What is the world record for twirling a hoop? Record for simultaneous hoop spinning

April 14, 2011, Participant in the television show “Ukraine Has Got Talent” (STB channel), Alla Klishta set a Ukrainian record for the number of hoops rotated.

On the eve of the broadcast, in the rehearsal room, in the presence of an expert from the National Register of Records, Alla made 5 full rotations of the hoops in 6.5 seconds. The countdown began from the moment Alla began to move. In this case, 102 hoops were used.

The record holder's hoop was previously carefully measured: the thickness of the hoop was 80 mm, the internal diameter was 90 cm, the weight of one hoop (Hula Hoop) was about 200 grams. The total weight of the hoops was 20 kg 400 g. The name “hula hoop” is derived from the name of the Hawaiian dance “hula” and the English word hoop - hoop.

The exact number of revolutions was recorded only after watching a slow-motion video of the record attempt.
The number of hoops was chosen for a reason. Alla wanted to break the record recorded in Belarus 5 years ago. And for the on-air performance in the show, the same bunch of hoops was painted silver.

« I could probably handle more a large number hula hoops, but their weight would be too much for me to bear, - said Alla Klishta. - During the preparation of the number, I told the creative group of the show that I wanted to set a record in live. But they reasonably objected to me - such an unexpected move would make the participants’ chances of advancing to the next round unequal. Therefore, I set the record in the rehearsal hall in the presence of experts from the National Register of Records. Then she repeated it live. Here I must say that I showed a completely new number; it was physically difficult for me, a trained artist, to perform it. By the end of the performance I was terribly tired, including from psychological stress - after all, it was a live broadcast, millions of TV viewers. But she gathered her will into a fist and demonstrated a record trick with 102 hoops.

This was announced after the end of the TV viewer voting - during the broadcast of the alternative semi-final. Unfortunately, the venture with the record did not leave its health consequences - several vertebrae were displaced. So now I’ll give myself a time-out for a week.”

The world record belongs to Paul Blair, who was able to spin 132 hoops around himself at the same time in 2009. According to the rules adopted by the Guinness Book of Records, to fix a record, you must make at least three full turns of the hoops around the body.


Interesting facts about hula hoops:

There was a time in Japan when hula hoop was banned. This was due to the fact that movements when rotating a hula hoop were considered indecent.
On June 4, 2005, a record was set and included in the Guinness Book of Records. Australian Karina Ots set a record by performing three full rotations around her body simultaneously with 100 hoops!
In June 2006, Alesya Gulevich from the Republic of Belarus spun 101 hoops.
In October 2007, Chinese woman Jin Lingling broke the record by simultaneously spinning 105 hoops.
The largest hula hoop (51.5 feet in circumference) was completed by American Ashrita Furman on June 1, 2007.

Do you know that the same hoop that the girls spun in the yard in childhood is an American invention. The first hula hoops were made by toy sellers Richard Knerr and Arthur Merlin, the founders of the Californian company Wham-O. The unusual name Wham-O referred to the sound their first slingshot toy made. The idea of ​​the hula hoop was suggested to them by a visiting resident of Australia, who told them that in his country, during physical education lessons, children twist bamboo hoops around their waists.

The first tests of the hula hoop took place in early 1958 in elementary school city ​​of Pasadena - the partners promised to give the children hoops if they learned to spin them well. To popularize it, Knerr and Merlin told Wham-O employees to take the hoop with them on planes when flying so that people would ask what it was.

In April 1958, people lined up in long lines in front of stores to get their hands on the coveted item. The company began producing 20 thousand hula hoops per day in factories in seven countries. Since it was not possible to patent the hula hoop, copycat products quickly appeared. According to Wham-O, 25 million hula hoops were sold in four months, and about 100 million in a year. Branded hula hoops cost $1.58, which is quite a lot for that time. By the fall of 1958, the market was largely saturated and sales began to decline. The hoop was patented only on June 23, 1964.

The name “hula hoop” is derived from the name of the Hawaiian dance hula and the English word hoop (Russian “hoop”).

The idea of ​​a hoop, even at that time, was far from new. One might even say that humanity has been returning cyclically to this hobby since ancient times. During excavations in the northern oases of Egypt, fossilized hoops are found to this day, which were placed in the grave of Egyptian dignitaries along with household utensils and embalmed slaves. In the British Museum there is a vase depicting an athlete with a hoop, which in its scale is very similar to a modern hula hoop.

In Plutarch’s biography of Agesilaus there is a famous piece about the “round hoop”, which was quite widespread in some regions ancient world- there it was made from a grapevine: “Agesilaus was distinguished at the same time by such obedience and meekness that he carried out all orders not out of fear, but out of conscience: he was more upset by reproaches than by difficult work. In his youth, his beauty made his physical defect - lameness - invisible. Moreover, he endured it easily and cheerfully, he was always the first to laugh at his shortcomings and thereby, as it were, corrected it. His dexterity in moving the hoop around the body was so great that none of the boys could compete with him in this matter.”

In Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor, Anna Page mentions that yesterday she was "twirling a hoop in the garden." Among literary scholars, there is an opinion that the “wicker hoops” that Robinson Crusoe carried during one of his first travels are hula hoops, which at that time gained great popularity in England, but were imported by sea from the south of Europe. Evelyn Waugh mentions the “round, donut-shaped projectiles” that were used for the parlor entertainment of the jaded British aristocracy in the first half of the 20th century.

The hula hoop appeared in the Soviet Union in the early sixties, although at first it was not welcomed here, calling it a symbol of the emptiness of American culture. The peak of popularity of hoops came around the same time when the film “Welcome or No Trespassing” (1964) was filmed - there is an episode in which one girl watches with envy as another masterfully twirls a hula hoop, throwing it from one foot to another. leg.

Interesting facts about hula hoop:

For a while in Japan, it was illegal to spin a hula hoop because the movements you make while spinning it were considered indecent by the Japanese. The record for spinning a hula hoop was set by Roxanne Rose, who was able to spin it for 90 hours - from April 2 to April 6, 1987.

In 2008, Jin Linlin entered the Guinness Book of Records for being able to spin 300 hoops at the same time.

And the residents of Bangkok set a new Guinness World Record for mass hoop twirling. 5 thousand participants gathered at a stadium near the Thai capital.

Does hula hoop help you lose weight? In the usual sense of the word, no. But studies have shown that if you regularly twist it for 5-10 minutes a day, then after 2-3 weeks your waist will decrease by one centimeter. This happens due to the fact that the muscles acquire tone, tighten and strengthen.

The executive director of the Guinness brewing company, Hugh Beaver, once argued with his hunting friends over a completely trivial matter: which English bird flies the fastest. Not only could no one shoot her, no one could give an authoritative opinion. The dispute ended inconclusively. And then it occurred to Hugh that thousands of people across Britain in pubs made bets every day on the most ridiculous topics. It would be good to provide them with an authoritative source for resolving disputes so that they do not kill each other in the heat of the moment. This is how the famous Guinness Book of Records appeared.

It was first published in 1955 and has since gained wild popularity in dozens of countries and among millions of people. But over time, among the more or less “frequently used” and understandable record-breaking phenomena, completely ridiculous record holders began to appear. It is unlikely that anyone in their right mind would argue about which long distance a man who was set on fire passed by. But after reading our material, you can easily overthrow your opponent: 119 meters and 91 centimeters. That's it!

Who was the first to vomit in space?

Cosmonauts undergo complex training before their flight. Centrifuge testing is one of the key points selection and training, but weightlessness tests strength vestibular apparatus worse than roller coaster. Even the best of the best are not immune to trouble, and they too get dizzy.

So, the first to vomit in space was our compatriot German Titov, who did it on the Vostok-2 spacecraft on August 6, 1961. To be fair, it must be said that this is not the most important achievement of the Soviet cosmonaut. German Titov - Hero Soviet Union, the youngest astronaut in history (went into space at age 25), the first person to fly a spacecraft alone, and the first to photograph and film the Earth from space using a hand-held camera and a movie camera.

So remember, when you are unsuccessfully fighting the “helicopters” while lying in bed after a good party, leave this useless activity and go have a good puke. If astronauts do this, then you definitely have nothing to be ashamed of!


Everyone has a neighbor who needs to do repairs on Sunday morning. Don't be so quick to curse him, maybe he's training for a new Guinness World Record. In the meantime, the crazy achievement belongs to Thay Khui Giang from Germany, who made 148 revolutions around a working drill in a minute. How far he threw his lunch after that we do not know.

And I also eat in it

The head is a very valuable part of your body. For example, it will be useful to set a world record for the number of strikes on it. Not very successful boxers who did not train their defense well could easily compete here, but we are talking about something completely different. How about hitting yourself over the head? “Great idea!” - thought Pushkar Nepal and did this 134 times in a minute, which earned him his place in the hall of fame of the Guinness Book of Records.

The biggest and dumbest book

Writing or journalism is not an easy task, especially when you are collecting the ten dumbest Guinness World Records for your readers. But this is nothing compared to the feat of the humble Les Stewart from the wonderful town of Mujimba in Australia. He won our hearts.

Les wrote the biggest and dumbest book ever. Over the course of 16 years and seven months, he wore out seven typewriters, spent 1,000 ink ribbons, and almost went deaf from the clatter of the keys, but he achieved his goal.

19,890 pages that are filled with numbers in words from one to a million. The last line of the brilliant creation reads: “nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine, one million.” Why did he do this? Because it can.

On the road

In 1995, a traffic accident occurred in Wroclaw (Poland). A drunken racer crashed into a tree at full speed. When the injured driver was taken to the hospital and began to be rescued, the doctors could not believe their eyes. Tests showed the presence of 1.48% alcohol in the blood. The lethal level of pure alcohol in the blood is 0.5%, and the Pole was still alive. All equipment was checked several times, but repeated tests showed the same numbers. Two hours later, the man still died, but not from alcohol poisoning. Doctors were unable to stop the blood loss due to the fact that alcohol dilated blood vessels and reduced blood clotting. We don’t know how much that guy weighed, but let’s assume that he was a strong eighty-kilogram Pole, and in order to get such a shock dose, he needed to drink at least 4 bottles of vodka in one person. It’s hard to believe, but science is science.

Sleight of hand

I slowly take off your clothes, the room is filled with dim candlelight, light romantic music is playing...

Long foreplay, that's all - not our choice. We must act quickly and decisively! Watch and learn: Irishman Sean Murray unclasped 91 bras with one hand within a minute. Ninety one! With one hand! In just a minute! And you, as always, spend half an hour digging around with one girl!

Record Rekordsmenovich Rekordov

Ashrita Furman has set more than 400 records since 1979. You definitely can’t deny him a rich imagination. He tried everything he could and became a record holder in many disciplines, perhaps because he was the first to do such tricks. Ashrita juggled while hanging upside down, wore the heaviest shoe, skipped an incredible number of kilometers, balanced a baseball bat on one finger, twirled the largest hula hoop, and did hundreds of other ridiculous things. To date, he holds the lead in 148 records, which means that the remaining 252 have already been broken by someone else. Truly, the world is full of eccentrics!

Hardest kick to the balls

Hold your breath, you certainly won’t want to repeat this record. Roy Kirby received a kick in the groin with a force of 500 kilograms - from Jesse Smith, a two-meter martial artist. His feet left the floor, but his face remained completely calm, and he did not make a sound. And all because Roy Kirby is the owner of a black belt in karate and has received such blows more than once - the bones of his pelvis, due to constant training, have become stronger than the bones of an ordinary person, and the nerve endings in the testicles have dulled their sensitivity, and the pain from the blow is not transmitted to the body. Roy's brain.

This specific action was organized by the television show Sports Science, which finds out the physical nature of certain techniques in sports. One can only guess what fee Roy received for filming. And yes, Roy is married, has children and, according to him, does not experience any problems in bed - so everything is in order, exhale.

Bearded and happy

Classic... The most bearded woman in the world is Vivienne Wheeler. She grew a beard 30 centimeters long and is proud of it. In general, she is not quite a woman, since she was born with both primary sexual characteristics, but the doctors in her childhood decided everything for her and released her into the world as a sweet girl, cutting off the excess. In her youth, Vivienne gave birth to a son, but her husband left her, taking the child. Thirty years later, the family was reunited, the son found his mother, and they are happy! A real bearded Santa Barbara!

Huge robot dragon

Length 15 meters, height 5.5 meters, weight 11 tons, walks and breathes fire. This is the world's largest walking robot dragon, included in the Guinness Book of Records. The German company Zollner Elektronik manufactured it in 2013. The robot is driven by a two-liter diesel engine of 140 horsepower and a complex hydraulic system. Each of the four legs has 7 degrees of freedom, which allows it to move quite realistically (if it's appropriate to say "realistic" and "dragon" in the same paragraph), it is controlled using nine radio controllers and is equipped with 238 sensors that evaluate its position in space.

Why was it necessary to build it? Damn it, it's a huge walking fire-breathing dragon!

Oh yes! This is, of course, not an individual record. But the record holder may be the first person who does not shit himself when he meets this dragon on a dark night in a narrow alley.

Almost 4,500 Thai dancers and athletes have made their way into the record books using sports equipment hula hoop for its intended purpose for seven minutes.

A huge crowd of spectators supported the girls and boys with applause and shouts, while they simultaneously twirled hoops to dance music.

The representative of the Guinness Book of Records, judge Seyda Subasi-Gimichi determined that they simultaneously managed to fulfill sports exercise 4483 people. This achievement is almost double the previous achievement.

IN sporting event 5,000 girls took part in the outdoor stadium of Thammasat University, but 517 of them left the place where the record was set for the simple reason that they were unable to keep their hoops around their waists.

The event, organized by the Ministry of Health's Infectious Disease Prevention Department, aimed to promote health education among Thais. In Thailand, there is a situation where buying sick leave is not a problem. In this regard, statistical data do not reflect the real situation with morbidity in the country.

The previous world record was set in Taiwan in 2011, when 2,496 participants twirled hula hoops continuously for two minutes.

Before that record number The number of mass hula hoop twirlers was 2,290 people. The record was set in 2000 in the neighboring city of Kaohsiung.