell is taken with a wide grip.
  4. After this, together with the exhalation, the bar rises.
  5. The arms must be fully straightened.
  6. Next, inhale and the barbell is lowered behind your head.
  7. Everything is done smoothly, without sudden movements or jerks.

Standing Barbell Press

This exercise works the shoulder muscles. During this workout, the main emphasis is on the delta region. But it is worth considering that pumping up this area is carried out only with the active participation of both the anterior and posterior bundles.

How the workout is performed:

  1. First, assume a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Next, take the barbell with a straight grip and lift it to the level of the chest area;
  3. The barbell rises and at the end point you must exhale completely.
  4. Then there is a pause.
  5. After this, you need to slowly exhale and lower the barbell again to the original chest level.
  6. Don't use too much heavy weight, when performing it, you should slightly bend the back area.

Raising the barbell to the chin

This basic exercise, which is aimed at working out the area of ​​the middle delta beam. It also pumps up the trapezius muscles.

How to do it:

  1. First you need to stand up straight, then grab the barbell using direct grip and stays down.
  2. There should be a space between the palms that can accommodate two fists.
  3. As you exhale, lift the barbell towards your chin.
  4. The bar is then held in its most extreme state.
  5. After this, you need to inhale and return to the original state.
  6. During the exercise, the elbows should be kept apart at all times.
  7. It is not recommended to bend the neck and back area; the chin takes a horizontal position.
  8. Do not use a projectile that is too heavy.

If you want to get positive results, you must follow all the necessary recommendations and exercises. If possible, you can use additional funds- parallel bars, horizontal bar.

Also, do not forget about the correct sports nutrition– the diet should be high-calorie, you should eat up to 6 times a day, the menu should include large number foods with a high level of proteins and slow carbohydrates, it is worth reducing foods with saturated fats (pork, beef, lamb, butter and coconut oil, shrimp, lobster). Be sure to drink as much fluid as possible and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Watch the video - incredible shoulders, how to rock them - Stanislav Lindover:

And another super video - aerobatics bodybuilding! Shoulders from Stas Lindover:

Shaped shoulders remain a symbol of reliability, strength and courage. Pumped up shoulder muscles cannot be hidden even under several layers of clothing, which cannot be said about other muscle groups. And to achieve the effect, you will have to learn how to pump up your shoulders at home.

If you have made a firm decision to train your shoulders, read the article. Find a lot in it useful tips and recommendations with which you will achieve your goal.

Before you get down to action, remember your high school biology course and get to know your back muscles better. This will give you an idea of ​​which muscles to train.

The muscles of the shoulder girdle are represented by two large muscle groups. We are talking about the deltoid and trapezius muscles. Trapezoidal, whose name comes from its shape, runs from the neck to the middle of the back. The deltoids, whose shape is triangular, are located at the top of the shoulder joints. They consist of three parts - rear, lateral and anterior delta.

According to avid athletes, the following muscles deserve special and equal attention during training.

Exercises with dumbbells at home

Do you want your shoulders to become sculpted? Do you want to improve their performance? Read on to learn how to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells at home. With this amazing material you will quickly build up your shoulder muscles.

It's hard to imagine a pumped-up body without sculpted shoulders. In this part of the article we will talk about effective exercises that will help pump up your shoulders and make them expressive and strong.

Sport is not friendly with cigarettes and alcohol, so it’s a good idea to stop drinking and smoking. Warm up thoroughly before training. When it comes to shoulder training, warming up is especially important.

  • Walk around for ten minutes. This will speed up blood circulation and increase body temperature.
  • During the warm-up process, clear your head of thoughts, especially if they are negative. Imagine how beautiful your shoulders will look at the end of your workout.
  • Perform several rotational movements with your shoulders. This will allow the rotator cuffs and joints to prepare for stress. Twenty repetitions is plenty.
  • Rest for a minute. After this time, the body will prepare for training.

Now I will present a collection of effective exercises. They will have to be performed with a large number of approaches. During the training process, you will work on all the heads of the shoulder. As for the deltoids, you will feel a rush of nutrient-rich blood in this area of ​​your back.

  1. Seated Incline Press . First of all, choose the weight. You should be able to do 10 reps comfortably. Then, take dumbbells and sit down on a bench. The secret of the exercise comes down to the fact that the stop is made at the bottom. Consequently, the impulse of movement disappears completely, and obtaining it requires hard work.
  2. Raising arms to the sides . Take dumbbells of such weight that you can lift them 12 times, stopping for a couple of seconds. When the dumbbells reach the bottom, keep your shoulders parallel to the ground, otherwise the trapezius will come into play.
  3. Dumbbell raises sitting position with slope . Take sports equipment, sit on a bench and bend over your knees. The technique of performing the exercise resembles the previous version. When the dumbbells are at the top, contract the muscles and stop for two seconds. Burning in the shoulders is a good sign. Do 15 reps.
  4. Shrugs. Take dumbbells and do shrugs. Hold the weight as hard as you can. Use belts if necessary. Contract the muscles at the top and relax them a little at the bottom. Perform the exercise until the grip disappears.

This kind of training with dumbbells will not take much time, but will pump up all the muscles. In just two months the result will be fantastic.

Video exercises

If for certain reasons the result is not satisfactory, improve it using sports supplements, of which there are many.

Barbell exercises

Shoulders are a part of the body that requires special training physical exercise. If you want to know how to pump up your shoulders with a barbell, you will have to study a lot physical complexes, the implementation of which requires an impeccable and careful approach. Only proper training will bring good result.

In most cases, it is customary to start shoulder training with a heavy bench press. Then fatigue the muscles through strengthening training represented by swings. If you train according to this scheme, you will ensure an optimal reserve of strength for challenging workout And high level security.

Beginning athletes often get unpleasant injuries during training because they train incorrectly. To avoid this fate, reduce the weight as you approach the end of your workout.

A horizontal bar, push-ups, dumbbells and a barbell can help pump up your shoulders at home. Let's consider effective exercises with a barbell for training the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

  • Army press . A popular exercise that trains the lateral and anterior deltoids. It is recommended to perform in a standing position. Take the starting position - bend your lower back, grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Gently lower your elbows down until the bar is level with your collarbones. Raise the exercise equipment above your head and straighten your arms. Then return the inventory to its original position. During the exercise, do not raise your head and look straight.
  • Overhead press . Performed in a standing or sitting position. Trains the anterior muscles and deltoids, pumps the triceps. You cannot perform the exercise without warming up. Otherwise, you may damage your joints. To perform, find a comfortable position and grab a barbell. Straighten your body and bend at the waist. Lower the barbell very slowly. Start training from this position. Lift the projectile up and straighten your elbows, then return the projectile to its original position.
  • Barbell row . Latest useful exercise, the technique of which I will tell you. Perform only standing with a narrow grip. Constant training using this exercise will help pump up your deltoids and trapezius. Take the projectile with an overhand grip. The distance between hands should be 0.3 meters. Gently bring the barbell up to your chin, keeping your back straight. From the top point, return to the starting position.

The exercises listed are extremely popular among professional athletes. This means they are really effective. I hope that with their help you will gain strong and pumped up shoulders that will drive more than one representative of the fair sex crazy.

Shoulder push-ups

Push-ups provide a decent load on a number of muscle groups, including triceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles. Since we are more interested in how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups, we will dwell in detail on the last option.

Regardless of the type of push-ups, only the front deltas are trained. The middle and posterior fascicles remain intact. If you are pursuing the goal of pumping up the front bundles, push-ups are what you need. In addition, training will help you stop slouching.

For best result An additional load that is attached to the back will not hurt. Take a regular backpack or weighted vest. If you don’t have extra money, a backpack with handy things is plenty.

It is unlikely that you are interested in training only the anterior bundles. Therefore, I suggest moving on. As I already said, the deltoid muscles have several bundles, including the anterior, middle and posterior. In turn, each bundle is divided into 7 types of fibers. Consequently, we are dealing with three groups of beams.

Medium beams contribute to the visual expansion of the shoulders. Fortunately, push-ups train them too. Only the lying position is not suitable. Horizontal push-ups work on the front bundles.

Since we are interested in pumping up the entire shoulders, I advise you to pay attention to two types of push-ups at the same time.

  1. The first option involves hand push-ups against the wall.
  2. The second option differs from the first in the absence of support. You will need to learn how to stand on your hands.

With the help of such push-ups you will make your shoulders sculpted. Bars are a good alternative to training.

Video training

When doing push-ups from the floor, using the wall as a support for your legs, put an equal load on all the bundles, since the position will be almost vertical.

Compound push-ups are not for everyone. There is an alternative - take a lying position, lift your pelvis high and move your legs to your hands as close as possible. The legs remain straight. Do a few repetitions of the position and you will immediately feel your shoulders taking on more stress.

This type of push-up pumps up your shoulders, but is slightly inferior to the first options in terms of effectiveness.

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar

Is a beautiful athletic figure your dream? Have you made a firm decision to implement it? In this case, you will need to make friends with the horizontal bar. Sports equipment effectively trains the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

The horizontal bar will help you gain not only sculpted shoulders, but also muscular arms and a beautiful back. With its help you can grow quickly.

Pull-ups are necessary for all people who want to build muscle mass. The horizontal bar forces several muscles to work. That's why professional bodybuilders special attention is paid to the horizontal bar.

Pull-ups are a non-core exercise for training the delta. During the exercise, the deltas play a supporting role. At the same time, any type of pull-up forces these muscles to work. The main function of the anterior deltoid muscle is to flex the shoulder. Consequently, during the process of pulling up at the midpoint, these muscles are under tension.

How to do pull-ups so that the deltoid muscles receive maximum load? A total of three pull-up variations have been developed that are suitable for shoulder training.

  • Medium straight grip . Hang on the bar, arch your back, cross and bend your knees. As you pull your shoulder blades, bring them together. Having reached the most high point, touch the bar with your upper chest. As you descend, straighten your arms so that the back muscles stretch.
  • Average reverse grip . The starting position is similar to the first option. Do not pull yourself up to the very top point, but only to the middle of the amplitude. Having reached the point, fix your body and bend your shoulders so that your collarbones can get as close as possible to the crossbar. The deltoid muscles experience maximum tension in the process of holding the body.
  • Narrow reverse grip . As in the two previous cases, the starting position is standard. As you pull your shoulder blades together, pull your shoulders back. Direct your gaze towards your hands. Try to touch the bar with your lower chest.

Now it’s no secret how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar. Not everyone has such a sports attribute at home, but building it is not difficult. Constant exercise on the horizontal bar will help strengthen not only your shoulders, but also your arms and back.

A selection of the best exercises

Let's look at how to increase the muscle mass of the deltas without leaving home. Many people have long dreamed of a good figure. However, for certain reasons it is not possible to sign up for the gym. Perhaps there is no time to visit or the reason is free finances.

Don’t rush to despair, there is a way out of any situation. Train at home, and the effectiveness of your workouts will be as good as those in the gym if you have good motivation, a few dumbbells and a goal.

The deltoid muscle covers the upper part humerus and consists of posterior, middle and anterior bundles. This muscle group responsible for rotating, raising and abducting the arms. Exercises aimed at pumping up the shoulders are based on these features.

Performing exercises requires the presence of dumbbells. It is better to use prefabricated dumbbells, as their weight can be easily changed. The cost of a set of dumbbells corresponds to a monthly gym membership. Therefore, if it is not possible to visit the institution, save some money, buy equipment and practice at home.

Can't do without a bench. You can build a structure in a matter of minutes. You will need a couple of stools and a long board. We've sorted out the equipment and features of home training. It's time to talk about exercise.

  1. Dumbbell press . Exercise forces you to work middle delta. Turn your elbows to the sides and raise your arms in the same plane. Don't tense your triceps, but your deltoids.
  2. Raising dumbbells to the chin . Accentuates tension on the anterior bundle of muscles. Take dumbbells in your hands, spread your legs wide and lower your hands to the level of your pelvis. By contracting the deltoid muscles, lift the load to the chin and then lower it down.
  3. Mahi. The middle delta is engaged. Place your hands with dumbbells at your sides and bend your elbows slightly. Use your shoulder muscles to swing your arms until they reach a position parallel to the floor. Perform swings to the sides, using shoulder joints.
  4. Dumbbell back fly . Trains the back bundle. Bend 120 degrees relative to the floor and rest your head on some support. Lower your arms at right angles to the floor, bend your elbows and begin performing reverse swings.

For training to be correct and effective, be sure to determine workload and keep a diary in which you write down the lesson program.

If you work out at home, this does not mean that you are allowed to pump muscles without prior preparation. Be sure to warm up thoroughly, paying particular attention to your shoulders and elbow joints. They will have to work the hardest during class.

How to pump up your shoulders in the gym

Many people believe that shoulders create the impression of a muscular and pumped-up body. It is enough to constantly train, and as a result you will get narrow waist, broad shoulders and tapered torso.

Shoulders are the main focus of many professional athletes' training. Moreover, an optimal hip-to-waist ratio is required for normal health. You can get beautiful shoulders provided that the body receives the number of calories necessary for muscle growth. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct healthy image life and eating exclusively healthy.

The set of exercises that I will share makes the muscles of the whole body work. This not only contributes rapid growth, but also maintaining body proportions.

  • Shoulder press . A wonderful exercise that ensures normal shoulder growth and enlargement muscle strength. The press is performed in various ways. These include the barbell overhead press and the front press. In order for the muscles to develop evenly, the presses will have to be alternated.
  • Vertical lifting . Helps build the upper shoulders as they force you to work lateral head deltas. Such exercises will do shoulder muscles rounded, making them look more powerful. Exercises performed in a sitting position will help in mastering vertical lifts. After gaining some experience on a chair with a backrest, move on to a stand, which will provide optimal load.
  • Shrugs. Will expand the upper shoulder girdle and develop the trapezius. Plus, it's very easy to do. You need to take a barbell and keep your arms along your body. The main focus should be on movements from the middle area under the neck. After completing the exercises, be sure to stretch your neck to relieve tension.
  • Lifting weights in front and to the sides . Developing the front and middle heads of the delta helps to round the shoulders, then add weight lifting in front of you or to the sides. As you do the exercise, you will notice that the muscles will become weaker. Therefore, it makes sense to take a lighter load and do more repetitions. First of all, the muscles will quickly be cleared of lactic acid and fatigue will become less noticeable.

When planning your training program, aim to balance shoulder-specific exercises with rest. Training the chest muscles also affects the shoulder girdle. Therefore, make the number of pauses deliberate and correct. If you're going to pump your shoulders, don't let them pectoral muscles heavy load. Otherwise, the intensity and effectiveness of the next lesson will deteriorate.

Many athletes ask how pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, push-ups, what exercises there are, methods, tips and recommendations. After all, in fact, you can pump up your shoulders both at home and in the gym, it all depends on your desire and aspiration. The higher the desire, the faster you can pump up your shoulders.

The first thing you need to pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells with push-ups is to simply set a clear and specific goal for yourself. Take a piece of paper and write down which shoulders you want to build. Next to it, write the exact date by which you want to pump up your shoulders. Find a photo or imagine the shoulders you want to build.

How to pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells - exercises

To pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, using push-ups, you need to perform these exercises 4 times a week or every day, if you really want to quickly pump up your shoulders. For the first 3-4 days, do not do heavy loads to allow your muscles to rest and get used to the new loads.


To pump up shoulders at home without dumbbells, push-ups, you need to do push-ups with a simple, wide and narrow grip. Do 3-4 sets of each type of push-up and 30-50 push-ups. Break maximum 3 minutes between sets. Do push-ups correctly, keeping your back straight and your chest lightly touching the floor and straightening your arms as you lift.


To pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, do the exercises regularly, without skipping workouts, so you don't have to start all over again. To strengthen and speed up the process, use additional weight. If you don't have dumbbells, replace them with water bottles or a backpack with books.

Also, to pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, with push-ups, take care of the regime and proper nutrition. Eat only healthy food natural food, which contains more vitamins and proteins. Don't overeat, eat: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Drink 2-3 liters of water throughout the day.