Physical education lesson for children of the 2nd junior group. Playful physical education activity "walk through the forest"

Target: Introduce children to expressive movements.


1. Exercise children in rolling the ball to each other.

2. Teach children to walk on a ribbed board, stepping over objects.

3. Correct attention, develop correct breathing.

4. Correct your posture during the exercises.

5. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions and follow them.

Attributes: Tambourine, toy hare, tablet, balls, ribbed board, stuffed balls. Board width=20 cm, length=2-3m.

Lesson time: 15 minutes.

GCD move:

Introductory part - 2 min.

Target: Prepare your body for light physical activity.

Children enter the hall and meet a bunny, who invites children to visit him, because... he is bored alone in the forest. The guys go to the “forest”.

1.Walking (10 sec.)

2. Walking on toes - children, let’s show what tall, tall trees grow in the forest (7 p.)

4. Running at a slow pace - suddenly the children saw a wolf and quickly ran away from it (15 sec.)

5.Walking - so we came to the bunny’s house (50 pp.)

Each child took a “place” - formation in a circle.

Main part - 10 min.

Target: Give the children a small physical activity.

Outdoor switchgear without objects.

Guys, the bunny asks you to show us how we can do the exercises. Shall we show the bunny?

1. "Bunnies play with the sun"

I.p.: standing, feet hip-width apart (narrow path), hands behind your back.

Issue: 1 - extend your arms at shoulder level (“warm them in the sun”). 2 - i.p. (hide) (5 rubles)

2. "Bunnies pick flowers"

I.p.: feet width apart (narrow path), hands on the belt.

V.: 1- sit down to “pick a flower”; 2- stand up (ip.) (5 rubles)

3. "Bunnies lean"

IP: Sitting, legs apart, hands behind your back.

V.: 1 - bend over; 2 - touch your toes with your palms; 3-4 - straighten up, return to standing position. (5 rubles)

4. “Bunnies are warming up”

I.p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind.

V.: 1 - bend your knees, pull them towards your stomach; 2 - i.p. (5 rubles)

5. "Bunnies are jumping"

- jumping on two legs in place, alternating with walking (10 reps.)

- jumping on two legs around oneself, alternating with walking (10 ave.).

Breathing exercises.

1) “Blow on a dandelion”

V.: Take a breath, hold your breath for a while, leaning forward a little, exhale slowly (“blow on a dandelion”) (2 p.).

2) “Smelled the flowers”

V.: Lean forward, take a “breathe in” (“smell the flowers”), hold your breath for a while, straighten up, making a slow “exhale” (2 p.).

Basic movements.

Guys, the bunny told me that he wants to see how you can roll the ball to each other. Let's show him. Everyone stood on the green squares one after another. Guys, from Diana to Andrey stand still, the rest follow me, stand on the pink squares; sat down on the floor opposite each other. We roll the ball to each other, we don’t lose the ball.

Well done guys, the bunny really liked the way you did the exercises. Now let’s say goodbye to the bunny and leave the “forest” along a short path, where we need to cross a river through a log, which is covered with branches, we will step over these branches (walking on a ribbed board, stepping over objects)(5 rubles).

Final part - 3 min.

Target: practice running around the hall.

Finally, children, we have arrived kindergarten, now you and I will play game “The little gray bunny is sitting”(2 rubles).

Gray bunny sitting (adult sits down)

And he wiggles his ears (the adult brings his fingers to his head and moves them).

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears (children imitate the movements of an adult and repeat the words after him).

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Like this, like this

I need to warm my paws (everyone clap their hands and repeat the last 2 lines)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump,

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump (everyone jumps in one place).

The wolf scared the bunny! (adult growls)

The bunny immediately ran away! (children scatter)

Well done guys, everyone was quick and ran away from the gray wolf. Now let’s sit on the floor and close our eyes, let our eyes rest - open, look at the ceiling - close - open - blink - close - open.

Well done guys, the bunny really liked you today, and he decided to give you medals.

Physical education lesson summary

2nd junior group

Educator: Slobodenko V.G.

Target: Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, crawling on all fours (supporting on their palms and knees) in a forward direction. Teach children how to climb through a hoop, walk on a gymnastics bench, and land on bent legs when jumping. Develop movement coordination. Cultivate diligence and courage.

Equipment: balls according to the number of children, 2 - 3 hoops, a pole with a rattle, a gymnastics bench, a tambourine.

Progress of the lesson

Part 1: Forming in a line, turning your head left, straight, right, straight.Explanation: Today we will be either hedgehogs or little guys. Watch how the hedgehogs walk and run (show by a child or teacher). Turn behind Nikita, show how the children walk, march at a step (to a tambourine) ( normal walking in a circle one after another). Now get on all fours and walk in a circle one after another like hedgehogs (after hitting the tambourine, the children stand up). Show how little children run and march. Now show how hedgehogs run. Get on all fours and run like a hedgehog. Now go ahead like the guys. (After hitting the tambourine, the children stop). Look at our clearing – there are balls lying on it, like red apples. Approach the ball and stand near it. Take the ball in both hands.

Part 2: A ) General developmental exercises:

1. I.p. feet width apart (narrow path), ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, lower your hands, etc. 4 – 5 times.

2. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart (wide path), ball in bent arms in the chest. Bring the ball forward, bend over, touch the ball to the floor, straighten up, hands to your chest. 4 times.

3. I.p. lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. Bend your knees, touch the ball to your knees, straighten your legs and arms. 4 times.

4. I.p. feet width apart (narrow path), ball in both hands below. Raise your arms forward, up. Forward, lower. 5 times.

5. I.p. sitting legs apart, ball in both hands near the chest. Bend over, touch the ball to the floor, straighten up, hands to chest. 4 times.

6. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart (wide path), ball in both hands below. Sit down, touch the ball to the floor, stand up. 5 times.

Guys, take the balls to the basket and line up behind Nikita.

b) Basic movements.

Watch how the hedgehogs climb through the hoop (demonstration by a child or teacher). You need to squeeze into a ball and, without touching the floor with your hands, climb into the hoop (2 - 3 vertical hoops), stand up and reach with your hands the rattle (hanging on the pole). Now look how the guys walk on the gymnastics bench. Stand on the bench, arms to the sides, backs straight, head down. And at the end of the bench we jump easily onto bent legs, bringing our arms forward.

Turn behind Nikita and climb through the hoop like hedgehogs, and walk along the bench like guys (do it 3 times, one after another).

Outdoor game. And now it’s time for us to play, kids. The game is called "Catch the Ball". I will pour the balls out of the basket, and you will quickly catch up with them and bring them back to the basket (the game is repeated 3 times).

Part 3. Guys, I found some kind of box, what is in it? These are leaves. Take out one leaf at a time, get on all fours, put the leaf on your back and carry it on your back. The leaves on the hedgehog's prickly back do not fall off. What about the children? Now let's see who has the leaf on his back longer (play).

Get up! Have you lost any leaves? Lift all the leaves up and go to the group with the leaf.

Well done, hedgehogs! Well done, guys!

Rice. 3

As a rule, when performing exercises on an elevated support (board, bench), it is not recommended to jump off the bench; it is better to take a step forward - down (Fig. 3). Childcare insurance is required. As they master balance exercises, you can offer children jumping from a bench, but always on a soft support - a rug or mat.

When performing exercises in balance, the teacher stays next to the children all the time, helps, encourages, and provides insurance. The position of the hands can be different, for example, hands on the belt, but mostly to the sides for balancing.

One of the difficult tasks is walking on a cord laid straight and in a circle, placing the heel of one foot against the toe of the other, as well as walking on a board laid obliquely (height 25–30 cm) and on a log.

Balance exercises are carried out in a continuous manner in a column, one or two columns at a time (depending on the objectives of the lesson and the availability of aids). They contribute to the development of courage, confidence, dexterity, and orientation in unexpected situations.

Jumping exercises

Available for children 3–4 years old different types jumping, they can jump in place and moving forward a certain distance; jump from a small height; standing long jump; jump over objects (cubes, cords) (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

When jumping on the spot, children make frequent and low jumps, happily imitating bunnies, squirrels, etc. Usually the teacher first shows how to do the exercise. Sets the rhythm and tempo of jumping by hitting the tambourine, rhythmically saying or using musical accompaniment. The teacher performs several jumps with the children, then the children jump on their own.

Jumping forward gives a high motor load. Not all children cope well with the task: they do not bend their knees enough, which leads to landing on straight legs, while their arms participate little in the movement. However, some babies have clear coordination of arms and legs when jumping forward, which indicates good innate coordination of movements.

In the second quarter, a significant place is given to jumps from low heights. The main task is to land on your toes, bending your knees (preferably on a rubber track or mat). Exercises in jumping from low heights are carried out with small groups, since it is important for the teacher to see the main mistakes of children, correct them, and, if possible, provide assistance and insurance if necessary. It is also advisable to use game tasks- “little sparrows are jumping from the fence”, “bunnies are jumping from stumps”, etc.

Standing long jumps - over a stream, a ditch. The width of the stream and groove is small - 15–20 cm, since children 3–4 years old do not yet have the skill in this type of jumping. The main attention is paid to the correct starting position - it is necessary that before the jump, children bend their knees well and land simultaneously on both half-bent legs, further straightening them and maintaining a stable balance. The movements of the children's hands are still inconsistent.

Program exercises are distributed taking into account gradual complication. From lesson to lesson, children gain motor experience, which allows them to master individual elements of technology in a certain sequence. Requirements for performing jumping exercises for children second junior group are still low, in accordance with their skills.

Throwing exercises

Children 3–4 years old enjoy playing with a ball if the exercises with it do not require complex actions and are simple in structure and tasks. The simplest and most accessible tasks are rolling balls in a straight direction, towards each other, into the goal, and throwing balls to the teacher. More complex exercises are throwing the ball on the ground, up and catching it with both hands. The most difficult ones are throwing balls at a target and at a distance. All these exercises develop dexterity, speed, and eye.

Rolling balls in a straight direction and each other is the most simple exercises, however, to perform them, the child must push the ball with a certain force and in the right direction. In addition, when conducting exercises, difficulties arise in organizing children. For example, children should be located at a distance of 1.5–2 meters in two lines - one opposite the other. To indicate the starting position, you can use slats, cords and other objects, which are then quickly and easily removed. Children master rolling balls to each other, between objects, not without difficulty. The teacher repeats these exercises so that the children develop muscle sensations that contribute to the formation of the necessary skills.

Children 3–4 years old learn to throw a ball to the teacher and catch it back. The main mistakes when performing this exercise are a weak throw, uncertain movements, and lack of initiative. Sometimes the child does not dare to throw the ball, and the teacher has to tell the child several times: “Throw it!”

When catching a ball, children, as a rule, prepare their hands in advance, putting them forward and pressing the ball to their chest. After repeated repetitions and individual lessons the guys cope better with the task. The throw is more confident, sometimes quite strong, the direction of movement is maintained and overall coordination improves, but the exercise requires frequent repetition, since the skill is not yet stable. Usually the exercises are repeated outside of class, during a walk.

One of the difficult exercises for children of the fourth year of life is throwing a ball up and on the ground and catching it. Toddlers find it difficult to throw the ball the desired height, such that it is easy to catch, and they throw it much higher. When throwing a ball on the ground, children also cannot differentiate muscle efforts, and an insufficiently developed eye does not allow them to make an accurate throw near their feet (at their toes). To help children, visual reference points are offered - flat hoops with a small diameter (25–30 cm), colored squares, etc.

In the summer, a significant place is given to exercises in throwing balls, bags, cones into the distance, at a horizontal target.

Climbing exercises

A variety of climbing exercises develop strength, agility, and coordination of movements; strengthen small large muscle groups. In children 3–4 years old, these qualities are still poorly developed.

In the first quarter, crawling exercises are performed on all fours, mainly supported on the palms and knees. At first, children crawl forward at will, and some children pull up both legs. If a child does not succeed in an exercise, the teacher works with him separately. Usually, after several repetitions individually, children cope better with the task.

To perform crawling under the arc of the cord, the teacher draws the children’s attention not only to the correct starting position, then to the designated line (starting line) from which the exercise should begin. The guide can be cords, slats, colored stripes, etc.

Children climb onto the inclined ladder at will. The main focus is correct grip hands on the rail - thumb from below, the rest from above and foot placement (middle). In this case, the teacher must provide insurance. Exercises in crawling and climbing are carried out using in-line and frontal methods, climbing on an inclined ladder and gymnastic wall- in small groups. At this time, the rest of the children can play with balls, being in the field of view of the teacher.

Approximate content of physical education classes


Lesson 1

Tasks. Develop orientation in space when walking in different directions; teach walking on a reduced area of ​​support while maintaining balance.

Part 1. Walking and running in small groups in a straight direction behind the teacher. The guys enter the hall together with the teacher, without formation - in a “flock”. There are chairs placed on both sides of the hall (according to the number of children). The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs and occupy their “houses”. The game "Let's go for a visit" is played. The teacher approaches the first group of children, invites them to stand up and go “visiting” with her. Approaching the second group of children, the kids say hello and show their palms. To the words: “It’s raining!” – children run to their “houses” and take any places.

Then the teacher invites the children of the second group to “visit”. The game repeats itself.

Part 2. Walking between two lines (distance 25 cm). The teacher lays out two 2.5–3 m long paths of cords (slats) along the hall, parallel to one another. The distance between tracks is at least 3 meters (Fig. 5).

Program content: teach children to work with their hands while walking and running; teach children how to land after a jump; develop the ability to follow the rules in an outdoor game.

Materials and equipment: whistle, 2 gymnastic benches, 2 rattles, 2 cords, cubes, toys for the forest boy and a bunny, an invitation from the forest boy.

Progress of the lesson

Instructor. An invitation from the forest boy came to the kindergarten. He invites the kids to visit the forest.

Part 1

Walking in a column one at a time. We're going by train.

Our train has started

In beautiful carriages

The guys are sitting.

Choo-choo, choo-choo,

I'll rock you far!

Walking on toes. We slowly enter the forest.

Don't make any noise!

Birds and animals

Don't scare me away.

Walking with high knees.

There's tall grass here

Don't yawn!

Raise your legs higher!

Running in all directions.

Here is a green lawn

Let's have some fun, guys!

Walking. Breathing exercises. Formation scattered.

Part 2

General developmental exercises without objects “In the forest”.

1. The sun is shining well

Butterflies fly high.

"Butterflies are flying." I. p. - narrow stance: swinging movements of the arms, imitation of the flapping of butterfly wings. Repeat 5 times.

2. A bug fell from a leaf

And there’s no way for him to get up.

"Bugs." I. p. - lying on your back: energetic flexion-extension movements of the arms and legs, accompanied by onomatopoeia. Repeat 4 times, alternate 2 times with a relaxation exercise.

3. A little bunny looks out from the grass,

He's afraid of us, little coward.

"Bunny." I. p. - narrow stance: squats. Repeat 5 times.

4. The grasshopper is jumping merrily,

Well, just like a little man.

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Top to bottom along the path.

"Grasshopper". I. p. - the same: 8-10 jumps and 8-10 steps. Repeat 2 times.

5. The bear is walking through the forest,

He sings a song to himself: “R-r-r.”

"Bear" I. p. - the same: walking on outside feet with the onomatopoeia “r-r-r”. Repeat 1 round.

Basic movements:

Lesovichok asks the children to walk along the “twig” and help the squirrel collect nuts.

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench. Repeat 3 times in a row.

2. High jumps with the hand touching the rattle (1.5 m from the child’s raised hand). Repeat 3 times, in shifts.

Lesovichok offers to guess the riddle:

In the summer you will find her in the swamp,

Green frog. Who is this? (Frog.)

Outdoor game "Frogs". (Children imitate the movements of frogs and pronounce onomatopoeia.) Repeat 3 times.

Part 3

Instructor. Lesovichok offers to play with... guess who?

Jumps smartly, loves carrots? (Bunny.)

A bunny toy is brought in.

Sedentary game “The gray bunny washes itself.”

Repeat 3 times.

You and I walked in the forest,

We helped the squirrel.

We played with the animals

We had a wonderful time.

Lesovichok thanks the children for visiting him and says goodbye.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten care and health improvement No. 4city ​​of Gorno-Altaisk.

Gaming physical education lesson in the second junior group

"Walk through the forest."

Teacher of the second junior group

Degtyareva O.I.



Goal: Formation of motor skills through gaming activities.

Objectives: 1. Teach children to climb a ladder in a way that is convenient for them.

2. Develop motor skills in throwing balls at a target.

3. Cultivate discipline and the ability to follow commands.

Equipment: gymnastic stepladder, soft balls, wolf mask, fox toy.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Water part:


Good forest, old forest!

Full of fabulous wonders!

I'm going for a walk now

And I call you with me!

Educator: Children, do you like the forest?

Children: yes.!!!

Educator: I invite you for a walk in the forest.

Our feet walk along the level path,

This is how, this is how our legs walk.

We follow each other

Forest and green meadow.

Walking on toes:

The bridge swayed to the side,

And beneath him the stream laughed,

We'll walk on our toes,

We'll get to the other side.


The motley wings flicker

Butterflies fly in the field.

One, two, three, four-

They flew and circled.


Educator: Children, we came to a beautiful clearing in the forest, and try to guess who lives here.

Riddle: Getting naughty on the lawn

On a summer day, panties......(bunnies).

Children: bunnies.

Educator: Well done, that’s right. Guys, now you and I will turn into bunnies.

One, two, three, we're spinning

And they turned into rabbits.

Now the bunnies will do their exercises.

2. Main part:

outdoor switchgear

1. Stretching:

In the morning the bunny woke up,

The bunny reached out to the sun.

Like this, like this

The bunny reached out to the sun.

I.P. Legs are feet-width apart, arms are lowered along the body. Raise your arms up to your sides and stretch. I.P. perform 4 times.

2. Turns:

The bunnies lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads.

Like this, like this

They turned their heads.

I.P. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Turn right - I.P., left - I.P. Perform 2 times in each direction.

3. Tilts:

Paws down and bent over

Once, twice they bent down,

Three, four straightened up.

I.P. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Tilt, arms pointing down. I.P. Do it 4 times.

4. Jumping:

Bunnies have fun playing

Bunnies want to jump

One, two; once or twice the bunnies jump by the pond.

Stop! Out of charging

Inhale and exhale for order.

IP - Legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 8-10 jumps in any direction, 8-10 steps in place. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2 times.

ATS throwing snowballs.

1. How fun it is in the forest. bunnies love

Throw snowballs in winter.

We will throw snowballs

Play in the clearing

Throwing “snowballs” at a horizontal target (distance 1.5-2m.)

2. “climbing a stepladder” (height 1.5 m)

Let's climb a tree and look at the forest from above.

We'll see how handsome he is.

Climb higher kids

One step, two steps

Here's the ladder

Place your legs more evenly,

It's more fun to see from above.

Grasp the bar with your hands (thumb on the bottom, the rest on top) and climb in, not missing the bars.

Bunnies love meadows

Play different games

And wait for guests

P.I. "The Fox and the Hares"

Basic movements: running.

Bunny children stand against one of the walls of the room. Opposite them is a teacher, with a fox in his hands:

Along the forest lawn

The bunnies ran away

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

The bunnies sat in a circle,

They dig the root with their paw.

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

Suddenly a fox runs.

Red-haired sister.

Looking for where the bunnies are

Running bunnies.

“Bunnies” run around the room imitating movements. The fox runs between the bunnies.

P.I. "Wolf and Hares"

Basic movements: jumping, running.

One of the players is chosen as a “wolf”. The rest of the children pretend to be “hares”. They are in houses (hoops, chairs). The wolf is on the opposite side.

The teacher says:

“The bunnies are jumping, hopping, hopping.

To the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully -

Is there a wolf coming?

Under the words of the teacher, the children leave their houses and, pretending to be bunnies, jump into the clearing. At the last word “wolf,” the driver runs out and tries to catch up with the hares.

3. Final part.

V. We all played happily.

The bunnies are all very tired,

It's time for us all to leave.

Let's say "Hurray" to everyone!

Goodbye, good forest!

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

One, two, three - we're spinning

And they turned into kids.