Description of sports in English: sports is life with the volume turned up. Topic in English “Sport in my life” Topics on sports

Sports are the most easy and convenient ways for the very good physical and mental exercise. It is very useful for growth and development of the individual as well as the country. We can never unseen the benefits and importance of playing the sports on a regular basis. Sports provide a person the feeling of well being and encourage living a healthy life. It keeps us always fit and healthy as well as away from problems of drug addiction, crime and disorders. Sports are organized at national and international level by the government of the country for motivating the students to take part and get popularity through sports. Any of the sports is very simple however need full devotion and hard work to get practiced on a daily basis. Nowadays, sports has become the most efficient way to establish a better career for whole life as it provides equal and good job opportunities to all. It is the medium which enhances the economy of the host country organizing the sports activities. It makes a country to feel proud if its citizens win the match. It brings encouragement and develops the feeling of patriotism. It is the way to reduce international level tension among many countries. It helps in improving the physical and mental strength of the person as well as the economic and social strength of the country.


Sport is the simplest and most convenient way for a very good physical and mental workout. Sports are very beneficial for the growth and development of an individual as well as a country. We cannot stress enough the benefits and importance of exercising on a regular basis. Sport provides a person with a sense of well-being and teaches a healthy lifestyle. Sport helps to stay healthy and in good shape, and also protects against problems of drug addiction, crime and delinquency. Sports events organized at national and international levels by the government of the country motivate students to take active part and become popular through sports. Any of the sports is very simple, however, it requires complete dedication and hard work to practice regularly. Nowadays, sport has become a great opportunity to create better career for life as it provides equal and good employment opportunities. It is an environment that strengthens the economy of the host country of sporting events. This instills pride in the country whose citizens won the match, which develops a sense of patriotism. This helps reduce tension international level among many countries. Moreover, sports help improve a person's physical and mental strength as well as the economic and social strength of a country.

The topic “Sports” appears in the school curriculum every year.

The only difference is in the volume of vocabulary studied and the complexity of grammatical structures. Therefore, we will consider several text options on the topic “Sports”, which are suitable for different ages.

  • Text about sports in English for the little ones

This topic occurs already in the second grade, and in this case the vocabulary learned during the study of previous topics is used. The text itself should not exceed 3-5 small simple sentences. For example:

I like sport. I go in for football with my friends. We run, play and shout there. I go in for football with my father. I like it. I want to be a football player when I grow up.– I love sports. I play football with my friends. We run, play and scream. I go to football with my dad. I like it. I want to become a football player when I grow up.

Naturally, the further you go, the more complex the constructions and lexical material used. In particular, for secondary school students the recommended amount of work is about 15 sentences, including introductory phrases and constructions in the conclusion. A sample plan would look like this:

Introduction (2 sentences)

My attitude towards sports in general (3-4 sentences)

Description of the sport that I do or would like to do (3-4 sentences)

A story about a talented athlete whom I admire (3-4 sentences)

Conclusion (2 sentences)

  • Story on the topic “My Favorite Kind of Sport”

Below is an example of a text about sports that may be useful to secondary school students when preparing for an oral survey or when writing a text on the topic of sports. Let's start, perhaps, with the first two points of the above plan.

Today I"d like to tell you about my favorite kind of sport and about my attitude to sports in general. They say, a sound mind in a sound body. I agree with this statement and I think it"s absolutely true. You can never be a happy person if your health is poor. Sport is the thing that helps you not only to be strong, but also to remain healthy and happy. It also helps you to feel better and fills your life with positive emotions. – Today I would like to tell you about my favorite sport, about the athlete I admire, and about my attitude towards sports in general. There is a proverb: “In healthy body- healthy mind." I agree with her and think that this is absolutely true. You can never be a happy person if you are sick or have health problems. Sport is something that helps you not only be strong, but also healthy and happy. Sport also improves your well-being and fills your life with positive emotions.

In six sentences we revealed the first two points of the plan. The following is a description of the speaker’s favorite sport and favorite athlete:

As for me, my favorite kind of sport is bodybuilding. It makes your body strong and healthy. It also makes your heart stronger. So I think it "s the best kind of sport for a man. As for my favorite bodybuilder, I would say it"s Oksana Grishina. She is a talented athlete who, having been a champion in gymnastics, made a decision to change her career in sports and become a bodybuilder. I admire her, she has the nerves of steel and an iron will, and she always wins. – My favorite sport is bodybuilding. It makes a person's body strong and healthy. Bodybuilding also trains the heart. Therefore, I believe that this is the most best view sports for men. Speaking about my favorite athlete, I would say Oksana Grishina. She is a talented athlete who, being a gymnastics champion. She changed everything and became a bodybuilder. I admire her, she really has an iron will and she always wins.

In conclusion, we can again say a few words about sports in general:

As I said, I like sports. I think that any person should go in for sport and enjoy it.– As I already said, I love sports. I think everyone should play sports, enjoy it and have fun.

The given topic about sports in English is suitable for middle school students (grades 6-7) and high school students (grades 10-11). It will also be useful to all English language learners. Following the link you will find other useful English texts on the topic of sports and healthy image life with translation into Russian.

More and more people become addicted to sport every day. It has become a tendency everyone tries to follow. Sport is what makes people healthier, more fit and beautiful.

I am keen on sport. Several years ago I used to play football. I was a member of a school team. We took part in many competitions and more than once were the champions. We were kings on the pitch. I still love football but as a fan. My favorite football team is Barcelona. I enjoy every game they play.

Although I didn’t become a professional sportsman, sport still plays a very important role in my life. I go jogging every morning. It helps me not only to keep fit, but also to start a day in a perfect mood. It takes me half an hour to do my morning sport but the result is worth waking up very early.

I also prefer improving my body health in a gym. I go there three times per week. Some of my friends followed my example and now we do it together. We do some work-outs, do some exercises and relax our minds. The gym helps to throw off some energy after an extremely busy working day.

A great amount of success in sport life depends on the food. There is no need to follow some strict diet programs or suffer from a great lack of calories. What is needed is healthy food. You know, an old proverb says that an apple a day keeps doctors away. So does the healthy food.

In my country sport is becoming part of everyone’s life. Hockey stays as popular as football is. Many people become keen on tennis and lots of little girls dream of becoming figure skaters or become great fans of gymnastics.

I am happy to see more people who go jogging in the mornings. The gyms become more and more overcrowded so lots of new ones open every month. The tendency is good and I hope that one day people will realize that their health depends on them. So do more sport, eat healthily and live long.


More and more more people Every day they start to get involved in sports. This has already become a trend that everyone is trying to follow. Sport makes people healthier, slimmer and more beautiful.

I really love sports. A few years ago I played football. I was a member of the school team. We took part in many competitions and became champions more than once. We were kings on the field. I still love football, but as a fan. My favorite football team is Barcelona. I enjoy every game they play.

Although I didn't professional athlete, sports still play very important role in my life. I go for a run every morning. This helps me not only maintain good physical fitness, but also to start the day in a great mood. Morning exercise only takes half an hour, but the results are worth waking up very early.

I also prefer to improve my health at the gym. I go there three times a week. Some of my friends followed my example and now we do it together. We do certain exercises and take a break from thoughts. The gym helps you lose some energy after a busy day at work.

A huge part of success in sports depends on food. No need to follow strict diet or suffer from a calorie deficit. All you need to do is eat healthy food. There is an old saying that says an apple a day will keep you from going to the doctor. Eating healthy does the same thing.

In my country, sport becomes a part of every person's life. Hockey remains as popular as football. Many people become interested in tennis and many little girls dream of becoming figure skaters or become big fans of gymnastics.

I'm glad more people run in the morning. Gyms are becoming more and more crowded, with many new ones opening every month. The trend is good and I hope that one day people will understand that their health depends on them. So exercise, eat right and live long.

Phrases and expressions:

to be a member of a team - to be a member of a team

to take part in a competition- accept participation V competition

to be the champions- be champions

on the pitch- on the football field

togo jogging- go for a run

to keep fit- be in shape

to follow the example- follow example

to do some exercises- do exercises

to throw off some energy- reset energy

to follow a strict diet- follow a strict diet

Millions of people are fond of sports and games. They help us to stay healthy and active during our life. Scientists admit that everyone should at least do some morning exercises or have a long walk for about three kilometers a day to keep his shape. Moreover sport teaches people discipline and better organization during the day. In each part of the world one can find various kinds of sport.

Each country has its own traditions about sport.

For example Russians are known to be great gymnasts, swimmers, figure skaters and hockey players. During the Olympic Games our sportsmen always show high class and win many gold medals. Winter skiing and snowboarding have also become very popular in Russia for the winter is long and snowy and our people have much time for practice. At every school there are at least three PE lessons a week, some of them are held outdoors despite of the weather. There are also many sporting societies and clubs.

Russians are also well-known for the soccer team though it is not our national kind of sport. Soccer has British origins and their people love to play it. Besides soccer they are fond of cricket, golf, polo and horse-racing. To tell the truth there are some fancy types of racing in Great Britain, for example dog-racing, donkey-racing and even cheese-racing. A large number of British like to play and watch tennis. Every tennis fan knows the famous

Wimbledon Championship that calls together the best tennis players in the world.

As to me, I’m fond of karate. This is a Japanese kind of sport but now it is quite popular in Russia too. We have a karateclub in our school and I go there three times a week. I have been practicing for two years and have achieved a yellow belt. There are many styles in karate, for example “chito-ru”, “shotokan” or “gosoku-ru”. Our master teaches us that the most important thing is to defend yourself, not to attack others. Karate helps me to be strong and self-confident. My dream is to become a master and take part in the international championships.


Millions of people love sports competitions and games. They help us stay healthy and active throughout our lives. Scientists say that everyone should at least do exercises or walk three kilometers a day to stay in shape. Moreover, sports teach people discipline and better organization throughout the day. Can be found in any part of the world various types sports Each country has its own traditions associated with sports. For example, Russians are known for being excellent gymnasts, swimmers, figure skaters and hockey players. At the Olympic Games, our athletes show high class and win many gold medals. Skiing and snowboarding have also become popular in Russia since our winters are long and snowy and people have a lot of time to practice.

Each school conducts physical education at least 3 times a week, many lessons are held outside, regardless of the weather. There are also sports communities and clubs. Russians are also known for their football team, although it's not ours national species sports Football is of British origin and the British love to play it. In addition to football, they love cricket, golf, polo and horse racing. In truth, in the UK there are more unusual species races such as greyhound racing, donkey racing and even cheese racing. Many British people love to play and watch tennis. Every tennis fan knows the famous Wimbledon, which brings together the most best players in the world.

As for me, I love karate. This is a Japanese sport, but now it is also quite popular in Russia. We have our own karate club at school and I go there three times a week. I have been practicing karate for 2 years and received a yellow belt. There are many styles of karate, such as Chito-ru, Shotokan, Gosoku-ru. Our master teaches us the most important thing is to protect ourselves without attacking others. Karate helps me to be strong and confident. My dream is to become a master and take part in international competitions.