Who was Laysan Utyasheva's coach? The story of the life and success of Laysan Utyasheva

Today marks the birthday of one of the most talented gymnasts of the early 21st century. Laysan Utyasheva, who turned 31 years old. This girl's life suddenly turned 180 degrees 10 years ago. To succeed outside of sports, she had to endure the consequences severe injury, losing my mother and working 20 hours a day.

Outshine Kabaeva

Utyasheva got into rhythmic gymnastics by accident. Having moved to Volgograd from Bashkiria, her parents dreamed of sending the girl to a ballet school, but the coach rhythmic gymnastics managed to intercept her. Six years of hard work brought Utyasheva to the national team, where Irina Viner I immediately saw great talent in her. Utyasheva progressed so rapidly that she soon won the Grand Prix against the incomparable Alina Kabaeva,

In September 2002 at demonstration performances in Samara, a girl's foot was knocked off after an unsuccessful landing. The examinations did not reveal any problems, but, as it turned out later, there was criminal medical negligence. As a result, Utyasheva continued to train and perform with a broken foot, enduring pain and accusations of laziness and simulation. Knowing the character of her charges, Wiener suspected something was wrong, and during an examination in Germany it turned out that urgent surgery was needed, otherwise Utyasheva would not only be able to perform, but also walk.

Life first at 21

The operation was successful, and two years later Utyasheva returned to the carpet. She immediately joined the Russian national team, won the European Championship and still retained hopes of competing at the Olympics. However, the serious injury still made itself felt and Utyasheva was unable to fully return to her previous level. After long conversations with Viner in 2006, Laysan made the difficult decision to end her career. As the athlete herself recalled, only at the age of 21 did real life begin for her. Utyasheva seemed to take a leap into freedom, although she still went to the Beijing Olympics, but as a television commentator. Promising career on television was just beginning.

From "Main Road" to "Dancing"

Utyasheva’s television career began with the morning show on NTV “Main Road”. Later she began to popularize healthy image life and gymnastics. A column of this type appeared in the morning broadcast of NTV; on “Sport Plus” Utyasheva became the author of the program “ Personal trainer”, and on another cable channel “Live” - the program “Fitness with the Stars”. Laysan is also on high level mastered dancing and performed the role at the New Opera Theater.

In 2014, the TNT channel launched the massive TV show “Dancing,” where the best dancers competed for a big prize of 3 million rubles, and their talents, as in most similar shows, were assessed by viewers and professional judges. Utyasheva brilliantly coped with the role of the presenter, she herself took part in demonstration dance numbers, and at the end of the second season of the project she won the TV presenter of the year nomination according to Glamor magazine.


It is unlikely that Laysan would have achieved such success in show business if it were not for the support of Zulfiya’s mother. She went with her daughter to almost all events, which at one time was even the object of jokes from Comedy Club residents, told her when she needed to take a break from work and relax, and gave advice. She was young, energetic and full of strength, but in the summer of 2012 she suddenly passed away, presumably due to a stroke. For Laysan, the loss of a loved one was a crushing blow. She was forced to temporarily suspend all projects and seek help from psychologists, the main one of whom was still Irina Viner.

First friendship, then love

With her husband, a resident of the Comedy Club Pavel Volya, who called himself a “glamorous scumbag” and became famous for verbally “beating up” all kinds of stars, Utyasheva had known each other for a long time, but for the first three years the young people were connected only by friendship. They could meet, have fun, and then not see each other for six months. Even when a close relationship began between them, the couple hid it for a long time, and the paparazzi were in no hurry to announce the sensation. Only a modest wedding and Utyasheva’s pregnancy made this fact public – the “bastard” turned into a caring father and loving husband.

The wedding itself took place modestly in a narrow circle, without festive events and honeymoon. The newlyweds came to the registry office in ordinary clothes, signed autographs on the main document in their lives, and in the evening they sat at home with their closest loved ones. The grief for my mother was still fresh, but before leaving she still blessed her daughter’s choice. “Whoever knows how to joke so skillfully is a very smart person...” she said about Vol.

The husband is the head of everything

ABOUT family life star couple not much is known. Following the birth of their first child, who was named Robert, a girl, Sophia, was born. The couple lives a measured life in the near Moscow region and only recently in an interview Laysan admitted that they have a traditional way of life in their family and all the main decisions are made by the husband. The athlete said that she always dreamed of a spouse like Volya, someone who was several years older and had a good sense of humor. “I can only learn from him calmness, prudence, and the ability to understand people,” Utyasheva repeatedly emphasized.

Born into the family of Albert and Zulfiya Utyashev, a historian and librarian. In one of her interviews, she indicated that she is half Bashkir (on her mother’s side), adding that Tatar, Polish and Russian blood flows in her veins (her father is of mixed origin). She converted to Orthodoxy and previously professed Islam.

In 1989, the family moved to Volgograd. The parents intended to send Laysan to a ballet school, but by chance, in line at the store, gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova noticed the girl, noting the extraordinary flexibility of her joints. Since 1994 she studied with Tatyana Sorokina. In 1997, she moved to Moscow and trained under the guidance of Alla Yanina and Oksana Skaldina. In 1999, Utyasheva was awarded the title of Master of Sports.

In 2000 it became silver medalist tournament in memory of Oksana Kostina. The athlete's most significant victories occurred in 2001 and 2002. In September 2001, Laysan became the absolute winner in all six disciplines at the World Cup in Berlin, and in October of the same year she won gold at the World Championships in Madrid in the team competition. The athlete was awarded the title of international master of sports.

Since 2002, Utyasheva trained under the guidance of Irina Viner and Vera Shatalina. After taking second place at an international tournament in Slovenia in May, she won the unofficial world championship in France, in the city of Corbeil-Eson. In June she became the winner of the Youth Games in Moscow in all-around and three types(jump rope, ball, mace). In September 2002, at a demonstration performance in Samara, she lost her foot due to an unsuccessful landing on poorly prepared mats. An examination did not reveal any injury, and Utyasheva continued to compete, which only worsened the situation. The athlete repeatedly complained of pain in her legs, but repeated examinations did not reveal anything, which gave rise to ill-wishers to claim that Utyasheva was faking an injury.

In December 2002, after the World Cup stage, Wiener contributed to a comprehensive examination of the gymnast’s condition in a clinic in Germany. As a result of magnetic tomography, a diagnosis was made: multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone of one leg and discrepancy due to constant transfer of the load of the bones of the foot of the other leg. There was a fear that the athlete would not only be forced to end her career, but would also not be able to walk. However, thanks to a successful operation performed by Russian surgeons, Laysan was able to return to sports. In 2004, she again competed as a member of the Russian national team, becoming the European champion in team competitions, won the international tournaments in Latvia, France. She was going to compete at least until the Beijing Olympics, but in April 2006, after consulting with Wiener, Utyasheva decided to leave the sport.

After completing her career, Utyasheva became the co-host of the “Main Road” program on the NTV channel, and hosts a morning broadcast on the same channel. He also hosts the TV show “Fitness with the Stars” on the Live TV channel. In May 2007, she made her debut as a soloist in the ballet Bolero at the New Opera Theater.

In August 2008, Utyasheva presented her autobiographical novel “Unbroken”).

In November 2009, the premiere of Utyasheva’s dance show “Sign of Infinity” took place.

Since 2010, in the NTV channel program “NTV in the morning” he has been running a traditional section for morning programs dedicated to morning exercises.

On the Sport-Plus TV channel, Laysan hosts the Personal Trainer program.

On October 15, 2011, Laysan’s author’s program “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva” started on the NTV channel.

On March 14, 2012, Laysan buried her closest person - the athlete’s mother, Zulfiya Utyasheva, died of a heart attack at the age of 47

On March 22, 2012, a new program “Cafe Romantika” was launched on radio Romantika. Every Thursday, Utyasheva invites famous musicians, actors, fashion designers and athletes to “Cafe Romantika” to talk about romance over a cup of coffee and find out what worries the program’s heroes, how they live, what they dream about and what they strive for. Also in 2012, Laysan played one of the roles in the TV series “Champions”.

Personal life

In October 2012, the press reported on a legal property dispute between Utyasheva and her former lover, 34-year-old businessman Valery Lomadze, whom Laysan met in 2010 and lived with her mother for some time in the apartment and at the dacha. The subject of the dispute, according to media reports, was cash and a BMWX6 SUV.

In September 2012, she married actor and showman Pavel Volya. On May 14, 2013, in Miami, she gave birth to a son, who was named Robert.

The family lives in a townhouse 45 km from Moscow along Novorizhskoye Highway. Wikipedia

Information about Laysan Utyasheva’s marriage to Pavel Volya appeared on the Internet on April 1, April Fool’s Day. One could only guess: is this true or an April Fool's joke?

Laysan recently gave birth to a son. However, neither she nor Pavel have yet uttered a word about the changes in their lives. And finally Laysan Utyasheva decided to tell the truth

— Laysan, you have always been so willing to communicate with the press. And suddenly they surrounded themselves with mystery. Why, for example, was it necessary to hide your relationship with Pavel Volya?

- And we didn’t hide anything. For two years we went to theaters, movies, shopping, and walked around Red Square together. But the paparazzi - lo and behold! — we were never caught. And the people who asked to take pictures with Pashka or with me never posted these pictures on the Internet. Surprisingly... We ourselves didn’t comment on anything, because Pasha, in principle, doesn’t like to talk about himself, and recently I don’t either. Now I value my personal life so much that I’m afraid to frighten away my happiness with stories about it. You are the first to whom I tell about it. And maybe the last ones. Yes, it’s hard to believe that I’m saying this, even a couple of years ago I was giving out interviews left and right.

- What happened in your life, why did you change so much?

— After March 12, 2012, when my mother unexpectedly died, I could no longer be the same lively and carefree Laysan... She was not only a mother for me, but also an assistant and adviser. I have always had mentors - Irina Viner, older friends from the national team - Alina Kabaeva, Ira Chashchina. When sports ended and I came to television, new leaders appeared, but my most important “commander” was my mother. In recent years, we have not parted with her: we lived together, worked together (she was my director, producer of my television projects). And suddenly my mother passed away...

I worked a lot myself, and my mother always supported me. Sometimes I led two corporate events a day, ran to a party in the evening, and at night learned the text for the next event. Either I open a fitness club in the north, or I host a bank anniversary in the south. Plus endless parties - and this is also part of my job. Sometimes I transferred from one plane to another. And my mother was always next to me, who was also tired and worried. I still feel guilty that we didn’t get enough rest.

But at the same time, my mother never complained about her health. In general, everyone in our family is long-livers. My grandmother is now 80 years old. Great-grandmother lived to be 102 years old. That's why my mother always said that she wanted to live to be one hundred and forty. But it turned out - only until she was forty-seven... The most annoying thing is that my mother monitored her health, regularly underwent medical examinations, and no serious deviations from the norm were detected in her. Lately, it’s as if she’s gotten a second wind: she raised me, found herself in the profession, and prosperity came to the house. Mom even decided to have a baby! She said: you, Laysan, have only one job on your mind, you won’t get grandchildren, so I’ll give birth myself!

— Were your parents divorced?

- Yes, over the years they accumulated contradictions, and they separated. We decided not to torment each other, but to part ways in a civilized manner. Mom was very upset about the breakup with her father, but over time everything got better. Everything was so good for us! And only once did I hear a strange phrase from my mother. She has a named sister, Tatyana, an old, best friend. Now she lives in Spain, on the coast. And then five years ago we went to Tatiana to relax. And in some conversation, my mother suddenly said: “Tanya, if something happens to me, take care of Laysan.” Aunt Tanya was surprised: “Zulfiya, what kind of nonsense?!” You will still marry your great-grandchildren!” But it didn’t happen...

Then, on March 12, my mother and I were sitting in a small company in this very restaurant where we are now. Everything was fine. Only when I took my mother’s hand did I notice that her palms were sweaty. She realized that something bad was happening to her. They called an ambulance. The doctors arrived and said that my mother’s blood pressure had slightly increased and gave her Validol. Mom felt better. While we waited out the traffic jams (our townhouse is 45 kilometers from Moscow in New Riga), until we got there...
About 20 minutes after we finally got home, my mother suddenly became very ill, she could not utter a word. I thought - stroke! I called the ambulance again and they answered: “All the cars are busy.” I had to call again and again until the car was sent out. Mom was getting worse, I rushed to dial the ambulance number again, screaming in hysterics: “My mother is dying!” And in response I heard: “Everyone is dying, you’re not the only one...”

I remember poorly what happened next - everything happened in a fog... The doctors finally arrived and declared death from acute heart failure... Then everything was very, very bad... After a while I had to go to work - it was time to record new programs on NTV, I have a contract. And I did everything that was necessary, but as if on autopilot.

- How were you able to cope with the situation?

— Psychologists studied me seriously, but Irina Aleksandrovna Viner became the best. She is like a second mother to me. From her I heard very important words: “Fox, you are not an orphan: you have Alisher Burkhanovich and I (Usmanov, Irina Viner’s husband - Ed.), your grandparents, your father, a country that loves you. You just need to take a “day off” for a year - you’ve worked so much that you’ve driven yourself…” But I, on the contrary, wanted to load myself with projects - to forget. But Wiener said: “Where else can we plow?!” If you’re afraid that you won’t be able to return to television later, my doors are always open for you - you’ll become a coach...” And I listened to her.

NTV let me go, I went to Aunt Tanya in Spain. Thank God I didn't have to think about a piece of bread. Very serious companies, sports and automobile companies, just renewed their advertising contracts with me. And in July I flew to America to star in commercials, and in August to London to comment on the Olympics. I thought I’d leave Moscow and get lost in the crowd. And there people kept coming up to me, although I had never been anywhere except the hotel room and the commentary booth. Everyone sympathized, said words of support, and this made it even harder for me.

I returned to Moscow, and here it was even worse. It’s unbearable to be in an apartment where everything reminds us of my mother, starting with our shared photographs on the walls. It's hard to drive on the streets that we drove with her. I couldn’t even find the strength to go to this favorite restaurant of ours (by the way, over time, the psychologist, on the contrary, advised me to visit here more often to overcome my fear).

— At that moment, Pavel Volya was already your husband?

— We got married in September 2012. But even before that, Pasha was next to me, I don’t know how I would have survived that terrible period without him... It seemed to me that I couldn’t breathe from grief, but Pavel helped! This is difficult to explain. Just a person who enveloped me with comprehensive care and love...
And I began to come to my senses. This does not mean that everything passed - I was not immediately able to calmly accept and survive the loss. Sometimes I still cry. But I also thank my mother for the life she gave me. In difficult moments, Pasha constantly told me: “Mom would be hurt if she heard you... Remember - she is nearby. And please her with your happiness!” I'm trying really hard.

— How did you and Pavel meet? The press claims that you had “stormy love at first sight”...

- Not at all! For three years Pasha and I were just friends. We had a warm and tender sympathy. And at a serious distance - we did not meddle in each other’s personal lives. But when they met, they chatted heartily. Let's talk and part for six months. By the way, if I watched a film about a long friendship turning into love, I myself would not believe that this happens...
I can’t even remember under what circumstances this happened - it was as if we had always known each other. Maybe this is because at first we got to know each other in absentia - thanks to the television screen. Then they began to invite me to the Comedy Club. I really love this show - the best and most fun guys are there. By the way, my mother also loved them, she said: “Whoever knows how to joke so skillfully is a very smart person...” And when I told her that I was going with Pashka somewhere to a cafe, my mother answered: “Cool! Say hi."

— Pavel usually made fun of the guests of the program very sharply. Above you too?

“He and Garik always introduced me kindly: “Here is Laysan, as always, with his mother.” By the way, Sasha Revva also liked to play on this theme. He sees him in the hall and says: “Utyasheva, can I invite you... Oh, you and your mother - excuse me.”

- Indeed, why did you, an adult girl, go to parties with your mother, and not with a young man?

“And I didn’t have it for quite a long time.” Although I told the press that I was dating a certain guy. It was easier for me this way. I didn’t want to put up a “space available” sign—I was focused solely on my career. After all, gymnasts from childhood are accustomed to training for eight hours (this is in addition to school and everything else).

I had a goal for which I needed to work hard. At 19 years old due to terrible injury legs the sport is over for me. But by inertia I continued to “run”. Mom sometimes said: “You are invited to hold the opening of a sports club, but you won’t fly there. That's enough - you haven't had a day off for three months. Better get some rest." Mom was probably worried, seeing that I was not trying to arrange my personal life, but I always knew: what’s yours will not leave you. There is no need to rush and chase happiness. And if a man is “intercepted” on the fly, then this is not your guy... This is not pride. I'm just naturally very shy and modest.

— It’s hard to believe, looking at how you “lit up” at competitions, how bright you always looked at parties...

“This is a manifestation of the competitive spirit that sport developed in me. I was taught this way: “You have to be the first, to get ahead of everyone...” I was so used to being the first in everything that at the party I had to be the most noticeable. Hence my flashy outfits and too frank interviews.

But the day came when I seemed to grow up. I realized that it is stupid to rush forward everywhere and always. I began to admire my older colleagues, who exuded calmness and beautiful self-confidence... Probably, this is how my eastern roots began to manifest themselves, the fact that I spent the first years of my life in the Bashkir outback, in the village of Raevskoye. No, I am very far from the ideal of an oriental girl who is always obediently silent. In the end, my profession simply did not allow me to be shy - after all, gymnasts perform half naked.

At some point, I decided that I needed to be more modest, changed short dresses to long ones, and began to communicate with the press differently. She said to herself: “Laysan, it wasn’t you in the previous image. You shocked, betrayed yourself, just to be noticed, to be in the crowd and to work, work, work.” Having become different, I returned to my real self - the modest and quiet Laysan. At that moment I met Pasha. And what I had been waiting for for so long happened - true love.

- At first glance, you and Pavel are so different...

“The fact that I married a Comedy Club star is not surprising in itself. It’s much more surprising that my husband is a Russian language teacher. (Pavel Volya graduated from Penza State Pedagogical University with a degree in teaching Russian language and literature. - Ed.) The fact is that I had a lot of problems with the Russian language at school, because my native language is Bashkir. But my mother believed that I should be the best not only in sports, but also in studies. And she strictly monitored my grades. She said: “You have a Georgian Gayane in your class - she has an A in Russian. Why do you have a C?” And if I didn’t get at least a B, they wouldn’t let me go to competitions—neither my tears nor the coaches’ calls helped. It was very difficult to sit down with a grammar book after hours of training in the gym, but I understood that it was necessary. And now, after all my problems with spelling, it’s on you! God sent a man who was a wordsmith.

- What kind of wedding did you have?

- There was no wedding at all - no white dress, no limousine with dolls. In memory of my mother, we decided to hold a very modest wedding ceremony. We just went to the registry office in ordinary clothes and signed. And in the evening we celebrated the event at home, in a narrow family circle: Pasha’s parents, his sister, and my grandparents came from Bashkiria.

- Well, at least you went somewhere on your honeymoon?

- No. But even without him we were very happy. We walked in parks, along Red Square, and went to museums. They just didn’t show up at parties - I didn’t want unnecessary attention to our quiet and happy family...

For the first time in my life, I didn’t jump up in the morning when the alarm went off to run errands. I could sleep, and then slowly cook breakfast, slowly go to the bathroom. I could turn off my mobile phone, which had never happened before. For the first time in my life I devoted time to myself! For example, I started drawing and started shopping. I used to run into stores between jobs and hastily buy something there. And then I began to enjoy the shopping process. Well, I soon realized that I was pregnant.

— You must have been very happy?

— Pasha and I both wanted children. So the fact of pregnancy did not come as a surprise to me. I just realized: now I don’t live by my own interests, I am the instrument through which the world will come new life. Therefore, I changed my heels to boots and sneakers. And I also began to watch very carefully what I eat. Since childhood, I have hated the words “scales” and “kilograms” - gymnasts are constantly weighed. All these years, the fear of getting fat hangs over us like a sword of Damocles! Therefore, when I stopped playing sports, I immediately threw away the scales. And even when the gynecologists said that you need to weigh yourself regularly, I didn’t buy them again! But in the seventh month, she still weighed herself - in the doctor’s office. And then it turned out that I had gained a lot of weight. How upset I was! I was perplexed, where did these numbers come from?! I didn’t eat sweets or snack at night. That is, almost every night I went to the refrigerator and opened it. But then I remembered how in my youth I climbed into the refrigerator at the sports center in the same way. There were only healthy products- cottage cheese, broccoli, which we could no longer see. She looked at the jars of food, swallowed her saliva and closed the door. And here again the night scenes at the refrigerator are just deja vu...

In general, I have no idea where it came from overweight, which dealt a serious blow to the psyche. But then I reassured myself: stop worrying so much, otherwise you can give birth ahead of schedule. Well, I'll dial extra kilos, then I'll reset it...

— You spent almost your entire pregnancy in Spain. Is this so you won't be bothered by the paparazzi?

— More likely because of the climate. Winter in Moscow means cold, ice and inevitable colds. And in Spain in December it’s +20, sunny, sea. Despite my situation, Pasha and I traveled a lot around the country. I was captivated by Barcelona, ​​Granada and the incredibly beautiful Alhambra Palace. You see, I planned to spend a “year off” in Spain, but it turned out to be maternity leave.

By the way, doctors abroad have a completely different approach to pregnancy than in Russia. Our doctors are always giving pregnant women nightmares - it’s impossible, it’s dangerous. And there everything is much more calm: “If the woman feels good, then so does the child.” For example, pregnant women are allowed a glass of wine...

—Did you allow yourself to be capricious during this period?

- No! I respect my husband too much to sit on his neck. Like, I’m pregnant, so now I’ll be a backpack, and you drag me, please. No, I couldn’t stand my husband’s brains. When emotions still took over, some kind of fear rolled in, she said: “I think I’m going to cry now.” For some reason, since childhood I always warn that I will burst into tears. Pasha smiled: “Let’s not do it!” And I agreed: “I won’t...” And they let me go...

I approached childbirth like the Olympic Games, which never happened in my life. I learned to breathe correctly, I did special exercises and even developed her own complex. After all, as an athlete, I know a lot of load options for the same muscle...
So the birth took place without problems and quickly, in just half an hour. I gave birth in Miami - and again I was struck by the calm, easy atmosphere: all the doctors and nurses were doing their job, smiling and making jokes and jokes along the way. They spoke English, but I understood almost everything.

— Was your husband present at the birth?
— Pasha and I somehow immediately decided that this did not need to be done. But as soon as the child was washed, the husband ran into the room and saw Robert.

- Who gave the boy such a rare name?
- My neneika, that is, grandmother. In Bashkiria, Robert is a common name. So she suggested. But Pasha and I liked it - it was somehow strong and strict.

— What is the boy’s last name? After all, both his father and mother are famous people...

- This was not even discussed. Of course, our son has his father's last name! Yes, I would take my husband’s surname myself if I didn’t have to change a lot of documents...

— Who helps you take care of your child?

— First of all, Pasha. More precisely, he doesn’t help, but takes care of the child, just like me. He even gets up to see the baby at night. Pasha’s parents also help a lot. And soon my grandparents will arrive from Bashkortostan. And we also found a nanny who replaces me when I need to go to Moscow on business. After all, I have a new advertising contract and two serious television projects ahead. Fortunately, television filming does not require daily presence at work. So the child will not be left without mother’s care.

— Laysan, someone compares their family to a stormy ocean, where passions run high, while others have complete calm in their home. What about you and Pasha?

“Everything here is very calm and quiet, and I’m glad it’s not a raging ocean!” We both try not to rock the boat and really appreciate what fate has given us.

- Who is the boss in the family?

- Of course, husband! He's older and smarter. I can only learn from him calmness, prudence, and the ability to understand people. By the way, I always wanted my husband to be five to seven years older than me. Pasha and I are just six years apart...

My husband is very well-read and is interested in history—in this way Pasha reminds me of my father. My father is a historian by training, my mother also taught this subject. I remember how in the evenings they had long discussions about this or that era, and I quietly eavesdropped. How interesting it all was! And now Pasha advises me to read this or that book about some historical event. In the evenings, when I listen to my husband’s stories, I catch myself thinking that I have returned to my childhood, where I felt so good and comfortable.

- Robert is still very young. But maybe you are already thinking about expanding your still small family?

- Certainly! A big family is wonderful. I was the only child of my parents and always dreamed of a brother or sister. Many times, after training, my girlfriends and I huddle in a corner and fantasize - how many children do we want to have? And everyone dreamed of being mothers of many children. Sitting at a large table with your husband and children, small or small, is happiness...

I will not talk more on this topic. And now I have become very superstitious. I’m shaking so much over Robert that those close to me compare me either to a she-wolf protecting her wolf cub, or to a hen that cackles over her chick... Original [email protected] - be perfection!

Childhood and youth

Famous Russian rhythmic gymnast, TV presenter and sports commentator born June 28, 1985 in Bashkortostan.

Her father Albert was a historian, her mother Zulfiya worked in a library.

In 1989, the family moved to Volgograd. The parents intended to send little Laysan to a ballet school, but by chance, in line at the store, the girl was noticed by gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, who noted that the girl could become an excellent rhythmic gymnast.

Moscow and first victories

When Laysan Utyasheva was 12 years old, she and her family left for Moscow, and it was there that her gymnast career quickly took off. The girl trained under the guidance of coaches Alla Yanina and Oksana Skaldina and Irina Viner. The result was not long in coming; in 1999, Utyasheva received the title of Master of Sports, and in the early 2000s, a series of her outstanding sporting victories began.

In 2001, Laysan Utyasheva immediately won in six categories at one of the stages of the World Cup held in Berlin, and a month later she became the main prize-winner at the World Championships in Madrid. After this, the athlete was awarded the title of international master of sports. At that time, they started talking about Utyasheva as an equivalent “replacement” for Kabaeva, who just had an unpleasant incident with doping drugs.


In September 2002, at a demonstration performance in Samara, due to an unsuccessful landing on poorly prepared mats, Laysan severely knocked off her foot, which subsequently provoked severe pain in her leg and cramps. Unfortunately, the athlete was not provided with the necessary assistance in a timely manner due to the fact that a medical examination did not reveal any injury, and Utyasheva continued to train in full force and take part in competitions, which only worsened the situation.

The gymnast continued to complain about discomfort in her legs, but this only gave her detractors a reason to claim that the athlete was faking an injury. The pain did not stop, and in December 2002 it was decided to go to Germany for a large-scale examination of the leg. There, based on the results of magnetic tomography, a diagnosis was made - multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone of one leg and discrepancy due to the constant transfer of the load of the bones of the foot of the other leg.

Doctors had concerns that the gymnast could not only leave big sport forever, but will not be able to walk independently, becoming disabled. Russian surgeons performed five complex operations; a special metal pin was inserted into the gymnast’s foot to fasten the fractures of the scaphoid bone. After that, Laysan slowly recovered - first she started walking, then she started training.

In 2004, Utyasheva again competed as a member of the Russian national team and became the European champion in team competitions. She intended to compete at the Beijing Olympics, but in April 2006, during another training session, her knee blew out. After this incident, considering the last injury a sign of fate, the athlete made a strong-willed decision to leave big-time sports.

Life after sports

After completion sports career Laysan, by her own admission, did not feel a decline in popularity; moreover, prospects for a career in television opened up for her.

So, at first, Utyasheva became the co-host of the “Main Road” program on the NTV channel, hosted the “Dancing with the Stars” program on the TNT channel, and currently hosts the “Fitness with the Stars” program on the “Live” TV channel.


Gymnastics and dancing remain the main passions in Laysan’s life to this day. So, after completing her sports career, in 2007 she made her debut with a solo role in the ballet “Bolero” at the New Opera Theater, and in November 2009, the premiere of Laysan Utyasheva’s dance show “Sign of Infinity” took place.

Personal life of Laysan Utyasheva

On November 27, 2012, Laysan Utyasheva, after several years of romantic relationships, married actor and showman Pavel Volya.

Relationship with father

In one of the interviews, Utyasheva admitted that her parents’ divorce occurred due to the fact that Albert Utyashev abused alcohol. After her parents divorced, Laysa hardly communicated with her father; an attempt to improve relations was made after Utyasheva began to win international competitions and became a star.

At that time, her father gave an interview to one “yellow” publication, where he openly spoke about his relationship with his daughter and that he has another family with whom Utyasheva does not want to communicate out of pride. Utyasheva claims that she did not know about the existence of this family at all. After this incident, Laysan again stopped communicating with her father.

Laysan's mother Zulfiya Utyasheva died of a heart attack in March 2012. Laysan took her mother’s death very hard.

Famous Russian athlete Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography will be described in this article, is known throughout the world as a magnificent gymnast who has accumulated a whole arsenal of awards of various calibers. Despite the fact that she is only 31 years old, she is an Honored Athlete of the Russian Federation and a Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Among her most significant awards is the title of world champion, and she also has many gold medals at European championships. Surely everyone who hears her name becomes interested in where Laysan Utyasheva comes from. Nationality, biography and other details of her life will be revealed in our story especially for you.

Today she is known not only as an athlete, but also as a popular TV presenter. There is one more detail of her life that increases her attractiveness in the eyes of her compatriots: Laysan is the wife and mother of the children of the famous showman Pavel Volya. Surely you didn’t know that his wife is Laysan Utyasheva. The biography (Pavel, as you know, usually hides his personal life behind seven locks, but how can one not boast about the birth of heirs?!) of the young family began in 2012. Since then they have lived amicably and happily.

Laysan Utyasheva: biography, family, roots

The future champion was born in the last days of June 1985 in the village of Raevsky, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Her parents are modest, intelligent people. Father, Albert Utyashev, is a historian, and mother, Zulfiya, is a librarian. The girl's name was chosen by her Bashkir grandmother. It means “affectionate.” In fact, a lot of blood is mixed in Laysan: Tatar, Polish, Russian, and Bashkir. When the girl was 4 years old, the family from Raevsky moved to the hero city of Volgograd.

Coming to the gym

Almost all champions in this sport say that they started training from the very beginning. early childhood. At what age did Laysan Utyasheva start doing rhythmic gymnastics? Her biography includes very interesting story. One day in Volgograd, 4-year-old Laysan stood in line with her parents. Out of boredom, she began to do all sorts of tricks. Standing in line was Nadezhda Kasyanova, a well-known rhythmic gymnastics coach in the city. She immediately noticed the baby’s extraordinary flexibility and invited her parents to bring her to the gymnastics school and even wrote down the address. Zulfiya, Laysan’s mother, had long noticed her daughter’s extraordinary flexibility and dreamed of sending her to a ballet school, so she reluctantly accepted the invitation from Kasyanova. However, the little mischief-maker kept asking to be taken to the named school, and her parents gave in. After the first training session it was already difficult to get her out of there. So Laysan began attending the rhythmic gymnastics section.


The parents thought that by the time school started they would persuade their daughter to leave gymnastics, but that was not the case. She did not agree and simply raved about this sport. The girl did not miss a single competition that was broadcast on sports channels. And already at the age of 5 she announced to her mom and dad that she would become a world champion. Her mother said that intense classes might affect her performance at school and was very strict with her. However, the girl did not give up. She gave up children's games and entertainment - she either prepared homework or worked out in the gym. Parents did not expect such perseverance and endurance from their child. The lessons were not particularly easy for her, but she spent hours fiddling with them so as not to anger her mother.

First victories

At the age of 10, she took part in a serious competition for the first time and received her first monetary fee. With this money she bought a robe for her mother, and she kept it carefully until the end of her days. Every time she was in the hall, my mother felt proud when her daughter’s name was displayed on the board - Laysan Utyasheva! The girl’s biography during her childhood and adolescence was almost entirely connected with gymnastics. By the age of 9, she changed coaches. Now Tatyana Sorokina began to study with her. At the age of 12, already having extensive experience in participating in district, city, regional, and international competitions, Laysan persuaded her family to move to Moscow to take up sports more thoroughly. By that time, her parents had separated, and only her mother, her main inspirer and “commander,” as her daughter liked to call her, went with the girl to the capital. In Moscow, Laysan began training under the guidance of Alla Yanina, and then Oksana Skaldina. In 1999, 14-year-old Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography is presented to you in our review, received the title of Master of Sports. From that moment on, her ascent to the pinnacle of fame began. After fame came to her, the girl said more than once that from childhood she was taught to be first in everything and always try to get ahead of everyone.

Champion's Path

In 2000, a tournament was held in Moscow in memory of the legendary gymnast Oksana Kostina. Laysan became the silver medalist of this competition. Over the next two years she made great progress, one victory after another. So, in the fall of 2001, she became the absolute champion in all 6 disciplines at the World Cup, which was held in Berlin, and some time later - the gold medalist of the World Championships in Spain. After this, the 16-year-old athlete received the title of international master of sports. Since then, she has become recognizable all over the world, especially among athletes and sports fans. In addition to her talent as a gymnast, the girl had a magnificent appearance, and this attracted the attention of millions of fans around the world. Naturally, many were interested in the question of whether Laysan Utyasheva was free. At the insistence of strict trainers, her biography and personal life were always kept in the strictest secrecy. She knew very well that at this stage she could not have any romances. At the end of 2001, according to several popular publications, it was recognized as the discovery of the year. Everyone said that she would be a worthy successor to another beautiful athlete from the Russian national team - Alina Kabaeva.

Further successes

Since 2002, Laysan came under the leadership of the famous Irina Viner, as well as Vera Shatalina. Already in the spring of this year she managed to win two awards - silver and gold medal. In June of the same 2002, the International Youth Games took place in Moscow, where she became the champion in triathlon.


In the fall of 2002, during a performance, she landed unsuccessfully on her heels and felt severe pain, but steadfastly completed her program. However, the x-ray did not show anything serious, and the girl, overcoming the pain, continued to participate in the competition. But each time she felt more and more pain. Some envious women said that Utyasheva was faking so as not to be embarrassed due to a bad performance. In December 2002 she took part in the World Cup, and after that Wiener sent her to comprehensive examination, as a result of which it was revealed that the girl had been performing for several months with multiple fractures. After that, she was sent for treatment to Germany, where she underwent surgery. Already from her hospital bed, she dreamed of returning to sports and winning the Olympic Games in Beijing. She returned to sports, had several significant victories, but it didn’t come to the Olympics: by the age of 19, after consulting with Wiener, who became not only a coach for her, but also a very dear person, she left the sport.

Life after sports

Beautiful, slender, famous, a favorite of the public - with such characteristics, of course, she was immediately taken to television. She hosted the “Main Road” program on the NTV channel. Then she was invited to host a morning broadcast on the same channel. The sports star also became the host of several sports programs on different cable TV channels. In May 2007, she made her debut at the New Opera, where she performed as a soloist in the ballet Bolero. She enjoyed being creative so much that she took up her pen and wrote the autobiographical novel “Unbroken.” In 2009, she performed another premiere - this time she organized dance show, where she performed as a soloist. The show was called "Sign of Infinity."

Programs with the participation of Laysan

  • Morning exercises, NTV channel, since 2010
  • “Personal Trainer”, channel “Sport-Plus”, 2011
  • “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva”, NTV, 2011
  • “Cafe Romantika”, radio station Romantika, 2012.
  • “Dancing” on TNT channel, 2014

That year, the athlete played in the TV series “Champions.”

Laysan Utyasheva: biography, personal life, children

In September 2012, the entire Russian elite was surprised: Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva got married. They didn't have any wedding, no white dress and veil, no limousine. Everything was very modest. The thing is that the girl’s beloved mother recently passed away. Only members of their families gathered for the wedding ceremony and gala dinner. They dated for about three years before getting married. At first it was just friendship, then sympathy, which later grew into love. The most interesting thing is that information that the stars got married appeared on April Fool's Day, April 1. And many then simply did not believe it. In order to make sure, everyone tried to conduct their own investigation and find out whether Laysan Utyasheva really got married. Biography, Pavel, relationship with him, how and where the wedding took place and whether it happened at all - all these topics have been discussed by fans of the stars for a very long time.

And a year later, their first child, Robert, was born in their family. By the way, Grandma Laysan decided to name him that way. It turns out that this is a very popular name in Bashkiria. Young parents chose the city of Miami as the place for the birth of their son. Everything was great, the young mommy felt great, and daddy was generally in seventh heaven. Two years passed, and into the family of Pavel and Laysan she was born beautiful girl- daughter Sofia. Both babies are adorable, but completely different from each other. That's all that can be said today

FULL NAME: Laysan Albertovna Utyasheva

DATE OF BIRTH: 06/28/1985 (Cancer)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Raevsky, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic


HAIR COLOR: brunette


FAMILY: Parents: Albert Utyasheva, Zulfiya Utyasheva. Spouse: Pavel Volya

HEIGHT: 164 cm

OCCUPATION: gymnast, TV presenter


Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, multiple winner of Russian and international competitions, world champion, six-time European champion, European champion in team competition(2002), winner of the 2001/02 World Cup, winner of the 2002 CIS and Baltic Youth Games. The family of the future sports star was very intelligent, father Albert worked as a historian, and mother Zulfiya was a librarian. An explosive mixture of blood from different nations flows in Laysan’s veins. She is half Bashkir, and her ancestors also included Poles, Tatars and Russians.

In 1989, the Utyashev family moved to Volgograd. The mother planned to send her daughter to a ballet school, but one day, in a grocery store line, Laysan was noticed by gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, who was amazed at the extraordinary flexibility of the four-year-old girl’s joints. So she started playing sports. In 2000, she won the silver medal at the Oksana Kostina memorial tournament. The athlete's most significant victories occurred in 2001 and 2002. In September 2001, Laysan became the absolute winner in all six disciplines at the World Cup in Berlin, and in October of the same year she won gold at the World Championships in Madrid in the team competition. The athlete was awarded the title of international master of sports.

In 2002, Utyasheva began training under the guidance of Vera Shatalina and Irina Viner. At this time, she took second place at the Slovenian international tournament and became a prize-winner youth games, held in Moscow. In the autumn of the same year there was unpleasant situation, which led to tragic consequences. During her performances in Samara, Laysan landed unsuccessfully on poorly prepared mats, which is why she injured her foot.

Despite the fact that the gymnast suffered from pain in her leg and periodically consulted doctors, examinations did not reveal any injuries. Utyasheva continued training and performing, and her complaints of pain provided additional food for gossip from envious people who believed that she was faking an illness. In December 2002, the girl underwent a detailed examination in one of the best clinics in Germany, where she was diagnosed with “multiple leg bone fractures.” In addition, the healthy leg also suffered greatly, since it bore all the load during training. The question arose not only about whether Laysan would be able to play sports, but also whether she would walk. It would seem that there is no hope. But the gymnast did not give up and trusted eminent domestic surgeons, who performed a complex operation that put her back on her feet. Already in 2004, Laysan Utyasheva returned to big-time sports. She competed as a member of the Russian national team, won prizes at international tournaments and was going to take part in the Beijing Olympics. But the injury she suffered made itself felt, and Laysan made the difficult decision to leave the sport.

After completing her career, Utyasheva became the co-host of the “Main Road” program on the NTV channel, and hosts a morning broadcast on the same channel. He also hosts the TV show “Fitness with the Stars” on the Live TV channel. In May 2007, she made her debut with a solo role in the ballet “Bolero” at the New Opera Theater. Since August 2014, she has been the host of the “Dancing” program on the TNT channel.

In September 2012, she married actor and showman Pavel Volya. On May 14, 2013, in Miami, she gave birth to a son, who was named Robert, and on May 6, 2015, she gave birth to a daughter, Sofia.