How to make a punch stronger with your fist. How to increase punching power at home

If you want to know how to increase the force of a punch , then you need to find out what it is formed from, and for this you need to know its principle. People often confuse the meanings of the words weight and mass. If the body has large mass, then the amount of its inertia is correspondingly higher. This can be called the most important aspect of strength in martial arts.

From this we can conclude that a blow from a heavyweight is more difficult to block than from a lighter athlete, no matter how much he has trained and had developed strength hands. Thus, it can be said that mass adds force .

To make your punches stronger, you must master the correct use of your body weight. In order to maximally develop and increase the force of a punch, you need your own movements start from the feet.

However, you should know that when striking, it is important to connect all parts of your body. After all, the birth of energy and its transmission are two completely different things. The athlete must be aware of energy production and the fact that all parts of the body must be connected to transfer energy.

You can only get an effective result if you put your body weight into the blow. During the blow, the arm should not be completely straightened, otherwise the joints will begin to dislocate. Strikes should be struck from a variety of angles , because in this way you can inflict stronger and more powerful blows on the enemy.

To strike, you need to pay attention to factors such as:

  • Place your feet wider than your shoulders;
  • the heel rises first;
  • the foot should be turned in the direction of the movement of the hand;
  • if the blow must be struck with the left hand, then the right foot remains in place, and the heel of the left foot rises and vice versa.

Main Features

In order to get an effective result, athletes need to pay attention to several simple tips, and also strictly observe the peculiarities of the striking technique . For example:

  • your knees should be slightly bent and your main weight should be transferred forward;
  • your hips need to be turned towards the opponent;
  • during the impact the body must move fully;
  • you need to sharply turn your torso, and at the same time do not pull your body forward;
  • clench your punching fist as tightly as possible;
  • During each blow, you must exhale.

If you follow these features and do everything correctly, then the impact force can be significantly increased and the desired result can be obtained.

Developing punching strength and power with basic training

There are some simple exercises, which will help develop impact force. You can even do them at home, without the help of a professional trainer.

  • Kicking the ball

Prepare a heavy ball, preferably a boxing ball. If you don’t have such a ball, you can take a basketball.

Take the starting position - keep your body straight and place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Take and lift the ball high above your head, then hit the ball hard on the floor. Repeat this exercise should be no less than fifteen times.

  • Squat Jumps

To begin, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands at your sides. You need to squat until your knees are level with your hips. Then you need to jump up, while raising your arms up. You can repeat squat jumps as much as you have enough strength. By regularly performing these jumps, you can achieve effective results. Well, if you want to achieve desired result faster, then pick up the dumbbells.

Develop impact speed

To develop impact speed, there are the following simple but very effective ways:

  • punches with dumbbells on hands.

When striking, the body must be fully engaged. In addition, you need to constantly train muscle mass forearms. The forearm muscles are located very close to the striking part, that is, the fist, so the weight of these muscles will be most effective.

Developing the muscles of the upper body

In order to train the back muscles, triceps, and shoulders, you can perform the following exercises:

  • push-ups;
  • pull-ups;
  • triceps exercises;
  • lifting weights.

Pull-ups help you achieve good results, especially if you hang weights on your belt. Try to perform pull-ups to the maximum result. When doing push-ups, your hands should be close to each other. Note that your back should be straight, so do not bend it under any circumstances.

During push-ups, the back muscles, triceps and chest muscles are perfectly trained and developed. Many people want to strengthen their hand cysts. To do this, you should complicate the training process and.

To perform a triceps exercise, you need to prepare a bench. Place your palms towards the bench and lean on them. Please note that you need to stand with your back to the bench. Squat down slightly and begin to release and rise up using your hands. Follow this type exercises approximately 20 times.

Lifting a kettlebell is the most effective look classes. The strength of the blow depends on a strong hand and muscle mass, so their training plays a key role during the blow. This exercise has its own variations. Anyone who wishes to perform this exercise must choose one option. The most suitable exercise option is determined taking into account the athlete’s physical readiness.

Professionals advise using regularly during training. hand expander. To develop impact force, it is advisable to purchase the hardest projectile. The expander should be squeezed sharply with all your might. Exercise with an expander will help develop not only the forearm, but also the interdigital muscles.

As a result, the fist becomes stronger and more powerful. Jumping rope also have a positive effect on the development of muscle mass. Try to raise your hips high while jumping and reach your chest with your knees.

Exercises with a sledgehammer are one of the most practical and common. You can use a sledgehammer to hit hard for unnecessary tires. When performing such training, the muscles that take part during the strike develop and strengthen.

It is also useful to train with a partner. The most effective blows those are considered here blows that the athlete does not expect . You need to deliver unexpected blows to your opponent so that he does not have time to react. The so-called “shadow boxing”.

If you do this exercise every day and do it for at least ten minutes, you can very soon feel a positive result. If you want to develop an explosive blow, then you should do push-ups on your palms and on your fists. You can do three approaches a day and repeat the exercise ten times.

All of the above exercises help to effectively and quickly develop muscle mass, as well as make the tendons of the arms more resilient and stronger. If you regularly and competently perform training and follow the technique, then within a week or two weeks the result will be noticeable. Well, if you cannot achieve the desired result on your own, then you should turn to the help of professional trainers.

Hello, dear readers of the site. Our conversation today will certainly be interesting and useful for men and women, since, in addition to the sports component, it touches on such an important aspect as effective self-defense. Pumped up ones certainly look impressive. However, sometimes it is not impressive enough to avoid or resolve a conflict or acute situation. Agree that from this point of view, training punches will be the ace in the hole that will help resolve the issue in your favor.

From a sports point of view, exercises aimed at developing punching power, as you will see later, are strengthening, train endurance, reaction and much more. Interested? I'm sure so. Then change into your training clothes and follow me.

You can do most of the exercises yourself, and if you have dumbbells and a punching bag, we can do it at home. Therefore, I suggest not to sit for a long time and go straight to training.

How to achieve surprise

Let's start our lesson with making your strike as unexpected as possible. Try from a relaxed standing position, at the sound signal, to sharply gather and strike. How's the reaction? Is he limping? Then work on it in this way, trying to minimize the gap from the signal to the completion of the blow. Carry out a similar training, replacing the sound signal with a touch. Ask your household to help with this. The goal is the same - to reduce the gap to a minimum. Naturally, this is how sharpness is developed.

Another great exercise for speed is hitting the newspaper. Ask someone to hold it or simply attach a sheet of newspaper to the clothesline with clothespins and try to hit it as hard as possible. If at some point you managed to break through the sheet with your fist, you are a master of sharpness and speed.

I advise you to do this kind of training with two or more people, as there are exercises that will require the help of a partner. Is your friend nearby? Well then, remember boxing. Even if you haven’t done it, you’ve definitely seen such exercises on TV or in films.

If you are in a serious mood, then get boxing paws. Let your partner, after putting them on, change the position of his hands all the time: higher, lower, further, closer. The main thing is not to exceed the strike distance. In turn, try to hit as quickly and sharply as possible so that your partner does not have time to withdraw his paw.

Also try to strike to the body, while your partner unexpectedly jumps back sharply. You need to have time to get your bearings and hit before your partner jumps out of the area where you can reach him. Do you agree that this is a great speed workout?

How to achieve punching power

To achieve a knockout effect, in addition to speed, it is also necessary to train the power of the blow. This is where push-ups will come to our aid. Do push-ups on your fists, on your fingers, with clapping. Starting position– hands are shoulder-width apart, maybe a little wider. When lowering, try not to spread your elbows, but to move them along your body. You need to do push-ups sharply, quickly.

When working with the bag, try to punch it. Don't hit it, but hit it inside. One more thing good exercise- this is to swing the bag and hit counter blows. When performing any exercises with a punching bag, take care of your wrist.

Incredibly useful both for a strong punch and for the endurance of the whole body. Start with a weight of 1-1.5 kg. Take dumbbells, stretch your arms in front of you and begin to quickly swing: up, down, left, right. Do 3 sets of 3 minutes, spending 30 seconds on each swing direction. This training not only strengthens the shoulders, making them as resilient as possible, but also raises the pain threshold. How? If you do these 3 by 3, you will understand.

You can also shadowbox. Also, with dumbbells in your hands, perform various combinations against an imaginary opponent. The longer the training, the stronger and more powerful the blows will be, the higher the speed without loads, the more resilient and rhythmic you will work.

How to harden your hands

By the way, a very valid question. Indeed, hard, hardened outer parts of the hands are important for knockout. This is where push-ups come to the rescue again. We've already done push-ups with fists. Now try to perform the same exercise on the phalanges, on the knuckles. I'm telling you for sure, it will hurt at first. Therefore, start such activities, for example, on a towel.

Over time, the surface on which you do push-ups should become as hard as possible, and painful sensations should disappear completely. Such training will also protect you from unnecessary, unnecessary hand injuries, and this, you see, is important.

Feeling the strength behind you, the ability to hit an opponent with one sharp movement of your hand, certainly adds a lot of confidence. However, try to apply these skills exclusively in sports, and resolve conflicts as peacefully as possible in each individual situation. Believe me, this will not make you respected less.

Strengthen your health, train your body, remember to warm up, oh breathing correctly. I don't say goodbye, because tomorrow we will meet again at the same place. See you.

Punching quickly and powerfully is a basic skill needed to become a good boxer. Mastering such a strike begins with improving physical fitness and learning to perform a strike in such a way that the source of force is not only the arm, but the whole body. By learning how to properly aim and hit within striking distance, you can add more speed to your punches, and by using training techniques that help you instantly increase muscle mass, you can build strength. If you're ready to take your punching skill to the next level, then move on to step one.


Working on your physical fitness

    Take the correct stance. For good hit With a fist, the position of the feet and legs is of great importance, since such a blow requires the work of the whole body. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart so you can easily pivot toward your target and throw your weight behind the punch.

    Keep your eyes on the target. Your concentration should not leave your target. Never close your eyes or look away; In order to aim correctly and execute a blow with power and accuracy, maintain concentration. Tuck your chin in slightly so that it is protected by the striking hand during the strike.

    Generate power through your hips and core. As you kick, rotate your hips and body toward the target. Try to position yourself so that the rotation is as complete as possible, even if you are very close to the target. Your punch will be stronger if you can turn completely instead of just shifting slightly. When throwing a punch, you should really feel the weight of your body.

    • When practicing punching, pay attention to your hips. Rotate them quickly and forcefully towards the target, as if you were about to strike it with your hips rather than with your fist. This will help you develop the power needed to hit hard and fast.
    • While spinning, you should not have to lean forward or try to reach the target. If you have to reach towards the target in order to hit it, you will lose power.
  1. Throw your hand forward. Your shoulders should be free until you are ready to strike. When ready, throw your arm forward to easily reach the person you are hitting. While your hand isn't moving, keep it relaxed and then clench it into a fist so it delivers a heavy punch.

    • When making a fist, clench all four fingers except the thumb and wrap them last. Check that thumb bent behind, otherwise he will be hit by you.
    • Pre-bandaging your hand will allow you to avoid injury and make the blow more powerful.
    • Don't plan your punch before throwing a punch, or your opponent will figure out your plan before you even try to punch. This is called "wiring" and results in lost matches.
  2. Make contact and exhale. Once you have made contact with the target, exhale. It will likely take some practice to be able to time your breathing so that you exhale with each beat, but getting into the correct breathing rhythm is well worth the effort. Inhale before the blow and exhale as it lands, putting every ounce of your energy into the blow.

    • After landing a strike, jump back to your starting position to prepare for the next strike.
    • Remember to tuck your chin in so you are ready for a counterpunch if one comes.

    Increased speed and strength

    1. When throwing a fist, consider the distance. You should only throw a punch if you are at the ideal distance to deliver it with maximum force. This means being close enough to hit without deflecting or leaning forward. You should be able to deliver the punch with your arm extended, but not too extended.

      • If you have to lean forward to make a shot, a lot of the power in your shot will be lost.
      • Practice on the punching bag until you understand how far away you need to be from the target when hitting. This distance depends on the length of your arm and your range of motion.
    2. Move your whole body. The importance of using your entire body, not just your arm, to throw a punch cannot be overstated. Even if you can move your arm quickly, without rotating your entire body, your punch will be less powerful when moving just your arm.

      • Using your leg muscles will allow you to generate power and speed when hitting. The leg muscles are the largest and strong muscles bodies, and they must stand behind every punch.
      • Remember that during the impact you cannot lift your feet off the floor, as this will throw you off balance and take away some of your strength. Keep your feet quick, but keep them close to the floor.
    3. Hit from different angles. In combat, you won't hit the same way every time. Learn to determine which type of strike will be most powerful in each specific situation. To improve your fighting prowess, work on mastering your strikes from the following basic angles:

      Choose the right moment. Since distance is very important when you want to punch with the most force, it is important to understand that not every punch will be the hardest. If you're slightly out of optimal range, your shot will be a little weaker due to you trying to position yourself for a more powerful shot. Good point to deliver the strongest blow occurs when the following conditions are met:

      • If your opponent is in the process of striking, as he will be less focused on what you are doing.
      • If he let his guard down. You can create this situation by throwing irregular strikes or attacking from unexpected angles.
      • If he is stunned by a previous blow. To prepare for a powerful right cross, try starting with a quick jab.

    Training to Improve Your Punch

    1. Practice hitting slowly. The hardest hits aren't really the fastest. Your arm may be moving faster than the rest of your body, so waiting for your body to catch up with your arm slows down the strike. Even though a strong strike is typically a slow one, there will be times when you have just the right amount of time to land a slow but exceptional powerful blow. It's worth practicing punching at a slow speed so you can feel the force that comes from giving your body time to become the support of your fist.

      • When training, try hitting twice as slow. Force yourself to slow down and concentrate on using your leg and core muscles to maximize the power of your punch.
      • When you hit at full speed, don't forget where the power to hit comes from. While you won't be punching at half the normal speed in the ring, you can still focus on using your legs and core to generate as much power as possible.


      Krav Maga instructor

      Asher Smiley is the owner and head instructor of Krav Maga Revolution in Petaluma, California. Studied at different countries from the best Krav Maga instructors. In 2017, he completed training at the International Federation of KAPAP Combat Krav Maga International, which consisted of a 7-day seminar on tactics and an 8-day course for CKMI instructors.

      Krav Maga instructor

      To learn correct position, avoid training with resistance bands. When you use an expander, you are not technically able to do right shot fist. This is how you build muscle, but that's a slightly different story. You are not hitting as accurately as you might think.

      Train on a pneumatic bag. Speed ​​is just as important as strength - if you are too slow, your opponent will have time to throw many more punches. Train with a pneumatic bag and pay attention to how fast your arms move. Maintain proper training form and remember to move your thumb away from the knuckles during impact.

      Do strength training. A little strength training - great way support the body at its best in better shape, but it alone will not make you a stronger or faster boxer. You need to train your punching muscles, hitting rather than lifting weights. Therefore, a great idea would be the mode strength training, which strengthens your legs and core to deliver maximum power punches.

      Do cardio exercises. The best types of cardio you need to get what you need good boxer forms are swimming and jumping rope. When you need a break from regular exercise, consider these types of exercise as an alternative. Running, cycling and other types of cardio are beneficial, but they don't provide the strength gains that specifically help your body perform hard in the boxing ring.

Mike Tyson is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, but both athletes and ordinary people ask the question of increasing the power of a punch. In the absence of any means of self-defense, your hands remain your main weapon.

Before moving directly to classes, you need to figure out what determines the force of a fist strike? As physics says, force is mass times acceleration. This means that the impact is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Application speed.
  2. Weight of the hand being applied.
  3. Body weight.

Therefore, you will have to train everything mentioned above. Exercises using weights are good for strength training. It is important to understand which muscles work during impact. Since only a few muscles are used, focus on the working ones.

How to apply correctly

You need to take a position, lower your chin and press down. Your hands should cover your face and your knees should be slightly bent.

Then we clench our fingers into a fist, push off with our back foot, increasing the speed of our hand and throwing it out, turning our shoulder 180 degrees. The development of the force of the blow depends on its correct application.

Strength training for chest

Push-ups with clapping

In this exercise, almost the entire load is carried out on pectoral muscles and triceps. The wider the arms are spread, the less stress on the triceps.

To begin this exercise, lie down and spread your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Keep your legs and back straight. To enhance the effect, you can tip your feet onto the bench. This will shift the load to the upper chest muscles.

Push-ups on wide bars

The main load when doing push-ups on such uneven bars occurs on the chest, the secondary load is distributed between the deltoid muscles and triceps.

Must be accepted starting position, after which, tilting the body and spreading the elbows, lower down.

You need to do this while inhaling. To avoid injury, do not make sudden movements or jerks.

Wide grip bench press

You need to lie horizontally on the bench and press the barbell from your chest, grasping the bar with a wide grip.

To create a more rigid base, squeeze your shoulder blades and tighten your upper back muscles.

This exercise significantly expands chest and increases shoulder width. Bodybuilders actively exercise using the same method.

Strength training for triceps

Push-ups on narrow bars

One of best exercises affecting the triceps. The technical part of the execution is no different from push-ups on regular parallel bars.

The whole point is in the position of the body, it must maintain an upright position. The elbows should be tightly pressed to the body.

Only under such conditions will the load on the triceps be maximum, and gaining muscle mass will be easier and faster.

Close grip bench press

Actively used by athletes for strength training triceps.

Most of the load falls on their long head, which is the most massive.

Try not to help yourself with your chest when doing this, as it will take part of the load.

Important to consider! Under no circumstances should the grip be narrower than shoulder width. This will not add efficiency, and the risk of injury increases significantly.

Delta strength training

Lateral dumbbell raises

The exercise is characterized by a hellish burning sensation in the middle of the shoulder. The influx of load during execution falls on the middle beams.

The exercise is isolating and requires implementation into your training complex. It is best to perform it with light weight.

The number of repetitions can vary up to 25 times. Accuracy plays a much larger role, which is impossible with heavy weight.

Raising dumbbells in front of you

The exercise is also isolating in nature. Most of the load falls on the front deltoids.

The technique for performing the exercise is almost identical to the previous one. You can perform it with both hands simultaneously or separately. By raising only one arm, it will be easier for the brain to work, and the load will be felt stronger.

Speed ​​development

You can develop speed with exercises like these:

  1. Jumping strikes. You jump, then while in the air, do a series of strikes. They must be straight.
  2. With dumbbells or weights. Impacts are suitable both direct and side. The weight of the dumbbells must be chosen correctly; they should not be too heavy. A weight of 0.5 to 1.5 kg is good.

As it turns out, training your punching power is not that difficult. Regularly performing the above exercises will make the muscles more massive and the blow faster.

Every male representative is concerned about the issue of impact strength. All fighters want a strong and sharp blow, but not everyone has it, so the question arises. What should you do to train such a strike? And preferably at home. The answer is simple. For this there is special exercises, which contribute to a strong impact in the future. Let's look at each of these exercises in more detail and talk about the technique for performing them.

First exercise - Push-ups

The most important exercise that you can think of to develop a strong kick at home is push-ups. We strengthen it shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles and arm muscles.

If you understand what a blow consists of and how it goes, then it’s easy to understand that it goes from the supporting leg, through the whole body into the striking fist. Therefore, the stronger the whole body, the hit harder. Push-ups strengthen a fighter's entire upper body and make the punch faster. But we know that force is speed multiplied by body mass, so what hit faster, the stronger it is.

Picture 1. Push-ups

Second exercise – Fist push-ups

The second exercise is almost identical to the first, but is aimed at something completely different. These are push-ups on fists, which are aimed at strengthening the fist itself. From such push-ups it hardens and becomes heavy. Therefore, over time, the blows become very hard and difficult for any opponent. Any fighter always does push-ups with his fists, thereby teaching his body to endure and react less to rigidity in the fist, and also makes the blow very heavy.

Picture 2. Fist push-ups

Exercise 3: Bodyweight Press

This exercise is performed using a chair or sofa, and is based on dips. You need to stand with your back to the object and place your hands at an angle. Lower your body to the floor and stretch your legs forward. In this position, you need to lower your arms to the very maximum and quickly pull yourself up solely using the strength of your arms. It strengthens the deltoids and shoulders and top part breasts

This exercise increases the speed of the hands, and thereby increases the force of impact at home.

Picture 2. Press own weight

Fourth exercise – arm training

To perform the fourth exercise, you will need something heavy, and if you have dumbbells, this will greatly help in performing the exercise. Here you do the usual biceps exercises, which are best done with dumbbells, but you can just do it with something heavy, for example, a loaded briefcase. To perform the exercise, you must hold the object in your hands. reverse grip, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and break your arms, then bend them again, overcoming the heaviness under the influence of weight on the object. The exercise perfectly develops arm strength and the full force of the blow.

Fifth exercise - home shadow boxing

This training exercise allows you to work out everything you have planned in the air. Here the fighter trains at maximum speed with own weight. It perfectly helps develop punching power, but only when performed on maximum speed. Over time, when the body becomes more or less accustomed to the exercises, weights can be attached to the arms and legs. First, 1 kilogram, after a month of training, you can do 1.5 or 2 kilograms at once.

Important! It makes no sense to put on such weights right away, since the body is not used to it, and it will simply hurt for a very long time, preventing you from training normally.

Picture 5. Shadowboxing


It is quite possible to train your punching power at home. There are special exercises for this that anyone can do. This does not require any additional skill or training equipment. All you need is a desire to practice and develop your striking power.

As a rule, the exercises provided help to develop sufficient strong force blow. You just need to do them regularly and give your best in each of them.